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Como se canta

Letra Original


uen z nait rs kam

When the night

has come

Quando a noite

end z lend z dark

And the land is


E a terra est

end z mn z z
ounli lait ul si

And the moon is

the only light well

E a lua for a nica

luz que veremos

sou ai uont bi freid,

nu ai uont bi freid

So I wont be
afraid, no I wont
be afraid

Ento eu no vou
ter medo, no eu
no vou ter medo

djst s long s i
stend, stend bai mi

Just as long as
you stand, stand
by me

contanto que voc

fique,fique comigo

end darln, darln

stend bai mi, ou nau

And darling,
darling stand by
me, oh now now

E querida, querida
fique comigo, ah
agora agora

stend bai mi

Stand by me

Fique comigo

stend bai mi,

stend bai mi

Stand by me,
stand by me

Fique comigo,
fique comigo

f z skai zt u
lk pan

If the sky that we

look upon

Se o cu que
vemos l em cima


xd tambou end fl

Should tumble
and fall

casse e rolasse


end z mauntns

And the

e as montanhas

mountains should
crumble to the sea

desabassem para
o mar


ai uont krai, ai
uont krai, nu ai
uont xd a tar

I wont cry, I wont

cry, no I wont
shed a tear

No vou chorar,
no vou chorar,
no eu no
derramarei uma


djst s long s i
stend, stend bai mi

Just as long as
you stand, stand
by me

contanto voc
fique, fique comigo


end darln, darln,

stend bai mi, ou
stend bai mi

And darling,
darling, stand by
me, oh stand by

E querida, querida,
fique comigo, ah
fique comigo


stend bai mi,

stend bai mi,
stend bai mi i

Stand by me,
stand by me,
stand by me yeah

Fique comigo,
fique comigo, yeh


unvr ir n trbl
uont i stend bai mi

Whenever youre
in trouble wont
you stand by me

Sempre que voc

estiver em apuros,
no vai ficar ao
meu lado?


ou nau nau
stend bai mi

Oh now now stand

by me

Ah j agora fique


ou stend bai mi,

stend bai mi,
stend bai mi

Oh stand by me,
stand by me,
stand by me

Ah fique comigo,
fique comigo, fique


end darln, darln,

And darling,

E querida, querida,

xd krmbl ti z si


stend bai mi,

stend bai mi

darling, stand by
me, stand by me

fique comigo, fique


ou stend bai mi,

stend bai mi,
stend bai mi

Oh stand by me,
stand by me,
stand by me

Ah fique comigo,
fique comigo, fique

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