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Nombre: ____________________________________

Fecha: ___________________



Espaol 1
Country Focus Puerto Rico
Peleas de gallos
1. What department of the U.S. government regulates Cockfighting in
Puerto Rico?
2. How many arenas exist in Puerto Rico?
3. What happens to the roosters after the fights?
4. (Further investigation required) How do the owners of the roosters
prepare them for the fights?
5. (Further investigation required) How do the owners make money from
cockfighting and can people legally bet for/against a rooster?
El dlar estadounidense
1. What is the monetary system in Puerto Rico?
2. In what year did Puerto Rico adopt the Dollar?
3. (Further investigation required) What currency did Puerto Rico have
prior to the Dollar when Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain?
4. (Further investigation required) What currency was created after the
end of the Spanish-American war?
Datos importantes
1. What is the capital of Puerto Rico?
2. Who is the current President of Puerto Rico?
3. (Further investigation required) Since Puerto Rico is a commonwealth
of the U.S., who is the head of the government of Puerto Rico and what

is his/her title? ____________

4. (Further investigation required) Does Puerto Rico have its own
constitution or does it abide by the U.S. constitution?
5. (Further investigation required) How are Puerto Ricans represented in
the U.S. Congress?
6. (Further investigation required) Who has the authority to declare
Puerto Rico a state or an independent nation?

El Yunque
1. What makes El Yunque unique from all of the other National Forests in
the U.S.?
2. Up to how many inches of rain does El Yunque receive yearly?
3. What kind of animals can be found in El Yunque?
4. (Further investigation required) One of the many animals that can be
found in El Yunque is the national animal of Puerto Rico. What is it
called and what type of animal is it?
5. (Further investigation required) How many acres make up El Yunque
and are you permitted to camp in there?
Horario diario
1. Compare and contrast a typical public school year in Puerto Rico with
2. (Further investigation required) What are the differences between
Public and Private education in Puerto Rico? Are classes taught in
English or Spanish in Public/private schools?

Nombre: ____________________________________

Fecha: ___________________




Comida tpica
1. (Further investigation required) What are the typical ingredients and
general cooking instructions for the following foods:
Tostones: _____________________________________________________________
Arroz con gandules:
Lechn: _______________________________________________________________
Estado Libre Asociado
1. What rights do Puerto Ricans enjoy as a Commonwealth of the U.S.?
2. What cant Puerto Ricans do in a national election?
3. (Further investigation required) What are some of the things that the
U.S. government has control of in Puerto Rico (Example: roads)?

Espaol 1
Country Focus Puerto Rico
Peleas de gallos
1. What department of the U.S. government regulates Cockfighting in
Puerto Rico? department of recreation and sports
2. How many arenas exist in Puerto Rico? 128
3. What happens to the roosters after the fights? some die, some fight
again, some retire
4. (Further investigation required) How do the owners of the roosters
prepare them for the fights? feed, breed, train, pluck, cut off
5. (Further investigation required) How do the owners make money from
cockfighting and can people legally bet for/against a rooster? people
buy tickets and the winner gets money, betting is not legal but
also not regulated
El dlar estadounidense
1. What is the monetary system in Puerto Rico? U.S. dollar
2. In what year did Puerto Rico adopt the Dollar? 1913
3. (Further investigation required) What currency did Puerto Rico have
prior to the Dollar when Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain? Puerto
Rican peso
4. (Further investigation required) What currency was created after the
end of the Spanish-American war? Puerto Rican dollar
Datos importantes
1. What is the capital of Puerto Rico? San Juan
2. Who is the current President of Puerto Rico? Obama
3. (Further investigation required) Since Puerto Rico is a commonwealth
of the U.S., who is the head of the government of Puerto Rico and what
is his/her title? governer Alejandro Garcia Padilla
4. (Further investigation required) Does Puerto Rico have its own
constitution or does it abide by the U.S. constitution? they have their
own but also must abide by U.S. constitution
5. (Further investigation required) How are Puerto Ricans represented in
the U.S. Congress? House of Representatives (non-voters)
6. (Further investigation required) Who has the authority to declare
Puerto Rico a state or an independent nation? U.S.

Nombre: ____________________________________

Fecha: ___________________



El Yunque
1. What makes El Yunque unique from all of the other National Forests in
the U.S.? it is the sole tropical rain forest in the U.S. National
Forest System, very biodiverse
2. Up to how many inches of rain does El Yunque receive yearly? up to
200 inches
3. What kind of animals can be found in El Yunque? birds, frogs,
turtles, etc.
4. (Further investigation required) One of the many animals that can be
found in El Yunque is the national animal of Puerto Rico. What is it
called and what type of animal is it? el coqui (frog)
5. (Further investigation required) How many acres make up El Yunque
and are you permitted to camp in there? 28,000 acres of land, yes
you can camp in certain areas
Horario diario
1. Compare and contrast a typical public school year in Puerto Rico with
yours. 6am = breakfast, 7am = school, 2pm = out of school,
5pm = main meal, 10pm = bedtime
2. (Further investigation required) What are the differences between
Public and Private education in Puerto Rico? Are classes taught in
English or Spanish in Public/private schools? taught in Spanish,
English = second language, private schools are nongovernmental institutions
Comida tpica
1. (Further investigation required) What are the typical ingredients and
general cooking instructions for the following foods:
Tostones: cut, peel, and fry plantains for a side dish
Arroz con gandules: olive oil, ham, rice, pidgeon peas
Lechn: slow-roasted pork with spices
Estado Libre Asociado
1. What rights do Puerto Ricans enjoy as a Commonwealth of the U.S.? all
rights and responsibilities as Americans
2. What cant Puerto Ricans do in a national election? vote

3. (Further investigation required) What are some of the things that the
U.S. government has control of in Puerto Rico (Example: roads)? boat
and air traffic and police force

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