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Chapt 4 Critical Thinking

1. Grade should >= 90

2. The label displays good try
3. a) check boxes can have multiple selected, radio buttons can only have 1
selected, text boxes accept text as input
b) Check boxes for ordering a meal, radio buttons for choosing a language,
text boxes for inputting a grade.
4. a) false
b) true
c) true
d) false
e) true
5. a)If grade >= 90 Then
lblmessage.Text = "Great Job"
End If
b) if totalpoints >= 100 and totalpoints =< 200 then
lblhigh.text= High Scorer
End if
c) If Val(txtGrade.Text) > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Number must be less than 100.")
End If
6. a) even, odd
b) select case number mod 2
case 0
messagebox.show( Your number is even)
messagebox.show(your number is odd)
end select
8. If chkValue1.Checked And Me.chkValue2.Checked Then
MessageBox.Show("Both applied.")
End If

9. If Val(Me.txtTest1.Text) >= 0 And Val(Me.txtTest1.Text) <= 100 And _

Val(Me.txtTest2.Text) >= 0 And Val(Me.txtTest2.Text) <= 100 And _
Val(Me.txtTest3.Text) >= 0 And Val(Me.txtTest3.Text) <= 100 Then
average = (Val(Me.txtTest1.Text) + Val(Me.txtTest2.Text) +
Val(Me.txtTest3.Text)) / 3 Me.lblOutput.Text = average
MessageBox.Show("All three scores must be between 0 and
Me.txtTest1.Text = Nothing
Me.txtTest2.Text = Nothing
Me.txtTest3.Text = Nothing
End If
10.If Val(Me.txtNum1.Text) > Val(Me.txtNum2.Text) Then

MessageBox.Show("First number is larger")

ElseIf Val(Me.txtNum1.Text) < Val(Me.txtNum2.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Second number is larger")
MessageBox.Show("Both numbers are equal")
End If
11.Randomize ()
Int( 46 * rnd() + 5)
12. a)
The value type should match the expression type and can be a
single value, a list separated by commas, or a range separated by
the keyword To. Is can be used with a range of values.
End Select is required to end the Select...Case statement (not End
Select Case num
Case 2, 3, Is > 10
MessageBox.Show("1st Case")
Case 20 To 29
MessageBox.Show("2nd Case")
End Select
b) If num = 2 Or num = 3 Or num > 10 Then
MessageBox.Show("1st Case")
ElseIf num >= 20 And num < 30 Then
MessageBox.Show("2nd Case")
End If
13. Select Case txtMonth.Text
MessageBox.Show("There are 31 days in this month.")
MessageBox.Show("There are 30 days in this month.")
If Val(txtYear.Text Mod 4 <> 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("There are 28 days in this month.")
ElseIf Val(txtYear.Text Mod 400 = 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("There are 29 days in this month.")
ElseIf Val(txtYear.Text Mod 100 = 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("There are 28 days in this month.")
MessageBox.Show("There are 29 days in this month.")
End If
End Select
14. Private Sub btnPurchase_Click
Const TICKET_COST As Decimal = 8

Static purchase As Integer = 0

Dim tickets As Integer
Dim totalCost As Decimal
purchase += 1
If purchase = 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Congratulations, the tickets are free!")
purchase = 0
tickets = Val(Me.txtNumberTickets.Text)
totalCost = TICKET_COST * tickets
End If
End Sub
15. Private Sub btnMessage_Click
Dim random As Integer
random = Int(100 * Rnd() + 1)
Select Case random
Case 1, 2 '2/100 = 2%
MessageBox.Show("You win $100.")
Case 3 To 12 '10/100 = 10%
MessageBox.Show("You win $10.")
Case 13 To 62 '50/100 = 50%
MessageBox.Show("You win $1.")
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("Thanks for trying.")
End Select
End Sub
16. a) T
b) F
c) T
d) F
e) F
f) F
g) F
h) F
i) F
j) T
k) T
l) F
m) F
n) T
o) F
p) F
q) F

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