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Written Testimony of Kweilin Ellingrud Partner, McKinsey & Company and co-author of Power of Parity work on the gender gap ‘Good atereon and thank your he nwo on you in oda’ cuson am Kweln Ellgrud 2 Parner wih ‘Mekinsoy & Company and co-author out Power af Panty work aa gender equally McKinsey 2 bal management consti rr, and ver he st Seca we have estos n rowing our expert on gender equal, ‘ecogna hat aovancing th slat cf women lee malt aero econons growth Most rece, we formed fers wi Lean in partnered wih Facescck on TechPrep aha pushed an ale on ‘What tw ake Hate te Tee Indurty More Ores the Harvard Susinees Review, My rmar fogs DUI he sights Fm nat wor ‘The EEOC has bon etal in moving American werklace owatds eater opennea, inclu, an redo fom Gsziminaton Given fre EEOC's cent examination of he ecology uty, wl anus my tans en tee ‘ees 1) The sient att shortage ecology andthe curent te by gender nd race nthe fed, 2 Wha \te know aout he aver of he gap by gendar ar faco, and 3} Potetl soltons to sss that 98, bo forthe EEOC anater thers wh can helps calonge. CURRENT STATE OF THE INNOVATION CHALLENGE: THE TECHNOLOGY TALENT SHORTAGE, AND WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN THE TECHNOLOGY SECTOR “Tecnology Is pervasive na of our es, and the ale of change i rapic. Wear bocaring icreeingy dependant ntocmelegy, and tls daruping some ngutes (as Uber hes raseprton, ana Aman ret) oe wal ‘hanging tba dynamics of ahers such ae raurane). nace at a sg sy tat i ok alot by {oznolgy Tha technlopy workforce ta we are aking a0 toda ers’ ot jt forth ocholony comparies ‘totwe pies tn ot(Cooge, Facebook, Rape, M te), tl als tou fr every cher company tat ‘eods tlt wth tchnologial and computing ska node 1 be compete “ectnoiogy i etal athe company level, nd it sas rica fhe over rational ecenany. When used we, technoiogy can improve standaras of ling, bing rap devetogment, and help rede nogales prosper, {Given he power of echnley beh lest ang hae nthe US. tistical ha women ana mnortes py arifcat rein echretogy Divers mtacnology. and he ncusie wrtlacss alae request got or, important or twee man reasons 1) We wil nat bate shortages that we foc ues we ncude warren snd Iminortes more stay, 2) Ve wa ot hanes the power of eno.gy tackle a rosce ae soca chakanges Unass he tctncogy workers beer rales soc, and 3) Equa an snpotant pnp or alo us and one {hal ne Unted Stats and te EEOC t corto snot onthe rg bung odo ete emt ng io Soe Ine American people, ou compares, ad ounaon as a wre ‘So whats the Technology talent shortage? ‘The fastest gowing jc categories are computer job categories in the US, and te job grow até of engineering and computer tiene job fs we the rational verge” Wnt this san exctng soy. hore isan impending slant ess. By 2020, there wil 14 mion computing jb in {he US but ony 400,000 stab shite worare othe, meaning 1 min jobs wil go une or thea tom ‘orign workers cron trends conmuel. Tho lor gap makes mare dill for US. bosnesses to gow an ive the economy. Alte same te 26 we covifont hs alent gap, wa ace te cen chalonge that women and Iinoitos a ot wel represented echrlogy This pa of reblem today, and cade potataly be pat of the solton fo adresong th ae! shortage enon How are women and misoiies doing today in Technology? ‘The gender gap lchnolgye geting bigger, nt sate. nck, women st earning fewer computer science bach’ cagroes logy than 30 years ago, Women armed 37% of computer asence segs 184, 9nd eam ‘air 3: of tem today = Smsaiym engineering, momen robe stout 2 percent 24 peer, and 23 pea bachelors, masters, and doctors degrees respectively” Similar, Slacks and Hispanic make up 30% ofthe US. Population, bul eam us 2034 of compute cones bachors degre. ‘ven he gander an rai ap in tems of who i ering depress no supe hat tere ie 2 ack oferty ‘troughou he ecrelogy alert ppsine ase ona 2018 Women nthe Workplace suey of irge U.S companies ‘conducted by Lean nad cknsey, the Tectlogy sector ras 37% of etyfeel le held by women. Fara Fopreceiaton rope coun to 20~ 26% inthe mismanagement ives na rope al ie way 134m the se, “Troughout the alert ppaine—trom the 3734 women a erty ve tothe 15% representation nthe C-tute, we 800 many ofthe same saves wn tchndogy ot we seen oh inusiies, Tere ae tvee man sss 1) tae #1 the promotion rate: Women havea lower ketnod of beng promoted a every singe love. $0 \what tars fae an uneven alent tunel aay and ges even mare dpropotonae over be. man ‘geratisavngathigherrses, and nfac women nthe Caste leave a tughy nate ae a0 nen Ne ‘Cutest, women re siatng wih te lalent ne! because they aetoss aly wo advance fue #2 ete mix of taf sine roles: Weman ff take on ere sa ols vine oes over tne ‘han men, A ta lesa support fncion le HR,Fance, Lega ec. Ard ine les a busoss of PL role Wie bon are imporant CEO and oer encr ade rl fed fo be pula rom ne of P&L ols ver ie. And what we sb0 6 3 sigtficat gender stow In women hing mare sla roles ove tne ‘han men Wie hs ot men have erie oth a he manager ovt and athe C-euteleve S7% ot \ornen al he manage lve havea ine rl, butt also 43% of woman nthe Cute 2 {3}, Issue is women have smaller and more junior sponsorship retworks: Sponsors ar those who {reat oppertuntes or other—and what we soos ha pansorshp ntwohks fend ok ery ert or ‘women Ve. en. Men tnd fo have sponsorship nator Del are predominantly men. Waren toro have Sbonsorsnp networks that are ether majority womon ora max of men ara wean Warman as ford to have rae sponsors networs. Given smaller sponsoanp networks and iss fae represriaton acoxe [level we a vp wih women who ave both emaser and mare mot sponereiprebworks ve mon. ‘hatrwars women fasta tohave te ranpons ey mee ea Sag peo pportntes or the ne nase nee sues are pattems tat we see scross al sectors, hey ae partly cute technology gen ‘helo eay ven adaton ona eng wel represerte,wores.on average Se! thal he echoagy \wonplce's nat an uve one. 38 percent of wornen econ el hater onder wil make et oe ‘ham advance ne fare. Ths poearige lathe highest sees a scars saveyes. A sudyby NCWIT showed ‘hat women nthe sclence,enlneeng, and technogy (SET) fade es cgnicat presse to putin xtnaive face time, much more than women nan ter set (71k 'n SET, compared io 18% na ober seco). ‘Soin summary, wehave lw dvr and incsion ithe ecology scr, ani re sak tution than many oer nau DRIVERS OF THE GENDER AND RACIAL GAP IN TECHNOLOGY Wat ae the criver ofthe gap?” ‘Tere gap at wo levet—both within he alent pipe in terms of conscious and unconscious bias and even before alent pane begins in terms of he education to employment pene We need beter avarenees, _Secess, self confidence, and pereeptons of the lecnolgy dusty by women and mores ‘Conscious and unconscious bi nthe workplace: We see tectnology compares starting lo publish ther gender vest resus publ in an ofl to improve tei Beromanee, We also see some tchnology companies staring to nplomert nd reture seeoring a push et ‘mote dverescanaates_ Ashes boon wel documento, renames that re aherree Wecal bat have at he rere ‘Shang beater a tationaly female name or an bicaly verse name driv lower percapton a he ‘anadate's stile and qualies. ‘Aisin the category of unconacous bas, number ef compares have Mend sent and ter processes hat se {Gender neural on he face of but afet men very deren tom women ané mires One lege tech corny ‘Srinstence, nas apoley where navi nominate themseves fr promotion, and paraien cmmiecs ony ‘eve cadites wen they fel they are read fo promotion. A seeming loica approach o ensure the ‘ome spans the valuable ne ony oncanaatse who re ready Wl Rappened practic, Poweve, Wa {hat women ence to wt onger on average apply fora prometen, snd men on average soled much ear ‘This Yenuted ne gender skew ne promoson commis fs was never tended ‘Tete ae to companies that are using advanced anasto understand and esos unconscious ies much more strong treughut er people pocenses. Thay sre eerhing fr koyworé i evew ars and the aoutes for ‘gender skewed feedback on ngs ie “obras syle" a Tack of execuve prevancafor woman ¥. mon Yet others are seting anbitus large er waren in leadership roles, and asking her aadars to hep develop he sponsorship and releion programs to get tere, Some cut ode companies are nceasng account nd transparency aginst evry gol, and ving Pat accourtaity io each busoss unt and pate ‘impany, Some comanies beyond technology ate pling as muchas 18% of ner sen Toaersip compensation ‘Stak ending ito ing erty targets Its oten acu the Indust level he iference between consous and unconcous bas, Bot can bo _ysamate ana havo vor uch he some eas nef ow evel fiery man ray Inte clog of onacous bas, KGamergsto happened as fcertl as 20% whet sex haresrsent an Weal fap 808, ‘muraer were made ep! a couse of women in he gaming nus indets ike thee lense the ‘ott fo ve onlin hararemert to make 8 hste wok enurenmast or evens hose nay enone fx Creating amore balanced pipeline of technology talent: To chiev amore ders tcanology workplace an hap cose the alert gap wl be cite tet more women {nd minortes'n the technology poste. We wil need more wornen and marites tobe eware ot Compute scence and related teis, ba wang eye have acess ot (alter n scoo on an fe ached progran), eons! majoring ini college, pursuing te degree, and lima erring e career ecnotogy_Acrose STEM, he leeue Is parteulry acute n Computer Sconce (C5), and wl share wih you some of te more geod sais or ‘women, Blacks, and Hispanics in CS. Thee sighs ar based ona survey that Mexineay am pari wi) Facebook to laanen a progam ced TechPrep. We conduc intr ws with ovr 2400 stdors pare, recent Ealogs grads ara employees waking compuaee sence testes hasan ‘Awareness and willingness to ty: Awareness ia big baror for Blacks and Hepanic, but wilingness to ty {othe biggest bare for women when comes Yo computer eclonce. ‘Awareness is high for women, but much wer or Blacks and Mprics vs. Alans and Whites is @ ‘Sprfcant baie given awarenoe ithe ret ton 1 Attough 91% of gis are aware of camper soence, only 44% ay they ar will oy ‘+ Thies qute lent between he US. and Bra, eresngly, wen pons oa set of acetal efeptos thal ae not spect to sex bu rater cura speci inthe U.S, Tat of i re Tamir wih hoinering, and 33% ay they ate traced to In rach contrast ony 53% of gi are aware oF ngiooring en's poeasion, but 72 of hose aware oil ate ersten woting ne Sls ‘83% of lacks and 54% of Hepaics are open to tying computer siene. Parson in compu sence mong Black and pani igh schoders zea, but rma ow ‘Access; Three quarters of U.S. publi igh schools donot offer computer scince, and this leads to far less ‘cess for Black and Hispanic students, '+ Compared to White and Asian students, Slack and Hispanic atin eamers have fr ls o2c858 10 compar sien Castes or aferschool programs (spans Nave the weet access and lack he nt ‘wos vel of accose) White and Aslan lamer, einatanes, are 1.32 mes mroiKely 100163 ‘Shoo whore teresa obotcs cv oes ‘Woman, Blacks ana Hispanics ar als ss thal to know an adult who works in the technology int, ‘meaning they have lee exposure tool mods: en are 13 tes more nely to Kaow somone worn nite fave women Confidence: Confidence ea significant lave fo all women regarcess of race—there le «~20% conience ‘980 for women, buts not an lesue for Black and Hispanic men. ‘+ Worn of al races ae nol as confident as the male counterparts. Regares of he ty, woman are ‘mortal tobe unex of to ow aozes Incomputer asenc that fe male covterpars, wah et oniidence lve at roogy 70% ef that of ren” ‘+The 20% toch confcence gaps much ghar hen in oer fede—11% nbutines, Tn hurries, and 5% nthe soca! soancas, Ths she pinay reasons mare wren ar ol prtspabg nthe och nt. {50% of boy in he survey ey woul be Good at waking wi computa bul ony 39% of gl a =o 4+ Confonca not an sue wh Back an Hispanic ating mets Infact, hay Pave amon bn orcpton of computer acence compared to Wt an Asian sasons Some Sse Bache ana a of Fgpanis ay thay bolowe toy woul be good at warn th comptos, compare 035% of Wes and Som of anane 1+ Morty females ee es consent an Whee, Black ad Hispanic gts have the loves parcpton of hr ‘comput science abies mong al group, at half Ie onfionco velo! Whe mas an wor ‘he soniconce of tack males Perception: There ea signifant perception gap between how woman view computor ssence vs. men. Females ae 2 tes more ey than mates fo say that people wn war In techalogy ee erg otk me.” Women sto drop out of pursuing computer since at ates at are 1217 Riga than male counterparts a every Stage of he Jounay. Thar 5.65% op for amon at each age fhe unay betweenthooe whose win toity a computeratience rite cass, actualy yng cortrun tla th sje, miendngto pase © Sega Init actualy pursuing a degree na nay pursuing» degre neem. SOLUTIONS TO ADDRESS THE GENDER AND RACIAL GAP IN TECHNOLOGY ‘So what are the stone we should conse ven he talent pipeline and edveatonoemporment piling hatenges tre of awareness, access, and condones? he the EEOC looks snobs othe ent years, ere to mn sees we should yo soe: Hebng companies Cate rove roost lent pipelines Wy aentying and inaing unconscious and conscious ia in he echncogy indy and supporting pear accesso computer felonce m1 to eae amore robust education o employment pce 41) Helping companies create a more robust alent pipeline for women and minories wih greater representation at al eves of management, ‘includes senting a eiminatng both unconscious and conscious iain the wore. sete EEOC" tjeatve. This could intude move advaneed saves oa system Sazminaion ane pater of pracios th at ‘ha company and nau tve 2). Supporting grater acces in K-12 to ensure that al children regardless of gander oraco ae exposed to ‘Computer sclence and havea chance to ty it gven awareness and aces ae Key. ‘The ky lo verse and inclusive woolaes fo tack the issue farther upsveam. and ge mere chicren exposed 0 computer science, exced about pursuing and uma entering he worclace. Today congue see st {Sight inemes euaror of at pute U8 schol, Vitaly no teerlaning goes e suppot per source tering n 12 choos At the same tine today aos 500000 ued U Spb regure sone velo comular- Setence understanding, and here are ony 80,000 computer science gradunos 3 Year" Our exam hur opards nt just an eronemic onde groth But iso on enerng we oe ediatng ve sides 603 tat hoy have the ight sis forthe job blog cated. Brosder acces and uptake n computer scone a ral factor making tat match happen between the demand snd supp ofilent ntne US In an ann the Washington Pst jus a mth ago, dozens of op busines leaders (ope, Facebook, Tage ‘lamar ATA ez), 2s wel a6 ipatsancoultonof27 governor, cles on Congres fo ep provise computer ‘cance covcaton a k12 shod The poup srqued tat K12 carpe stnce course we “essa 1 ie {hlarn th ils hey need tobe successulin the modem ecanmy and help fl ond econo gro any ‘woud arqe thal teaching Compuer Sence Habs etical hing ogi and ereaty sila sae fat il Bo ‘npotantin cur fate wrxforce without equa acces, wil be decades I'l genrations unt we can lose the gap for women and mina in tocrmolgy- As wo dscussed eave. ecces sane of he get Challenges we fa, an the workplace fay {et tovorow eae chop and compe scnce sis ne vey et way an waco be st CONCLUSION In candusio, there slgnifeant gap to addres fr women and mires in echneloy today at wo ferent Tevet: nthe wortpiece an in he esacaton to enpeoymen same The US, foe a sgfeat alan Gen technology ef malo ots by 2020, sn women a minors coud boa signee pat of he eauton.Aadressing the bars at rearing ané hn is enpatrt buts nol enoug>—thare i amen sagen he pooe of used Candas lene bs. We must sdaressconslus and unconssous tas create 2 mare cue ‘worplce as wellas lok upteamn to troaden K-12 exposure fo computa’ sence and lated ae Thank you fr opprtty fo shar some hough wih you today lok foward to hlping you and other rate a Imo dee an ince ppaine ad wrkpac nog "what Wil Take to Make the Tech Industry More Divers” by Susan Coty, Helen Ma, Kelsey Robinson end [arena Yee on Mach 15, 2016 nthe Harvard Busines Review. “Tecnica elds of uy” is defined as STEM degrees, but excloding lil, earth, and social sence. Growth over las decade of 1.5% CAGR. Conservative assumption at 75% of gradine enter compas and enginoering ‘occupations “Wat I Wil Take to Make th Tec Industry More Diverse” by Susan Colby, Helen Ma, Kelsey Robason, and [arent Yee on March 15,2016 inthe Harvard Busnes Review. Digest of Education Sttsties, National Center for Eduction Statistics, March 14,2016, nesed.go. “Women in the Workplace” suey of 18 companies and 30,00 employes, Lean In and MeKiney, Oct 2015 “what It Will Take ro Make the Tech Indusuy More Diverse” by Susan Colby, Helen Ma, Kelsey Robinson, and [arena Yee on Mach 15,2016 nthe Harvard Business Review. ‘what Wil Tak to Make the Tech Industry More Diverse” by Susan Coby, Helen Ma, Kelsey Robinson, nd [arena Yee on March 15, 2016 inde Harvard Busines Review. “Top business leaders, 27 governors, urge Congres to boost compute scene education," Emma Brown, Api 26,2016, Washingion Post “Top busines leaders, 27 governs urge Congress to boos computer science education” mms Brown, Apri 26,2016, Washington Post

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