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Maura LeBlanc

Ms. Martin
Independent Study
Annotated Bibliography

"A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law
at Illinois Tech. Apr 25, 2016.

This article helped me to understand the complexity of this case, and how exactly it is
judicial review. The webpage detailed many aspects of the case, including dates and

"Appellate Review Law & Legal Definition." Appellate Review Law & Legal Definition. US
Legal, Inc., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

This source was a definition site that helped me to understand some of the legal jargon
used in the case briefs. This language helped expand my knowledge of cases and their
assets, and helped build a better understanding when these words were used in context.

"Buckley v. Valeo." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. Mar 17, 2016.
This page helped me to put the case Buckley v. Valeo into broader understanding, and I
was able to fully comprehend the case and its different points.

Burger, Warren E. Opinion Announcement. Buckley v. Valeo. Oyez, 30 Jan. 1976. JPEG File.
This audio recording of the opinion announcement in Buckley v. Valeo was an
interesting listen and helped me to understand the case more fully.

"Brandenburg v. Ohio." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Apr 25, 2016.
The information on this site helped me to understand how Brandenburg v. Ohio was an
example of judicial review, and what important precedents it set in the court.

Califano, Joseph A. A Presidential Nation. New York: Norton, 1975. Print.

This book was written by a close advisee of two former U.S. presidents. Though not the
entire book was useful in my research, there was an entire chapter detailing battles and
wars between the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch. This was useful in
synthesizing the use of judicial review in more modern cases.

"Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at

Illinois Tech. Mar 17, 2016.

This site gave another convenient explanation for Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission, and helped me to form a full understanding of the case and what happened

Clinton, Robert N. "Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)." Encyclopedia of the Supreme
Court of the United States. Ed. David S. Tanenhaus. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference
USA, 2008. 227-233. U.S. History in Context. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
This detailed account of the case itself gave a great starting point in my analysis and
interpretation of the case and the ruling. The deep details helped me to comprehend what
happened in this case and why Marshall ruled the way he did. The article gave me plenty
of information to sift through and use at my own disposal.

Doyle, Charles. "Armed Career Criminal Act (18 U.S.C. 924(e)): An Overview." Congressional
Research Service (2015): 5-9. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

This article gave me a detailed description of the ACCA, which helped me in

understanding a different, still pending case. It was vital in understanding the ACCA to
understand the case.

Ellis, Richard E. "Marshall, John 17551835." Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United
States. Ed. David S. Tanenhaus. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 237240. U.S. History in Context. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
This article gave a plethora of background information on John Marshall, from his birth
all the way to his death. This detailed understanding of his life and the events of his life
really puts the Marbury v. Madison case into context. With a new understanding of where
he came rom and how he was educated, it was easier for me to understand his nationalist
and Federalist viewpoints.
"Facts and Case Summary - Gideon v. Wainwright." United States Courts. Administrative Office
of the U.S. Courts. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

This was a thorough explanation of Gideon v. Wainwirght, and helped me to understand

the important precedent and impact that Gideon v. Wainwright had on the Supreme Court
and its legacy.

Finkelman, Paul, and Bruce A. Lesh. Milestone Documents in American History: Exploring the
Primary Sources That Shaped America. Dallas, TX: Schlager Group, 2008. Print.
This book gave primary documents, as well as summaries and analyses of each
document, including the Marbury v Madison report. By reading the primary document, I
was able to better understand Marshalls rationing, and the analysis did point out some
factors and conclusions I hadnt thought to consider before.

Gerstein, Josh. Supreme Court to Rule on Obama Immigration Orders. Politico. 19 Jan. 2016.
Electronic. 31 May 2016.
This was an article on a politically-revolved site. It explained, in depth, the current case
against Obama and his immigration plans, which I was able to use as an example of
judicial review in my website.

Hamilton, Alexander. "The Federalist Paper NO. 78." Editorial. 28 May 1788: Print.
This primary source was vital while researching the positives and negatives of Judicial
Review. Some credit Alexander Hamilton as the true origins of Judicial Review, so his
writings were very credible and valuable in my research process, and I was able to
connect his reasonings with that of the anti-judicial review positions.

Judicial Activism and Restraint. Boundless. Electronic, 27 May 2016.

This site was a definition page that helped give me a rudimentary understanding of
judicial activism and restraint. Using this site, I was able to understand more in depth
articles on the topic more deeply, and do further research.

"Judicial Review." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr.
2nd ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 223-225. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.

The concept of judicial review and how it is used was described in this article. This
intricate explanation helped me to understand the precedent set by the Marbury decision,
and fully recognize the influence it has had in more modern court rulings.
Justices of the United States Supreme Court. The Green Papers. 2013. Electronic. 18 May
This web page gave a list of the chief justices throughout American history, as well as
what political party they were from. This was also helpful in shaping an understanding of
each case, dependent on what chief justice ruled over it.

"Katz v. United States." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Apr 25, 2016.
This webpage gave a very good explanation of Katz v. United States, and described the
controversy in wiretapping a public phone, and the constitutionality of such actions.

"Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court." Key Excerpts from the Majority Opinion. Street
Law, Inc., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
This was a good source in providing me with a list of possible case that I could use in my
studies and use as a basis to expand my base of cases.
Mace, George. "The Antidemocratic Character of Judicial Review." California Law Review 60.4
(1972): 1140-149. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.

Having already read On the Costs and Benefits of Aggressive Judicial Review, this
journal article provided further exploration into the anti-judicial review beliefs. This
helped in comparing both the for and against, and was a thorough account that I was able
to implement into my further research and draw connections from.

Members of the Supreme Court of the United States. Supreme Court of the United States. 30
Apr. 2016. Electronic. 28 May 2016.
This source was helpful in creating a rounder understanding of the numerous Supreme
Cases. By connecting the case with its Chief Justice, it was easier to understand the
ideologies behind the decision and to fully grasp the context of the case.

"National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at
Illinois Tech, n.d. May 28, 2016.
This web page gave me a brief, factual summary of the NLRB v. Noel Canning Case.
Though it was not very in depth or extensive, it gave a very good overview and summary
of the case that helped prepare for further research.

"Pentagon Papers Case." TheFreeDictionary.com. Farlex. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

This site gave a detailed explanation of the very interesting Pentagon Papers Case. It gave
thorough explanation of prior restraint, the arguments the government used against the
use of the articles, and how those tied into the New York Times v. United States case.

"Regents of University of California v. Bakke (1978)." PBS. Educational Broadcasting

Corporation. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
The PBS site gave a concise and straightforward explanation of the Regents of University
v. Bakke, including all of its aspects, and explained the issue of constitutionality within
the case.

Roberts, Mike. Executive Orders and the Supreme Court. Executive Orders. JURIST.
Electronic. 28 May 2016.
This essay gave a brief conclusion of the history between the Supreme Court and
executive orders. Multiple examples of executive orders that have clashed with the court
were given, which helped to provide new information and sources for the website.

Scalia, Antonin, David H. Souter, Sandra Day OConnor, and William H. Rehnquist. Opinion
Announcement. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld. Oyez, 28 June 2004. JPEG File.
This audio recording of the opinion announcement in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld is embedded on
my website and was very interesting to listen to. It helped me to expand my opinion on
the case.

"Schenck v. United States." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. Apr 25, 2016.
This case was a very difficult one to understand, yet this site helped me to wrap my head
around the case as a big picture. It gave me numerous important details, like what justices
voted which ways, and the date of the case.

"Roe v. Wade(1973)." PBS. Educational Broadcasting Corporation. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

This in depth explanation helped me to understand just how important Roe v. Wade was
to womens rights, and how important it still is today.

Steers, Sarah. History of Executive Orders. JURIST. Electronic. 24 May 2016.

This essay on a webpage gave a brief explanation of executive orders throughout
American history. It was here that provided some examples of cases involving the
executive branch that executed judicial review, and it was a good source in beginning
further research.

Stephenson, Grier, Jr. "John Marshall and the evolution of judicial review." USA Today July
1987: 37+. U.S. History in Context. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
Like many other sources helped to explain more context of John Marshalls life and an in
depth description of Judicial Review. However, this article tied in the two, and explain
how Judicial Review fits into John Marshalls nationalist profile.
Stern, Michael. Supreme Court Considers the Presidents Power to Make Recess
Appointments. The Heritage Foundation. 9 Oct. 2013. Electronic. 28 May 2016.
This essay gave a clearer insight and understanding to the recent case involving Obama
and the Constitutionality of one of his actions. This helped to bring the concept of
Judicial Review into more modern times, and I was able to use this as a part of my
website as well.

Stone, Geoffrey R. Faithfully Executed: Obamas Immigration Plan and the Supreme Court.
Huffpost Politics. 16 May 2016. Electronic. 6 June 2016.
This article on the Huffpost Politics website gave a new perspective on the case
surrounding Obamas immigration plan, and was used in the website to help students
reach a new understanding.

"Subpoena - Dictionary Definition." Vocabulary.com. Vocabulary.com, 2010. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.

This site gave me a reliable definition to Subpoena, especially in context with the U.S. v.
"Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules." Summary of U.S. Special Prosecutor Rules. Center
for Legal and Economic Studies, n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
In my research of U.S. v. Nixon, this site helped in explaining what a special prosecutor
is. More specifically, this site explained in depths President Nixons special prosecutor
and the problems that arose during the trial. With this new knowledge at hand, I was more
able to understand the process that both Nixon and the prosecutor went through, why
Nixon had fired the prosecutor, and which one served in the brunt of the trial.

Sunstein, Cass R. "On the Costs and Benefits of Aggressive Judicial Review of Agency Action."
Duke Law Journal 1989.3 (1989): 522-37.Duke University. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
This journal gave me a better sense of the popular beliefs surrounding Judicial Review. It
helped me analyze other articles and journals on the same topic, and supported my other
research surrounding the different cases and instances in which Judicial Review had been
utilized or questioned.

"Texas v. Johnson." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Jun 6, 2016.
This webpage gave a plethora of information regarding Texas v. Johnson. This site helped
me very much in creating a summary of the case for my website.
Think LegalEase. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer - Landmark Cases - Episode # 6.
Youtube. Youtube, 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 31 May 2016.
This youtube video gave a very engaging, yet informative, summary of the Youngstown
case and is embedded onto the website.

Turley, Jonathan. "When is violent speech still free speech?" USA Today 3 May 2005: 13A. U.S.
History in Context. Web. 28 May 2016.
This article is embedded in my website. It is an article that evaluates the flexibility of the
first amendment, and it was very helpful in forming a world view around Brandenburg v.
Ohio, as well as providing interesting synthesis.

Understanding the Legal Challenges to Executive Action. American Immigration Council. 19

Apr. 2016. Electronic. 5 June 2016.
This article was embedded into the website with Obamas immigration case. This article,
detailing the important facts regarding the case, was helpful in growing an understanding
about the case itself.
"United States v. Butler." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Apr 25, 2016.

This site, similar to the others, gave a concise explanation of the case and how it
exemplifies judicial review.

"United States v. Eichman." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. Apr 25, 2016.
The Oyez site was very helpful for many if not most of my cases, including United States
v. Eichman. It gave me a great explanation of the case and its parts.

"What Is a subpoena Duces Tecum?" RSS 20. Rottenstein Law Group LLP., n.d. Web. 08 Feb.
The definition of subpoena Duces Tecum was given to me on this website, and helped
build my legal jargon, making it easier to comprehend legal and scholarly documents
regarding different cases.

"Weeks v. United States." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. Mar 17, 2016.

This source gave me a very valuable summary of Weeks v. United States. The site itself is
very concise and organized, and I was able to get many valuable factors from the website
that I could use to help shape my understand of the case as a whole.

"Welch v. United States." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech. Apr 25, 2016.
This was a very helpful description in understanding this specific case. It gave numerous
important details about Welch v. United States, and highlighted the key points of the trial.

Wolfe, Christopher. From Constitutional Interpretation to Judicial Activism: The

Transformation of Judicial Review in America The Heritage Foundation. Electronic. 27
May 2016.
This article details the transition of judicial review throughout history. It was a very good
source for information surrounding the nature of judicial review, and its evolution
throughout history.

Wood, Gordon S. "1801: Adams appointed Marshall: critical decisions by the Chief Justice saved
the Supreme Court's independence--and made possible its wide-ranging role today."
American Heritage Winter 2010: 40+. U.S. History in Context. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.
This article explained the significance that John Marshalls decisions, particularly in
Marbury v. Madison, have had on the modern Supreme Court. It helped me to understand
the full scope and importance Marbury v. Madison had, and was useful in helping to
make connections between old cases and more modern ones.

Schenck v. U.S., 249 U.S. 47 (1919)

Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393.

Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)

Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976)

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sibelius, 567 U.S. (2012)

United States v. Eichmann, 496 U.S. 310 (1990)

Muller v. Oregon, 208 U.S. 412 (1908)

Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969)

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1 (1958)

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954)

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304 (1936)

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004)

Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952)

NLRB v. Noel Canning, 573 U.S. (2014)

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