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Hi my name is Paris and I am part of Connextcast

(Federation against Copyright Theft). We are a leading

organisation that helps protect content from being
published, stolen or copied illegally. Our role is to detect
and target those involved in piracy. Because the creative
industry takes up 1.7million jobs in just the UK alone it is
important that we make sure the creative industry flourishs
to allow those employed to keep there careers. I will be
presenting the research that I have done to inform choices I
have made for the advertisement campaign that I have been
Audience analysis- To build a foundation of research into how to
create my piracy advert, I decided to ask other peoples opinions on
it first by carrying out different types of research data.
Piracy Questionnaires- In order to find out what type of audience I wanted to
base my Piracy advert on, I conducted my first audience analysis which was
an anonoumous questionnaire so people were more confident about their
answers. Within these questionnaires, there were basic open and closed
questions such as what film genres do you like, or when are you most likely to
watch a film from this I found out that most people prefer humorous and
image based and adverts rather than narrative or audio based this then gave me
a foundation as to do a humours and image based advert. In order to appeal to
my specific audience, I also asked for their age so I would be able to know
how I can make it appealing for them; ages were between 13-18. This also
provided me with quantative data such as creating pie charts to show the
results of my questionnaires. It also gave me a clear insight to what type of
music, film genres and what technology platform they watch their films on.
This has given me some clear ideas about how to appeal to this audience. And
to use what they like in my ad e.g. comedy was the most favourite style of
advert so I can use this.
Voxpop questions- These are useful questions as it means I can
clearly identify the popular devises to advertise my piracy
campaign. Most of my participants chose to watch their
movies online. This means I should put my piracy advert on the
internet on the piracy websites. They also said they are more likely to watch
their films in the evening when they have finished studying or when they have
finished work which means I should put my advert on towards
afternoon/evening times.. (Asks if they would like to see Voxpop)
Focus Groups - When filming for my Focus Group I gathered
questions similar to the ones on my questionnaire and
personal ones I also found out my target audience are happy
to pirate movies and own up to it. They also do not see it as
an actual crime which means this advert needs to be enforced
and highlight the damage it is doing on the film industry.

Overall from Audience analysis- I also conducted a range of

Audience research from conducting audience research. Market
research is important because it allows me to find out my audience
to show their views on piracy and showed the specific audience that
do it the most. It was also a direct way to get the information. It also
gave me a clear insight to what type of music, film genres and what
technology platform they watch their films on. This has given me
some clear ideas about how to appeal to this audience.
Marketing Research/ Competitor Analysis -For the competitor
analysis section I watched different piracy adverts that covered all
aspects of audience appeal such as comedy, straight to the point.
An advantage of this was when analyzing different piracy adverts I
was able to pick out what was effective about the adverts and go on
to putting similar ideas in my own piracy ad. However because I was
watching the piracy ad as an audience member I only had my own
opinion on it, which is different from others. The patterns I picked
up on were that the advert has to be comedic, Edgy and has to
make sense.

Research/Advertisement Placement- When

finding a placement for my advertisement I linked the type
of channels that my target audience watched for example
E4, Channel 4 and BBC Three and what time. This means
that they are more likely to watch my advert if it is on a
channel that they enjoy. By looking at these channels and
linking them with my quantative research it is an advantage
because I am able to see which time slots are the most
popular when viewing and how much the cost is however, it
is very expensive during the peak times. Out of all the
channels that I viewed, E4 was the most in stats as E4 and
E4+1 reach over 8.9m people each month. On top of this it
has a young and upmarket viewing profile, with; 52% of
viewers 16-34. 43% ABC1 and 61% female. The other
channels were appealing however BBC Three would not
have been a wise choice because it is soon to no longer be a
channel that broadcasts. And channel 4 is a channel that
appeals to a specific audience, which would not suit my
advert because during my audience research I found out
that it is mostly teenagers that do online piracy.

Marketing Research/ Secondary research Whilst creating my

own way of researching ways to attract the audience, I also looked
at some secondary research, which was created on Emotion in
Advertising and how it works. The advantage of qualitative research

is that it had a lot of very useful information that could make my

piracy ad attract an audience. I also found out that audience
members are more likely to respond to an advert if it is humorous,
action pack or narrative based. So that is why I have decided to
base my style and form of my piracy ad on some of them.
Overall from Marketing Research- From watching different
piracy campaigns I was able to identify the successful and nonsuccessful ones because I watched it as a member of the general
public. I was also able to get ideas and merge them into my own
piracy ad. Because of the 1.94 million views in 7 days on E4 I have
decided to place my piracy campaign on that channel. The costing is
300 this means the pricing is very reasonable at day time peak
times from 09:30 to 17:30 which means it will get across cheaper
and to the right audience.
Production research- Planning. - I have also conducted a range
of production research. Such as looking how I want my piracy advert
to look and what type of style, form I would like it to be. I did this by
watching other piracy adverts.
Mind maps
Brainstorming my ideas in a mind mapping format was useful because I was
able to make 3 ideas and choose on I think my audience will enjoy the most. I
decided on having a serious and guilty impact on my audience. I got this idea
from the Emotions of Advertising secondary research. This would allow my
audience to have a guilty connection with the piracy ad because they to pirate
movies. The story behind the advert was to show a girl about to watch a
pirates film and then the film begins to communicate with her through other
film clips.
Casting hiring
I researched different actors/actress to hire to for my piracy advert. To find
them, I looked on a website called Searching faces. I was able to pick a
specific person called Rebecca Marcos this was because she was used to a
naturalistic style of acting and was also young. I then have to think about how
long Im going to be hiring them for which is 3 days. To hire a specific person
is important because the person has to suit the audience and genre of the
advert. So I decided to hire Rebeca Marcos.

Location Research
My location I have chosen to do is at my own house. This is because it is easy
to access and will be of no time limit that we can film there. It also means any
power source needed can be accessed easily and the location is close to carry
equipment to and from.

I decided to hire equipment that was not too pricy but could also shoot decent
footage. This would also come across appealing to the audience if it means
that it is high quality filming rather than low. Ive also decided to set the
piracy advert out like a film. This is also a reason why I needed to have higher
priced equipment because it would shoot higher quality shots. My total
budgeting cost including the Canon XF-305 camera, which, casting of
Rebecca Marcos and equipment including tri-pod came up to 633.28

Ask for questions

Offer to look at treatment

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