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Our Firm Founaation

Vol. 3, No.5 May 1988

Christ Our

The Path to -\----

,- .



To Pass the

Lest We

Christ's Humiliation, see page 8

them of their earthliness or shake them their living testimony of God's power.
out of God's remnant cburch. Men like Robertson are ready to
"The 'time of trouble, such as never do the devil's bidding in the name of
was,' is soaD to open upon us; and we Christ. The New Age movement is
shall need an e'"perience which we do committed to genocide of those who
not now possess and which many are refuse to yield to their plan to purify
too indolent to obtain. It is often the the world of its wickedness.
case that trouble is greater in anticipa- Ie 'And the dragon was wroth with


Zealand recently, one of my fel-
low preachers had a book called Salva-
tion than in reality; but this is not true
of the crisis before us. The most vivid
presentation cannot reach the magni-
the woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and have the
rion For Sale by a man named Straub. tude of the ordeal. In that time of trial, testimony of Jesus Christ.' Revelation
Mr. Straub had been the producer of every soul must stand for himself U:17. Satanic agencies have made the
Pat Robertson's "700 Club" TV show. before God. 'Though Noah, earth a stage for horrors, which no lan-
He was fired, and in his book, Salva- and Job' were in the land, 'as I live, guage can describe. War and bloodshed
riOIl For Sale, he reveals the inner saith the Lord God, they shall deliver are carried on by nations claiming to be
workings, personality, power drive, neither son nor daughter; they shall Christian. A disregard for the law of
and religion of Mr. Robertson. From a but deliver their own souls by their God has brought its sure result.
tape recording of a devotional at a staff righteonsness.' Ezekiel 14:20." 77," "The great conllict now being waged
meeting it is revealed clearly that this Great Controversy, 622-623 is not merely a strife of man against man.
evangelical, charismatic preacher "Those who exercise but little faith On one side stands the Prince of hIe, act-
turned politician believes in genocide. now, are in the greatest danger of falling ing as man's substitute and surety; on th'
He believes God will authorize the under the power of satanic delusions other, the prince of darkness, with the
faithful evangelicals to slaughter the and the decree to compel the con- fallen angels under his command. 'For
wicked and thus clean up the world science. And even if they endure the test we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
of sinners who refuse salvation, after they will be plunged into deeper distress but against principalities, against
which Jesus will come to reign on and anguish in the time of trouble, be- powers, against the ruJers of the dark-
David's throne in Jerusalem for a thou- cause they have never made it a habit to ness of this world, against spiritual
sand years of peace following the trust in God. The lessons of faith which wickedness in high places. Wherefore
rapture. they have neglected they "ill be forced take unto you the whole armour of God,
Robertson uses scripture: Samuel's to learn under a terrible pressure of dis- that ye may be able to withstand in the
orders to Saul to destroy the ,,;cked couragement." Ibid., 622 evil day, and ha-wg done all, to stand.'
kipg Agag, cattle, men, women, and In that day of testing the hundreds 'Finally, my brethren, be strong in the
children. and thousands of truehearted leaders, Lord, and in the power of his might. Put
Paul prophesied about these minis- pastors, and laity will learn the real on the whole armour of God, that ye may
ters of darkness in 2 Corinthians 11:14- value of the preparation they have be able to stand against the wiles of the
15. "And no marvel; for Satan himself made. Many, probably all, will see that de"il.' Ephesians 6:12-13, lO-IL" Sev-
is transformed into an angel of light. their preparation has been defective in ent/l-day Adventist Bible Commentary,
Therefore it is no great thing if his min- some way, but still - if true and loyal in vol. 7, 974-975
isters also be transformed as the minis- heart - they yet have opportunity to May God help us now to make the
ters of rigbteousness; wbose end shall learn these "lessons of faith." The un- preparation, to walk faithflllly before
be according to tbeir works." pleasaot side of this situation is that our Him in every aspect of our lives! jj]
The tragedy is that there are many worst persecutors will be those of our
people today who believe like Robert- own church who have apostatized RON SPEAR-EDITOR
son, and when the crisis comes as an "Yea, and all that w;1I li"e godly in
overwhehning surprise) Sunday laws I See Te..flimonies, vol. 8, 28, 37
Christ Jesus shall suUer persecution."
2Sec The Greal Controversy, 608; Se.l«ted Mes-
w;1I come in a very few weeks. The 2 Timothy 3:12 Those that endure to sages, book 1, 122; Testimonies, voL 5, 8O·8J
faithful and loyal and obedient ser- the end will be those who have a daily 463

vants of God Mil be cast into the fur- connection with Christ. These wiH be
nace of affliction that will either purify ready also to witness to the world with

2 Our Firm FO/J.J1dnlion May 1988

It is the miSSion of Hope Inter-
national and the editors of Ollr
._ Firm FOllndation to give the
t 1straight testimony and to present
Table of Contents
Christ and Him crucified. The
days that yet remain of this world Vol. 3, No.5 May 1988
are few, and what we do we must
do quickly. We must boldly pro-
claim the truths that place us on so
firm a foundation in the midst of Articles
this troubled world. - EDlTORS
Lest We Forget Taylor Bunch
Lessons from the past

Editor- Ron Spear Christ's Humiliation Ellen G. \'Vbi!e

Managing EditOr-Dave Fiedler He stood alone, in behalf of the world
Associate Ed:tor- Vern Jennings
Book EdilOr--AlIen Craw To Pass the Test Ron Spear
Copy Editor-Lila Rae Frederick If God says it will happen, surely we can believe that it can happen
AsSl. Eds.(fypography-Amci Mathers,
HalVey Steck Roman Catholic Roots of the New Theology Russell Standish
Editorial Sccrcrary-Ciarissa Fiedler
Contributing Editors-Colin Standish,
A simple case of logical progression
Ralph Larson, Marshall Grosboll
Ar! Director-Bob Bresnahan Christ Our Hope Ellen G. White 19,
Art-Julia Norris The central truth, and some ramifications
Subscriber Services -Sharilyn Kendall
Circulation-Joseph Leatherman The Path to Pentecost Marshall Grosboll
The trail is clearly marked, we need not go wrong
Abstemiousness Vernon Sparks 24/
For health of mind and body
__ Suggested donations fOr the annual sub-
!. }cription arc listed below. We have kepI Thoughts Practical Dave Fiedler
, . these as low as possible, but if your fi- A candid look at an alarming trend
nances cannot meet the requested dona-
tion, just send whatever you can. We wanl
no one to be unable to receive this mate-
rial because of lack of funds. If you wish to
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Copyright © 1988
Hope International

May 1988 Ou.r Finn Foundation 3


Lest We Forget
name given by Alexandrian Jews
to the fifth book of Moses when they
Mount Sinai that led the Israelites to
Kadesh-Barnea, the gateway to the
Promised Land. Deuteronomy 1:5-8.
the banks of the Jordan their past his-
tory takes on a new significance. At last
they are willing to freely acknowledge
translated the Old Testament from Moses then dwells at great length on their mistakes and confess them.
Hebrew into Greek and thus produced the Kadesh-Barnea crisis resulting in uRemember and forget Dot" seems
the Septuagint Version- the one used the divine sentence that sent them back to be the keynote of this series of ser-
by Christ and the apostles. The name into the wilderness for a forty-year de- mons that closed the career of their
means "repetition" or "repetition of lay. The period of wandering is now great leader. It was his farewell mes-
the law," because it is a repetition of all over and Moses delivers his message in sage and was delivered with great ear-
of the instruction given to Israel during the eleventh month of the fortieth year. nestness and power. He told them to
their forty years of wandering, as well Throughout the 'entire series of dis- "ask now of the days that are past" and
as a of their experiences while courses Moses lays special emphasis never to forget the divine leadership of
they were "under the divine rebuke." on the Kadesh-Barnea eX'Periences as the Exodus movement and the purpose
(See Patriarchs and Prophets, 406.) The the cause of the failure to inherit the and love of God in leading them from
book of Deuteronomy was given by Promised Land "at the time of His Egyptian bondage to the land of prom-
Moses in a series of discourses on the [God's] appointment." (See Patriarchs ise and freedom. See Deuteronomy
banks of the Jordan in the plains of alld Prophets, 392.) During their wil- 4:32-40. "Moses stood before the peo-
Moab just before the Israelites entered derness wanderings while they were ple to repeat his last warnings and ad-
the Promised Land. "Moses gave the "under the divine rebuke" the Israel- monitions. His face was illumined with
whole book of Deuteronomy in dis- ites resented being reminded of their a holy light. His hair was white with
courses to the people." Patriarchs alld mistakes and rebellions, but now as age; but his form was erect, his coun-
Prophets, 503 they are repeated near the end oftheir tenance ex'Pressed the unabated vigC.
The series of sermons began with journey they see them in a new light. As of health, and his eye was clear and un-
the Heaven-sent message given at they look back over the forty years from dimmed. It was an important occasion,

4 Our Firm Foundo.tion May 1988

and with deep feeling he portrayed the composed for tbe same purpose and and thus further delay tbe fillal triumpb
love and mercy of their Almighty Pro- tbese too may bave been written by of tbe Advent movement. Tbe history
tector. ... The people of Israel had Moses wbo was the author of some of of tbe past must be reviewed and
( ,een ready to ascribe their troubles to the psalms. In all of these songs tbe Is- studied in the ligbt of tbese mistakes
Moses; but now their suspicions that raelites were especially reminded of and tbeir consequence in a long delay
he was controlled by pride, ambition, tbe mistakes that caused the long delay of tbe coming of Cbrist. Sucb a vision
or selfishness, were removed, and they in reaching tbeir goal. will explain many puzzling questions
listened with confidence to his words." and will greatly strengtben our faitb in
Ibid., 463-464 Essential Preparation tbe divine leadership of tbe Advent
"Moses faithfully set before them movement. It is evident tbat tbe end is
their errors, and the transgressions of It is evident tbat one of the most es- near and tbat sucb a vision of the past
their fatbers. They had often felt im- sential parts of the preparation of the is an essential part of tbe preparation
patient and rebellious because of their Israelites to enter tbe earthly Canaan for entrance into tbe beavenly Canaan.
long wandering in the wilderness; but was a clear view of the history of tbe Tbe best way to review our past his-
the Lord had not been chargeable ",.jtb past and especially of tbe errors and tory in tbe ligbt of God's purpose and
this delay in possessing Canaan; He mistakes of tbeir fatbers. Tbey could leadership is tbrough tbe study of tbe
was more grieved than they because not enter into the Promised Land until Exodus movement ofwhicb it is tbe an-
He could not bring tbem into immedi- tbey recognized tbese mistakes and titype. "The history of tbe wilderness
ate possession of the Promised Land, confessed tbem. Tberefore their last life of Israel was chronicled for tbe
and thus display before all nations His study was concentrated on tbeir past benefit of the Israel of God to tbe close
mighty power in the deliverance of His
people. With their distrust of God,
with tbeir pride and unbelief, they had
not been prepared to enter Canaan.
They would in no way represent that
It is evident that the end is near and
people wbose God is the Lord; for they that such a vision of the past is an
did not bear His cbaracter of purity,
goodness, and benevolence. Had tbeir essential part of the preparation for
,- ·-J:athers yielded in faitb to thc direction
\ }Jf God, being governed by His judg-
entrance into the heavenly Canaan
ments, and walking in His ordinances,
they would long before have been set-
tled in Canaan, a prosperous, boll',
happy people. Their delay to enter tbe history in tbe ligbt of God's love and of time. Tbe record of God's dealings
goodly land dishonored God, and de- leadersbip. On tbe banks of tbe Jordan witb the wanderers of the desert in aU
tracted from His glory in the sight of they must look bacl'Ward before tbey their marchings to and fro, in their ex-
the surrounding nations." Ibid., 464 could go forward. This was tbe fillal posure to bunger, tbirst, and weari-
Not only did Moses repeat the ex- lesson in tbe scbool of experience and ness, and in the striking manifestations
periences of Israel's past history and training that would prepare tbem to of His power for tbeir relief, is fraught
urged them to "remember" and "for- triumph gloriously. This review wonld with warning and instruction for His
get not," but they were to talk about strengtben tbeir faith for the crossing people in all ages. The varied expe-
them and repeat them to their chil- of tbe Jordan and the conquest of rience of the Hebrews was a school of
dren. It was of vital importance that Canaan. preparation for their promised horne
they see the past in the proper light Since "we are are repeating the his- in Canaan. God would have bis people
and never forgel their mistakes and ex- tory of that people," (see Testimonies, in these days review with a humble
periences. To help them to remember, vol. 5, 160) we too must get a \",ion of beart and teachable spirit the trials
Moses commemorated the history of the past just before onr pilgrim journey through which ancient Israel passed,
the past in a song wbich be composed is ended. Just before the end, the Ad- that they may be instructed in their
under divine direction and inspiration. vent people will review their past his- preparation for the heavenly Canaan."
Deuteronomy 31:19-22. This song is tory and see it in a new light. We must Ibid., 293
found in chapter 32 and is called "Tbe study and understand the antitypes of In Testimonies, vol. 8, 107, the
Song of Moses" as was tbe One be com- the two Kadesh-Barnea experiences of chapter entitled "Forgetfulness" starts
posed and Israel sang on the shores of aneient Israel and profit by the mis- as follows: "All who profess to be ehil-
the Red Sea following their deliver- takes of our fathers espeeially during dren of God I would invite to consider
1\ )nce from Egypt. The one bundred the 1888 crisis. We must acknowledge the history of the Israelites, as re-
one bundred sD'th, and one hun- and confess tbe mistakes of our fatbers corded in tbe one hundred fifth, one
dred seventh psalms are otber songs and see to it that we do not repeat them hundred sixth, and one hundred

May 1988 Our Firm FoulldLJrion 5

seventh psalms. By carefully studying for the redemption of His people." therefore high time that God's rem-
these scriptures, we may be able to Ibid., 116. "It was not the will of God nant people are making a thorough
appreciate more fully the goodness, that Israel should wander forty years in study of this subject. .
mercy and love of our God." After the wilderness; He desired to lead Moses also called attention in hi'
quoting these psalms the servant of the them directly to the land of Canaan farewell sermons to the binding claims
Lord continues: " 'These things ... are and establish them there, a holy, happy of the law given at Mount Sinai. The
written for our admonition, upon people. But 'they could not enter in be- law is referred to in practically every
whom the ends of the world are corne.' cause of unbelief.' Because of their chapter of Deuteronomy, being men-
1 Corinthians 10:11. ... The record of backsliding and apostasy they perished tioned no less than than fifty times. The
Israel's forgetfulness has been pre- in the desert, and olhers were raised discourses of Moses therefore consti-
served for our enlightenment. In this up to enter the Promised Land. In like tuted a call to God's great standard of
age God has set His hand to gather manner, it was not the will of God that righteousness and conduct. It was a
unto Himself a people from every na- the coming of Christ should be so long lifting up of the standard in prepara-
tion, kindred, and tongue. In the Ad- delayed and His people should remain tion for entrance into the Promised
vent movement He has wrought for so many years in this world of sin and Land. "Before relinquishing his posi-
His heritage, eVen as He "'fought for sorrow. But unbelief separated them tion as the visible leader of Israel,
the Israelites in leading them from from God." 1710 Great COlltroversy, Moses was directed to rehearse to
Egypt." Ibid., 115 458. Nothing explains this long delay them the history of their deliverance
like the study of the two movements. from Egypt and their journeyings in
The Chief Lesson Our only safety as we face the fu- the wilderness, and also to recapitulate
ture is to remember that God has been the law spoken from Sinai. When the
The chief lessoo to be learned from the Leader of the Advent movement law was given, but few of the present
the study of the Exodus movement as a from the beginning, and that He will congregation were old enough to com-
type of the Advent movement is the continue to lead till the churcb militant prehend the awful solemnity of the oc-
reason for the long delay in the corning becomes the cburch triumphant. casion. As they were soon to pass over
of Christ. That too was the chief reason have nothing to fear for the future, ex- Jordan and take possession of the
Moses reviewed the past history of the cept as we shall forget the way the Promised Land, God would present
Israelites just before their fInal tri- Lord has led us, and His teaching in before them the claims of His law, and
umph. Continuing, the same writer our past history." Life Sketches, 196. enjoin upon them obedience as the J
said: "Had the Adventists in the early "In reviewing Ollr past history, baving condition of prosperity." Patriarchs
days still trusted to the guiding Hand traveled over every step of advance to alld Prophets, 463. Moses gave direc-
that had been with them in their past our present standing, I can say, Praise tion that the law be repeated or reread
experience, they would have seen the God! As I see what God has wrought, I to all Israel every seven years. Deuter-
onomy 31:10-13. Joshua repeated the
necessity of strict obedience to the law
of God as the basis of prosperity. Josh-
ua 1:7-8; see also Deuteronomy 28-30.
Our only safety as we face the future Just before the Advent movement
is to remember that God has been reaches its destination "the way of the
people" will be prepared by casting or
the leader of the Advent movement lifting "up the highway" of holiness,
gathering "out the stones" or stumbling
from the beginning blocks, and liftulg "liP a standard for the
people." We are told that tllOse who
preach the Laodicean message "upon
which the destiny of the church hangs"
salvation of God. If all who had la- am fIlled with astonishment, and with and which brings the shaking and the lat-
bored unitedly in the work of 1844 had confIdence in Christ as Leader. We ter rain, will "exalt the standard and
received the third angel's message, and have nothing to fear for the future ex- pour forth the Slraight truth" See Early
proclaimed it in the power of the Holy cept as we shall forget the way the Writings, no. The Laodicean message,
Spirit, the Lord would have wrought Lord has led us:' Testimonies to ftfillis- with its complete remedy which em-
mightily with their efforts. A Dood of ters, 31. We are told that the same braces the imputed and imparted right-
light would have been shed upon the divine leadership that has guided the eousness of Christ, calls for a high stand-
world. Years ago the inhabitants of the Advent movement in the past will con- ard. Its standard is perfection as re-
earth would have been warned, the Linue to the end, and nothing proves vealed in ·the character of Christ of.
closing work would have been com- this statement more conclusively than which the law is the transcript. The lift-
pleted, and Christ would have come the study of the two movements. It is ing up of the standard of righteousness

6 Our Finn Foundation May 1988

by which we ",ill be measured in the more fully and obeyed more implicitly instruction can be read and studied for
judgment will take place just before the than during his lifetime. "The Israelites what it is worth without the interfer-
latter rain and the entrance of God's deeply mourned for their departed ence of personal feelings and preju-
('\-emnant people into the heavenly leader. ... Never till he was taken from dices. As the years go by the divine
Canaan. them had they so fully realized the origin of tbe prophetic gift in the Ad-
value of his wise counsels, his parental vent movement becomes morc appar-
Price of Victory tenderness, and his unswerving faith. ent. The permanency and success of
With a new and deeper appreciation the various lines of work established
Reaching the high standard de- they recalled the precious lessons he through the Spirit of Prophecy, as well
manded by the Laodicean message is had given while still with them." Patn- as the fulfillment of the many predic-
the price of the seal of God, the latter ardIS alld Prophets, 481. No prophet tions made, are piling up proof of the
rain, and the triumph with the
ment. cINar one of us will ever receive
the seal of God while our characters
have one spot Or stain upon them. It is We have had demonstrations enough
left with us [0 remedy the defects in to prove that the stability and
our characters, to cleanse the soul
temple of every defLlement. Then the prosperity of the Advent movement
latter rain will fall upon us as the early
rain fell upon the disciples on the Day depends upon our attitude toward
of Pentecost." Teslimonies, vol. 5, 214
"If the professed people of God
the Spirit of Prophecy
find their hearts opposed to this
straight work, it should convince them
that they have a work to do to over- has ever been fully accepted or his genuineness of this spiritual gift among
come, if they would not be spewed out work appreciated till after his or her God's renwant people. This gift has
ofthe mouth of the Lcrd .... Some are death. Passing time always enhances been the greatest of all factors in the
willing to receive one point; but when the value of the writings of a prophet in guiding, controlling, preserving and
I pod brings them to another testing the estimation of God's people. unifying of the Advent people in their
point, they shrink from it and stand The prophet of the Advent move- worldwide gospel enterprise. It has
back, because they fwd that it strikes ment did not live to witness the final held the movement together and made
directly at some cherished idol. Here triumph of the cause she loved and it in many ways the marvel of the re-
they have opportunity to see what is in served so long and faithfully. But be- ligious world in this generation. If time
their hearts that shuts out JeSllS. . fore she died all of the instruction nec- should last long enough, Sister White
Those who come up to every point, and essary to the finishing of the work was would be accorded a place among the
stand every test, and overcome, be the given in detail so that there is no need leading prophets of the church by the
price what it may, have heeded the of another such instrument. Many have religious world. As in the ease of the
counsel of the True Witness, and they attempted to take her place, but their other prophets, centuries would be re-
will receive the latter rain, and thus be claims have been so weak and the at- quired to bring about this result. But
fitted for. translation." Ibid., vol. 1, 187- tempt to imitate her methods and mes- God's renwant people do not need
188 sages so apparent that they have been centuries or even decades to establish
The prophet of the Exodus move- unable to get a following. It is the duty their confidence. We have had e'1'e-
ment did not live to see the frnal tri- of the leaders of the Advent movement riences and demonstrations enough to
umph of the movement. After giving all to carry out the instructions given in prove lhat the work is of the Lord and
of the instruction necessary to take such detail througb tbe gift of proph- that the stability and prosperity of the
Israel into the Promised Land, and ecy. Many visions of the heavenly Advent movement depends upon OUI
after being given a vision of the future Canaan cheer the Advent people along attitude toward it. "Believe in the Lcrd
home of his people which embraced their march through the desert of sin your God, so shall ye be established;
tbe new earth, Moses died and was toward the Promised Land. believe his prophets, so shall ye pros-
buried in the land of Moab on the east Every passing year since the death per." 2 Chronicles 20:20 !!!I
side of the Jordan. The leadership of of Mrs. E. G. While makes her coun-
the movement was placed upon J osh- sels and instructions to be more greatly
ua, who in the strictest sense was not a appreciated. It has always been hard to
prophet but one chosen to carry into accept living prophets because they
( freer the instructions given through are human like their fellov." and their
"- Moses. After his death the instruction many rebukes and corrections produce
given through Moses was appreciated prejudices and even ·enmily. Now the

May]988 Our Firm Fou.ndation 7

secrecy but known to God, Lucifer be-
came a deceiving character. He told
falsehood for truth.
He was expelled from heaven, and
apparently Christ was alone with him
in the wilderness of temptation. Vet
He was not alone, for angels were
round Him just as angels of God are
commissioned to minister unto those
who are under the fearful assaults of
the enemy. Christ was in the wilderness
with the one with whom there was war
in heaven, and the one whom He over-
came; and Satan was defeated.
Now Satan meets Him und'er
different circumstances, as the glory
that was round about Him is no longer
visible. He has humbled Himself, taken
upon Himself our nature. And He
came into the world to stand at the
head of humanity whom Satan had
deceived, and to fight His battles in be-
half of the race whom Satan
deceived through his lying power. Thi..
whole effort was to draw Christ away
from His allegiance to God, to under-
mine in a deceptive way His principles
and His allegiance to the Lord God.
What mental anguish Christ passed
through! What grief! What torture of
mind! He was face to face not with a
hideous monster, as is represented
with bat's wings and cloven feet, but a
beautiful angel of light, apparently just
from the presence of God. His deceiv-
ing power was so great that a third of
the heavenly angels were induced to

Christ's Humiliation believe him to be right and unite with

him against God and His Son Jesus
Christ. And now Satan's personal con-
tact in this world with Christ was of a


understood and not appreciated.
Forty days and nights Jesus was sul>--
and Christ was one with the Infinite
God; and because this was not ac-
corded him, he became jealous, and he
most determined character, for if he
succeeded here in his strong and wily
efforts he was conqueror and the
jected to the temptations of the was the originator of sin. prince of the world. He knew that all
enemy - the one who· was .once an , Satan wished to change the govern- his claims to the kingdoms of the world
angel next to Christ in' ,majesty and 'ment of God, to fix his own seal to the' were false and could not be sustained
,glory in heavenly courts. It is rules of God's kingdom. Christ would unless he should overcome Christ.
stated, Thou wast exalted because of not be brought into this <lesire, and it is impossible to take in the depl"
thy beauty, ... [See Ezekiel 28:17J But here the warfare against Christ com- and the force of these temptations un-
he wanted to have the ,place of Christ, menced and waxed 'strong. Working in less the Lord shall bring man where He

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8 Our Finn Foundalion May 1988
can open these scenes before him by a and affections of the human soul which look upon the scene, the Son of the
revelation of the matter 1 and then it was united with His divine nature. living God humiliated to take upon
can only be but partially comprehend- Our Lord was tempted as man is Himself the nature of man and [to]
ed. Satan's assaults were prepared for tempted. He was capable of yielding to meet the strong luan, armed with all his
the circumstances in accordance with temptations, as are human beings. His weapons of deception and falsehood to
the exalted character with which he finite nature was pure and spotless, but overcome Jesus Christ. And every vic-
had to deal. If he [could] gain the vic- the divine nature that led Him to say to tory gai.ned, how precious it is in behalf
tory in the first temptation, he would Philip, "He that hath seen me hath of the human family, exalting, elevat-
secure Him on all the rest. Satan had seen the Father" also [John 14:9], was ing, ennobling the workmanship of
not humanized; neither was humanity God; and Satan has been at work for
deified by the blending or union of the centuries, degrading, debasing, and
two natures; each retained its essential prostituting aU his powers to do his
character and properties. hellish work.
He had not taken But here we must not become in The humanity of Christ received
on Him even the our ideas common and eartWy, and in the fallen foe and engaged in battle
our perverted ideas we must not think with him. He was sustained in the con-
na ture of angels, that the liability of Christ to yield to flict by divine power just as man will be
Satan's temptations degraded His hu- sustained by his being a partaker of the
but humanity, ... manity and that He possessed the same divine nature. He gained vicrory after
sinful, corrupt propensities as mao. victory as our Champion, the Captain
The divine nature, combined with of our salvation, and the divine ap-
the human, made Him capable of proval of God and all the universe of
never aimed his darts at so strong a yielding to Satan's temptations. Here heaven flowed into His soul. His na-
mark. the test to Christ was far greater than ture was shocked ahnost unto death,
Our Lord's trial and test and prov- that of Adam and Eve, for Christ took but the heavenly angels ministered un-
ing shows that He could yield to these our nature, fallen but not corrupted, to the suffering One.
temptations, else the battle was all a and would not be cOHupted unless He All Heaven rejoiced because hu-
farce. But He did not yield to the solic- received the words of Satan in tbe manity, the workmanship of God, was
.itude of the enemy, thus evidencing place of the words of God. To suppose
·'that the human nature of man, united He was not capable of yielding to
with the divine nature by faith, may be temptation places Him where He can-
strong and withstand Satan's tempta- not be a perfect example for man, and ... perfectly
tions. the force and the power of this part of
Christ's perfect humanity is the Christ's hmniliation, which is the most
identical with our
same that man may have through con- eventful, is no instruction or help to own nature, except
nection with Christ. As God, Christ human beings.
could not be tempted any more than But the facts of this history are not without the taint
He was not tempted from His alle- fable, but a living, acting, experience.
giance in heaven. But as Christ hum- [To deny this] would rob Jesus of His
of sin
bled Himself to the nature of man, He greatest glory-allegiance to God-
could be tempted. He had not taken on which enshrouded Him as a garment in
Him even the nature of the angels, but this world on the field of battle with the placed in an elevated scale with God
humanity, perfectly identical with our relentless foe, and He is not reckoned by the signal victory gained. Christ was
own nature, except without the taint of with the transgressor. He descended in more than conqueror, leaving the way
sin. A human body, a human mind, His humiliation to be tempted as man open that man may be more than con-
with aU the peculiar properties, He would be tempted, and His nature was queror through Christ'S merits, be-
was bone, brain, and muscle. A man that of man, capable of yielding to cause He loved him. The SOD of the in-
of our flesh, He was compassed with temptation. His very purity and holi- finite God is brought into the tenderest
the weakness ofbumanity. The circum- ness were assailed by a fallen foe, the sympathies with the tempted church.
stances of His life were of that charac- very one that became corrupted and He knows how to succor those who
ter that He was exposed to all the then was ejected from heaven. How shall be tempted, because He was
inconveniences that belong to men, not deeply and keenly must Christ have felt Hinlself tempted. Ijl
in wealth, not in ease, but in poverty this
and want and humiliation. He How do fallen angels look upon Manuscript 57, 1890; Manuscript Re-
Jibreathed thc very air man must this pure and uncontaminated One, lease 1211
. breathe. He trod our earth as man. He the Prince of Life, through the differ-
had reaSOD, conscience, memory, will, ent stages of His humiliation? They

May 1988 Our Finn Foundation 9

The proclamation of the message
of righteousness by faith which began
at the General Conference of 1888 was
the chosen avenue for God to do some-
thing great for His people to bring
Lhem into a spiritual revival in which
God cou.ld trust them with the loud
cry. In 1892 Ellen White would pro-
claim: "The time of test is just upon us,
for the loud cry of the third angel has
already begun in the revelation of the
righteousness of Cbrist; the sin-
pardoning Redeemer. This is the be-
ginning of tbe tigbt of the angel whose
glory sball fill tbe whole eartb."
Sdected Messages, book 1,363
A century ago God was desperately
trying to bring down the latter rain in
order that we could give the loud cry to
the world. Tbe fourth angel of Revela-
tion 18:1 was ready to sound, but the
cburch was unready, unable to under- .
stand. We read: 1
"And after these things I saw
anotber angel COme down from
heaven, having great power; and the

T HE YEAR WAS 1888; the place,

Minneapolis. The General Con-
ference was in session; two men with a
gifts unto men, imparting the priceless
gift of His own righteousness to the
helpless human agent. This is the mes-
earth was ligbtened with his glory."
Revelation 18:1. "At that time the 'lat-
ter rain,' or refreshing from the pres·
special message from God stand be- sage that God commanded to be given ence of the Lord, will come, to give
side the prophet of God to the rem- to the world. It is the third angel's mes- power to tbe loud voice of the third
nant church, Ellen G. White. The men sage, which is to be proclaimed with a angel, and prepare the saints to stand
were E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones. loud voice, and attended with the out- in the period wben tbe seven last
What was happening? pouring of His Spirit in a large meas- plagues shall be poured out." Early
. "The Lord in His great mercy sent ure." Testimonies to Ministers, 91-92 JVritings, 86
a most precious message to His people What was this preciolls message? It \\las a time of test; the loud cry
through Elders Waggoner and Jones. "The message of the gospel of His bad already begun in 1892. TragicaUy
This message was to bring more prom- grace was to be to the church in we failed tbe test and have continued
inently before the world the uplifted clear and distinct lines, that the world to fail it ever since. For 144 years has
Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the should no longer say thal Seventh-day the church proclaimed tbe tbird
whole world. It presented justification Adventists talk the law, the law, but do angel's message of Revelation 14:6-12,
through faith in the Surety; it invited nOl teach or betieve Christ." Ibid., 92 and though today we are statistically
the people to receive the righteousness Again she speaks, "The message strong in numbers and fmancially af-
of Christ, which is made manifest in given us by A. T. Jones and E. J. Wag- Ouent, with institutions and buildings
obedience to all the commandments of goner is the message of God to the of architectural grandeur, sadly we are
God. Many had lost sight of Jesus. Laodicean church." Ellen G. White farther from linislllng God's work tban
They needed to have their eyes di- 1888 Malerials,1052 we were in 1888. The coming of the
rected to His divine person, His mer- The precious message then was to Lord has long been delayed, and we a,
its, and His changeless love for the awaken the people to their lost condi- a people have been responsible fd\ •• I
human family. All power is given into tion of wretchedness, blindness, and thaI delay. These are indisputable
His hands, that He may dispense rich their need of spiritual eyesalve. facts.

Ron Spear
10 Our Fmn Foundation May 1988
"The lessoD of this record is for us. it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it." out, not ooly of the discourses given
The Lord had prepared the way before Evangelism, 701 but also of the religious experience of
His people. They were very near the What happened? Again our proph- very many who claim to believe the
,I Promised Land. A little while and they et speaks. third angel's message." Ibid., 168
would have entered Canaan. They "The third angel's message must be "The soul-saving message, the third
themselves delayed the entering.... presented as the ooly hope for the sal- angel's message, is the message to be
Had they put their trust in God, they vation of a perishing world. The theme given to the world. The command-
could have gone straight in. God would of greatest importance is the third ments of God and the faith of Jesus are
have gone before them. . .. Brethren angel's message, embracing the mes- both important, immensely important,
and sisters, from the light given me I sages of the first and second angels. and must be given with equal force and
All should understand the truths con- power. The first part of the message
tained in these messages and demon- has been dwelt upon mostly, the last
strate them in daily life, for this is es- part casually. The faith of Jesus is not
sential to salvation. We shall have to comprehended. We must talk it, we
If the people of study earnestly, prayerfully, in order to must live it, we must pray it, and edu-
God had preserved understand these grand truths; and cate the people to bring this part of the
our power to learn and comprehend message into their home life. 'Let this
a living connection will be taxed to the utmosL" Evan- mind be in you, which was also in Christ
gelism,196 Jesus' (Philippians 2:5)." Ibid., 184
with Him, "The sacrifice of Christ as an "This is the message that God com-
atonement for sin is the great truth manded to be given to the world. It is
around which all other truths cluster. the third angel's message, which is to
In order to be rightly understood and .be proclaimed with a loud voice, and
know that if the people of God had appreciated, every truth in the Word attended with the outpouring of His
preserved a living connection with of God, from Genesis to Revelation, Spirit in a large measure.... For years
Him, if they had obeyed His Word, must be studied in the light that the church has been looking to man,
they would today be io the heaveoly streams from the cross of Calvary. I and e"pecting much from man, but not
Canaan." 1903 General Conference present before you the great, grand looking to Jesns, in whom our hopes of
jBulletin,9 monument of mercy and regeneration, eternal life are centered. Therefore
UWe may have to remain here in salvation and redemption - the Son of God gave to His servants a testimony
this world because of insubordination God uplifted on the cross. This is to be that presented the truth as it is in Jesus,
many more years, as did the children the foundation of every discourse which is the third angel's message, in
of Israel; but for Christ's sake, His given by our ministers. Christ and His clear, distinct lines:' Evangelism, 191
people should not add sin to sin by righteousness -let this be our plat-
charging God with the consequence of form, the very life of our faith. Several
their own wrong course of action. have written to me, inquiring if the
NO'v, have men who claim to believe message of justification by faith is the if they had
the Word of God learned their lesson
that obedience is better thu sacri-
third angel's message, and I have an-
swered, 'It is the third angel's message
obeyed His Word,
fice?" Spalding-Magan's Unpublished in verity: n Ibid., 190 they would today
1I1oll11SCripl Testimonies of Ellen G. "The third angel's message is the
While, 202 proclamation of the commandments of be in the heavenly
"And if men and women who have
the knowledge of the truth are so far
God and the faith of Jesus Christ. The
commandments of God have been pro-
separated from their great Leader that claimed, but the faith of Jesus Christ
they will take the great leader of apos- has not been proclaimed by Seventh-
tasy and name him Christ our Right- day Adventists as of equal importance, These quotations from tbe servant
eousness, it is because tbey have Dot the law and the gospel going hand in of the Lord make it clear that the third
sunk deep into the mines of the truth. hand. I cannot frod language to e"press angel's message is an experience in
They are not able to distinguish the this subject in its fullness." Selected Christ through the indwelling of the
precious orc from the base material." Messages, book 3,172 Holy Spirit, giving a living testLmony of
Selected Messages, book 2, 393 "The faith of Jesus has been over- God's power in the life. We have
"The descent of the Ho]y Spiril looked and treated in an indifferent, preached law, law. Some have
upon the church is looked forward to careless manner. 1l has not occupied preached a faith apart from the law.
:' t as in the future; bUl it is lhe privilege of tbe prominent position in which it was But we have not preached the faith of
"'... the church to have it now. Seek for it, revealed to John. Faith in Christ as the Jesus in the fullness of its power that
pray for it, believe for it. We must have sinner's only hope has been largely left enables us to keep the law.

May 1988 OurFirmFolUldation 1J

How do we get the faith of Jesus? righteousness is loyalty to our Re-
"By His perfect obedience He has deemer. This will lead us to do right
made it possible for every human being because it is right - because right
to obey God's commandments. When doing is pleasing to God." Chn'st's Ob-
we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart ject Lessons, 97-98
is united with His heart, the will is In Early lVritings we receive an
merged in His will, the mind becomes
onc with His mind, the thoughts are
spired picture of the experiences of
God's remnant giving the loud cry: "I
Bob VUH Kannon
brought into captivity to Him; we live heard those clothed "'th the armor Subject: Air in Amber Supports the
His life. This is what it means to be speak forth the truth "'th great power. Deluge
clothed "oth the garment of His right- It had effect. Many had been bound;
eousness. Theu as the Lord looks upon some wives by their husbands, and Scientists have been analyzing the
some children by their parents. The air trapped in amber in the hope of
honest who had been prevented from finding out what the atmosphere of this
hearing the truth now eagerly laid hold planet was like 80 million years ago.
Could 1988 be upon it. All fear of their relatives was
gone, and the truth alone was exalted
Amber is the hardened sap of ancient
tTees and is usually a yellow-brown,
the year that the to them. They had been huugering and translucent substance with bubbles.
thirsting for truth; it was dearer and The Tesearchers postulate that the
church will pass more precious than life. I asked what amber hardened a very long time ago,
the test? had made this great change. An angel trapping the air near it and thus pre-
answered, 'It is the latter rain, the re- serving a sample of the planet's atmos-
freshing from the presence of the phere for us to study.
Lord, the loud cry of the third angel.' ., However, Harmon Craig 'and Yo-
Early Writings, 271 shio Horibe of the Scripps Institution
us, He sees, not the fig-leaf garment, When the church has been purified of Oceanography in La Jolla, Cal-
not the nakedness and deformity of sin, by the shaking and the majority have ifornia, now report that their analyses
but His own robe of righteousness, rejected the righteousness by faith ex- of this gas show that the ratio of nitro-
which is perfect obedience to the law of perience1 the faithful, loyal., and obe- gen to argon in the gas is not the sam" }
Jehovah." Christ's Object Lessons, 312 dient will be sealed. They have ob- ratio normally found in air. "Rather;'
Victory over every sin by the Holy tained the victory over every inherited this ratio was characteristic of gases
Spirit's power was the message of God and cultivated weakness to sin. 2 They dissolved in water." Science News, vol.
in 1888. The last century has brought are clothed with the beautiful garment 133, January 2,1988,8. Thus it looks as
no change to God's will for His people. of Christ's glorious righteousness. God if the amber solidified uuder water: as
May God help us now to yield our wills has doubled the guard of holy angels would be the case for a worldwide
so completely to Him that the Holy around the righteous; evil angels have deluge.
Spirit can do its work in our lives. no power over them. The saints of God
"The ideal of Christian character is in the churches of Babylon now hear Subject: Fish Oil Takes a Dive
I Christlikeness. As the Son of man was the voice of the fourth angel of Revela-
perfect in His life, so His followers are tion 18 as it joins the third angel's mes- Science News, vol. 132, November
to be perfect in their life. Jesus was in sage and it swells to a loud cry. Thou- 28, 1987, 342 reports that the use of
all things made like uuto His brethren. sands join the remnant in God's fish oil to reduce triglyceride levels in
"There is DO excuse for sinning. A cant church? the blood, 311d thereby Teduce the
holy temper, a Christlikc life, is acces- The loud can be given, the probability of heart attack, has been
sible to every repenting, believing child church revived, and the world warned. found to have at least one.bad side ef-
of God." The Desire ofAges, 311 Could 1988 be the year that the church fect. Fish oil also raises the concen-
"And only those who live the life of will pass the test? May God help us tration of low-density lipoproteins
Christ are His co-workers. If one sin is now; God help us to make it so. Ii!] (LDL). LDL concentratious are
cherished in the soul, or one \\'Tong linked to heart disease.
practice retained in the life, the whole I find it .curious that science will
being is contaminated. The man be- lSeeTeslimonies, vol. 5,136; ibid., vol. 8, 41 turn every way it can to solve disease
2See The Desire ofAges, 311, 671 problems in humans except the one
comes an instrument of
3S e C The Great Confroversy, 611-612
ness." Ibid., 313 ,way that really works: a proper diet
"True obedience is the outworking which does not overload the system, .
of a principle within. It springs from together with adequate exercise an"'-..,I
the love of righteousness, the love of sunshine to aid in the proper metabo-
the law of God. The essence of all lization of fats.

12 Our Finn Foun.dalion May 1988

Bulletin Board
Hope International Camp Meeting tbe children's divisions. You may also received more than 30 requests from
be able to help witb stories, activities, indi\"duals for the Bible Study Course,
Mark the dates August 3-7 on your or song service. We are not planning plus a request from a 21-member
calendar. If you plan to atlend, and wisb meetings for infants. Pentecostal Youth study group. Natu-
to stay 0/1 ourgrounds, you are more than rally, we're very pleased.
welcome. We ask tbat you write or call Midwest 1888 Bible Conrerence To assist in. this form of outreach,
to make a reservation. \A'e do note>.])ect we are producing a simple camera-
a sbortage of room, but we need to bave Those in the central states will be ready advertisment whicb can easily be
this information in order to make the interested in tbe Midwest 1888 Bible placed in a wide variety of publica-
best use of our facilities. Water and rest- Conference. This series, scheduled for tions. This ad will include the "Christ
rooms will be available at several loca- July 1-9, will feanne training sessions and the Law" logo from the Tmth For
tions on the grounds. We plan to provide in Paperback Colporteur Evangelism, Today magazine, a short description of
limited sbower facilities, but bookups Medical Missionary Work, and the the Bible Course contents, and the
for water, sewer, and electricity are not giving of Bible Studies. address to write to. If you wisb to place
available. Please plan on a real camp V\' e encourage you to 'write or call sucb an advertisement in a local publi-
meeting for additional details. The address is cation, please write us and request tbe
If you do not plan to stay on our "Bible Conference," Institute of Minis- "camera-ready ad copy." If you wish

you need not make a reserva- try, 5001 S. Webb, Derby, KS 67037. instead to sponsor such an advertise-
tion with us. You should, howevCf, Information may also be obtained ment througb Hope International, just
make reservations ahead of time at the Monday tbrougb Friday by calling send your donation marked "Bible
rotel or motel of your cboice. Tbe fol- (316) 788-5559. Study Advertisemeut." We are excited
towing may be of some assistance: at tbe prospects this opens up for evan-
Motel Puyallup - 25 miles nortb of Bible Correspondance School gelism, and believe Our readers will
Hope International. Rates from $30- share our excitement.
$38 per night; kitchen units available We have good news from our Truth
for $3 extra Call (206) 845-8825. For Today Bible Scbool. Enrollment Abundant Health Ministries
Northwest Motor Inn - 25 miles continues to increase, and interest
north of Hope International. Rates among those taking the course remains Allen and Amy Reich have con-
from $30-$43 per nigbt. Kitcben $3 high. We have been very pleased tbat ducted several well-received seminars in
ema. Call (206) 841-2600. we have had so few "drop-oUls." We tbeir last few months' travels throughout
Eagle's Nest Motel-10 miles soutb bave begun printing a second set of les- tbe Western states. Two facts bave be-
of Hope International. Rates from sons especially adapted for those wbo come apparent: Hope International's
$35-$40 per night. Call (206) 569-2533. bave had little or no experience with bealtb outreach is valuable and produc-
Tallwax Lake Resort-6 miles Bible study. This set, called tbe Word tive, and a more central ((home base" is
north of Hope International. Full RV of Tnllh study guides, will cover tbe needed. Accordingly, arrangements
hookups $10 per nigbt, trailers $7, same areas as the Tnllh For Today bave been made for the Reichs to locate
tents $5. Call (206) 879-5533. cour.se, but sbould also be useful for semipermanently in Littlefield, Arizona.
many who need a little more belp in Tbeir address ",ill be Abundant Healtb
Children's Meetings dealing with unfamiliar topics. We Ministries, Box 195, Littlefield, A2
hope to bave this set of lessons availa- 86432. When not on the road, they may
We plan to provide limi.ted week- ble within a month. be reached at (602) 347-5600. If you fmd
day meetings for cbildren, in addition One of the most exciting develop- no one home, you may leave a message
to a regular Sabbath school. Any as- ments with the Bible School (ranking for tbem at (602) 347-5855.
sistance with this work which you may just after conversions and baptisms) is Tbe Reichs will soon be planning
offer would be very much appreciated. a new method of advertising. An Ad- their next itinerary, and those inter-
If you would be able to help, we ask ventist couple in tbe state of Alabama ested in the possibility of a seminar in
\ ... }hat you write our office and let us took the initiative to prepare a very their area are encouraged to get in
know what you could do. One particu- simple advertisment which they placed touch with them as soon as possible
lar need is for musical accompani- in a periodical for local Public Utilities work out scheduling and details.
ment, since pianos arc unavailable for customers. From this effort, we have

May 1988 Ou.r Firm Foundation 13

eouSness of Christ which is credited to the Christian's )
account - has any value.
D. To provide tbe reader 'vith a correct understanding of
EBen White's writings on the subject

© Berea
II. The commendable aspects of the book
A Emphasizes that salvation comes through Christ aJone
and His merits, Page 83
B, Christ's heavenly ministry is essential to the salvation
process, Pages 22, 28

17,e purpose of Copyright Berea has always been 10 recom- III. Gene"a! criticisms oflhe book.
mend publications of merit and usefulness, With regret for the A. Typography does not make a clear distinction between
necessity of doiflgothenvise, we will this month depart from this the author's comments and those of EBen White.
precedent. We have been saddened 10 see a great deal of confu- B. EBen White is quoted too freely, aod her comments
sion Gnd division brought into our church by the recent publica- are bunched together with no context; numerous
tion of the book Perfect in Christ 17lOUgh we were made aware single-sentence comments are brought together,
of the difficu.lties caused by this volwne months ago, we re- possibly leading the reader to think Ellen G. White
frained from making open comment in the pages of Our Firm clustered the ideas this way, Pages 20, 38, 127
Foundation. Despite fears ofsouls etemally lost, we did not feel C. Author overdraws or caricatures theological positions,
called of the Lord to publicize the maUer. And so, with some then proceeds to discredit them by making them look
misgivings and many prayers that this situation might be ridiculous, (Sets up "straw men,")
edied through the appointed channels of the church, we re- D. Author seriously misinterprets Ellen 'White's writings.
mained silent. In some cases he may not have understood Mrs.
It was with relief and thankfulness that we recently read the Vlhite's writings. In some cases he may Dot have under-
following analysis, Prepared by the staff of the Ellen G White stood Mrs. White's views; but in many instances he , --I
Estate, and released on the rn'enlieth of February ofthis year, it OmIts portlODs of her statements that would contradict· .-
is a document that deserves the attention of every church mem· his thesis,
ber. We commend the stafffor the courage of their convictions,
alld believe such courage and forthrightness in defense of the N. Page-by-page overview of the book.
I, truth is deserving of the respect and confidence of every loyal A Pages 11, 28, 42, Author confuses justification and
member of the remnant church. sanctification, and applies Ellen G. \\-'hite's comments
Because oj the mOllY inquin·es we have received/or in/anna- on justification to sanctification.
tioll concenzing this book, on.d in the hope that this moten'al will B. Page 12. "Historically the Adventist community has
be used in the defense of truth rather than in attad:ing individu· paid considerably more attention to Christ's role as
als who may not clearly understand these tmths, we take the Iib- judge of the dead than to His role as mediator for the
ert.y to reproduce the release in its entirety. -EDITORS living," This is questionable, Is it based on a survey?
C Page 12, "In order to establish some aspects of this
ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK PERFECT IN CHRIST, phase of the judgment, one must huild conceptual
WRITTEN BY HELMUT OTT bridges, establish tex1:ual relationships, draw conclu-
sions, and derive implications that are not as scriptur-
I. Purpose of the book, ally evident as many would desire them to be." For
A To relieve the Christian of the tension of unnecessary most readers this is mumbo jumbo,
concerns about character perfection (overcoming D. Page 13, "Some ideas have found their way into
every sin), This is suggested by the subtitle on the Adventism that instead of stressing Jesus as the only
book's paper jacket, "Is it your job to be perfect, or is it source of saving righteousness for fallen man, actually
Someone Else's?" This thought is expanded on the make the believer's own character development and
back of the jacket behavior modification the ultimate criteria for his
B. To make clear that no Christian can stop sinning, even standing with God:' Not true,
through the power of Christ, until the Second Advent E Pages 24, 27-28, 70-71, 114, 131-132, 168, 18L On these
and the supernaturaJ change of body and mind, and other pages the author argues that it is impossible
C. To show that any good works done by the Christian, to overcome all sin until Christ returns. Example: "At \.. j
even those done through the power of the Holy Spirit, the second coming of Christ, when the eternal replaces
have no bearing on salvation; only the righteousness the temporal and incorruption the corruptible, all
which is outside the Christian-the objective right- God's children will fully and permanently acquire a

j:: 14 Our Firm FowuJ.ation May]988

state of sinless perfection. Tben, and nor before, will its worst. See Faith alld Works, 94; cf. Galatians 2:20
God's plan for tbe redemption of man acbieve its com- 1. Page 68. Flawed argument on wbat Ellen G. White
pletion." -199. See Faith alld Works, 118; Selected means when she says that believers are to be "par-
Messages, book 1, 240. One student of Ellen White's takers of tbe divine nature." He ignores the Holy
writings bas found 548 statements in tbe books from Spirit; in fact, does not mention this divine Power until
whicb Dr. Ott quotes tbat contradict his tbesis, and page 165.
more than 4,500 statements in her writings as a whole. J. Pages 136, 176. Tbe author mistakenly endeavors to
F. Pages 30-35, 195. Tbe autbor's discussion of tbe para- equate victorious living witb the "holy flesb" beresy.
ble of the wedding garment contradicts Ellen White's K. Pages 139-141. Tbe autbor argues that the "most dis-
discussion in Chris/'s Object Lessons, 307-319. Not tinctive cbaracteristic" of the fmal deception ,vi]] be
once does be refer to ber statement on page 312: that it proclaims that tbe believer can bave complete
"When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is victory over sin. By contrast, Ellen G. White bas writ-
united with His beart, the will is merged in His will, the ten: "Abundant grace bas been provided that the
mind becomes one witb His mind, tbe thougbts are believing soul may be kept free from sin; for all
brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is Heaven, with its limitless resources, has been placed at
what it means to be clotbed with the garment of His OUTcommand." Selected Messages, book 1,394
righteousness:' Moreover, he never touches on Mrs. L. Tbe author refuses to accept tbe fact tbat Ellen White
White's statements tbat cbaracter development is in- says wbat sbe means. He tends to reject the clear
volved in righteousness by faith; for example. "Tbose meaning of her statements, and tben proceeds to inter-
who reject the gift of Christ's rigbteousness are reject- pret tbem to fit his personal concepts. ("On the basis
ing tbe attributes of cbaracter whicb would constitute of a literal reading of sucb statements, some argue for
tbem tbe sons and daughters of God." Chris/'s Objec/ complete sanctification and flawless perfectioo. ".
Lessolls, 316-317. Can "attributes of cbaracter" be im- "Before we draw any conclusions either abom the pre-
puted? Can character be transferred from one person cise meaning of tbe passages just quoted or about
to anotber? Ellen White's true position on tbe subject, we must
G. Page 39. The autbor sets up an artificial contradiction consider some factors and concepts essential to a cor-
between two Ellen G. White statements, then en- rect understanding of tbe wbole issue: ..." "The prob-
deavors to harmonize tbem. This technique is followed lem is created wben we pusb the passages beyond their
througbout tbe book, suggesting to readers tbat Ellen proper limits, wben we respect tbeir wording but not
White does not write clearly, bence needs a "special- their intent, or when we make their literal meaning
ist" to interpret ber. Examples: "For tbe mOSt part sbe neutralize the deeper, more significant concepts tbey
was neither systematic nor defInitive enough to pre- contain" Pages 183-184)
vent misunderstanding." Page 14. (Repeated on page
170.) "It sbould tberefore come as no surprise tbat v. and conclusion.
when we compare tbem with one another we some- Tbis book aims to do tbree things: (1) to exalt Christ, (2)
times fmd certain ideological tensions not always easy to relieve Christians of concern about the need for living in
to resolve." Page 137. "For whatever reason, the word- full harmony with God's law, and (3) to interpret Ellen
ing is not precise enougb, and tberefore tbe reader can White's writings. It fulfLils its aim in regard to the first two
interpret it in more tban one way." Pages 170-171. "If points, but fails miserably in regard to point 3. Instead of
we are to understand EUen White's complex viev,,' on making Ellen Wbite's true positions clear, it distorts and ob-
this topic, ... " Page 193. "A casual reading could fuscates creating the impression that DO one can under-
\ easily lead to the impression that Ellen White agreed stand what Ellen Wbite means by simply reading and studying
with tbe idea that before probation ends, ... However, her writings alone.
upon closer investigation, we conclude that such an in- Tbat this book could have been published by a Seventb-
terpretation is unacceptable." Page 200 Day Adventist press is simply beyond my comprebension, for
H. Page 48. Tbe author argues tbat people actually de- it not only is an ill-concealed attack on tbe life of victory as set
serve punishment for doing right. "The second reason rOTth in the Bible, it also makes "of none effect the testimony
the obedient need a Saviour is that tbeir obedience, of the Spirit of God" as presented in tbe writings of Ellen
being partial and imperfect, instead of earning tbem \'ihite. Tbe arguments used througbout tbe book are those of
God's favor, actually deserves His condemnation." the "new theology," and these arguments are supported by
Tbis line of tbougbt is followed also on pages 142-143, the same Ellen White statements that were misused and mis-
145-148, and 159. On page 148 he says that "As a result interpreted by Desmond Ford.
of taking Christ as tbeir example and endeavoring to
, follow Christ'S example as closely as possible they lose
their participation in the benefits of the covenant or
Released by Robert Olson, Secretary
grace and fall back into the state of lostness, condem- February 20, 1988
nation, and death that is the predicament of all fallen
Ian the copy we receiyed the word "staff' was added by hand.
beings outside of Christ." This seems like casuistry at

May]988 Our Firm Foundation 15

Laodicean contentment io their carnal
e"perience. Others have thought their
new liberation allows them [0 indulge
in the moderate use of alcobol, to be
free to use jewelry and colorful cosmet-
ics, to use the Sabbatb as a day largely
for pleasurable activities, and to deny
the special ministry of Jesus Christ in
tbe beavenly sanctuary.
Tbe New Theology message is pre-
sented as a beautiful extension of refor-
maLional theology, especially in stride
with the teachings of Martin Lutber.
Almost none wbo bear this teaching
understand the deceptive Roman
Catnolic heritage of this doctrine, de-
signed to lull men and women into car-
nal security and to bind tbem together
for the great day of destruction at the
end of the millennium.
In 1978 my brother, Colin, was (I
speaking with Dr. Desmond Ford, j
" maybe the best-known proponent of
what is now termed tbe New Theology.
He had been, along with others, infer-
ring that the Adventist message was
Catholic and RomanisL Colin said, '1t's
not honest that you call the Adventist
message Romanist and Catholic."
Rather graciously he responded,
HColiD, perbaps you are right. J

,. Ronlan Catholic Roots sbouldn't infer sucb things." But Colin

responded, "Des, that's Dol what I'm
talking about. You know, and I know,
I but hardJy any of those wbo hear you
of the New Theology know that what you are teaching is un-
adulterated Augusnnian Catbolicism."
The silence that followed indicated
'i) T HE TERM New Tbeology was
made prominent in the 1970s witb
the presentation by a number of well-
Tbese people saw tbe Chris 1-
centeredness of the message and felt
that they had an assurance now, in-
that he was not unaware of this.
By the fourtb century after Christ,
the Christian ehurcb was embroiled in
known men in the Seventb-day Ad- dependent of any works that they could theological turmoil. Almost every wind
ventist Cburch who taught wbat to do. Others saw it as an escape from the of doctrine that could be presented was
many appeared to be a beautiful, new, doctrinal emphasis that tbey had re- being presented. Cburch councils were
Christ-centered emphasis. Tbese mes- ceived in their Adventist upbringing. beginning to be held in a desperate and
sages had an inunediate appeal to But the ultimate results have been seen futile effort to determine orthodoxy, _
many who had been trapped in legal- in untold thousands leaving the Tbe churcb - ratber than the Word of U
ism or who were insecure in their rela- Seventh-day Adventist Church while God-was becoming the arbiter of
tionship with the Lord. lDany more thousands have accepted a faith. Almost without fail the decrees of

Russell Standish

'i 16 Our Finn Fourui.ation May 1988

church councils took the church fur- In a similar statement she adds: dates i!. Clearly then the relationship
ther and further away from the simple "They exalt themselves as men of se- of man to God was incidental to salva-
gospel of Jesus Christ. cure judgment, and they have stood as tion. Such a dogma quickly incor-
(- Out of this theological milieu arose representatives of God. These are false porated the "sin and live" theology. No
a man who was to be a giant in the gods." Testimonies to A1inisters, 364 longer was victory over sin of any con-
formulation of theological dogma. In fairness, Roman Catholic theo- sequence to salvation. Vigorously
Even today his shadow is cast across logians formed a very consistent and Augustine argued lhat it would not be
Christendom, and sadly his errnrs logical theology, but it was built upon possible to gain victory over sin, even
have been allowed to darken many wrong premises; premises that were in- in the power of Chris!.
corners of the Seventh-day Adventist imical to the Word of God. He popularized the concept of
Church. With his pagan mind set, Augustine original sin, declaring that man was
Augustine was born in 354, in could not understand the issue of free guilty not only of his own sin, but more
North Africa. His mother was a Chris- choicc. He saw God as absolute aud in important, he was also guilty of the
tian, but his father was a Man.ichaeist. total control. To see God as allowing very sin of Adam. Sin was a state of
Manichaeism was founded in the third
century after Christ by Mani, as an off-
shoot of the ancient Persian religion of
Zoroastrianism. This religious system
was uncompromisingly dualistic. It had Men fall into error by starting with false
a special emphasis upon the dualism of
light (good) and darkness (evil)I Au- premises, and then bring everything to bear
gustine was brought up in this pagan
religion. It wasn't until well into his to prove the error true
twenties that Augustine went to Italy.
There he studied in Milan under Am-
brose and accepted Christianity.
But Augustine was unable to cast
off all the pagan concepts which he man freedom of choice was to Au- being not dependent upon but seen in
had imbibed in Itis youth. Therefore, gustine incomprehensible. Yet it was acts of life. Initially, he said that sex
ihis theological understandings of the clear in the Bible that some would be was the original sin. He had an illegiti-
sacred Word were seriollsly i.nOuenced saved in the kingdom and some would mate cltild of Itis own to reinforce his
by this early training. Yet his doctrinal be lost. Thus the introduction of his long-time battle with sexual desire.
perspectives were to dominate the doctrine of predestination. Later he broadened the concept of
training of clturch leaders at least until Vigorously challenged in his life- original sin into other areas.
the time of Tltomas Aquinas, in the time, Augustine argued, ult is a miracle It was owing to this concept that he
thirteenth century. Many of the great of the grace of God that any of us saw the man of Romans 7:14-24 as a
theological errors of tlte Roman should be saved. Then why should we fully converted man. Indeed, in e>..tant
Catholic Churclt were eitlter instigated as erring humans question the justice church literature, he is the first to have
by Augustine, or came as a result of of God because He has preordained declared such a concept. But this be-
subsequent theologians trying to for- some to eternal salvation and others to lief created a dilemma when one con-
mulate a consistent tlteology that eternal damnation?" This reasoning siders the If we were
would incorporate tlte Augustinian immediately led to the concept of sinners just because we were born!
heresies. once-saved-always-saved. God, being then what about Christ? Of course it
losightfully, under inspiration, absolute and unchangeable, those who was intolerable that "that holy thing"
Ellen White understood this kind of were preordained to salvation could wltich was born of Mary (Luke 1:35)
situation: "Men fall into error by never be lost. Those who were preor- could ever be described as sinful.
starting with false premises, and then dained to eternal destruction could Therefore, the logical end had to come
bring everything to bear to prove tlte never be saved. Naturally, this pre· in declaring Cltrist to have an alto-
error true. In some cases the first prin- sumption gave a deadly security to gether different nature from that of
ciples have a measure of truth inter- those who believed that they were man. Since Cltrist was declared to have
woven with the error [like almost all saved. the human nature of an unfallen being,
pagan religions]; but it leads to no just On the other hand, it also led to the Catholic Church eventually was led
action; and this is why men are misled. questions about the proclamation of to the doctrine of the immaculate con-
They desire to reign and become a the gospel. Why spread the message? ception, which was not fully accepted
( "power, and, in the effort to justify their Why evangelize? Why proselytize? until the nineteenth century.
'-.- principles, they adopt the message of The answer, perhaps satisfying to But now anolher dilemma arose.
Satan." Testimollies, vol. 7, 181 many, was simply that the Bible man· ChriSl was now far removed [rom man.

May 1988 Our Firm Foundation 17

It was difficult to understand how He vented. Limbo certainly wasn't beaven, tians to constantly obcy the law of God.
could be our Mediator when He had but neither was it hell. It was some in- He accepted infant baptism, and so we
not been tempted in the way we were termediate place. But still the parents could go on.
tempted and tested. Neither could were not placated. They would never Thus, in the reformed Protestant
there be any expectation that, even in see their little ones again. So the insti- movement, many of the errors of Ca-
His power, we could gain victory over tution of infant baptism became part tholicism still remained. Indeed many
sin. Surely, we had a nature altogether and parcel of Catholic dogma. There of these doctrines became more pen'a-
different from His. It would not be ex- are many extant examples of priests sive in the Protestant movement than
pected that man could bave constant sprinkling water Over the abdomens of they did in Catholicism itself. Some
victory over sin such as Jesus had while agonized mothers dying in childbirth, may ask why the Lutheran Church,
00 earth. and then confidently declaring that generally speaking, does not follow
Jesus became morc remote from both mothers and children were going predestination. The a"swer is simple.
man, and so tbe cburcb had to empha- to heaven. After the death of Luther, Melancb-
size mediators otber than Jesus. Mary, Though some of Augustine's doc- thon led the Lutheran Church away
the mother of Jesus, became a media- trines had been blunted a little by the from predestination. However, John
tor. The multiplying saints of the theologians of the Middle Ages such as Calvin, the Swiss reformer, influenced
church became mediators. The priests, Aquinas and Abelard, most of his the- the Dutch Reformed Church and,
who many times showed themselves to ological concepts were still very preva- through John Knox, the Presbyterian
be every bit as given to sin as their lent in Catholic theology at the time of Church of Scotland to accept predesti-
parishioners, were given tbe roles of the Reformation. It is important to rec- nation.
mediators between God and man. ognize that Luther reacted far more to Today, much of it can be found not
One step at a time, the church re- the excesses of Rome, to the selling of only in those churches, but also in
gressed from these pagan concepts the indulgences by Tetzel in an attempt many of the fundarnental evangelical
and was forced by logical deduction to to raise money to complete the build- churches, including the Baptist
add error to error to substantiate the ing of St. Peter's Cathedral, than he Church. It is this brand of theology that
false premises of Augustine. It soon did to most of the doctrinal positions. is knocking so vigorously at the door of
, became obvious that original sin would However, he did discover the most the Seventh-day Adventist Church
today. Tragically, many thousands of
both ministers and laity have opened ,-,
the door wide and accepted this insid- \..f-
iaus Catholic invasion.
While Luther was able to throw off almost It becomes quickly obvious that the
so-called New Theology is ancient
all the post-Augustinian heresies, he heresy. Today, almost certainly, only a
minority of Seventh-day Adventists
retained almost all of the Augustinian errors stand true to the clear principles of
truth that God has enshrined in His
Word. The majoriry have either ac-
cepted varying degrees of Augustinian
Catholicism or are confused by or un-
separate man from eternal life. How beautiful message of the Scri pture, aware of this dangerous heresy. Only a
could this dilemma be handled? Some tbat "the just shall live by faith." daily Spirit-fuled investigation of the
of the church fathers had an answer. Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17 Word of God will lead God's people
They said "By baptism." The question Luther had bee.ll trained in the Au- away from the deadly errors of Augus-
immediately arose, "What happens to gustinian monastery at Erfurt. In his tine. Ii!
those unbaptized?" The answer was a own writings he indicates that he had
terrifying, eternal, burning hell. It is imbibed over and over again the works I AJ I major pagan religions such as Hin-
duism, Tsaoism. Buddhism, Shintoism, and
hard to imagine the impact of such a of Augustine before he had so much as Zoroastrianism arc predicated uJxm the
concept upon parents whose children set his eyes upon the Scriptures. Thus, balancing of what are called the JX'lar op-
were frequently dying like flies from while Luther was able to throw off al- posites, such as hot and cold; male and
female; good and evil; height and depth.
infectious diseases unbaptized. It is im- most all the post-Augustinian heresies, The Chinese had over 200 of these oppo-
possible to imagine the anguish of that he retained almost all of the Augustin- sites. It was this balancc that led the pagans
generation of sincere Christian par- ian errors. For example, Luther be- to have good and bad gods, male and female
gods and male and female priests. It was this
ents, at the thought that their children lieved in predestination. He believed in
were suffering in eternal torment. once-saved-always-saved. He believed
ooncept which a(lowed for the oorcigning of
good and evil in the life. It has its deceptive
origin in the garden of Eden.
l -
Quickly, thc church had to do in the unfallen nature of Jesus Christ.
something about it, and limbo was in- He did not believe it possible for Chris-
Christ Our Hope
Ellen G. White


T HERE IS NO excuse for anyone

in taking the position tbat tbere is
no more trutb to be revealed, and tbat
they endanger their eternal interest as
verily as did the Jewish nation in their
rejection of Christ. The Lord designs
nakedness do Dot appear; and anoint
thine eyes with eyesalve, that tbou
mayest see." [Revelation 3:17-18]
all our expositions of Scripture are tbat our opinions shall be put to the FrOID the description of the Laod-
without an errOr. The fact that certain tesl l that we may see tbe necessity of lceans, it is evident that many were
doctrines have been held as truth for closely examining tbe living oracles to deceived in their estimate of tbeir
many years by our people is not a proof see whether or not we are in the faith. spiritual condition. They regarded
tbat our ideas are infallible. Age will Many who claim to believe the truth themselves as rich, as possessing aU the
not make error into truth, and truth liave settled down at their ease, saying, knowledge and grace that were
can afford to be fair. No true doctrine "I am rich, and increased with goods, needed; but yet they lacked the gold of
will lose anything by close investiga- and have need of notbing." But Jesus faith and love, the white raiment of
tiOD. We are living in perilous times, says to these self-complacent ones, Christ's righteousness. They were des-
and it does not become us to accept Thou "knowest not that thou art titute and poverty-stricken, walking in
everything claimed to be truth without wretched, and miserable, and poor, sparks of their own kindling, and pre-
examining it thoroughly; neither can and blind, and naked." Let us individu- paring to lie down in sorrow. Jesus says
we afford to reject anything that bears ally inquire, Do these words describe to them, "I have somewhat against
the fruits of the Spirit of God; but we my case? If so, the True Witness thee, because thou hast left thy first
Ishould be teachable, meek and lowly of sels us, saying, "Buy of me gold tried in love. Remember therefore from
. heart. There are those who oppose tlie [lTC, tbat tliou mayest be rich; and whence thou art fallen, and repent, and
everything that is not in accordance white raiment, that thou mayest be do the Grst works [wben the glolV of the
with their own ideas, and by so doing clothed, and that the shame of thy love of God was upon you]; or else I

May]988 Our Firm Foundation 19

will come unto thee quiclJy, and will The heart of Christ is constantly live sympathies. The evil works, the
remove tby candlestick out of his drawn out in sympathy toward fallen evil thoughts, the evil words of every
place, except thou repent." [Revela- man. While upon earth, His only mis- son and daughter of Adam press upon ( '....
tion 2:4·5] This warning would nol be sion was to save sinners. He had a deep His divine soul. The sins of men called .'
given if there were no danger of failure abhorrence of sin, while exercising the for retribution upon Himself; for He
on the part of those who profess to be tenderest" compassion toward the sin- had become man's substitute, and rook
the children of God. ner. He was grieved and wounded at upon Him tbe sins of tbe world. He
In unmistakable language our posi- heart because men failed to value and bore the sins of every sinner; for all
tion is presented before us. Apart from accept His love. The Majesty of heaven transgressions were imputed unto
Christ we have no merit, no righteous- veiled His divinity in humanity, and Him, though He "did no sin, neither
passed from place to place through was guile found in his moulh." [1 Peter
towns and cities, teaching the truth and 2:22] Though the guilt of sin was not
working miracles, and though multi- His, His Spirit was tom and bruised by
tudes flocked to hear Him, few were in the transgressions of men.
Heaven's richest sympathy ,vith the lessons of truth He "How shall we escape, if we neglect
gift has been presented, which alone could save the so great salvation?" [Hebrews 2:3] It is
soul. at the peril of our souls that we neglect
freely offered for How few have any conception of the prescribed conditions under which
the anguish which renl the beart of the we are called to work out aUf Own sal-
your acceptance 'Son of God during His thirty years of vation. It is only througb Christ, who
life upon earth. The path from tbe was made sin for us, that we can work
manger to Calvary was shadowed by out Our own salvation; for it is God that
sorrow and grief. He was the man of worketh in us both to will and to do of
ness. Our sinfulness, our weakness, our sorrows, and endured such heartache His own good pleasure. Vle are to co-
human imperfections make it impos- as no human language can portray. He operate beartily with God, by faith lay-
sible that we should appear before could have said in truth, "Behold, and iDg hold of the righteousness of Christ,
God, unless we are clothed in Christ'S see if there be any sorrow like unto my which alone can save. The only way by
spotless righteousness. We are ro be sorrow." [Lamentations 1:12] His suf- which we may be saved is by becoming
found in Him, not having our own fering was the deepest anguish of the workers together with God. It is ( ,
j' righteousness, but the righteousness soul; and what man could have sym- through the co-operation of man with ."j
which is through Christ. pathy with the soul anguish of the Son God that the believer may come off
But there is hope for everyone; for of the infmite God? Hating sin ",tb a victorious. We shall not be found guilt-
"God so loved the world, that he gave perfect hatred, He yet gatbered to His less if we are content to float along in
f his only begotten Son, that whosoever soul the sins of the whole world, as He the current of the world, submitting
believelh in him should not perish, but trod the path to Calvary, suffering the tbe question of our soul's salvation to
have everlasting life." [J ohn 3:16] If the penall)' of the transgressor. Guiltless, those who teach the traditions of men
love of God is not appreciated, and He bore tbe punishment of the guilty;
does not become aD abiding principle innocent, yet offering Himself to bear
in the hard heart to softeD aDd subdue tbe penalty of the transgression of the
the soul, we are utterly lost. The Lord law of God. The punishment of the sins
no reserve power with which to in- of every soul was borne by the Son of
Open your heart,
fluence man. He can give DO greater the infmite God. The guilt of every sin and receive
manifestation of His love than that pressed its weight upon the divine soul
which He bas given. Heaven's richest of the world's Redeemer. He who Christ, the best
gift has been freely offered for your ac-
ceptance.lf the exhibitioD of the love of
knew DO sin became sin for us, that we
might be made the righteousness of
gift of Heaven
I.,: Jesus does not melt aDd subdue your God in Him. In assuming the nature of
Lj heart, by what means caD you be man, He placed Himself where He was
reached? Has the love of Christ falled wounded for our transgressions,
'I" to bring fortb an earDest response of bruised for our iniquities, that by His
stripes we might be healed.
and rely upon supposed evidences.
Every soul is to put himself to the task
"I love aDd gratitude? Then let it not
i;1 remain in this condition of hardness In His humanity Christ was tried of searching out the trulh as it 1S in
another day. Open your beart, and re- with as much greater temptation, with Jesus, to know it for himself by the
)! ceive Christ, the best gift of Heaven. as much morc persevering energy than study of the sure Word of God. We are _.
i"I' Let Dot cruel uDbelief lead you to re- man is tried by the evil one, as His na· not to ask, What is the popular opin- C
Iii fuse the Heaven-sent gift. Let not ture was greater than man's. This is a IOn? What salth brother A or brother B
or any otber man? What saith the fa-
Christ say of you) 'lYe wiU not come to deep mysterious truth, that Christ is
f!1 me, that ye might have life." [John 5:40J bound to humanity by the most sensi- thers? But what saith the Lord our
) i
20 Our Firm Foundation May 1988

God in regard to the saving of the soul? Ivlen are contaminated with sin, and curse of the law, meriting death, the
And when we have found what saith tbey cannot have an adequate concep- Lord presented terms of mercy to the
the Scriptures, let us act upon the writ- tion of the beinous cbaracter of tbe evil fallen and hopeless sinner, and brought
ten Word; for it is perilous to sit in which tbey cherish. Because of sin, the out the meaning and value of His grace.
judgment on the words of Inspiration. Majesty of heaven was stricken, smit- Grace is unmerited favor. The angels,
That which bas been wriuen is for our ten of God and afflicted. Voluntarily who know nothing of sin, do not under-
instruction, admonition, and comfort. our divine substitute bared His soul to stand what it is to have grace exercised
Christ is the originator of divine the sword of justice, that we might nol roward them; but our sinfulness calls
truth. He knew the height and depth, perish, but have everlasting life. Said for the exercise of grace from a merci·
length and breadth and fullness of tbe Christ: "] lay down my life that I might ful God. It was grace that sent us our
compassion of divine love, as no mortal take it again. No man taketh it from me, Saviour to seek us as wanderers and
man can know it. He knows the bless- but I lay it down of myself. I have power bring us back to His fold.
edness that sinners are refusing when to lay it down, and I have power to take No works that the si.nner can do
they reject divine light, the horrors that it again." [John 10:17-18] No man of will be efficacious in saving his soul.
will cOme upon the soul that refuses earth nor angel of heaven could have Obedience was always due to the
the truth of Heaven. A heavenly feast paid the penalty of sin. Jesus was the Creator; for He endowed man with at-
bas been spread for the hungry, but only one who could save rebellious tributes for His service. God requires
they refuse to eat. Christ alone knows man. In Him diviniry and humanity good works from man always; hut good
what means the exceeding weight of were combined, and this was what gave works cannot avail to earn salvation. It
glory which those wbo rebel against efficiency to the sacrifice made on Cal- is impossible for man [0 save bimself.
God, refuse to receive. The work of vary's cross. Here it was that mercy and He may deceive himself in regard to
Christ upon eanh was to seek and save truth met together, righteousness and this matter; but he cannot save himself.
that which was lost. Ever before Him, peace kissed each otber. Christ's righteousness alone can avaiJ
He saw the result of His mission, al- Christ is called "THE LORD OUR for his salvation, and this is the gift of
though the baptism of blood must first RIGHTEOUSNESS," [Jeremiab 23:6] God. Tbis is the wedding garment pre-
be received, although the weight of sins and through faitb, each one should be pared for you in wbich you may be a
of tbe world was to gather upon His in- able to say, "The Lord my righteous- welcome guest at the marriage supper
nocent soul, altbough the sbadow of an ness." \Vben faitb lays hold upon this of the Lamb. Let faith take hold of
\ unspeakable woe was ever over Him; gift of God, the praise of God will be Christ ,,'thout delay, and you will be a
yet for the joy that was set before Him, upon our lips, and we sball be able to new creature in Jesus, a ligbt to the
He endured the cross and despised the say, "Bebold tbe Lamb of God, which world.
shame. He endured all this tbat sinful taketh away the sin of the world." [John
man might be saved, tbat be migbt be 1:29] Then we sball be able to tell the Review alld Herald, December 20, 1892
elevated and ennobled, and have a lost concerning the plan of salvation,
place with Him upon His throne. that while tbe world was lying under the

r-----'t.., tnt -,' upon -,'tnt

't.., ilTint upon illinp upon !!!inr ---,

The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian. To live such a life, to exert such an inlluence,
costs at every step eo-ort, self-sacrifice, discipline. The Ministry of Healing, 470

The uq;ent necessitie that are making themselves felt in this time demand a constant education in the ,,"ford of God. This is
present truth. Throughout the world there should be a reform in Bible study; for it is needed now as never before. Testimonies,
vol. 6, 131

Advancement in Christian experience is characterized by increasing humility, as the result of increasing knowledge. Testimo-
nies, vol. 5, 49

We are to learn to be loyal to one another, to be true as steel in the defence of our brethren. Paulson Collection, 357

{-JThC Holy Spirit never leaves unassisted the soul who is unto Jesus. He takes of the things of Christ and shows them
him. If they eye is kept fixed on Christ, the work of the Spirit ceases not until the soul is conformed to His image. The DeSIre of
Ages, 302

May 1988 Our Firm Foundation 21

The Path to , ,

Our Greatest Need




W HEN JESUS TAUGHT His disciples to pray, He

said, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you
will Gnd; knock, and it will be opened to you .... If a son asks
for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone?
... If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your
children, bow much more will your heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" Luke 11:9-131
The most precious thing Jesus could tell the disciples to
ask for was the Holy Spirit. And He assured them that the
Father was more than anxious to give this gift to them if they
would ask for it, seek for it, and keep on knocking for it.

Marshall Grosboll
22 Our Fum Foundation May 1988
Conditions for the Holy Spirit darkness, spiritual declension and death. Minor matters oc-
cupy the attention, and the divine power which is necessary
There are conditions for the reception of the Holy Spiril. for the groMh and prosperity of the cburcb ... is lacking,
Each of these conditions must be met, both by us individually though offered in its infinite plenirude. Testimonies, vol. 8, 21

and as a church. Eventually, all of us are either going to fully If asked, most of us would readily admit that we want the
meet the conditions, and be filled \vith the Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit. But the question is, How much do we want Him?
sealed in righteousness, or we are going [0 irrevocably reject How much do we talk of Him? How much do \\'e pray for
the conditions and forfeit God's protection. Thus we will be Him? How mucb do we plan for Him?
left to the deceptive influences of Satan and will become fol- On the churcb board, how much time do we spend talking
lowers of the beast. When Jesus comes, all will he either filled about and preparing for the Holy Spirit compared to wbo is
with God's Spirit and sealed in holiness, or filled with Satan's going to clean the church and how are we going to Gx the lawn
mower? OUT priorities are measured bywhat occupies our at-
tention. Ellen \\'hite says that "minor matters occupy the at-
tentionI'; therefore the Holy Spirit is not given.
Jesus showed that He would
2. We Must Pray for the Spi"it
rather have the Holy Spirit by
being where the Holy Spirit "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so
the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of
put Him, than to have life itself rain." Zechariah 10:1, KJV. One of the speciGc conditions for
receiving tbe Holy Spirit is that we ask for Him. This, like all
other conditions, applies to us individually) as well as to us
corporatel)' as a church. We need daily private prayer for the
spirit and sealed in sin. The conditions for receiving the Holy Spirit, and we need earnest corporate prayer as a church.
Spirit are as follows: "Do not rest satisGed that in tbe ordinary course of the sea-
son, rain will fall. Ask for it.... God's work for us demands tbe
1. We Must Want the Holy Spirit action of our mind, the exercise of our faith .... We should im-
prove ever)' opportunity of placing ourselves in the channel of
I After Jesus was baptized, "Immediately the Spirit drove blessing. Christ bas said, 'Wbere two or three are gathered to-
Him into the wilderness. And He was there in tbe wilderness gether in my name, there am I in the midst.' The convocations
forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts" of the cburch, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of the home
Mark 1:12-13 church, and all occasions wbere there is personal labor for
The Spirit led Him into the wilderness and there left Him,
without food or shelter. Day by day He grew hungrier and
hungrier. The devil reminded Him that not far away, l\1ary
had a place set for Him at His regular place at the table. She Why do we not hunger and
had His bed waiting for Him to return.
He was tempted to think that He had misunderstood the thirst for the gift of the Spirit?
Holy Spirit's leading. Surely, if the Holy Spirit had led Him Why do we not talk of it, pray
there, He would provide for Him.
The test was: Would He remain wbere the Holy Spirit put for it, and preach concerning it?
Him, or would He choose His own way? What did He want
more, to be where the Holy Spirit put Him, or to have food
and shelter? Eventually He got so hungry that He was ready
to die. Then it was that Jesus showed that He would rather souls, are God's appointed opportunities for giving the early
bave the Holy Spirit by being where the Holy Spirit put Him, and tbe latter rain." Testimonies to Ministers, 508
than to have life itself. Jesus bad to pass this test before He "Why do we not hunger and tbirst for the gift of the Spirit?
worked His first miracle. Why do we not talk of it, pray for it, and preach concerning it?
Anyone wbo wants the Holy Spirit this much, vvill have Him. . .. Companies of Christian workers should gather to ask for
"If tbe fulfillment of the promise is not seen as it migbt be, special belp, for beavenly wisdom, that they may know bow to
it is because the promise is not appreciated as it should be. If plan and execute \visely. Especially sbould tbey pray tbat God
all were willing, all would be filled vvith the Spirit." The Acts of vvill baptize His chosen ambassadors in mission Gelds vvitb a
the Apostles, 50 rich measure of His Spiril. The presence of the Spirit vvitb
"Cbrist declared that the divine influence of the Spirit was God's workers vvill give the proclamation of truth a power that
'to be witb His followers unto the end. But the promise is not not alltbe honor or glory of the world could give." 17Ie Acts of
- appreciated .... [It] is a maller little tbought of; and the result ""Apostles, 50
is only what might be expected-spiritual drought, spiritual Continued on 31

May 1988 Our Firm Foundation 23

unpleasant symptoms referred to as
many substances have a
addictive effect upon the human body, ,
and all are harmful to a greater or
lesser degree.
For a number of years, marijuana
has been a popular recreational drug.
It was felt for a long time to be harm-
less. However; it is now known that
marijuana damages cell chro-
mosomes; it decreases the
body's immune system; it
decreases male fertility, and it is just as
harmful to the lungs as tobacco. Cer-
tainly it is not a safe substance to use.
The most recent drug to gain wide
popularity has been cocaine. It also
was thought at flfst to be harmless, but
the opposite has been shown to be
true. This fact was dramatically publi-
cized by the sudden deaths of some
well-known persons after an apparent
use of cocaine. It has been found to
cause seizures, brain hemorrhages or
strokes and various other neurologic
•. (O

and general health problems. A more

.< recent form of the drug is called
'. '\ Il crack." It is cheaper, more poteot,.--r

'-'------N'I'l/ll " and, if anything, more dangerous.

These are just two examples of the
' _l

Abstem iousness
so-called hard drugs that society rec-
ognizes as being harmful and therefore
are illegal. However, greater emotion·
aI, physical, social, spiritual and finan-

,1 A BSTEMIOUSl'.TESS is one of
God's remedies. The dictionary
defmes this word as the sparing use of
The abuse of harmful substances is
indeed widespread today, and seems
to he on the increase. Much of this
cial harm is suffered by our society due
to the use of a number of "socially ac-
ceptable" substances.
something, usually in the area of food abuse begins by the desire to belong to Alcohol is the most frequent drug
or drink. The term temperance has some special group-to be like some- of abuse, even among youth. In Gene-
essentially the same meaning, and is one else - known as peer pressure. sis 9 we have the record of Noah being
more commonly used. The underlying The use of what are considered "hard" drunken from wine and how it created
meaning of both words is "to dispense drugs usually begins with peer pres- social problems. Canaan was cursed
entirely with everything hurtful, and to sure to be part df the crowd by using because of the episode; and humanity
use judiciously that which is healthful." SOme milder substance. As the body has suffered under the curse of alcohol
Patriarchs alld Prophets, 562. Certainly accustoms itself to the milder effect, it ever since. "Drink no longer water, but
the lack of temperance is a serious tends to crave a stronger stimulation, use a Little wine for thy stomach's sake
problcm in our world today. and thus the user many times through and thine often infirmities.» 1 Timothy
"Intemperance. in the true sense peer pressure progresses to more 5:23. Many people have interpreted
of the word, is at the foundation of harmful substances. this counsel of Paul to Timothy to indi-
the larger share of the ills of life, and Addiction refers to the fact that cate that alcohol in moderation is ben-
it annually destroys its tens of thou- the body actually develops a physical eficial and recommended by the Scrip-
sands. For intemperance is not dependence upon the active ingredi- tures. We need to be guided by the fol-
limited to the use of intoxicating ent in the abused substance. This crav- lowing statement of the Lord's mes,
liquors; it has a broader meaning, ing is manifested by the fact that in- senger. "The Bible nowhere teacheS-..J
and includes the hurtful indulgence creasing amounts are needed in order the use of intoxicating wine, either as a
of any appetite or passion." Temper- to obtain the same desired effect, and beverage or as a symbol of the blood
alice, 137 if the use is stopped, there are definite of Christ." Healthflll Living, 113

Vernon Sparks, M.D.

24 Our Firm Foundation May 1988
Science has noted that alcohol in youth arc using it at an increasingly mature death in the United States. Its
"moderation" lowers blood younger age. use causes more than 1000 unnecessary
01, and it is felt that it may decrease the Alcohol causes much of its harm to deaths every day from coronary heart
,- \incidence of heart attacks. Thus, some the human body because of its effect disease; vascular disease such as
physicians are recommending the upon the red blood cells which are es- strokes and gangrene; cancers of the
moderate or controlled use of alcohol. sential for the transport of oxygen to lung, larynx, oral cavity and esophagus;
Many times they recommend taking every body organ. Alcohol makes the chronic bronchitis and emphysema,
some alcoholic beverage at bedtime to red cells sticky so that they make and allergic diseases. It has been esti-
assist in sleeping. They do this in disre- clumps of cells that can no longer pass mated that its use results in increased
gard of the addictive action of alcohol through the smaller blood vessels. This medical costs of up to eleven and One-
and of its many harmful effects within condition deprives organ cells of o"y- half billion dollars annually.
the human body.
"Persons may become just as really
intoxicated on wine and cider as on
stronger drinks, and the worst kind of
inebriation is produced hy these so- .
"Wine IS a mocker, strong drink is
called milder drinks. The passions are
more perverse; the transformation of
ragmg: and whosoever is deceived
character is greater, more determined
and obstinate. A few quarts of cider or thereby IS not wise." Proverbs 20:1
sweet wine may awaken a taste for
strong drinks, and many who have be-
come confirmed drunkards have thus
laid the foundation of the drinking
habit. Moderate drinking is the gen, and nerve cells begin dying when Even more tragic are the effects of
school in which men are receiving an they lack oxygen for only five to six passive smoking on those forced to
education for the drunkard's career. minutes. It has been shown that some breathe the polluted air of the smoker.
The taste for stimulants is cultivated; nerve cells die with the consumption of 1t has been determined that some
the nervolLS system is disordered; Sa- only one alcoholic drink. Because of harmful ingredients are higher in sec-
hm keeps the mind in a fever of unrest; the tremendous number of nerve cells ondhand or sidestream smoke than in
and the poor victim, imagining him- initially, the loss is not noted, perhaps, that inhaled by the smoker. A non-
self perfectly secure, goes on and on, until the process has been repeated for smoker can first e,,-perience the effects
llDtil every barrier is broken down, many years. "At the last it biteth like a as a fetus, carried by its mother who
every principle sacrificed." Healthful serpent, and stingeth like an adder." smokes or is exposed to secondhand
Living, 112. "When there has been a Proverbs 23:32 smoke. Such a fetus has a greater
departure from the right path, it is dif- Recently it has been shown that al- chance of being miscarried or born
ficult to return. Barriers'have been re- cohol consumption by the pregnant prematurely, and if carried to term, it
moved, safeguards broken down. One woman can cause a pattern of birth de- will be· smaller than normal. Such a
step in the wrong direction prepares fects referred to as the Fetal Alcohol fetus will also have a greater chance of
the way for another. A single glass of Syndrome. The defects include mental contracting certain forms of childhood
wine may open the door of temptation retardation. At present scientists doubt cancer. This harmful e""posure can
which will lead to habits of drunken- that there is a "safe" level of alcohol continue after birth through breathing
ness. n Testimonies, vol. 4, 578 use during pregnancy. Indeed, "Wine secondhand smoke and also from the
In 1985 there were approximate- is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and nicotine in the mother's milk. Children
ly 18 million Americans suffering ill whosoever is deceived thereby is not of parents who smoke have twice the
health of some type due to thc use of wise." Proverbs 20:1. With reason we incidence of lung problems such as
alcohol. This figure does not include are told: "When temperance is pre- bronchitis and pneumonia. Nonsmok-
the mUltiplied millions of family mem- sented as a part of the gospel, many will ing women whose husbands smoke
bers who suffered along with them. Al- see their need of reform. They will see have a three times greater risk of suf-
cohol-related problems cost our so- the evil of intoxicating liquors and that fering a heart attack than nonsmoking
ciety 117 billion dollars in 1983. An total abstinence is the only platform on women whose spouses don't smoke.
estimated 10 percent of all deaths (40- which God's people can conscientious- They also have a 30 percent greater
50 percent of all traffic fatalities) and ly stand." Testimonies, vol. 7, 75. An- risk of lung cancer.
10 percent of work-related accidents other widely used harmful substance is How up-to-date these nearly 100-
( lre alcohol related. Alcohol is asso- tobacco. It is commonly known that the year-old words of God's spokeswoman
'- ciated with 35-50 percent of cases of tobacco user suffers from a wide varie- are! "Wherever we go, we encounter
marital violence. And yet alcohol use is ty of increased health problems. To- the tobacco devotee, enfeebling both
so socially acceptable that American bacco is the leading single cause of pre- mind and body by his darling indul-

May 1988 Our Firm FOlJT1dJJtioTi 25

gence. Have men a right to deprive will temporarily feel better, and thus decreases blood flow to the brain. Caf-
their Maker and the world of the serv- he comes to believe that he or she feine and similar substances also found
ice which is their due? Tobacco is a needs the caffeine. The truth is that the in diminishing amounts in coffee,
slow, insidious poison. Its effects are undesirable feelings are caused by the cocoa, and chocolate, are suspected 0< .
more difficult to cleanse from the sys- caffeine. being a factor in cystic disease of the
tem than are those of liquor. It binds I'Tea and coffee do not nourish the breast.
the victim in even stronger bands of system. The relief obtained from them Heavy drinking of caffeine bever-
slavery than does the intoxicating cup. is sudden, before the stomach has time ages can lead to a condition referred to
It is a disgusting babit, defiling to the to digest them. This shows that what as caffeinism. It can be confused with
user, and very annoying to others. \\le the users of these stimulants call anxiety neurosis, with symptoms con-
rarely pass through a crowd but men strength is only received by exciting the sisting of dizziness, agitation, restless-
will puff their poisoned breath in our
faces. It is unpleasant, if not danger-
ous, to remain in a railway car or in a
room where the atmosphere is impreg-
nated with the fumes of liquor and
A 25-year study revealed a two- to
tobacco. Is it honest thus to contami- threefold increase in coronary heart
nate the air which others must
Chdstion Temperance and disease In those who drank five or
Bible Hygielle, 33-34
We find another sobering state-
more cups of coffee per day
ment in the book Temperance. "The in-
fant lungs suffer, and become diseased
by inhaling the atmosphere of a rOom
poisoned by the tobacco user's tainted nerves of the stomach, which convey ness, recurring headaches, and diffi-
breath. Many infants are poisoned be- the irritation to the brain, and this in culty in sleeping, Interestingly, these
yond remedy by sleeping in beds with turn is aroused to impart increased ac- symptoms are nearly the same as those
their tobacco-using fathers. By inhal- lion to the heart and short-lived energy of caffeine withdrawal.
ing the poisonous tobacco effluvia, to the entire system. All this is false The question arises as to the pos-j-)
which is thrown from the lungs and strength that we are the worse for sible harmf-ul effects of cocoa and' , I
porcs of the skin, the system of the in- having. The)' do not give a particle of chocolate. Apparently the content of
fant is filled wiLb poison. While it acts natural strength." Testimonies, voL 2, caffeine and similar substances is so
upon some infants as a slow POiSOD: 65 low as to generally not cause any harm-
and affects the hrain, heart, liver, and "Tea is poisonous to the system. ful effects. Cocoa was widely used in
lungs, and they waste away and fade Christians should let it alone. The in- the time of Ellen \Vhite; but she did
gradually, upon others, it has a more fluence of coffee is in a degree the Dot mention it. However, cocoa and
direct influence, causing spasms, filS, same as tea, but the effect upon .the chocolate contain high amounts of fat
paralysis, and sudden death." Temper- system is still worse. Its influence is ex- and sugar and thus should be used
once, 58-59 citing, and just in the degree that it ele- sparingly, if at all.
Another widely used but harmful vates above par, it will exhaust and For maoy years there was no direct
substance is caffeine. It is a stimulant bring prostration below par." COl/llsels evidence that coffee drinking was re-
found in regular coffee, tea, several Oil Diet and Foods, 421 lated to coronary heart disease. How-
medications, and in over two thirds of "Coffee is a hurtful indulgence. It ever, just recently a 25-year study re-
Lbe soft drinks consumed in Lbe United temporarily excil:eS the mind to UD- vealed a two- to threefold increase in
States. wonted action, but the aftereffect is ex- coronary heart disease in those who
Caffeine is a nervous-system stimu- haustion, prostration, paralysis of the drank five or more cups of coffee per
lant acling to temporarily stimulate the mental, moral, and physical powers. day. There was also some increased
nerves to a more rapid function, but The mind becomes enervated, and un- risk in those persons who drank as
without providing any of the energy or less through determined effort the liltle as one to two cups of coffee per
other nutrients utilized by that func- habit is overcome, the activity of the day. Heavy coffee drinking has also
tion. As the caffeine wears off, the brain is permanently lessened." Coun- been linked to elevated levels of blood
nerves are then in a depressed state sels 011 Diet alld Foods, 421. Caffeine cholesterol. Coffee affects the f-unction
f of the liver, causing confusion in re-
I causing the "need" for another dose of has been shown to be related to heart-
gard to the level of blood sugar and ag- .
I:. caffeine. Caffeine is definitely addic- rhythm disturbances. Caffeine in-
gravating the condition of tbose
I'I l tive, and a lowering blood level cr.eates creases the loss of calcium in the urine
ing from diabetes. Drinking tea with

symptoms such as headache, tiredness, and is undoubtedly an important factor
depression, and anxiety. Afler taking in osteoporosis where bones can frac- the same amount of caffeine does not
!Ii another dose of caffeine, such a person ture with even minor inj uries. Caffeine cause these effects and thus indicates

,! "'(,1 26 Our Firm foundatwn May 1988
that they are the results of some other causes a craving for still stronger stim- duce for the time being such agreeable
ingredient(s) than caffeine in the cof- ulants." COllllsels on Diet and Foods, results, many conclude tbat they really
fee. Decaffeinated coffee is as irritat- 235 need them and continue their use. But
'ing to the stomach as is regular coffee. An even more fascinating correla- there is always a reaction. The nervous
Other dangerous substances used tion is that found between poor nutri- system, having been unduly excited,
by many persons are the tablets to tion and the use of alcobol. Rats fed a borrowed power for present use from
cab)) ones nerves, tablets to sleep, tab- typical United States teenage-type its future resources of strength. All this
lets to take away sleep, and products diet, marginally adequate in vitamins temporary invigoration of the system is
such as amphetamines to aid in the re- and minerals, will gradually increase followed by depression. In proportion
duction of weight. It seems that people their voluntary consumption of alco- as these stimulants temporarily invi-
cannot do anything in a natural way, hol. This trend is reversed when they gorate the system \vill be the letting
but must have a drug to control each receive a good, balanced diet. It has down of tbe power of tbe excited or-
aspect of their lives. Some of these been sbown that alcobolics given a gans after the stimulus bas lost its
products are less dangerous than good, balanced diet have less craving force. The appetite is educated to
others, but many of them have a ten- for alcohol. This effect is even greater crave something stronger which will
dency to form addiction. !L is best to if the balanced diet is vegetarian. Thus have a tendency to keep up and in-
avoid the use of tbem and to live as we can see the importance of good crease the agreeable excitement, until
natural a life as possible. nutrition in helping ourselves and OUf indulgence becomes habit, and there is
There is an interesting correlation children to resist tbe use of these many a continual craving for stronger slilD-
between the use of any stimulating harmful substances. ulus, as tobacco, wines, and liquors.
stance and the craving to use other "When the message comes to those The more the appetite is indulged, the
stimulants. This fact has been sbown to who have not heard the truth for this more frequent will be its demands and
be true in animal studies, and many time, they see that a great reformation the more difficult of control. Tbe more
humans can testify to the same ex- must take place in their diet. Tbey see debilitated the system becomes and
perience in their 0\1./0 lives. that they must put away flesb food, be- tbe less able to do without unnatural
"Many parents educate tbe tastes cause it creates an appetite for liquor, stimulus, the mare the passion for
of their children and form tbeir appe- and fills the system with disease." these things increases, until the will is
tites. They indulge them in eating flesb Counsels on Diet and Foods, 268-269 overborne, and there seems to be no
meats and in drinking tea and coffee. We must guard against the very power to deny the unnatural craving
lIhe higWy seasoned flesh meats and beginnings of intemperance. for these indulgences." Testimonies,
vol. 3, 487-488
Abstemiousness will indeed belp
prevent and alleviate many health
problems. But the most important ben-
When the message comes to those efit is tbat of spiritual health. "Through
who have not heard the truth for this appetite, Satan controls tbe mind and
the whole being." Christian Temper-
time, they see that a great reformation ance and Bible Hygiene, 37. "Il is im-
possible for those who give the reins to
must take place in their diet appetite to attain to Christian perfec-
tion." Ibid., 46
Indeed, "the only safe course is to
touch not, taste not, handle not, tea,
the tea and coffee, which some motb- "Intemperance commences at our coffee, wines, tobacco, opium, and al-
ers encourage their children to use, tables in the use of unhealthful food. coholic drinks." Testimonies, vol. 3,
prepare the way for them to crave After a time, through continued indul- 488
stronger stimulants, as tobacco. Tbe gence, the digestive organs become By a moment-by-moment surren-
use oflobacco encourages the appetite weakened, and tbe food taken does not der of Our appetites and desires to the
for liquor, and the use of tobacco and satisfy the appetite. Unhealthy condi- Lord, He gives us the power to follow
liquor invariably Jessens nerve power." tions are established, and there is a the principles of true temperance in
Testimonies, vol. 3, 488-489 craving for more stimulating food. Tea, dispensing Uentirely with everything
Even bighly seasoned and rich food coffee, and Oesh meats produce an im- hurtful" and in using "judiciously that
is a factor. "Thefood is often such as to mediate effect. Under tbe inDuence of wbich is healthful." Patriarchs and
excite a desire for stimulating drinks. these poisons the nervous system is ex- Prophets, 562 I!!i
UlL"\"rious disbes are placed before tbe cited, and, in some cases, for the time
children - spiced foods, ricb gravies, being, the intellect seems to be invigor-
cakes, and pastries. This bighly sea- ated and the imagination to be more
soned food irritates the stomach, and vivid. Because these stimulants pro-

May]988 Our Firm Foundation 27


Dave Fiedler

But among good, bap-- ship, but there are others which are
tized members of the Sev- not. The seventh-day Sabbath and
enth-day Adventist Church stealing, for example, are nonnegotia-
there really isn't much dis- bles. You cannot violate these points

A CENTURY AGO, "thoughts"

were easily divided into two con-
venient categories. There were "criti-
cussion of the unpardonable ·sin. Per-
haps it isn't needed. Well might we
wish it were so. But dare we overlook
and remain a member of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church in good and reg-{ -)
ular standing. On the other hand, strict -
cal thoughts" which had to do onJy the "thoughts practical" on this subject vegetarianism and country living are in
with the theory or philosophy of the from the pen of Ellen White? In recent a different category.
subject under discussion, and there years they have become far more prac- And rightly so, for the Spirit of
were "practical thoughts" which dealt tical than we might have imagined. Prophecy makes some allowance for
..vith the actions taken or positions "The most common manifestation flexibility in these areas. In third-world
adopted as a result of the discussion. It of the sin against the Holy Spirit is in countries, poverty·stricken areas, or i.n
was aU very plain a century ago, and so persistently slighting Heaven's invita- times of emergency and disaster, it
no one raised an eyebrow when Uriah tion to repent. Every step in the rejec- may prove impossible to obtain a strict
Smith published 7JlOughts, Critical and tion of Christ is a step toward the re- vegetarian diet sufficient to maintain
Practical 011 lhe Book of Revelalioll.
j jection of salvation, and toward the sin health and strength. And, of course,
since everyone knew what he meant, against the Holy Spirit." 7J,e Desire of Ellen White herself suggests the possi-
and now you do too, we can go ahead Ages, 324 bility that a certain small percentage of
with a few practical thoughts in regard The proliferation of ureasons" for our people will benefit from living in
to a question we may nol have con- nO[ repenting is ""ot new. The devil the city.
sidered recently: What constitutes the has been supplying ready-made ex- "There is not one family in a hun-
unpardonable sin? cuses for thousands of years. But per- dred who will be improved physically,
When directly involved with evan- haps a moment's consideration of mentally, or spiritually by residing in
gelistic outreach we may have occasion one of his more successful ploys is in the city. Faith, hope, love, happiness,
now and then to assure some troubled order. It seems there is widespread can far belter be gained in retired
soul that the very heart anguish he feels confusion on matters of "optional places, where there are fields and hills
, on the matler is conclusive evidence
that he has not committed the unpar-
Recently there has come to Ad-
and trees." COUll try Living, 13
Do you see? For every 101 Advent-
I donable sin. His desire to seek the ventism the concept of the "inside and ist families, there may be one that
Lord, to free himself from the compel- outside circles" of denominational would be benefited by living in the city.
ling power of sin, is the work of the
Holy Spirit, not the result of His eter-
standards and doctrines. The heart of
the matter is simple: certain points of
So we can't make country living a nonC:
negotiable. It wouldn't be fair to those
r. 1 nal departure. This comforting assur- doctrine and standards are to be ree· who were called upon to make the
ance we are familiar with. ognized as inflexible tests of fellow- sacrifice of living in the city.

28 Our FU7TI FourtdlJtion May]988

But here's the problem. SiDce light which had been shining in their the responsibility for the physical
country living is not an absolute re- hearts, and as the result they are left in death of those who had committed the
quirement for church membership, darkness." Testimonies, vol. 5, 634 unpardonable sin. Is this not attribut-
does that mean that it is an optional A serious matter indeed, this griev- ing to Satan the work of the Holy
matter? May I assume that I can take ing of the Spirit. How sad to see ex- Spirit?
my choice in this regard without en- ample after example of this, as men "Korah and his companions re-
dangering my salvarion? who once rejoiced in the third angel's jected light until they became so
"WheD Lot entered Sodom he fully message renounce their conli·dence in blinded that the most striking manifes-
intended [0 keep himself free from God's leading! Especially have the tations of His pm:ver were not suffi-
iniquity and to command his house- Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy been cient to convince them; they attributed
hold after him. Bur he signally failed.
The corrupting influences about him
had an effect upon his own faith, and
his children's connection with the in-
habitants of Sodom bound up his inter-
When pride of opinion unites with false
est in a measure with theirs. The result doctrine, one may be certain that eventually
is before us. Many are still making a
similar mistake." Patriarchs alld Proph- there will come a tendency to find fault
ets, 168
How many Adventists are slowly
with God's Word
but surely losing their opportunity to
respond to the Lord's bidding for them
to take a step forward in one of these
"flexible" areas? Dare we leave our the objects of such ill-advised attacks. them all to human or satanic agency.
people with the idea that "flexible" How fearful to take up weapons The same thing was done by the
means "optional"? When the Lord against the testimony of the Spirit of people, who the day after the destruc-
calls, and we repeatedly ignore His God' tion of Korah and his company came to
call, is that nOt a "step in the rejection When pride of opinion unites with Moses and Aaron, saying, 'Ye have
of Christ," a step "toward the sin false doctrine, one may be certain that killed the people of the Lord.' Not-
against the Holy Spirit"? eventually there will come a tendency withstanding they had had the most
Ellen White spoke clearly of tbe to fInd fault with God's Word. No convincing evideDce of God's dis-
unpardoDable siD. Perhaps these other course is available. When In- pleasure at their course, in the destruc-
words are familiar. In any case, tbey spiratioD too clearly CODtradicts the tion of the men whQ had deceived
warrant repeating. "What constitutes cherished notions of meD, the devi!,s them, they dared to attribute His judg-
the sin against the Holy Ghost? It is ready answer is to discredit God's in- ments to SataD, declaring that through
willfully attributing to Satan the work struction. In whatever form it may ap- the power of the evil one, Moses and
of the Holy Spirit. For example, sup- pear, by whomever it may be practiced, Aaron had caused the death of good
pose that one is a witDess of tbe special we may see clearly the grieving of the and holy men. It was this act that
work of tbe Spirit of God. He has Spirit, the closing of the door of salva- sealed their doom." Patriarchs and
convincing evidence that the work is tion. Prophets, 405
in harmony with the Scriptures, and Consider tbe "messengers," now Consider l too, the claim now being
the Spirit witnesses with his spirit that receiving instruction from tbe thought- made tbat ElleD White was senile for
it is of God. Afterward, however, he voices which speak to them that Isaiah the last several years of her life, thus
falls under temptation; pride, self- 8:20 (To the law and to the testimony) casting doubt on her writings. What
sufficiency, or some other evil trait, is no longer an applicable rule, no could prompt anyone to make such an
controls him; and rejecting all the evi- longer a safe guide to follow. No longer assertion? What evidence have they to
dence of its divine character, he de- are they to test the "messages" by the offer in defense of their words? Are
clares that that which he had before Scripture, but. rather to accept un- they prepared to prove that W.e.
acknowledged to be the power of the questioningly what they are told. Dare White, e.e. Crisler, Sarah McEnter-
Holy Spirit was the power of Satan. It anyone follow such a course? Are not fer, A.G. Daniells, G.B. Starr, and un-
is through the medium of His Spirit such in imminent danger of shutting told olhers entered into an agreement
that God works upon the human heart; out the light which had been shining in to prevent the truth of Sister White's
and when men willfully reject the their hearts? condition from reaching the members
Spirit, and declare it to be from Satan, Consider the proponents of the of the church? Are they prepared to
they cut off the channel by which God "God does not kill" teaching who contradict the words of Sister White
can communicate with them. By deny- claim that Satan instigated the system herself when she wrote "I, Ellen G.
ing the evidence which God has been of animal sacrifices. Consider their White, (widow) a resident of Sanitar-
pleased to give them, they shut out the assertion that God lied when He took ium, Napa County, California, of the

May 1988 Our Finn Foundation 29

age of eighty-four (84) years, and being Christ is a minimum of six years and pose.... Those who endeavor to do
at the date hereof of sO'und and dispos- four months away? That such a belief is this will fulfill Christ's words, 'No man
ing mind and memory ... do make, to be equated with the unpardonable can serve two masters: for either b""-'
publish, and declare this my last will sin at this point is questionable. Time will hate the one, and love the other; J. . ,
and testament," and signed it on the may yet last long enough to demon- else he will hold to the one, and de-
twelfth or February, 1912? strate the error of such teaching; there spise the other. Ye cannot serve God
It is a contioua1 source of amaze- may yet be time for repentance and and mammon.' Mattbew 6:24 Those
ment that men wiU try to overturn the confession. But olle day there WOll't be. who begin their Christian life by being
counsels of God in an attempt to justi- "The more frequently a definite half and half, will at last be found en-
fy themselves in the COurse of their time is set for the Second Advent, and listed on the enemy's side, whatever
choosing. Perhaps it is even more the more widely it is taught, the better may have been their first intentions.
amazing that so many of us will tolerate it suits the purposes of Satan. After the And to be an apostate, a traitor to the
such attacks, contemplating the time has passed, he excites ridicule and cause of God, is mOre serious than
groundless accusations, wondering contempt of its advocates, and thus death; for it means the loss of eternal
whether - after all- we may not have casts reproach upon the great Advent life.
been misguided all these years. It movement of 1843 and 1844. Those "Double-minded men and \vomen
would almost seem that no point of who persist in this error will at last fix are Satan's best allies. Whatever favor-
belief or doctrine is certain any more. upon a date too far in the future for the able opinion they may have of them-
selves, they are dissemblers. All who
are loyal to God and the truth must
stand firmly for the right because it is
right. To yoke up with those who are
Those who begin their Christian life by unconsecrated, and yet be loyal to the
being half and half, will at last be found truth, is simply impossible. We cannot
unite with those who are serving them-
enlisted on the enemy's side, whatever may selves, who are working on worldly
plans, and Dot lose Our connection with
have been their first intentions the heavenly Counselor." Review alld
Herald, April 19, 189 ("
,j "Christ's followers have DO right to ....
stand on the ground of neutrality.
i Another area comes to mind. What coming of Christ. Thus they will be led There is more hope of an open enemy

, about time setting? Are we settled, or

are we not? Without in the least deny-
ing that we may yet have valid new H
to rest in a false security, and many will
not be undeceived until it is too late."
The Great COlltroversy, 457
than of one who is neutral." Ibid., Feb-
ruary 25, 1902
The sobering trutb which must
light," are we willing to believe the tes- With all the confusion of every corne home to every one of us is that
timony of the Spirit? "Ever since 1844 I wind of doctrine, no doubt some will there is no safety in any position other
have borne my testimony tbat we were feel that safety is to be found in nonin- than working in harmony with Christ.
now in a period of time in which we are volvement. "If only J stay away from To work actively, at cross purposes to
.to take beed to ourselves lest our everything, I won't be caught up in Him, will cost us our souls. To sit pas-
hearts be overcharged with surfeiting error." Right? sively, ignoring His call to come into
and drunkenness, and cares of this life, Wrong. The cause of God is com- line, will cost us our souls. To rise up in
and so that day come upon us un- ing rapidly to a crisis point. Now is no opposition to His work as it goes for-
awares. Our position bas been one of time for uncert;rinty on the part of His ward, to lash out in anger at His work-
waiting and watching, with no time- professed followers. "There are many men, will cost us our souls.
proclamation to intervene between the who would serve Christ, provided they Is the road too narrow? Is the gate
close of the prophetic periods in 1844 could serve themselves also. But this too strait? Does the thought of it all
and the time of our Lord's coming. We cannot be. The Lord will not accept seem frightening? It needn't. The
do not know the day nor the hour, or cowards in His army. There must be no promises of God are all-sufficient. His
when the definite time is, and yet the dissembling. Christ's followers must guidance is infallible. His thoughts
prophetic reckoning shows us that stand ready to serve Him at all times towards you are uthoughts of peace,
Christ is at the door." Manuscript Re- and in every way that may be required. and not of evil, to give you an expected
lease 816, 6 'He that is not with me is against me,' end." Jeremiah 29:11
How many of those enthralled with Christ declares; 'and he that gathereth We have no time for fearful
the reapplication of the 2300 days in not with me scattereth abroad.' Mat- thoughts. No time for doubtirl...
literal time have thought througb what thew 12:30 thoughts. It is time, my friends, for
they are saying? Are they willing to UMany have tried neutrality in a practical tboughts.
guarantee that the second coming of crisis, but they have failed in their pur-

30 Our rum Foundation May 1988
The Path to Pentecost from me. ... Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and
Continued from 23 sinners shall be converted to You." Psalm 51:7-13

J. We Must Overcome Sin 4. We Must Be Interested in Souls

Again, like all otber conditions, this too applies to us both If we want the Holy Spirit, we must ask ourselves why we
as individuals and as a church body. Before we can individu- wanl Him. The Jews in Jesus' day wanted the Messiah to
ally be f,lIed witb the Spirit, we must overcome sin. And come, but why? They did not want Him to come so that souls
before our cburch can belilled witb tbe Spirit, we must have a
pure cburcb. Tbis condition is emphasized over and over in
tbe Bible and tbe Spirit of Prophecy. Scbolars and men of
eloquence may argue against tbis until the day they are lost, It was after the disciples had
but the condition still stands, and tbe Holy Spirit ,,>ill never be
poured out upon us until this condition is met.
come into perfect unity, when
"The heart must be emptied of every defilement and they were no longer striving for
cleansed for the indwelling of tbe Spirit. It was by the confes-
sion and forsaking of sin, by earnest prayer and consecration the highest place, that the
oftbemselves to God, that the early disciples prepared for the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The
Spirit was poured out
same work, olJly in greater degree, must be done DOW.•.. Only
tbose who are living up to tbe ligbt tbey bave ""';11 receive
greater light. Unless we are daily advancing in tbe exemplifi- could be saved, but so that they could be exalted. Thus the
cation of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognize Messiah was DOL manifested to them.
tbe manifestations of tbe Holy Spirit in tbe latter rain. It may "God will today endow men and women with power from
be falling on beans all around us, but we sball not discern or above, as He endowed those who on the Day of Pentecost
receive it." Testimonies to Ministers, 507, emphasis supplied heard the word of salvation. At this very hour His Spirit and
"Today you are to have your vessel purified, tbat it may be His grace are for all wbo need them and will take Him at His
ready for tbe beavenly dew, ready for the showers of the latter word.
.ain; for tbe lalter rain will come, and tbe blessing of God will "Notice that it was after the disciples had come into per-
lui every soul tbat is purified from every defilement. It is our fect unity, wben tbey were no longer striving for the bighest
work today to yield OUI souls to Christ, that we may be fitted place, thattbe Spirit was poured out.... They did not ask for
for tbe time of refreshing from tbe presence of tbe Lord- a blessing for themselves. They were weighted v.>itb tbe bur-
fitted for tbe baptism of tbe Holy Spirit." Evangelism, 702 den of souls. Tbe gospel was to be carried to ends of the
The Holy Spirit will not dwell in a divided heart or a earth, and they claimed the endowment of power tbat Christ
divided churcb. We must put away sin and selfishness so that had promised. Tben it was that the Holy Spirit was poured
tbe Holy Spirit can reign witbin. OUl, and thousands were converted in a day.
"So it may be now. Let Cbristians put away all dissension
and give tbemselves to God for the saving of the lost. Let them
ask in faitb for the promised blessing, and it will come. The
David fully recognized his need outpouring of the Spirit in tbe days of tbe apostles was 'the
of the Holy Spirit in order to former rain,' and glorious was the result. But the latter rain
will be marc abundant." Testimonies, vol. 8, 20-21
win souls, and that in order to
Now Is the Time
have this Spirit, he must put
"The descent of tbe Holy Spirit upon tbe churcb is looked
away sm forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the cburch
to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. '\Ale must
have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it." Evangelism, 701
"Tbere is no limit to tbe usefulness of one who, putting self What glorious promises are ours! l\'1.any are waiting for
aside, makes room for the working of tbe Holy Spirit." The some time in the future for these promises to be fulfilled. But
Ministry of Healing, 159 we are not waiting for God, He is waiting for us. The promises
David fully recognized his need ofthe Holy Spirit in order are for today, as soon as we meet the conditions. g
to win souls, and that in order to have this Spirit, he must pUI
L p;ay sin. Thus he prayed, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall IUnlcss noted otherwise, Scripture texts are from the New King James
be clean; wash mc, and I shall be whiter than snow.... Create
in me a clean heart, 0 God .... Do not take Your Holy Spirit

May 1988 Our Firm FoundJJtion 31

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