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printed wth pormision rom CEP {Chomicl Engnsorng Proerss), Novombar 2000 : Copyight ©2000 Amoncen Intute of Charica engine's (AICHE) Back to Basics Wastewater Treatment: Understanding the Activated Sludge Process Mark Sustansic The activated sludge process is used to treat Terea Tech NUS : A waste streams that are high in organics and biodegradable compounds. Here are some principles of design and operation. ppm) strength. Performance varies depending on the specific Chemis pesent nd th concentrations sown in Tale [.Terenlteie Table 1 ar tase on abontoryscae taxing Adsl be comida uly idle ee Jetson aad fuscale otis. ay 7 DOPPT D sete sade at ‘Ue sdisaivd or enspanda lis, A var high concen au C100 pom) of organs is weeded 9 mania pre ‘waaion, Lov-stength industrial effvent and modem he activated sludge process (Figure 1) uses a mass of I anieroorganisma (asualty bacteria} to gerobically treat ‘wastewater. Organic contaminants in the wastewater ‘provide the carbon and energy required to excourage micro= biel growth and reproduction; aitrogen and phosphorous are sometimes added fo promote this growth, The wastewater is thoroughly nixed with air in an aeration tank, and the ‘organi matter is converted inte microbial cell tissue end carbon dionideY rode goon Fe Ov) e mefobial mass tofether with the wastewater is referred (0 asa mixed liquor. After a specified time in the eration, the mixed liquor passes into « seting ens, or clarifier, where the biomass, or sludge, settles by gravity from the treated wastewater, This contiauos process prockices an effluent that nay be teated futher or ischinged directly toa stiength domestic wastewater may be combined for treatment vo achieve the requited concenuation. Wastewater containing a wide variety of biodegradable organics ean be treated by the setivated sludge process, as Long ns the concentration is in the publicly ovmed trestment works (POTW) The activated sludge process was developed in the easly 1900s for the treatment of domestic wastewaters, and it has since been adapted for removing biodegradable organs from a industrial wactewates, Today, itis widely emptoyed in the [Phonoios remate-OH) | 106 to 1,000 22% treatment ofboth monicipal aad industrial wastewaters, Pobmniteer Aromatic Oottet 788% irecarbene PAS) Applicability ~ chemicals, concentrations, facilities Sieve oie > Poew Activated shndge treatment is suitable forse at facilities Taps pana Gaon BO Ww sa that ave onznnie chemical vaste. These may incinde munici | frog "AT? Os Puneet pal sewage-teatmen: plats, ol refineries, pulp and paper z 7 " nls, food processing plants, and chemcel manufacturing Aenea EN. ote 2 pon Gyanide, Tecpanide 71615000 | 400 8896 ‘When property designed, the activated sndge process eras oe Sates with provides good treatment for wastes containing biodegradable | ean, ere zine} ie compounds, {tis generally used fo treat biodegradable organic | Barzena, Tokens, ylene | Sto 1,000 90% ‘wastewaters of moderate (20-1000 ppm) to high (1,000, cn Bop ea vi dont dln baited bande 3M, 2S womginay Moar te me Cathy HIT Content Or NPs aby ye ay be vi th Lat Gone tree heme’ to 0 tntlenhny pH aria faust Pet Kentomnt Boa /¥C5 Aamriad wis Petit prof tnd Ibnndreds of parts per milion. Many remediation sites require the treatment of ground- ‘ates, surface water, or lac leachate with very low organic concentrations, typically less than 10 ppen. This isnot hight ‘enongh to oussin the biological mess needed, and such streams are more appropriately treated by azone, ultraviolet light, trickling Alters, and/or API sepasators. Some plan's combine groundwater, boiler lowdown and stormwater runoff with process wastewater and feed the combined stream to.an activated sludge treatment facility The process ‘Before it enters the actotion basi, raw wastewater (infhy- cent) is nomnally pretreated to remove easily settled solids ‘or ollie suspended mater, such as oi. Raising the pH will slightly solidify ion and zine (if present). A steam or sir shipper ean remove ammonin, phenol, ad any light ends, ‘while a filter emoves heavy parti tial changes in the incoming water charseteristics will cause ‘process upset, an equalization tank is sometimes inchided in the pretreatment systema to achieve the required design inet conditions, stich as certain lowrate or etenieal ‘The pretreated infiven is pumped into the aeration tank (or asia}, where itis combined with the mezoorgaaisis, In order fo msintan the bacteril mass in the aeration basin, seraiors perfor two iapor‘antfmetions: they keep the liquic| snd sludge agitated, and they promote the transfer of oxygen into he wastewater. The aerators ran continuonsly and are suategically positioned to keep the mixed liquor in suspension ‘throughout aac! avoid the formation of dead zones. Foam gen es, Because subst Supplomartal Nutiont 1.) Addition ‘Gr requied) pH Cont ‘Slide Deposal se Dspos ‘raguted) ‘A Figuro 1. Sorwetoel activa sug 5 a, ee ‘Onygon Supply ferns process rains in th crated by the seratore enn be contained by ant-foem sprays, ‘The pH of the incoming wastewater or mixed liquor must be steadily control growth, A neutral pH is mainiained by adding a caustic or acid, usually 25% by weigit in solution. Supplemiental muts- ents ia the forn of nittogen (urea) and phosphors (phos- phoric acid) ate added on an as-aceded basis, such as when the raw wastewater is an insufBcient source of required nutrients, In colder climates, supplemental beat is required to maine tain an acceptable temperature range for the microorganisms, Indirect heat is added to the base of the aeration basin vie a seam bayonet ora gatired heates, Some plants save energy bby fist preheating the influent with a hot process strenun (eg, distillation column bottoms) in s heat exchanges ‘Affer spending a epecided amount of time in the aeration basin, water overfiows inte a claiicr, where the microbial solids setde by gravity and are separated fiom the treated ster, The clarifier consists of «tank with s vente feed wel ‘which promotes even dispersion. The setled shudge is raced from the quiescent zone atthe bottom of the clarifies with serapers. A portion ofthe biomass is reeyé ‘beck tothe aeration basin to maintsin the desired concen tration of organisms inthe basia. Tae remaining sludge is pumped from the system, typically by a motor-driven cen trifugal pump equipped with a flowmeter, for final disposal, Flosting materials that eollect at the surfice of the liquid in the claifiey are collectively referred to 9s sevm. A skimmer constantly moves the scunt towaed # collection trough that cops it into a xt removal, Both the sludge sermper and the seum skimmer are conn for proper microorganism iver for la hal Sating Cared) “ostos Etat to Adational “Tastmont {Chiernation, Futration, ote) = Disaoeal (OmW, Surtoos ‘Weter oto) — Rous Waste Siusge Adddiona Treatment (Thickening, Dewatering, etc}, a oes ati Tankers ceneing tote lier or setting. CEP Nownbet2006 snowasiacrgm 27 Back to Basics chive shaft powered by # small motor Clean water travels tothe outside edge of the clarifier and is discharged under a bafile and over a notched weir that extends around the periphery. The concentration of total sus- pended solids (TSS) in the effluent discharge is low, 10-100 pin. This water ey goto a POTW be dischneged as suriace ‘water in accordance with a Natioual Pollutant Discharge linnination System (NPDES) permit, ox receive tertiary tret- ‘ment such as by activated eatboa adsorption, ‘Westod slude from the botiom of te clair is thick ceed, typically in a vacuum filter press, prior fo its wltimate disposal. The degree of wasting determines the solids veten- tion time (SRT) of the system. Ata low wasting rate, the SRT would be relatively high — fa, the solids rennin in the system longer. ‘system design Table 2 lists key desien parameters hat are determined by In tests and past experiences ‘The first design methods were formulated based on the retention ine of the wastewater inthe sertion basa. Gener ally, short yeu etenion ties (HIRT) were ehosea for ‘weak (hue) wastewaters and long HR wre cose: for “Table 2. Typical characteristics of wastowater eee ts on haractortdation. |” Frowrate Hieraie elanton Pre (0) ‘Water Quay Solds Retention Tino ORT) ‘xe orinhibtery | Reoycio Ratio) Compounds [Ootinization of HAT, SAT andr ‘Oxygen Roguremonts ‘Baoteral Growth and Decay Faciore ‘Shige Setting Factors ‘Probable Cause’. (oncentraed) wastewaters. HRT (came in days) {i defined asthe nertion tank volume (Y, gal) divided by the dlicherge rate (0, a’): HRT* HQ o ‘Typical HRTs range from 1-0 d for indussial waste ‘Around 1970, other design parameters were developed Using fondamental seieutfic concepts, uch as mass bainnoe 1nd microbial growth kinetics. Although design equations ultimately cere as the primary basis for the design of an activated sludge system, pilot plant and/or laboratory tests ‘re esoential for developing the design criteria, The resulting sig reflects the teaction rates, setting rates, solids retex- tion sme, and oxygen requirements fora peticilar type of ‘wastewater The zate equations somewhat resemble those unsed by chemical engineers to describe reactor kinetis, sug- gesting tast an aeration tank may be envisionad asa biologi cal renctor ‘The solide retention time isan impostant design factor and provides a theoretial indication af how long the microorgen- ‘so remain in the asation tak. Since these microorganisms ‘normally reprodce more quickly than they die, some acti- vated sludge must be removed, or blown cown, via n recycle line. Blowclown, also called sludge wasting, should be cared cout daily to mastain the proper SRT. Without such wasting, the mass of shudge coud build wp in the sottng tank (las fier) until solids overflow into the event “The SRT (in days) iss function ofthe aeration tank volume Fant), the shudge wasting rae (w, galt), and the concentra- tions of suspended solids in the mixed liquor inthe aeration tank QMLTSS, gL) and in the recycle line (MLTSSr, w/L); for municipal waste to Se x METS) | (w < METSSI) 2 SRT for municipal wnstewater treatment smnge fom Low or igh pH inthe aeration basin Extremely high orlow pH in influent Adak rack to the aero tok ‘No biological actiaty Reduce high concentallons of phenol and lie, radd phoephoraus or dissolved oxy to tho aeration tank ‘ow dissolved 0, (D0) conasantaton In ‘ho aavatlon tare ceiganics Toft fe62 rato too high or has slag of ‘Concentialion of total suspended solids h the mixed liquor (METSS) I too high Reduce feed unit DO coneaniralon goss above 10mg Lower SAT by weeting more ehudoo High ota euepanded sche (TSS) ‘concentration n POW Presence of unwvantad baotria Tnarease DO or radios lfuent organics by rectucing feed flowrate Ciara ovaroeded DDoternine whether the recycle aio end feed rales are propery et 2S viwakmeayep reerber200 CaP $1020 d, wheress SRTs for indhistin! waste range ftom 2040 1,000.4, Another i portant design factors the reeyele ratio, 7: raga @ where gis the recycled sludge flovveate (gale) ad Q is the intluent wastewater flowrate (gad). Reeyete ratios are goner- ally 0.5-3.0 for both municipal sad industil wastewater treatment plants. HRT, SRT andre interrelated and ar the most impor tant design variebies. Combined with siudge setting charac- tevitica, they determine the size ofthe aeration basin, sludge sett tank, and related pumps. The recycle ratio also affects the size ofthe elaife. Otiner important factors that dotstnine the final design include the bacterial growth coefficient (Y) and the decay coefficient (b), each of which may be determined through, laboratory testability testing. The bacteril growth coef ficient is defined asthe mass of becteria prodnced per mass of chemical consumed, and it has a value between 0.1 and 0.5. The h coefficient indicates the decay rate of the bacterial coiganisms. Typical values range between 0.01 and 0.05 €°, The decay rate does not have es much: infienee on waste~ water freatinent system design as the bacterial grow sate Operating conditions Operation of an activated sludge process relies on tnnintaining an acceptable environment for microbial nctivity ‘rough routine monitoring and preventive maintenance, and on the ability to suvive any process upsets, The following performance considerations inay be relevant daily, weekly 01 smnonthly “Effluent Limits on efthvent water quality are detecmined bby the stato or local environmental agency, The NPDES per nit generally specifies the allowable discharge flowrate, pH, lotal exgaic easbon (TOC, mg/L), and TSS (mg. Infivent, To ensue sxnootl operations and avoid upaets, ‘he plant should maintain the influent flowrate, temperate, pl, andl concentrations of TOC, TSS, oil and grease, and phenol (which can entse microbial shock) within specified anges. Values thet exceed design limits indicate that pretreat- ‘mie modifications are necessary. For example, excess oil and grease in the incoming waier may indicate thst the APE separator polymeraddition step needs o be modified Mixed liquor in the aeration tank, The aeration tek wnust ‘maintain the proper environment for mierobial activity, The DH should be berween 6.5 and 73, the temperature between 158C anc 30°C, the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration above 2.0 mp/L, and nitrogen and phosphorous at the neces- sory levels. Aeration tanks have pH and DO monitors to nator ‘matically record these dats, The aeiaion tank should also be ‘outively checked for mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS, mgr.) o ensure that an adequate concentration of organisms is present Final thoughts Its important to understand that most ofthe design considerations diseussed here are site-specific, This requires the collection of samples fiom the wastevater tobe tented, as well as performing lab analysis and onsite testing to determine the relevant parameters for designing an activated sludge systom, ro Lene ‘ana SusTARsis ase pcos engnec tT Teh HS Ad: foster Plaze Ane Por, sam; tare: 2) sei7og fs rd) gaeanaay eh ma ctcarccaaaeth ‘ii. her he sivved Inte nesgaton, prof re hg Sten dei, cnscien person, etn comes tap end caste tating. Hs cafe ess expat ‘thins acento std sna o0-esd ‘we esi an semana alte ebouitToess rmattemalenentrt ae hence for Eagan ahd Srvying VES), wan cae Was Pitsburg and earem status Bit famac snd ike Oven os ht, Hecened cares inchnisty ander egrets Fremcareye Metontnn CEP Novarier 2008 wumacracg/an 2B

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