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DATE: 07/06/2016
Humanity has been subject to disruption, associated with climate change. In the past, most
of these variations have been the reflection of natural phenomena, from fluctuations in the
levels of solar radiation to periodic eruptions of volcanoes. But it is now likely that the
majority of climate change resulting from human activities and, as indicated, particularly
due to the use of fossil fuels and changes in the global patterns of land use. These and other
activities have increased the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases mostly CO2,
CH4 and NO2.
While scientists continue to refine their predictions, nature has already shown some signs of
changes expected. There is almost no doubt that these changes have the power to degrade
habitats, disconnect the food chain and displace the plants and animals of their current
homes. So the limitations of scientific knowledge should not be an impediment to take
action and develop responses to risks associated with climate (both natural and
anthropogenic variability)

The increase of 0.8 degrees Celsius in the annual average temperature in the period 19602006 and the reduction of the cover of the glaciers at 27.8 percent in the last 30 years, are
some of the consequences of reference of climate change in Ecuador and that affects the
global level.
Effects on Ecuador

The strong cold and heat waves cause infectious disease.

The diarrhea and diseases transmitted by food and water have been increased.
In addition, gives an account of respiratory problems, allergies and dermatological

On the coast are more vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and more.
Precipitation fell in the Ecuadorian northwest, but when they occur they are given

with intensity and in a few hours.

Has become more noticeable the increase of cold periods in the northwest of the

country and more nights warm in the south coast.

The southern region of the East shows a temperature increase, both for the day as

for the night.

The flood of the level of sea would increase 19 and 59 centimeters because of the
melting of glaciers, in the coast. Guayaquil would be the main affected with natural

disasters like floods.

The change of the weather in Sierra were before very marked like in summer and
winter, and people could plan the time for planting and harvesting but now there are

many days in summer with rainy days and in winter with sunny days.
The strong cold and heatwaves provoke infectious diseases.
The precipitations has decrease in the Ecuadorian northwest, but when it happened
are given with intensity and few hours.


Currently, it is developing the project Strengthening the resilience of communities to the
adverse effects of climate change with emphasis on food security in the Rio Jubones and
FORECCSA Pichincha Province, which promotes adaptation to climate change in rural
areas of Ecuador to strengthen the adaptive capacity of communities with high levels of
food insecurity, measures such as protection of water sources and irrigation optimization to
ensure food security in communities highly vulnerable to drought and the implementation
of best practices environmental in agricultural production against highly vulnerable to frost
are some of the practices that implements the project.
Currently, measures are being implemented and actions focused on sustainable land
management to combat desertification and land degradation, mitigate the effects of drought

and promote adaptation to climate change. These measures seek the conservation of soil
resources and water, especially, and thus promote sustainable development of ecosystems,
with a focus on gender equality and multiculturalism, in the most affected and vulnerable
areas of the country.
Under the Change of Energy, Ecuador Matrix contemplates expanding hydropower
generation, representing major investment by the Ecuadorian State. Climate change is an
important factor analysis influencing these processes possible variations and impacts on
water systems, it is for this reason that the project was proposed: Analysis of the
vulnerability of hydropower plants to the effects of climate change on seven sub-basins of
Ecuador -CHECC, whose main objective is to analyze the vulnerability to climate change
in eight hydroelectric plants and one multipurpose; and propose measures at watershed
level that can be taken to minimize any reductions in hydroelectric production.

Painter, J. (2010). Efectos del cambio climatico para Ecuador.
Periodico La Hora. El cambio climatico se siente en Ecuador. 21 de Agosto del 2013


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