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Trabalho avaliativo de ingls

1- Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questes em ingls

Obs: As repostas devem ser respondidas de forma longa fazendo uso do verbo com as
possveis mudanas se necessrias. Os verbos j se encontram identificados em negrito. O
objetivo de fazer uso de respostas longas fazer uso das regras de terceira pessoa com he ,
she , it (Tempo Verbal Presente Simples)
Amandas Daily Routine
Amanda is a nurse. She lives in the United States. She gets up at seven o clock and has a shower.
Then she has breakfast. She goes to work by bus. She works from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. After that she
goes to her gymnastics class. Then she goes home and does the housework. At 6 p.m. she listens to
the news. Finally she has dinner and watches her favorite soap opera. Sometimes she goes out with
her friends. She usually goes to bed at 11:00 p.m.
1- What does Amanda do for living?
2- Where does she live?
3- At what time does she get up?
4- Does she have breakfast?
5- How does she go to work?
6- How long does she work a day?
7- Does she do any sport?
8- What does she do after her gymnastic class?
9- What does she do at 6:00 p.m.?
10-Does she watch TV?
11- What does she like to watch on TV?
12-How often does she go out with her friends?
13-At what time does she usually go to bed?

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