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What’s in thy Name…?

Show thanks…..you had kept my Request for

Bringing back Debyojyoti Basu back as Anchoring as
in absence of Him Various Rumor is arising as same
like why you stop in Mid inquiry of Rizwan after
death Scenario..??? But still you haven’t gone
through mine one Request...Telecasting your Address
etc at end in English & Hindi as being living in
Bengal or friend circle most could understand the
Hearing part but most confusion in Written…..to get

So as None Could take the place of Subhash

Chandra Bose……same do Khonjkhabor &
Debyojyoti Basu and Sri Banerjee…. till the day they
work for betterment with Open face…..Yah People
are busy in there daily workout & they would never
rose and uprising may never bring till “Selfishness”
the term Ends with the thought “own self”.


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