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Teach- in 2/3/2010

The first teach in began with personal stories of how community college has
changed peoples lives and helped them become successful in life. Then a teacher of
economy talked about what was going on with the budget cuts i.e. to fix deficit
either cut spending or raise taxes. Next Petit covered questions – there weren’t too
many for many people were tired. I asked a question that began a discussion : What
will the government do in response to the protests in Sacramento? A professor
answered that it would create awareness and that if we could create a social
movement like the 60s maybe we could Solve the budget problem. He also
mentioned that if Eisenhower still taxed the rich perhaps we wouldn’t even have
this problem. Then Prof. Webb. Questioned why? Why should we tax the rich. Don’t
they work for their money too? Prof. Petit answered: its ethics. And someone else
brought up the fact that the rich might be in just as much debt as we are: They
might spend more money than they have on cars and houses too. But do they really
need it? No. Have only ONE house, Have ONE car. Don’t buy a Mercedes, Buy a
commuter car like everyone else. There will be protests: One in San Francisco on
March 4th @ the Civic Center, and one in Sacramento @ the capital building on
March 22. There will be rides provided and paid for by the Student government.

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