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Francesco Carotta in The Gospel of Caesar



/tc 01:28:12:16 01:28:14:13

If you say:

/tc 01:28:18:23 01:28:22:20

'Jesus existed',
then you have a problem…

/tc 01:28:23:03 01:28:28:04

…because historians don't mention him.

/tc 01:28:29:05 01:28:31:04

If you say instead:

/tc 01:28:33:15 01:28:36:11

'Jesus is only a cluster of
external myths and legends…'

/tc 01:28:36:15 01:28:40:17

'…which was retroactively augmented
with a fake historicity'…

/tc 01:28:41:03 01:28:42:18

…then you also have a problem…

/tc 01:28:42:22 01:28:45:21

…because you can't explain how
Christianity could suddenly arise…
/tc 01:28:45:24 01:28:52:07
…in the entire Roman Empire,
if the founder of Christianity didn't exist.

/tc 01:28:53:00 01:28:55:02

Myths and legends were abundant.

/tc 01:28:55:10 01:29:00:18

Why did this specific one prevail,
and not some other person's legend?

/tc 01:29:00:21 01:29:04:03

So in any case you have a problem…

/tc 01:29:04:23 01:29:10:12

…and instead of fighting a trench war
as in Verdun for two or three centuries…

/tc 01:29:10:20 01:29:16:01

…one could try to solve the problem
by applying a mathematical method.

/tc 01:29:16:06 01:29:18:23

What do we do in mathematics
when facing an aporia?

/tc 01:29:19:03 01:29:21:20

We say: let's assume the problem
is solved and investigate…

/tc 01:29:22:00 01:29:27:18

…under which conditions this is the case.
It's a very simple solution!
/tc 01:29:28:01 01:29:32:15
We only need to assume that
a rewriting occured.

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