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Aliens Have Warned Us

Nancy was only nine years old when it happened. What looked like a bright light came from the sky and
crashed into the field next to her home. Her parents were out shopping, so Nancy was left alone to
investigate the strange event. As she crept near the site of the crash, she was terrified to see what
appeared to be a space ship hovering above the ground. When a door in the ship opened, Nancy fainted.

When she came to, she was inside the ship and there were strange beings hovering around her. As she
tried to speak, one of the Zetas told her to lie still. A large mechanical arm with a small device at the end
of it began to move closer and closer to her head. As the device touched her scalp, she lapsed into
unconsciousness again.

When she awoke, she was inside her home. One of the extraterrestrials was placing her gently into her
bed. And then he spoke, “Nancy, do not be afraid. You have been chosen from all the people on your
planet to be our voice on Earth. We are very concerned about what is happening on your planet. The
device we placed in your head will enable us to communicate messages to you for all earthlings. Are you
willing to be our link to Earth, Nancy?”

“Yes, I am,” she said, with much more calm than she felt inside. As she opened her mouth to ask him
many questions about who they were, where they were from, and what they wanted to do on Earth, the
strange being vanished. Later, they revealed to her that they were from the Zeta Reticuli star system.
The Zetas communicated with Nancy many times, giving her warning messages for the people of Earth,
but few people believed her.

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