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1@-B4-19096 2-150M FROM JOWATHAN SMEFFER 212 42 9287 pe ‘DEBATE TALKING POINTS: GAY AND LESBIAN ISSUES Prepared by: Richard Socarides office: 202-530-2186 ‘home Fannie) Looth pager: 1-800-sky-gram (pin #) 888-9833 Note: It is appropriate to use the phrase “sexual orientation” but not “sexual preference”, which later phrase implies one’s ability to choose to be gay or straight. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE [Note: The same-sex marriage law has two provisions: one permits states not to recognize sarne- sex marriages preformed in other states and the other provides that no federal benefits be given to same-sex married couples, even if their marriage is recognized in the state in which they reside. Thus, you should not say: “all the same-sex marriage bill docs is allow states to decide for themselves whether to recognize same-sex marriages.”] Q. Many of your gay supporters have been angered by your support of the anti-gay marriage: law. What do you say to them? ‘A. In 19921 stated my opposition to same-sex marriage and recently, as the issuc was raised by some in Congress, | said that if bill consistent with my previously stated position reached my desk, 1 would sign it. I also believe that raising this issue now is divisive and unnecessary, and is calculated only to Score political points at the expense of others. I believe that itis an altempt to divert the American people from the urgent need to confront our challenges together. Q. You have said you oppose discrimination against gay and lesbian Americans, yet you signed legislation which would deny federal benefitsto same-sex parmers, even if they can be legally married where they reside. Isn't that a form of discrimination? A. No, T don't think so and let me explain why. First, I have long stated my personal belief against governmental recognition of same-sex marriage. Having said that, I don’t believe we in America have a persen to waste. Our country is bigger than that. I beliove that all Americans — gay of straight ~ who are willing to work hard, pay their taxes, play by the rules, obey the law and be good citizens -- should be treated fairly and have equal opportunities to prosper. No other president has taken more steps to bring gays and lesbians to the table. And despite my personal feelings about sam¢-sex marriage, I don’t think we as Americans should discriminate against anyone. lO-ed~1805 2:16 FROM JONATHAN SHEFFER 212 428 2007 P32 ~page 2~ Q, You have said you have long opposed same-sex marriage. What is that opposition based on? Is it a religious belief and if so, why should the goverment be prohibited from sanctioning same-sex marriage so long as the church doesn’t have to? ‘A. I's. personal belief based on my collective life experience. This has been my longstanding. Position, [also believe that some have used this issues to try te divide usias Americans. And ‘will do everything in my power to try to prevent that. [DON*T go any further. The more you say, the more trouble it will cause. Everything you say will be picked apart. Stay as general as possible and avoid use of the words “traditional” or “traditional family” and don't talk about marriage as the vehicle by which people have children. Gay people also have children. ] EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST GAYS Q. You have supported and vigorously sdvoeated for legislation which would foree eraployers ~ including local school systems --to hire gays and lesbians. Your opponents say that this is just another part of your liberal social agenda that is out of touch with mainstream America, What do you say to that? ‘A. Diserimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation is eurrently legal in 41 states. Men and women in those states may be fired from their jobs solely because of their sexual orientation, even when it has no bearing on their job performance. Those who face this kind of job discrimination have no legal recourse, in either our state or federal courts. This is ‘wrong. . Individuals should not be denied a job on the basis of something that has no relationship to- their ability to perform their work. The Act] support, however, is careful to apply some exemptions in certain areas. It provides an exemption for small businesses, the Armed Forces, and religious organizations, including schools and other educational institutions that are substantially controlled or supported by religious organizations. This provision, which | believe is essemtial, respects the deeply held religious beliefs of many Americans, Moreover, the bill specifically prohibits preferential treatment on the basis of sexual orientafion, including quotas. Italso does not require employers to provide special benefits. ‘The bill answers all the legitimate objections previously raised agsinst it, while ensuring that Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation, can find and keep their jobs based on their ability and the quality of their work. 1@-B4-1996 2:17PM FROM JONATHAN SHEFFER 212 420 207 Pa page 3~ ADOPTION ISSUES Q Governor Pete Wilson of California has recently proposed legislation which would prohibit unmarried couples from adopting. Gays believe that this is aimed at them. What is your view of this legislation and of adoption by gays? A. I believe that issues relating to adoption have always been and are best resolved at the state and local level. The most important thing is that children find themselves in loving, healthy and safe environments. State and local officials ~ state court judges, medical experts and social workers on the scene who have interviewed the child and all other relevant parties — are best ‘equipped to make sure that the best interests of the child in each particular situation are being served. That interest, not the interest of others, is paramount. Q. Would you support or oppose legislation which would prohibit adoptions by gays? ‘A. The question misses the point. I believe that this is an issue best resolved at the state and local level and that the standard which ought to be applied in all cases is what is in the child’s best interest. That standard could result in adoptions being granted or denied to a gay or straight person or couple. But it js a determination which must be made in each individual case by the professionals on the scene. GAYS IN THE MILITARY [Note: 1. DO NOT talk about service members right to privacy in answering questions on gays in the military. This is insulting and demeaning to gay people. 2. Don’t say that you have been “illoried” for standing up for gays. 3. Remember that more gays have been discharged from the military under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy than under the old policy. Allegations of “witch hunts” are rampant -- so much so that Secretary Perry has asked the DOD Inspector General to conduct a formal investigation. Moreover, at least one federal court has ruled the policy unconstitutional. Thus, the policy is not generally viewed as a success.] Q People still debate what happened with the gays in the military issue. Given a second term, would you revisit this topic? Is there a chance you might issue the executive order changing the policy again? A. Few issues in recent times have spurred the kind of debate that occurred over our nation’s policy toward gays in the military. I know that this is a sensitive and emotional issue for many people, And, as you know, many of these issues are being actively litigated in the federal courts. 1 thinks it’s best to let those cases run there course and see what the results. 1-84-1996 2:17PM FROM JONATHAN SHEFFER 212 420 0007 PS ~page 4 Q Ifyou had the chance to start over, only this time knowing the extent of the opposition to opening the military's doors to gays and lesbians, how would you approach the issue? What lessons did you learn from this? A. It's fair to say that I have thought a lot about this and that there are some things I think I should have done differently. T now believe that we needed to build a broader consensus on this important issue before moving forward. Sometimes change comes best when it is achieved through incremental steps. ANTI-GAY BALLOT INITIATIVES (COLORADO AMENDMENT TWO) A, The Supreme Court’s decision overtuming Colorado's Amendment Two was hailed by gay rights activists, yet your Justice Department was criticized for not talking a position in the case. ‘What is you position? QI think the Supreme Court’s decision was appropriate. I have continually stated my belief that those who would legalize discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or any other grounds for that matter are gravely mistaken about the values that make our nation strong. The Justice Department stayed out of the case because the Attomey General made a legal decision that she believed was appropriate. But I know that she also believes that the result reached by the Court was the right one. GAY LIAISON Q You are the first President to appoint an official liaison to the gay and lesbian community. Do you think this is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars? A. First, the two people who have had that responsibility over the last year or so have also had other responsibilities simultaneously, so it's not like we have had someone doing this full time. Moreover, historically, the White House has had an office of Public Liaison which has worked with all sorts of groups ~- business leaders, police officers, people of color and other minority ‘groups, the disabled -- this was the case under both President Bush and Reagan. Viewed in that factually accurate context, I think what we have done is completely appropriate.

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