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€€€Microwave chocolate fondant

€€€€€€400 gr. sugar
€€€€€€250 gr. butter,
€€€€€€300 gr. black chocolate,
€€€€€€8 eggs
€€€€€€100 gr. flour.
€€€Method: 1) Grease a heat-resistant pan or oven, which fits
€€€in the microwave.
€€€2) Place the chopped chocolate and butter in a bowl and put it
€€€microwave at medium power until melted (about 3 minutes)
€€€watching every minute. Remover.
€€€March) In a large bowl, whisk eggs and sugar until a
€€€mixed pale and fluffy (you can do with an electric mixer).
€€€4) Add the sifted flour gradually, stirring with a whisk, and
€€€Lastly, add the melted chocolate with the butter. Mix
€€€5) Put the mixture in the microwave source and introduce the full power
€€€for 10 minutes. Cool and put in the fridge for 2 hours.
€€€Serve very cold.
€€€NOTE: As with all new recipes that experiment, I made the dessert
€€€half of the ingredients and has been getting rich.
€€€TIPS: add to preparing a teaspoon of
€€€vanilla or a dash of rum or brandy, or some chopped nuts (this
€€€We'll then get a "brownie" giant.
€€€You can serve a very light custard or whipped cream very cold.
€€€For those addicted to chocolate, chocolate sauce accompanied by warm (
€€€a pinch of cinnamon and a "coup" of black pepper), the height of pleasure!

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