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OjILlAI-i!5~, Ai117'l:1 AiI3.2:.


Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 16l~166 (2008)

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(2008\1 10%1 8~ ~4-, 2008\1 11%1 19~ 4-Aj, 2008\1 12%1 2~ "'Bell)

Effect on Thermal Performance of Superheater Module under Part Load Operation in HRSG

Chae-hon Chong" and Jung-il Song'

*Doosan heavy industries & construction, "Chongwon National University

(Received 8 October 2008, Revised 19 November Accepted 2 December 2008)

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~ 1:::5.'.~ llB~~4-.li!.~C1oj]Al Cl:=' CliO} *~o] 2]-~7] ~Aj.!;)oj] u]7.]-l=- c;:l<5~ ~A}iO}S1q. ~ 'i'};cj].i2. 7}~El~ ~r:J1-'T'-iO}2} 'T :I'l'iO} *~A]llB~~4-.li!.~21 ~E11oj] rr}~ 7}~El~ llB7}~"1 %% ~Aj;o, ~.-u-% "'l]i5H"'j% ~i5H ~A}iO}S1q. q%~.i2.-l=- 4-31~ llB~~4-.li!.~21 2]-~7] if-~~-i!:-"1 7}~E1~ ~r:J1-'T'-iO}2} -'T'-~iO} *~ A] .g..s=.~~~ ~.-u-%%<)'H"'j ~~ o]%<)'H ;cj].-u-iO}S1~-uj, 0] ~2]-2} 1171] ~~::t: ~Aj;o, ~<)'H ~~~ .g..s=_~~ ~~ Il]JlLiO}S1q. U}A]"f~.i2. -'T'-~iO} *~o] :;Q~7] (~Fj.!;)oj] u]7.]-l=- c;:l<5~ {[1t].li!.91~uj, .'I.~ -'T'-~-'T'-iO} *~A]oj] %%"1 ~~ ~AJ% A1]7-1w 4- ;U-l=- Acl7.]~ Jl'(!iO}S1q.

9-iLo1 : llB~~4-.li!.~i't ~Ad.!;), Cl:=' CliO} *~

Abstract - The purpose of this study is to apprehend the behavior of exhaust gas flow from gas turbine during part load operation in Heat Recovery Steam Generator. As a first step of this work, internal flow characteristics according to HRSG types were examined by CFD analysis. Next step, tube temperature according to gas turbine 53% and 100% load conditions were calculated by results of CFD and those were compared with temperature data gathered from real plant. Finally, thermal performance due to part load operation was calculated to estimate the influence of heat transfer in superheater. In addition, new type of device is suggested to eliminate the uneven temperature distribution of tubes during part load operation.

Key words : HRSG, Thermal performance, Part load operation

'To whom correspondence should be addressed

Dept. of mechanical engineering, 9 Sarim-dong, Changwon, Gyeongnam, 641-773, Korea

Tel: 055-213-3606

E-mail: jisong@changwon.ac.kr

1. Ai

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~2l:: ~o]"l~ 'i'!~8q. 7h::'·::EiJti.2..£Jf-Ei llH~~ :: llH7t~ ~ 7t~Eittl21 Jf-i5toJl rrt21- 1i:§1Z,l-(Swirl angle) 0] .!i!.~2l~ 'i'!~i5}:: ~o] "lE~ 7J;<.].E %<{!- B-Z1i5] ~ ~~~ ~~ii '801q. 0]2l~ ~~Zj'tl %'8 ~!.,:j~ 'tl i5R 7}6Eittl llH7}69} 7]-7.J- 1i'1_7.i 1i'l-1..f:: ~~~h:;::'{l JI} ~71(HPHTSH : High Pressure High Temperature SuperHeater) ~-+B-li':\oJ]kl 't!-.5JB tlH7}6 4fs=. -l'f:.*7\- ~!.,:j ~oj :;:. iJ ~~ ~~~ol ~).~~ 4- 'Uq. rrt4"i lfl.-.5J8 llH7}A21 :;s=.-l'f:.*7} !.,:j'o7.ii5}2]- ~'€]~ -e-!.J-~ ~.2..71

i=: l:lJA1<5}71 q1t>R

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7} o]~

1111]:: 100% .!f-i5}-€ 71~.2..£ 4-~8q . .:J..2l1..f ~~:§:j~~~J-::: 7]7.i-i'-i5}%o] o}\:! ~f--'f-i5}%.2..£ ~~~

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% -&~~ i5}7-11 Bq. '?_li5H 7]ZiJf-i51-§-;<.i'tl ~7.d .J¥-

i5}oJ]J,.l Z]4fZj'tl -&{j ~ i5~ ~~J-:oJlAi~ oJ]'Ji5}Z] .£ i5l-:: {fAl]7} ~!.~i5~r:1], .:J.. % i5}1..f7\- Jf-i5\-tt!% -&~J,.]

tl1l7}6 21i5R ~t>Jo]q.

~ 'i'!..:;z.oJ]kl~ tlJl7]7}6 1t;; 'il-t>J% 7]~~ ..:;z.-l'f:.~ ~ tlH~:§14-5!. ~2l21 %~oJ] rrt:= "l§. L\1 'T R '8 ~!.,:j ~ B]Jili5\-..1I, 100% -i'-i5}-€ 71~.2..£ 1l1l]8 ~01"l.§_2]- % %.;<.] W 4- 'U::7.]1[l1j.!i!.'U-q. EO.1} 'f ~ \Ji5\-oJ]J,.l llH7}A % %0] 3.71]lfl.i;J~:: 4-3j~ llH~:§.j4-.!i!.~cl~ t:Jl!.J-.2..£ %% ~~ol ~~7121 ~-g~oJl u];<.l:: ~i;J% ~'?_li5} .:u. 1170'11 Dr A] Qj-.2..£ 100% Jf-i5]-9} 'f ~ 'I' i5\- :f::~ oj] J,.1 ~~ 7] ~..:;z. l~ '8-l'f:.*~ 7H1iw 4- 'U:: Vane~ %%:f::1"j7.J-;<']~ .:u.

(a) Conventional Flow Correction Device Fig. 1. Flow analysis model for vertical type HRSG.

OjILiAI~~ Xi117'[4 Xil3g 2008

Fig. I~ :Q-ol llH7\-6211t~ tlJ--.5Jol 4-3J'{l ?cl~ 4- ;z,l~ llH~:§:]4-.!i!.~Cl21- i5}JI Fig. 29} :Q-o] 4-s&'{l ?cl-i'-

.!i!.~Cl Y1-i'-oJlll;<']~7.] ?J::qli':\, 9S&~21 ?cl-i'- %% :f::1"j7.J-;<.] ~ J,.j-%i5\-z] ?J:: ?cl-i'-7} ~ttl-Zjo]uj 93j~ 2. ~ttl-Zj~ Fig. 1 (a).2.\-:Q-.g. -{i-%:f::1"j~;<'] ~ A}%~q.

Fig. I (b)t: Vane~ ~'--i'--"

;<'l~ 1..fE\-\Ji ~olq. ¥- 7}7.J ~E1121 ll~~:§.j9.!i!. ~Cl L\1 Jf- l~ '8 ~ "<l ~ tl]Jili5}JI Vane~ %%:f::1"j7.J-;<.121 !.,:j 'o~ ~'{li5}71 -'fli5H !.J%"liH6l Fluent 6.3% Aj--g-i5}o:J ~

Fig. I ~ Fig. 29} tlH'€]

:§:j9.!i!.~Cl~ 3:Ot}-%! .2_rilj£ ~!.J-:§:j-i5}~.2..uj, llH~:§.j4-.!i!. ~cl ~..:;z.-i'-Ei stack ~-+71}z]21 ~<:>'1~ .2_~oJ] *Wi5}

~r:]-. ~ ~ lti~ .lI}

~71 stack s] -\}!f-oJ] ~t>J-& ~7.] ?J.2..

E.£ %%i5H6l.2_ riljoJH stack ~ Al]21i5}~qI2,31. ~'fl1l] oJjJ,.l ~ttl-Zj.2..£ J,.j-%~~ standard k-2.£.rilj~ \:l'-W- .£.

tll*~ tlH71~ %-'(l;<.1:: -2,.£21 W9£ ;k]c.jt\l~q. ~ ~~oJlJ.l21 ~~~:i!} '?J~-e-11~ JIeji5}71 -'fli5~ Zf ~ ~~2 ~ porous mediafa ;<'-]c.ji5t~q. 'fl-+7cl1l1:f::~2.

3 ~ Table I .!f-l15~

EiJ;ll Alj31A21 .!j'-;<'}-%! 4fs=. Gljo]Ei ~ ~-§-i5}~q.

Fig. 4:: ~~%%i5H-6i~ ~i5R ~'{l~ llH~:§:j9.!Il.~2l 21 ~~71 'fl-+B-';'l,oJjJ.i ~'ll~ %% ~~s=.~ .::li'jj~9} ~o]r:}. Fig. 4 Sec! ~SecI02. ~~71~ ~liJi;J.2..£ 1..f-'r~% ~ Zf y Z}~ -'fl;<.1 ~ 21 u]i5}uj, Ail£~ ~li:: Zf TZ}~ S&~%

(b) Vane type Flow Correction Device


Fig. 2. Flow analysis model for horizontal type HRSG.

Fig. 3. Axial velocity distribution.

Table 1. Flow swirl angle by gas turbine loads.

~~~t§ ?3lc§
7}c:':::El'iU -'1'-"'} 100% I 50% 100% I 53%
~:Q:jZ{ 4.06' I _41.73' 0.32' 1 -40.21' AJ ~ "'}

Contour GT 50%

(a) Horizontal type HRSG

o T

sectore or ere suoerreeternuetorane .J1f~71 ~.:rUra_ Contour GT 53%)

(b) Vertical type HRSG (Conventional FCD)

St ~ _<f-

sectons ornna sooe+eeternuetotene Jlt~71 ~~tfIt! Contour GT 53%

(c) Vertical type HRSG (Vane type FCD)

Fig. 4. Distribution of normalized normal velocity in superheater section.

Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 17, No.3 (2008)


~g ~j_~] 'i1~21 ~_:;;rfli;,Q.£' Lf~ 'i11i'l. 9-?-ltlJ--&-J.!j'-

4 Fig. 4

~J ZlA]-Zj-~,Q.£. lU]!Cjoj ~,Q.aj, SecJ,"'. AJ-¥~Qjoj] <>n~~lct. Fig. 4 (a)~(c)oj] t+EJ-\::l: 1!:'Z1'1tl 100% -,\,-<>}oj] A-j J1}~7] 'fl-=r£. -]}'fl!Cj:::: -=rn~ 'i11i'l. *ZltlJ--&-J .!j'-7-} ~ R2:;' ~R:.~ 9-1§~il} *Zl~ _2_.:<'f- 0.8~1.2 0]41£ it~i)p* .. Jt1Y· 7]~.s1 ~"-Zl~ l:In~~*_li!~t1.s1 -?l-i'- 53% !f!t !fO]-oj]A-j AJ~i5] ~-]}

0lu~ 1.8

O]AJO]q. 0]Q]- ~,"'. ~J1}.s1 ?~'il,"'. ~~-ft% ';AeJol {iOl~g_.s1 ~AJojl ur2} ztZf q;:_ ~-&-J% u]1lJ] n:Jl~ o]r:.}. --tl~-ii';-J1} .~._':r-tlJ-'6'Jo] %~~ 9-I~F§.s1 -?l-i'- ~~ ,~ '8,"'. ~rJl!Cj~ ~o]~g_ LJ1oj]A-j -ft%Qj ~-B-% %.Jl -?lA}~1i'l.oj]A~_Q_l /;j ~-ii';-0l NtlJ'8J'J1} *Zl'il9-Zl~oj]A-j:::: -ft%o] ~g_ ~

~ Jt!'6'J!Cj71] ~'i'!ol !Cj71 un{tolq.

Vane~ -ft%3':~;;<.j7.1~ ;;<'J-~~ *?-l~ tl~~~?_li!~cl :::: 53% !f !t!fo}ojlA-j.£ it~~ -ft%~R:.~ -]}7-1~q. 0l~ 0}CJ1~ojl Vane~AJ7-17l- .~ ~-ft%ojl 2115\1 WO 1 ~~ ~ 1i'l._(l_£ ~-&-J~:::: 1! g l;l{

If!t 'Ti5J-ollAi ~).8i5}:::: w ~~ '~VJol :L'}~71 Ad -i'1<>H ;;<.J.3l-B *Zl~ lln~~*_li!~t121 :L'}~71ojl rJl~ Ad?f-711

?1'i8i5I-9J_q. ;~HH)r%<>n--'4.i'f uHl7r7-]5!.

107R -=rn_(l_£_ Lf-i'-.Jl Zj- -=rZl-~£ W5'1:::: ~R717}::":Qj -]}2Joj1 Fig. 3Qj I'1101EJ ~ -'3l%i5}9J_q. 01n:Jl J1}~71 'U-=r Un7}::": .g,..£~ _liI_.:<'f- Zl-?i5}9J__(l_aj J1}~7] ~~~ LJ1¥~ ~J1}oH=- ~71 -]}2JJ1} .g,..£~ %~~ 1!

(a) Data acquisition system (MWIOO)


Ad '0 JlmAl J1}~71 ~ ~~ LJ1¥~ .:Q:.5_:::: -]}j_~]7} J1} ~~7]olE..£' Heinemann[4] -61 g o]%<>to:] ~LJ1 ~~'@_- 71]*~ Jlmo!·9J_ct.



J1}~7] ~~~,"'. serrated finned tube s; -=(-Ad5'1oj ~

.£..9..£ -61(2)2.} finned tube 7.-l]ZlA'il ESCOAA]-21

¥i-.Q.j~~,@_-71j* ojj~-61[5.6J% A}%<>I-9J_q.

(2) (3)


.':E~} 01Q} ~,"'. '~VJo] i)Al1 ~~c5.:ojl},l.£ '%f'W0H=-7-] ~'i'!o}7] -i'JiiH ~-8-W<>n--'4:L'} nH-'f- -j:;'A~ 3':Z:!ojjAi ~!Cj:::: il~l 400MWif .)!',--~:§:j-~~~c5.:~ rJlAJ-_(l_£_-&-

~iAl A.:!'o7-lm 1:ljiiLi5]-'Xtq.

71~ -=rA.:!i5}.Jl ~:::: ~~-'t!- ~7~ojj % 907HQj K-Type ~~rJl~ ¥.3l-o}9J_,Q.aj, Yokogawa MWI00 AJ-1:l1~ AI%<>}o:] ..g..s:. c·n01EJ~ '?!=;i5]-'Xtr]'. Fig. 5,". -&.£I'1]oj£l ~ =; g -i'J<>H ~.AJ-oj] ~7-]B AJ-l:lJQ]- J1}~7J -i}.!::!.ojJ ~7-J

B ~r:.l·.

Table 2:::: *Zl~ llR~~*_li!~t1Qj A':!'o71J-B-~~

Fig. 5. Pictures of Data acquisition system and attached thermocouples.

(b) Attached thermocouples on tubes

o!lLiAlti~ Ail17-l:1 Ai13.:2: 2008


J1}~71 ~f'&£ (C) J1}~71 *2~ (MW)
GT 100% GT 53% GT 100% GT 53%
71~ il-%.::r:;z,P'J-7.1 567.74 561.97 21.155 23.223
Vane-qj il-%.::r:~;zJ-7.1 567.68 563.16 21.155 23.391
~PHzj- ir'\Jil-4i- 567.65 563.40 21.144 23.420 600 590 580

I -CFD(GT53%) ~
-210 220MW 520 510 500

Secl Sec2 Sec3 SeeS Sec6 See8 Sec9 Secl0

Sections of final superheater inlet plane

(a) GT 100%

Fig. 6. Results from performance vs Data from actual plant.

.Acl2jo}o:j tllj]1_~ 3l01c}. 71.;-r:- w~~.AJ7.1~ .AJ:3}~ 7(j -i'- 53%4'-0}011Al J1}~71 H ~71,",s=..:::: tlB7}c::'::: R 1; ~*7} ~7.11-=rZ_l-011Al -tr~~ 7(j-i'-011 tlloB AJLJ1~_<)_£ '7t 0}7-1uj ~"'ls=.. Q{ 0.84% ~:5:::.'@c}. ~'i'! Vane~ W~ ~ .AJ7.1 ~ ~%~ 7(j-i'- :L'}~71 ~71 ~ 7,",s=..:::: ° VJ~ ~ 7(j-i'-S'} 71.21 %~o}uj ~"'l ~:5:::cJs=.. 0.12%011 ~:L'}o}c}. °1:::: Acl'o011 LJ1~ 1l_:lllo:j%7} 'ilic}'i'! 7-14'-0HAl1l_:ll1 ~ "'l ~ li1~AI7'171 .!f1oB 71.;-r:- w~~.AJ7.1 ~ .AJ:3}~ tlB~ :QlT-5l_~C1:::: Vane~ w~~ .AJ7.1~ .AJ:3}~ tlB~~4'- 5l_~C1.!Jl..c} ~~'i'!~% Ll1l_7.10B°j: ~c}-\::- .21°17} .'@c}.

Fig. 6:::: Acl '0 :ll1-0~~ 1l_All *~:§:}"'l ~~:5::: -&-~ I:l101E-JS'} tllj]1_~ 3l01c}. ~~:5::: ~.Acl I:l101E-J~ 1l_-TIj5l_ 'i'! 100% 4'-0}011Al ~LJ1 ~ ~:5::: ,",s=..7.}:::: 18.8°coluj 53% 'f;t 'f o}011Al ,",s=..7.}-l=- 46.2°C~ ~7}o}uj, 'f;t 'f o}011Al ~-'i'-,",s=.. l:[!:;;;,~01 ~),~~c}. 01S'} :Q',<'_ 7(j<3'J',<'_ Acl'o:llI-0 ~:L'}011Als=.. ~'?l~ 4'- 9lC}. Acl'o:llI-0 ~:L'} 100% 4'-0}011Al ~LJ1 ~ ~:5::: ,",s=..7.}-\::- 5.8°coluj, 53% -'!'-o}01H:::: 30.3°C~ ~7}~c}. _1E~ 'f;t 'f 0H1Al ~.Acl I:l101E-JS'} %~~ 7(j<3'J'.21 ~-'i'-,",s=.. l:[!:;;;,~01 ~),~~c}.

4 7~

• <=

4'-~~ :lJ 4'-~~ tlB~~4'-.!Jl..~C1.21 %'8~Acl~ tllj]1_ o}.::Jl 4'-~~ tlB~4'-5l_~C1011Al 'f;t 'for -&-~Al ~A~O} :::: W l:[!:;;;'~ -~VJol :L'}~71 ~~~T011 017.1:::: ~<3'J'

600 590 580

C1. ...

I ~CFD (GT 100%)
~350-360MW 520 510 500

Secl Sec2 Sec3 SeeS Sec6 See8 Sec9 Secl0

Sections of final superheater inlet plane

(b) GT53%

~ 1l_-TIj.!Jl..9_l-_Q_uj, _1E~ ),B~ .::Jl'?l-.'@ Vane~ w~~ .AJ 7.1.21 Acl'o ~ ~'?lo}'\_l,c}. '?:!-=r~4'-E-J c}g:L'} :Q',<'_ ~~ ~ s=..~o}'\_l,c}.

- 4'-~~ tlW~~4'-.!Jl..~21:::: 100% -'!'-o}S'} 50% -'!'-o} AI :L'}~71 ~-=r011Al -tr~m %'8 ;t*~ %7-1o}L-j-, 71.;-r:-.21 %%~~.AJ7.1 ~ .AJ:3}~ 4'-~~ tlB~~4'-5l_ ~C1:::: 53% 'f ;t 'f o}011Al W l:[!:;;;' ~ -~VJo 1 ~),~~c}. o:}2}Al 4'~~ tlW~~4'-5l_~21.21 7(j-'i'- 100% -,!,-o~ 71~_Q_~ %%~~.AJ7.1 ~ 1l_:lllo}:::: 3l,<'_ tl}~~o}7-1 %J:'c}.

- 71.;-r:- -?r%~~ .AJ7.1~ .AJ:3}~ 4'-~~ tlB~~4'-5l_~C1 .21 7(j-'i'- W l:[!:;;;'~ ~AJ_<)_£ '?loB 0.84%.21 Acl'o7-1o} 7} ojl~~~C}. 'i'l-Q{ 01 ~01 1l_:lllo:j%~ j',_:L'}~C}'i'! :L'}~71 ~7 il..-=r,",s=.. 71;l':~ 'i'l-4fAI7'I7-1 *~ 4'-s=.. 9l_Q_O-j, 01 7(j-'i'- :L'}~71 011 1l_7.1~ ~ ~~ 1- ~ ~7}Al ~oj: ~c}.

- ~-0woB~ ~~ °1%o}o:j 4'-0~~ Acl'o:llI-0 ~:L'} :::: 400MW 1l_All *~:§:}"'l~~:5::: :L'}~71 ~~~ ~7 ,",s=..~.Acl ~:L'}S'} 100% -'!'-o}S'} 53% -'!'-o}011Al %~~ 7(j<3'J'% L-j-EfLJ1~C}. _1E~ 71.;-r:- %%~~.AJ7.1 ~ .AJ:3}~ 7(j-i'- 1l_All *~:§:}"'l~-';'1_:5:::011Al:::: 46.2°C.21 ,",s=..7.}7} ~},~~_Q_O-j, Acl'o:llj-0 ~~ ~oB ~'?l~ ,",s=..7.}:::: 30.3°C~ ojl~~~C}· °1S'} :Q',<'_ ,",s=.. -=rtlB:::: if-_!-::l__ ll} ~.21 -%l '?l ° 1 ~ 4'- 91 C}.

- ~ to ~ 011 Al1Al~ tlJ~:L'} :Q'0 1 ~-0woB~:L'} Acl 'o:ll1

Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2008)


Z};";_ '13-q!Jti}Jt! 'I' ~ 'l'ti}o1]Al ~A~tik=- llH~~*_lil_~ti JI}~7]21 AJ '0 Alti}Qj- ~ ~~ H ~7]_g.s=. -=jLllH ~ oj] 1!7-l]7}


- Vane7@ %%~~7'J-:7-] ~ AJ-3j-~ *.6J7@ llH~~*_lil_ ~ ti21 7cJ-'i'- 53% 'I' ~ 'l'ti}o1]Als=. JI}~7] 'fl-=JL£ "i?~~

Afo m2/m Fin or secondary outside surface area
per unit length of tube
~\ m2/m Total outside surface area per unit
length of tube
Apo m2/m Primary outside surface area per unit
length of tube
Cp J/kg K Heat capacity at constant pressure
CI Reynolds number correction to j-factor
C3 Geometry number correction to j-factor
C5 Nonequilateral and row correction to
d, m Outside diameter of fin
do m Outside diameter of tube
E Fin efficiency OIIL-jAI~~ Ai117~ A;13.£ 2008

Go kglm2 s Mass flux
Colburn heat transfer factor
Nu Nusselt number
Pr Prandtl number
Tb °C Average outside fluid temperature

2. B.E. Lee, S.B. Kwon, C.S. Lee, "On the Effect of Swirl Flow of Gas Turbine Exhaust Gas in an Inlet Duct of Heat Recovery Steam Generator", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2002, Vol. 124, pp.496-S02.

3. 01~~4'- 21 3'iJ, Flow Correction Device~ ol%tr HRSG l.jpj!·2J %% "1101, t:Jltr717-j1"&~ oj]l..oj;<.l ~ %~1J-"&.lf41!: ~7-j1~t:Jl~ ~~, 1999, pp.38-42.

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5. Marie-Noelle Dumont, Georges Heyen, "Mathematical modeling and design of an advanced once-through heat recovery steam generator", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2004, 28, pp.6SI-660.

6. ESCOA, Fin tube manual, ESCOA Corp, 1979.

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