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Numb Minimum

er Interval
Vaccine Age Dose Route Site Reason
of Between
at 1st Dose
Doses Doses

Right BCG given at earliest possible age

Bacillus Birth or
0.05 deltoid protects the possibility of TB
Calmette- anytime 1 -- Intradermal
mL region of meningitis and other TB infections in
Guérin after birth
the arm which infants are prone[3]

Upper outer
Pertussis- 0.5 Intramuscu An early start with DPT reduces the
6 weeks 3 4 weeks portion of
Tetanus mL lar chance of severe pertussis[4].
the thigh

The extent of protection against polio

Oral Polio 2-3 is increased the earlier the OPV is
6 weeks 3 4 weeks Oral Mouth
Vaccine drops given.
Keeps the Philippines polio-free[5].

An early start of Hepatitis B vaccine

6 weeks reduces the chance of being infected
interval from and becoming a carrier[6].
1st dose to Prevents liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
Upper outer
Hepatitis B 0.5 2nd dose, Intramuscu which are more likely to develop if
At birth 3 portion of
Vaccine mL 8 weeks lar infected with Hepatitis B early in life[7]
the thigh
interval from [8].
2nd dose to About 9,000 die of complications of
third dose. Hepatits B. 10% of Filipinos have
Hepatitis B infection[9]

Measles Upper outer At least 85% of measles can be

Vaccine 0.5 Subcutane
9 months 1 -- portion of prevented by immunization at this
mL ous
(not MMR) the arms age[10].

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