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Arrah Gram Panchayat is a Gram Panchayat under Nayagram Block in Paschim

Medinipur. In this G.P more than 3200 families were exist. Here the main source of
income is cultivation of Babui.

In this Gram Panchayat every family are familiar about “NREGS”, but 91.90% families
were made an application for job card and got the job card. There is no family who kept
the information of their unemployment days. Here no H.H is able to get the same
payment by doing lesser work. Here some self help group who supervise the work and
examined whether the work is done in the predetermined standard or not. Still the date
there is no family who made a application for job in unemployment situation because of
there illiteracy, so there is no family who got the unemployment allowance. Up to this
date the families did some different types of work like Plantation, Road construction,
Hapa digging and etc. The households collect their wages from Bank or from Samabai
Bank within 7-10 days of completion of their work. In case of wage collection, he is the
eligible person in whose name the Bank account is made.

Questioners Arrah Gram Panchayat

Average no. of working days in the year 2009-10. 30% i.e. 30 days
How the families were known what to do and 66.67% H.H by G.P and
where to do? 33.33% after start of work
How long they have to do there work? No question of time , a
specific standard like 13 pit
filling = 1 man days.
Percentage of family who know what to do in 55.55% H.H
unemployment situation
Wage rate taken by the H.H in 2009-10. Rs. 81 & Rs.100

As per my survey to 33 households in Arrah Gram Panchayat the average no. of working
days which they got in 2009-10 is 30 days. The information of work mainly provided by
the Panchayat after the meeting is held. But every household is not able to get the
information of work. That is why 66.67% household were known about work i.e. what to
do and where to do by Gram Panchayat and 33.33% household were known about work
after start of work. Here work is done in a predetermined standard like 13 pit digging, 3
pits filling, and 100 cft. Soil etc. So there is no question of hourly work. In this G.P 55%
households did not know what to do in unemployment situation i.e. they don’t know that
they have to make an application in unemployment situation. The wages rate taken by the
household up to 31.12.2009 Rs. 81 & from 01.01.2010 Rs. 100.

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