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is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a

fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.[2] An abortion can occur spontaneously due
to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species.
The most common reasons women consider abortion are:

 Birth control (contraceptive) failure. Over half of all women who have an abortion used a
contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant.3
 Inability to support or care for a child.
 To end an unwanted pregnancy.
 To prevent the birth of a child with birth defects or severe medical problems. Such defects are
often unknown until routine second-trimester tests are done.
 Pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
 Physical or mental conditions that endanger the woman's health if the pregnancy is continued.

Teen pregnancy
About 30% of pregnant teens choose to have an abortion.4 About 60% of women under age 18 who have
an abortion have a parent who knows of the abortion, and the majority of these parents support their
daughters' decisions.4 (In the United States, some states require a parent's consent for women under the
age of 18 before they can have an abortion. But in these states a minor has the right to seek a court order
allowing an abortion without a parent's consent.
The most common reasons that teens and young women choose to have an abortion include:4

 Awareness that they are not mature enough to have children.

 Knowledge that they are financially not able to support or care for children.
 Concern that having a baby would change their lives and compromise their (and a child's) future.
Many young mothers don't ever manage to get the education and employment necessary to raise their
children above the poverty line.

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