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Early Childhood Sex Education (Excerpts)

Sex education offensive in the German educational system

by Michael Handel (Kinder ohne Rechte)


Swiss alliance for the prevention of sexual violence recommends

sexual activities with children.................................................................. 02

Releasing sexual life energy.................................................................... 03

How to tell the parents........................................................................... 04

Masturbation in kindergarten................................................................... 05

Sexual transgressions............................................................................ 05

The child's fundamental right of satisfaction.............................................. 06

Soon sex toys for children?..................................................................... 08

Demands of the pedophile lobby fulfilled................................................... 08

Just a game.......................................................................................... 09

Pedagogical dilettantism......................................................................... 10

Institute for Sex Education in Dortmund (ISP)........................................... 11


Wave of indignation.............................................................................. 12

Swiss alliance for the prevention of sexual violence recommends

sexual activities with children

By means of the brochure "Body, Love and Playing Doctor", edited by the
German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the Child Protection
Switzerland encouraged parents, relatives, and child care workers to
perform sex acts on children. After a heated public debate, the Child
Protection Switzerland reacted and announced the withdrawal of the

In order to respond effectively to the sexual exploitation of children and to

close existing gaps, four organizations, including the Swiss Crime
Prevention, Swiss Olympic, the Terre des Hommes Foundation for
Children's Aid, and the Child Protection Switzerland, established the Swiss
alliance for the prevention of sexual violence against children and
adolescents. It is also supported by the Alliance of the Federal Social
Insurance (BSV).

On the Internet platform www.schau-hin.ch, the Alliance informs the

public about facts, forms and backgrounds of sexual violence against
children and adolescents. It requests to look and to act. Furthermore, it
presents action proposals for parents and for adults who work as
professionals or as volunteers with children and adolescents. In addition,
brochures are available that can be downloaded and read as PDFs. Among
them were the two booklets "Body, Love and Playing Doctor". The first
volume is devoted to early childhood development during the first to third
year of life, the second to the preschool development from the fourth to
sixth year. Author is Ms. Ina-Maria Philipps from the Dortmund Institute
for Sexual Education (ISP). She wrote the booklets on behalf of the
German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).

The two brochures were distributed nationwide 650,000 times to parents,

educators, kindergartens, teachers, and students. Anyone could order
them for free on the website of the BZgA or download them as PDFs. In
Switzerland, the two guides were distributed by the Swiss alliance for the
prevention of sexual violence against children and adolescents. The Child
Protection Switzerland is responsible for their content. Here are some

The "guide for parents on child sex education from 1 to 3 years"

encourages mothers and fathers "to combine business with pleasure, to
tickle, caress, and kiss the child in various places while it is being
cleaned." (p. 16) "The vagina and especially the clitoris are hardly given
any attention by giving them names or tender touch (neither by the father
nor by the mother), which makes it more difficult for girls to develop pride
in their sexuality." (p. 27) Very intensive explorations of the adults'

genitals can "sometimes trigger feelings of arousal in the adults." (p. 27)
"So it is only a sign of healthy development of your child, when he makes
an extensive use of the opportunity to procure himself pleasure and
satisfaction." (p. 25) When girls from 1-3 years "prefer using objects for
this purpose", one should not "use this as a pretext to prevent
masturbation." (p. 25) The guide would "appreciate if fathers,
grandmothers, uncles, or nannies also looked into this publication and felt
encouraged – please do all feel called upon!"

In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, the author was asked, "There is a

passage in the guide that says, 'to combine business with pleasure, to
tickle, caress, and kiss the child in various places while it is being
cleaned.' Which parts of the body do you mean?" Ina-Maria Philipps, self-
explanatory: "All, the whole body." SPIEGEL ONLINE: "But this can really
be considered as an invitation to pedophiles ..." Philipps: "... this is true.
[But we know that pedophiles use all sorts of arguments to justify
themselves. This is awful and of course completely inappropriate {sic!}. I
do not encourage people to take care of the children's genitals exclusively,
but of their whole body. Children like caresses everywhere. And children
don't make a difference. For them the genital region isn't more important
than the finger, the belly, or the toes.]" [...]

Releasing sexual life energy

What is good for the parents must also be good for national child care. On
21 February 2005, a symposium was held in Hamburg on the subject
"Cuddling, Feeling, Playing Doctor". This conference was organized by the
Ministry of Science and Health (BWG) in cooperation with the Hamburg
Association for Health Promotion (HAG). Over 200 educators and
multipliers from the health and education sector took part in the
conference. Much applause and approval was given to Ina-Maria Philipps
from the Institute for Sexual Education (ISP) and to Prof. Uwe Sielert from
the University of Kiel and the scientific advisory board of the ISP. There
were speakers from various organizations, including Pro Familia, the Child
Protection Center Hamburg, the Family Planning Center Hamburg, the
Federal Center for Health Education, and the Ministry of Science and
Health. The goal is to introduce early childhood sex education to the three
million children in the existing 50,000 day care centers, with the help of
373,000 skilled workers. A good early childhood sex education, it is
argued, contributes to the healthy growing up of children and promotes
the development of a healthy personality, while day care has an
educational mandate which implies sexual education from the very

Prof. Dr. Uwe Sielert speaks of a "sex emergency", of a "sexual disaster"

and in this context, of a "sexuality gap between sexually advantaged and
sexually disadvantaged population groups, which has to be responded to

by a sexuality offensive, by an obligatory sexuality canon in the education

system". When applied to the practice, this requirement means nothing
more than: every child deserves the same right of having his genitals
caressed and kissed, and of being able to appease his "unsatisfied skin
hunger" together with other children, without any discrimination.

"Sexuality as a life energy," Sielert continues, is a part of the human

being since infancy and is "connected with watching, imitating,
empathizing, and exploring". "Education is defined as a basic formation of
personality. The children's emotional, social, sensory, and cognitive
powers are to be promoted through perception, action, and reflection.
There is explicit approval for the specific sexual learning by experience"
(p. 20). "Today and even more in the future, people need a willful access
to their sexual resources and to a use of their life energy that is beneficial
to themselves and to society." (p. 19).

How to tell the parents

According to the ISP, day care centers and kindergartens are responsible
for early childhood sex education. For this purpose, sexual activities are to
be actively promoted among the children with the help of games. Like and
dislike should be experienced and acted out physically. "Playing doctor",
"masturbation", "playing sexual intercourse", "tongue kissing" and "nude
dancing" are a permanent part of instruction. (p. 27) [According to the
ISP,] There is no need to worry. After all, the children would be
supervised by professionally trained staff, who know perfectly well what is
in the interest of the children: "Children imitating sexual intercourse easily
produce some disconcertment among adults. In my opinion, this
excitement is usually not appropriate, provided that both children like to
take part in this game; because presumably it is an enjoyable rubbing for
the boy, whereas for the girl it is sort of a trial action, similar to giving a
baby doll the breast." (p. 11) According to the concept of Silke Moritz and
Sven Vöth from the Pro Familia Landesverband Hamburg e.V., sex
education means "to make a space/room available to the children within
which they can collect and share information about sexuality and also
experience it, quite naturally and free from fear or inhibition." (p. 26)

The pedagogues at the Hamburg Symposium showed some understanding

for parents who are in a moral conflict due to the governmental plans for
coercive sexualization of their children. "Lately, four-year-old Anna-Lena
quite often disappears to play doctor and patient with same-aged Linus
and Paul – Anna-Lena's father is worried and confronts an educator with
the fact that his daughter was recently wearing no underpants under her
jeans when she got home ... The children of the ladybug dance group now
like to dance naked to loud music in their group room, and some parents
wish to broach this issue on the occasion of a parents' evening." How to
tell the parents, the conference participants want to know, "that their
children already have their sexuality ... and even live it already. How can I

best inform the parents that the children's sexual experiences are
important for those young persons?" (p. 26)

The involvement of the parents is considered important and necessary,

however, parents are laypersons, and their worries go unheard in the
professional pedagogues' outcry for early childhood sex education. After
all, in the opinion of those professionals, it is the parents who are
responsible for the sexuality gap. Therefore, educators in day care centers
are mandatory who have a "sex-positive attitude and appropriate
professional readiness to act". Whereby "it is of inestimable value to
amend and also correct the information and the moral evaluation
concerning sexual needs, forms of expression and role models that had
been obtained in the family, both through other adults, but especially by
learning in the peer group, [...]" (p. 11) This means that public education
neutralizes parental education by giving children at a very young age and
under state care a new moral conditioning that is "sex-friendly". The
cultural and individual education of the parents' home is to yield to a
"binding sexuality canon" standardized by the State.

Masturbation in kindergarten

In a recently published article, "die tageszeitung" TAZ reported on a

kindergarten in the Norwegian Oslo that already applies in practice early
childhood sex education. In the Oslo tabloid Dagbladet, this topic even
occupied the front page: "She Wants Sex Games in Kindergarten".

This refers to the preschool teacher and director of the kindergarten, Ms.
Pia Friis. In a journal she wrote about how the stuff should handle
children's sex games, gave advice how to deal with that, and pointed to
the example of her kindergarten, where "all types of sex games" were
allowed. The left-wing Telegraph said: "They can look at and explore their
bodies, play doctor or father and mother, masturbate, or dance around
naked." And supported by other experts, she had requested not to impede
those games, but rather promote them. If the staff meets children who
masturbate or are engaged in other sexual activities, they should
encourage them with a "Well, is that beautiful, what you are doing?" or
"Does this feel good?" Pia Friis gets support from experts. Thore Langfeldt,
a renowned psychologist, says: "Only when children know what sexuality
is, they can also say no to it. Children find it easier to report assaults if
they already have a relationship to sexuality, and they can set limits
better." So children should already gain comprehensive sexual experience
in earliest childhood to be able to recognize and fend off sexual abuse

Sexual transgressions

The author of the guide "Body, Love, and Playing Doctor", Ina-Maria
Philipps, was also present at the Hamburg conference. She remarked that

children "are multi-responsive ('polymorphous perverse' - Freud), that is,

searching with all their senses for maximum pleasure. [...] Children's
sexuality is characterized by spontaneity, curiosity, and candor. Girls and
boys initially do not know any rules that could make them limit or hide
their search activities. Everything that pleases them, or what they are
interested in, is acted out." (p. 9)

In their sexual development, children should investigate their own limits.

As for this demand, the experts at the Hamburg conference are in
agreement. Children should be given the opportunity to have positive and
negative experiences, to learn from these, and to integrate them into their
personality. "The experience and testing of limits is an important part of
childhood learning. Where children are curious and want to try something,
they always touch and sometimes transgress limits - as everywhere else
in life." (p. 39)

But in reality, those sexual transgressions, classified as having a high

educational value, are nothing more than sexual abuse of the child. That
children suffer irreparable traumata is approvingly accepted, even praised
as a valuable life experience. It is meant to strengthen the child's

Children should also not constantly be supervised in their sexual activities.

"Those who participated in the workshop noted that in critical situations
many educators tend to react as quickly as possible. Often, however, it is
useful to just observe a situation in order to avoid blind activism: sex-
friendly accompanying can also mean to just observe a situation which is
assessed as being delicate. This was discussed on the example of doctor
games which many educators, for fear of transgressions, would prefer to
allow only "under adult observation". Letting the children act as they like
would give them the chance to regulate things among themselves,
especially if all the children obviously enjoy examining one another.
Preventing or regulating these learning and developing opportunities
through general prohibitions or constant presence of adults, was
disapproved by all the participants of the workshop." (p. 41) [...]

Especially when it comes to the risk of sexually-motivated transgressions,

uncertainty in everyday education is simply not sustainable. Traumatizing
children in state institutions by exposing them to sexual border
experiences is absolutely unnecessary. There is no need for that. The
experiment of forced early childhood sexualization leaves a society that is
hurt in its very core.

The child's fundamental right of satisfaction

Early childhood sex education is based on lessons that are pleasure-

oriented. Whatever is fun, is good. It is suggested to the child that he has
the right to be taken seriously in his desire for sexual satisfaction.

Parents, close relatives, and nannies, are invited to give the children a
positive body feeling by fondling and kissing their genitals. The child sees
himself as a sexual being: "The chance of a satisfying sexual life lies in
recognizing and experiencing one's own pleasure. An education that is
friendly to sexuality allows the child a positive body awareness, curiosity,
and fun of himself and of other kids. (p. 33) Children learn to understand
their need for individual satisfaction as a fundamental right against society
and their social environment.

So, if the child feels good, this is in his best interests. And as long as all
children feel fun and joy in experiencing sexual practices together, there is
nothing to object. Even the well-known educational brochure against the
sexual abuse of children, "My body belongs to me!" conveys the same
message. Sexual exploitation is only present when "an adult or older
youth abuses his power to satisfy his own needs". "Exploitation only
occurs when a person of age abuses a child specifically for his own sexual
arousal or satisfaction," says a treatise written at the HFS Zentralschweiz
[College for Social Work, Central Switzerland]. This means that any abuse
takes place only if the initiative does not come from the child. But if,
during the child's "search for maximal pleasure gain", it comes to sexual
acts, a misuse must consequently be excluded. In fact, it is little
astonishing that the information brochure of the Child Protection
Switzerland, wrapped in soothing words, represents essentially no other
ideology than the guide "Body, Love and Playing Doctor". "A good body
awareness and an age-appropriate sex education are the basis for the
development of a healthy self-confidence and important aspects of
prevention. If children have a holistic knowledge of their bodies and have
a language for sexuality, it is easier for them to recognize sexual abuse
and violence and to talk about it. By promoting a positive body
awareness, we enable the girls and boys to experience themselves as
unique and valuable and to be proud of their bodies. [...] It is important
that girls and boys become familiar with the variety of feelings, and to
encourage them to take their feelings seriously and to express them."

Children should therefore recognize and fulfill their sexual needs, so that
they are able to recognize abuse. Let's repeat: according to the brochure
"My body belongs to me!", there is only abuse when the child does not
feel good any more. "Children have the right to decide how, when, where,
and by whom they want to be touched." A distinction is made between
"good, bad, and strange touches. "It is important that children are
expressly permitted to reject unpleasant or strange touches." So the child
has to determine himself which touches he likes and which not. He should
have the right to decide for himself how, when, where, and by whom he
wants to experience "maximal pleasure." Certainly, it is important to be
able to trust one's feelings and to correctly assess an abuse situation.
However, the claim that effective prevention presupposes an early
childhood sexual exploration trip, is positively absurd.

Soon sex toys for children?

The consequences of the child's right of early childhood sexuality and

satisfaction, and thus the claim to experience it also, actually involve the
abolishment of those laws which now protect children from sexual

If the motto is "Good is what is fun," and the child is considered to be

"polymorphous perverse", the child must consequently be granted the
right to be able to experience a diverse infantile sexuality. And the market
could soon discover the new target child. Then not only sex toys for adults
would be offered, but pedagogically valuable toys for the discovery of
infantile sexuality, training videos for parents and educators,
pedagogically valuable child pornography, and other perversities. After all,
a child must be professionally accompanied and supported in his sexual
needs, and hardly any taboo would be big enough to resist the child's
sexual exploration trip.

Demands of the pedophile lobby fulfilled

That sexualized children claim the right to live out their sexual desires -
whatever that may involve – is also well-known to pedophiles. After all,
they argue, children's sexuality must not be put at a disadvantage in
comparison with adult sexuality. Should we restrain a child who, in his
eagerness to experiment and in his search for maximal pleasure gain,
feels like having sex with older children, adolescents or with adults or
persons of the same sex? The latter is already promoted in kindergarten
as part of early childhood sex education. [...] In order to avoid
unnecessary limitation for the children, abolishment of the age limit for
children in sexual relations with older people will be discussed again in a
not too distant future. The age should be abolished in the child's interest.
Of course with the focus on the child's needs. "Children are as different as
their desires," the pedophile lobby working in the background will argue.
The "right of the child and of the adult to maintain relations with persons
of their choice" must be respected. Honi soit qui mal y pense.

It is not surprising that the sex pedagogues' demand for early childhood
sex education and experience is in line with the demands of the pedophile
lobby. End of May 2006, it became known that pedophiles in the
Netherlands wanted to found a "Party for Charity, Freedom and Diversity"
(NVD). Among the demands of the new party are the sex education of
young children, the legal possession of child pornography, and the
legalization of sexual intercourse with only twelve-year-olds. The longer-
term goal is to abolish the age limit for sexual relations with minors.

For the scandalous work "The Pedosexual Complex", the German Green
Party politician and gay activist Volker Beck authored a chapter "Change
the criminal law?". In it one can find Beck's infamous statement that the
struggle for equality between homosexuality and heterosexuality "can
prevent the consolidation of a sexually repressive climate," which is a
prerequisite for "being able some day to take up the fight for an - at least
partial - decriminalization of pedosexuality". This strategic vision reveals
the actual plans of the pedophile movement. Today the establishment of
equal rights for homosexuals is well advanced; now the topic of equal
rights for pedophiles is insinuated into public debate – in a well-
camouflaged manner. [However, Volker Beck now clearly distances
himself from those former ambitions!]

Just a game...

It is well-known that sexual abuse of children often starts as a play or is

disguised as a game. In the same way, early childhood sex education
comes disguised as a game. Educator Beate Martin from Pro Familia in
Münster, who is also an associate and instructor at the Dortmund Institute
for Sexual Education (ISP), declared on the Hamburg Conference, "Sex
education should not take place once or occasionally, but it should be
embedded playfully in the daily life of a child. Children experience their
sexuality holistically, with all their senses. They are curious, interested,
and they enjoy exploring or trying out things. This implies that in their
sexual experiences they are accompanied by adults with sensitivity,
willingness, the delight in playing, and with knowledge in the sense of
experience advantage. Acting consciously is a basis for an active sex
education. This includes the setting of rules and limits as well as the
creation of opportunities that allow the child to move, to experience
himself in the game with other children, or to withdraw into a protected,
private place (respect for privacy!)."

What exactly Beate Martin understands by "playful", she explains in her

book "Love - Cuddle – Smooch" which was highly recommended on that
Conference. The book is billed as a guide for early childhood sex education
in kindergartens. One game is to strip the children naked who then have
to line up and stand in a stooping posture, while the children's upper
bodies are completely covered with bed sheets. One by one, the children
must now recognize their playmates by examining their "butt", "dick" or
"vagina". If they do not find out the name, they may stroke or gently
pinch the other's genitals to elicit some sound from the owner. (p. 90) In
another game, one child is to hold his rear in front of another child's nose
and fart at him. (p. 84) It is repeatedly recommended to take nude photos
of the children and to have the children paint their parents with particular
emphasis on their genitalia. (pp. 82, 78, 79) Furthermore, it is
recommended that on parents' evenings the parents should be shown the
largest possible nude pics of kindergarten kids embracing each other, of
heterosexual and homosexual couples in bed, as well as of people who

masturbate - and particularly suitable for that, it is said, are the photos by
Will McBride, the editor of "Show me!" (p. 64) The illustrated book "Show
me!", which will be mentioned later on, is explicitly recommended. (p. 79)
If any of the children do not want to join in the respective sex games, the
educator – according to Beate Martin – feels that "with these children
there must be something wrong!" (p. 46 ff)

Furthermore, Beate Martin of Pro Familia complains in her book that there
is rarely any difference in the reactions of educators and parents, "when
children of kindergarten age play sexual intercourse." "When a boy and a
girl are trying to introduce the penis into the vagina, this is blocked on the
spot, regardless of whether the children are having fun or not." (p. 45)

On 28 August 2007, the Youth Welfare Office of North Rhine-Westphalia

and Pro Familia NRW held a joint symposium (under the same title "Love,
Cuddle, Smooch - sex education in day care centers for children") for
educators, directors, and carriers of child day care centers, and for youth
welfare workers.

Investigations of the Cantonal Commission for Gender Equality in the

canton of Bern on the subject of "violence by women against children"
showed that "care and education tasks provide opportunities for sexual
assaults," which can be hidden better by precisely these kinds of acts. But
this is exactly what the staff of the controversial Dortmund Institute for
Sexual Education (ISP) demands by motivating parents, close relatives,
and nannies to stroke and kiss the children's whole body while cleaning
them. [...]

Pedagogical dilettantism

Among the early advocates of a sex-friendly education was Professor

Helmut Kentler. Kentler claimed that a "healthy baby" feels a need for
masturbation which is only suppressed by a "repressive sexual education".
He demanded that - also for young children - "concepts for an
emancipated sexuality" should be developed which could be based on the
"polymorphous-perverse game character of sexuality". The "characteristic
of an education which is really sex-friendly" would then be that children
can "live out freely their thirst of discovery", and that they need not
"suppress their sexual desires for adults under the pressure of restraint".
Kentler therefore also recommended changes of the incest taboo between
parents and children: children should no longer be excluded from the
sexuality of adults, but should be allowed to have "experiences".

In the information brochure "Show me!" that was published in 1974 and in
which there are pornographic illustrations of children's sexuality, Helmut
Kentler wrote the foreword. The 196-page book was commented by the
Basel child psychologist Helga Fleischhauer-Hardt. The book shows,
among other things, two naked children play around with their bodies and

nestle to one another their genitals, or a child who has his finger in his
butt. In 1978 already, the German magazine "Zeit" labelled this as
"educational transgression". In the 90s, those illustrations led to violent
protests. Since then, the book is in some U.S. states under the offense of
possession of child pornography publications. In 1977, an editor in chief
was sentenced to a fine by the Federal Court of Switzerland for publishing
immoral pictures that were harmful to young people: in June 1976, an
article on youth sexuality, co-authored by him and titled "More ignorant
than they appear...", had come out that was illustrated with pictures from
"Show me!".

To date, the information brochure "Show me more!" is recommended by

the German Pro Familia. In a revised edition in 1988, it appeared under
the title "Show me more!" with texts by the already mentioned Uwe
Sielert (ISP). After the book had sold almost a million copies in seven
languages, printing was stopped in 1996.

Institute for Sexual Education (ISP)

The author of the guide "Body, Love, and Playing Doctor", Ms. Ina-Maria
Philipps, as well as Prof. Uwe Sielert from the Kiel University, and also the
author of the book "Love - Cuddle - Smooch", Ms. Beate Martin, are active
workers for the Dortmund Institute for Sexual Education [ISP]. Sielert is
also the Managing Director of the Association for Sex Education (GSP) for
the variety of sexualities and lifestyles. They all take an active influence
on the German educational system, through publications, through the
Hamburg Conference, or through Pro Familia. The ISP is in close contact
with the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and other
organizations such as child protection centers, family planning centers, the
Office for Science and Health, and the High School of Social Work (HAS) in
Lucerne [Switzerland]. Occasionally, their brochures have also been
distributed in Switzerland, with the aim of making parents - but also the
educational system – more sensitive to early childhood sex education.

Considering the demands of the Institute, it becomes clear that the ISP is
a playground for pedophile thought. It reveals itself as a religious center
with the belief in an early childhood sexual freedom. The Institute aspires
to fulfill a mission, i.e. to sexualize children from early childhood, [which is
also the aim of] the pedophile lobby. Hidden from the public, it pulls the
strings and takes an active influence on political decisions in the
educational system, and on sex education. There is hardly any scope left
[for other concepts]. Parents who take a critical view of this "freedom"
that is forced upon their children by the State, are suspected of acting
against the children's interests. Children who do not join the particular sex
games thus signal that something is wrong with them.


Wave of indignation

In Germany, the discussion about an experience-oriented early childhood

sex education in the preschool age has been fully discussed in previous
years. Gabriele Kuby's article "On the way to the new man" [June 2007]
triggered sharp criticism in Germany regarding the distribution of the
guide "Body, Love and Playing Doctor".

There were several critical articles in the German daily press. Experts had
their say in the KÖLNER EXPRESS article "Should we educate our children
like that?" by Jasper Juckel. According to Juckel, the brochure propagated
"unsettling sex tips" for parents. Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher assumes that
the stroking of the clitoris and the giving of pet names for female genitals
by the fathers will be judged by any court as "abuse of minors". The
brochure is designated "unrealistic and hazardous". Irene Johns from the
Kinderschutzbund [Child Protection Association] in Schleswig-Holstein
expresses her concern that "pedophiles can use such official guidance as a
justification". "Children who are to explore their parents' genitals – that is
not acceptable," said the chief of the Hannover Institute for Child
Psychology, Wolfgang Bergmann. The demand for mutual sexual
stimulation of the parents' and children's genitals encountered fairly
unanimous rejection and caused numerous protests by German citizens.
As a result, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) was forced to
withdraw the brochure from circulation and put the PDF documents offline.
The Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen rejected any
responsibility: she referred to the red-green legacy, for it was not possible
for her to read everything. [It was Dr. von der Leyen who finally had the
brochure withdrawn!]

In Switzerland, the German public outrage caused by the brochure

remained virtually unnoticed. This may also explain the ironical fact that it
was the Swiss alliance for the prevention of sexual violence against
children and adolescents that continued offering the brochure as a PDF
document on their website – even after the two guides had no longer been
available for some time in Germany. It was the author's public
intervention that led to the withdrawal of the booklet in Switzerland. How
could it happen that the brochure could find its way to be distributed in
Switzerland? This must be due to the leftist concepts of the child
protection organizations. And, ironically, this is the danger presented to
the children by these organizations. It is a dangerous playing with fire; a
game at the expense of the child's sexual integrity in which a child is no
longer allowed to be a child.



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