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ELSEVIER Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178

Architectures for product families

Freek Erens a,*, Karel Verhulst b
a Eindhouen University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, P.O. Box 513.5600 MB Eindhouen, The Netherlands
b Phillips Medical Sysfems, P.O. Box 10000, 5680 DA Best, The Netherlands


Manufacturing companies increasingly develop product families to offer a large variety of products with limited
development and manufacturing costs. This paper asserts that the development of a product family requires product
architectures in three domains, defining the required function, technological realisation and the physical realisation. A
product architecture :separates the stable and the variable aspects of the design. The stable aspects are then integrated to
improve the cost-peIfoformance ratio, and the variable aspects are developed in a modular way to improve the cost-variety
trade-off. The paper zsupports its arguments through an example. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Product architecture; Product development; Modularity; Integration; Generic product structuring

1. Introduction panies to increase product performance while simul-

taneously reducing costs. Prominent examples of this
The advent of the buyers’ market has imposed a
phenomenon can be found in consumer electronics
necessity on the manufacturing companies to suit
and more recently in personal computers. Technolog-
individual customer requirements. Companies have
ical progress in chip development and software engi-
answered this need by offering a large variety from
neering has made it possible to integrate an increas-
which customers can choose their ideal products.
ing number of user functions in a decreasing number
This seemingly large variety of products have many
of modules. However, the pursuit of integration can
common modules designed to reduce the efforts in
conflict with modularisation. Integration corresponds
development and increase the economy of scale in
to the cost-performance trade-off.
manufacturing. Specific modules must be developed
Modularity and integration can impose conflicting
to create the necessary differentiation of products for
requirements. It is argued that complexity resulting
the individual cust’omers and market segments. The
from these conflicting requirements can be resolved
proportion of common and specific modules must be
with a product architecture (see Fig. 1). This paper
chosen such that profits are maximised. Modularity
focuses on architectures for product families, as
corresponds to the cost-variety trade-off.
product families in particular cope with the issue of
A second conse8quence of the buyers’ market has
achieving modularity and integration simultaneously.
been an increasing pressure on manufacturing com-
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows.
Section 2 discusses the role of product models in
* Corresponding author. Present address: Baan Company, Baan different development domains, after which Section
R&D, Zonneoordlaan 17, 67 10 BG Ede, The Netherlands. 3 focuses on the importance of product architectures.

0166-3615/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII SO166-3615(97’bOOO22-5
166 F. Erens, K. Verhulst/ Computers in Industry 33 11997) 16% I78

Y buyery arket ~

cost I variety product family cost / performance


Fig. 1. Architectures for product families.

Section 4 explains how product models are con- including hierarchical and non-hierarchical depen-
nected in the development process. The issue of dences:
modularity and integration is discussed in Section 5, the Functional Model is a consistent description
after which Section 6 defines the notion of a product of the functionality of a product. It is strongly
family in relationship to development domains, prod- related to the primary purpose of the product.
uct architectures, modularity and integration. Finally, This model is derived from the Requirements
Section 7 discusses deviations from the product fam- Specification created by product management.
ily concept and proposes a modelling language that The Technology Model is a consistent description
captures a large variety of product variants in a of the application of technologies (that is solution
non-redundant way. principles) to ensure the operation, but not neces-
sarily the manufacturing, of the product. Develop-
ment creates most of the information structured in
this model.
2. Domains and product models
The Physical Model is a consistent description of
the physical realisation of a system. It is strongly
In the development process, many different prod- related to the construction of the product. Manu-
uct descriptions can be recognised, although most facturing sets conditions for this realisation to
product descriptions can be classified in three cate- guarantee an easy assembly operation without
gories [l-3]. These categories are represented by compromising the cost or quality constraints.
product models which act as a backbone for the Fig. 2 also depicts the contribution of product man-
combined product information. The product models, agement, development and manufacturing to the
shown in Fig. 2, are used by different business Functional Model, Technology Model and Physical
functions and in several phases of development to Model, respectively. These product models are inde-
organise product information in a structured way, pendent of the hierarchical level of the product.


physical domain

technology domain
functional domain
Fig. 2. Product models.
F. &ens, K. Verhulst / Computers in Imdustry 33 II 9911 165-178 167

Fig. 3. Cardiovascular system.

Systems, sub-systems and components can be repre- detectors on precise locations are to be combined
sented by these models. The relationships between with technologies that control the optimal function-
these models are discussed in Section 4. ing of an X-ray tube, an image intensifier, a film
The following :sections elaborate on these three transport mechanism or video chains. Fig. 3 gives an
domains using an example of a medical system. example of a physical view on a cardio-vascular
Medical equipment is complex, not only because of system. This system is used for examining a patient’s
the use of advanced technologies, but also because of heart and vessels. The complexity of development
the combination OS diverse technologies in one sys- originates from the fact that almost each physical
tem. Technologies to control the position of the assembly uses a variety of technologies to provide a
patient, the X-ray source and often several X-ray user function.

and display

Fig. 4. Functional structure

168 F. Erens. K. Verhulst / Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-I 78

shutter cmd
\ i x_field_settings


rad _cmd
position --*
PI 1 k
table hei; \ x-image

prekntation ima
presentation image

Pl: perform acquisition

Fig. 5. Functional architecture.

2.1. The Functional Model form. A structured analysis checks for completeness
and consistency in the functional model [4]. This
A consistent description of the set of functions of analysis of functional requirements has to separate
a system is given in the Functional Model. It com- functionality from technology. In the analysis, func-
prises the hierarchical structure of functions and the tionality is described in a hierarchical decomposition
interfaces between these functions. The functional of functions to cope with complexity (see Fig. 4).
requirements are primarily listed in the Requirements The Functional Model represents the intention of
Specification (RS) in a textual form. In a second the requirements and guarantees an unambiguous
stage they are converted into a more formal descrip- realisation in the design process. Each level de-
tion. This is to establish dependences in an explicit scribes the functions and their dependences and in-

II unit

Fig. 6. Technology structure.

F. Erens, K. Verhulst / Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-I 78 169

1 1ge~er%ion ) 1cof$Yning) 1 ,L=!zf& 1

Fig. 7. Technology architecture.

teractions that are relevant on that level. Design or logical units in which one or more functions of
decisions are taken on one level of abstraction at a the Functional Model are realised, thereby taking
time. Fig. 5 gives an example of one such a level, into account constraints that have been formulated in
‘perform acquisition’, in the hierarchical functional the RS (e.g. constraints on the reuse of technologies).
structure of a medical system. Functions are depicted Examples of modules are: a processor, a display, a
as bubbles. Data dependences between functions are video-board, a motor, etc. An interface is a specifica-
shown in arrows. tion of the interaction between modules. This can be
a computer bus, an optical path or a mechanical
2.2. The Technology Model connection.
The Technology Model is a consistent description
of all technologies that are applied in a system. It 2.3. The Physical Model
comprises the decomposition of technology modules
and the interfaces between technology modules. A The consistent description of a system’s parts and
block diagram describes the technological structure assemblies is termed the Physical Model. The mod-
of the system and a.ssists the organisation of develop- ules of the Technology Model are physically imple-
ment projects. A simplified example of the technol- mented in assemblies that can be manufactured and
ogy decomposition is given in Fig. 6. serviced. Design decisions in the Physical Model are
User functions are realised in a combination of taken on one abstraction level at a time. The physical
modules. Similar to the development of the Func- architecture is described in assembly drawings. Fig.
tional Model, decisions with respect to the Technol- 8 gives an example of the hierarchical physical
ogy Model are taken on one abstraction level at a structure, and Fig. 9 positions the parts of the stand
time. The technology architecture describes the oper- in the physical architecture.
ation of a system by its modules and interfaces The fact that medical equipment is manufactured
between those modules. In Fig. 7, a technology with some volume is the reason for a difference
architecture is given for the ‘X-ray system’ on level between an ideal Physical Model for manufacturing
one of the hierarchical technology structure of Fig. 6. and the Technology Model that is created in devel-
The technology architecture consists of several opment. Eventually, the Physical Model is a compro-
modules and their interfaces. Modules are physical mise between the requirements of development,

Fig. 8. Physical structure.

170 F. Erens, K. Verhulst/Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178

so as to reduce the effect of changes in one

component for related components. In this way, a
product architecture creates a stable environment
in which components can be developed in parallel
with managed risks. However, the value of a
product architecture is related to the maturity of
the product. Innovative products, for example, are
characterised by frequently changing require-
ments and solution principles. This reduces the
possibility of using a detailed product architec-
ture, although the value of a more generic product
architecture, leaving much flexibility for the re-
mainder of the development process, can still be
Fig. 9. Physical architecture,
Communication. Stability also reduces the need
for communication between developers, espe-
cially if they are responsible for different compo-
manufacturing, service and other parties that have an nents of the product. Communication concerns
interest in the physical implementation of the prod- not only verbal discussion, but also written docu-
uct. mentation, particularly if design knowledge is
needed later. A product architecture should be a
stable framework for associating development
3. Product architectures documentation.
. Learning organisation. Stability is a prerequisite
The previous section discussed product models for learning. Therefore, companies are often or-
describing a product from a functional, technological ganised around a product architecture. Both the
and physical perspective. To reduce the complexity company’s organisation and the product architec-
of the description, and thereby improve the possibil- ture may be reinforced by the process through
ity of understanding and solving the design problem, which design problems are solved. This improves
products are decomposed into components. Decom- the possibility of solving similar problems, but at
position is a recursive activity, which eventually the same time inhibits the development of new
results in a set of primitive design objects in the products that depart significantly from known
form of functions, technology modules or assem- products. A breakthrough product therefore not
blies. only requires a new product architecture, but also
The composition of a product from a number of a change of the development organisation.
component products is a product architecture. It de- Commonality and variety. A predefined product
scribes the components, together with their interfaces architecture creates the possibility of replacing
and operation. Each level in the product hierarchy components with components that have identical
has its architecture. Depending on the type of com- interfaces. Combinations of these components
ponents, we speak about a functional, technology or cater for the diverse requirements of customers.
physical architecture. Preferably, all components can be combined in
Although a product architecture can be the result arbitrary ways to improve the ratio of commercial
of a decomposition activity, it can also be the start- and technical variety. Some components, how-
ing point of development. Increasingly, companies ever, will not have variants and are therefore
define product architectures before the development common for the product family. These compo-
of products is commenced. There are several reasons nents are a relatively stable factor in the design.
for this: Reuse and upgrading. A product architecture is
- Stability. Interfaces between components are set usually more stable than its components. This can
F. Erens, K. Verhulst/ Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178 171

be used to create a new version of the product by the physical domain. The different domains must
replacing some of the components with an up- co-operate in the development process and conse-
graded version. A number of existing components quently the relationships between the product models
are reused to reduce the time, effort and risk of in these domains must be maintained. An important
developing a co8mpletely new product. However, relationship for understanding the issue of product
incremental development requires a good insight variety is the allocation relationship. Functions are
into the life-cycles of the different components allocated to technology modules and these in turn are
and the product architecture in which these com- allocated to physical assemblies. This section dis-
ponents must fit. cusses a design method in which the allocation rela-
- Competitive control. Companies that control ar- tionship plays an important role.
chitectural standards have an advantage over other Important in this design method is that once
vendors. As they control the interfaces and often functions are defined at a given level of the func-
the critical components, they are better positioned tional hierarchy, they cannot be decomposed inde-
to develop products that maximise the possibili- pendently of the evolving hierarchies in the technol-
ties of the architecture. Furthermore, they can ogy domain and the physical domain. Consequently,
discipline competing vendors that offer compo- an iterative scheme of decomposition and allocation
nents that are compatible with the architecture. between the functional domain and technology do-
Architectural controllers try to increase the com- main must be used to incorporate new information
petition among these competing vendors, which regarding functions and solution principles. This pro-
results in a price reduction of the overall product cess suggests a zigzag pattern. A zigzag pattern also
and an increased market share for the architec- governs decomposition and allocation between the
tural controller. technology domain and the physical domain.
The above issues have a common theme-separation Decomposition and allocation are two important
of the stable and changeable aspects of development. steps in the design cycle that is depicted in Fig. 10.
The stable aspects of development are used to create This design cycle is very similar to the productive
a framework within which the changeable aspects reasoning model of March [5] and Cross [6]. In total,
can be executed in relative isolation, for example, by there are four design steps that can be applied on all
component developers and external suppliers. This levels of the domains’ product hierarchies:
paper pays most attention to those changeable as- 1, decomposition is adding detail to a product model.
pects that create product variety, although it is our On the highest level, the three models describe
contention that the principles developed have a gen- the same product. However, on that level, product
eral applicability. descriptions are still very generic and cannot be
To understand the issue of product variety, it is
important to see how product architectures in differ-
ent domains are related. Therefore, the next section
gives a brief introduction to a design method that functional model technology model
discusses the evolution of different representations of
AT validation A
the artefact. This means not only detailing product
descriptions in the different domains, but also creat-
ing relationships between these product descriptions.

4. Coupled domaiis

The Requirements Specification of a development

project is usually given in the functional domain,
after which soluti’ons are sought in the technology
domain and the fmal implementation is realised in Fig. 10. Four elementary design steps.
172 F. Erens, K. Verhulst/ Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-l 78

discriminated. Furthermore, when it is difficult to a physical assembly. The opposite of a modular

map functions onto technology modules, these design is an integrated design. Focusing on the allo-
functions must be detailed until they can be allo- cation process from the functional domain to a par-
cated. ticular level in the technology domain, there are four
Allocation is the creation of relationships between different possibilities:
elements of different product models, For exam-
1:l One function is allocated to one technology
ple, several functions are allocated to a technol-
module. This is a modular design.
ogy module. In the same way, several modules
1:N One function is mapped to several technology
are physically realised in an assembly of the
modules. This distribution of a function over
Physical Model.
several modules results in an integrated de-
Composition is combining elements of a product
sign on that level.
model, for example, modules of the Technology
N:l Several functions are allocated to one technol-
Model or assemblies of the Physical Model.
ogy module. Again, function sharing increases
Validation is a check on the realised quality level
the level of integration.
of the product model, by relating it to a previous
N:M Several functions are allocated to several
product model. For example, a composed module
technology modules. Functions are distributed
is validated against the original function, and an
and shared, thereby further increasing the level
assembly is validated against the original technol-
of integration.
ogy module.
The allocation and validation steps produce relation- Both 1:N and N:M mappings are ambiguous, as it is
ships between product architectures and conse- not clear which part of a function is realised in a
quently result in coupled domains. The decomposi- technology module. Therefore, mappings must al-
tion and composition steps are applied to make these ways be based on 1: 1 or N:l mappings on lower
allocation and validation steps possible. The result is levels of the product hierarchy.
a set of harmonised product descriptions that can be As stated above, modularity corresponds to flexi-
unambiguously understood in the development pro- bility and changeability. It is an effective mechanism
cess. to upgrade and reuse existing functions, modules and
The next section builds on the notion of coupled assemblies. Reuse multiplies the effectiveness of hu-
domains. It discusses how the allocation of functions man problem solving by ensuring that the extensive
to technology modules, and of technology modules work or special knowledge used to solve specific
to physical assemblies, determines the level of modu- development problems will be transferred to as many
larity or integration of a product. similar problems as possible. This reduces initial
costs, especially in product development.
In contrast, integration corresponds to stability
5. Modularity and integration and optimisation. In an optimised design, a large
variety of functions is realised with a limited number
Modularity and integration are important criteria of components. The initial costs of such a multi-
in developing product families. Modularity corre- functional design are usually higher than the costs of
sponds to flexibility and changeability, whereas inte- a modular design, but the operational costs (in manu-
gration corresponds to stability and optimisation. facturing and service) are relatively low because of
These contradictory requirements are largely deter- this limited number of optimised components. How-
mined in the early phases of development when the ever, integration requires a stable environment and
architecture of a product family is defined. can therefore best be applied in mature products. The
Both modularity and integration can be defined in trade-off between modularity and integration is
terms of the allocation process. In general, a modular shown in Fig. 11.
design is considered to be a design in which a The decomposition process, and consequently the
restricted number of functions is allocated to a mod- level of modularity or integration that can be achieved
ule, or a restricted number of modules is allocated to in a design, is very dependent on the product archi-
F. Erens, K. Verhulst/Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178 173

tectures in the different domains. Product architec-

tures govern the process of allocating functions to modular
modules and assemblies. Therefore, important con-
siderations with respect to modularity and integration
should be made in the early phases of the design design margin /
process, where the product architectures in the differ- --I
ent domains are determined.
Uhich and coworkers [7,8] stated that most archi- integrated 1
tectures evolve from being modular to being inte-
grated. In later stages of the product life-cycle, when Fig. 12. Design margin.
the interactions between different aspects are better
understood, the arclhitectures in the different domains
should allow function sharing to make the design both can be achieved simultaneously by reducing a
more efficient. According to Ulrich et al., the mecha- third factor, namely the design margin. The design
nism for function sharing in mechanical development margin is the freedom that a designer maintains in
is based on the fact that: “It is easier to think about the development process to allocate less critical re-
new problems if thley are decomposed in a modular quirements in a later stage. The remaining flexibility
fashion, and partly because in the initial stages of of the design is then used to find any solution that
product development, engineers want to be able to meets these requirements. Increasing both modularity
work independently on different aspects of the de- and integration reduces flexibility and the possibility
sign. . . . Of the infinite properties of a structural ele- to postpone the allocation of less critical require-
ment, only a small set is relevant to the behaviour ments. The early consideration of modularity and
the designer intend.s for that element. In addition to integration is reflected in the product architectures,
the primary properties of a structural element that which therefore reduce the design freedom in the
provide that element’s intended function, there are remainder of the development process.
many secondary properties that are incidental to Product families need architectures in which both
those that implement the intended function. The key modularity and integration are considered. Modular-
idea that allows function sharing to be achieved by a ity is necessary to offer a large product variety, and
design procedure is that these secondary properties integration is needed to improve the cost-perfor-
of structural elements can be exploited. By recognis- mance ratio. The complexity of this balancing issue
ing and exploiting secondary properties of one ele- is discussed in the next section.
ment, neighbouring elements can be eliminated from
the design”. Modularity and integration seem to be
conflicting requirements. However, as Fig. 12 shows, 6. Product families

Today’s buyers’ market is a break with the past.

t 7 The sellers’ market of the 19.50s and 1960s was

characterised by high demand and a relative shortage
initialcosts ]
of supply. Firms had to choose between being inno-
costs vative speciality businesses or being efficient mass
producers, manufacturing large volumes of identical
products. According to Pine [9], this old competitive
dictum was grounded in the well-substantiated no-
tion that the two strategies required very different
ways of managing, and, therefore, two distinct or-
- ganisational forms. Nowadays, the buyers’ market is
modularity A integration
forcing companies that make high-volume products
Fig. 11. Initial costs vs. operational costs. to manufacture a growing range of products tailored
174 F. Erens, K. Verhulst/ Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-l 78

reused if customer wishes are anticipated in an early

phase so that a product family architecture with
stable interfaces, in which these modules are ex-
changed, can be created.
Definition of a product family: This paper defines
a product family as a product with identical internal
interfaces, i.e. interfaces between the product’s com-
ponents, for all variants in each domain. Interfaces
must be standardised in each of the functional, tech-
nology and physical domains to allow the full ex-
Fig. 13. Increasing product density.
change of components.
The above definition is explained with an exam-
to individual customer’s needs but at the cost of ple. Fig. 14 mentions three products (i.e. technology
standard mass-produced goods. modules) in the technology domain: Product 1, Prod-
Mass-customisation is a major problem for manu- uct 2 and Product 3. Each product has two compo-
facturing companies. A trend that enforces this prob- nents: CO-Cl, CO-C2, and C3-C4. Product 1 and
lem is decreasing life-cycles of products. Together, Product 2 are variants of the same product family if
these cause an increase of product density [lo], that they have identical internal interfaces not only in the
is, the number of product variants that are introduced technology domain but also in the functional domain
over the life-cycle of the product family (see Fig. and the physical domain:
13). - Technology domain. The interfaces between
This increase is further enforced by the improved Components CO-Cl and CO-C2 are identical for
economic life-time of products installed in the field. both products (see Interface 1 in Fig. 14). Product
Although the life-cycle of product types is decreas- 3 does not belong to this product family as it has
ing, the economic and technical life of the installed a different internal interface (Interface 2) between
products is not. Therefore, the variety of products Components C3-C4. In other words, Component
that are actually alive in the market is increasing in C3 can only be used in combination with Compo-
proportion to the new product launches. nent C4 and not in combination with Component
A high product density requires synergy in devel- Cl or C2. This limitation to make arbitrary com-
opment, which can be accomplished by developing binations of components reduces the number of
product families. Product families are a means to different parent products. The possibility that
improve the commercial variety while limiting the Components Cl, C2 and C4 are a product family
development, manufacturing and servicing efforts. again does not change this.
Product families are based on the technique of reuse. 0 Functional and physical domain. The interfaces
However, a prerequisite for reuse is a strong link between the corresponding functions in the func-
between the company’s strategy and the individual tional domain and physical assemblies in the
product development projects. Modules can only be physical domain must be identical for Product 1

Product family

Fig. 14. Example of product variants.

F. Erens, K. Verhulst / Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-l 78 175

and Product 2. A similar figure to that shown

above can be created for both the functional
domain and the physical domain.
From the definition of a product family, it follows
that not every product in the decomposition hierar-
chy of a product family is a product family again. Fig. 15. Example of co-ordinated product architectures.
Whether a product is a product family or not solely
depends on the interfaces of its components. It does
not depend on the individual architectures of the N:l allocation of functions to technology modules
product family’s components, nor does it depend on preserves the possibility of making arbitrary combi-
the external interfaces of the product family itself. In nations of technology modules. If N functions are
terms of the example, it is not important whether allocated to one technology module, then the inter-
Components Cl and C2 belong to the same compo- faces between these functions are also allocated to
nent family as long as they have identical external this one module. Therefore, they do not harm the
interfaces with Component CO. standardised interface this module has with other
technology modules.
6.1. Co-ordinated product architectures
Fig. 15 gives an example of co-ordinated product
The standardisation of interfaces in one domain architectures. The grey circle, square and triangle
makes it possible t’o create arbitrary combinations of denote respectively a function, a technology module
components in that domain. However, the develop- and a physical assembly. They are connected with
ment of a product family requires co-ordination of 1: 1 allocation relationships. Together, the function,
product architectures in different domains. The stan- technology module and physical assembly create a
dardisation of interfaces, and consequently the reuse modular aspect of the design.
of components, requires anticipation of potential cus- Standardisation of a product family’s interfaces in
tomer wishes in an early phase so that the product all three domains requires synchronisation of these
architectures in the functional, technology and physi- architectures in the three domains. This is realised as
cal domain can take these into account. described above. The components that result from
The issue of co--ordinated product architectures is this have an internal architecture that is independent
related to the allocation process between domains. A of the architecture of the product family. The devel-
physical assembly can only be easily isolated in its opment of the product family and its components is
context if one or a limited number of technology decoupled: components are developed within the
modules are allocated to this assembly. This in turn context of the product family’s architecture. These
requires the allocation of one or only a few functions ‘levels’ in the hierarchical product structure are an
to each variable technology module. In contrast, the effective mechanism to control design complexity. A
stable functions, technology modules and physical deliberate use of this contributes to a more stable
modules can be highly integrated to improve the development process.
cost-performance ratio.
A product fami1.y is characterised by 1: 1 and N: 1 6.2. The origin of variety
allocation relationships between domains. Both 1:N
and N:M allocation relationships disqualify a product The variety of a product family depends on the
as a product family: the distribution of a function variety of its components. In the example of Fig. 14,
over several technology modules implies that a tech- Components Cl and C2 have a common interface
nology module ca.n only be chosen together with with CO, which makes Product 1 and Product 2
several other tech.nology modules. In other words, variants of the same product family. This does not
there are dedicated interfaces between technology imply that Components Cl and C2 also belong to the
modules and thereFore not all combinations of tech- same product family. There are two possibilities:
nology modules are allowed. This conflicts with the - Components Cl and C2 are variants of the same
definition of a product family. In contrast, a 1:l or component family. In that case, they have stan-
176 F. Erens, K. Verhulst/ Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178

dardised internal, as well as external, interfaces in quirements and should preferably have a limited
all domains. number of technology modules and assemblies to
* Components Cl and C2 are not variants of the reduce both initial and operational costs. The devel-
same component family, but share their external opment of a product family is characterised by the
interfaces. The internal interfaces are different in use of N: 1 allocation relationships between domains.
one or several domains. As a consequence, the scope of a product family is
If Cl and C2 are component families again, their smaller in the technology and physical domains than
variants do not individually determine the external in the functional domain.
interfaces of Cl and C2. Otherwise, Product 1 and
Product 2 would not belong to the same product
7. Deviations from the product family
family. If the external interfaces of, for example, Cl
cover all variety of Cl, the design effort is consider- The product family of the definition is charac-
ably reduced. It is not necessary to design dedicated terised by having identical internal interfaces for all
interfaces for variants of Cl, nor is it necessary to variants in all domains. In real manufacturing situa-
design component variants at the ‘other side’ of the tions, for example, the manufacturing of medical
interface. This is an important advantage of develop- equipment, most products do not strictly adhere to
ing product families. this definition. Nevertheless, many of these products
If all products in a decomposition hierarchy are are called product families, as a large variety of
product families, the variety of the end-product re- end-products is created from a limited variety of
sults from the variety of the primitive families. All components. However, there are components that
variants of the end-product have an identical product cannot be combined to create new product variants;
structure, which increases efficiency in development in other words, there are components that can only
and manufacturing. However, as the differences be- be applied in combination with a limited number of
tween the variants of the end-product are based on other components. This is the result of an allocation
relatively small differences between the variants of process in which a variable function is distributed
the primitive families, the differences between these over several components (or a variable technology
end-product variants are relatively small as well. module is materialised in several physical assem-
This possibly reduces the scope of the product fam- blies).
ily in terms of the market. The existence of 1:N (or N:M) allocation relation-
In an ideal situation, the scope of the product ships requires a special product modelling language.
family is large in the functional domain and rela- A large variety of products sharing many compo-
tively small in the technology and physical domain. nents must be described in a non-redundant way.
The functional domain corresponds to the viewpoint This modelling language is named the generic prod-
of the customers and should have a large variety of uct structuring and meets the following require-
functions to discriminate between the different re- ments:
quirements of these customers. The technology and 1. the modelling language should allow the decom-
physical domain define the realisation of these re- position of a product into its components, each

1 compound generic product: M3 j

) affected by functions: Fl. F2 j
C function: Fl>
~ ~ > 1primitive gen!ric product: Ml 1 1primitive gekric product: M21
/ affected by functions: Fl, F2 b [ affected by function: F2
/ 1Ml.l 1 F1.l ondF2.2 1 1M2.1 1 F2.1 I

Fig. 16. Example of generic products.

F. Erens, K. Verhulst/Computers in Industry 33 (1997) 165-178 177

being either a product family again or a set of variety with limited development and manufacturing
products with identical external interfaces. efforts. Although some attention is given to the
2. The modelling language should allow the co- design process, this paper mainly discusses the struc-
ordination of dependent component variants, i.e. tural aspects of development, namely, the definition
components that can only be chosen in their of a product family in different domains, including
combination. These are the actual deviations from the relationships between these domains. From this
the product family concept. discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn:
The generic product structuring concept distin- 1. product architectures are essential to separate the
guishes two different types of products: primitive stable and variable parts of design. The stable
generic products and compound generic products aspects create a framework within which a variety
(see Fig. 16). Both t ypes of products do not necessar- of products can be developed.
ily comply with the definition of a product family as 2. The standardisation of interfaces in one domain
given earlier in this paper. improves the possibility of combining compo-
The first type of generic product cannot be further nents in such a way that a large variety in that
decomposed into generic products. It has one or domain is created.
more variants. These primitive variants are the origin 3. The standardisation of interfaces in three do-
of variety. The second type of generic product is mains, and consequently the existence of N:l
composed of primitive generic products or other allocation relationships, reduces the number of
compound generic products. technology modules and physical assemblies that
If a primitive generic product is a technology is needed to create commercial variants in the
module, its variants are selected using the variants of functional domain.
the functions that <are allocated to this module. Fig. 4. The architecture of a product family is decoupled
16 shows that the variants of Ml are selected using from the architectures of its components. The
the functions Fl and F2. Technology module M2, variety of these components has no consequences
which has only two variants, is affected by F2. for the external interfaces of these components,
A function can be distributed over different tech- which reduces design complexity.
nology modules. The need for a function variant then 5. Deviations from the product family definition (i.e.
results in the selecuon of several module variants. In distributed functions and distributed technology
Fig. 16, the function F2 is distributed over Ml and modules) are effectively controlled with the
M2. This results in the fact that module variant Ml .l generic product structuring concept. This mod-
can only be applied in combination with module elling language describes a large variety of prod-
variant M2.2. This distribution of the function F2 ucts in a non-redundant way.
requires a co-ordination mechanism. A distributed An unresolved research question is the maturity of a
function is co-ordinated at the first common parent product family in relationship to the level of modu-
of the technology modules that are affected by this larity and integration in the three different domains.
function, in the example module M3. Personal observations show that, over the life-cycle
A elaborated description of the generic product of a range of succeeding product families, integration
structuring concept has been given by Erens et al. starts in the physical domain, is then continued in the
[ll] and Hegge [12]. The use of the concept in technology domain and eventually includes the func-
production control systems has been described by tional domain. The authors plan to pursue further
Bottema and Van der Tang [ 131. research on this subject.

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