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Upper-Intermediate - Working in the Countryside


A: 大伯,天还是黑乎乎的,割稻子的时候会不会把
dàbó, tiān háishı̀ hēihūhū de, gē dàozi de shı́hou huı̀ bu huı̀
bǎ shǒu gěi gē pò le?
Uncle, it’s still pretty dark out. When you harvest the rice,
won’t you cut your hands?

B: 不会的。有月光,看得到。等下太阳出来热死
bùhuı̀ de. yǒu yuèguāng, kàn de dào. děngxià tàiyáng chū-
lái rè sı̌ le. chèn xiànzài liángkuài, duō gē diǎn.
No, there’s moonlight; we can still see. In a little while the
sun will come up and it will be unbearably hot. We have to
take advantage of this cool air and harvest more.

A: 好的。
hǎo de.

B: 哎,不对,不对。你怎么拔稻子啊?割稻子是用

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āi, bù duı̀, bù duı̀. nı̌ zěnme bá dàozi a? gē dàozi shı̀ yòng
liándāo gē de, xiàng zhèyàng, yı̄ zhı̄ shǒu zhuāzhù dàocǎo,
lı̀ng yı̄ zhı̄ shǒu zhuāzhù liándāo, zài gēnbù shànglái yı̄diǎn
de dı̀fang, yònglı̀ de gē xiàqu. nı̌ kàn, zhèyàng duō kuài!
Hey, that’s not right! Why are you pulling up the rice? When
we harvest, we use a sickle like this: with one hand grab
the rice straw, and with the other hand hold the sickle. Grab
it a little bit above the root and cut it with force. See, this
way it goes really quickly!

A: 我知道了。哎,大伯,这么大一片田,自己割得
wǒ zhı̄dào le. āi, dàbó, zhème dà yı̄ piàn tián, zı̀jı̌ gē děi gē
dào shénme shı́hou a? wèishénme bùyòng shōugējı̄ a?
Got it. Hey, uncle, this is such a big field. How long does
it take you to harvest it yourself? Why don’t you use a har-

B: 那是在平原,地又平又开阔。像我们村,前后不
nà shı̀ zài pı́ngyuán, dı̀ yòu pı́ng yòu kāikuò. xiàng wǒmen
cūn, qiánhòu bùshı̀ shān jiùshı̀ hé, shōugējı̄ gēnběn kāi bu
That’s in the plains where the land is flat and wide. In our vil-
lage, it’s either mountains or rivers everywhere. You couldn’t
even drive a harvester in here.

A: 那也要自己播种吗?

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nà yě yào zı̀jı̌ bōzhòng ma?
Then do you plant the seeds yourself as well?

B: 是啊!先犁地,再插秧。以后还要定期除草,除
shı̀ a! xiān lı́dı̀, zài chāyāng. yı̌hòu hái yào dı̀ngqı̄ chúcǎo,
chúchóng, shı̄féi. zhèyàng cái yǒu liángshi chı̄.
That’s right! First, we plow the field, and then transplant
the rice seedlings. After that, we have to routinely weed, do
extermination, and fertilize. Only if we do that can we have
food to eat.

A: 哦!那是牛来犁地的吧?我妈老是说,如果成绩
o! nà shı̀ niú lái lı́dı̀ de ba? wǒ mā lǎoshi shuō, rúguǒ chéng-
jı̀ bù hǎo, jiù ràng wǒ lái xiāngxià fàngniú. qı́shı́ wǒ juéde
fàngniú tı̌ng yǒu yı̀si de. hái néng zuò zài niú bèi shang,
ràng niú tı̀ wǒmen gànhuó.
Oh! So the oxen plow the fields, right? My mom always says
that if I get bad grades she’ll make me go to the countryside
to herd oxen. Actually, I think herding the oxen would be
pretty interesting. You can ride on their backs and have
them do the work for you.

B: 那还是读书有出息。当农民多辛苦啊!天没亮

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nà háishı̀ dúshū yǒu chūxi. dāng nóngmı́n duō xı̄nkǔ a! tiān
méi liàng jiù děi chūlái gànhuó. xiàtiān rè sı̌, dōngtiān lěng
sı̌, fēngchuı̄rı̀shài de, yı̄ nián xiàlai yě zhèngbuliǎo jı̌ ge qián.
Well, you have more of a future in studying. Being a farmer
is a lot of hard work! You have to go out and work even
before it’s light out. The summers are hot and the winters
are cold. You’re exposed to all of the elements, and when
the year is finished, you can’t even earn a meager amount
of money.

A: 啊!有虫子咬我。
à! yǒu chóngzi yǎo wǒ.
Ah! A bug bit me.

B: 那是癞蛤蟆。
nà shı̀ làiháma.
That’s a toad.

A: 啊?糟了,被癞蛤蟆碰到,会长一粒一粒的东
à? zāo le, bèi làiháma pèngdào, huı̀ zhǎng yı̄ lı̀ yı̄ lı̀ de
Huh? Oh no, if you touch a toad you’ll get a bunch of bumps
on your skin.

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B: 没事的。要不你坐在田埂上休息一下。下午大伯
méishı̀ de. yàobu nı̌ zuò zài tiángěng shàng xiūxi yı̄xià. xià-
wǔ dàbó dài nı̌ qù shān shàng zhāi yě táozi, yě cǎoméi.
zhèxiē zài chénglı̌ mǎi dōu mǎi bu dào.
No worries. How about you take a rest on the ridge here. In
the afternoon I’ll take you up the mountain to pick some wild
peaches and strawberries. You can’t buy those in the city.

A: 哇,太好了!大伯,我们早点去!
wā, tài hǎo le! dàbó, wǒmen zǎo diǎn qù!
Wow, that’s sounds great! Uncle, let’s go soon!

Key Vocabulary

大伯 dàbó father’s elder brother

黑乎乎 hēihūhū dark, dusky

割 gē to cut

稻子 dàozi rice

趁 chèn to take advantage of

(conditions or an op-

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拔 bá to pull up

镰刀 liándāo sickle

抓住 zhuāzhù to grasp

根部 gēnbù root of a plant

田 tián field

片 piàn [measure word for a

piece of land]

收割机 shōugējı̄ harvester

平原 pı́ngyuán plains, flatlands

开阔 kāikuò expansive

播种 bōzhòng to sow seeds

犁地 lı́dı̀ to plow a field

插秧 chāyāng to transplant rice


定期 dı̀ngqı̄ at regular intervals

除草 chúcǎo to remove weeds

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除虫 chúchóng to remove insect pests

施肥 shı̄féi to fertilize

粮食 liángshi food, grain

放牛 fàngniú to herd cattle

替 tı̀ in place of

干活 gànhuó to do work

出息 chūxi prospects

风吹日晒 fēngchuı̄rı̀shài to be exposed to the


一年下来 yı̄ nián xiàlai after one year

挣不了 zhèngbuliǎo to be unable to earn


癞蛤蟆 làiháma toad

粒 lı̀ [measure word for

grain-like things]

田埂 tiángěng ridges of a field

摘 zhāi to pick

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Supplementary Vocabulary

广播 guǎngbō to broadcast

有规律地 yǒu guı̄lü

ù de systematically

肥料 féiliào fertilizer, manure

放羊 fàngyáng to herd sheep

铜钱 tóngqián copper cash

昆虫 kūnchóng insect

疮 chuāng sore, wound

种庄稼 zhòng to till the land


农作物 nóngzuòwù crops

锄禾日当 chúhérı̀dāng- ’working the fields un-

午 wǔ der the hot sun’

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