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Compiled by JSA

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Over the years, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has been actively developing a TQM project with ASEAN countries.

This project has its origins ill an ASEAN Economic Ministers Conference held jointly with MIT! in 1993. At the conference, MITI proposed several projects to help ASEAN countries 'With their industrial development. The TQM project was accordingly adopted.

Following this adoption, a TQM Committee (TQMC) was organized, composed of the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) and of MIT! (as represented by the Standards Department, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology), and has since been working to implement the project.

The first two years were spent in incorporating requests from the ASEAN countries on the contents of TQM activities; since 1995, the project has been carried out as a 5-year program.

The project's objective is to contribute to the development of industries ill ASEAN countries by promoting their TQM activities, and includes the following elements:

• Provide technical guidance on TQM to several companies recommended by each country to develop them into model companies that conduct TQM there, and improve the TQM activities in every company there through the model company.

• Develop TQM measures suitable for those countries and also applicable internationally.

• Create TQM training courses in each country.

• Implement the courses effectively through cooperation, and share the results.

To name a few examples:

Seminars to executives and middle managers of companies in the ASEAN countries; analyses by Japanese specialists of the TQM implementation status of the companies concerned; technological transfer to several of the cornpame s selected to be model TQM companies in each country, and so on.

Incidentally, in order to unify the contents and methods of the technological transfers to these ASEAN countries, MITI and the Japanese Standards Association which implements the project - has established a manual compilation


committee to create a manual. This committee has been incorporating into a TQM guidance handbook such factors as deemed necessary for implementing TQM. The committee has just finished editing the first version, which addresses to the following key guidance items for the current fiscal year:

• Role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

• Role of Manager

• Standardization

• Process control

• Measurement control.

From now one, the committee will supplement items as the project progresses.

This handbook is designed so that, by dealing with the check sheet items used in company analyses, readers will learn about actual cases and descriptions ofTQM as well as about the relevant in-house activities.

As a rule, any TQM-related vocabulary and activities are to be explained with reference to objectives, defmition, contents, and their relationship with ISQ.

We sincerely hope that trainers will use the handbook as a basic textbook in giving guidance to TQM students in ASEAN countries.

Should you have any questions or requests concerning the contents, we would appreciate hearing your suggestions.

We also appreciate the generous assistance provided by the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of MITI, the Japanese Standards Association, and members of this committee.

We would hope that this handbook will serve a major contribution to the success of the Japan/ASEAN project.

Akira Harada Chairman

Manual Compilation Committee





check sheet item Page

[1] Companywide organization charts 1.1.1) 1

[2] Companywide task criteria 1.1.2) 4

[3]Clarification of responsibility and authority 1.1.3) 8

[4]Documented clarification of internal

communication routes 1.1.4) 10

[5] Operational instructions and appointing a person

in charge 1.1.5) 12

[6] Communication and events to increase

consciousness of quality 1.2.1) ·····················14

[7] Clear statements of quality policy to customers ..... 1.2.2) ·····················16

[8] Procedure for determing the management policy··· 1.2.3) 19

[9] Understanding customer needs 1.2.4) ···················22

[10] Claim handling rules and clarification of

department in charge of handling 1.2.5) ·····················24

[11] Establishing long-term and annual policy

and deploying this transport the company 1.3.1) 27

[12] Allocation of quality education cost in the

annual budget 1.3.2) 30


[13] Establishing a company standardization system and maintaining a quality control

promotion organization 1.3.3)····················· 32

[14] Grasping the trend of customer claims,and

confirming the effects of quality improvement 1.3.4) 35

[15] Understanding and encouraging QC Circle

activity and proposal systems 1.3.5) 38

[16] Effective use of quality control manuals 1.4.1) ·····.··· ······42

[17] Efficiently using the functions of

the quality control system 1.4.2) ····················45

[18] Activating quality control activities

in indirect departments 1.4.3)····················· 47

[19] Planned implementation of

quality control education at every level of

the organization 1.4.4) 49

[20] Participation of managers in QC Circle meeting 1.4.5) 52

[21] Implementing internal QC diagnosis by top

management 1.5.1)····················· 54

[22]Planning and implementing long-term plan for human resource development, particularly implementation education for department

and section managers 1.5.2)····················· 56


[23] Planning and implementing long-term education program for subcontractors

and affiliated companies ------ -- --------.------ .. - 1.5_3)----------·--·------- 59

[24] Joint research and development of new products and new technologies in cooperation with universities and outside

research organizations ------------- ... --.--.------.--------------------- L5.4) ·-----------------·--61

[25] Planning and deployment of future program

to reinforce international competitiveness --.-------. 1.5_5) --.---------------- 63

References -------.-------------.---------------------- -----------.----------------.--.--.---------------------. 65


[1] Companywide organization charts

Corresponding check sheet item 1.1.1)

1. Purpose

In order to grasp the company's activities in quality control and management control , management should provide an accurate chart of companywide organization and recognize the command and instruction routes.

2. Definition

An organization chart lists the present status of the command instruction routes, ranging from the top management to the bottom worker of each department.

3. Contents

3.1 Drafting procedure

(l)When changing the organization of a company, make sure to quickly and accurately inform all employees of the changes. Keep a record of these changes.

(2)'!he personnel department should draft an organization chart according to instructions from management, obtain approval from the board of directors, and make the chart available to all related departments.

(3) The organization chart should be issued and revised with the date of issue and president's approval stamp on it.

(4) It is customary that names of personnel responsible in each department are clearly shown.

(5) "Inspection department", "Quality assurance department" assure quality to customers on beha1f of a president. These departments are often independent from manufacturing departments, engineering and design departments and are supervised directly by the president.


(6) A format should be suitable for presenting stockholders form outside a company or customers these charts when they request them.

4. Example

Refer to Figure L 1 Organization for standardization (medium-scale company)

5. Other remarks

An organization chart should be easy to understand even to outsiders. This format may be used as PR materials in company introduction pamphlets.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

. Prompt drafting and disclosure of up-to-date organization chart . Independence of the quality assurance department


Figure 1.1 Organization for standardization/medium-scale company)

Management council
(Board of directors)

1 I
I Sales I I Manufacture I r Engineering I I Accounting ·1
deparrment department department department

I Sales office I Factory manager

Senior manager of engineering department, \
Senior manager of sales department, senior
manager of manufacture department, gen-
eral managers of 4 factories, and assistant
general managers of 4 factories compose
the committee,
--------------------- ----------------------
--l Prototype development 1
Factor)' stand- Quality
.-- ardization pro- f-- control H General manager ---1 Safety. and sanitation I
motion committee promoter of Factory A. comrrnttee

I Public nuisance 1
I manager


In-house stand- I
a r ds committee I~~~~'I ~~.r: o( ~ncemg I ~~O(n=i"·1
'r:rci I"":ufllflin tttJon n.- qt 9:tIJOO

'- I J I I
I lnspect ion I Engin~ering J Firs~ 2ssisunt I I S«oM 2SSisullC(
group group secnon manager section maf'l:tEtJ
meeting First group leader r
I I Boiler group 1
f fourth group
I leader r Mixer groupl
i I
L....; QCcircle for
each group o: (IJ

1- o


u co


(Source: UMEDA,lvlasao.1993." Seven Key factors for success on TQI.\f' ,P 111, Japanese Standards Association )


[2]Companywide task criteria (task assignment rules)

Corresponding check sheet item 1.1.2)

1. Purpose

Concrete tasks for each department of whole company should be clarified. Give clear instructions for as to what must be done by each department and each member.

2. Definition

'Task criteria" are these criteria which must be observed commonly by employees of whole company in doing their tasks or work. 'Task assignment rules" .specify the scope of task and procedure of work of each department. Depending upon a scale of company, these criteria and rules may be integrated.

3. Contents

3.1 Draftingprocedure

(1) Management should clarify in writing the basic policies which become task criteria.

(2) Specify in writing the common tasks and department-specific tasks

(3) Each department should check whether the indicated tasks match the actual tasks of workplace.

(4) If the department does not carry out the tasks which are indicated or carries out such tasks which are not indicated, it should submit a report asking for correction.

(5) Specify in waiting the scope of the tasks as clearly as possible.

(6) State, in principle, in writing the matters related to the work necessary to implement task assignments, instructions and orders, judgment, and drafting of reports.

(7) Determine the procedures for ad-hoc or periodical review and revision of task criteria.


(8) The personnel concerned should check for duplication, blanks and omission of interdepartmental tasks.

3.2 Revision and update of task assignment rule

(1) If any deficiencies are found in the rules, the personnel concerned should consult "With each other to revise promptly and make the rule more pertinent. Revised editions should be approved by the related departments and distributed.

(2) Managers of each department should promptly transmit the task assignments to subordinates to afford them an understanding of the tasks.

(3) A rule should be established for periodic review of the task assignment rule.

Revision and disposal should be implemented correctly. Written records should be kept.

4. Example

Refer to Figure 2.15S,Figure 2.2 on the following pages

5. Other remarks

. Rules for task assignment should be simple and easily expressed, . Methods to confirm understanding by employees.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4 .. 1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

. Clarification of responsibility and authority . System for quick review


Figure 2.1 Implementation of 5S

1st level

2nd level

3rd I eve I

4th level

Section aanager !
Task Oept (deputy) Group leader Person in I
manager charge Oraft SS* r-- KODlinate Decide which Study deficien- I nspec t vhe ther I
check list checkers ,..... regions to be r- cies of previous any check point
checked by whom schedule is missing
Instruct r-
check period Ins truct to Inspect which Co llate a I
draft a schedule sales office is r schedule (draft) I

Instruct major opened or closed \lith a calendar !
check items i
~ Confi rDl where r- Inspect number i
Inspect a a ne;; office of days of
r- schedule (draft) r- is opened checker I
Approve and report !

a schedule r- Confirm hoI idays ,
and office hours !
of sales office Complete a I
,..... schedule (draft)
Decide date of

check for each
checker report

Inspect a schedule (draft) and

(Source: KOGURE, ~asao. 1988. 'TQC in Japan (in Japanese)' p210, JUSE Press)


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.. [3] Clarification of responsibility and authority

Corresponding check sheet item 1.1.3)

L Purpose

The scope of responsibility and authority should be clarified for the task of every member in every department in the whole company. Classification of authority eliminates the duplication or omission of jobs. Each member should be fully aware of his or her authority and carry out the job responsibly.

2. Definition

The rule for job authority describes, and preferably itemizes the scope of responsibility and authority. The scope of the job, the personnel management, the scope of supervision and order, the scope of responsibility are documented..Plan and responsibility for the contingency action should be established.

3. Contents

3.1) Drafting

(1) The rules for job authority is drafted in two different documents. One is document for general rules which apply to the whole company. The other contains department-specific rules which differ according to position and workplace. Depending upon a scale of the company, these rules may be integrated

(2) The general companywide rule is initiated, for example, by the general affairs department. It is subjected to consultation and review by the related departments, approved by the board of directors, and enforced.

(3) Rules shall be reviewed periodically.

3.2) Enforcement

(1) Management shall check periodically or from time to time, whether the rule for job authority is enforced correctly. The result of this audit is documented and distributed to the personnel concerned.


(2) Some items may be subjected to a special audit from time to time. These include,in particular, finance, personnel management, safety, public nuisance,and environment, These should be promptly audited documented and reported when a special audit is requested by in-house employees and outside stakeholders.

4. Example

5. Other remarks

The authority for payment of money should be specified by the maximum amount to be paid.. The authority for personnel management and punishment should be minimized in order to maintain human relation in the workplace.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

· Job authority

· Establishment of department-specific rules

· Appropriate review


[4] Documented clarification of internal communication routes

Corresponding check sheet item 1.1.4)


Communication in writing between each department in the whole company should be carried out promptly and reliably to establish an efficient management system.

2. Definition

Documents that clearly states the content concretely which personnel responsible should carried out and the scope of authority and responsibility for implementing that work.

3. Contents

3.1 Drafting procedure

(1) The actual situation of internal communication routes the personnel concerned, should be investigated and clarify.

(2) Based on their ownjudgement,those in charge shall determine and clarify the scope of responsibility and authority.

(3) Clarify to whom and how to make reports when employees cannot solve problems by themselves.

(4) As much as possible information should be clarified numerically

(5) In principle document, items related to operation, instructions and command, j judgment, and drafting of reports i,e., those matters that must be carried out by those in charge.

3.2. Revision, renewal, and storage:

(1) If the of rule is found to be de:fi.cient, the personnel concerned should discuss and revise it to make it more pertinent. A revised edition should be approved by the personnel concerned and them distributed.

1 0

(2) When distributing revised editions, make sure that are recovered obsolete editions , and the latest edition is distributed

(3) A rule should be established to review periodically the documents related to the job authority rule. Review and disposal of obsolete editions should be carried out appropriately. Records of revision and disposal should be documented and retained

4. Example

5. Other remarks

· Written ill simple style that is easy to understand

· Confirmation of distribution status of the latest edition.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

· Clarification of responsibility and authority

· System for prompt review

1 1

[5] Operational instructions and appointing a person in charge Corresponding check sheet item 1.1.5)

1. Purpose

Management should clearly include the important issues facing the a company and appoint a person in charge of each issue.

Regarding control problems,especially,management must take steps to ensure that correct communications and handling can be accomplished,

2. Definition

Important issues for business activity are the planning of new products, development, design, production, inspection, sales, and servicing etc, covering a wide range of business activity and related to improving quality.The authority of personnel responsible solving for problems should be clear and in harmony with the work of other departments.

3. Contents

3.1 Understanding the important issues:

(1) Management must always show an attitude of working to improve the present situation. Investigate the possible causes and plan countermeasures when various indexes of management are found to be inferior to those of other companies in the same industrial sector.

(2) Take sales as an example. Rather than comparing achievement of the whole company, with other companies the results of each salesperson should be compared with their counterparts in competing companies. Compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages to find problems .

(3) Meetings of senior managers from each department should be held periodically.

Opinions from each department should be considered and information should be gathered

1 2

3.2 Appointing a person in charge and delegating authority.

(1) Management should appoint persons who have the leadership and decision-making abilities as a leader in problem solving.

(2) Management may give the appointed persons clear instructions and orders and delegate the authority related to the instructions. These instructions should be known to all the personnel concerned, in addition to the appointed persons.

(3) It:is necessary to establish and document procedures for handling and reporting abnormal situations which fall outside of the designated scope of authority. Management must always endeavor to quickly comprehend the actual situation, if the situation concerns the quality-related issues which occur in the market.

4. Example

5. Other remarks

It:is move effective to compare your company, not only with domestic companies, but also with foreign companies. In this age of trade liberation, it:is important.to compare the levels of quality and prices in the international marketplace.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility, 4.12 Corrective action

7. Keywords

. Identification of important issues

. Appointment of responsible persons able to carry out their duties

1 3

[6] Communication and events to increase consciousness of quality Corresponding check sheet item 1.2.1)

1. Purpose

Management should clearly state the basic attitude related to quality, in order to increase quality consciousness of employees, suppliers of parts and materials, and all the personnel related to sales and service.

2. Definition

A system where persons in charge of each department are encouraged "to build quality to their manufacturing process."

3. Contents

Measures to improve quality consciousness:

(1) For each fiscal year, managers should clearly state their quality policies. The policies are expressed in slogans to make them known to employees. These slogans are posted in locations easily visible to attract the attention of employees.

(2) Recruit mottoes for quality improvement among the employees. Present prizes for the best mottoes in front of all the employees. Depending upon the content of slogans, mottoes may be recreated from subcontractors and cooperating factories.

(3) Frequently hold meetings to announce achievements in quality improvement. The meetings should be hosted by managers, and held at each factory and in each workplace.

(4) Managers shall take time to join the event in order to express their gratitude to the employees personally. The most important thing is to listen to opinions without leaving the meeting before it ends.

(5)·COmbining the improvement proposal system with other quality improvement activities in the workplace is effective and makes evaluating the effects of quality improvement in monetary terms possible.

1 4

(6) Encourage employees to participate in a national event, increase their quality consciousness and confidence concerning their quality activities.


5. Other remarks

Some companies may award more prize money to QC groups than to individuals for those proposals which lead to improved quality.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4 .. 18 Education

7. Keywords

1 5

[7] Clear statements of quality policy to customers

Corresponding check sheet item 1.2.2)


Management must announce in the annual management policy the concrete policy related to quality to customers. In order to demonstrate that management is customeroriented

2. Definition

Management clarifies policy so that they can offer goods and services which increase customer's confidence in response to the changing of management environment.

3. Contents

(1) Basic management policy should include the concrete objectives for such areas as customer satisfaction and service systems.

(2) Indicate objectives for reducing the percentage of defects in the market.

(3) Set a numerical target for reducing customer complaints.

(4) Set a numerical target to increase efficiency of after-sale service.

(5) Set a numerical target to improve quality in the manufacturing and process inspection.

(6) Clarify how inspection quality in the factory is related to the market quality. If necessary, improve the inspection methods and change the check items.

4. Example

Refer to Table 7.1

1 6

5. Other remarks

Pollution, safety, other social quality responsibilities should if necessary be, itemized as improvement objectives.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4 .. 2 Quality system

7. Keywords

. Quantization of customer quality requirements . Reduction of complaints

1 7

Table 7.1

Basic quality policy of XX Electrical and Machinery Co.,Ltd."

Chief executive officer: Taro Yamada

Established on Jan. 1, 1996

(1) Long-term management policy:

Our company shall be managed based on the principle of 'Quality First.' It shall continue to supply to customers merchandise and service of the highest quality, even when it cannot gain profits.

(2) Annual management policy:

Our company shall grasp always customer satisfaction, develop and supply merchandise of high quality. It shall improve quality and consider recycle of resources in development of merchandise. It shall review a company-wide quality assurance system, and take concrete action to improve customer satisfaction in the international market.

(3) Company-wide TQH policy:

Our company shall reduce the inspection fraction defective in the manufacturing process to 50% or less of the previous year.

It shall reduce the market claim to 70% or less of the previous year. It shall enhance the quality assurance system of subcontracting, cooperating companies by full cooperation from the related departments of our company. The target shall be to designate 10 or more companies whose products and service may be accepted without inspection by our company.

Our company shall vitalize QC circle activities In all the workplaces. The target shall be to have 99% or more of participation ratio.

The targets to be realized shall be: to have QC circle meetings at least 3 times a month; to solve t~o themes a year; and to have at least 2 presentations a year.

1 8

[8] Procedure for determing the management policy

Corresponding check sheet item L 2.3)


Management establishes concrete procedures required for determining the management policy.

2. Definition

The management policy is an official document about basic business policy of a company. This is a basic business activity At the beginning of a new fiscal year. Managers should disclose it to all employees, customers and affiliated companies.

3. Contents

3-1) Procedures for setting management policy:

(1) Procedures for setting management policy shall be specified as in in-house rules.

(2) The basic management policy shall indicate concrete guidelines for important items, such as sales, development of design, production,personnel administration, quality and service.

(3) Numerical targets, measures to realize targets and evaluation methods shall be indicated for each item.

(4) The target and improvement methods for quality maintenance and improvement shall be clarifi.ed to each department.

3-2) Deploying department policy

(1) Each department shall understand the management policy. (2) Concrete policy shall be established within each department.

(3) The possibility of harmonizing the companywide management policy with the department policy shall be studied

(4) The evaluation items and appropriate evaluation scales for each department shall

1 9

be established.

(5) Management shall instruct each department to report its policy and approve it.

4 .. Example

Refer to Figure 8.1

5. Other remarks

Coordination between departments is important.

6. Relation with ISO Series

3.1 Quality policy

7. Keywords

. Deployment to each department and reliable report

2 0



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[9]Understanding customer needs

Corresponding check sheet item 1.2.4)

1. Purpose

Periodically survey customer satisfaction about merchandise quality and service. Accurately understand and use these needs to develop new products and improvement of services.

2. Definition

Understanding of customer needs means to quickly and aocurately understand the customers real needs , and to use the survey result as information in product development and efficient after-sale service.

3. Contents

Understanding customer needs

(1) Establish an organization or system to grasp customer need at all times.

(2) Understand the customer needs from the issue of warranties or records of after-sale service

(3) Establish a system for surveying customer needs for developing and new market products.

(4) Periodically survey customer satisfaction about after-sale service and claim handling, evaluate them, and take actions for improvement

(5) Use statistical techniques to gather and analyze market information.

4. Example


5. Other remarks

Calculating the percentage occupied by new products developed for the past two years in the total sales and recording the data every year to see trends will be helpful for making management decisions.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4 .. 20 Statistical techniques

7. Keywords

. Use of statistical techniques

. Grasping of market needs over time


[10] Claim handling rules and clarification of department in charge of handling Corresponding check sheet item 1.2.5)

1. Purpose

Establish a rule to handle market claim about merchandise and service. Handle claims from customers as quickly and reliably as possible.

2. Definition

A claim handling rule is a document which clearly describes the in-house procedures, (repair, returns) about repair service for product-related claims (including user's manual), defects,or deficiencies.

3. Contents

Procedures for claim handling:

(1) Establish a system for follow up where claims, when received from customers, are gathered at one place and followed up until customers indicate they are satisfied

(2) For claims made by telephone, designate the contact personnel to listen to the customers and write down as accurately as possible the content. A special format is used.. After writing, repeat the content to the customer and obtain confumation.

(3) Promise, in writing, by what date you will reply. If you fail to complete a job by that date, you should make an intermediate report and provide a new date for replying.

(4) Claims, should be gathered at one place, regardless of who collects them the receiving section should keep master records, handle all claims, and distribute copies of records to the related departments.

(5) The top management should periodically check. the contents of customers' claimes;tb.e progress of countermeasure for the claims,and give concrete instructions when necessary.

(6) Establish rules to clarify the claim handling procedures, such as communication routes, handling methods, and recording. The document should enable the person


in charge to reply accurately to the content of handling and deadline dates in response to inquiries from customers.

(7) Establish traceability to handle claims from the market.

(8) Analyze examples of and use them for prevention of recurrence.

4. Example Claims which have been properly handled

Refer to Table 10.1

S. Other remarks

Some customers do not complain when they are frustrated It is important to study such latent claims.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

3.1S Traceability

7. Keywords

. Quick claim handling system

. Gathering of market information

2 5

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2 6

[11] Establishing long-term and annual policy and deploying this transport the


Corresponding check sheet item 1.3.1)


Management is required to clarify basic stance and concrete policies related to quality,in which customers have much interest in the long-term or annual policies of the company. These policies should be deployed throughout the company and to stakeholders outside the company.

2. Definition

Long-term management policy is required in order to respond to new laws and regulations, to develop new products, and to enter new markets. When beginning such a policy basic quality policy must be included .Each department of company should establish concrete quality policy which is department-specific and implement it through out the entire company.

3. Contents

Planning and implementing quality policy:

(1) Management states basic policy related to quality control

(2) Management should hold explanatory meetings, question and answer sessions, and other gatherings to ensure that employees of the company and affiliated companies fully understand the quality policy.

(3) To ensure that all employees understand the "quality policy," distribute cards in which basic items of quality policy are printed, to all employees for them to carry for quick reference.

(4) Promote QC Circle and other study meetings to teach concrete method of deployment.

(5) State clearly the quality policy of your company to customers to gain a long-term confidence relationship.


4. Example

Refer to Table 11.1

5. Other remarks

It is important to create a workplace where everyone can realize quality policy.

6. Relation with 1S0-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility.

7. Keywords

. Clear statement of quality policy

. Establishing a system for shipp:ing without inspection

2 8

Table 11.1 Drafting of long-term management policy and annual policy

[Hanagement policy of XX Electrical and Hachinery Co., Ltd.]

Chief executive officer: Taro Yamada

Established on Jan. 1, 1990



: (1) Long-term management pol icy:

Our company shall supply electrical and electronic merchandise for home use and the service which can be used safely by customers worldwide, arid thus

: contribute to the prosperity of society.


: (2) Annual management pol icy:

Our company shall develop and supply new products which are designed with customer safety as top priority.

It shall consider recycle of resources in development of merchandise.

It shall reduce the repair-service period to 50% or less of the previous


I year.

: (3) Company-wide TQH policy:

Our company shall review the company-wide quality assurance system, and establish a department which is responsible for improvement of customer I satisfaction in the international market.

: It shall handle efficiently the market claims. The target is to reduce the claim handling time to 50% or less of the present level within 3 years (for the initial fiscal year, 80%)

Our company shall vitalize QC circle activities in all the workplaces. The target shall be to have 99% or more of participation ratio.

: It shall reinforce the quality assurance system for new products, and be able to show the recycle ratio numerically to customers.

I It shall standardize design and use common parts, and reduce the afterservice time to a great extent in the world market.



2 9

[12] Allocation of quality education cost in the annual budget

Corresponding check sheet item 1.3.2)

1. Purpose

Plan the annual education programs for quality control and the related activities. Approve the annual budget in advance, implement the activities as planned, and confirm achievements.

2. Definition

A budget required for quality control techniques, QC circle operation, and problem solving methods education and training in . Include education by outside experts or instructors, and participation in outside seminars.

3. Contents:

3-1) Allocation of budget required for quality control

1) Personnel department and quality assurance department should plan and implement concrete programs for quality control education.

(2) Including the affiliated companies, the production, sales, research and development, accounting, administration and other departments should plan and implement their annual education programs. The persons in charge should be encouraged to be present.

(3) The level of employees should be improved by using the outside training, and including the intrinsic technology.

(4) Educate in-house auditors for internal quality audits ( equivalent to internal auditors ofISO-9000).

(5) Record the implementation and results of education for each employee and each group.

(6) Evaluate the result of education implemented and reflect it in future education programs.


4. Example

5. Other remarks

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series 4.18 Training

7. Keywords

3 1

13) Establishing a company standardization system and maintaining a quality control promotion organization

Corresponding check sheet item 1.3.3)

1. Purpose

To facilitate in-house tasks, standardize using operation standards,control standards, product standards, technical standards, standards for QC work process charts and written procedures.Use set formats and forms. Maintain a quality control promotion organization to ensure that company standardization takes root.

2. Definition

A "Company standard" is an in-house standard which gets reasonable procedures for purchase, manufacture, inspection, control, and sales. in relation to materials, parts and products.

3. Contents

Procedures for drafting company standards:

(1) When preparing drafts of standards, document jobs and tasks in the order of actual work flow and summarize the issues at hand; The drafts should be reviewed by the review committee.

(2) Make rules that specify procedures for the writing, review, approval, distribution, implementation of original drafts, and recovery of texts before revision of the standards and rules.

(3) Be sure to harmonize department-specific rules of each department with highranking rules, such as companywide rules.

(4) Rules for periodical review should be established and those which are not in use or not suitable should be revised or abolished

4. Example

Refer to Figure 13.1


5. Other remarks

Rules and standards should as simply as possible. Work to keep the number of rules and standard law.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4. 5 Document and data control

7. Keywords

. Emphasis on harmonization "With companywide standards

3 3

Figure 13.1 Organization for standardization(medium-scale company)

Management council
(Board of directors)

I Sales 1 l Manufacture 1 I Engineering I I Accounting I
department department department department

r Sales office 1 Factory manager

Senior manager of engineering department, \
Senior manager of sales department, senior
manager of manufacture department, gen
eral managers of 4 factories, and assistant
general managers of 4 factories compose
the committee..
--------------------- --------------------- -
rl Proto~Ypede\"dopmen!l
Factor), stand Quality
,--- ardization pro- - control -i General manager -1 Safety. and sanitation I
motion committee promoter of Factory A. committee

I Public nuisance I
I manager

r- ln-house stand- f I
a r ds committee r~tt~~"l I =c- of ~rc:ring I ~~~~r..r.d.cl
,~.rl'="',il!fm 1tZ<"I:~

1 I I
I Inspection I Engineo'ing I Fi'~! .ssislant I I~~is:>:-='
group group sa:tlon managC1" S«toonr.l.1~r
Manager I

First group leader I
meeting t I Boi Icr group I
I t Fourth group
I I leader l ?-.!ixe, &00:..;1
~ :

- QC circle for
each group en (l)

(Source: UMEDA,Masao.l993." Seven Key factors for success on TQl\f',P Ill, Japanese Standards Association )


[14] Grasping the trend of customer claims, and confirming the effects of quality

improvement Corresponding check sheet item 1.3.4)

1. Purpose

The type ,content and trend of customer claims should be categorized to analyze the long-term trend of market conditions.Discover clues to be used to improving quality and reducing costs.

3. Definition

Continually analyzing the causes of quality claims from customers will allow are to discover the causes of defects. Carry out concrete quality improvement and cost reducing measures.

3. Contents

3-1) Gathering and utilizing customer claims:

(1) Establish a system which can be used to analyze the long-term trend of customer claims.

(2) The department in charge ofhandting claims should use statistical techniques to compare and analyze data for each 6-month period This should be accompanied by explanation of the long-term strategy sent to related departments.

(3) At the new product development meeting,the personnel in charge should based on this data, verify that the measures for countering customer claims have been implemented.

3-2) Confirming the effects of quality improvement:

(1) After improvement actions have been taken,these effects should be confirmed and recorded increasedyield,productivity,cost reduction and other achievements should be displayed as numerically as possible.

(2) Managers should held the meetings where they can hear directly the results of improvements.


4. Example

Refer to Table 14.1

5. Other remarks

Management should show positive interest in customer claim handling.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4. 14 Corrective and preventive action

7. Keywords

. Utilization of cla:im information for developing new products




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[15] Understanding and encouraging QC Circle activity and proposal systems Corresponding check sheet item 1.3.5)

1. Purpose

Management should adopt proposals from employees correctly understand that QC Circle and other improvement activities are the first line of the workplace for continuously improving and refinishing quality.

2. Definition

A proposal system is an official organization within a company, where individual employees propose and contribute to improvement in the fields of workplace safety, quality improvement and productivity improvement.

3. Contents:

3.1 Proposal system

(1) A proposal system is an official, corporate organization.

(2) A companywide secretariat should be established to promote the proposal system.

(3) Proposals should be assessed at least once a month. Based on the assessment results prizes should be awarded The content of proposals should be implemented

3-2) QC Circle activity

(1) Manager may establish a promotional secretariat to recognize and encourage QC Circle activity.

(2) Management should understand the actual situation ofQC activity and achievements numerically.

(3) Management should attend QC Circle presentation meetings as often as possible and encourage participants.

(4) Group proposal may be taken up in the proposal system.


4. Example

Refer to Table 15.1 and 15.2

5. Other remarks

Award system for proposals should be clarified and reviewed according to the times.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.18 Training

7. Keywords

. Proposal system

. QC Circle activity

3 9

Table 15.1 Example of proposal sheet

{Proposal sheet of XX Electrical and Machinery Co., Ltd.J (Company-wide common receipt No. 960508J

ill Revised on Apr. 1, 1990 Established on Jan. I, 1975

Name of proposer I Date of proposal Date
Affi I iat ion Factory Section Group Pos i lion Manager, staff, general
Content of proposal (Improvement) (comment) (others)
Describe it concretely, using sketches if possible. Describe the expected effect concretely, in terms of
time, money saved, fraction defective etc. Cut here

Da te of rece i pt Date Receipt 1\0. Company-wide receipt ~o. 9600508
Department in charge of Sec tion Group I liame of person I
prior review Department I in charge I
Outl inc of review result Complete the prior review of the following items, in advance and concretely if
(I) Nove I ty
(2) Original i ty
(3) Expected result
(4 ) Es t i 113 te of lime and expense to rea Ii z e proposa I
(5) Esti na te of money saved and safety improved
(6) Other major items
Result of prior (JudgmentJ A, B, C, 0, E, good, rejected
assessment (Only A, B and C are company-wide proposal)
Date of judgment I Date P.easo~ of rejection I
I CompanY-lIide Da te Result of judgment
assessment committee The bottom half below the cutting I ine is used by reviewers. Reason of rejection ... i II be explained to proposers ... ithin 10 days.

4 0

Table 15.2 Fundamentals of the QC circle

What is the QC Circle?

The QC Circle is

a small group

to perform voluntarily quality control activities

within the same workshop.

Tbis small group carries on


as a part of companywide quality control activities

self-development and mutual-development

control and improvement

within the workshop

utilizing quality control techniques

with all the members participating

(Source QC circle Headquarters 1990.

" QC Circle Koryo".Pl.JUSE Press)


[16] Effective use of quality control manuals

Corresponding check sheet item 1.4.1)

1. Purpose

Deploy companywide activities for quality control in which and all employees can cooperate to create an environment where quality is assured and improved efforts. For this purpose,systematic manuals should be establish and used Simple and practical manuals for quality control should be established and effectively used.

2. Definition

Quality manuals are basic documents used when a company implements companywide quality control Quality control rule, technical standard, inspection rule, product standard, operation standard, and other rules and standards for assurance, maintenance and management of quality are established in these manuals ..

3. Contents

1. Procedures for drafting quality control manuals

(1) A quality manual is the basis of quality assurance system of a company. '!he original draft should be prepared by a committee in which the relevant persons of whole company participate.

(2) The original draft should be discussed by each department as to whether the content is feasible. It should be a practical quality manual which can actually be used, rather than an ideal quality manual.

(3) A quality manual specifies the interlace of all departments of a company. It should specify the activities of departments which are thought not to be directly related to quality. It should also specify the rules of the sales, research, engineering, finance, personnel, and other departments, which also relate to quality assurance.

(4) Inter-departmental rules and standards should be harmonized. Specifically,values in design and engineering standards should be harmonized with values in manufacturing and inspection standards.


(5) A companywide manual review committee should check whether standards and rules are harmonized between departments. It coordinates between departments and prevents omission of items.

(6) Management should establish an internal audit system to assess implementation status of quality manual

4. Example

Refer to the next page.

5. Other remarks

It is important to attempt to create a simple quality manual which suits the actual situation of task activities.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.2 Quality system

7. Keyword

. Creation of quality manual which is feasible in a company . ISO 9000 series


Quality management: Activities that determine the quality policy and implement it

Quality policy: Intentions of an organization with regard to quality, as formally expressed by management

Operation of quality policy

Quality planning: Planning activities that realize the quality po 1 icy.

Quality control: Operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill the required quality characteristics

Quality assurance: Activities to provide confidence tha\ the required quality characteristics will be fulfilled

Internal quality assurance: Activity to provide confid~ce to the management

External quality assurance: Activity to provide confidence to the customer

Quality improvement:Actions to increase the effectiveness of activities and processes


[17] Efficiently using the functions of the quality control system Corresponding check sheet item 1.4.2)

1. Purpose

So that Quality control manuals can be faithfully followed and implemented by each department of a company,rules are needed so that all employees can understand "quality manual" correctly and easily and implement them faithfully at each workplace.

2. Definition

"Quality control system" is a framework in which each department of company can cooperates to realize efficiently the objectives of companywide quality control.

3. Contents

Establishment and operation

(1) A quality control system should be established so as to enable all employees to understand their own jobs and to carry out their own jobs steadily.

(2) For establishing a quality control system, each department in charge should document the situation surrounding the task..

(3) 'Ihe department in charge of the quality system should summarize the documented quality system of each department into a companywide quality system.

(4) The original draft should be presented to the relevant departments. The epartments should study whether they expect any problems to arise when implementing.the system an improvement. Departments are requested to submit concrete plans for improvement.

(5) A periodical interval for review should be included in the rules.

4. Example


5. Other remarks

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.2 Quality system

7. Keywords

. Simplification of the system . Periodic review


[18] Activating quality control activities in indirect departments (sales, office

work, engineering) 1. Purpose

Corresponding check sheet item 1.4.3)

In order to bring about a remarkable achievement by deploying companywide quality control activity, it is necessary to settle quality control in non-manufacturing departments, such as the sales, administrative service, and research and development departments. 'Work quality" can be called intangible software and should be continuously improved and refined as is equally true for product quality.

2. Definition

Improvement of general work, such as office work control, sales activity, research and development should be carried out by indicating numerical targets, setting the evaluation scale for improvement, and making improvement schedule plans.

3. Contents

Deployment of QC activity in indirect departments:

(1) Grasp the actual situation surrounding work at each workplace. Numerically in terms of work procedures and time required. Consider a framework for analyzing numerically various issues within a department.

(2) The work carried out in non-manufacturing departments is often work carried out individually 1t is difficult to solve problems or to set targets using a teamwork strategy such as a QC Circle. It is much easier rather to set common themes such as improvement of office work handling, or communication method such as design ,or judgment tasks.

(3) Work in the research and development department is typically new, non- repetitive. work. QFD and quality engineering techniques should be implemented in this department.

(4) Efficiency of office work should be evaluated by a clear scale which can measure achievements objectively, such as standardization of office work, or reduction of office expenses.


(5) Because work in indirect departments is often an independent,individual work, information exchange and other conununication are effective to vitalize the workplace.

4. Example

5. Other remarks

Understanding and support system of managers and supervisors.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.2 Quality system

7. Keywords

. Clear, numerical expression

. Setting of proper scale of evaluation

4 8

[19] Planned implementation of quality control education at every level of the

organization Corresponding check sheet item 1.4 . .4)


The systematic implementation of quality control education is necessary to promote companywide quality control, so that all employees, ranging from management top to general workers, can accurately understand the basic quality control concepts and conduct work corresponding to their positions.

2. Definition

Quality control education at every level of the organization means educating all employees, ranging from management top to general workers, in the following way. Plan and set the daily schedule for each level use lectures and OJT.to teach the basic concepts of quality control, statistical techniques, concrete method of QC-oriented problem solving.

3. Contents

Procedure of education:

(1) Education that meets the needs of each organization level of the company should be implemented at each organization level of the company. The fewer levels there are, however,the more effective the education is. Three to five levels is optimal .

• Managing director group • General division managers, factory managers, director of sales office • Department managers and section managers

• First-line managers and supervisors' General employee, • Specialized trainer of quality control

(2) Quality control promotion committees and other groups should study the curriculum at each organizational level

(3) The education curriculum should be based on annual schedule. Emphasis should be placed on OJTin addition to lectures and seminars. OJT is a combination of shop talk sessions, training of quality control, skills,and achievement presentation session, for example.


(4) A correct understanding of quality control should be taught to Management level.

Expertise is needed so that they playa positive leadership role in quality control activity.

(5) Middle managers should be taught the correct guidance procedure for QC Circle activity,and statistical techniques so that they can carry out the elementary education by themselves.

(6) General workers should be taught the correct way of using QC techniques through OJT so that they can use them for problem solving at their workplace.

4. Example

Refer to Table 19.1

. Record of content of education, and record of each person

5. Other remarks

Common matters should be handled by a group education, that department-specific matters should be handled by educating individuals. The more practical the training, the more effective the training is.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.18 Training

7. Keywords

· Record for each person of content of education

· Education by organizational level

· More emphasis on on


Table 19.1 Example of record of education content

[lX Electrical and Machinery Co., Ltd. individual education record]

CD Revised on Apr. I, 1991 Established on Apr. I. 1990

Name and age Signature of Department manager Section Blanager
Affi I iation and Person who Signa ture
posi tion recorded
Date of entry Date Date of record Date
to company
Career after Workplace Position Record of Content of Score
entering company education education
Year Month Year Month
Year Month Year Month
Year Month Year Month
Year Month Year Month
Year Month Year Month
Year Month Year Honth ,
Year Honth Year Month
Date of Content Rank Content of Content and Rank
acquisition of education scheduled date
license and required in of acquisi tion
publ ic the future
qual ification
Year Month ( )
Ycar Honth ( )
Year Month ( ) I
Year Hon th ( )
Year Month ( )
Year Month ( ) The record shall be reviewed in April every year, approved by general aanger and submitted to the Personnel dept .

. 5 1

[20] Participation of managers in QC Circle meeting

Corresponding check sheet item 1.4 .. 5)

1. Purpose

Managers should attend QC Circle and other meetings where direct dialog is possible with many employees to deepen their understanding of QC Circles ..

2. Definition

Managers participate in companywide quality control meetings, QC Circle conferences, case study presentations, QC presentations outside the company, listen to employee presentations and ask questions and encourage employees. This is a barometer of managers enthusiasm for quality control

3. Contents

Participation by management:

(1) An annual schedule of managers should include in advance attending QC Circle conferences and other sorts of participation.

(2) Managers should stay until the end of conferences they time of attend.

(3) Managers should try to ask questions and make comments at QC Circle.

(4) Managers should contribute articles to in-house journals on quality control and respond positively in interviews.

(5) Managers should comment at or give awards at quality control conferences, and encourage participants.

4. Example


5. Other remarks

At QC Circle conferences, managers should clearly state their expectations and ways of thinking as managers in quality control

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.18 Training

7. Keywords

. Number of QC Circle conferences attended per year

5 3

[21] Implementingintemal QC diagnosis by top management

Corresponding check sheet item 1.5.1)

1. Purpose

Management should implement an internal QC diagnosis to examine whether every department correctly understands the basic concepts of quality control, whether it is implemented in daily tasks, and whether and how achievements are realized

They should grasp the actual situation of the companywide quality control system and instruct concrete methods for improvement.

2. Definition

The internal QC diagnosis is a diagnosis task, where management takes the initiative and forms a diagnosis team to periodically evaluate the actual situation of the companywide quality control system. Based on the results of the diagnosis , management should give concrete instructions or orders on improving and refining quality in each department.

3. Contents

Procedure for QC diagnosis:

(I)The secretariat(typically from quality assurance department)sends advance notice of the items to the departments to be examinedfor each:fiscal year. Decide examination items.

(2) Departments to be examined should conduct a self-diagnosis for each examination item, evaluate, and document it. Prepare relative rules, criteria, speci:fi.cations, QC process charts, and reports to be used to explain the findings of to diagnosis.

(3) First, an examination by documents is conducted The person in charge at each workplace explains the self-diagnosis on the basis of docwnentation. Management should questions the content and confirm the results of the report.

(4) Then,implement on-site examination of workplace. Go to workplaces following the order in QC process chart. Examine whether quality control and quality assurance are implemented as explained in the documents submitted.


(5) After the document and on-site examination are over, managers and examination staff evaluate and score the examination items quickly (about one hour).

(6) If any items are found to fall below a certain level, be sure to attach written comments and point out concretely the reasons why it was given bad marks.

(7) Give instructions to submit concrete method for improving the matters which were pointed out.

(8) If possible,for each:fiscal year,do not change the examination items for making evaluations.This will enable each department to make self diagnosis of how far they have progressed compared with the previous year.

4. Example

5. Other remarks

Managers task in to:find and praise the QC diagnosis is good points of workplaces - the results of daily improvement.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

· QC process chart

· On-site examination

· Self-evaluation system


[22] Planning and implementing long-term plan for human resource development, particularly implementation education for department and section managers

Corresponding check sheet item 1.5.2)


It is important to continual raise the ability of employees in a company to flexibly cope with the change of business environmintFor this purpose, it is necessary to provide a planned education to employees, particularly to managers and supervisors.

2. Definition

There are two types of education in human resource development. One is manager education which is required for managers and supervisors. The other is intrinsic technology skill education which is intended for improving the techniques and skills of each person.

3. Contents

Procedures for human resource development:

(1) Management should make an annual training schedule for all persons, in consultation with the related departments.

(2) Management should list necessary items of training for each job and clarify and control education items which are requiredfor each person.

(3) Management should study the tasks of the department in charge. They should coordinate it so that department superiors can positively allocate time for educating subordinates.

(4) Management should designate who is to control companywide training programs.

The personnel department, labor department are usually designated.The quality assurance department is sometimes so designated, as far as quality control training isconcemed


(5) Asking outside specialists is expensive to train employees, or dispatching employees outside seminars in these cases. A companywide budget is usual allocated, From a companywide point of view, however the personnel department is designated to take care of such training.

(6) QC techniques should be taught by in-house instructors. As a long-term plan, both management technology and intrinsic technology should be taught by in-house instructors, in the beginner's courses at least. Human resource development should be implemented to realize this.

(7) National qualification or industrial association qualification are necessary for some work. More than 1 person should be qualified for each department, so internal and external training programs should be planned and implemented.

(8) As to various intrinsic technologies, establish an in-house qualification system where there are three ranks: upper, middle and general within a company such a qualification should be designated as official.

4. Example

Refer to Table 22.1

5. Other remarks

Establishment of a system where the qualified persons are designated after training house leader in the in -house qualification system.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.18 Training

7. Keywords

. Training schedule plan table . In-house qualification system


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[23] Planning and implementing long-term education program for subcontractors and affiliated companies

Corresponding check sheet item 1.5.3)

1. Purpose

When subcontractors and cooperating or affiliated companies are involved, management should raise their level of quality control to the same level as that of parent company by instructing the related department of its own company to carry out continuous guidance and education.

2. Definition

Subcontractors, cooperating companies, affiliated companies should establish a quality control system, under a long-tam guidance plan, where high-quality parts and materials can be supplied in a stable manner. They should have the quality level which is as high as in-house quality level.

3. Contents

Education of subcontractors and affiliated companies:

(1) Dispatch specialists of parent company to teach quality control techniques and intrinsic technology. Systematic education and on-site guidance of control and supervision and processing should be given to the responsible persons of the other party.

(2) Instruct them to submit QC process charts of main product production and other manu:facturingprocess they are in charge of Confum the situation concerning the completeness of rules, standards and records for quality assurance.

(3) Check the quality control system and demand improvement if there are any problems.

(4) When deficiencies occur, instruct the subordinators or factory to quickly make concrete plans for improvement. Nominate a person in charge of solving the problem, and demand full implementation.


(5) Notify,in writing.the following information concerning the product quality at acceptance every month the quantity of acceptance lots, quantity of defective lots, total quantity of inspection, quantity of defectives, fraction defective, content of defectives. If there are any problems, attach a letter requesting improvement, and instruct them to submit their improvement plans.

(6) Periodically, or at times agreed upon after consultation with the other party, examine and make recommendations about the quality control system, which conforms to the level of internal QC diagnosis.

4. Example

5. Other remarks

Provide guidance and support to subcontractors and affiliated companies when they hold seminars about establishing a quality control system, studying QC techniques, promotion procedure for QC Circle activity.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.6 Purchasing

7. Keywords

. Implement education and guidance to the level of internal quality control.


[24] Joint research and development of new products and new technologies in cooperation with universities and outside research organizations Corresponding check sheet item 1.5.4)

1. Purpose

When developing new products and new materials, it may happen that capability (technical capability, machine and equipment, personnel) are inadequate to complete development by the deadline date. The success ratio can be increased by carrying out joint development with outside research organizations and universities.

2. Definition

Success in development by cooperation with outside research organizations and universities when basic technologies, test and measurement facilities,and engineers within a company are inadequate to develop the targeted new products.

3. Contents

Procedure of joint research with outside organizations:

(1) Detemrine the theme of joint research that is defined as concretely as possible and is documented,

(2) Draft a joint research agreement (confidentiality, handling of patent issue, bearing of expense) to which both sides sign and exchange as official documents.

(3) Establish a system (such as direct telephone line) for facilitating and implementing effectively daily or periodical communication.

(4) Decide in advance a follow up system against delay of schedule.

(5) Share of research achievement as decided or in advance by contract This should specifically cover inventions and discoveries which occur in the process of research and development; sharing of rights should also be decided

(6) Temporary and additional expense sharing should be deci.dedin advance.

6 1

4. Example

5. Other remarks

When carrying out joint research with foreign organizations. Take precautionary measures to prevent troubles which are due to difference in languages, habits, understanding methods, and drawing methods.

6. Relation with ISO-9000 Series

4.4 Design control

7. Keywords

. Confidentiality

. Handling of inventions and discoveries


[25] Planning and deployment of future program to reinforce international competitiveness

Corresponding check sheet item 1.5.5)


In the long run trade liberation will bring about time when nations of the world complement each other in their strong products and service, involving not only industrialized countries but also developing countries. For this reason, it is necessary to have quality and cost competitiveness which can withstand liberal trade competition in the international market.

2. Definition

Business structure which can withstand international competition in terms of quality, cost and delivery period in the trade.

3. Contents

Procedure to reinforce international competitiveness:

(1) Evaluate accurately the competitiveness of the following fields: product and service quality, manufacturing system, control system, manufacturing machine and equipment, human resource development, information control, financing, new technologies, and new product development.

(2) Management should accurately recognize the items which must be reinforced in competition in the international markets. Plan and implement countermeasures.

(3) Make concrete plans for each item which requires countermeasures. Concrete and clear instructions for investment of technology, funding and human resources are required

(4) Consider safety and public nuisance issues of the products to be exported Survey in advance the safety regulations of destination countries. Consider these issues at the stages of design and development.


(5) Establish a system where patent issues, design, and physical distribution issues are surveyed in advance completely. Consider how not to cause trouble in the destination country's markets after the products have developed

4. Example

5. Other remarks

6. Relation with 1SO-9000 Series

4.1 Management responsibility

7. Keywords

. Long-term international strategy

. Patent, design, physical distribution



1. UMEDA, Masao, "Seven Key Factors for Success on 1'QM' Japanese Standards Association (1993)

2. KOGURE, Masao, "TQC:in Japan" JUSE Press (1988) (:in Japanese)

3. QC Circle Headquarters, "QC Circle Koryd' JUSE Press (1990)

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