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Wuthering Heights Vocabulary

1. Misanthrope- noun- a person who dislikes people

2. Wuther- verb- to blow with a dull roaring sound

3. Provincial- adjective- relating to the country or rural areas. Also describes

something unsophisticated.

4. Vexatious- adjective- causing annoyance, frustration or worry

5. Assiduous- adjective- showing great care and perseverance

6. Decorum- noun- behavior that is proper.

7. Usurp- verb- to take something, usually a position of power, by force

8. Obstinate- adjective- stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinions or decisions

9. Abjure- verb- to formally reject something, or declare that one no longer

believes in something

10. Avarice- noun- extreme greed for wealth or material gain

11. Ignominious- adjective- deserving or causing public disgrace or shame


12. Proxy-noun- a person that can be used to represent another

13. Alacrity- noun- brisk and cheerful readiness

14. Recompense- verb- to repay or compensate someone for a loss or harm


15. Refute- verb- to prove that a statement or theory is wrong

16. Petulant- adjective- childishly sulky or bad-tempered

17. Caprice- noun- a sudden and unexplainable change of mood or behavior

18. Fiend- noun- an evil spirit or demon

19. Cordial- adjective- warm and friendly

20. Ardor- noun- enthusiasm or passion

21. Deride- verb- to ridicule or express scorn for

22. Entreat-verb- to ask earnestly or anxiously.

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