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A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) achieves high resolution in the cross-range dimension by

taking advantage of the motion of the vehicle carrying the radar to synthesize the effect of a
large antenna aperture. The imaging of the earth's surface by SAR to provide a maplike
display can be applied to military reconnaissance, measurement of sea state and ocean wave
conditio~is.g eological and rnitleral explorations, and other remote sensing application^.^^

Radar equation for SAU. Eacli particular application has its own form of the radar equation.
7'1ic SAR 1i;ls a ~~nrticularliyri tercsting form, especially when the relationships derived above
arc t i \ k ~ 1 1in to ;ICCOIII~(.1 11 tlie literatirrc ori SAR, tlie radar equation is usually written wit11 tlic
sigtial-to-noise ratio (SIN) 011 tlic left-liand side. We start with tlie followirig

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