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What is CRM?
j CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are the
concepts used by organizations to manage their
relationships with customers.
j CRM software is used to support these processes.
j From the outside, customers interacting with a
company perceive the business as a single entity.
j CRM helps a company unify its customer interactions
and provide a means to track customer information.
Äspects of CRM
j Front office operations

j Back office operations

j Business relationships

j Änalysis
Benefits of Implementing CRM

j Ättracting new customers

j Quicker and more efficient response to customer
leads and customer information
j Simplification of marketing and sales processes
j Understanding customer needs
j Better customer service
j Building customer loyalty


Stages In CRM
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Relationship between IT and CRM
 ( are vital since your
business has a marketing orientation and
focuses upon the customer and his or her
current and future needs

j  are essentially the software and

programmes that support the process

j ãR  contain data on every aspect of

the customer, and the Customer Life Cycle
CRM Solution Providers
j @##@( è is exactly that è Information Technology
must be upètoèdate. It should be efficient, speedy and focus
upon the needs of customers. Whilst IT and/or software are
not the entire story for CRM, it is vital to its success. CRM
software collects data on consumers and their transactions.
Huge databases store data on individuals and groups of
individuals. In some ways, CRM means that an organisation
is dealing with a segment of one person, since every
consumer displays different purchasing habits and
preferences. Organisations will track individuals, and try to
market products and services to them based upon similar
buyer behaviour seen in other individuals (e.g. When
Ämazon tells you that customers that viewed/bought the
same product as you, also bought another product).

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