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111 ,ii, ht d

.' _JI ,1:1'" -s .rese.rve~_

Translated and edited by: .AI .. ,Fal,ab. ~oD:ddati'oD, Cover designed by: Xadlijah 'GuJ;,I[,elt

Technical :su'pe:liv·.i sor; S,ai_d a,ris,

General dlrecton S beikh J\Cuhamm,od. '. ,<' bdu

P b- ~'" .~' d-' b-

, IU -~'d$d,e~' ,'y:

AL F' "" 1r' .Ii. U F'O'- 'U- "-ND'- - ,·.lilii"f"ITO· 'N' FO" . "'Tin.1I\ ",.l,S· 'r .A·""1""fIO· "'N'"

~, "':.nL.n..a.~1 •........ , ". '!.t~ I.I.I_.:_., . .... . ~ J.~~" ::~J.', >, _'. ~


'2-4 Am,- Tayar n St. Nasr illy Cairo '- g'ypt Tel ~ &, fa x :: (20Q.,) 26,228.3:8

We'bs,i'te: www·.:fa:.all0111U.ne .. com

El-ma,i:~:' i,f1:fo@ :fil:1 ahon UOle.,c1oinl

Prefac e OJ ,. '. ,. III i ,~ ,~ ,~ •• '. '~"~ ,~ ;;; ,~, ~, ~, " ,~ ,~ ii '"' ~, ~, ~ .' ii1 -,;, ,~, ~, ~I Ii, .' ,> ,. Ii ,. '. ,i; '" iii ~ .' Ii, .' ~ ;i; ;i; '" 'il ,i1 'V

P'B"I'P'. 10.". ,., n-:- e -'

, I ],[a" . _ ..

IM'loral U pb r:inlgi:lng


Th"e Princl,pl.es of 'M;oraI Up;birul.Kim'ig .. ~ '",II ,~ ~ • j, ~"Ii';i; III 3 ,iii Tble ,First Prlncip 'Ie: Moralities ~ ~ ",,~,~ ~""" ",il, ••• ~ .'. ~,,,,

F ,5

'I!! The Second Princip,:le: Truthfulness ~~",,,,,,~~,~,~, 31

~ The 'T"hh~d, P',ri:n.el,pl;e:, Keeping Secrets .'i"Ii"'~'.~'" 33 ,ii] 'Thle F o,urt'b, P!riDcip,le::: 1 ~ Ionesty ,~, 'I' 'i ~ ~ i"" ~ ~ • '. ~I '. i,'. ~ • .,' :34 'I!! 'The: Fifth, 'Prin,cipile',:, Forsaking Oru,d"ge,.,.,~~".,;~, :36

Part T'w',o

,B,Dle,i.,1 U' p,br,i ngi'i OSI

h-I ,'P-" iii! ii, ,'1- , I-liS" , iii 'I 'U' b iii , I~'

-' ','e "r,lnCJ~pl=,es, 'OJ, ,I, ,OleUl "_ pi, ~nglng "" I.,~ ,.,,~ .,~,.,", Ol",~ 41

_, 'Tb,e: First P,ri'u;ciplle:, Allowing the Child, to

Attend Meetings Where IOIId,er People DisiCU:S;S, Various Issues i",,,i',i ,i"i, i, i,""i,~,i". ~ ••• ;o ••• ,""OJ."" U ~ .'.' ,43

!!I The ISecQ,R,d. p,-r~il1lelpl:l!e: As" igning the Child

tal Fulfill Some Duties land Errands ~,~ !O"'~""~'" ~,., 48

'!!I The: Th.ird PlriDlc:iple,:, Teaching the [Child, to Uphold and, Practice [be Snnnah of

Greeting M"'" '1111 slim I", 5',',' ',-I!,

',.,:_: 1_ . \J.. ".JJ.,.,L ',0 .. ,: '~-l". ,- - I _-: Ii Ii '13 iii i. 1ii!i"'iii'iii~'ii,'"il'II"!!!I!I! ~ !!re;!ii !!!'!!i!il!! !!!II'!! iii jl!l!! ~ !l'llilliIII iI !Ii Ii liiil iii iii l.


,~ ;',',


!!O The Sb,I'b. Prmci:p:le::' Getting 'Ib:.' Cbild.

U,·; d to Buyiag land~,'lliD!g . ~Jli .,~, ~Il~'~ ~ ",~,~! ~ ~'~!HI i~,n :S7' .. Til, Seventh P'riu,~i,ple':: Permitting the Child 'lii!)! Attend 1, Jamie Parties and

Weddings . ~ ~.,. ,0; ,0.,;0 ;0 ,~,,~,~ '.' I ~ "., ~ Ii·. , .... " ,."" Ii' ."~,,. '0 I;, •• ~ '. I." •.• I. I, • '. '.' "''; 'o;,~ '.,; • '. 5:9

~ The E.i,gh'tb Pr1D!Crp'l.~~: Allowing the Child. to Spend a :Ni,g,ll at, 'the Hlome IOC some

Righteous Relatives u.;o ii .,~ ~ ",;,~ ~ ~ .'~" .".'~Ii,.,.,~.,",~,;o;,~",".'~'~i~~'. U< 61

ICo:,D,cl.usi.IQIDI ~ ,tt; '"', '"' iii !iiI.' Ii .' ~ II iii, i "' ii, , ,. ~"~ ,. ii'l '.' ,~, f!!i' '. 'j! ;; !!' ;; '. ii' ' •• , ri' ., ill '" ,., ii,'Oj ,., II " I!i II! I~, 1M! I!i 6:3


T- b-Ie·:· 'M" '," usli ~ m 't~, ,,~Iii'it- ac .. h m --,;!!!II.n· ,t to Iij-'L'N',~ Prophet (p eace _ "_', " _ 0,· ,U", g,,,'I.._"L, _' . ,'!!..;I, Iii. U IU",~, ·'V _:,UI!i;,,;ot, !!!;.I',,!1i;.;;V

beup-'o,o him) is; the strongest amons all human

. • _ . -' . . - .~ I J "'_' J • Iii.:... . .. . ~ . . 'I _, _. . _ . __ • ,. .• '~I I. .. .,- _ -_' .. • _'

'II - '.' AI" I, ,'" I .- h I! - - - - 't.., - p'" het

JeJL-,at]OIlS,~ ,~~,.so, ,~l,le ~ees, '_ I . ,. 'e JlOIVleS, the - .·,ro,p,_et

(peace be upon him) more than himself and all mankind, M,of,eo'V'CI"'I Almighty Allah states in the

E· '" " 1-'-'0' , ,1; .' ~'T) 'Q-- ','. , .,II! ,. ,- - . ,t--:I, '_ 'It ,~"~L.. -P' ~,', '1' , , '~' (-: ,,' "', .,' - b

_ v,eI=',JlOifl,OILl,5, ,UI an rna 1LJ11.'e" ropI1Ct,pe,ace. e

U- P". on him) Is closer to, tbe believers than themselves

'_"_.'_ ". __ "_-~'.' .0._ nV!ii3_ ._. ~J~ ~L"""_' l •••• ,_._._., __ .• _l_ , __ ~._._,''''._.iJI!\1I!

This deep attachment to the ,'r,opllet (1~GU1Ce 'be UplOID him) is instilled into tbe hearts and minds of

-M-'-I :- __ i]~ :" ~- - ., 'I .. :'1') d --, t, - ',' ,. 't"iI.'-U -- g" !ili:- e H"· -', 'C' - -'" -, b

, . U8,llm. C"U",(f,f;,ll !aIL, ,3, very y,vl.D' ag'- ~ .-,e '.' p,e,lCl~, _e,

'hi" )~' hi ideal h "M 'I' ,,;_ till d

upon ,,-n1'1 rs t ie meai mat every ,_':',_ usnm JLO,~. OWSI an.".

- h f :---1 S':1"'..... ,I' ,", h th -~; M~ '-C Ii- ~,

1t1" e source O~' t te great snana. ~I that tne 'true . -',U;SI un

adheres to "I H',- exem I'n.~"IIJ1"-fi'~-lie"d'· all that brings us close fin

~ "\ "l~'~ • ",iII "".~ ~, '~'l'; ~'", ·11. ,._ liO.L, ~_·.P!L. IU JI! -I_:_._!k)! _iWI!~. U~~ [LV

Al'-']I ah -, - h' , , ,", '.1 -', 'I~'~:' n-- th ----- , '-hi'" Id -d,·1 ,

, -' ,. ,a_, ,or en·, aD!ces ODr 11C"., .. ,e L ,o.rou,gl-'-' "r g1l.u.· .. e.·. us

to tbe extent that ,g,r-ea1dy surprised the Jews who said

th at 0" '1'1'1" Prop 'biOi'l 1-9i'!![Ir;; 'lhi'!'ilI'II'fl zht 'Ill 11:" ~'U'~'FUltL: ·0--- g'"

- !~L,' '. YA. I IU·, :,': I~, 'l~1 LqIUlO' ,',_ U.ll!1 !~ "!'j"~~ J' lu.n·! ',-.' Iii

. -

In this rapidly developing world, Muslim cbildren are farced with enormous challenges in a largely secular environment, and parents are in urgent need

nf -_',. ;h--"~i~· - i· ' (rll d' -]-I~ ·p'-l'ili!<C I"'i'!Jii -- -,,~ '7'.' ,-::'-::-' -,-:::'iI!-, .,;-- ,

0. ,[Ie I!,. lU-!l. ,J; un.g, 11),0 . __ ,~ )L_iI ~~- u.[rru::: ,SI),'s!!.cm"

Th P 'ill inl f

,- .," I . ) ,- '. I 1 ,:' . . '. . ;:- • ':-',

.. '._ ,. ,rl,nClpl es 'O,~

Ibn al-Qt yyilD. stated the following i.1l bi

P eciou 'boo' . hkam A' '1,11, t ~~' 'IliA' m u g the

' - ...... J·_,'.:.r. ',', )::_ ~" '_ "Kt~"T::' :",jJ;'-l'Yj'{'W'I1i;u; .... i 1.1 .• :..c', _l.~

things which a child strongly needs is the nurturing of 111 :", III rals, He grows up according to what his parent '-, have inculcate d. in him during bis childhood. If they Inculcated in him solitude. anger, ,0 stinacy, hastiness, frivolity I recklessness Irritability or greed it 'would, be : ·.0 difficult for him 'to avoid S,IUC:i1, things in futur :_'I~ For sure 'these menners turn to be deep ... rooted trahs and, aspects that if be does not guard against them, will cause him dishonor Olle _ ;:__y ~ Tbe:re': 10,[1. '. ~i a. ],IQ't of Pi~ rSODS are corrupte d due t.o' their improper upbrin ging, II

The late, erudite,beikh Muhammad al-Khidr Hus ayn, the former sheikh of laJ .. Azhar, emphasized 'the importanc 0'" utilizing the period of childhood in implanting moralities in tbe child saying, "The

'The significance, of inculcating moralities in our children is revealed more and more 'when we know that the Prophet (Peace be. upon him) emphasized it. many' times in his honorable hadiths. Furthermore, he (peace be upon him) preferred it to giving charity.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "h is better jor a J11aN to cultivate ,his child than ill ,g:i'll{€ O'n la measure ,oj 'food. II ( ~ )


Also, be (peace be upon him) guided parents to [he best gift t10 'be presented to their children, which

. . ~ 'i"]~I· ." iI -e b A ]111 ." b b

is. msn hngmoralfties til tnem, Aetna lly ~ it is t, e best

heritage for our children, Thus, our honorable Prophet (peace be upon him) said" "",A, parent doesn't

grant his' child a: gift better tha» i;t3t.ii'li~'~g moralities in

#'. - ~,(t'1<),

bim .. "i~'

'Therefore, "Ali al-Madini (may Allah have mercy

" " ~,' , '" - ,~, .'~- ~,~ - '~-- -- ~ -~~.' '_" ~ - ' " ~ ,., ~, .-'

on him) said "Bequeathing moralities to children is, better than bequeathing money to them. Moralities

~ -

will help them zain money r ' hiab rank- IO:V'le of others

' , , ' ~ - ~ ", '. - ~-' . '" '. e" '.', , ,.' '. "', ,~~. .', '~i ',~ ~ ,,' ." " ~'..' ' ~'~' ~ ',~ ,,,,' "

1. 'Re:po:~l!d by ,a;tn,11 rm idhru i 2;. R'e"'polt-ect b.y9Jt-1li ~1'Im idh 1"

and 'the goodness of the worldly life and the Hereafter." ~).

Some might overlook the importance of moralities considering them as :3 minor issue, 'unaware of - 'the fact that by doing SiO", they make it easy for 'their children to be ungrateful to thern Indeed, '[he parents' ,d'u'~y to instill moralities in, their children is ,IS necessary as 'their ,du'~y ,()f sustaining them, It was related (In, the authority of Ibn, Majah that Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be. pleased with him) said, thatthe Prophet (peace be upon, him) said, ~it HOI'l~

!or ,our children alia' educate the;H well. I'

'The, righteous predecessors recognized the importance of morality, its, weight and magnitude so they raised their children to observe ~U and advised the llmmah to follow 'their steps, The honorable Companion 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (may AJJabbe pleased with them both) ad .. dressed, every parent in a mild way ~ setting UPi IJl. equation, saying, "Educate your child because you are responsible "Cor educating and edifying him, just as, he is, required 'to devote and obey' Y'!OU~ I~i

Such great emphasis on morality and on making it a natural disposition of the child is due ito the following: "True morali ty begets clairvoy 3.11ce., which brings forth sound habits, This results fun commendable qualities that. c ontribu tie to righteous deeds, which, in. turn, lead '[0 the satisfaction of Allah that produces, permanent reign, On the other hand bad manners beget unsound minds, which lead to offensive habits, It results, in ill-naturedness which induces [corrupt deeds that prompt 'bitter speech [and invoke the anger and wrath of Allah which bring about permanent ignominy .. ,"(l)

The righteous predecessors followed the path of directing 'their children's attention towards the importance of morality and bequeathing .i:£ to them, so let u.s 'have a glimpse at their approach .. ,

E':'V'o'm"p"]'II-,iE!!!I ··fro·;:-::····'··,'m-· 't-'-'b·-·Bc HI,·.re·· ·o.-···.-f·: th-"'~l .. ~~ii·g·:-··b·-·,t·_···-,,: .

_.' ..• "" __ ' :__'_'__'~O '__--.:.' _ .. ~_ .' _.I:-c ..I.'1'~." '. I .. e, n·.- .. " I~eous·



Ruwaym ibn Ahmad al-Baghdadi advised his, son

·saying" "Make your deeds like salt and your morality

like ·f·'II .. [ .. ,': . ..' _- lidat 'l~' '1''''' '11"-., .·"",,11~~·. .".,

Jilt e 1.101:,U ~ r.e, consouna e ,) our moran ty maxing It.

greater .. More 'morality with fewer deeds is better than less. morality with more deeds.!.['I~(2)

1. Al-Mawardi, Na;'£,ii~'{lt A..l~.Muluk,. p .. l 1] ..

2. imam. al-Qarafi, A.t·F~.,ru,q~ vol, ] .. p, 96.

Ibrahim ibn al-Habib ibn ash-Shahid mentioned ['bat his "father advised him, "Keep close tOI Jurists and scholars, study under them and learn from 'them, morality and righteousness. 'This is better, for me than learning 'much in Hadith. ~!,(]l' 'This enables the

child, ~O learn morality along with Hadith. Otherwise, if he learned Hadith 'before morality, this would lead him, to deal 'badly with 'the hadiths of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and this would lead aberration in his heart.


0, .. ,~ '. C tb . /. rht ·.·~.··.·c .. :. ,-~ ed g~~Ci"'-. told 'hi- z , .

ne 'Oil t e ngr Il,;eOU,~, prec ~~!i;'~,SO,[S rou r s son,

110···· . '. -. ~ I '~ .. ' b ,-., . ,ti-, . - - tha t = .. , I" . - - "-. -.' tit· --.

, > ISOI1.~ It lS - euer, Jlor me,,_ a. .you . earn o,ne ma.ler

of 'morality than to learn seventy matters of kn --- w-- -l"-d-g'c U

.. o··· .. ·e_' ... le~·

A- b --- Z···~·fjjjlk' arivva _I I An- . bari C' -. id .,t~Kn·-·· '.' "-'1- -d' - .

. .. U "ul,Ct~ .J..jJ' ,M- ," '.~. ,~,,' !l1~U,', ,~, '" ow. te ,g,er

without morality is Iike fi .e withour wlood,:~whl1.ie morality without knowledge is like a, sou] without a body: .' ~,!'Mfl.)

- ,

In addition, .what are the moral traits that the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized t'D be instilled in children? '0111 reviewing the purified Sunnah,

~ d"b th ~. f li

It appearec t,. at . : ere are mne types 0"_. mora .. ity:

i. Al-Khatib aJ-B,aghdadi~. Aj",Gam:i~ Li Akll,l(]'q Ar~R'aw'I!~ QrJd' Adab as,-Sa,:~'!i ~!' VOL.. 1, '1' P', .~ 1,.

2.. ,AJ- Klh ati b a] - Baghdadi, Ai ,,}Qm i ~.j VO, I 'I J" p, 1.1.

(1) 'Ihe 'morality o.·f' behaving well with parents

Abu. Hurayrah (may A.I~ah be pleased 'with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace 'be Up on him) saw a man wal kin g: with ,I, boy. He (pe:ac'l~ 'be upon him) asked the 'boy (about the man), .'I'Who is ,ll1l3'1'" 'The boy answered "He is my father, ~m Then the Prophet said, ~"i DO' no)' ~va:lk in fi·r~n,t 101 ,h;i:;m or. provoke his CUJ";S ...

. , , , _ " I

in8'\~'i'i(I:) An-Nawawi explained that it means that you

'I -

should, not do anything that might drive your father

to curse you, :you. should net sit before he sits and

- I _ - .. .

you shou 11d:-, not ~,:",",'I'] him 'b-'y' hi .-",,(1" '11- arne

._-._ '~l ~I . .: ,":__:. _ .!m·:.:: .. _ ,'_ _ ~1a1 • ,I -, , " ~I JL a.lJLli~·i1i'

Also Abu Ghassan ad, ... Dabbi 'said uIwa.s

, .. ~ '" _., ..•.• '''_.'C '_.' __ ·C.'· - ., .. ' .", ' ",I,'

walki - ~ w,-:-:'tb"-' ,-. '" f' . ther '·1· "1" '; rhe '.' ",C>lIl''''';IIi"f.~ of

aJlk n~ . ,), _ my a tner I, ong ,- e 0 141 tSl\.lla.~c

Al ... Herrah when I m iet Abu H ur ayrah :1, , (m 'a'Y'" Allah ~,-,

. r.J..IIwr,,, (;1"_,,, .' "'_: ...... _,"" "_ Ii. .1",_ . ,_ ',', ....,' "_,, " "'",, lUe

" .. '~', .. ' ,'. ~ .. d' ,,'. ,,'~,":t... him) H" "-, th ,,-, '.' I!J... ,," - ._, I'IIIW~("'].;._" r.;

,plleasel~., W·lu.ll ,lIm,. . e,. ., e,n~ ,atSL I m~e", __ ' uO lS

this?" I said, "He is, my' father." He said, ~~I'Do' not walk,' in front of your father 'but 'behind, or next ,to him. Do not let anybody come between you, or eli r nb a, roof lest YO:U should arouse his fear and do noteat a slice of meat that be looks at" because he mizh ,to have an appetite '''-0':""''''['' ;:.[. ~"(2,)

uno, , I,LL,IIi,.'V~, ,itIl" O:I __ ~~, ,.-'!i,.<' '~!": ,[1;, '. '

A1 Q: "u'-+'u·:b·-·'~ r., 'I-- ,",: T,~'f-" s -, ment "."., .. ·d t·'f....~, t Abu __ I.~'_.:tt,_l" In. ,~][S ,I. aJStr~ men,I],Q,nc_ l_ull_ "..u.

'~B dd h , .. T' iibi '~d ill _ id s· ' .... id ib

at ... , I -,"~L-=-} ,a,I: ,81'£-IJ[,<1 sar "~ .. 11 S,a.ili':_ to"8 '11 £ on


] ~ biruull.ln='N,awnwl~ Al~,A,dhka"

"'iiiA.<lp],I"";"I' -. ~ ?',~ .,. ... '"'I"""i~;d' 'l!UI\Ii"I;;11 ~' 'P' 'I' ~1,;iI;:

~ .. , Ill?'tl~t!r'~I!",~i~-iIl n!l1Uo ~~'r¥I~~: _Ii _" ·,t '!i' U ~. 10'11 . _!I '_' ~ VII!'

M l U' b ,.

,I . - ~. ~" -; , .;If - -.- . '

ora, . ·1J.fNllf~ng

al-Musayyib I] have understood every : en e in the Ever-Glorious Qur'an that I:I~,'-'~I_. :', about behaving well witb :paren' s exce pt the one that read 4Bur ad dress them in teT·'~11'S' of' hi nor ' " H ~ answr ~ reid me. ~'Ti" address them ,a'- rhe sinful -l_ ve ac tresses his rough master, I~ 'I'i ~ I; ),

Thus " let the motto of the childr en when they Iearn or avail of something from Ilh· ir parents be that they say" "This is beneficial for me t -. know, Iilj '[0 please their parents and, also to get accustomed to, being' hum ... ble towards 'them" May Allah gur de U·· all towards it.,

Ibn .~ Abbas (may All sh be plea sed with them both) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "If the par m get, pl. as tl when he looks at his son, then, the lion ',viU' have the' reward .giv ~,"l, to the ,o',n;€ who

frees a slave:" The Companions said '11"10 Messenger of Allah! What if the father look c at. his son three

:1. ,Al-Qurtuibi~ Tal~~.i}'" vol, :~ 0 p. 343.

hundred and sixty times?' The Prophet (peace 'be

"_'_" L_ " , • ','0".' • "_'_'.' ··JI·.·-.~ ",' ','-' ", __ .':, ' .,'._' -.'_.-

upon him) said 1!"!IAUa'~ ,;'S" f.I~.D· G .. r- -reater ' ,I)

, __ .1 . ',' _ ',_,_ ,_.:_~ 41.' __ .' ii;JJ! ,_"_. ". _~,', ... 1_ I. "'till'" r~ ',f':;" . ". ~u ~ ~ '_ ~

Also, Ibn ~ Abbas (may Allah. be pleased with

. - -

them both) said, "Whoever looks in . he face 0'( his

·-····c··· ' .. _ ..... -.- '. 'ith ., .-. ';;'-:"'" -. -.- relv A'" Ilt·lb· -" "]'~ ,.~ "-' b·"'I"I- th .'

parents WI. . mel. cy, surer Y " .:. tar wm r, 1 gi ve nnn ..1 e

reward of a completely accepted and rewarded

- -


Finally, 'we quote a righteous scholar - al-Walid ibn N<--"u-!mTC-'~'Y-::l-" - establishing ..... ~I clear wa.y.· of implanting

lIL . _' ... ,' U vl}ILu .. ~ "f!.:~,1 ~ '"* ,_.,= .. ,.___ ~ __ " ., __ li.l. . __ . _ L_ '~~'_~' .. _

,_. , . . ::'_' ~ - .

morality in children through the behavior of their

oarents with them saying 'III heard my father say jog" '-

:t"'''- '. .1... _ •. _. _.1 - .. ' ,,_ _'. . __ •. _ .. "c "~ .. " . ._ I.' . .•• .: "'.". .;" -":_ .••. 1- •.. .,.

~IO'Ur predecessors used 'to say: Allah grants piety and parents grant morality.' 1'1(3)

,'. I ~ ,

For the child to enhance his good manners,

h ]d dvi h ~ £ 1-1- h iii h

parents s IOU .. ', a vise 'lim to' Jl'O~_OW t .. e .rJ,g~_~teou.s.

.. c·h,· ·1.·· .. _.-. -.- ··d· to .. ·· learn '.- I ".--' '·li~·lt··" at th ... " :. )"'1'-' d s TL .. 'S

SIC,. orars ana l. eam n.101.3 _y 1._ ._"_ err 130,1_ ~.~. . nus,

, -

the child, 'to, achieve full benefit, needs to learn .. good.

manners in communicating with scholars.

(2.) The m.orali.·tyof be.hla;viD,g· wlell 'with ,scb.IQllars Imam an-Nawawi said, "What is mentioned regarding behaving well with parents applies to

1· i="R· .. · eported ~ u· at- T!'1i ....... roti'!n; • , .,_. ·v, \.;.IU VJ.' Q - I il_~l~~ ~ __ ;~ I~

2 .. Al-Minawi, S.harh ./U~Q!adl:r~ vol. 5 ~I p" 48.3. . .3. Reported by a] _. rB u:khari .

- , 'I 'I d '~ '1

scholars; rather t 1,it,Y' coromann more ~ as sen orars are

to 11.!.,. Q: )" n .. [ '~,,ii;lii;~"~~ to "1\1~C". of rh ~ p: ro "P-:-, l"jj ets ........ T· -1-1- U 'j:ji' ,rDj ch ~Il- d if" b' oul d'

t,I.I,Lr. _,; i_jl~I,~~':: ~I 0: ',.... 'IJr. v. . [WI' _ ," .. ·.·11_1~. () ii .. ~!WI!: ~~ ~_ .lJJ, .... _ Ql ~V '~-' .. _ ..

learn to respec t ~U1 d. revere them, He should leam 'to ~1,O:'.'w" ·..'e··· [-,' h' J.,~ ,~'!j::,~ n- '. ~ .. .' to ,t, h I~: m-'-' '. '.'" trear th c ~'I~ ·~."~'nr ,'t-·,II ~'~'lmil.,J ~1' ,aiC' 'f:,~ ~'"ii ,I . .. . " , ,() l.'cl' J! . ~ . '" 11i.,~, _ ,:t-.mi, ~!I>I,I1l.. ',," ,,,-, ill cui 6~ _, _1Il J' QJ!,~lJI" _, __ ~ l,:",",iIJ J,

,~o e~"",f~' t-'h", ~;,'m" Iii

~,U ~¥,lL .~. ¥ . ~ ~', I_i' ~!!

Imam ,al, ... Ghazali (IDlY' Allah have mercy ,OlD, him) quoted Yahya ibn Mlf adh ell saying, "Scholars are more merciful towards the 111:tio,D of the Prophet

uhammad (peace be, upon him) than their fathers and, mothersSome people wonder, 'How come? He said, 'Their fathers and, mothers proteet them against the fire (hardships) of tile present life, while scholars pro tee t, them against the Hellfire .'~ i !I,t ~ ~,

Therefore ~ it is i c- ertant tll.a:t the, children learn to behave well in. 'the presence of scholars and to revere them,

Abu Umamah (may AUa'b be pleased with him) narrated tbat. the Prophet (peace be 'u'po:n him) SLedd"

~m L" "~'.Ji . . ."",,~ ~ . • ~(J" ... . ".I" ... 1

'·"u'ql~wr! aaares: sea ,\l,IS ss» ,f'aJ~ll!I'1 "jl,1 SO~!~ A uena to

scholars an,d listento ,1M e :1: aJ;f6S' b ecause ,A llah iJifb~S'lt'$ life' il1\ the' de 1;1!e€~1I"t ~ll1"rl)lt'l,g',Il. the ligt",l' f}j~ t'I!istlom, i.l~ the ·tV~)W 11e bifM~s,es ,Ufe' i,,11 ;hi!; de land r'~tO'UglT rain. "1,(2)

Moree ve r, "Ubadah ibn as ... Samit narrated that

. h p' . 'h' ( .. be him) "'d I liIIH': h' ... 1'

'tl c'_ .crop I I. t : pea,ce _·.,e upon _: 1m .. sal,:, '~. te \V':,lO! ,U(}I(!S'

nor I-'"f?1' tre the eld« J s, have nle"~rC" on til; .... "0UI~lg, nor' es-

~ _.

;~1fJ . ,n" .s,.,..1.1. ola ,1;11 ,;,:0 not fr'":' '0' ,r:l11 6Ur!l!.(."5r,IJ'lIg .I;:i;:a' ·U·· '~,"I~~I,n'~' I ,( I)

~.~. lr-tf,1I'l . L,-_IV,_"'" ~ !!Ib~ lf1'~! .. I_I _I'~' [,- ',f~'11 l~tdl!l.riULr-IEl.'" ,1'-',' . ~1['~'Ir.I!r~~IJ'!Ii

_ -. .lso, ',b,u mama It narrated that the, Prophet (peace be upon, him) said, l"Only a i1IYPO,C',"lrt:e' makes

U'~hr of the' J"ollo"rfl"n', three; the ased man who spen: all his life ICl:S a M,~~S'J,'i':'11', D' man of knOltfl,(~'dge and a ,lair

'.' d' 11"1 (? 'I

,~~I:' ,'J·e .. · ~,'

M; __ :l _ I__:-i!:


A·· lso tbe children of' the rig hteous pred eeesso ·."'[·'S·.

'_ .JILl· "'1' [,' ~11· ~I,. r ,,' 1,,1 ILl V _ '._: I_,L.~[·;·.'L·' I: .1.,.,~._",~.·_-·.lO~"l.···~_,··'

behaved 'W·· II 'with scholars. The children of the I ':ropbe,fs Companions of al-Muhajirin and al-Ansari" who used to attend the session of Sa id ibn al-Musayyib could not ask him at question unless he, initiated ~ p ech or 'W3::'1 questioned by a Companion:; therefore " they listened to Sa "id's an swer,

In addition - the major scholar of the Ummak ~ Abdullah ibn "Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) who was of sound morals, set an example of good manners during his seeking knowledge from fr'~'A' I,C" 'o .. mpsn ;0:" ,"I ... H" e·' '11"~I~',d" uW·:··· 'hen the Prophet (·p· ... !A~c·,.>e .. -

I!.,U,~ c ,_ .. _,,' "-'.~I!.:...';!!.!! 'I' _ .' Jil!U,iI.,. ',. , . ,111.,1, _ '. ,_ it'V. ': _.,!I!.,!lU .'

.2" R.'eport'ed by at -Tabarani.

3" ,A.'I- WI ub j ~I:riI n Jefer. to Ihe M; grnn~:s aad ,a~ .. Ansar refers to the SI!J pporters uf rhe Prophet peace be u pon hi m).

be upon him) died, I said to a man from ,d ... Ansar, 'Come on, let's seek knowledge from the Companions of the Prophet as they are now numerous.' The man retorted, 1'0' [boo ... Abbas I!: Do! ,you suppose that people

will be in need of your knowledge while there are such numbers of tb.'e great Companions?' TIle Ulan overlooked .i'~ while I started asking the Companions of the Prophet (peace 'be Ul,Ol1 .. him), When it carne to m'Y knowledge that a. Companion had reported a hadith, I would stick to his door while he 'W;(lS taking

;;!iI, n ap (of tbe aoon) T- -'I-l~-'U-'Ci! 'I: m ad e my m .il'!II'I9;"t-,;a.11 ''0;

~ l.'~ _ :,'. "'.'-: "IlL ,'-,' ~lL .. - ~ ',.'-"" . , . '!t . , l .-', ~ .d", I ," ~IIf'- ,'._~', ; '~'." ! Ja.!_Ji .... ~,l ttl

pillow an id slept at his doo ··I~- W;~*I h .. the wind b ,1-o"'W' r.. ina

_ .1 ,'.. _.', _ a;lil~, ,~g,. 1.:!t!!Jl!, ,,' '" '_', 1j,1~, ' ·v - _', .':, ." '~". . Llllre,

,dus'£ onme, until he came out and saw me. Then he

~d ~O" ;, f 'h- P h h '1'~1' ,

said, .•.......•.•. -COUSID 0." t~,e Prophet, w y elJu- ),,00 COiDe,,'·'

You should rather ask that I come to you, and then I would com' e I I said IN···· "0' I shoul d -·th .' . 'e' to

.',,- : -'.e ,'.~ •. _~ ~, ,~:U~I!!.'" ' .... ! :" I. 'a,U"'.. Hi -er COn_L_, .....

yOU~:! Then, I asked him about the hadhh. This man of al-Ansar Iived 'till he, later, saw' people crowd asking (seeking knowledge frOID) 'me. Then he said - - - (J1

'This yOIUD,g man was wiser than me." .)

-- -

AJ,=H,'" ~il:'ll~1tj"riI, al-Ba isry (may Alla hb ·_,e· ... - pleased i with

U!L]i~JIi ", .. iIl. " "' , . ,~, .. h_ .l .. ~~ ." _ IIJ, I,·

hi ) d ~ d hi ~ "-;'-'.. Ii Wh . d

m . 3.' V]' sea -lCJI' ~O' ···n--·· saying ~~O· so m v ... -I~n' ''YO'' u a····'Ii'~·~n'

.~ ~_,I ~_ .. :_ ",01,._:, :.' I ~ ~I "'~. .,ltl!J' U~:::.,'!t ':., ~~,_ ' Ii " r ~ !=' J".' ~_ .~I.l:~~L~JL.w

to scholars, keep, to listening more than 'you speak, listen well jUS'[ as you speak well and. do not interrupt anybody, but wait until be finishes his speech . I'!'

~ _.. . - - -: ,~, '. '.- - - '-- . .. -' -- ~. ~'.. -'..." . -- --, -. . . ".,~

Quoting the good, 'manners. of the Companion Samrah ibn. Jundnb in. the presence of the Prophet

(p;, ':~'i[l/"I!'~, be u p, .. Q:: n him )"'. It 'L";1II',Pill:"; rep orted th :,~,t, Samrah

. ~"Yv. . _. _ ' '. . ., J~ • I _. _ ,.Il,. ,fit '-Ia ,11 ~ . ~ U]J;. . IL I L;L,~, UILIL. U . I

, ,

I -'. A'-"ll h" be ·'L·· .' rl ":'1- 1-"'-' ) .. ·"d··' 1'1'1 p,.' . . .. ,.

(may A , ,[ii"e plteas!e1,- WIEr} 11m, Sial I", . was, yiou,'ng

during thelife of the Prophet (peace be, upon him)

d1 I d I r J i N' . th ld 'I

~" ' . . ..... '.'. ., ~... e n " •. , '-.- ',--'. - I'. . ... " -.',- '-', .'. 'Co'" .. ,. ,-'.

an" 1J1Se" t,o iearn rrorn nnn, ot mg como t aen

prevent me from reporting (what I bad learned] except that there are people (Companions) who are

." "d·- . '. '. th -, ,- - "!'O)

OJl.el _".',an U]:Ie", "

(3) The! morali'ty ;of respect and, reverence

A't" T'I ', -,- idhi eoorf d that A·"> , .. ,·.··:i "'Ib~-- M· alik .( r. , .

,- ... irrnu "I repo e_, nat , ~,nas. ), n ... ', ,R I., ,may

All a h be pleased W~:'..'· ~,;,t· h'. him )'., said - "An '01'-d~, man ca .. me

. a ~ '!i.i" l~'" Q. """",,U! '. JL." , " !il t:l-l!- " ~, . '.. v.. " '_ "'-'" 'l;;.>

seeking the P rophet (peace ~~ ..... upon 'him)'·, and wh :,Q'1f':li1 th p

~'.' ..... .MJUI,:: :' ,U,~.- . ..:_.. ~ ~_ :_:_-, .. __ < ", ~_ ,--, _."-_'" _,' lLJt;. '_ ~_.' '.' ~._ , > 'L_,> I.,. . ~._. ." ',LtJl.lIL J ~

- , .. ,1 . ··1",··:-",1"'1"- '''''::_''d'- ~"- 'II< :;,,, -', i f:" '., '~I:I' -;- the Pc-·· '- ,' ,'·h· '.' .. ,t

peOP'l!.C .s i!C1l\!ene, , mO'ULUng room, JLOI l,u.Rl, i t ),e " , op , ,el.

(peace be upon, him) said, 'He ts JiUJI" CU'Plon,g us who does not have.' mercy on the y'-'o,~m8-:-' or revere the '(Jl',,:r.'~I'1 fZ)-

V'~~ _ '~' ..... _'_ __' . ', .... ['" ~:_j~. ,.' -If! ... _.",. V . ,-, ... .-. U,. ii

," "

Another narration reads, "He is not a'n~otz8' us tv'ho does not respect the oid; have "~l,,fJr(:y 0'11 the ycn~':ng or admit the scholar his right place .,'I(J)

Abu Musa (may Allah 'be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, ",H(J11(J,'ri'~~g A,ll'a'h; in-

,I:" Reported by al-B.ukharii and ,M~sl!illl,

2. Reported by Imam Ahmad and at .. Tabarani ontbe BUI[llori;ty' of ~ 1]':11 "Abbas,

3. Sa:hiJJ Aj.-J'a1l',i:f'.N'O. ': 5'444.

volves respecting the lage,d M;usli"'1~ the one who memorized the Ever-Glorious Qurfa'l l'~'ithc)'1.f~t' exaggeration or disrespect and the tair ruler. ~~{ II)

'. IJi!

Ibn "U'ID,ar (may AI]3_h be rpleased with him) narrated that 'the Prophet (peace be upon, him) said,

~'r -, d . ' ~ . s·· ,~(2) ,l (

'I . sreamt that /IlI.aS USiJlg -.<·Ji:1i~,alt, '.1 1'VIJ:e,l, nvo men. : O'U!'

older ,th a. n, the other) Q.pp'.r()lached~ T1",e';l1 I gave the Siwat: to the younger. Then, if liViQS said ttl' me, 'Give i't to th«

Ed' t -~.1' I' d ~d' Ii ~''''iI ) ..

_n ..... _ ,",~'r " :,'1" .• ,'.iI! if! : ..... ~ .,r· , s· -. ni - ~,.Jl:

v, ,'",," ~' ~ . _ _"~;;,]! ~' . ,Ie c :,~ '.'

Also '~ Abdullah ibn Sab] lind Muhaysah ibn Mas'ud set out to Khaybar, the inhabitants of which bud a, peace treaty with tile Muslims at that time. They parted and litter on Muhaysah CIRm.e 'upon "Abdullah ibn Sahl and found him murdered agitating in his blood, He buried him and returned to Medina, "Abd ar-Rahman ibn Sahl, Muhaysah and Huwaysah, the sons of Masud came to the Prophet (peace 'be upo:n him) and, .. Abd ar-Rahman intended

to talk, 'but the Prophet said (to him), t~ Let thie' eldesr ~f' Jr;Qt~ speak. 11'1 (4)

I. Reported by Abu Daw ud

2;, A ~Ji eee of a bmnch ora moe of I tree c:a~'~ ed al-Arak used as ,3; tootlrlbm.s,h ~

3., Repl)r~ed by al-Bukharl and M,'U,s]i m, 4.. Reported by at-Bukharl arid, M:us] lm,

Hence, it is important to' revere 'the older people 811,d tit) lett them speak first unless the young are asked to do.

(4)Thelm~olr,a,li:'ty ,of 'beh:a,viog \v,e,lll,o'",a,rds the M'u.sllim brothers

'The Prophet (peace 'be upon him) permits no, brother" whether young 'or old, tOJ brandish a, weapon in the face of his brother to frighten him

, Abu Hurayrah 0." rrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said,,~! He who brandishes a weapon to .. ,

wards his brother, the t1fl8'(t(S' invoke curse Upton him even. if he' is hi's real brother so long as he does not abandon it (theJ ,poin.ri:~!g o.f W'(~QJJOln towards o:ne's' M:usl~in~ 'brother )~, I !II[ 1,)1

He (peace be upton, him) also emphasized for children that the elder brother' en joys a special rank in Islam because he shoulders the responsibility of bringing up his, brothers and is regarded as. the breadwinner of the family. The Prophet (peace 'be upon him) said, "The elder among the brothers is as the

,/": . " ~II~ (1' ~ JaJ,'1Ie'.l"'~ ''''''1'

Thus, if the parents implant In their elder $1011 love and kindness towards his younger brothers and

'I, Reported by iMusHlm.

2, Reported by at-Tabarani.

implant in the later estimation and respect towards tile elder brothe r then the farm!')' 'will. be well ... balanced wuh each member knowing his rights as well as his duties.

(5) The mor,alit.]f' o'l~ behaving well to,wall~ds, the' nelghbors

The Islamic S:I1,(1'l!f·tJh has granted the neighbor great rights to strengthen ,the ties among the Muslim society ~ 'TIle Prophet (peace be UPQn, him) advised. the 'parents to jeach their children some morals, concerning the neighbor, such as feeling his pains, 11:0t hurting or vexing hun 0," any of his children, He (peace be UpO:1l him) said, ~ill (f )710t~ b,r~~y ,(1 killd oJ'/r,fii'.tJI

presem hJl1~1 .(n,e,igh bor) ~p.ith SO'RUi' if you do "';0 t '~iJtl~l1it to

d 1:., h- id · . d- d - '" · id-I ",1 , ,0 ~'O-' men tuaeu a~lL~ I 0 n,OI M!~' yOII.~r ":,1:1,,, __ ,gJJ ota ana

bother his chil,'d '~'flith it n( 1)

It is a Prophetic advice that parents should teach their children not to pester the' neighbor's children,

(6)T.he' .mor,ali'ly ,of sleeking permission

It is obligatory for all Muslims, y()u,ng and old, E'O ask for permission 'before entering a place, Not only lbe, old, but also the young companions were

acquainted with l~hj,s,ki.n.d of behavior. The Ever-Glorious Qur'an stresses the importance of seeking permission m:n. mon h than one verse,

In addition, Im ,81 In al- Bukheri reported that Abu Musa al-Ash' ari (may Allah be pleased 'with him) sought permission to see ~ Umar ibn a) .... Khauab. He was not granted permission as "Umar was busy, Thus, ,A'bu M:US"I, went back, 'When "Umar finished 't., ,', . 11... 'l..,.. . ,,", d 'il'I h d 'Il. . ~ . f' ms worx, ne questioned, ..-_ie·,ar: tne vo tc e 0':,

"Abdlll~"lb ibn Qays, where is, he?" They said that he 'went back, Thus, "Umar called for him. When . .... Abdull .... L, C':::-';gj,'F1:'1i,!5, he said iIIW"_""'~' W·'·A"·r~· ordered to tu rn:···:

'·~"".:· .. ·_· .. ,:_,I .. ,WI .·-·R1..IUI~~ ~.~'., !J!lU'·._~i '~ 'l·,:",''-','!Ii.r.r. u,.U'~JI~ , .;,,-,'., ,--_"l-

black if' not permitted to en te C'.., 'I I "Umar asked him for a proof in support of that, Therefore, 11e set off tOI the place of al-Ansar and asked tbem. They S,'~_ that :0.0 one would 'testify to that 'but the youngest of them, Abu Sa id al-Kbudri. Abdnllah took Abu Sa'id to "Umar. "Umar asked, "Is there ,an.ything of the Prophet's tr _ -", 10'0· (S:llnn~ah) that I do not know? Did the work in the trade distract me?"

Thus ·t'f ]"',P ap ... ·Ip·~",q!r-~'n~·fi; '~"'';iUii(~ .... U,·· m all? the com una n d er

lJl -'~~i Jl.IL. 0, (]I! > -.'tiL "", __ IL u.tot _ .... : ... ,. 'L. u I!..!'U.· ." __ ,I .. }Iiwo"

0,." the believers, 'has forgotten 'that if someone is not permitted 'to en ter a place, he sh 01111 d. gOI back without ,!!;I.'D!Y'· feelings of anger or irritatio .. n. The w· ·' ... itness 't_IO.·'· ,t-~I']I~

tI~ '. 1~~1~_ ,I O'I~~ __ _ ~" _ ' __ '_ '_~_ ,. ' -CJlr.._ " _ ... ~I -' JIli.# :. lU.IJ.~~O '. ' .,l J~

'.,- -' ..

Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon 'him) was the

young male companion Abu Said al-Khudu (ITI,ay Allah be pleased with all the Companions of the Prophet),

The Ever-Gloriou ' Qur'an trains the child to ask for permission and orders parents to' teach him this

ll·' Th I .' d" f''' .... ' d I'J di

morahty ~ ie l'UJID,g '_ 1. 'rers gra I uany accorc 109 to

the . tate of the. child, Before he reaches puberty the child should ask " 'or permi .. ssion to renter Ius parents place ,a.t three critical times of the day; before 'tile Fajr (dawn prayer) at 11.010n and after the '''15110.: if (late-night prayer); as these ,are the times when parents go to' bed in special garments,

Almighty Allah say'S"

~ 10 yo~f, "'110' be lievel Let your le gal' slave's ClJ1d' s,la'Vlf'~',gil~l!'i and t/1JOS€ an101'lg you who have not come to the ",se of pubetty' ask you, pe reussion (before they C'DI11t! 1.'0 y,our presence) on three occasions; before F~jr prayer; asd while yo.U Plutj off your clothes for the noonday , and after the 'lsha' prayer. (T'1€Se) three times are' of privacy for 'O~'~ other l.h"tln these times there is no sil~ 0"1 you or on them, ,1;0 .tl:lov,e about; atteJ'Jdl'ng ,( he lpi H:g} YOIJ eac f,,; other. Th U.Yi , .A ,Il,ah makes clear the A.ya,t ftlle Ve'~s,e'IS of this

'Q'ur'an, showing' pro(JfsJo,f' the tegal aspects of permission for visits, etc. J ta ,)'o'u. An'd' ,Al,laI1 is All-Knowing, All-,W,~se~,

(An-Nut: 58)

By the 'time the child reaches puberty, be should ask for permission to enter as indicated by the following Qur'anie verse", ~ A ,ui:whe-n tile! children among yo[, come to pub(J,~t~Y', then, tiel them (also) ask for permission, as those senior to' them i( in, age). Thus, .A l'lah, makes IcJe(J'Y Hi's A.yat fo r ~() u. A, nd A, llah is' A ll-K nowlng ~ A u: Wise .. '~, (An-Nur: 59)

B':"-"",, i'd""-~d"'- ,t-h", Pr i' , 'b-", t'- '("'" "'''I''''e'~ be upon , ' .ow "I "I ,e, ap __ ~ ~.e ' Ipeac __ : ,", ',,' , ' ',,' '," ,

'h-m]' se e-:k per-mis·sl-' O"D' '')1

~14 i s ':,' : ;'<-;" 'J, ~ ,-.,

One wonders how we should stand knocking n,t a do '0-;"'['''' S:':' ho 'U- I ld w' I ,'fi'!Ii' face the d oor '0'('· stan d aside 0" r

'. ~ . _. ," r..... _.' '." _. ' .. ~ . ~ ~. ~, ~_ .~ _. . - .. ' ." , :. ' ~ ~.U .' . U, ,..1- ,JIIi.,ar . -' -

'what? In answering this q .• .uestion, "'" Ab dnllah ibn

_ ' .. !t. __ I." ._'. :_,1 _. . I'. ~ __ ,,~, _"~' .. _, 1...... I

Busr said, "Whenever 'the Prophet (peace be upon him) knocked on a door, he did, 'not facie it He; used 'to stand, at the right or the left side and if it was permitted, he would enter and, if [lot, he 'would return. III~ ~)

1., Reported 'by I mam It h mad and Abu Dawud,


)< ".

':":: -.~.

'R' ,~i oh' 't'~ ,~ '1:'i<;iT:i,'~ 'Ina; ~ "l:V I a: U- 'II,]..,(I·n-II'II b t iI:i:i; d T' herefo .' rt3· fo ","1 ~ ·o···w· ; '~n' '.jl]F , \' ~',b !. .'. .ns ,'u,~~ u.)!· '" ·1 .. U!u U .. ' I """,!, . '. li ~r, 1:.. !'!;..ii,~,~ 'I,., !!J, "" . .Ii II ~.

'r'h!' ., ~'I',' -:-1,..- of i\;'lk.. .. p'\ .onhet ,:,.,.: .... ,.... fij.-" .... , I hi C"')' .;',-

,. e ex,mmp.I,'e, 'i)': rne -e ropnet (peace upon C' lm.' rs

an oibl'~'~ato,ryi-'" act ron all Mns~ims whatever their rank

..... ,.~... 1 • • .. .•.•.. . c . .... •• _ . _. ...• .. ,. ',. '.' '.. . .' '. '.' •. .. "

is. Hie eace be llitpOn him) .~ the leader, teacher and.

guide of the IU~tI;J~7;ah ~. stated 'the right !D, the childin

h L_.JI'IIL ... '., d b" S- h:~ · b S· ... d . ·S···· 'Ii; ~~I'~ 1lh

the naattn ·n.,arralte'. ·-Y·· sa ~. ion ,,':1_. 18·- sa: h11 ·W'·01

"'d III A" . .;.1, ... ~ ~l... l .. ' ~Ik . ~ . .,,1. "ii;'IL.. . .). L.. . h

.S al:~·: <: w ln~, trm ~ •.. ~. rmxert f.VlUJJ W aterl 'was I[;f oug 't

to Allah's Prophet who drank some ofit, A boy W3,S·

. hi izh .. - ' .. d' ]"d h'" 'I f'

sitting to .. :'18 'rig rt, ano S,Olne !~l· .. rmen to' ns Iett.

- .

A,· l' '1." b':~ '!, '. 'p--,., .. het ask . d the '~", ..... I'D·:' . J. s . ,. ,·J,f··· -~''-'''.I ",iii ...

, . "la .. s, ., _ ,rap.~leL ;ru~Le_ . ue IUJOY, ,>rJ J' a,u tli~~OH~ ,ne ~,o

- J! 1:- t'l:" ..,'" .. ,."t/'it.., .... ti·; . ~." I., f'l ."l.., .. " . ,', ",,~ ,''11 ~1"1!'hbi, bo "'y' ,~~~ '~i'd""

""it! tne rest I~ ,ji.l',f,e· .',U1Ar II!O tnese peopte .' ... ~'_ sat ",

'0 A lleh's Prophet! I w~il not aive nreferenee to

.... .., • '._..... ,.. ••••••• '.' ~.' ' .. - - "'._ ~ •••• ~., II' ..... .. • ,_ '._.

anyone over me to drink the rest 0 :1'[ from which

you have d run ~l ... i~ A···· ]t':ril~~~!" Prophet then handed the

.!~,: UU ... u.,¥'v·_· ty. i ]')11;;0; ,'H;t~ . .1 ~ , ·.iIl U : .~. !li,bl!i;;r<~ 1P11lli11,' __ 'II;.,il... It,!!!;.,<,

bowl (of dri lilt) to the boy, "II( 1,],

(7')'" 'T-b .. . ] ... iii . f' . b b' Ii.... ···1 ~I- d=1 'i'. b'" ~i

:'/./ . . ... ~!. :morll .Ir~;y' ([I'. I. '10 . la.vl.DX, we.IL I •. u,l~inlJ: .I·~ aV.log


.. ; ..... ~_ I

'Umar Ibn A -,~ Salamah Slai,d ~ml W'3S a boy under

'. .'... -... J ''__'.' • ,.... _ ' ..' IL _, '. fi . . .. '_-:...... I,... . "', ~., ~ J ._, ••• ,

th .. -. ,". '. ' .... cf··:=:' Al' -·1..,.iiti,.,.,·' I '-""b" ". - d'C'''1 ., h· .. d ... ·..::~i ,~,.,. ' .....

_ '. e t:Me 0:. ,"--:··j~llll.~, 8'PII~ je'L ·,inl, my .. ,ao_, lllIl,5;.L'-,Ml !~O ,gOI

aro und ,t ,: dish W"", h l'~I- e I' was eatin ~ So, Al '!·1:""1'~!.."'i['~

! ~I!._, .• :~ .. '" t. _".':" : __ .01.,._ ',",'_: .. I _,' I'· '"._" i.:). ~!a "._, 'eiil ""' t. " W~~I ~

P· het ·.,il·· . . . 1 n :f:" j' M . ,L,1ii, ill' f AI, ~I .!II

ropt et samto me, -It.i Cloy!' .··~',e,ntlo'li tne l!'¥IUmei ,o~·· ,r~ltU1h'~

and eat 'H),itlj: yOUJ;O right hand' t1llcl eat of' ,the t:li~·!h, whsu lis; nearer Ito Y'Q~~., I Since then I have applied those instructions when ea,tin,g','!'~ I)

Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said . ~~ M' .,: 'y:' mother Ulll111 S ulay 'I'D, "1. ;e entme with art]

.". .."' ' '. ~~.~ .. >, .,'. '1 '.,'" .' .. ',- ""',' "',' Q!..:: ,i!..1!! . . .. '" '," ,."

- .

urn of dates. '[0 the Prophet (peace be upon him) 'but. I

di,d not find him, He was invited for food by a near

, ".:-. t· 'f~' 1,.,:, .:c.c- l:'11b-:-' 1'" I'" .b t. "d' ik., .. ,",,' .'."" ,t}'.·:

servant or rum, ~rw; .. ten )JL approac e: ',' ne was eaung,

so he invited me to eat wi~h·'··' him H',I,~ (',"'II~'l;!P servant)

~ -_ ~IL._. . ._ llJJt~ . "_J!Iir.r. t.,· ,_,I, _ J '_ =~.~ ,,- !I!' " ~ . !Ll[ ~ [_ ~ " _ .. _." __ ~ __ ""

made porridge of meat aud squash, The squash pleased the Prophet (peace be upon himj. so J. started to aceu rnnlate e n d pus ~bi it near It im - When he (. ("p:. eaee

_, ,,_ .. __ .' .'t._ Jl~!J.,,,,",,, !!i!i.iI". , . I!!.._ ,li"" ,_. ,_ 'i'lLL_ """'.., _ "

b ", .. , , ..... ' .... ,~, ""1)" fl' '" iished eatins he r,.:.,,'. "::".' hon , ..... T::-cL:, . I'

" e upon ,IJidD". ,·JlmS"ue" ea~lng~ ne wen'J.". omle."ue.n~ "

'Pi'!. u t tbe urn In 1-1e h1' 'L.~n,!AQ .gjn, ~1 hi G!i 'C"'p-' . e .ac ·e·' ~,~ 111111110:.;1]1 'h" im .,),.

r ' .. -e- "._' ~ .wI ,[I ... , _".JLIL3 1.J,"L .. ~I,~ .Q. y, , ~ . ," -, .. ~L. ' ",.' 11lJ~ 'W'r-i~"'" .____ "

, " ~

began to e ·~t·, anddistribute them untf he finished 11 "j.I, ~I~.(:J;}

""',- . .(~ " '. , ,~" , ,""'lleW" . " " CI "Jl U !L.!Ii,I~ --,'!,;;.I,. _. L . = __ J. ,'.,_" ,= Jj, !OJh~..it li. .•

, ,

'Wilat should :f'UtU do if' ,a ,c,'bild, C,D"mes

ar~'-lD'llnd'~'" 'W' :~I·I·e·-· y."A:U·· 1 are e.' . attn lUi'_"

_., _ .. _-, _: ",."D..> _~ .. ~ ~._:_ ~ _ - .. 1.·.· .. &-8.

At- Tabarani reported that Is-haq ibn Yahya ibn Talhah said, ~P!I was accompanying "Isa ibn Talhah :in the mosque when as-Sa'ib ibn 'Y:a:.ti,d entered, "Isa

. 'c',- "t ie t .' ....... " ..... , ~"" i~ln·· tc th ··,t .'. heikh - 'dc' • ..... t ".

sen meto nun sayrng, uO,O _, Ja .. SJ1~eJ,,' ,an, 'c say' ., co'

him my cousin ibn Talhah asks if you had seen the

Prophet (peace be uplon him)?' When I asked the

_sll-eikh" he said, 'Yes, When I saw the Prophet (peace

be upon him.) 1 approached I ,. ,along' 'with some

boys. He (peace be upon him) was eating' dates with some Companions, Then, be (peace 'be upon him)

'( d' f ~ f': 0' . d de' tl

-, ",_. ,I "r' .~!. ,'_ I·.,~'·- -"j" '," I I: '-'il -'-i ..... -"'''~_'.' ~~ .. · .. -.7·(1 - .... ,·.[-1 [' -'I" ;-- I ... ~ ..... ,.j ... -:-, J _-: ....•

gave UB, a ,1111,,-, ·U_. 0 nates anc .. parte .. us on t ie

b· td '111'

_ea,~ s.

Imam al-Ghazali in his 'book Ihia' 'IUlU,1H Ad',- Din referred to the morals of having food which a, child needs, T'11e'Y read. "las follows:

A'~ He should eat but with bis right hand and say:

]'0 'the Name of Allah,

B,~ He should eat 'of whatever is, near to him",

C R~·f-'L sho uld n 0····;[·· p'c. reced A oth ers in havi ng "0·· r- ··o···d··-·

~, ..I., [~ ill, .. ··L r·."· I • I., - • ,,' ,·,~vv..·· _~ ,.:., L :",_~,_I. ".: ,~ I 'J • I ~ '. IJLIJ·,·--=:. I~·.' .. ~. '" _,.I'li!!l

D~" He should not stare at food. or at those who eat, 'B-· li'e should not .g .. : ulp '. down ..

I. ' .

·c ~ 'H' . ~ C"h' ould s» h . ""*''t'li'' (foo .. ··d:·" )', 1I-:uA"IiI . ..llr"'- ~', ,I~ Cl ,",v __ "- ll"~" ~,; I., .I~·W· . g~U .. ~. '.:~ ',. rv--v ~.1J'~1

G- He should. not dirty his hands or dress,

H· -c ~ 'H: ~ l~b-IO'iUI-dl' 'g" et used to variou ",,' kind i~. "C' if': food

.1. ,c. ~ a._,-,,'/_' ss :,.,.""", .. _ ~'!i,,;e .. _' ·~~,=V .. !WIi LI . .c_.!i.1! '.:" ' .

without sticking ,to one kind only.

l- He should be taught that. the one who eats, mncb is like an anima].

._"~_.II~c..··_-.1 M' j Jt '1('1' ",~' U' , bri 'i

..,u ora ~ ~ ~IOC,~lU ,', P' ru ,.gUlg

J H,- "L.."I-I,;o1 'b-:-· , renroached fnr eatinr ",'. eh and

- . _ .. e SlmOUIlU _.e lep.lO,J;C If;:co; ,1,0,[, ealng ,mne _ ·an,.,

praised for eating less and not paying much

attention 10 food".

(8) The m.o,ral,i!,~y of' good appearance,

'The Prophet (peace be upo:n, him)' cared much about the outward, appearance of the. child; his, haircut, his dress, etc.

'Tbe: manner ,of cutting h,ai!"

"Abdullah ibn "Umar (may Allah be pleased with them 'both) said, "The Prophet (peace be upon him) saw at boy with part of his be ad shaved and part left: unshaven, I1'e forbade the children to do that saying, ~S h ave it all or Iea vie it all. II'!II{ I! )

~ Abdullah, ibn 'U1n:a,r (may Allah be pleased, 'with them both) said, "Allah's Messenger forbade al ... Q,a,z{J;" (leaving ,8, tuft of hair here and there after shaving one's be ad). 11'1(2)

Al--,Q',aZ',Q'& is, of four kinds:

, (1) To cut some of the hair from different points ofthe head ...

]:" R,epod,ed by AbuDaw ud ..

2,. Reponed by al-Bukhadand Mushm,

(2,) 'To cut the. hair on 'the middle of his head and leave 'the hair on its sides, like the Christian deacons,

(3) To cut hair on the. sides of his. head and leave that .in the middle.

(4) To cut the hair 0'11 the front part of his head and leave, 'the hair on the back, Moreover, the Pro phet (peace, be upon him) personally supervised cutting 'the hair of some children

"Abdullah ibn J at far' said ~I After the death of Ja'far the Prophet (peace be upon rum) gave the children of Ja'far three days time to visit them. Hie then. came to visit them and said, 'Do not weep! over my brother after this lltJ), u. Bring to me the children of nty brother ~.I 'W,e were brou _ .. t 'to hitn as :i f we were chicken, He said, I!S·.P;.;illg a: barber to '-Jl;e",r He then ord lere d that 0·' sur h ead ~; b e shav -ed i!( n

.... ·.· .. tL . _.I .~, •. '.~ ~=v-u. .: 0 ."_ ~ I _ ." !I

;Cuttin.g the hair' of' girls

Asma' (tile daughter of Abu Bakr) said, II A woman came to Allah's Messenger and said, 'I married 'my daughter 'to someone, but she became

']., Reponed by Abu Dawud,

sick and. a,II her hair fell out and (because of that) her isband does not like her, May I let her usa: falsie " 1'1' On thar the Prophet cursed such a lady as artificial ly lengthening (her or someone else's) hair or got her hair lengthened artificially, II [, ~ )1

Thus, 'the Muslim children treat their hair in a distinguished manner, They neither drool over changeable fashion of hairdos nor blindly follow irresponsible actors or actresses, They only follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peaee be upon him).

CbIDos,ing'th"e Idl:\I!,S51 C '01,1,0 r

'Abdullah ibn ~ Amr ibn al-' A8 narrated, "Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) saw me in two clothes, dyed in saffron, whereupon he (peace be UPO'D him) asked", IJI'as )',Olf;f' ,.nol'lte.~" (J'I"de'r,e,d you' to do $o?~ I said, !I w,iii wash them.' Hie said, 1'!BuJ bura

'ii1h- L'-"~~ _ i~ ~I' If2)1

~;", ~",fl~,~

In 1).,.: . ..:', 1,It1j:;~~ "U ,:11: um ,_:_ d-Din. Irn ram :;!'iLI~JO,-~-b-I~~a"'I1I,,: said

~, I!,U~ l.trl..lrrLil1 ',_,' .f.L_ '"'·llr. I ~4:, ,"~,!I!.~li " _ - .. _ ru ". ,t· lu.L. _ U -_ auI,.

concerning the dress color, lilt Is advisable that the child should, learn to like white dresses and avoid wearing colored or striped ones. He should know

1 . Reported by al- B u killlmri: mnd: Mills] im ~ 2.. Reported. by M 1M,S li m i

th ''''-1.,I.t" th ,~ Q,~ Id' 11' ,;~ j[!jrLti ~e '~:Ur;.p, 'W'" I·o··,r' 'n~' 'bl_,y~' ~ 'W-''',,:', 'In .. ·-. '.,'m· '.' e ',0··.· '!IJII,'n"', d' •. ' I, O .. ',!!ili''j'''',·.'

g ': . ·!I!.;Ijbl'~ ..... I ~~"'I~L:t U_II~ .~ ,I !, _,_:_ VI ~ ~, ~~,u

,_:' ,_. , , .,' . '- ,. IGI' -'_',

persons and that respectable men, refuse to' put on such type of clothes. Whenever we see a boy

,·w-,-- r ~·:'iI:Ii"~nl!Ol' th ~,@~ unacceptable C""o",10'I"\~d,'J- clothes "W''---'a

~-tli,~,~.It~,O ,''', '~~~ ,~' _ a._~'I;,.f, 1!l.~"'JIl,"", .' ' .... , ,J.'1j;,J11 I.' ..IL, t . ,1L.r.Jil!L.-

should reproach him for th:at and, keep our children ,8Lw:8!,Y from :h im, ~~

T'ke p,rlol,1 'b',itio',B, o"f wea'rlng ,s:i'lk, :fol:r males According to' tbe Prophetic rule 0'" not following 'the disbelievers in dressing the child should learn from "hie very beeinnins the Prophet's 'W' :"~'y.,.' of

I~JI ••..• ' ..... ' L .. ·t~. ~JJ.,."':.' ~.'~,~t~ .. IL I JILIlILILIIlJ~ ~.~ , I, .!l.U . _I ,\#I!,., I· . I.~. _. g.: !:: .... 1.:.

dressing: and avoidthe prohibited dresses,

'~ Abdullah ibn Yazid said, !lnl'W,e were III Abdul 1 ah's h ,O~·11~'1I C',fj!!I' I('~I e ."_ ibn M' ti!JII:" ""uld': ,);, W~~b:~~11 o·,-·.'ID~ 'e." 0'-"'(' i- 'I!-.~'C'l

, _ '-." ~ .. __ llliaJL.ll "_ '.' :_'YI~~ .. J!.!!. I!I ~'L .IUi] .-:_."'."... -s _.' =·_,\J.~lIJ, ." =' "'. '_ '." I:!UI~

sons came while be was wearing a silken dress, "Abdullah asked him, Wl!JJ,Q' dressed you?' 'The boy'

a- n" I:,;'!"W-" rered ~M""'y' m' . o ,,,IJ,,;, ~ r- ~' T I... , .... ,'1i'IiI ..... A::" bd "-u:- '~I- ~ '~'l-:- ,t> ''!'li ~ d 't- '0"'- the

__ ,_~':,"i;..',_'!!!,..IU,;;,~: ~L' ".II,,",''''~ . U,t;I,.iIl,,~ ',II .. ,.' ,~ .a[, LlIi'o.]l,: ,_-_ ,,~L;o

boy, 'Rend it and 'tell, your mother 'to dress you in IR different one, ~ I'II[ I )

Concerning the, prohibition of wearing silk for men Imam al ... Kasani (may Allah be :pl:easedwiU!J him) said run. Bada'i' As .. Sanar.i'''"I'I'The prohibition inciudes ,all males, whether young 0,[ old, as, the

l. R,eportoo, b~t am,,,,'T:abarani. ,Meirntiomedl by aJ-H'a.yILham, i.rn l~:iig ,1\1- M(Jj~~IQ \ v ~ 5" 'P'" '~44"

Prophet (peace be upon him) said about silk and go ld, I These hOlch tg'(),t'd and sil~k.} are' forbidden for Lt he

males of In)) Ummal»: ~ How iver, if the male wearing either of them is young, the sinner then is not the young hOly but the one who dressed him, ~!!

(') The ,moral,i.ty ,of' liste,l1,inl: ,H,lt,en,ti'vely durlng the: reeltation olf' the Glo',I~ioWi, 'Q1ur,I',an

Ibn Jubayr [may Allah, be pleased with, him) 'narrated that the verse, that reads" ~'S(J"i when the Q.ur~an is recited, listet: to it; and be siient that ,you Inay receive Inercy ,~ was revealed regarding a boy ~, Whenever the Prophet (peace be UpOI,D him) recited a verse" the child would recite it (with him),

T'he Second P'.l-i'n,ciple T'r'u'thf'ol, ess

Truthfulness is an essential element in the value system of Islam which needs great eo' fort to be implanted in, the child" That i_SWI~ly 'the Prophet (peace be U,PCU],: " -) empl asized that parents should behave well before the child. They He required not to 'lie to him The Prophet (p e. ce 'be UP'I--:,on him) laid at

i_I" - ..•• I J'III!!' ., j._"..' _ '_ ~_ '_ _', ~ •.•• I._ .. '. _'. ' I • J I ~,' J. __ " ,1 _ •

general rule that the child is a humau being with complete rizhts amons which is not (01 ig-nore 0'1-"

. " '.' . " "~~'" I "'." ~ _,t;iI "' . " .' , , "- ' . ri :- ' ',.', " ,.

h ", ,teL hi : - b , ., -- '1iiP'~ _,

c iear , rm "':Y any 'means",

'A'" bd 111.rn1. ib -. ... A" -.- '~, - ,:~ d no· ", d ' " .. , 't'b ' ,

'", '."._IU" ItU], 1,'.11 Amir S,:aJ1'", . '. me ""ay" m,y mor LeI

called mil: while the Prophet (peace be upon him) W:~U;;; sitting it. 'QIU[' home, She sald, 'Come, I willgive you, something. I 'The Prophet (peace be upon 'him) asked, her, 1'~V:11~,,!'t is It, l?t;,1tic:.I1 ,you ltwant to give ,Rin\l;'?i' She said ~I want to IIJ'I~V' ~ 14~;m- ' som ~ d, lates,' Then lhQ (" peace

r.;]i __ "' -, c . __ ,_: . ' ".' ,~'" I!!;;"o ,~H ,~, ", !io;;i ',' ,(U!l.!I,.;;;oQ., _ c '. _< l.",""", \";;"1)1,.,,,,"

- -

be upon 'h' im) said 'H"'-" d vou . -;il' r-,;;'····-" "~'I"'-··. ·",·,··t·Jl,,~, ~t,· '. ,n','" ,~,. -' "~d",~,, Q, .. yO&~ I~o." g.! V .n ",u.,n, ,I.oI~le,~ tIUIS,. ;~",;

... ' ~~,I'..1I'·"''''·· . b I' - .... '." rded . ",.' ,',.,.", /, '" ", .,' ,~';'.- Ilt'-<l~

'vo,wu ,~a. ~ , . ", .1. ,I' ,.', CI(J11,U~~! '. tl:g€l.'f,t.',. ~ yo,,, as. a ,t;,~'~; iI'

e ·th- -.' .. _ ' R'" '.' 1).,.,,'"'1Oi; 't.. ib '.' 'S-:-:,I-·.... ,'11... h ~. id .!iI·· k '. d

rurtr e.rmOi~,,-:·,IlILd. WlI! 1.'0 ~:,..:layu,aL S,ll" ,". a.S,:'l'- .

. , .... " 'R ~b'" A' II.:: ( AI' 'llah" b 'II d II' h

w,""_ iussayn 1:10 '.,",.0 I"may .,'.' ::' ;"" be pieasec 'W]t~

'them both), mWllat, did YO'U learn from the M~es'se:nger of Allah (peace be upon him)?' He answered, 'Favor WilllJt you d.io, not doubt over what yeu doubt, as .'. th f I ~. "1" 1: I d' b tfu I 1 'lit trut '11, nes,s IS tranqui iity .' ~ ,_ ue l"5.I,OIU at mness. '

:·T'.'h' . . 'R'·'·'·- It.;.'liI'-,,.,,, ,.' , .. " " ·d· .. ', ,.,I·e ,- • .. ·-1 t __ ..... ·k-'·- ,'-, '~"'" . f:. ..

, ,e',~I~u,lJeous p'.lm,-,lec·~.slors, ,0,0·, p' ~.,I.lD:S 'll. 0

b ,., '_

inculcatesuch morality 'which includes punctuality

in. the chik

The Prophet (peace be ueon him) eared much

, "b' -",-' . t- f-_ -'-, --_'l..:.;' -', ·t-h-- - ,'hi]-'--" d '~"- '-- l ... ',-- - ,-;: --- - - t isth b -,.'

a.-DU _ ~.ac.u]LD.g -_ e--, --- ,0 ~eepl ,secre_s, ,as ,ue. 1 0 Sl

of his present ,and further welfar1e and hence tbe wel .. t~ FA, of _. the fami l'y"- ,-- in part l~ IjI"i!,li 'ii< I :m ii" _ a, ~ IlMId_, ~IO: cietv ; 'n"

!I!''l!' ' _ lC;ru. ~ y . !i.i" u.J.j".Ib.IIJ!. ~ r ' ill _ - - . I.. I!i...oIW~, _ .ll.JL, , ;;;]i, I, , _ ''''.}' 1,. ,

ID"~n-l- ~ 'IF"";" 111

c!~ '. -=.·.I,WII!

The ell 'il. d, who Is trained to keep secrets ,gro'WISI confident, strong-willed and gets used to minding

his ton g·': __ 'U~1 I 'l?:I::';'~C' creates social co :01 fid len C"'~I

___ .;JI _lU,!I'-wII'._ ._ .~'!II' I~Ual~' ~lg)~l.,r·.1 ~'~ III.J.J,; ,lUI! ' __ " I ]',' • J" :," '!~i'

It is a noble trait which was ingrained in the, character of the Prophet (peace 'be upon him) from

ch ildh . ho •••. o d till p r '1' .opbecy .. ·· TI·b.- .!lIIfj- I!;,'? 'Wi c. h Y·.: 'th-,,~n''''b~'~';Q',l' 'IJ't'

'_ J'URI. _ ' .' _ U ., IV ' ~~.!!J I ~-~ . ~ _.'. _~_~ ~ =~ gILl

, I. 1-:-'

(i d . ters) used to cal I him - "Th ._ e h - Cit· d th

1_01 -IJ~~- ~._..:.~ ~ 'Ill - ~. J. . - I, -.... i,:-' C .one j; - an- : 'e

truthful." This is a good example for e·ve.ry child to follow ·as it: will enable him when be. grows up to call

I I I I 1- j I

for Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) on asound



He (peace 'be upon him) defined the responsibility 0,( tile child concerning his father's money. He should be reliable in managing the I wealth o,r his father without squandering nOil' wasting, The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'il'A

;1111UI; is til,€! guardian. of his ,/a{he"rts ,p',ropettY' tl,,,d· is re ...

. - ~.~.'... J.J;, • 'I'!

spr.}J'lS:'~Y1~(J! J 'Or n.

Out of the, Prophet's care about implanting this,

'- -:-:.- -,;;~ litv .. - the . ". h· . ~ 1··..::11.--,.. ' .. !,.', ,-,. ····,·t,'II'·-I·. ~·~.~'f· ·h:·· - ,~ '. hed

moranty In .. e e .. uoren, we nO'lce ILdllla" ue puws I c!,_

the child who lacked such a trait of 'being trustworthy, Imam an-Nawawi reported that "Abdullah ibn Busr (may Allah be pleased 'with him) said" "My mother sent me with a. row of vine to the Prophet (peace 'be upon him) but I alit: of it before I reached him, And when I carne to him, he (peace be upon tum) boxed my ears slightly and said, 111'0 lid .. ,


T.h.le rrr .h Prfnclple .F,o:r's:,ak:in,·K G:ruld;g'e

This, moral principle creates .8 psychological bal .. , ance in. man, endows bim with a sense of philanthropy towards his society [and elevates his, good feelings.

The Prophet invited the youth embodied in Anas ibn Malik to clean is soul from iU intentions ~y night and day; he should forgivethose who do wrong to him

andemr ~ heart fJloln the temptations of tbe devil,

Anas ibn Mal said tbmil the Prophet (peace 'be upon him) told me, ItO' son! If .JJ.OU c,an ~nQ[r.n a'id le"'le

w'/"U'e havt'~'1:8' n)D' buention ,of !ra:tl:d towards [al~yb,o,(y then 00' ll',/wt:~ 10 sonl TI~!i I.' is an· oct lO! [r1~J ~',~Yl'di,~'io',~ tSl,~~:nah;) QJw. ;~hat'w'i~ol ,;oev.l'pe,~ HI)} ISII~nnah re'VI~'1Jes me and ,that w:#!o r:e'~,i1h?'S:! ,me will acc(J~tl,pan,)1 me in Paradise, ,~( 1,)1

Thus I't is clear 'that the :l11aD who frees his heart from freud, grudge, envy and bad intentions ·w·.il~. $leCU,f,e the 'C o.mp [B11.:y' of the Prophet in, paradise,

1 ;. ,A.f1I- N:i'W'iJwi~ A,l,~,dld:~r,

C-' Iusi

,'> . ::" ',"-.1, ..... :: .. ,- ' :-_'~". _, ...... -:-. ,:'-\---:1

O· ·nc·····.·· 'us "1','.,0,/ n:' .. ·· ..

_ _ '_" I_.·-._ .- _. ,_.- _."' -." l~ _ .

It is, better in. conclusionto present an. exampleof

t· h· -.~: P'rlO' ··p··h·'· . III t· , I,~ beh avior tow 'aI" . rd ti'I c" - iL,.: 'i:I'd" . re-' ~ii'l fo """f: ' 'U c to

_~_,~ . _. ,LI._:. t: ... ~. ~ ,.,~, ,u,,'¥" ,,!i. _' .... ' I~.. I"',) '.'!_'. " ',_". '1~1 ',-.~I~,-llJl,· '_ "_ 'tIL., JL,.. ..·~_lJl - ....

£0,110w" as be is the leader and the id

Anas ibn Malik, said, 'II served the Prophet for ten years." and he never said. t~' me 'Pshawl' and

never blamed me. ie 'll-..'y.'~' saying, n'W'·::··'~b'i'U d id you do lPn, or

,~_~_.~ '_' ~" '_·1Jaa_I]dI~.·_, II.. U ...:.~.,' IbI,g:_:; r=!IHllil=-"'·k,tjl ,_. ,_: '!J' .~. __ lL, ",I .:. ", .• ':~ •. _.~. : a.u ",":."

w.:by' did y'ou not do s,oi7'111(~·)

A iI~S. '0... M" nslim mentioned in hls narrat io .. "I'iFii, ti ha 'iM"

.nJ., ." ~I .... , ·.ULJI JIlJILtIL ,I",II"D;.;!!iIlJlllJl, v .. v.=_ .)I;._._.. __: a 11".11.. --, .. 0;. _Ii.· - .1t.1I: .. ,~, " 'l-

A- n "'8" ~,~ id Ill, A····II!IIZ!I,b-:~s M····· esse n zer (peace -b····~ u no' '111 "hi 1- im ~.)-.

I 1'11':, .~I a"P-JIll -,. .-', ,~ ", ,IQ_.,_ ~) .-_ ...... £.-=-:-ai!i) .. II ib'~ I,,' .~ '·~YV~ -.~ . -~.,. "~L!L, .-I_:_ __ ~ _ ....

bad the 'best disposition amongst people, He sent 'me, on an errand one day, and I said, .~. y Allah, I will not "gO.,1 I had, however, this, idea in 'my mind that I w(nlld do as Allah's Prophet bad commanded me to do, I went out.until I happened to ,co'm.eaCPQSS children who 'had been playing in the street, 'In 'the meanwhi ile AU·' ah ',!!1."l M,·····. essenzer came there and be

_."_ ~"~. ",1, '_ ....• ,-III . .'It+ 11 I!d!' ~' .. ~~~ _,_' ~v.. " .~ . ".',' . M ~ a·" - ~

cau"gbt me "b:Y' the back of m:y neck .a , ASi I looked

38, M:ora/ ,& Social Upbringing

d ~; '[ f d 'h" . :1 " d 1 id jl'

towar as mm t toun __ , tum Sl111dl1,g 3111." ],e Sa:I'~~,~ ",AftaS,

did' you go where l' commanded. you to g(i?" I said, '~O

. I

Allah's Messenger, I am going.' Actual ly , I served

him for nine years but] know not that be ever said 'to me about a thing which I had done why m 'lid that" or about a thing I had left as, to 'why I had. not done that II

This indicates, if anything the Prophet's '(peace

.-' - .

be upon him) gee, at interest in implanting sound

'morals in children - through practical' examples, Providing . children with good examples instills morality i'n them so that they ··~C~I1.· cope 'with

materialistic challenges in their society ~ Being morally w'le]] built, they firmly cling to the Islamic principles against the pressures practiced 'by' the disintegrated society of the present times"

May Allah guide us 'to good morals, patience, leniency and, tolerancev as He is the Ever-Hearing and title Ever-Answering,

P- . --. t T·':·' ,. art I. WO'

Th P· iii! Ii' f he Princtples 0

S' !I; "- '-U-' h iii' '.'

ocra p ~,rln:gl,D,g

\Vhe'n we sp ieak of social education - 'WI~ m iean

,'.' , " , ' _. '-, , " .,' """. ", - ,,, " ,:_"" ',' ""'" "~ ._. '-

,. '

,_'t." "t· . hi 'l- d~ -, '. -, 'f- b .-. ta - ht to .,- 'd'-, - ,t ·t- .. - th e., " ,

UJ.(_t c uoren musr e aug " o a .apr to tnerr own

social milieu, 'with both adults and, friends of the

H" 1 ld 'I j, b .. fidem

same a8e~e; SI1.0'UJl!:c' "earn I~O oe connc ent,

communicative and able to solve problems effectively' and, positively without being introverted, Also 'be should learn how to give and take politely, to buy an d ~,~'111 an dto m-' r-' Y' w'" >1""~ ~'l 'V' >g.'II!!I]"O"'U' C'. ll!!" ~ IFiI'd' . >C:". of p- e' -. O,"'J'J- le ' A··' " ~

u. ,~~,JJl A_:. .~ _. _~.:..' __ ~ ~.' _. tJ . _ iUiJLl t .. _ •.. '~_ (lii LJl L·,i· .ii]l '" -." ._ to. ,1, -:_. i!, . ,~J

we reflect on the, Prophetic hadi'ths, we find that the

" ." ". ~. __ I .. '..J.. _". .' _. , ". __ ' _ '. __ II f._ . ,_;l_ . ., . .: ',_. I • I . I. ..... __ .

Prophet (peace 'be U:pOl1. him) concentra.'tedupo:n,

-,. ah _,~,,,~, -:,."', .11,:. d-' T' :h'· . r . ,",. - 'f-' -,11" . ,',' .',-", ...

'1;::16,,': 'Do, prmciptes. _'" C) are as .·,,0 IOW,s.,;,

Th ., "F: III" rst P ·r:'I·:n·.I'!"I·p-',IA~ A·'--· Ilowi __ go, 11t'1~"-~' Child to A~'·I·t- '," d

e, ,lr~I' ",' ,,"".I,,,,~ ,."Wln!~_, I.,le, .... 'ul__:, -0 · .. t .en,

Meetings Where Older People Discuss 'Various

Is, 's' 'U'-'Q!;S·

, >.-' ..:~_'_I!!!

The Second PriDcip:le:A.ssig.oio"g tb'e Child to Fulfill Some Duties and Errands.

The Third Prlneiple: 'Teaching the Child to Uphold and Practice the Sunnah of Greeting Muslims ..

The Fonrth Prlnclple: 'Vis;itin,g the Child When He Is IlL

The Filftb, Principle: Helping the Child to ChO(1Se Suitable Friends from among his Playmates,

The Slxth Prlnelple: Getting the Child 'Used to Buying and, Selling,

The Seventh Pri'o,ciple: Permitting' the 'Child, to Attend Islamic Parties and. Weddings,

The Eig'h'th P'ri.·nc:ipl~e::: Allowing the. Child t.o Spend a Night at the Horne o,f Some Righteous. Relatives,

· 'he Elrst Pr-ine ", Ip le

Al lnwtng tile ChfId to, ,Atte,nd, Meetfngs 'Wb.el~e, IOI.d,e:!: Pe op le D:isCD,SS 'V,D,ri.ous, I..sSi'UI!,s

"Why didn't you say it? Had Y'ou done SO'i 'it would have been dearer '~O me than such ,U1.d such things. ~;~ I

said, !~'I noticed that Abu Bakr and you, did, not talk,

- - - ~, ~!I¥', ' lin,

sol. di d n at Iike to, 8.11 S wei ~ , I _

The Prophet (peace be upon him) used '[0 intermingle with children, III this regard, Anas ibn Malik (may Allah 'be pleased with him) said" "Tbe Messenger of AII,a11 (peace be UpOl1 him) used '[0' intermingle with us 'EO the extent that 'he, once said to! my younger brother, ~'O, Ab,EI ~ Umayr! 'What has

an:""Nu,gh~y',J" (,a h,ir:d) d'lJ'ne.?!' He (the, Prophet) performed prayer on, a mat that had been, spread, out for us' and 'he Jet us stand in rows 'behind hirn, i!' 1 (2)

Accompanying a child to attend the meetings ,of venerable people offers opportunities for him to

OVrP.[· -·"':0·.··. rn I e hi s imp- ierfectio n . 'Ii:" 'CI1'iI:'lIIi·d··. ',- acq U'" .1" re k tn owle d ge

'_ ~ .~. ,'[ '_ _,~_AI J _' ,_:. _' .I~~!L •. ·, ,!WI] UtlJllL... U~ ._.r. " ,.1'. '. _. . '_ ;II

, .. ], '_

In this way, the educator can direct him towards

further piety and encourage him. to offer an answer when a question arises. Thus, he learns 'to, speak politely after taking permission, his mind will. develop 'k,:c;; so ml will "b'-'''e'' refined and 'l...~ will realize

'G'Iii '",," ),>., lUlIl.:!l1 ii]i, .. , _, W ,J.. ._ .,.' :L,JLu.~: . ~I!J..I, ,II!JI!~ ..·~;.IU tI1l:.;o,- J[, £1 .....•

the proper way of speaking with ol;derpe'o:pIe~ Accordingly ·thr:oughb~,aiDing,~ tbe parents are

preparing him step, biy step '[0 communicate 'with the society around him, The case of a daughter 'with her mother is the same as that of a boy with his father, as we 'have already mentioned above,

Ibn ... Abbas (may Allah 'be pleased W'ltth him)

id If .... U" d .. ~ - d . h-I ' •

sam, ornar user tc permit me to, attend the meeting

of [hie people of Badr, .. Abd ar-Rahman ibn "Awf

~ d ( hi ) ~'W· hv d I h~ d j

once sal i'to~;in"l,,., r wny uOI you let r- is aoo escent

attend with us? How can it be while our children are his peers? Hie replied Hie is of those that ] have taught,' Then" he invited them and me (to show them my knowledge), 'He said, 'What do you. understand of Allah's saying, ~ W/?en comes the He Api ofA,Uah, and Victory, and t/iOIU dost see the People enter Alla;h~s Religion ill crowds, celebrate.' ,l"/1'(1 Praises of thy Lord; land pray for His Forgiveness; for He is Oft .. Returning (ill forgiveness) .. ' (An ... Nasr: 1-3) Some of them said that

Allah", Most High, commanded us to praise Him, and ask His forgiveness when His Help and Victory' com ie Others said i'W',: e do not know ~ And some

,', -'iIIl ~·-IJ_.::_ . .:II .I_:_ , •••. ' ..• ,._ .. ,j,' , L'-' "!Ii . 'I '_I .' •••

others kept silent, "Umar said to 'me, ~IO Ibn. "Abbas! D10 you think the same?' I said, I No', Hie said, "Then what is 'your opinion?' I said, 'This refers t.O the instance of death of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), Almighty Allah told him, cf 'WhSlt

comes the ,H'e.IIJ 0.( Al,iah~ and VilC',r,orY~l and thou "lost see the People enter .I~l.i,(1Jl'~s ,R'eUgion in cro~vds ~" this is a' token 01' ,_'V,OUt" moment oJ" llear,/~~'~ so 'celebrate tile Praises of thy Lord, and IJray for His Forgiveness: for" He is O/t-,R,e;t&lrning I( in forgiveness). j' '0; Umar said, 'This is the same thine that m know abont th';~ 'terse i~l! :,)

, ,,',' " 'b ,- , "- ." - - ,,', '--' , _..... -"", .. ,

The Messenger of Allah, (peace be upon him) walked with chlldren and let them ride a 'horse or mule along with him without any disgust or contempt,

When he was a child the Prophet (peace be upon him) used, to, attend the mee 'tin gs of those who were older than him, The Prophet (peace be upon him) sai d, II U Wilt? I~"I I \IVQ'S ),O',un,8 /~vit~:I:,e ssed the P'QC t of

Muto:yyi.bbl ,aian,g with nty uncles. I 'Wtl.u.ld JI€V;e'l" break thispact evenifI was gives: red came Is ~ !~('2.)

Both boys and girls are equally permitted to intermingle with older people, '"" _ 'mar (may Allah be pleased 'with him) drew attention tOI the benefit of this interrningling when I£be.y grew' 'U,p_ Among its 'benefits, ~.s that peopk come, to know that so an.d so' has a daughter of marriageable age,

1 ~ Reported 'by' Ibn $I 3," d lbn J ari r and at- Tabaruni.. 2" Re:~O,I1~: by A hiUJlad,

In. his ,MUiStl1.lrllif" Imam "Abd ar ... Raziq narrated on the authority of Ibn Jurayj 'who, said, "It came to 'my knowledge 'that "Umar ibn al. ... Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, 'Let the girl who, did not reach maturity he eyed; as her cousins may desire 'to, marry her" II { ~ )1

Children can intermingle with older people via vario us ways and m ean s Tho S'~ who ~'Il'iIG ad lv ,·g,;nc··· ed in

ia""_I..,>~,,,_ .',' ~1WIi,t!I,_:",,~ ,,~' .' ,"!!;;.o '.'.1 'i!;lU!!v '~'-''. tt_ :'i,-" ' ,I

,ag,e can silt with children, 'talk to them, advise, and guide them, Also, they' can convey the directions of the leader of the Muslim Ummah (Nation) 'to them. The righteous predecessors used to sit with children to convey' 'the directions ,of theleader 'to them so as to help the-m form strong personalities,

T1,b",: ',I econd Pr incipfe Ass,ig:nio,:, the' h"I,ld'O' F'ul,fill Seme Durt :-':;8 and ,'~' rrunds

. A-' 't"I'~:1J a- Ily i~~~1 ~I~, ; i~CI 'n, ~ 'm- ,-, 'P' ort '.:IIi '0' '. fi ~"al'c:'''O: ,c' ['~'D" the s': I'"'C':', J.'~ al "

I!!!.;<'lU, " 'J' U ~ II UI ll.;}l ,tUl.YI, "" I , ' I I!!J !)",~> !OJ ~ -," '" 1" Ii# ,U ' ,,_ _

education of 8, child, Fulfilling the needs of the home or that of the parents has an ef -ective and positive

rO";~D' in th '~- ",' child': life It ; ffect h'l":' c "b- iild b"'IO'O,',d b','e'- c "'R"II'lI'S',Q

'J.~, II.,!:... II .-., !!' Ill!" iii ! lilt:.. ~~ _'.' ,"', ' .. ·.1.' .. " .. '", _ :~_:-:_.W

be recognizes the mysteries of life and, thereby feels,

h d eni --' dence in faei ,i, h d hi

: app iY:' ann enjoys :' con 11 ene , In racing :I'ts . ar s ... ips,

" ,I !. :JI !_ 1-

I+ al ' · '''f'.C' "'1- L,,!. f" -:t'-I -', be ',- , -',', +1.,.__ eh th ,,\,C'

.11. ' . s,o' ,a __ ,lee _S, Ull:' 1.1, _' ecanse uuulug~" Ill. I ,J'

tulfilh .. -'if. he 1 ~,'~,- .' 1,11"":1-~ and '",- ,,,,._" "-",,_,::C, th ';t'

II U1J !lm'CDIl.,· ,e ,g,cno,s SI\.JLJ1' ,an .. _ lex,perl,ence _ ._8_

'.,' 'b'l' h'"' t ,. ·'1 '--'11·:,'8-· his I,~""i'" , rith i '--:---,' foo .. steos

enaoie r 11m _'0 ICULLUu'. J.S 11,1". ,I. - ,UDl 1'0, ,5, eps

h t k ak d " I

- -,,'-.- -", " --'1-" .. - , I,'· -_. '[ - ,-' I I • [" ,-,,-,-.. -,

t at mow no WC,:_ xnes s r.· •. 113 tciency.

It ws .'.. {I-P· ned . n the authority of Thabit

_'~i 'B" ',-, '\-_. th ,t, ' ',";- '.,-,". M' ""I'~i'l ,',- id '0" "" -,.'-C-, d ,';:-,',' -I

,u- : ,:, naul !I. ail. ,.no,s, l.:_ ,n .. '.' ,a",I_·· Sall',~ , i,ne, ,ay",

- ,- ed ,.,]l.. - M'" -",' 'f AJ" I' h (pea ','-C-' b , ,c, '""e,. - hii ") serv'e uic I':' _: ','se"nger ,1,'~ _,~__ _ : : ea,ce, I, ,e upon, ,: m,

-" -'d -- -h- ," ' I fiL,-" ,,~': 1-' 'd' I ,.'I!..' . hi. th ... he , -:-", 'III'd-'- ta 11., ... , .

ana wnen ,_,1m ... teo '~IOU~f ,II. ,,:31:. ne wour r rase a,

nap, SOl·.' went c nt to watch some boyswhile they were play in or Al , lah -M"'-,Q;C eng r (peace be upon

I ... ,'~ .. Jl.a'jI.'6'. ;'l,-·_I.,,,!_,-~',,,,,,",ci,··_··I:'_,j 1_.,> .• ,!Ii;.; '.::_-:." .. ,_}",!

.. ' ~.~

himjcame and greeted the' y'Si while they were

,'--'. .• , c., .. ' ---d' h -, called '-:-'Q Then be "'1- --'11["-:., 'iIt'.,' do .,.

p ID,g ann . e cauec me, I ~lllt [II~ sent me !!I.!O! ooan

errand for him I" 'W"·'I~'In"t·- ilf,nj fl-U~",'II+"'~I~i~1 ~'L"l'~'~ '1~?;C!k •. · and he waited

~=" . ~~, .. ' .lul I I,U, ,. il! " " ~,l.1l._: ~v ... ' __ ', JlJLJJJllll1 Il:~-IJII,!L). tit_I.~ '.' LUIUIL··, lIlJt; -. '_'.' 11t4JL~ ... "

for :m,e until I returned, ,', onsequently, I returned 'to

- -"" mother ]1'. and . I"' '~"-,, '111,,~· i-'-' to ". hei shesaid

my _m,D_ ar . ,iaWe" lanc- w,u,en !JL 'c",me ,_ '_ ,-,_,e,r L)i e ,Si,3l_ ",

'What k 't you?' " said, 'Allah's Messenger (peace be

-",-, 'Il!..,,~ .' ,.). ,c:-'- t-' ,- 'c' ~n'-'-' , .'- I' .... ,- ,". d "~, S"'-h,· : .- .. :_lL .. " d !W' j '.-~ .. "

upon UJm, sent me 'un an er,ran';I·.:II,e las~e,~,_":' lUlill~

was It?!! ] said 'It is somet 'Ilig secret and belongs to; the Messenger o,-f llah,' Thereupon, she said 'Do not then divulse 'the secret of Allah's Messenger

C Ii

(peace be 'U,PI.-'.'.·on, bi:m)"to anyone.' -- abit said- 'Anas

I, - _'_'_ - - -I;·' , -.. . .... ~ .. ~'" . !III! .• _. • '.~- . ,I 1_ ._=._----

said to IDle, mB'y' Alleh, ,if ,j W'61~e to tellanyone of it, .. 'b.D~~ ,0 .. '/ T'- 'h abit I wo U' 11 d have told vou, ~"I~'I:'

Ll,III.\,;oI!,il!.t ···c . c , , u.. -'. "., . :', .~. " -J,' .. ". u. ¥ ~ .u',I, ..... oJ'" u'~

A child should learn 'to prepare the dining table snd 'to help! bis family with, daily chores and to know the 'places of household items and 'their names,

Anas (may Allah be pleased with ",e-i-r) was reported 1:01 :b:;l,v'es,a:~!d tblt the, essenger of Allah (peace be' U.,p,o'R him) said (before daybreak), !I!IO

A nas! ,"W'£)'121 ttl ,fas;~~ B ring' me sV'ffl,(!."t,hling to' ear" ml~ I brought him dates snd 0, \l,tle'Rail full of water, and that was; after .Bi,I~·tI had performed '[be call 'to prayer (the first ,adhanf1) for the, ~D,m,wn prayer), He s ., ", 11,,0

SO Moral: 1& Social Upbringing

Anas! LOD'k jor o Inan to invite hiJ.:I'I. to eatwitn me. II I invited Zayd ibn. Thabit. He said, I'"] 'want the soup of StCllV,iq( ,I) and 1 Wiant to fast, ~~ The Messenger of A.IDI ah (peace be upo n him) said ~I~A" d s d t." So he had

I,', ,.I",,"",~~~-_;,:-, ,.: __ I " ": ~,~u, ",,: 11~ ~o '~)() '_'" _>< "",~, 'I ,,-,t-

the meal of St;~-.l1u:.r[2) with him then he, performed two rak'as. then be went out to, prllye.r'~t3J

This is an example of the practical education that ensures the child, will never forget Wi13Jt 'be learned" It provides him with experience and, forms his social personality by means of interacting' 'with people and, life" Also', it makes him self-confident and, is not shaken by social situations, regardless of their degree of diffieul ty ,Eui],d harshness,

'] ~ A klnd olif musb made of wheat 'or iJca'Eie.~y~ and also "-,ruth. sugar and dates,"

2. Last meal before Dawn. 3-, Reponed by an-Nasa'i,

The . "hlrd Pr'Inciple T'eachfng the C:'billd tiD ',_ phofd ,3 D ,d, Pr a, e ,t, i c e t II e 8, u D :0 a 11,

o:f Gr:eet~i,DK M,'Qs]i,ms

Giving ,. salams is the Islamic W'a.y'·' of greeting III

• - :_, ',_, _." .1,: _I _' 1_1._ ,_ ,"-. . - I .-. I" , _:.,.1 . __ ~ _:.'= : .. l.~'_'_" ' I Or' '-,.'0.' ..... 1,.: .. Iii __

L.:;'~I-"- . ,- 'd , ... " ]'~I'fi- .,' ···~'~ld" .-. -. ,'t-,t'!! ', .. " ' .... -, .,., ,-_ .. , , ,',

ms everyuay ,1 .e, ,I, ClU ,.1, meets peopie 0', many

d '::Y.-.mr~'111"·' ~C'ii\If1I'; ~!l'II~I ,~li'''liiI!:.'lI~!j!:Ii_~, t 1~"1.J-'~ he needs to I '~t"nIO-'W,' I, the

. OJ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,JI. Ie ~:V"""'A~", 1'"",\~J.Y~I.OIiIl;.,;;i:J,~, ,I .. ,~,Lw ,~jl~~ .~I _, .,' ,~"I!..JI"I, ... ,.. ill, '""'

te'\)' to t'~'lk 'with them '

,. __. ,,}'_" '... "~. ... ", ,L. ' 1,.", . ~

'W·' b '~' d 'I~: d-I f-· dl '] G ....

we naveiearnee a polite aDr, :tlell,;· !j,Y ,~u:y e trom

tbe . essenger of Allah (peace 'be: upon him) and his

. =

Cbmpanions in jnculcating the 1~~r1Jla}1 of giving

- -

salamslin,tbe: hearts of children, The correct w',ary is

tba)ttbe, older person. should begin by greeting children in ord Qi'I-" '''0: "ilID:.'·W. ". them b--II""Ii'w~~'~ I~n, g,' tree others.

V.I~~ .&U. ~llUl !lL_1 U~._ ~_ l. iJlJ""._ .. , _ Llll.. u . - tv i: _ .. '_ '_' _ ',_ ._ =,_.;I. ~'!I'

After this practice Is es tablish ed, they 'will observe this by initiating greetings with others using salams

I, ,'. I .- '<.' ' __ .,' ,:. _.1' •• 'i._ =: ' ,e-..:' .':_' .. ~~ ee ', ..... 1 .. 1 '_ . .',. ,.' _", ,""1,,,", I ••.. j__:_ .I,'._~_. ',II ••.• _.":. I " ,""Il

Al ... Bukhari and Muslim, reported on the authority

of ,. A·-, , '0· ·,~'['II (. may A lla 'L be p .. leased with him) that h-' ~

Ull "J' '. I l~iJ ',,_, _.- .. ,', ~.r · __ ~.l I.:'~ JJ~' __ ).I~., '" 1 •. "~' I IU_J liLt.! .. 1 .. _,: ._ ~JlI.c,; l~~'~

I , ' " .

once 'p. assed 'L.y~'.- 'Ci'OIn"'· te bovs -;-'ljji'illl,~ sreeted them and

[,UI~l~i I IUI:J·,b!!j~ .. _' ,IJJI:~.:' I~ ,", .'_. _,.,I~. I .. ~ Ij' gi I~!U, 0 '. lVIIkV' t. . L- ,.~" - a.JI.~:.: . I

then. said, "The v. essenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used 'to do, that."

The child should get accustomed to initiating the, greetings tOI his parentsr any older people, beginning by giving' salams when he enters the house"

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that th ~' Mle' enger 'Of Allah (peace be 'UpOID

hi- ~ -- - ) ai d n ...... T· 'l. ·d-: • h "d- " t J! U, ~

.m i .... [ .. " "It rL,-,~ng ,Pt~'J~SO,n s ~OU~I'·, ,g'ree" "e WQ.ur .. UIB

IOf-UZ, and the walking: O'l.e S/10uid 8. reet the s,itting' one, and tbe sntiJll,ulJnb.·r ofpersons should B'YJ;et the' large number

~,I' '~ .~1 r hold' ,if... ld ~. ( 1)

oJ persons, aruJ, tne )uJung SOlb, , greet tne ,01' ,,' ... '

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) was reported t'o" h !i)ljve ir!'i~1 ~ d ,I,'I!.., lijj it' AI] .... 'l..[11 e! Messeng e r '("p':' Ii!:!! ace

, .".' .. ,:·I.C;U, " J ~ 'Ui .'. diw, . .::- Ibll,Q.~, . ,_WI,IQi ' . l.:d~' .. ,_~;' . [~g.:~~'

'be upon him) said, nl,O Son! If "OU entered U:P'OIJ, your /ami,~y,. ,yrO'U ah,oul,d greet them ,{orr it 'would hie' la bl,i,es:sl~g

upon )J'Ou" land you,,, household. ",1(2)

'~ ! Reported by I~ .. Bu~d'utri and ','. uslim, 2. Reported by at-~. irmidhi.

:Th"e Fo urth : ,"rjnci'ple 'Vi s,tting: the cuu d W'benH'e' Is, III

Visiting children when they me sick is amongthe factors tb;Ellt. help establish social relations with them

Wh-"",,- r "" hild obse -'-'~'-:-'I[\!I th at 0,'1.. .. 11 p"e"'.- ,-::--,1", visit 'I, "~" :,", he __ ,_e,n, a 'C,Ull- I, I, · 6e.rve~, _cJ",_, 'c_ JUJ_::,CIP I_e VlLSl, lllm~ , e

W" "~lP]-'1 reciprocate this eood habit T-'- 'h ,;;,~ visit w';-",~iI11 ,~'I'~'O"-'1

, " ' , '- 'I!,,;; _ , ",' """"'I.11w I!!,,_,;,~ ,o~v - /iU, ,lL,~. , ,1II,a, _ ,!!,,~, ,__.Jl~ru,~

b '11- ,.".,'n, '.' " 'h-I, ~ , OJ 'T ]'1 if. 't...:, ;','~"-

Bl.P' tOI IdlI~,eVIJllt.e ms pains, ,I, III ,y, n 'It[US visit is

supported by inviting a child 'to, Islam straightening

I-l.>r-···~·':_·-{-.I·-: "'i_~ 1]'['_1 - lr_~. l ... e- .. _ .. __ ~ .. ,. __ ,._" , . ...:...:. . ..:I __ __:_~..:.-,' ·~·-·-·"i_.I:..._l,,' "'.:"-'-';b

his 'faith, asking ,A]1:~h for forgi veness and repentance, it 'w:im,~b:a,ve a ,g,[leait benefit and double reward, This is actually what the Prophet (peace be II,POiD, him) did as ' 'orre1d fun the following hadith:

Anas (may Allah be pleased 'wiith him) said, '1'1 A

, -,,-,- ,--, J' '--:,-~,,- ~I niL.. bL ,,' .'-, d· t' ,'-' ', .. ,'---,' -, t "bl - -. p--' '! .-''- -'h-- -,,~, (,--,.". "

young ~. ew~.s.,1J cc· Diy usee . ,0 serve .', e rropr et (peace

'be upon him) and be became ill, so the Prophet (peace 'be upo:n, him) went to visit bim. He sat near

bj- ',~ head and asked him ito embrace Islam The ~'0":;··Y'"

~ __ ,"-' .. _" ~HI J Ig~, .. '._' l_~_. ' _ ..... _"_ . _"_" ." , _1,. _ ~ ,~ u. ",

looked at bis father" who 'was sitlin"g there; the Iatter

'told him to obey Abu al-Qasim (the Prophet) and, the 'boy embraced 151an1., The Prophet (peace be upon. him) came out saying 'Atl praises and thanks ate due

"',- A""u--h [In- " -ed us; [ron "I:",· Hell-tire ,'~"i'(I), to , u;a, IIr I'UJ ,;S,(nJe,~, nun ,YO}" tne . le,t. '"]U e.

Thus, we find that 'the Prophet (peace be upon him] used, to make use of any chance to inculcate something good in the soul of a child, teaching him useful knowledge.

1 R, eeorte d b -, v al B ~ Iik"lI,. ;;1iliri

I;!; _. ".\pIl!r·'~ .~J::.. j J" Ua - Ii!l.JI .',~il~ l~'il

ITI--:'b- ," 0, F'-'l'~ir'~ th P'I·il'!II]'I~-:-I-' 'C'-~'II!Ii"p'l- e

, , . ~ I '. 1,1 I I ... , .. 1:. ," _, ,I :_-.:. ", .",' _' ,",' .

. i]

Hclpfng the Chfld

tl_--- 0',; Ch 0- ,(ii,s·,',' 1° S; (I-IIi!i,~ a h II ,A F~: 'r'; [£I,'D' dip

'_.:'_. U."~· ..... _ . ....: .. ,11\.1_", ,~ I' ,II. ..I,ll:,.. II •... i:J.!

fro'm among hls Pl aymates

Friendship is. a common social phenomenon among ail people, Na-turally" the human soul inclines 'towards intermingling with people, 'knowing' them, and choosing a ,8 liO'tlP' of them to! establish bonds of brotherhood and affection"

As a matter of fact, if parents succeed in choosing a good friend for their child, they would provide an important key in reforming their child and developing him ,- ",' H' ,,0,'--.' wever if we 11~-iO-' w the fact

Q-_._, --- ~ - ~ . -- - '0" - ~,- , ,. ,~ -- "'""' LU, -- :!/,;.,_. ~ - II!.

that. a child will inevitably choose another cl eel to be his friend, it is more preferable that 'we exert some effort to help him in tile process of choosing at righteous friend, who will help him obey Allah and increase correct Islamic, behavior. Thereby, we find Allah's Messenger (peace be U,P10'.l1 him) playing with

'h'" lid d ,i hi ] ildh d d h l b

. - ,[ _ii. :-;-', I -. " tl - . ".", , . -, .. . . , . . - -_". ': ,. '. -' . . . ~ . , " !Ii j .". - . .

ct 1·· ten, urlng.1 s c nur : 100.· , ana w .. en ae oecame

a Messenger .. he 'used to 2:reet them 'whenever he

1,- :I' [~

passed, by. while they were playing, He never

reprimanded them or drove them away rather, he

(. I.

used to supplicate for them that Allah's Mercy and

Peace would "be S ho wered upon them, Actually, this indicates the Prophet's keenness that a. child should be. brought i)J,PI in. at social environment among II"'" hildren and' not to be is' olate d

l~, .. ~ ... !:~. !~,' I' __ ' .. ~ 1_:_1:.' i.' 1 l '-.',~ :._,Iyi, U '. t. ... \.', iii

The Prophet's interest ]0 educating :1 child

socially and eeon liIi";'W"lI~~ ..... lly it" ppears in LI~;ip d pS"" ire '~o":r" 'iIti.

_ Y!II;..o,. ,I!IUl _ Lltl_. '""~~ .. _ V.!l.!l-g\,,;l',i\3 .. U. ,., ....""""AJ!. 01 " ,~n.::!, . ,~,,",_ '~ 1..'.1.' .Q.

.-. !~. I ..

. "1- ""lld- I !iF;;-',.-' .' ". ",,':. ..... . n ·~'I" Ids .. f" 1 ~o{.":- ",-- '. -dl- . tc

C 11.Jl" ~O experience au nems 0, nre m ore er _0'

interact with. the society in which "he grows u"P" The process of ·buv·,WJ:1g·-'md selling lets. a child gain a

~__:: J. .. . _" J J _, -=_ - L__ _. __ , 1- . __ • _ ,- I _ ,I .. _.. . .. .' - - - -. . _ _ ~." '''_ _ _,

st .-;:: , : ~.' .. '-1" .,.: '.:e·,·t· : ,:·1.,· he .; d ealins with 'IL-.":,,

strong S,OClJrl movemen W,WJl.!i~ ne I.S·~ eanng wu .ms

peers and, through I.t he 'will be accustomed to' growing 1IW1P' ill this life and benefit from 'his time in

- ._

doing usefultaings. Also, it: makes him earn social

a- n d p- sy 'ch o dog .i if"i; ii.'l, ~I {'Ii on ·t1--:-I' d en CP an d chan or~ ~ h - ~ m c· '1" nto .

!. '-..: . clci, \"iI ._.' ,II.,.!' """I!i.t! !!/eo 'v, . ' .. V. I, "~ ",._.'" ~".c_"~_,~,""I@ ~ J!!.lI. . I ,I,'

an upright human being, Step by step, 'be will learn

t' b' .. ',', I" ".".," ' ... e. ,-.-,.- ... ',. '.. ~.:c. '~, ~.&- a'- d ke C"':.. . ..... ' "". ' f"- .. - __ '. tr - :!:,-- ~ ~ ...... ·1

te seriousness I,D nre I'· .11··. ceep away I rom ., .1..\,"],111

pleasures 'H'~ will 'b·~rn'ccut:ilir·o··---· ed ~. -. - ~' .. ' ' .. - and

I: \,,;'Q~I<,2J~ e ' .. ,' nr ue 1II!..,h,IL~!ln';e':_, I~O givmgun

taking and understanding life in .211 realistic way, He 'w,-"PI! b'C-,Q' far from the selfish n ess and weal .... character

• I. Jj,l_, '_' ~ ~. _ '_' ':." '_ l I_'~ I~VIW, .Q ' U -.ii:1 a.LJI_ _ '." ~'~_LL. ~I. ~_M.~r~tL

of ", hi llilld' ' . .' ...... " . 'I'" . i .. '. . '--:--'. ;- -, .. '-e.: -.ii.':-' d .

10 ·c .. 1 .. : .. lfle,D, W,]IO are .paID:peIe,·,.,



In addition, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him] used to ask Allah '£0 bless children, According to Abu Ya' la and at- Tabarani on tile authority of "Amr ibn Hurayth who said that Allah's Messenger (peace 'be upon him) passed by ... Abdullah ibn Jafar while he Wl[S selling as ,(I, child, He said" 1'! 0 LoI'"(l1' Grant him blessing in his selling, U or he said",

'~'! +. h '. " - - - ,-,. -"

,1ft. " ,IS transacts ().n~

'I'he Seventh Principle Permf ttfng t'he Ch Il d tu Attend '1,5:1 am i c :P':arr't,:I! es and W'edd,j,'D, gs:


This is another gathering place to which chi ld ren

may go and thus, know the correct and righteous way

t'" ,- ,'~I . b ." ,I·,,.., ,". -, .. ' - "r-- t-- . ~ 'I;' ' .. "" - --- it - -T~- "b--' " ',- ",'" - ,1'", t-l- ~;I,-,

.. 0' ceieorate unpor _-anl- even -S",_, iey may wazcn rne

,,' m 'd" I, '!!"" .', ',' - ···,'b'''·· _',I"'" of t-'l- ... -./',., e : -'\ - .. -. 'Ii '. , "·"t'" - ·-,1 hear ,t',:·., '., -- ''-d' I,,·I

on er memc et S 0, tnen communny an n neai rnenc y

,.~':~ .. ,.-, ..... ":, :.' j ·c---' --~.:, -, ... l" their sr: .'m,-"'-"·'1'111~-.,,, .. '[- ····d'i

(ll seussrons. " onset] uenuy ,,:_Ieu 50th'S wt ,I, ne pieaseo

and their fe Jj n motivated ,.

The. Messenger of Allah, (peace be upon him) diu HO,t prohibit :young men from attending wedding ceremonies and used t~o supplicate Allah. for all the attendants including the chi ldren "

I'1W1 ",'I,,;I~· reg ard '"'A' bda ~,,..'" Az,,· ."'~ "l' ,;'1.\.."11 S·'~ [1111-1~Y" 'b 'I 1·~P,'·OI'·~I;g.,d·'-

,W,,]. l." jl,~! ,.:,~I: :O_Il., 'I, : l·llJ)., !"1 I, ,,"., 11~~ ,1IJJ.J." .. , '':_.' ._~l·" i'JL,_~. ~" ~'.:' '." .jl, !L,~ .. i

on the authority of Anas ibn, Malik (may Allah 'be pleased with him) that Ule Prophet (peace 'be upon

'b.j; m ,). sa t.'U th ~l -W' omen and' chi . ildr 'en (,.- of __ ' the A: n,('1j ar- .) ..

l~I:~,_,~l~·· .. ~I._'.":~ .. ,ill~ 1'.~~ •• ::.:·1 ner :,,1,: ,.:' 1 .... :_:'!Jl::.·,.: ..... i .:"~,. me 1'··":I:IIJ~I".'·' .,1

coming forward, ~ Abd al-tAziz said, "I think that An,R'S said, 'They were returning Trom a wedding'

party ~ 'r" 'The 'Prophet (peace be. upon him] stood up and said thrice, '~'By A llah! You (i.e. the A,nL\"a.r) are /1"'0111 the most beloved people to me. ii,[ I)

Thus" we notice the Messenger's Interest in educating a child socially and accompanying him to the gatherings of the oldermelnbers of the community and, theyou.ng,~ public and private meetings and the 'places, of wedding parties.

"1 'R' - port A h A" 1- n" .... "l,I r , set u'w reu ,yo, ,11, ilU.

The Ei .. .lrth Prjnclpte .Al.lowin,g till! Ch'ild 'tOI Spen d ,9,N:I.II:11t at 'tile' Ho m e of se me Rtghteous Rel attves

When the. child h,1S the opportunity ~IO stay at the

'~ .: '---,'- .. -,' ,- ~oru"~ "'1"· '-, ".,11, it train -~:-.~ -~-. b .'. ,.'".,:. I"

nome ,0, ngnteous p, opi .. e 1 " ams ~1Jm oy seeing

j.'h, r'" ·"11 d'i .~~' 11 . deal ., - h "i~. ,i-

anomer amuy anc ,w .. te teams .IlOW' '£.0 oeai wit ICJJ.s

relatives and 'benefit from their knowled I',

d - Wi' d 1""~~' ~ 1" . k

.- -, .- -"l_,' -:. -,-: .. _,- ill '-,'. I':, ;', '.?!3 -,: ". -::.... .., 1_' :. "', 1,--' ,-,-- I_'~ - -,.-=-=- I .. : _." .. -_"

unner stanc ng ano WO,1 S..:11P~ Lt ,1\ ,so trams 11,m. to ... eep

good, relations with his relatives and increases the

b .. '.' d , .. ' 1'-"; ,f ". ffecti: (- b -:;1 . "t- .~ ~';I' .'." th ,". A"~'" d·' d' " .", ,~.,; ,-I' ..,.1j~" ~ 'r

00 .. _g, 0= 1L .JleC~~.Q.n _e_,woo,n, !l,. em.. :' ,~luOntlJl1.y ll"

affects him greatly after he has g,:·!",o\vn uP':" when he

" __ " ,:___:_' _'"'~ ..•.. I , "';'[ :'~. '.' • '; .'. \', 1_-.: __:',_ '~,,_.' l!!:__ __ '. ,1 __ ' ..:.:.. ~ _:.:_, . _, ... ~. l"'.1 " I I .

rem embers '~91,'; ~ visits and thus '~!lil~ narra tes th I"!" S ... itory '.'

'_ I .~. ~ __ ,.~ , ." I I.W,.Ia1 _ ,1],.311. i3! IUIUlt _.' . '[ ,L .(]l WllLt! ILjljl~ I ~i..i! l, . ,~l .. . . .

d ~ d f'" I I ..4' 11

IEm, IS, proua 10' I' 'It. "t a ·SOI S:U,PIPOI.rtSi ,gOIOu sociar

telationaNo doubt, there is .a great blessing if' parents draw a. child's attention to the benefit of staying at the house of one of his relatives or pious friends,

Ibn "Abbas (In,61yA,Uah 'be pleased with him) used, to teach children keenness to visit good relat: yes, and 'benefiting from them,

Al-Bukhari reported Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased, with hiol) as having said, II I stayed overnight in, the house of my' aunt, Maymunah bint al-Harith, 'the Prophet's. wife. Ii In another narration rather than al-Bukhari.v'To watch the way the Prophet (peace be, upon him) performs prayer."

,F inal ly we \!vnu ld like to :[0 u t at :y 0 ur hand s ~ de at reader, the practical example .of the Prophets

QT.'a: th ierin Of'ili'· w :~'~~'I..~"h~'["d·· 'i~,~'1"i11 A:"I]"Q,~, w'~ as reported 'JiC

10 ' .11,;,>, ,1L .. .0,0, . J!.I!J.JU. "",IH, 1.li.,,#ilW.. ',' I I" U~ .. u. ',' ,'I.;;,; _ ~6lI'

having said "The Prophet 'was the best of all the people in character. 1 had a 'brother called Abu ... Umar. who, I think; had been newly weaned, Whenever be (that child) was brought tiC the Prophet, the Prophet used to say, ",01 A,hu 'Umayr! 'What dill an-Nughayr

(li.ighti,ng,ale) ida)? It was !R nightingale with whicb be, u sed. to p lay, Sometimes the ti me of the Prayer

'W", ou '1' d .• , '!;,1It"['~'VII? w, vhile he (the Prophet) was ']i.'"1 O·· •• u 1''''

'_ ,U _ " .. ' !LUI' ji, _ Ii.! ,_, ~l~ ,~J,~ ,,~J, _~ '_ 'uJLlJ!., lLi ~. _'~' .. D ,HlllJ ".", - I

house, He would order that the carpet underneath him, be swept and sprayed 'with water, and then he 'would, stand up (for the prayer) and "I'e would line

,. ,. b h i'. d hl' ,~ -, ' !!}i - d·' he '- ". .'. I d 1: .. d I' .., • . . '-...... u ('I )

up.e,! nnn .. '<.1, i m nne fl. We.U"I" Jle a~ _, us ll1 prayer, '.,"

Itt is noteworthy here 'to mention a .. practical explanation and a nice comment presented. 'by Ibn Hajar, who was one of the greatest interpreters of hadah. Through his commentary on this ha,d'itn. you will

I, Reported b,Y al-Bukhari and ,Mus~rnm,~

realize' the .fa,ct that '\VIe can derive great leSSOIJlS; from the P . rophetic way of iil"~lii ~ sing '.' ch ild ren. Y r'ou wi P ~ 1$,,'10"."'"

Ij,.~,,~. .. _ '.. .'. ~ __ ~ .. 1!l.I_ . w" ,ill Cl~it,,;)uw, ",,", it .. , .Ii, !'rj;,;.!,U,~ .!Il... ,1,1,,11.1, ~l .",.

" -.}

realize that the Islamic U~~un'ah has neglected the

'bases, of educating children, This lapse occurred when H, startled to, lie ve ~n Western philosophies and turned away ,fr0111 the footsteps of O~I,r Prophet,

Commenting on this, hadil1f,~ ibn Hajar said, "This hadhh. includes various benefits compiled by Abu al= "Ab=b.'·'IS, Ahmad at-T '!;!IIb- '}'1Ii['[':. the Shaff I:' juris .• st, who 'c

.. _ _. _ _. ~=. ~_ ~ .. _ ~, .. "" t _ !.lI;U.lL, .. " . .lUI .. 'l!vv . l~

called Ibn al-Qas. FIe declared that in this, hadith there are sixty lessons of ,Ft'l,/l and the arts of worship, then, he outlined them in detail. I summarized these '~ G, e 'C'O- . n"-' 'C" l' ncl 'UI d in 01" ·1]; C' oh -i Ii ~ '"" 1'~1 v's, C' t' 'I]' . ;i):i, 'n' I' co' ]1' ow ed 'I'll: .' -m' . It'~i!'~ '_' .,~J, . i'-'m c. ; I,,~ '-' .!hl' !vIDjl'~~u':'\;d' I _ ~:I, . , JI: .... , !':'. v·. :.iJ.I._I·.I,

by 'my comments. Hie said the following,

1- It j s perm issible to j est and j Dike and, that j eking with a child who ," s unit at. the age of

discrimination is also permissible.

2= Avoiding pride and haughtiness,

3- Showing kindness and clemency towards one's

fri d heth .(. ., ld d 'm .. ~

. neno wnen er ie 'IS a young 0,1" oro ann asking

about his condition.

4= 'The permissibility of nickna ning the one who

. = _ _ _ = _ . .Ii !]i ~ _. . _ JIl !II. = ~,JI,. . ,,,,,tl,,lIll,, It.... .. ., e w".

L I. , ~." . . •

'b' .' .. l~l'd ias no, cru ,"

5,- It is permissible for a child to play with 'birds"

6- It is permissible for parents to leave their child to'

.~ '. ] issibl 'Il...'

pray witn penmssi ore tmngs.

7 ... The permissibility of spending money on lawful matters W' ith . 1'U~'lI~.~11· one P."'. lays

I,ll JU _. _" . ; ri.;-, . ,:Il, '_ .. _I n".l'wlIl \r.~, I _!!!J ,IU . :_' I~L. (J iI

8,,.. The permissibility of keeping a, bird in a cage and clipping its 'wings.

9- The permissibility of delivering a speech, to a child I 0- The permissibili ty of giv ing a. name ev en ifi t is for an animal.

11.- COl1 sidering the minds 3Jl1d thoughts of people when, dealing with them,

12"" Whe:n one visits, people, he should express his sympathy towards them.This is derived from the Prophet's shaking hands with A:£UIS,,~ joking with

A- b :["1]·' ' ... U' 'may, '·"r' 0.'· ··.·1"1 ,t,I,]. e " b ·:e·.· ··d· .' of Ui mm .-. S.- -.,U'~ ay rm . an rd

~. _ "_ ~.. . '. ;,J! 1.. .' . . ._ .. jJ.!IJ _~. . '_ llu ., . £1:. ...

~. ~

leading them in 'prayer in their house.

,li 3-, Passing one' s hand gently over the head of tile young as a kind of fondling,

'I4- Inviting a person to give, him a name when there

is no 'harm.

1- 5~" T' . '11k.,::., p er missib 'I~l" itv of asking '~~I question even if .cr: U,v~,.._,;.·- '.~'.Il'., : •. _,~' .. : ,ti!l!.Ji,II\.JIl, ,,' ,!i1,.'ltJ/Ui.i '""," ¥I~: .iI ..

the questioner knows the answer, This is derived from the Prophet's saying, "What did an-Nughayr (nightingale) do"," after he knew that he was dead,

There are different opnuons in regard to the permissibility of playing with a bir .. d. Ibn Hajar continues 0 say, 'If Abu "Abd 2l1 ... Malik said, 'This ruli ng 'rna)!' be abrogated regardi ng punishi ng

animal [:'!, A'" ] Q'I U~['Ul:""1" said 'There is' no ab 'osati 0 -

'~,~"w'u, ': 'it .i" " " ,~,:ILIW ,- ,u', :iC;I~-" ,,~,Ii,~~,-'_ :I'l ,'" '. ,ui,r'b~'r'n

but there is a concession for a child 'to n hold '. bi ~Id, ~ .'.

" " ,_ ., ~ '= _ " "' _, , , I ," _ , ,_ ru" _ U' ll, I" ,1 ,1 ~" , US

~1 kind, of amusement for hhn,.A].so,~ he is not permitted to be cruel '[0 the, 'bird in any way. Ibn Hajar added "Among the lessons that were not men tioned by Ibn al-Qas or others. regarding the story of Abu ~". Jmayr, is that Imam Ahmad reported that this child became ill and then died and this hadith was in the story of his death and what happened to Umm Sulaym when she concealed, 'this new's from Abu Talhah (her husband) until he slept with her. III 'the morning she told him the news and, thereby he complained about 'bel" to 'the Prophet (peace be upon him) who supplicated t10 Allah for them Sh e became pregnant a' nd t'it1:',"-"R·. g" ave , birth to ,"',

___ . ,_ , _, ,_ _ __ ~,1L, ," j[, ,0._ _ I~UI, e: . ,... , J l . a

baby boy" Anas (may Allah be pleased 'with him)

brousb t 11' ':11'] to I ,,,'1."',0 Prophet (pe "'j;(,,>.j!'!II' be unon him) W' "'1110'

I. 1', ~\O' ~II.. _" !J,L~ " ~,_ ,h. II!. , . -lao,;,.. .... 1,- II;.llIlJ' it ,. I, •. ' '.'" ,','

blessed him and called 111111. "Abdullah."

Thus, we find that the process of the social education of at child plays, an important role in" COIllstructing his personal ity straightening and. amendi ng him and that it, helps him to achieve self-confidence.

,R,QI:sin'll Chlfd',e'n I n'I,S,'aml presents ill complete educatlcnal ~lIr$b~:m to heh~ the chtld d~:rve~lo,'p 'ph~'SI:ilcan:y, emotiona ~11~f',t.m:()ra11y~ s,e>tu,aJ]Yll h ygi,e'n h:,aUy, ],Filb3~:lllec[Ual]]Y and 'sociial~l~l;,~o ru:mp~l,a'llt 'the' Islam lc C'f,eea (~ Aqjdah,) in his mind; and to teach hlm haw' 1:0 pe'l'Fornnthe main piJ]]a;f'S of worship, rt ~Si an educetionelsystemwhtch is ~:nUr~:iy d,el~]ved, from, th €: guidance ,o'f the Prophet (pe:alte

b him]

'~I€: 'upcnn . 1m, .

This ]$ a, glades, of paramount importance for ev€:ry' Muslim fam,:il~l. H fills ,(1 U11.i~,q'IJ,'e: posUion in the home libr ar:y' an d ~~'tfs instructions cal I, :f;OII i~m,:medwate' i'n:l'[Gde mentation ,_ for the sake ,o'r AJI~h;1' ~hen for the sake of His communtty of believers .

.. ',' A·< .,. E'.i"!jI.illnL ls '~"n· "I,ii"'i;'i:!","ii'l~u·'l]";nI'·ll- d DijiO-" ..... -i1 ~FiI; ·d· a,:}~~I ..... nIniilii

" : Ii .r:Jltrl.IIlUlf,1 ~I I~ I _,IIJ 1~1..:Il ~ :___..:~,y_,,_ '< __ ;~'~' .. va.U I~;u ," ~v.~~fU~JUi,~,,~

.:_ -,c-" -' ,- ,', a, better understandhtg ofIslam ,among all

1'"-1!,_·~_J~~A_,LA_I,;~_.t__.!' , people of the: world, .Mu~11m a.nd non-Muslim,

Our aim ls t,OI clear ,the 'W,8;'y' :f'Oif a. 'fair appralsel of the fasmst-growing: t€;~i:igii OIWi, :in '~he world,

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