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Blood Electrification and

Colloidall Silver

Copyright © 1999 Robert C. neck, D .Sc,

Revised May, ]999

Page 11 of 57

Copyright © 1999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se.

Revised May, 199'9

Page 12 of 57

Translation from, Science & Vie, September 199'8, a French magazine

"White cells (leukocyaes) kin bacteria and pathogenic fungi by electrocuting them. Discovered by Jacques Schrenzel and Karl Heinz Krause, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, this defense mechanism is triggered as soon as receptors of the white cell detect the microbe's presence .. This signal activates an enzymatic system on the leukocyte's membrane, composed of a "sleeping' enzyme (NADP II oxidize) and co-enzyme (NADP II), the reaction begins by the enzyme "waking up", receiving electrons from its co-enzyme, and transporting them through the membrane" Ejected out oftbe white ceil, this electronic flux is focused toward the bacteria with oxygen molecules and the microbe dies. This discovery might open new lines of research on immunity deficiencies in patients who are deprived of this enzymatic system."

Translated from Science &: Vie. Issue #972, September, 1998, page 44. Telephone: 01-46-48-48,...4,8 and Fax: 01 6 8,-48e-67.

Looking at this totally as a • physics" or "engineering" problem. a. few structured. electrons can act as the equivalent of trillions of white cells and restore function to one's immune system! The electrons cost pennies.

US Patents:

Amezingly similar discoveries nave been made by scientists and are a. permanent record in the US Patent Office since tbe 18,80's. Wby don't we knowofthese? Many work far mote effectively than expensive antibiotics and have no side effects and practically no costs,

Since the Abraham Flexner propaganda funded by pharmaceutical company owner John D. Rockefeller in 1910 forbade accredited medical universities and. researchers from using or even investigating electromedicine, breakthrough discoveries are usually discredited and the public is famed to spend billions of dollars annually with "medicines" which may be worthless or vastly improved for almost nothing"

Here isa condensed referencelist of US Patents which professionalresearchera may find interesting:

1 Direct application of electricity to kill or attemmie microorganisms in liquid,

1) Kaali 5,188,738-

2) Kaaii 5,137,684

J} Lashrop 5,133,352-

4) Ellis 4,()19r510

5) Myers. 3,753,,8,86

6) Jones 592,735 (1897)

7) Dawson 3.965,008

B) L;:t O')IIIHII;;(i72,2.:l1. (19001)

H Applications of Magnetic Fie-lds to Kill OF Attenuate Micro-Ol"g~nisms.

1) Hofmann 4,524,074

2) Middleton 5,645,697

3) Forrest 5,248,437

In ApplLC'~tion of Magnetic Fields in Ihe. Tr,.,,,,1'!mI.nt ofCaneiir>

o Costa ~,665,898

2) Liboff 5,437,600

3)1 Gordon 4,106,488

4) Gordon 4,303,,636

5) Gordon 4.622.9'52

IV App!icaijOi:1J of EJecbieity and Magnetic Fields to produce ather BioiogicallEffects.

t) Cadossi 4,68,3,873 (Fuse Bone)

2) RYiliby· 4.266,532 (Modify Cells)

J) Findll 4,428,366 (Reduce Serum. Glucose)

4) Chang 4,822,4700 (Cell Eiectro;PQJMion)

Copyright © Th9'99 Robert C. Beck, D'sc.

Revised May, L999

Page 13 Qf57

L'ON(jEVrrYjOE:CEMBER 1002 Page 14

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OUTER LIMITS "E~ectrocuUng,the AIDS Virus

MARCH :30,1,991 Page 207 Stlockil1g Treatment proposed for AIDS

Zapping the AIDS virus wJlh low-voltage electric current can nearly 'eHm~ni1lIe jl,;;.ablUty to mtect 1-lulnOlifl, white bLood eens culliJired ~n the.'IBborra'tory, reports a research team at the AI~b'ertEinslein College off Medicine in IN'ew York. City.

William I), Lyman and his Goll.eagues. found that exposure to, 50 lo 100 microamperes of elecli'icity - comparable-to t~.at [produced by a cardiac pacemaker ~ reduced Ihe iilfectivityof ma AIUS ViIrIJS(IH,IV, nyeu [0 90 iperCent 'rneir experlmenlS., descdbed March 14- 11m, Washington, D.C., at tile First Inlernal'iO'nal Symposium Olil Combination ifheraptes, showed tha1 the shocked viruses. Iosille aJ)Wly to make ani enzyme crucial lo their reproduclion, and CQu~d no i.onger cause lJrne white cells 10 clump I,Ogell1er-two key S~gW1S of virus infection.

TI19~inding could lead to tests of implantable electrical devices or dialysis-liKe Ib~ood t~eatments in H~V-infected patients, lyman says. ~n ad'dilJon, he sugg.ests that blood banks might use electrl'ctty to zap HIV,and vacci'ne developers mght use electrically i:ncapaciia:ted viruses as the basts for an AmS vaccine, For s cla nfists woJ'klng to' create oontrace,ptive· de\il:ces that repel sperm with e,leclricity, the new study also hints al a



Desiplte official reassurances a limi! 1hfi! s ;afety of 'I:he nation's btood supply, concern Ungers that sn'lall amounts Qf HI,V-infected blood may be snea.king thmugh, espe:Cially sinc~e current screening de-. tects 'ollly antibodies to the vl~rus, WhlCI1 can take rremhs to form. But now a new elec·trica:1 ,process !or cleaning li:ll:ood I)f Viruses may solve 1M promern

At the PJbert Eins,tein Co~ lege of Medicine in New York City,. Steven, Kaali, M.D., has found that I1iIiOst of the AlIlS viNCOG in a blood cOJmplo wW lose ·their infectious capabltity after beingi zapped by· a very low-Ie,ve.! current R.epeated exposme appears to leave blood virtIJ911y free of HIV. as well as hepatitis--wnhout harming blood eells,

KeeH cautions that. it will take years of testillg beforie a virus-electrocuting device is kiHflg C1!Jrrenl sndl I~enreready ~o," uss .. But, ultimately', lumilig it. 'IBy lowering the \Iihe predicts" it co'ul~ be used ral'OOlll'ilt," Ile says, ·we may not just tQPu~ity blood, but to be B,ble.to lenglhen and imtile-at people with AIDS, by prove the qlJaliiy of AIDS channelingl thei~ bl~od o.lIt of palients'lives,·

U1t~ IJvl.ly, ~~rl)~lIl!:I !L tu 1.rIlU~ -Sharon McAuliffe







One 0 f the great pU2Zl~s of AID.S is why the d isease u.s uill~y 'lakes years to dievelop. During 'lhe lOllgp·eriod. between initia I eIl,pos,ute 10 the' H:fV virus and Ihe fir.sl symptoms, scimllisjq have dleteGledi only small amounts of the - virus ill Ihe blood, T!J.is suggesled Iha,1 the infection exists ~l a low, lalent level before it flares up.

But UWO [lew smdies reponed in the Mar, 25 issue 01 Hamre overturn this theory. Researchers al the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, the National InstitlJtes of Health, and other instjlutjons have found massive amounts of the virus present during the early, symptomless stag,e of the disease. Up to 25% QftJiu.e.qlls in the lymph "odes ~ infected with tire virus, reports the teamled by M:kmesota.'s Ashtey T, Hasse.

The resu~I:S, raise questions ~bou! current tn'e?tm~nt If so mID)! immune-system cells are infected, drugsthat are typical·Iy !';'¥~ ru L:.r~~ rnl.l)' nO'I .H>tl.t.-<>I the di3CM~" Tbe frndinSl' .31.ijO ge-si t£Jat drugs sbcujd be smnoo as seen as the infIXtiom i.s discovered. That "might reduce the amount of virus t;liler," says encologist Howard M. Temin of the UniversIty 'ofWi&co!lsin, who c()-autliored <in analysis of the studies in Nature,

Ac-lOlr.he Houston PostIWedneroay, MalrCl20; 1991


Scientists say electric current may help fight AIDS

Lyman, ·1111 AJDSre~~her IIJld !lS5,J(:i~e prn~ of ~logyB.t Einsl.etn. likeMd the·· ll11W techn1ql!le. II) CMmo~y,

']'01.1 are oot goi!!g (i) g~trid of the t!l,1L1'11Q1f ~ l,;i1Ld :roLL could 5it:!I: dd of

enough of it to help !he. ~tiem! lesd a !IOmullif~. This is not a ems 001 a new tool," Lyman said.

He added .!hat IhI:: use of electric,aJ energy Ins 00 loti!: side effed afid that .~ ~!.mllar tedimi que ha~ been used as a tre.bmnllOr redecing herpes,

5110\141 e~ ectrical current can weak,.. en Lhe vi rus ooli·evedto cause Iltiq~j[ed irrnlllIDc, delkiellCY syn.-

rnachiee in which an AIDS piletient's bloodIMJuld 00 !reatedwith electrical C't!!Tcll"!QIi!Sid~ th! Ixldy.

~~!1t ...-...:: ha,,,,"\!1 d.'i}:r.11D 1:= ;o.'K.~ the AIDS Virus in laoorato~d[~ cu-ms'tan::>es to electrical! Cll:ITtlll and tilen i.Dtlllbat~d the "[ruS, with white blood celIS susCfiiKiblelO Ire virus. We foundlhat the virus became much mere ineffeetive ... [Kaal i, a. specialist lome' medical use ofdt.'Ctr:l:call;urn:IlI, said,

NEW YORK - DoclQrs. a.1 a p~SrtigiOU5 New York IIledicru center are IesliGg il Hew way 10 fight AIDS - using electrical eJlefgji '10 \l'Caktil the ki ller virus - Wl.d say their first results areeoooata.ging,.

Researcbers Wm.iarn Lym&Il and SiewliL bali 0 f tre Albert Einstein ;3l,,:llJUW uf ~ .... iul; ;:";lIiI.1 TIi!~~u.kt)'

Ihal initial. laboratory tests 00101::

The 'IOU men said rheyplan to IOOYe 10 the next phase of the experirrent ln April laSing blood samp~ es finm people with AIDS.

If their 1f:515 are successful, tk researchers hope it could lead to new wa)'I,o. treat AIDS paiiellt:i,

possibly inmhi~a dialysis-type

Page 14 'O{.57

Copyright e 1999 Robert Co Beck, D.Sc.

Revised.May, 19"99

({;'loU et aI.

United States Patent [19]

111I1I1111I1II111:um 111111111111111·

11111 111111111111 Willi

USOOS 18873811.

Patemt Number;

Date of Paten.b

5.;188;138- • 'FE!b •. 2'3,. UI9a


[~6.I Invcn(Q!'ii: S11!TI!'D. Kuli, 88 Ashford·Ave •. , Dobbs :Ferry, N.Y. Im:22: Pe~er M.. Seh'lfolsbt 4101 ,cathedral Ave.] NW'., WMhiaglon, D.c. 2OOH;

[,. 1] N(}tice~ Th:e ponieD of the term "fthis pa~t ,u~~;l.I;ntro .Aug. 1 R .• 2009' has been

discla.fmed. .

m21] Appl. No,.: 615,437

(ZlliJ Filed,

ItCliwJ V'£' •. Applia;tio:ll Data

[53] COJ].tiDUI!tioD.m.plrt o·f Su.NQ\ S6l."~I. Aug..·6. 1900. .ba9doned

r51] lilt. Cl~' •• n a 90lD :35/06; .A61K 41loo

[:52] U.s, CI. ~ , ''' 210V1a; !2.&14!9lt;

12.81421; 12.8178.3; 1 28/?;S4; WV13I; 104/1'64; 20411!!6;. 2041301; 210/243; 422122; 412/44; 604/4

~S8] Field! ofSweh 210/243,.748,764;

128/41!ilR. 421, l&3, 714; 6041~ 422!12 •. 44~; 204/1:.1.1. 164 •. 18b .• :241, z7's,. 302,. 30.5

(561 Ref'erotDces CUed


S92,,735 lQ1.il'n J·ODI:S _. __ • __ •• _._._._. 2041242

,!!'n.u)' 4/1~! LaOO!MlC , .. _ 1041115

1,49Q.'30 11/"49 Dubillu , .. , _ 204nCliS

3.6f11.64:Ei 1/1'~n Ma,tlorf cl a1 204/12,9

3.'1S],886B/I~'i1 Mym _ ...•. _ , _ .•. _ 204/1,86

3.878':564 "/14)75 V,O et at , _ 210/1i4S

3.965.ooB ~/IS76 Dftwsoll ._ 412122

3.994.7g!) 1111976 'lao eral _ .•. __ .. _ .. IlM1Ui4

4.473.449 '/1!l!S4 MiehaJ,1!b. t!t 11.1. _ _ _ 204/tOI

4.61.~OO IM986 Kdli etal. _ ' ~. I.W131>

4.170..16'1 M~.U Kull ¢I al, , _ __ .. IMBS

11;932.411 611.990 Ku1i:ei Ill. _~ _ IZ81131

~M9.252 9/1991 Mwrcll ,~ .•. ~ , _._ .. 21W243

:!i"QSS,06S 10/1991 Slovak da •••••• , S.H.H 1 lln1l3

:5.m.93.1 '1'/1992 GUM el raJ •.. _ _ _. UOn41



~~SS~ 7/1983. U.S.5.R. "H"'ft.~m~ .. _.~ •• 2101243

OTImR. PUBUCA TlONS f~ings,of the Sori~ for ~cntall Biology & Medicine, \1'01. J,(1979),pp. 2.04-209, "~vlllio:g or :H~ Simples VirUs witb M£t&:ylcncBI~ :Llahted El~c:ity"-Mi'clueli R.Swaru. eta1.

. Jo~ of the CIia1wlllivesti.mltmD, published by the Amefiean ~ty fO.1: Clini.calInVd>ligB6oDs, :111.(;., vol 65,;Fel:! ..• 9SO, pp. 43.l-4J!:-'M~ms of fhokrldy. nmiielu£livlUon of Herpes SimplH V~," -Lowdil Eo Sclmi:ppcr et .t,

JOIlm.alllfGlhDicaI Microbiology, voL 17~Na.1". Feb. 1~83. PP. 174-376. "P.hotod~cmaC1ivllition of ~dorabier Virus with Metbylenc Blue Dye. Light and EJcer.:ricity"-.JBnine .A. !Badyisk ct d.

Primilry 1ka.mill.er-Rob=rt A. D1WWll!

A . .uWa.llf Emm:i1Ier-Snn Uk, Kim

.Attorne.v, Agent, or Firm--C:h.afJcs W. Hclu:r


A new a1lanatmg !;~~ p~ ,andl·~ fur t&'¢at· mentor b~ood Ind/or othe.r body fluil:b an4/qr '5,YD" thetic fluids foom II dODor to' a recipient or :5k1rB,ge reoeplacle or in Ii recyclln.S lIystem usin,l I:Il:wd dCctri· ¢ally ~ ... dtl.ct$ ... e U6Q:1m.~1 ~ 1011 b':eAtins: blood: nd/ol' other boI:$y. fluids ilmd/or &.ynthetk:. Oul&; 'with -electric field fOrcesi ohpp:roprim: dtctric fidd tltrengtb to provide ,electrlc cw:rcnt flGW througb !the bloOO: or oth.erbody fluids III II. magnitudielhat is biolol;lc.1:ly oompumblc but is, smticieo.t w mnder tbl!: bactMa,~ Virus. ~~ ~OJ' &!:lSQ! ind".cti ..... to Wtod. q .. &ff_ . DOrnWly he!I1thy cells wldh: ~amliiIiiiig iJ:c~ In:alog!ca]

usefulness ,ortlleblOOd or other fiuid&. For thi$P1lIJlOSe low vola,g= .lIlItcmJlling; cutrml elecuic potentials arc applied to the: treatmen~ vessel wwell! are or.:he ol'der or from .abou.1 0.1 to 12 \Iolumd: produce current :flow d~rul.itio!S il'l th>!o ·l:Ilood ,or otiot .... ·rh,;d", o.t '''QIm on'!" ·mi",ro. aIDpeIi'l!! per &qllMe mmimetctof d~!: .1!Da upom:J ~o' the fluid bcin,g treated· to about two m~ilI i!JlXlpe!I'C$ per s.q~c g}illi:fQ,ftfr,

Copyright(ej 1999, Robert C. Beck, D,Se.

Page 1:5 of 57

Revised May" 1999



us, Patent 5,188,738




natl::; iSLa condnWl.tion-lJio-p~ application ,of prior U.s. paten I application Su. No. 01"62.721 flied Aug. 6, .~90. now :IIb.mdoncdi

'lhi& invcneoll relates, Ill' IlQ\\'cl clectric8uY condllC:dYe methods u.d 'JSt'e:m$ cmp]'oying clectriClily ,ooeductive \fURls, provided with el~oalIy conduative ,_.r._ r.,,, _ hi .ubjccdD,g;b]~ HIl/Or otbB' t;IO(JIy

Dw.ds BJild/o~ unthGlie-fiwds 5u:eb as ~ue cUlt_ m~ dium ~o d~l treatment by Iltmmililg c~ clGC'lric

(orces. . -


. 'It ill I.a,,, wcl1 kDOWD ;:0 the "'Wl~ proklisl.on ~d ,tho; g,c.meW 'Pltb1lk; tlIat 13,lood 'oolll~ in a blood bank from Ilarg'l: IlIllDbcr of donor.&: ma~ be contaminated by eo.n'lluDinUits wc:.& as b~ria. Wus, ,piradta am1Ior' fWlgus obtained, from ,even a ,liDgle donor. While ~g of donors bas done much to aUevlB1!l: this problem. lh~ !~_"inlr ,.,1' d<!>non CUll _<I d_ ~ occasion&] dQnors. whose blood ~ uufit :f'or. usc. When thiS occurs ~ the unfit blood is milled, with QlhmYise usable I:lloodl, the end:.c batch ntust be disearded Fo. tfamfus.iOD Pl.lI'p(lses. Because of t1U~ probl~ the '1'es~ ,cnt invention ba$ been devised to ILtteaualc IlII . b.acteria ,

.~' CII1c1uding lne AID . - ,.; . arMI~_" or , iiliiuscoILWncdhilbloocf(;Qllimbutcd by a :"OllOr to e point filiI. any $UC~ Contaminant i& rend$!rcd, :inWImtivc for i.nfectins a l1Iormally lleal(bty h~ ¢CUI 'but docs not mike the !blood biologicaJly 11Ofi.1 for use fu hWlJ4ll:S;. SaM ptoblems aisl with respect to t:rc&tment of other bo(I)' fluids. such is amniotic RIrit1s. The iCfeat·

m.cmt meUlo!l and system is also applioabl'c 10 mammals other than bum:ms.

Copyright Q '1999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se.,

Revised May., 1999

Page 16 of 57


Revision March 1999. C{)pyright © 199V98 by Robert C. Reck. n.sc-.

In a remarkable and startling discovery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYC in 1990, it was shown that a minute current (50-100 microamperes) can alter outer protein layers of Hi V virus in a petri dish so as to prevent its later attachment to receptor sites, (Science News. March 30, 1991 pg. 207.) It may also reverse Epstein-Barr {chronic fatigue syrtdrcme], hepatitis, Lupus, cancer' and many others. Hl'V-pcsitive users of this enclosed information may expect a dramatic reduction or symptoms after about 45 days. This is remtniscem ,of a well prove» cure for sJ:wke/Jite lip apP'licati(m of electric current tllal -jtlstalltly IU1utraliz.es the venom 'stoxicity. (Lancet, July 26, 19'86 pg. 229.) And there may be several other diseases as yet undiscovered or untested viruses neutralizable with this discovery; perhaps more surpnstngiy, even the cornmon cold,

This very simple and valid blood dearing treatment proved of great promise as a positive method for immobilizing known strains of I-UV still present and contaminating some European and US blood bank reserve supplies. It was further suggested that infected human HTV carriers could be cured by removing their blood, treating it electrically and retumin.git by methods similur to di.nlysis or by surgically implanting electrode arrays with miniature batteries sewn inside blood vessels as de-scribed in US patent #5,J8&,738. Dr. S. Kaali, MD, projected that "years of testing will be ill order before such an ill vitro {blood removed for treatment) device can be made ready for widespread use." (Longevity, Dec. 1992, pg. 14.) This paper reveals an alternate do-ityourself approach for electrifying/purifying blood with no auuysts, impiants, or medical mtervenuon.

In the writer's opinion both blood and lymph can be cleared i11 vivo (which means blood isn't removed or skin ever penetrated) simply, rapidly and mexpensivety wrth Similar but non-invasive do-i1- yourself techniques described herein .. All are fully disclosed in this paper. Also included are proven schematics, parts. lists. electrode construction and complete instructions, Electronic and controlled electroporation approaches may easily make vaccines; antibiotics and pharmaceuticals obsolete.

I n a public lecture (Oct. 19, 1991) the writer proposed this theoretical do-it-yourself method for eliminating HIV, pamr::itp.r::, fllne( vir::ll and pathogens in vivo. Subsequently, his original modalities and protocols have been refined, simplified 3i11d made universally affordable'. These three simple treatments, used in tandem are offered for research purposes to determine the extent to which they nullify known electrosensitive pathogens residing 111 blood. lymph. and other body tissue and fluids, Following is a summary of several years of testing with this n011- iatrogenic, do-if-yourself; S.i.i.LlJ.1k; i:iIUU iut:h.jJt::m;ivt:: experimental solution to tile ever-escalating "incurables" dilemma. There are' no k,WWIJ side effects since miUiampers current» tlppUedto skitl are mlu:1i lower .111011 those in FilA app'ro'Vl~d TRNS, CES ulid. muscle still'lulutors widell ir4ve been ,ill safe daily use lor malt)' years. Battery replacement costs are about $1 0.0.0 per month per user or about 33¢ per day for a: typic all 30 day "spontaneous remission.' No pharmaceuticals, shams, or medications appear necessary.

One compact battery-powered blood clearing instrument is basically a miniature relay driven by a timer chip set to ~4 Hertz. Its 0 to 2iV user adjustable bipbasic output minimizes electrode site irritation, The described system delivers stimulation through nonually circu]a~ing blood via electrodes placed at selected :,iLt::s (:SUII.;!.I as UUI; electrode below ankle bone on inside of foot and another on opposite foot) over the sural, popliteal, posterior tibial, or peroneal arteries where the subjects' blood vess~ls are accessihly close tn the surface (pg. 1 H) fir em wrrsr or ann. Optimum electrode positions are reliably located by feeling for strongest pulse (pg. 18.) Microcurrent. treatment is of such low amplitude that it creates no discomfort when 'Used as directed and is demonstrated to have no harmful side effects on healthy 'blood cells or tissue.

A major obstacle to this simple" proven and obvious solution is disbelief Treatingapprox:imately 120 minutes per day for four 'Or six weeks should in the writer's opinion effectively neutralize well over 95°/ .. of HIV plus any other electrosensitive viruses, parasites, bacteria, pathogens or fungi in blood. ill

Copyright © 1999' Robert C. Beck, D.Se.

Page 1.7 of 57

Revised May, 1999

heavy Tnfections, shorter application times win prevent stressing patients with toxins. Simply treat for a greater number of days or also ingest ozonized W<I:lt:l. III time, the ,1t;;~LUH;\W ill,HlIUIIt;; systeru pILLS silver colloid may handle residual problems, In 'the special case of diabetieally impaired, circulation longer treatment times may be indicated, (See expanded inatructinns pg. (,6,-17.) Irnrnnhilized viruses may be expelled naturally through kidneys and liver. More rapid neutralization is possible' but. not recommended because of potential excessive toxin elimination (Herxheimer's syndrome.) T-cell counts usually drop initially because of lysing and scavenging by macrophages but should recover and increase after a few months. The peR has not proven reliable as a measurement for H1V.

Latent/germinating mv reservoirs in body's lymph or other tissues and glands, mary theoretically be neutralized with a second and separate device by tbe strategy of generating a very high intensity (--20 kilugau:s:s) short duration (~1 a !JlS) magnetic pulse of >-32 Joules by discharging a modified strobe light's capacitor tlrrougban applicator coil held against body 1-0 cations over lymph nodes, thymus, kidneys" adennids and orher p()s:«ihh~ internal sites of latent infection (see pg. 39.) By the physics of Eddy current/back e.m.f "transformer action" (Lenz' law the desired criteria of minimum current induced through infected tissue on the order of :;:. 1 OOIlA should be readily attained. Several pulses repeated at each site aver several weeks may insure a reliable "overkill' for successful disease neutralization. A magnetic "pulser' is very simple to build. Full

mstrucaions arc on pg, 37-39. .

But subjects must assume responsibility for their own health=a "heresy" in today's society conditioned to look [or answers only to a medical establishment tha: has no current knowledge remotely promtsing "cures" for numerous other well known fatal diseases.

These "theoretical solutions!' are being disclosed under constttuelonat freedom of speech guarantees tn spite of extensively organized hostile opposition to' ncn-pharmaceurieal or inexpensive modalities. Data. is offered Qaly as theoretical and no medical

claimsar,e made or' implied. "See your health professional!" Anyone at his discretion and assumed responsibility should be free to build, use (on himself) <![f.lU network his "research" results. W~t11 these data an average intelligent high school student should confidently be able to assemble both theoretical blood and tissue clearing modalities in ::thnllt three hnlm; Cnmpnn,~nt:« :;Ire widely available. After assembling, the only additional cost is far batteries. If electronically unskilled, "busy" or technically illiterate, call an "Amateur Radio Supply" store (yellow pages) and find a ham radio operator hobbyist or TV repairman or p'ay any kid on the block to do it for you. Aller I 'spontaneous rernissioas" some users may wish to interest their doctors. But be advised that electronic cures may be

igorously SUI:'I-'J eased UI i~LJIJJ t;-.Jl UCl,;;aUS'C Lht;;u;; is presently no credibility :nor drug cartel profit in this inexpensive solution. Also the 1910 RockefellerFlexner Report attempted to discredit electromedicine with .a conspiracy 1.11 inflate ph!'lnna~F.llli~fll profits.

I'm definitely not soliciting funds.. This was independently developed by me, Bob Beck, at my private expense and offered freely for "theoretical, informational, and educational purposes only" and with absolutely no profit motive,

on-FDA approved devices are illegal to use within the USA except via Iittle known FDA loopholes. Researchers are allowed to use anything 0011 patients if safe, they build it themselvesand don't sell them. (Code of Federal Regulations 21 § 807.65 subsections [d] & [f]. See actual text in footnote on pg. 15.} Altbougb we will offer technical updates and always welcome feedback from users, please respect the writer's privacy and never attempt to contact him for additional help, advice Or information, Everything users need to know is included herem, We Ilave lDotbling f.or s,ale.

NOTE: Sharing Health From the Heart Inc. gathers feedback from individuats and healfh practitioners on the use of this device. To obtain a free newsletter, call 1--800--224-41242 or 250--814-0046 ..

Copyright e 1~99 Robert C. Beck. D.Se.

Page 18 of 57

Revised May, 1'999


TIllis 1]/24/1996 page describes a "Plant Gro'(!'th Stirtuslator" improved since my 1991 design, User-tested for over two ye-ars, it IS solid slate (no relays), uses three (not seven) batteries. makes colloids, is much smaller, lighter, silent; with battery saving features, and is available ill> a mostly-assembled kitcomplete withclectrcdes and silver fer about $100 from Action Electronics, nOD E, Edinger Av'e ... Santa Ana, CA '92·705 (7'14} 5475169.

IU 10[lI. 0 m







150l Ohm


1 ~LlU p~mu .u.r~ Ol' ~CA JIl~t



""rein or WIl,ool" Inc'~n!le~cent Bulb 6~12V. ~5mA, IoIl-612 Of eq.:,

4, 5

IO(l~ Ohm Lir,ear ,..:," sr~r O'"!i&Ch

_;iDCI_#~DC I ~t,

DI >-----~~I----,~----=K


~ :i·M. 1S" V~~

OlJTPUT; 4 Hz Squa e Wave, BI-Phaslc

OUTPUT: Colloidal Silver

Copyright @ 1996 Robe,rt C B'Gck, D,Se.

TIlle first section (U 10) of the LM358 dual op-amp is a :50 volt peak-to-peak square wave oscillator, The second section (U I A) reverses polarity and provides ±27VDC output of low irnpe,diallce. This delivers ill Bi-Phasi,c, sharp rise-time output' of -4 Hz (not critical) far the biological cottcn-covered stainless-steel electrodes saturated with salt water before applying. Sharp rise-time is considered necessary to provide higher odd herruonics to. the stimulus, although "rounded" waveforms will feel different,

The third section is a currenr-limited 27VDC output from a separate RCA (or .2.5mm) jack for rapid generation of excellent colloidal silver III water. A three minute cycle in g Oz. of room-temperature water makes a ~3 ppm conceutration.

Op-amp section U 18's 4 H4 oscillator frequency is set by CI (0.1 u.f) and Rl (2.4 meg Q). It is configured as a comparator with hysteresis determined by R2 (150 kQ). Charging and discharging ofCl is. dome bv the 180" out-of-phase signal through Rl , R3 and R4 provide a set-point 112 the V+ to the comparator. This insures a 50% duty cycle square wave wiib an amplitude of slightly less than ti"lie...,27V supply.

Ul A, the ~Jei:ond comparator, is used 10 invest tile output of oscillatar UiD. A -5oY peak-to-peak signal witi be generated between

the op-arnps due LO their outputs being I BO° oUl-of-phOlj,e. U I A 's current IS limited by potentiornerer R5 (1.00 kG!) and R7 (820 0) aud is set to individual user's comfort.

The power mclic(iJOI- circuit consists of a bicolor (red-green) LED (CR 1) and the series combination of two 18V Zener diodes, DJ & DZ, with power Iimited by C2 (22!t~ Yfhis section of the device is automatically disabled when the 3.5 mm plug is inserted into it's jack. Therefore file LEDs flash only when 'batteries sum is over ~21 v. If LEOs arc dim OJ extinguished, replace with three fresh 9 von Alkaline bauertes. Cl used as. a ttnuter allows me LED to nicker On at III! second intervals only 11.5· the square wave output reverses polarity.

Users find this newer design highly satisfactory, trouble tree and most efficient,

Copynght © 1999 Robert C. Deck, D.se.

Revised May. 1999

Page ]9 of 57

U~'I"I_::iI1· tOOU"rQ"h'~" M-I'm~efior uh'13r recuirenl,

Copyright. ,_Ij 19-99 Robert C, ~edr, D.Sc.

;,..,;..~~. tOlt'rior internal ,ilrit'1iJ~I.

fig. 3.l0.- TIlt- fK!'P[!I~, p.meriQJ tihial, ~d IIffOru!al J'rter~~,

fill, 3ll1.~SI!!gitl!! ~ nat~m)' of the mlmor I [bial and' dmlSlli~ ~d'il"~l!rii!'5.

Pl.i\;CEttIENTOF PROBES (ELECTRODES)~ Over Arteries not blue 'Veins.


I ~ . ,=_~_Radial Ulnar

....... '--"-'- -~- _./

A[i£D EJO!I:'trod~ P .... U,cl 10 I'I!_~ ."rl

D i~Rt!)" O"Iitr P'liJc I'"t~

The figure 1\1~;:fI:i!I~ 1M; h:rp~dl.li~~ pl~~erpcn'~ ~f the ~Q dech'oon on Ihg ~" wn-l! Ig j. ~Of 00 pJ aee ih" eteenodes "f yBll riflO~ pl~~ Ihe: 5f~ Df{ltjml liicl: WT1:n an~ <lc<.n in,o;m !h.c, ,d~clrl!idlllS um[o:r l!l~ ~lflIp ..

Thi;l. !j ~UlC i UY5U~i~ the ~;YMi h(;liCiI pl~em~m ~r tltt i",~ dcelJ-oo<~ on lhg ~~ foreaml l"l~ w"'~ P~'llu~n P'~bo:s ~~~Il ~ ..

Revised May. 1999

Page 20 of 57


Note: Tbese data are ,intended for ,it1lforma~iol1al, instructional, and research purposes only and are filot to be construed as medical advice. Consult your licensed medical pr,ad,itioner.

CHANGES since previeus editions: Pulse Repetit~on Rate from 0.6,7 Hz to ~4 Hz (No~ cril:ical). C2 from 1 uf to (l.22uF. VoUage from 36 Vo~ls, to 27 Volts, Treatment time increased to 2 hours daily for 21 to 30eray:s. Improved electroOle ,des_ign and g,il1gle wris! placement. SW2 added to extend batterylife,< Therssre NO "errors" in this schemal.ic;, Hundreds have been constructed successfully When dupl~cated ,exactly without user attempted "improvements".

C:, .ZllDLJt. ZO V

27 Volls J x s Yull~

-+ 1\ ,_,
tf; e, y~ C~D , J
, t VI ~
, ---"hAl. 7 :1' +l~ it.l400i
I [lIS TRQ !'
, R1
- I """,Ill< I; l C2
I 'OO~ ni~ out e.zz,r. 20V 91
1 I 1<2
51111 , 1'M ~ ~
I c;; PSi I
I 7555 ~.
I :;Nl222
11:4 I
0"0--- JI
CPOT Rel-oy (EI(1c ~rQde~,)
lk t DI
IN4001 ~ ;- -- - ~:
- ~. -+nv,:
- I
I ____ ' _...,
~ .... ,_,.. , I R5
a I()'(l~ Pol

IJ. iU ~
- 'i' 2 .. 2k ~

LE01 Ze~er rsv
--tY'-" l
~! ,~-
G~ swz 'D4
E "T est" l.Iomentary O~ L[I[)2- ~e~~,f ~a,V
-----0+ ..;;11. s
2!ll22~ Ir -")
Bio'tll'l:im Vi!.. 6 veus ~. >: 1.5 Yolls "'''' C"II,


B1: Filament type incandescent bulb; 6.3V O,07SA type 7377 (B,eHast and current lirnlter]. Rela.y: 5V 50.0 0011, PCB mount D:FlDT; Selecta Switch .SR15P207D11.

D3 & [)4: Zener Diodes, 18V % Watt; NTE5027 A.

R5: 100kO %: WaU linear potentiometer; Calfronlcs P-68 or equivalent,

LEI01 ,& 2; Comibined as Bi-CO~Oi' R,ed &. Gree:n in same, housing; Recio Sha.ck #276-012 SW2; "Test" SPST !Momentary ON subminiature Push-Button; Radio Shack #-:275-1571

Copyright e 1999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se,

Revised May, 1999



Rpvi~i;{ltI M·lI ..... h 11, ,.1)1).". C'npy .. igh-t!?l l'i)IH nqq1) Rnhprt r_ Rpck, n.s r-.

Note: These data are for Iheoretical; tnformatlaaal and instructional ,urposes only andare not to be construed as medical .advicee. >COIlSUlt \vjlb your lteensed medical pnditioller. NOlte: Some-builders have ego probl,ems with following i.nstrllctions and like to find ~mislakes" or pesslble "i.mp,roveooents .. " Hundreds have been built successfu.lly iF liIulP,licated ex;l!ctly as shown ..

Do 1101 expect' this device to {I.mclloll optima II)! If ANY electrical chall~es or €J{O impl'Ovemellts are auemmed.

7555 CMOS timer chip (generic) tOO k ohm Ih wat15% resistor

I meg 0. I/., watt 5% resisror

2.2 k a .~ watt 5% resistor

J II. Co! ~ W<;I!L 5% J!;;:>i~.lul

100 k n linear taper pot, 1;i watt Caltronics P-68 200 ",-F 21l V (or higher) electrolyti.c capacitor 0.22 ~~F 20 V (or higher) Tanralarn capacitor lN400l diode

18 Vult Zeller diu.;!.;:.:; NPN Transistor Bulb, 6.3V .075 A

2 required @ .1.5 ~l W.att, 2 @ .79 Generic 2N2222 Type 7377 SR15P207DI

~Cl Rl R2 R3 R4 RS Cl C2

Dl &D2 DJ &. D4 QI


Relay, 5 V 50n coil PCB Mount DP'DT Selects Switcll Misc. wire, solder, etc.

Note: ,"'diot} Eledronic~ 110W [mpplil.'1> " custom printed c.l.rc!.Iit bOOl[d IfPS PCB for:

AI.115comp,olllents listed abnve avaiiaMea.t A.CTION EL.ECIRONICS BIU E. Edinger, Saata Ana, CA 92705 (714) 547'~5t69

Bicolor lED Red/Green Radio Sback #276-012 J ack ror electro deteacs

DPDT switch, 275·626 or equiv, (used as DPST)

SPS7 Subminiature momentaryObl push button switch Battery holder, 4-AA cells, Radio Shack

4 Alkaline AA cell batteries, '#23-552

3 Alkaline? V butteries, type 1604 ere.

3 X 9 V battery snaps (clip-oncormectors) Box, if used



4 for

3 for 270-325 pkg,

5!$~ .2.9

Ahove items generally a.vail.abl,e alioclIIl Radio Shack stores Lead wire with 3.5 mm plug, 6 ft., Mouser or Calrad Electronics ~1~('tmrlr>~, ~1l"~lrh rbcdir. Vt"lrm, r,nltnnf1~nn~l, ~1Jigll·'rl'r r.lip~, ~tr.

s 1.80 .07 .07 .07 .07

2.56 A5 .25 .30

J.58 (NTJ35Q27A) .30





s Ll9' <53 255

.59 ER~SWIOI "Test" 1.29






Tbis design. is basically 11 7555 Ie timer chip set for 50% duty cycle and "':"3.9 Hz. driving a. sub-miniature relay. Electsode polari,1y continually reverses ... v;, second positive I VI second negative, Frequency is not critical.

l'!u.cn:tsa.pplh!d for.

CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS21§ 81ll7.65 Subpart D - Exemp_tioD5-, Paragrapbs {d] &J[l Excludes ODd exempts from regulation:

"(d) Licensed practitioners. including physicians. dentists, and optometrists, who manufacture orotlserwise alter devices solely for use ill their practice."

"(I) Persons who manufacture, prepare, propagate, compound, or process devices solely for use if! research, teaching, or analysis, and do :n01. intrcducesueh devices info commercial distribution."

Use of this device therefore appears legal and exempt from FDA regulatio'Ds when you construct it yourself for' research and/or use i.D yUill" own praetieel But double-check yOUf' local, county and 'state regulations for possible excepttoas ..


Copyright © 1999 Robert C. Beck, D"Se. Revised May, 1999

Page .22 of 57


RevisionJanuary IS, .1997, Copyriglll.© 1991/1998 ReberrC, Beck, D.Sc.

PRECALITIONS: Do NOr lise wrist-to-wrist with subjects using cardiac pacemakers, Any electrical signals may interfere with "demand" type heart pacers and cause malfunction. Single' wrist/foreanu locations should be acceptable. Do NOT use on pregnant women, while driving or using hazardous machinery.

Users MUST avoid ingesting anything containing PQte!:1ti~lIy toxic medications, nicotme, alcohol, recreational drugs, laxatives, garlic, etc., and potentially tOXIC vitamins or herbs tor several days bejorc S1.;3.tI::111[1; because blood electnneanon can 'Cause electroporation which makes cell membranes pervious to small quantities of normally harmless chemicals in plasma .. The effect is the' same 'as extreme overdosing which might be lethal. See Electropotation:: a Genera] Phe~OmfiIl:On for Manipulating Cdls and Tissues J.e. Weaver) Journal of Cellular Bjochemistry 51: 4126-435 (1993.) Hath the magnetic pulser and blood uurifier 'can cause electroporetiotr. Avoid ingesting alcohol 24 hours before using,

Do NOT place electrodes over skin lesions, abrasions, new scars, cuts, eruptions, or sunburn .. Do. NOT advance output amplitude to uncomfortable levels, AU subjects will vary. Never put bare metal on skin. The magnetic pulser should be safe to use anywhere on body or head.

Drink an 8 oz. glass of filtered ,6f preferably ozonared water 15 minutes before and immediately following each session and wink atleast four additional glasses. daily for flushing during "neutralization" and for one week thereafter. This is imperative. Ignoring this cancause systemic damage fmm unflushed toxic wastes. Wlum absolllti!lPf{SSfUltiQ.1 ,drugs mnst .be ingested~ do so a few mim~te:s after e:le:ctrijicali(m tlum wail 24 lumrs Defore next sessto»:

If subject (eels sluggish, faint, dizzy, itchy" headachy, light-headedor giddy, nauseous, bloated or has flu-like symptoms Of rashes atter exposures, recuceputsing per session and/or shorten appncations of elecmncanon. urmk more waterpreferably ozonized-to speed waste oxidation and disposal Use extreme [caution when treating patients with impaired kidney Q!' liver function, Stem slowly at first like about 20 minutes per day to reduce detoxification problems.

To avoid shock liability; use only batteries with blood cleaner. Do NOT use any Iiae-eonnected power supply, etc. with blood ·eleotrifi,co.tion ,devio"e. Ho,,~evel:" a.c. supplies Ore.oK witl1 well lnsulted.mttgneti.dp~be generators (strobe Iights.]

lIealfh proFessiQ!:Hlls; Avoid nicotine addicts, and other unconsciously motivated death-wishers and their covert agendas of "defeat the healer." Tobac co, the most damag ing <4 V2 ti mes more addi cti ve than heroin) and deadly substance of abuse known, disrupts normal cardiovascular function. True vegetarian diets are nussing several essential amino acids absolutely necessary for the successful rebuildine of AIDS~rava2edtissues. Secondary gains and hidden agendas (sympathy/martyrdom, work avo ida lice , free benefits, financial assistance, etc.) can play large roles with many AIDS patients, "Recovery guilt"as friends are dying has precipitated suicide attempts masked as "accidents," Avoid such entanglements, since many have unconscious death wishes ..

SUPiEIUOR ELEO'RODES: Excellent, convenient-and vastly superior electrodes, reusable indefinitely, can be usermade by butt-soldering connecting wires to ends of l-I/S" long by JJ32"dia. blanks cut from type 3i6 stainless steel rods available from welding supply stores (Cameron Wdding Supply, ]1061 Dale Ave., Stanton; CA 90680.) Use "Stay Clean" flux before soldering (zinc chleride/hydroehloric acid.) Shrink-insulate TWO tight telescoping layers of3/8" !ong shrink tubing over solderedjoinrs to prevent fiexing/breaking and lead/copper ions from migrating.

PREPARATION FOR US'E: Wrap three or four turns. of 100% cotton flannel around rods. Spiral-wrap with strong thread starting from wire side to end. Tightly pinch cloth over rod's end so as to leaveno metal exposed by wrapping 6 Of 7 turns of thread TIGHTLY just off end 0.[ rod, then spiral wrap back to start and tie with four knots then cut off excess cleth at end close to pinch-wraps. Treat end and blots with Fray Chetk® (fabric & sev.ring supply stores) to prevent raveling. Sa~U!1itl;; before each use In a solution of sea sOlilt {not table salt} Add a leW drops or CoUOldal Suver for disinfectant Store for reuse .. Tape soaking wet electrodes tightly over arterial pulse sites with paper masking, Transpore™ or Micropore® tape or make I" wide stretch elastic bands with tabs of Vi::1cto® at ends to fasten .. Electrodes should closely conform precisely al{}og blood vessels, not skewing ever so slightly over to adjacent flesh. This insures better electrical conductivity paths to circulating blood and insures very low skin impedance, (-20000) Rjnse and blot-drv electrodes and skin after each use. NEVER allow bare.metal to touch skin as this, will causebums manifested as small red craters (hat heal slowly. The objective is to getmaxunum current into blood vessels, not ~eak it over to adja:()ent tissue. Therefore never use any electrode with cotton cever wider than about liS inch,


Copyright © 1.999 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc,

Revised May. 1999

f.age 23 of 57

ELE TRODE, PLACEMJ:NTS: Locate blood vessel paths (NOT to be confused with acupuncture, Chapman or pressure points) on either wrist (Ulnar to Radial) or else wrist ~o forearm by feeling for maximum pulses. Scrub skin over chosen sites with mild soap and water, Position each electrode lengthwise precisely along same branch of Radial artery. A T' long, 1"' wide elastic stretch band with two 1-~{." length", of Y." wide Vclc.ro@ sewn to ends of opposite $idc.:; rnakcs an excellent wrist band for holding electrode snugly in place'. Place wet electrodes between ulnar and radial pulse points on opposite sides on inside of same wrist Then with electrode cable unplugged, tum switch ON and advance amplitude control to maximum. On original blood electrifier design, push momentary SW 2 "test" switch arrd see that the red and green light emitting diodes flash alternately. This verifies that polarity is reversing -4 times per second (frequency in NOT cnncat) and that banenes are IHl good. When LED's don't light, replace all three 9V alkaline batteries, When the white incandescent bulb dims or appears yellowish, or relay 'isn't clicking. replace all four AA cells. Zener diodes win extinguish LED's when the three 9V battery's initial 27V drops below -20V after extended use. Never use any electrode larger than 1-118" long by liS" wide to avoid dissipating current through surrounding tissue. Confine exactly over blood vessels. AppJy drops of sail water to each electrode's cotton cover as needed to keep cotton covers damp and insure optimum current flow. Later devices are solid-state, use only one battery and no relays, and are much sma lle •. Electrify blood 2: ~ollrs dai Iy for 4 weeks or longer as indicated. (See diagr-am on next page.)

SETTING VOLTAGE: Now rotate amplitude control to minimum (counter-clockwise) and plug in electrode cable. Advance dial slowly until feeiiID1g a "thumping" and tingling. Tum as high as tolerable but don't advance amplitude to where it is uncomfortable. Adjust voltage periodically when acclimating to comfort level after several minutes. It is normal to feel different sensations with time" You may notice little or no sensation at full amplitude immediately, bur feeling will begin building up to maximum after several minutes at which time amplitude must be. decreased .. Typical adapted electrode-to-electrode tissue impedance is 011 the order of 2000n. Typical comfortable input (to skin) is -3mA, and maximum tolerable input (full amplitude) is -7mA. However, this "reserve" margin although harmless is unnecessary and can be uncomfortable. Current flowing through blood is much lower than thisexfernaJ input because of series resistances through skin, tissue and blood vessel walls, but 50 to lOOp.A thsough blood is essential.

FREQUENCY OF USiE: Apply blood electrifier for about 1:\110 hours daily for at least 1 month. Use judgment here. The limiting factor is detoxification. Carefully monitor subject's reactions (discomfort, catarrh, skin eruptions, weeping exudtte , rashes, bOt Is, carbuncles, coated tongue, etc.) With very heavy infections, go slower so as not to ovenoac body's toxic disposal capability. Drinking ozone-bubbled water oxidizes wastes and speeds detoxification. With circulationimpaired diabetics; etc., you may wish to extend session time's. Again, have subjects drink lots of water. Recent changes in theoretical protocol being currently tested suggest continuing the protocol for several weeks. One health practitioner with extensive use of both the blood electrification and magnetic pulsing devices reported to Sharing Health From the Heart Inc, to suggest prolonged use to ensure the stronger pathogens hive been neutralized, He points out the danger of s.topping too soon if only the weaker pathogens have been dealt with. He has suggested building up ~ousi"g the blood electrification device [or 6 days continuously to neutral ize the longest lived pathogens. Remember to remoisten electrodes regularly, If you absolutely IIIWit ingest prescription drugs, do so immediately after turning off instrument and allow 24 hours before next treatment W let chemical concentratinns in hloflc1 pl~i<m.>'I rler'J'lY to lower 1p.11f"1~

Remember, if subjects ever feel sleepy, sluggish, listless, nauseous, faint, bloated or headachy, Or have flu-like reactions, they may be neglecting sufficient water intake for adequately flushing toxins, We interpret this as detoxification plus, endorphin release due to electrification. Let them rest and stabilize for -45 minutes before driving if indicated. 1f this detoxing becomes oppressive, treat every second day. Treatments are shown ro safely neutralize viruses, fungi, bacteria,

parasites and microbes in blood. 0

See US patents #5,188,738, 5,09 J ,152, 5, I, 3.9,.684, 5,328,451, 3,753,886, 4,524,07'9, 4,665,898 and others as well as numerous valid medical studies which are presently little known or suppressed.

SILVER COLLOID: Also, in[!;csting a few oz. of ~5 parts per million. silver colloid/silver ion solution daily can give subjects a "second intact immune system" and minimize or eliminate opportunistic infections during recovery phase, This miracle substance is pre-ffi'938 technology, and unlike ozone is considered immune from FDA harassment. Silver colloid can easily be made at home electrolytically in minutes and in any desired quantities and parts per million strength for under 1 ¢ per gallon plus cost of water.It is ridiculous. to 'purchase it for high prices. Unlike.silver proteins, metalliccolloid has no side effects, and ~s. known to rapidly eliminate or prevent huncliredF;; of dm.,eases. S~I"er colloids "Won't produce drug resistant strains as will all other known antibiotics. NO' reasonable amount can overdose or injure users either topically, by ingestions, 01" professional medical injection. Refer to page 25 for complete instructions on successfully making yOUI' own.

Copyright © 1.999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se,

Revised May, 1999

Page 24 of.57

Total Cancer Remissions through Blood Electrification combined with Silver Colloid Theories Offered for [n(ormation and Educatienal Purposes Only and are the Author's Opinions Copyright © 1996 Rebert C. Beck, D.Se. re Reissued May, 1998

Opilliomr; l!--,:pl"cssed in tTtis ardclc tit'¥.: based on the. IZu:il,or '5 fir-5t l.aIU} experienc« €Iud do uol ,ufce;u(II'ily reflect (1IoJ~e oftllis p,~b.li~tlli(},'I. [Originally p~blish.e:d in Esplore! Magazine]

My archives contain a tantalizing report from several decades ago describing an authenticated record of all older man who was struck by lightning. survived, and subsequently grew a third set of teeth and a bushy head of youthful new dark hair. His grossly metastasized, inoperable cancers vanished. He threw away his glasses and cane, and appeared much younger and was totally healthy for the first rime ever. This fascinated scientists and years later almost encouraged some highly illegal and bizarre hy:jI~JI experlmerus ill illI ilballdon.!O·u, aircrau hangar 111 Wendover, Utah where Testa toil research with ball lightning was underway. The incident generated wide speculation, bill few insights at the rime, This mystery 'remained sleeping until 1990 when an astounding discovery was reported at Albert Einstein college of Medscine in NYC by D~~, Kuuli D.nd Lyman. Not surprisingly, the revolutionary data were apparently immediately suppressed (Sec: Science News: MaT, 30. 199] pg. 207; and LOlIgt'l'ify: Dec, 1992 pg, l4,)

As a totally unexpected and unpredictable outcome of the writer's self-funded research into "blood electnucanmr wnn micro currents for .AIDS (currently showing excellent results), a growing nllmber of nsetspreviously unknown rc me began independently reporting "spontaneous remissions" of numerous ouser diseases i,u:lirdi"g cance«. Most involved no doctors, mcdicnrion, or tim.;; off. Recoveries occurred after .5ll.bjccL5 bad self-administered an altered do-it-yourself blood treatment process first described in S Patent #5,188,738 issued to Dr. Steven Kaali in "93. We were puzzled to find explanations. This preliminary report offers a possible theory. Magnetic pulsing ~II(,""~~ w;ih ,'~Jlnr"T ~re' independently provell lIgaill in 1984, and described in US Patent #4,665,898 plus many other patents dating back to 1890!

The, instein disclosure describes removing blood from one arm, electrifying it, and returning it to the other arm in a process ~uuil<ll Lv ..J!idlpi~. It ;thu !l1;':l)I,;,il1l::! l>ulgi'l,;<llIy iUlpli:lIllell acuve electrode chambers containing miniature batteries sewn inside blood vessels, This author's preferred approach. leaves all blood in the body, is totally non-invasive, costs practically nothing and is safely accomplished in about ill month wuh -two ]lOUIS per day eJo!:posure~ as one goes about his. normal activities. It bOlJncIJ]e~ pathogens while blood flows normally through tbe ~60cc volume of the electrified forearm's ulnar branch artery from wrist to elbow, Wilnout medications, invasive techniques or doctors, most pathogens, "iruses,m:icr-obes, parasites and fung] JUSt lend to disappear. Prearess can be readily observed in blood with dark-field and phase-contrast microscopy. The entire process and simple apparatus with parts list is fully described in my '91 paper reprinted in recent issues of Explore! (Vol, 7tll) and in this paper, Also simple instructions for self-made silver colloids of far better quality Hum you call usually buy are given in Vol, 7, #2 of Explore! also Explore More, Issue #15. Back iS~lIes: Box i 180, MI. Ver/;m,. WA 9J27l phone 360-424- t;02S. You caW} rum any glass of lap water into a 3 ppm ionic electrolytic colloid ill about two minutes anywhere with a shirt

pocket instrument by si.:mply running 27V (three 9V uansisror radio batteries) 'between, two short lengths of pure silver (never "Sterling"] wnes submerged in water. To, date many "spontaneous rcmissions'' of dozens of "incurable" illnesses including HIY have been reported by users and researchers of this "blood purification" When combined with ingestion of pennies-per-gallon instantly self-made ionic silver colloid plus magnetic pulsation and ozouized drinking water. Since none of dozens of fi'lef1(!S u5,lng mese apparern miracles has experienced infectioes, cold:S,flu, pneumonia. O~ los! 11 single day's productivity in over three Years, evidence strongly suggests restored immune. systems or dramaticallyimpnwed blood functioning. It is also fascinating to note that several pet owners I'Cport thc.ir cots nO'w refuse !Q' drink water if silver cotloid is 110t added, Trips to veterinarians with previously recurring infections were cut dramatically. It is as though the Creator had lefl a secret. "back door" method for mankind to finally conquer !he adversary . incurable diseases, plaguing us since the h"'einning ,..,f ti"."" Tn avoid legalities, these dal:!i are b~u..g offered under [mit amendment freedom of speech rights and should 110'1 be construed as medical advice.

It has long been known that dissections of cadavers dying of natural causes reveal many have had cancer several tanes during theu Iifctiruc u::;:'liIlli.tl~ iLl "~l'\.IlIld.!ICIJU~ 1!i:1l1i~~iulil~" ~t::llI;r a l1y without their knowledge il!nd without ever visiting a docsor, Art opumally functioning immane system somehow automatically "handles" diseases of which the subject seldom becomes aware. Several promising bread-spectrum natural immunological agents ILke interferon ~Dd, i..Il1crl~t1Y...i.n. are prcduced by he~l.thy immune systems, bUI would cost thousands for patietrts with already overloaded or "shut down" defenses althollgb many such neuropeptides could speed cures, Oiliel" respected researchers describe "pleomorphic' forms of cancer pathogens which evolve throuah several sraees=-even mycotoxin 1moiv,emenl-aii of which surrender [0 blood electrification. In spite of dozens of theories offered, most diseases disappear with these s.imple., rapid, inexpensive In-vivo do-it-yourselftools and witham drugs, heros, homeopathies, pharmaceuticals, diets, doctors, discomfort or any medical intervention, Users have nothing to buy except replacement batteries. For persons unable to self-assemble the simpk eJec:trmer (about [wo hours and -$$0), dozens of people are currently custom building (hem and several companies are providing excellent and reliable combination "plant growth stimulators" and colloid generators ready '10 use. Most retail ready-to-use from :b IJ~ to $:lUU. ~ut this beahh breakthrough is politically tncorrect and may never be FDA approved because of billions invested in treatment facilities, pharmaceuticals and in clinical diagnostic equipment which must be amortized even if obsolete. This discovery gives power over discsscs back. to th« indtvidual-s-sax economic disaster for the health cartels! The only dangers lie in 100 rapid detoxification avoidable by increasing ozonized water intake For

COpyr!glH \Q 1999 Roben C. Beck, D.Se.

page 15 ot' 57

Revised May, J 'j~N

fll.lsbjt:'Ugand oxidizing wastes (Herxheimer's syndrome), pl~:':i avoiding potentially toxic substances during blood electrifieation because of vasrly enhanced cell absorption due to electropcration, (See J.e. Weaver: Harvard-MIT in Jo.ul'tJnl of Cellula» Biodulmisny, 51 :426-435; 1993) All drugs,alcohol, tebaccc, pharmaceuticals, coffee, and porenii;llly toxic herbs and vitamins must therefore be discontinued for at least two days before starting and for the duration of blood electriflcation or magnetic pnlsing .. This mwimizes substances in your blood plasma which may become toxic at ...,lU'X their normat Ievels.

Electrification is now being successfully i.isedtmdetg!'QWi.d around the world. One Eastern MD claims numerous documented cancer cures by 1Jsi~g. only blood elecrrificatioa and 110 surgery, radietion, drugs or chemotherapy. M;my were COilS idered, terminal. We're even seeing cleanb 100 d tests 0 f now healthy patients with previously long-standing "rncI,Jnble" diseases.

One example-xcervicel cancer alonekills -V3 of , all victims I.n the third world, ",ncl has long been KnOWWl to be caused by the papilloma virus. Electrification 11i~S tbe potential to eliminate these toxic "fellow travelersvcoexisting in our blood and may handle Innumerable other diseases pre v iously considered "incurable." Ebola or other possibly geneticallyellgineered biolozical warfare "desisner" pla~es miW be unleashed sorneday per some theories of Gulf War SyruilI'ome diseases which are currently immune to all other known countenueasures. Blood electrification, colloids and ozone may he effective against these viruses as well.

The mo~1 reasonable theo.ry 01 wlty elcctcriJicolion. iG GO surprisingly effective for so many cenditions lies lotW!fl now proven fact that when correcttyapplied directly into blood (I.;o! inteosher body tissue like palms of hands, soles of feet,or organs) L~e process neatralizss all mierobes, pathogens, fungi, parasites. viruses, bacreria, mycotoxins lind coexisting foreign Life forms and alien Invaders and tI~elr byproduets. In my opinion, this should never be confused with Royal Rife, Hulda Clark or others' modalities, Effective results Me found to requ ire a in i flimum, of 27 V olrsrneasurable underload with low impedance output which must deliver up to several milliampeies measurable cuerent into skinto produce the required SO to 100 mi;cl'tJ-amperes ill[{:rnally through bided after the inevitable series resistance losses through vessel walls plus several layers of tissue. Electrical enrrents in blood can be measured with an ac micrcvolt meter by IR drop'LLsiog partially msulated nypocenmc needles inserted -tr mcnes apart into the same artery. Clark's "syncro-zep" running at her standard 30 kHz (consideredmarry octaves too hi gil to be effective) actually measures only -2.6V peak to peak under load (-2000 ohms) ai palms. Thesyacro-zapper's current is unmeasurable directly in bloodstream and physically C'~[illQl produce the essential 50' to 100 j,lA required illternally. Thismay only mask readouts of parasite pn:sence ra dionically > Unfortunately the live bugs remain undisturbed and art: still. thereand will still be observed in stool and microscopic blood diagnosis. To function at all, electrification requires con·on-cQv!?-re:d. ~alt water ~am:ra:t~d stainless steel electrodes never over 3/3.2;' wide and 1" long. Eleclropes must be carefully positioned directly over and precisely in line with specific arterial pulse points. This

maxinuzes current into blood by not diffusing it into surrounding tissue. Square or round TENS, EKG, IBEG. EMG, etc. elec~Qdeswork only marginally and should never be substituted. Preferred instrument pulse-repetition rate is -3:9 Hz biphasic with steep rise time and 50% duty cycle. Rate is not critical although much higher frequencies and certaiLlly higher harmonics of the essential square wave output are degrades ~'J "skin effect" where currents travel around the outside of body iastead of inremally. This is demonstrated! by lighting II bulb in one band. while wtlc.hi.cg 11 1 esla cou Wllh the otl:tel" and not gelling shocked.

Carefal electrification causes no kDQVtD. harmful side effects to healthy cells or tissue. A restored and unencumbered Immune system may make one almost immostall Blood electrified for several bcuas a day for three rnoaths were observed. to live for well over a month when sealed under COVet slips on microscope slides while the average life of'':!1:otmar' drawn blood is under 4" days. This strollgly suggests that even aging bodies may easily and rapidly be made impervious to many hostile, toxic, wlectiolfs, antibiotic-resistant mdeven yet undiscovered w.vadieJ'S. The sub§ect is barely scratched with miracles being reported regularly ra:ngi:ng; from dramatic welgh~ loss 10 restored hail', feature symmetry (!P'rot R, Thornhill, Univ: Of New Mexio;;o), etc., many of which were unexpected b!j[ that: J have persuually ·I;;~p;;:tk!l!;-=u I:J.I ub:::;!;:! "'1;:<1. DI"'!I~li~ wt:j~hl IU~{;Iu..ight be explained by elimination of parasites, some of which can force your appestat to use YOU.I body as a fat "feeding lot" for their own survivel. When the parasit.es are eliminated, the fat disappears. I personally lost ebout 145 rhos. after blood ~h~olrifieatiBn, I h:Id: I';trussloa to lo£;o;. w{ljght f'Q.r 1.0 ye.ar~ 3.J1d spent diousands for pills, shots, diets, and programs wbieh had never worked.

Like all revolutionary ideas, this incredible breakthrough barely survived initial ridicule and rejection because it is 100 startling, errecnve, tnexpeassve, simple a!ldfoolpmof 10 be generally believable, Massive resistance came from the population's ~85% harboring unconscious hidden agendas or "death wishes" of "defeat the healer" and who must protect their crutches and secondary gains, And) almost urri.verllally, [people simp,ly refuse to td[c rcspoG!:Jibilil:y for their own health. The)' think the "Doctor-Priesthood" should mow what's "best" flOr thew. So acceptance of blood e:lectrifi.catia<o is just now emerging to enthusiastic: acceptance from those who've actually experienced the results. Being preftt-motivated, the establishmem must' resist ;!nylhins likp. ~hi~ Rut w~llnW have ~,~~ "hundredth mntlle.~y." Skeptics have only to use tllilis technology to directly enjoy immensely bette!' hea.ltb. Take back !your power! This works' The writer is a researcher, not ill practitiener, I have llotbil1gfor sale. Please never try to contact me by phone or ietlel' or through third parties since it is a telony for me to diisc'!}ss well intended medical questions, J am a physiclsr, not a licensed

medical practitioner and these devices fMlIilever be FDA approved.

NOTE: Sharing HealthFrcm the Heart Inc. gathers feedback from mcl.ividl!al~ andhealth pracritioeers on the use of this device. To obtain a freenewsletter, call1-SOtl-224-0142 or 2 50~IH 41-0046.

Copyright © 1999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se.

Revised. May, 1.999

Page ze ofS7

Blood Electrification - Tbe Easy In-Vivo Way

Revision May 1998 Informational use only. Not intended as medical advice. Copyri ght © 1997/99' Robert C. Be,cik:

Several years. ofexperhnentatlen and. many reportsef successes have resulted in slmple, fast, proven ways to ~mp,lememt this most important step in s.elf-be'aling.

Electrify two fu!ou.rs daily for 3! mi.oimumoffour weeks,

1, Bui ld or purchase 11. ready=to+usc device, or pu~ fin.i3hing touches on Il. ncarly+cornp lctcd kit coating $89 Action Electronics, 130.0 E. Edinger, Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 547-5169.

2. Prepare and label a sea-san-in-water sclutioujor electrode wetting. Use l/.t teaspoon of sea saU in .iil2 ounce dronner bottle. Greater salt concentration can cause osmotic skin bums. irritation and rash, Add water and few drops ofcolloidal silver. Let salt dissolve. Filter through paper towel to clarifythis ssorable co nducti ve interface between cotton covered 'electrodes and skin. NEVER let bare metal electrode or any small area of metal touch skin directly. or it will bum. Use natural salt only, no~ table salt containing iodine for goiter and aluminum and silicates to insure easy pouring,

3. Forbestelectrical conductance scrub skinat electrode locations with soap and. water to eliminate skin oils, grime. dead skin cells, etc. Rinse and dry. Wi.th. fingertip rub a. drop of salt water into skin at each electrode site.

4. Referring to iliustrationa, carefully feel for pulses and trace a line about 1 inch long ,at each wrist site precisely on top and in line (parallel) with located blood paths. Pulses on Ulnar location opposite thumb are harder to feel. Never place electrodes over new lesions, cuts" abrasions, or sunburn. Muscle twitching In palm and fingers is normal and experienced occasionally.

5. Dip into bottle to saturate initially, Position wet electrodes notover ~3/32" wide 1-%'" :lol1g to wrist precisely over traced pulse paths, Slide each from forearm side underneath ,ill snug I" wide stretch elastic band with Velcro® retaining overlapped ends. One electrode positions on radial (thumb) side. the second on other (umar) mstce of same wrist. current is 'conn ned to blood in lower foreann. very li£1:1'e electrification is detectable elsewhere thus making it safer forheart-pscer users. The wrist electrode placements are more convenient and faster than any other positions.

6. Put larger units in pocket and run electrode cord down eleeveor strap the smaller electrifie.r-singie battery SOl A instrumenr=with stretch-band to forearm. Plug in electrodes, tum on ami advance slowly to comfortable Level. The SOTA unit is small.convenient, unobtrusive. and. uses one instead of three 9V batteries. Neitherinterferes with normal activities. (SOTAEnstrumefilts Inc. 1-800--224-0242.)

7. Re-adjust power eecceionally to maximum. eemfertable levcl. You eun now even sleep with it on Without fear, When the treatment (about two hours per session daily for a month or more but only after detoxifying) is done, tum it off and put It aside unti I. tomorrow; When red and green LED's flash alternatelywah electrodes unplugged you know it's working properly. Bloodcleansing can be speeded with heat. Example: wrapping forearm with electrodes in heatina pad set to high.

8. Keep electrodes wet by re-moistening with drops ofsalt water occasionally using eye dropper. When finished, rinse wrists. Wash electrodes periodically with soap. water and soft toothbrush to eliminate skin oils and soil Soaking overnight will dissolve caked salt Discoloration at ends is nonna~. When frayed er worn. discard old covers and re-wrap stainless rods with 3 turns of! 00% cotton flannel, Wrap tightly with ,OJ; few turns of thread to end, spiral hack to beginning and tie, Electrodes should last for months, hut wire leads break and must be replaced eventually.

Copyngln © 1999 Robert C. Beck, D.Se,

Revised May, 1999

Page 27 of 57

Preferred electrifiers must generate a 3.9 Hz (no( critical) biphasic sharp~rise~time square wave; ± 27V peak adjuetahle output, 50% duty cycle, capable of delivering several milliafilpe!tGs info a lowresissance load at skin surface (± 20000 impedance) whichafter IOS8:es in tissue resistance delivers the necessary 50 to 100 microamperes through flowing blood.

In the laboratorv, this S!lPpressed medic.a~ discoveryprovedl~o neatralize or elirninateall parasites and their mycotoxins, fungi, viroses, microbes, &com1S, j:Nlmhogens,. bacteria, or any othes foreign invaders in blood without drugs. This device is proving effective for many people when applied in-vivo. There are no. known side effects. to healthy 'ceUs, tissue, or fluids. Elimination ofaloodpathogons can be verified byexamining bloodunder dark field/phase contrast microscopy ..


Badly debilitated patients such !'IS full-blown AIDS victims should begin at lesstban20 minutes every second day and flush by drinking lots, of pure water, preferruhly czonized because their systems win go into rapid detoxification causing physical problems called Herxheimer's syndrome.

Users taking ANY medications, potentially toxic herbs or vitamins and garlic should minimize such presence in blood for at least two days before startina and avoid irritants including coffee, tea, aleoho], tobacco, recreational drugs.etc., during the several weeks of recovery. "Electroporation' is, shown to increase dosage levels up t(l 20X of&nyiliing drunk, shot, or ingested thus causing problems, This documeared by J..C. Weaver, HarvardMIT Jr. Cellular Biodu~1Mistry! 51: 42,6-435; 1993. Patients needing essential medications should: take them immediately ,after turning. offelectrifieation and wait 24 hours before next blood cleansing. This lets their residues, decay to. minimum levels in plasma before re-elecmfying ..

If detoxing becomes disWrbing~ proceed even more slowly. Symptoms mayinclude fever, giddiness, dizziness, headaches" light-beaded, vagueness, nausea, skin rashes; eruptions, itching) boils, coughing, kidney and liver

~ ~

d:iGQomfort, aches, gene'ta~ malaise, in£1attlUnatio:ns; ftequ.~nt urination, and sluggishness .. Use caution whgn

detoxing pan ems with impaired liver or kidney functien, But remember it's far better to force wastes out of your system th.iIlD leaving them stored where they may have been biding for years.

Treat slowlv if initial discomfort occurs. Electrification will pifofoundly arllisct your health and provoke yarn deepest mind-sets such as everyone's unconscim.is conflicting death wishes. This generally caused noticeable anxiety and depression.

Copyrigl1t © 1999 Rober! C. iEleck, use.

Revised May., 1999

rage 28 of 57

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