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Ayurvedic asthma cure

An oriental concept fused with modern western medicine has never look this good
and mystical. However, to fully understand this, we must establish first the
definition of asthma. Asthma is a physiological disorder related to allergic reactions
and stress that causes the bronchioles necessary for oxygen to constrict. This
process therefore triggers an asthma attack. It decreases the patient’s oxygen
capacity as it cuts off oxygen supply at the same time. This lead to feeling of
drowning which eventually be compensated by grasping for air, hyperventilation
and struggled breathing. The danger in asthma is that it can severely decrease the
oxygen level of the patient until it is low enough to be incompatible with life. This
can be commonly corrected with a brown bag, a broncho dilator inhalant or
medicine, anti histamine, and or relaxation techniques. If treatment is not working,
the patient can go in to status asthmaticus that is highly fatal if left without medical

The aim of ayurvedic asthma cure is to use the concept of ayurveda(Indian science)
along with modern treatments to improve and eventually cure asthma. The
objective is to get the mind and the body in harmony. It trains you to reside on the
point of equilibrium. Ayurveda believes that a well-balanced self is beneficial to
one’s health. The integration of the mind, spirit, and body anchored to the universal
oneness and harmony restores tranquillity and composure to the mind therefore
reducing the risk of asthma attacks.

Basically, ayurveda strongly believes that asthma is related to the physiological and
psychological aspects of a person termed prakriti together with its life force or
energy termed as doshas. Asthma has also has elemental types. The khapa (water)
dosha asthma is the kind of attack that causes the patient to secrete and excrete a
lot of fluid that can potentially fill the lungs up. The pitta (fire) dosha asthma is
associated to yellowish phlegm and fever. The vata (earth) dosha asthma is related
to dryness and constipation. All these cases are believed to have a corresponding
treatment in ayurveda. Some of the herbal remedies in ayurveda are the piper
lungum, adhatoda vasica, typholaria asthmatica and terminalia cherbula.

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