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Tips To Be Organized

Getting things organized on

time is the key to minimize your stress. If you are the kind of a person who
keeps things pending for the last minute and then end up in a mess, then
perhaps it is the right time to gear up and get things organized to avoid
those last minute scrambling. It can be often challenging to get things
organized if you are doing that for the first time. However, if you are ready
to take some extra efforts, you can help reduce your stress level to a great
extent. But, what is actually meant by getting organized and from where to
start are the two obvious questions that come to mind when it comes to
getting organized. If you too are contemplating on where to get started and
to become more organized in day to day life then here are some tips to
help you get started.

Getting Organized

Time Management
Are you always in hurry and rushing for your daily chores? Do you find
yourself in a mess and do you find it difficult to remember things? If yes,
then perhaps you need to organize your time more efficiently. Maintain a
To Do list and schedule all your appointments in a notebook. Stick to only
one notebook instead on using multiple calendars to schedule your
appointments. Check the notebook regularly so that you don’t miss any
appointments. This way you can avoid overtaxing your brain with
preoccupying thoughts. Do not overbook yourself with tasks, find some
time for relaxation too. Catch up with friends and spend time with families
so that you don’t overstress yourself.

Organizing Home
Do you live in a cluttered home filled with unnecessary things? Does
cleaning home sound a herculean task to you? A cluttered home can drain
both your time and finances. A nicely organized home not only creates an
abode of peace, but also impresses your guests. If you too want your home
to look simple and organized, why wait for the springs? Any time is the right
time to create a soothing, simple, and organized home to return to. If you
are living in a messy home, set a schedule for your home cleaning agenda.
Hire help if required. If you have the money to invest, call a gardener, a
decorator, or a professional organizer to get things in order. This will also
help you save a lot of time so that you can do some productive work. Make
cleaning a fun activity so that you don’t get bored and give up the task.
Include your kids and other family members to help you in the job. Take a
break at intervals, sit back, and relax. Making things in order is great but
maintaining things in place are difficult. Take necessary steps so that your
cleaning doesn’t go in vain.

Getting Workplace Organized

Is your work desk always filled with clutters and old stationeries? If yes,
then try getting your workplace more organized. Check your pen holder and
get rid of old pens that do not write any more. Don’t feel bad to throw out
unnecessary items. The more you dispose out clutters, the more organized
will be your workplace. Organize your desk drawers and make room for
subtle items. If you don’t have a drawer, use the place below your monitor
to give home to your calculator, PDA, wallet, keys, phones, etc. Organize
your files and folders and label them appropriately so than you don’t have
to hunt for them. Do you grab an envelope to scribble telephone numbers
and addresses and then couldn’t find them when needed? Rather maintain
a notebook for this purpose so that you don’t have difficulty finding them

Psychosocial Stages
Of Development

It is quite fascinating to grasp and understand how a person grows into an

individual with a set of responsibilities from infancy to adulthood. This
developmental process in a human being is explained and defined by many
psychoanalysts and social scientists. One such definition comes from a
Danish-German-American developmental psychologist Erik Erikson.
Erikson is famous for his theory on the stages of psychosocial development
in a person. Erikson’s theory holds and explains eight stages of
development through which an individual passes, namely from infancy to
late adulthood. These stages defined by Erikson throw new challenges for
an individual which he/she hopefully masters towards the next stage of
development. Each stage depends on the successful completion of the
previous stages, and if a person fails to master a particular stage, then
he/she might experience problems in later stages. Let us discuss in detail
Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development here in the sections to
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Of Development
Basic Trust Vs Mistrust
This is the stage which starts with the birth of the child when he/she has no
knowledge of the world and is completely dependent on his/her parents,
especially the mother. The parents become the basis of their existence and
it is the type of environment they are brought up in, which influence their
behaviour later in life. This is a stage where the child develops the value of
hope and learns to love and trust people because of the loving and caring
environment the child receives. This stage lasts till two years of age.
Autonomy Vs Shame And Doubt
The second stage in the psychosocial development of a person is when the
dependent infant grows up into a toddler. This is the time when the child
learns to move around freely, and with this freedom of movement he/she
explores the things around them, make choices of food, toys, games etc. If
the parents grant this freedom to their child and encourage their child’s
independence, then the child will grow up to become a competent person.
However, if parents become overprotective and keep a check on all the
movements of the child, then the child will lack in confidence and
competence to take risks in life.
Initiative Vs Guilt
This stage begins when a child turns 3 yrs of age and continues till the age
of 5. This is the first social experience of the child where they attend pre-
school and make friends, interact with them, and explore his/her power and
control over peers while playing. This is the time when the child should be
encouraged to socialize and stay in the social environment so that they can
develop a sense of purpose to achieve something. This stage also
develops the leadership quality in the kid, who if discouraged will lack these
qualities and will find it guilty to take initiatives.
Industry Vs Inferiority
The fourth stage of development starts from 5 yrs of age and continues till
the child is 13. This is the stage where children start attending school,
experiences a greater degree of independence, start understanding and
differentiating between people and cultures, learn reading, writing and
presenting amidst other skills which they try to master. Children should get
full support in this stage not only from their parents, but from their teachers
also. They should be encouraged to participate, learn and take failures in a
positive way and not get demotivated by them. If the kids don’t get enough
support and guidance in this stage, it will affect their growth in later stages
of development.
Identity Vs Role Confusion
This is the stage of adolescence and is the most crucial stage among all
the stages of development. This is a stage where teenagers are confused
because they are expected to act neither like kids nor like adults. This is a
stage when the teenagers need to cope with his/her physical changes and
understand gender roles. The teenagers in this stage try and develop their
individuality in relationships, society, careers etc. They develop a sense of
faithfulness and start attaching importance to relationships, especially
friendship. The parents in this stage needs to be very careful in handling
the behavioural changes of the growing teenagers for them to grow into
confident and responsible individuals.
Intimacy Vs Isolation
This stage encompasses people between the age group of 20-40. This is
the stage where a person becomes an adult, has his/her own identity and is
ready to share their sense of identity with others by forming intimate
relationships based on love and commitment. The environment in the
previous stages has a great role to play in judging a person’s behaviour in
this stage. A person who is scared of commitment and intimacy will stay
isolated and depressed.
Generativity Vs Stagnation
This stage is totally dependent on the success of the other stages of
development. This is the stage when the person is in the middle of
adulthood and has his/her set career and family. This is the stage where a
person learns to care for others and give back to the society what he/she
has received from it. If people fail to achieve this sense of care, they get
stagnated and experience a life without any meaning to it.
Ego Integrity Vs Despair
This is the last stage in the stages of psychosocial development where a
person’s ego identity is fully developed. This is a stage where a person
reflects back on his/her life and analyzes the achievements and failures. If
a person has achieved success in all the earlier stages he/she develops a
sense of integrity and wisdom. However, if a person has experienced
failures then he/she develops a sense of despair for his/her life.
How To Be Happy

The world’s most popular scientist Albert Einstein once wisely confessed- “I
lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life
stimulates the creative mind” Who wouldn’t want to follow the footstep of
the genius that discovered the Theory of Relativity? No doubt, living alone
is no sane person’s fantasy. Most of us can barely survive an hour without
a cell phone; let alone live a week in solitary confinement. However, a
select few would leap out in joy at the mere prospect of solitude while some
just have no choice. While some people choose loneliness, others
desperately try to fill the void. A Marriage annulment, death of a partner
and isolated job transfers are typical case scenarios that exemplify the birth
of loneliness. Silence impregnates their surroundings and threatens to
slaughter all scope for joy. Of course, the absence of a separate human
entity can land a devastating effect on a lonely soul. Not everybody is
Einstein. And for those that aren’t, certainly yearn for the warmth of a
human being. Nevertheless, it is foolish to think that finding happiness
alone is impossible. There are countless remedies to combating loneliness.
In fact, by the time you arrive at the bottom of this page you might find
yourself whispering- “Every Cloud has a silver lining”.
Ways To Be Happy Alone
Get a Hobby
Wonder why Einstein loved his solitude? The only logical justification would
the fact that he occupied himself with all those creatively stimulating
experiments. So why don’t you drown your entire state of mind into a
hobby? Take advantage of your solitude to be productive. Learn an
Instrument and form a garage band. Master the art of pottery or photoshop.
Fly a kite. Pick a paintbrush and paint the world! The clock will tick its way
to the next week and you may not even feel the pinch of loneliness. You
will soon encounter your new companion that fails to blabber like a fool.
Change Is Good
Obama said it and was soon after crowned the president of United States.
Accept the change that is your state of aloneness and bask in the novelty
of it. Experience the inexperienced as you are now privileged with the
liberty whatever your heart desires. No external factors to dissuade you.
Explore deep into the confines of your body, mind and soul. Re-discover
the real you! You never know where you really belong.
Join A Community
It could be a book club, a social service community, yoga classes or a
trekking camp. Absorb yourself in new tasks and get accustomed to news
ways of living. Browse the internet or scan the yellow pages and you will
stumble upon a group activity that inexorably will grab your attention.
Register yourself and get to know more people. Joining a gym would
benefit your health, your social life and more importantly, relinquish all
thoughts of discontentment. Volunteer your time to those less fortunate
than yourself.
Get A Pet
Do you miss the comfort of having your sibling or roommates breathing
heavily before you fall into a slumber? Find solace in the warmth and
compassion provided a fuzzy little dog, cat or rabbit! Irrespective of the
breed or size, even a goldfish encircling a tiny circular bowl vanquishes the
gloom triggered by lack of companionship. So, if you can’t cope with
loneliness, consider buying or adopting a pet of your choice. You know you
will always have somebody to welcome you home!
Be Physically Active
Learn to be happy and comfortable with your solitude. Now you certainly
aren’t bound by family or social obligations. Take long silent walks along
the beach or jog around the neighborhood. Exercise in your spare time
and release the endorphins that reward you with bouts of ecstasy. Dance
or sing to any background music. Allow the music to reverberate within you.

Communication Skills

You may have the most impressive line-up of degrees and may boast of
refined skills, but if you do not have the right interpersonal skills to
complement your credentials, you are pretty much a lost case. Whether
you are brimming with energy for an important presentation, chairing a
conference or simply running for a plum job offer, you cannot expect to get
ahead without good people skills. Remember, people can act difficult and
can cold shoulder your views and opinion. Nevertheless, if you know the art
to convey your message clearly, then even the toughest opposition can
become a pushover for you. Strong interpersonal communication skills are
a necessary tool to evade workplace conflicts and even stub away personal
miscommunications. The key objective is to interact with others in a
positive way and ultimately get them to know you better and appreciate
you. Remember, nobody fancies an aggressive, loud, rude and snob
person. In case you do not have the required interpersonal skills, you better
buck up to make the most of your abilities. Read on to know more on
effective interpersonal communication skills.

Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills

Listen Up!
You may have a million-dollar look and mouth a million worth words, but if
you do not have ears for your audience, then your soft skills are pretty
much a bummer. Remember, effective communication begins with effective
listening and one of the best ways to make the most of it is to belt up and
listen. Listening is deemed as one of the crucial parameters of all
interpersonal dealings. Not only does it leave you with a fair idea of others’
feelings, views, opinions and ideas, it also encourages others to revert to
you with concentrated attention and zeal.

Get A Grip!
You may possess the daintiest of demeanors and may be the suavest of
talkers, but if you cannot connect to your audience and appreciate their
views, you are definitely on the losing end. One of the most endearing traits
of successful interpersonal skills is deference. If you cannot respect others
and make them feel comfortable, you will be deemed as a schmuck who
blows out lots of smoke. The cue is to pay attention to people and make
them feel worthy.

Mind Your Body Language!

Your body blurts out oodles about you, so you better mind what it says!
Body language is one of the crucial parameters of non-verbal
communication and an effective instrument of interpersonal
communication. Imagine being turned off a job or a deal just because your
body language did not respond convincingly or worse did not back your
words! So, you better buck up your tone, posture and gesture to convey the
right message.

Be On The Ball
Handing criticisms is an impressive quality, but can be easier said than
done! It is easy to bump into people with different opinions and ideas. But,
that doesn’t really have to bog you down. Remember, criticisms can be
constructive too. Just take criticisms with a pinch of salt. Who knows it may
be aimed at your betterment! The mantra is to adapt to the situation and
learn to toy the dynamics of the conversation. Also, while handing out
criticisms, make sure you do it tactfully, without offending anybody’s
sentiments. In all cases, stay calm and preserve your dignity.

Stop Being A Pushover

While it is good to be perceived as a nice guy, understand that being
treated like a pushover at the expense of your career, confidence and
interpersonal relationships is not worth it! Stop being a walkover and assert
your worth by learning to say ‘no’ and expressing yourself ardently.
Remember, you may have the skills and abilities, but if you cannot stitch a
few words to assert your worth and make yourself appear valuable, then
your deeds and feats are useless. Asserting is a sign of the winner! So, roll
your tongue and speak out your worth.

How To Improve

How often have you romanced the idea of losing your paunch without
having to toil hours on the treadmill or guzzling gallons of carrot juice?
Nothing underlines an unwanted paunch like a sloppy stance. Do away with
that spare tire and flaunt a more silhouetted figure, just by holding your
body in the right posture. You will be amazed to see what a slimming effect
a tall, erect posture can have on you. Now, right posture doesn’t have to
mean that you carry a poker-straight body every time, everywhere.
Remember, you aren’t vying for a robot-like body! So, dump the myth and
work towards a more perfectly coordinated posture. When you let your
body sag, you put undue strain on your spine that not only escalates your
chronic back pain, but also causes your body to stoop over time. The right
posture will not only leave you feeling fit, but you would also get high on
confidence. So, in case you are putting in all that extra effort to eat right
and exercise right, you might just as well put in some effort to stand, sit and
walk right. Here are some ways on how to improve your posture. Take a
heed and get trotting!
Improving Posture
• How often have you slouched in your couch and pinned about your
flagging gait? Correct posture is something that doesn’t come easy
to most of us and it definitely deserves an all-out effort to stop one
from slumping, when expected to stand tall. However, the simple
balloon trick can elevate your posture, if not get you flying! All you
have to do is stand straight and imagine a balloon tied to your head,
trying to heave you upwards. Thinking so will get you posing upright
naturally, without unnecessarily stressing your spine. Try this little
mind trick every day to do away with the hunch and sport a fitter you!
• Do you remember being snubbed by your mom, your nanny and
even your teacher for bending over your desk when expected to sit
erect. While you inadvertently filed away the flak then, you definitely
regret now about not having taken a stand then. Nonetheless, it is
never too late to work towards a healthy body. Strenuous hours on
your chair can get the better of your spine and get it slouching. If you
are caught in a desk job, there is indeed no escape from lot of
slumping around. Kick the bad habit and dump the chair and get
moving. Walking once in every thirty minutes will save your muscles
from tiring out and also save you from the hump later on in life!
• Doesn’t matter if you are hanging out with your friends in the club or
reclining in your office cafeteria - always ensure that your posture is
correct! It’s important for your body to stand in perfect alignment.
Always hold your ears, shoulders and hips in complete
coordination.Standing straight doesn’t have to mean that you tense
up your back, heave your chest and draw your head back to the
chest, which is wrong. All you need to do is to make sure that your
ears are aligned with your shoulders and you are done.
• The way you sit often makes a difference on the way you stand and
how you carry yourself. While it is easy to sit erect, getting the right
lumbar support can make a big difference. Ensure that your chair’s
backrest has a natural curve that fits into the hollow of your back.
When seated, always make sure that your spine is in sync with the
backrest. Always rest the soles of your feet flat on the floor while
• This one is especially for the high-heeled ladies out there! Heels are
indeed the worse affliction women can subject themselves too.
Heels tend to non-align the body posture and alter body’s center of
gravity. If you are a heel freak and can’t do without your high-heeled
footwear, it’s suggested that you settle for a more modest kitten
heels than perch yourself on the stilettos.
• Last but not the least, when you bend to lift anything, don’t crouch or
bend from your waist. Just bend your knees, if you have to bend at
all. The cue is to never bend your spine. The more you flex your
spine, the more likely you are to be left with a curve posture.
• Importance Of

• Confidence is to life, what testosterone is to a man, if not more. Life
without confidence is like a racing car, running on a 100 cc engine.
In true sense, dearth of self-belief can take away all the fun in the
roller-coaster ride named life. You will never be able to touch the
high points of life, if you are unable to find the self-reliance required
for it. Confidence is something that is inculcated in you through
your own efforts and unlike physical strength cannot be attained by
brutish training. Confidence is related to your mental well-being and
determines the actual course taken by your life.

• Imagine a situation wherein you are supposed to hit the court to
play an important basketball game and just when you are dressing
for the impending match, someone tells you that your shooting
hasn’t been too good recently? Though confident players would just
ignore such a comment and move on, those who are low on
confidence will be affected badly and their game will deteriorate
further. The common conditions like stage-fright and nervousness
also occur due to the lack of confidence. Not only in scholastic or
professional life, but in personal life too, people who are low on
confidence are seen to falter in future. In the following lines, we
have provided detailed information about the significance of self
confidence in the various stages of life.

• Significance Of Self Confidence In Life

• Role Of Confidence During Education
• In school and college life, confidence helps us in going ahead and
choosing the subjects and sports that we prefer, instead of leaving
us on the mercy of our own grades or teachers. Sometimes we are
afraid of picking up something, in which we are not good enough. In
such situations we need confidence to do things we are not
accustomed to and improve in them. Confidence helps us in
choosing what we want and not the least that we are eligible for.
This is vital for enabling us to learn new things and becoming better
at known things. Achieving pleasing results for newer things gives
us a new high, further increasing our confidence levels. Confidence
is also vital for coming out victorious during crucial times such as

• Role Of Confidence In Professional Life
• In professional life, confidence is the key to success. Right from
getting selected for a better job to winning the coveted promotion,
confidence is your ticket to success. Important decisions regarding
your career at a crucial phase can only be made if you have
confidence in your self. Self confidence becomes more important
for people who are self employed, run businesses and corporate
houses as each decision of theirs affects multiple people and
enterprises. Lack of confidence will lead to missed opportunities,
remorse and even wrong decisions taken out of misguidance.

• Significance Of Confidence
• In personal life, confidence plays the role of a leader, friend, partner
and protector. Right from your first baseball game to your marriage,
everything depends on the amount of confidence you instill in
yourself. A lot of young people suffer emotional stress and mental
disorders due to the lack of self believe and eventually get
detached from their surroundings. Remember, life is going to throw
new challenges towards you at every turn and corner. If you lack
confidence, you are bound to break and fall apart. Leading a
successful life is a bigger challenge in today’s world than ever
before. Confidence is like that steel back bone, which keeps you
standing through all the whirlwinds in life.

• Confidence is the growth hormone for an
individual’s personality development. Without confidence, a
person’s growth in his life; personal, professional and social
remains stunted. If you wish to become a pioneer of sorts by
leading your field of work, then confidence is the first weapon you
need to have in your repertoire. Keep in mind that confidence can
be yours, if you leave fear. Just stop worrying about failure and
work towards you goals. Believing in yourself can be the key to
success. Remember, winners do not do anything different from you,
they just do the same things you do but in a different fashion. In
simple words, you can say that they do the same things with

How to Stay

Have you people seen the film “Jerry McGuire”? If you have, you surely
vividly remember the scene where Jerry talks to Rod Tidwell and says “I
will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe,
playing a Sega game featuring you, while singing your own song in a new
commercial starring you, broadcast during the Super bowl, in a game that
you are winning, and I will not sleep until that happens. “ Jerry aka Tom
Cruise manages to stay afloat through all his miseries and finally secures
Rod, his only client, a contract worth $11.2 million! This is nothing but
motivation. Whether you wish to be famous or rich, staying motivated all
through is all that is required to achieve success. When a reporter asked
Arnold Schwarzenegger how he managed to top the charts in bodybuilding,
can you guess what he replied? “Drive” was the word. This single word can
help you overcome insurmountable obstacles and garner your life just the
way you want. This article gives an insight as to how can you stay
motivated and benefit your life by achieving long cherished goals.

Staying Motivated
• Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Quite often we jump down to conclusions thinking that our neighbors
are doing better than us, leading a far more decent life, working in a
better office, getting more perks and the chain of thoughts in never-
ending. A chartered accountant thinks that the job of
a financial analyst is better while a school teacher might think that a
job of a researcher is more fulfilling. But how can you be so sure of
the fact? You have chosen your own career path and every form of
work is pious and satisfying if you believe so. If you continue to think
the other way, it will do you no good but sink you in grave
depression. Shed your instincts to keep comparing and instead work
with diligence, conviction and stability and you are sure to gain
• To surrender is the last thing that should strike your mind. If you
become such a weakling and plan to give up easily without striving
hard and giving your best shot to achieve what you want, you have
not lived your life fully and in turn cheating yourself and the one who
has created you. Have enough strength to hit back to the
challenges. Do not succumb to them and keep in mind that nothing
in this world is impossible to achieve. It is just that the seemingly
impossible tasks take a bit more time than the rest. Put in your heart
and soul into the task or a situation and stay firm and undeterred till
your last breath. Keep repeating to yourself that no one else but you
can do it. And once this thought triggers your subconscious, there
would be magic.
• Ignite the competitive streak within you. Do not sidetrack yourself as
a loser who is fond of giving up. In order to gain things in life and
March forward instead of sliding back, you need to have a healthy
competitive vibe. And how exactly do you stimulate yourself for this?
Find someone worthy in your class or office to compete with.
Constantly gear up yourself and see what your competitor’s weak
and strong points are. Mould yourself accordingly; negating your
own weakness and stay optimistic that you would surely win at the
end. After all, while competing with someone, you surely don’t want
to experience the humiliation of defeat.
• Always have an inspiration in life. It is not necessary that your idol should be
world figures specifically. Even someone as close as your mother can be your
inspiration. Also, remember that your dreams are not yours alone. Your close
ones are counting on you and every crucial step you take in life matters to them
as well. For instance, by considering your children to be your inspiration, you
would always have this thing throbbing in your mind that whatever you do, you
are liable to your children back home. This thought would prevent you from
taking any wrong step in life and you would stick to the path carved out for your
own well-being

Importance Of Time
Benjamin Franklin rightly said
"Dost thou love life? Then do
not squander time - for it is the
stuff life is made out of". How often do we sit back and ponder upon the
importance of time in our life? Though we all are acquainted with the oft
repeated affirmations such as “time and tide wait for none”, do we actually
understand the coded meaning of it? It is ultimately a choice we make for
ourselves. Whether we want to effectively utilize time or lead a haywire life
without purpose, it all depends on our time management skills. Time
management is a compact set of established principles, skills, practices
and tools which when rightfully applied can help you utilize your precious
time and accomplish what you want. Time is a scarce and finite resource
and the very foundation of proper time management begins with setting up
your personal goal and developing your priorities. Quite often, we take time
for granted and indulge in activities which are simply nothing, but a serious
waste of time. Like a ticking clock, we should keep moving, involving
ourselves in learning new things every minute. Just like each minute
contributes to an hour and each hour combine to form an entire day, each
small task that you do without wasting time counts in achieving your long
term bigger goal in life. This article deals with the importance of time
management in our day-to-day living and framing our overall personality.

Importance Of Time Management

• You should keep reminding yourself that time is limited. It is a
special resource which cannot be stored and saved for later usage.
Every man on earth gets the same amount of time each day and
how each person utilizes this given time determines his or her
eventual success. If you don’t utilize your time wisely, you can never
get it back again. It is something which cannot be replenished again.
• Time is scarce and you must have had a feeling like there is so
much left to do, but very little or no time left to do it. Almost always,
we go on to blame our unachieved goals, unpleasant relationships,
poor finances and even our inability to get enough exercise to the
lack of time. However, time management can help you utilize your
time in a better way so that all your tasks of primary, secondary and
tertiary importance can be accomplished within a specific limit.
• No matter what you want in life, you need time to get it. Anything
worthwhile in life needs time to be achieved. If one sits and waits for
the right time to achieve his set goal or waits for some free time to
get his work done, he has lost the game already. With a limited time
span of 24 hours in each day, time management is all about
managing your activities in relation to time and ultimately achieving
what you want at the end. You need to learn to utilize time in a way
so that you find enough time for things that are important to you.
• Once you begin to use the improved time management skills and
tools, you end up accomplishing more with less effort. Now that you
know that time management is in a way a type of self management,
you hone yourself in such a way so as to reduce the amount of time
you usually wasted. This leaves you with more productive time
throughout the day which you can utilize in some other task. This not
only allows you to indulge in a wide range of activities, but makes
your life a balanced one.
• In today’s world, you can spend time in a multiple possible ways. In
order to attain success, an intelligent planning on how to utilize the
given time needs to be done. Since you have a finite amount of time,
it is advisable to choose activities that are of the highest priority to
you first. Time management helps you by making conscious choices
so that you can spend quality time doing important things that in turn
add value to your life

Inferiority Complex

“Gosh, he is so intelligent and successful!” “She is so attractive!” “Why am I

not like them?” “I’m not that good enough”. Do these questions keep
haunting you within? Are you always dissatisfied and constantly blaming
yourself? You probably have an inferiority complex. While all of us have
physical defects, mental limitations and social differences, these things
embarrass few of us more than others. The best would be to get rid of
inferiority complex as soon as possible, as it can otherwise lead
to depression, or a sad and unfulfilled life. While most of us do comprehend
the underlying problem of why we are always dissatisfied with ourselves,
few of us do not even realize that we have an inferiority complex that
should be treated, before it amplifies. Given here are some symptoms that
can help you identify whether or not you are a victim of inferiority complex.
Read on.

Different Signs Of Inferiority Complex

Love to Hear Compliments

You always want others to compliment you for even the smallest of the
achievements like how you look, how you worked on that article, what you
have or what great work you have done. You are so desperate to hear that
even if you do not get any comments, you start pouring in questions in
order to receive compliments, such as “Do you think I did great?” or “Do I
look good tonight?”

Avoiding Compliments
While some people love to get complimented, some prefer to refrain from
receiving any accolades. Even if you have done well, you do not want to be
complimented or appreciated simply because you feel the comments aren’t
from the heart. Rather, it is just a way to make you feel better. You feel that
the positive comments are not justified, since you are not worth getting

The Universe is the Cause

Any mistake or failure committed on your part is simply put on various
external factors, such as poor luck, bad company, the environment in
general, and so on. If you are not able to accept your mistake and hold the
universe responsible for it, you are definitely suffering from inferiority

Lack of Sportsmanship
Competitions where you are required to test your abilities against the
others are always kept at bay. If you lose competitions, you feel you are not
good enough to compete with anyone. You do not take any step towards
achieving success. On rare occasions, when you take in that step, chances
are that you discourage yourself saying that you can never achieve it even
in your wildest dreams.

Finding Faults
As you cannot keep yourself happy, you cannot accept others feeling
happy as well. As such, you are constantly finding ways to point out their
imperfections and making them feel bad about themselves. This is known
as crab mentality, where we pull others down as well. In case you are one
of such people, know for sure that you can never feel confident and
superior, unless you stop competing with others.

Avoiding The World

People with inferiority complex often avoid social gatherings, meetings,
debates and forums. Rather, they prefer to stay back alone keeping the
world unknown about their flaws. The feeling that they are not smart and as
interesting as others pulls them to a corner unnoticed by anyone. All efforts
trying to make this person speak fail, since they think they will make a
laughing stock out of themselves.

How To Boost Self


Self esteem is based on how much a person feels valued and appreciated.
We all mentally construct a self image based on our abilities,
achievements, looks, interaction with people and our experience. This self
image contributes to our self esteem. Agree or disagree, all of us have
been a victim of low self esteem at some point or another in our life. Low
self esteem can affect the way we perceive ourselves and the world around
us. Read the article to know how you can give a boost to your self esteem
and live your life to the fullest.

Boosting Self Esteem

Groom Yourself
As clichéd as it may sound, there is no denying the fact that looking good
definitely does make you feel good. Dress up with extra care and make an
effort to look nice. A good reflection in the mirror will always make you feel
good about yourself. However, be sure not to attach too much importance
to your external appearance. Attributes like confidence, warmth and social
skills are far more influential than looks.

Kill Negative Thoughts

Most people focus on their shortcomings than their positives. If you are also
one amongst those, it is high time you start thinking about your positive
aspects. Don’t be too critical of yourself. Steer clear of negative self talk.
Putting yourself down as a loser or failure will only hamper your ability to
achieve your goals. You may get upset when things don’t go your way.
However, don’t let it stop you from achieving your goals. Each day is a new
beginning. If you had a bad day, just go to bed and wake up next morning
with a fresh and focussed mind.

Set Personal Goals

Living an aimless life will make you feel empty and confused. A personal
goal defines who you truly are and what you intend to accomplish in life.
Decide what you want to achieve at your personal and professional front
and slowly work towards these goals. It will give a sense of purpose to your
life. Pat yourself on the back every time you achieve a goal, no matter how
minor it may be. Accomplishing these goals will give your self esteem a big

Realize Your Limits

You may not become an Olympic medalist or a pop singer, but that doesn’t
mean that you won’t be successful. Remember, everybody is good at
something. Experiment with different activities that will help you get in touch
with your talents. Invest some effort into developing your interests and skills
into your strengths. Realize that nobody is perfect, everyone has strengths
and weaknesses. The key to success is not to overcome your weakness,
but to develop your strengths to an extent that they can outweigh your
weakness completely.

Celebrate Achievements
Give yourself full credit for your achievements and reward yourself. Don’t
write-off the achievement as minor, because it may be a part of your bigger
plans. Also, know that with that achievement in your kitty, you are one step
closer to achieving your goal. Tell yourself repeatedly that you have tackled
this obstacle in an appropriate way and that you can deal with other bigger
and more demanding projects as well.

Stand Up For Yourself

There may be times when other people misjudge you and let their own
insecurities get in the way of their reaction. Don’t distort your, self image
based on other person’s negative belief. Never allow others to make you
feel inferior. Stand up for what you believe in. Voice your opinion and
Get Active
Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Keep yourself busy.
Take out that list of resolutions you gave up on and start working on them.
Take up new hobbies - learn to dance or take up painting lessons. Keeping
yourself active will give you no time for negative self talk.

People with high self esteem generally have a large social circle and a
busy social life. Start off by keeping yourself involved in activities that
interests you. Join clubs or groups of similar interests. Frequently plan
outing with your friends and family members. Being part of a community big
or small will give you a sense of belonging and acceptance, thereby giving
a boost to your self esteem.

Make a contribution to the society. Join a volunteering organization to help
the less privileged. Volunteering will give you a sense of being part of a
noble cause. The feeling of being appreciated and valued can do wonders
for your self esteem. Volunteering will help you improve your perception of

Be Thankful For What You Have

Attributing considerable importance to certain goals and aspirations may
also pose a problem. There may be period of setbacks when everything will
not work out the way you have planned. Remember that life is governed by
factors which aren’t entirely in your control. Don’t fret over what you don’t
have and what you haven’t accomplished. Appreciate and acknowledge
what you do have and be thankful for it
Fear Of Talking

Fear in any form can be terrifying

and paralyzing, be it the fear of failure, fear of the unexpected or the fear of losing a
loved one. Fear, in general, is unhealthy. However, if we are unable to control our fears,
eventually they start taking complete control on us, thereby weakening us emotionally,
mentally and physically as well. Hence, the best way to overcome our fear is by
mastering it and preventing it from controlling us. The fear of talking, whether on the
phone or in public, has become a common problem seen in most people nowadays. Not
only does it stop the person from contacting loved ones, it also blocks work and
business opportunities, causing anxiety and distress. The fear of talking results in delay
in picking up important calls and delivering speeches in public. Does the problem sound
similar to what you are facing? Looking for ways to overcome this problem? Scroll these
lines to find tips on overcoming the fear of talking on the phone as well as in public.

Overcoming Fear Of Talking

Phone Calls
• Make a note of all the conversation that you would be talking on the phone.
Most people are scared about forgetting what they intend to say to the other
person on the phone. The best way to deal with this is to write down all that you
will speak. This would help ease all your worries.
• Most people panic when they receive a rude phone call, as they do not know
how to react to such calls. In such a case, ask your friend to behave like one of
those people. He/she might enact the way your boss or the bill collector does.
Practice your responses in order to better behave when the actual call rings.
• If you are into a marketing job where you have to promote various products to
strangers, it is natural to get anxious about the questions that the customers
would pour in. Hence, gather all the possible knowledge about your product to
speak confidently and answer the questions accordingly.
• While making calls to an unknown person, some people fear that the person on
the other end would respond negatively or start cross questioning. To overcome
such a situation, prepare for the negative reaction in advance.
• Always make a call when you feel comfortable rather than talking when the
person feels better. Do not worry about the time that you would be calling,
simply focus on your comfort level. For example, if you are a morning person, it
is best to make calls in the morning rather than when you are dull.
Public Speaking
• Always pick up a topic that you are comfortable with, such as sports, television,
fashion or anything that interests you and puts you on the front. Gather all the
possible extensive knowledge on that subject.
• While speaking, always look at the audience and make eye contact. Though this
is the basic rule of public speaking, it takes considerable time for a person to get
adjusted. Many new speakers always look over the heads of the audience or at
the floor or ceiling.
• Never ever converse with the first friendly face that you find in a gathering. Try
and make efforts to talk to everyone present. Eye contact plays a vital role here
in keeping the audience glued to your talk.
• Practice speaking by recording your speech in a small tape player and listening
to it later on. Initially, you will be surprised to hear to your voice but with time,
you will love to hear it.
• While recording your voice, start looking into a mirror reflecting how you project
yourself in front of the audience. This will give you an idea of what gestures and
expressions you pose to your listeners and how you can work on them so as to
Positive Self Talk

Self talk is nothing but the constant

process of thoughts that goes on inside us. Every moment of our lives, we affirm a
string of thoughts and these very thoughts create and frame our life experience. They
grow with us and end up being our beliefs, our prime source of existence, and our
definition of life. Few beliefs that have stayed with us since childhood may work well for
us, while others may be working against us and depriving us from achieving what we
want. So, we should keep in mind that our thought pattern is not formed from a skewed
perspective, but has a solid foundation base. It is thus essential to stress on positive self
talk. It is the fuel for your success and good health and can take you to new level of
ecstasy altogether.

Positive self talk involves positive statements, which when repeated several times
trigger your subconscious to indulge in a positive action. If you repeat these statements
with a lot of conviction and desire, you are sure to succeed. It is all about challenging
and undermining the burgeoning negative thoughts within you and getting them
transformed into a positive flow of energy. It helps you to focus on your inner self;
constantly reminding you to have control on your thoughts and words, thereby modifying
your inner selves all through. So, whether you want to transform your life on a personal
level or want to gain a competitive edge by applying this technique professionally, a
positive mindset can do the trick. In the following lines, we have discussed why do
positive affirmations work.

Why Positive Self Talk Works

Positive self talk or affirmations do work, but the question is why do they work? Here is
an explanation. When you think of a positive affirmation, your subconscious responds to
it in two ways—either by avoiding the entire concept or going for a reappraisal. The
bigger the issue, the bigger is the gap between the positive affirmation and your own
perceived inner truth. In most cases, instead of challenging your inner truth, the
subconscious sticks to it. However, there are times when your mind instantly responds
to the affirmation and you feel a sense of well-being within. When this happens, know
that the positive self affirmation has finally started working.

Believe it or not, more than often, we keep repeating negative statements and
eventually fall into undesirable situations. Negative thoughts like, “I am too lazy for this
task”, “I am surely going to fail in this paper” or “I don’t have enough inner strength to
overcome this pain” make our subconscious mind accept them as truth. Consequently,
the corresponding events in our life happen just the way we thought they would, i.e.
negatively. We should always remember that words and statements work both ways
and help in building as well as ruining our life. So, it is the way we use them that
matters. Remember, it’s all a mind game. Your mind is what you are.
So, why don’t you choose positive affirmations for yourself instead? These thoughts
have the power to wisp away even the strongest resistance. Your subconscious would
re-examine the core thought pattern and very soon the troubling dysfunctional thoughts
would get replaced by your own reformed inner truth. Positive affirmations reform your
thought pattern in totality and completely change the way you think and feel. Now that
the stringent dysfunctional beliefs would be replaced by positive ones, there would be a
positive vibe all around you. Getting reflected on the exterior, your life would be
experiencing seismic changes in all aspects. Here are a few examples of positive
affirmations, which you can repeat to yourself to lead a gratifying life.

Positive Self Affirmations

• I am healthy and happy.
• Wealth is pouring into my life.
• I am sailing on the river of wealth.
• I am getting wealthier each day.
• My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.
• I have a lot of energy.
• I study and comprehend fast.
• My mind is calm.
• I am calm and relaxed in every situation.
• My thoughts are under my control.
• I radiate love and happiness.
• I am surrounded by love.
• I have the perfect job for me.
• I am living in the house of my dreams.
• I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.
• I have a wonderful and satisfying job.
• I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.
• I am successful in whatever I do.
• Everything is getting better every day

How To Overcome
Fear Of Heights
Do you avoid accepting job offers for the simply reason that the office is located on the
15th floor of the building? Sounds funny, huh? However, this is a problem that most
people are facing. While there are many phobias, the fear of heights is the most
common of them all. Also known as acrophobia, fear of heights is an irrational fear,
wherein people experience a panic attack at a high place and become too restless to
come down immediately. In extreme cases, it can even induce panic attack, nausea and
dizziness. Nonetheless, there are a number of therapies that can help overcome the
fear of heights. With the right approach and the guidance of professionals, the fear can
be reduced to a great extent over a period of time. Browse through the following lines to
get some tips for overcoming the fear of heights, or acrophobia.

Tips For Overcoming Fear Of Heights

Hypnosis is a treatment used at bedtime, as it focuses on complete relaxation of the
body. Since agitation and anxiety follows fear, it is significant to overcome stress and
comprehension first. Hypnotherapy creates a relaxed atmosphere, which is important
for the treatment. By discarding the deep-rooted fears from the subconscious mind,
hypnosis renders the mind free from the phobia. By following a few weeks
of hypnotherapy, acrophobia successfully gets reduced and replaces the fear with

Exposure Therapy
Guided by professionals, the person suffering from acrophobia is taken through different
stages of height. At first, the person is allowed to experience virtual reality views of high
places and then graduated towards real heights. This eventually helps in desensitizing
the fear and getting comfortable to varied heights. Medications, such as tranquilizers
and antidepressants are used in the initial stages, but with time, they may not be
required as the person recovers from them.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This therapy alters your way of thinking, thereby eliminating the unwanted thoughts.
Your unwanted emotions are transformed into positive thoughts that make you feel
relaxed and comfortable. However, this therapeutic treatment has one drawback. It is
not successful in cases where a person is suffering from extreme cases of acrophobia.

The symptoms of fear of heights can be reduced through aromatherapy as well to a
great extent. Indulge yourself into a light massage along with some relaxing music.

The root cause of the fear of heights is extracted through psychotherapy treatment. At
times, there are past events which lead to fear of heights in people. This fear increases
with time thereby leading to acrophobia. Psychotherapy aims at identifying that single
traumatic event and taking steps to heal it. However, this treatment has a very low
success rate.

Friends and Family

While treating any ailment, friends and family form an integral part. They can come to
rescue the victim struggling from acrophobia. Simply, being by the side of the person
can be a great help. However, these friends and family should be really patient and
ready for setbacks, as the patient is likely to hesitate initially. Nonetheless, they should
continue to support even if the symptoms worsen during the treatment

Self Motivation

Are you one of those often caught daydreaming at work? Why is it that you have a
number of ways to improve, but hesitate to act on? Do you find yourself subject to lack
of self motivation at times? Although you are a motivated person in general, at times,
you have a hard time working on an important task. This is where self motivation
techniques come to your rescue. Though there are numerous ways to improve your self
motivation, only a few are highly useful. Self motivation is the most efficient way of
improving your confidence and self-esteem. Apart from giving you strength to achieve
your goals, it brings about a change in your personality and character as well. Self
motivation is required in every aspect of life, be it career, social life, relationship,
health, spirituality or personality development. Given here are some secrets of self
motivation that can help you accomplish your goals and tasks in a more effective

Secrets Of Self Motivation

Set Goals
A major mistake made by most people is that they set their goals only in “mind”. And
anything out of mind turns out to be out of sight. Hence, make a note of all the goals
that you intend to achieve, before you sleep in anotepad and place it right in front of
you. Every morning when you wake up, a look at the notepad would remind you of the
targets. Moreover, make realistic goals that can be achieved. Unset goal in life is like
starting a business without having a capital to invest.

Stay Focused
Another problem with most people is that they get influenced by other people easily.
Often, people try to divert you from your goal, thereby creating bad feelings that are
worthless and rubbish. As the popular saying goes, “Don’t get mad, get even”. Hence,
take those bad feelings as a challenge and make efforts to minimize them. Whenever
you feel someone is trying to pull you back, work twice hard and prove them wrong.

Do Not Procrastinate
Once you have set goals for yourself, do not make excuses to delay them, else you will
never be able to achieve them. Never let procrastination come in your way of
accomplishing the tasks. The best way of keeping it at bay is to start working on the
goals immediately. Break down the goals into small bits to make them easily

Share Your Goals

Family and friends are the best motivators to look on. Thus, tell and discuss about your
goals with these people, as they help you to continuously stay inspired and dedicated.
By sharing your dreams and aspirations to your near and dear ones, you will be
motivating yourself to achieve the set goals since you would never want to let down
these people.

Stay Positive
In case you are finding it hard to stay focused on your goals, the best way is to stay
optimistic and positive towards reaching the final line. Confidence and optimism serve
as your best friends in your tough and rough times. Spend adequate time with family
and friends who themselves are positive and motivated. People who are discouraging
and pessimistic should be kept at distance.

Reward Yourself
The best and perfect way to keep motivating yourself is by rewarding yourself on
completing a particular task. Conquering small battles is the best motivation secret for
moving on to the next goal. Through rewarding and congratulating yourself, you are
increasing your self-esteem. Hence, self motivation gets easier and attainable

How To Be Calm

You have got up on the wrong side

of the bed and everything seems to be going wrong since morning. The situation has
worsened further by noon and you are finding it difficult to hold back. Enough, you say.
How long can you save things from falling apart you wonder? How long can you
withstand the constant conflict between the mind and heart? Although such emotions
are an inevitable part of your life, at times you tend to simply give up and lose it.
However, in order to succeed in life, you need to confront such negative emotions with
enough strength. You need to keep your calm even when your life seems all turbulent.
This article deals with ways as to how you can lead a healthy life even under stressful

Tips For Staying Calm

• The first and foremost step to keep your calm is to take a deep breath.
Breathing deeply can ease your tense muscles and reduce your stress level like
nothing else. This will allow you to respond in a controlled fashion. Very soon,
the waves of epinephrine running through your veins will become manageable
and soothe you from within.
• Relax for around five long minutes doing simply nothing. Close your eyes and
try recalling some happy and amusing memories of the past. Or try viewing
things in a positive perspective. For instance, if you got a bashing by your boss
in front of your colleagues and you are filled with anger and shame, be calm
thinking you at least have the job when everyone around is losing theirs. Or
think of the day you got a promotion and your boss wholeheartedly appreciated
your abilities.
• Do not yell. If the person you are confronting with raises his/her voice, your
natural response is to do the same. But this is no solution to win the game or
even come down to a solution. All that would result out of it is irreversible
damage. So, remember to keep your voice mellow and modulated under such
stressful situations. Easier said than done, know for sure that this is the only
way to win the war. Moreover, calmness is contagious. Seeing you behave well,
the other person might switch over to your state of control.
• Take a quick nap. Give your disturbed state of mind some amount of rest. Let
your nerves ease and relax. Avoid thinking of anything in particular and simply
catch up with some sleep.
• A long, nice shower can also help you regain your peaceful state of mind. Stand
under the shower. Feel the coolness of the water all over your body and relax.
• Try listening to the natural sounds around you. These will help your mind to get
distracted from those depressing thoughts. Be it the mundane sound of the
swirling fan above you or the chirping crickets, concentrating on these sounds
can keep you calm.
• Take a nature walk. Nothing better than this can bring your senses back to
normalcy. Tracing a butterfly’s trail or noticing a woodpecker peeping out of the
tree trunk hole can be sheer joy.
• Listening to music is another such activity you can choose to indulge in to help
you calm down. Whenever you feel at complete loss and it seems like you had
enough of life, all that you require is your I-pod. Plug in the headphone, close
your eyes and drench in your favorite melodies.
• For some, going out on a shopping spree is a great remedy to shed anger and
remain calm. Visit your nearest mall and pamper yourself with clothes and
accessories. You can also try eating your favorite dish. This would enliven your
senses and calm you from within.
• How about visiting a beauty salon? Get a nice head massage done. Even
facials can help soothe your tensed nerves. A spa-treatment is another option to
rejuvenate yourself from the stress and calm down.
• Try planning for your next vacation even if the plan is shelved for months away.
This will take you places you’ve always wanted to be, even if it is a virtual
pleasure. It is enough to distract you for the moment and regain your calmness.
Causes Of Low Self

Have you ever met a person who felt that he is worth nothing and could do nothing
right? If you have, then you should know that it is possible that the person is suffering
from a case of low self esteem. Now, before we get deeper into what causes this, we
need to understand what self esteem is. Self esteem is a character trait that
psychologists feel is the most enduring of all other traits. Self esteem is an assessment
of how you feel about yourself and can also be referred to as self-worth or self-regard.
There are theories which associate self esteem to motivation in a person and are a
related to the need for respect from others and the need for self respect. However, more
modern theories suggest that self esteem is a way to measure our acceptance in our
social environments. Some of the most common symptoms of low self esteem are an
inability to express ones feelings, lack of personal boundaries, denial and blaming
others for everything.
Low Self Esteem Causes
Now that we know what low self esteem is and how one can recognize the symptoms
for it, it’s time to explore the causes of low self esteem.
• The most common cause of low self esteem is neglect and it is most prevalent
in children. When parents fail to pay attention to their children and help them by
providing them with support and affection, it causes them to feel abandoned.
This eventually will lead them to find it difficult to assimilate in a society.
• You must have heard of positive reinforcement? It is the practice of encouraging
a person to do better by praising what he or she has done so far. If you were to
do the exact opposite of it and try to motivate someone just by pointing out their
faults and mistakes then you are bound to be successful in DESTROYING their
self esteem.
• There are times when a person may suffer from low self esteem as a result of
ridicule. This ridicule can be based on anything from the person’s weight to his
or her features and looks. Being ridiculed over habits or interests can also result
in low self esteem.
• Since most of the times low self esteem is something that develops in
childhood, abuse during childhood can also led to low self esteem. This abuse
includes verbal, physical and sexual abuse as well.
• Since it was mentioned earlier that self esteem can be seen as a measure of
acceptance in a society, there can be times when a person will develop a low
self esteem as a result of impairment in leading a normal life, like being out of a
job or not being able to exercise the same financial freedom as others close to
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about all the bullies of the world, but there is
something you can do about yourself. Whatever you do, don’t ever let yourself feel like
you are lesser than others or not good enough. Do your best at everything and be
satisfied with the results of your efforts
How To Develop

Human heart and mind is like a stone slab which was used in ancient times for writing
inscriptions. The inscription started to be carved from the day we opened our eyes and
since then there were new things written, erased and re-written every day. Human
habits are the part of these inscriptions and they need constant changing and re-writing.
The quandary situation here is that the positive habits won’t get inscribed on their own
unlike the negative one’s which come as a compliment of human experiences. Good
habits require a writer, and the writer is the person himself. Now it depends on the writer
how he/she goes about carving out the good habits on the slab which will become the
input for the body to function. This makes it clear that instilling a good or eradicating a
bad habit is a conscious effort that needs to be carried out with great deal of discipline,
determination and thoughtfulness. To grab the tips on developing conscious habits read

Developing Good Habits

Self Talk
Self talking is the best way in which you can instill any good habit and give up a bad
habit. Keep speaking to yourself about the change which you want to see in yourself.
Repeat the statements which will help affirm the particular new habit which you want to
create a part of your daily life.

Directed Imagination
Another effective way in which you can incorporate a new habit consciously is by
imagining yourself performing the action relating to the new habit. Visualize yourself
performing the new activity or a role and see how good you sound and look. This visual
imaginative role that you will see yourself in, will help you easily make the habit a part of
your daily routine.

One Habit For 30 Days

It can so happen that you want to bring about a number of changes in your behavior at
a time. In such a case take up a single change that you want to see in yourself and start
practicing it daily consciously for 30 days at a stretch. After 30 days you will realize that
you no more need to practice the change you want to be because it has now become a
habit. After 30 days you can take up the next endeavor.

Use A Trigger
A trigger is a small ritual which you perform before getting used to a habit. A simple
habit which you want to inculcate like not watching excess of television, can be
triggered by setting a self-timer in the television. The time you want the television to get
switched off, set the timer to that time so that the T.V will get switched off, forcing you to
engage yourself in something more productive. You can use such small triggers to
consciously develop a habit.

Replacement is the key word to develop a new habit. In order to remove something
from the system without damaging the other files it is necessary to fill in the gap which
was created due to the removal of a file. Similarly if you are giving up a habit you need
to fill up the free space by a habit that fulfill the same requirement as the old habit. For
eg. giving up watching television means you need to find some other relaxation medium
for yourself. This approach will make it simpler for you to get used to the change you
want to be.

“But” To Kill Bad Thoughts

A prominent habit changing step can be to force out all the negative thoughts from your
mind. The moment you think negative about yourself and find yourself incapable of
taking a strong stand, use the word ‘but’ and bring in the positive about yourself. This
negative positive game will help develop your self-confidence and will make you believe
in the change you are going to make.

Write It Down
You can even write down a particular habit in a piece of paper and stick it to a place
where it will be visible to you. This will keep reminding you about the commitment you
made to your brain and will help you in working towards living that change you wished

Get Leverage
Catch hold of your sibbling or a friend and hand them over a 100 rupee note. Instruct
them to return you the note only if you successfully cross all the hurdles to reach your
goal. Make a public commitment in front of everyone you know that you will stick to your
plan. The necessity to keep up your words and dignity will force you to consciously work
towards developing the new habit.

Keep It Simple
Changing for the good is beneficial both to your personality and to others as well. But,
you should keep in mind that changing is a small process and your body and mind
should first get used to the new introduction. Therefore, don’t get too harsh on yourself
and keep only one or two rules simple rules and not a dozen rules regarding the new
habit. Simple rules will help you create habits, whereas complex rules will just put you in
a more complex puzzle.

Consistency Is Key
The point of a habit is that it doesn’t require thought. Make sure that your habit is
consistently being followed everyday without fail. This consistent performance will drill in
the habit in you instead of multiple habits loosely conditioned.
Characteristics Of A
Healthy Personality

We often hear people comment that a certain person has a great personality or that he
needs to develop one. A personality is a combination of all the small factors that add up
to make a person’s mental constitution. Having a healthy personality plays a key role in
defining the person who wields it. The key to having a healthy personality is to strike a
balance with all the elements that make up day to day life. On the face of it, a person
with a healthy personality is cheerful and does not get stressed easily. A healthy
personality will enable a person to think clearly and with reason when everyone else is
following a convention. People with a healthy personality have strength of character and
have individuality of their own. If a person displays a healthy personality, it indicates that
he or she is in good mental health and can be trusted to conduct themselves in a
respectable manner and set good examples to follow. The greatest plus point about
having a healthy personality is that it allows for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Traits Of A Health Personality

• A person with a healthy personality has the ability to adapt to his or her social
• A healthy personality allows the person to be a good listener and a better
advisor. It also enables a person to be able to understand others easily.
• A person with a healthy personality will have a lot of common sense and will
display presence of mind when it comes to solving problems (big and small).
• A person with a healthy personality will not follow convention without due cause.
The healthy personality lets the person be comfortable with whom they are and
the way they look.
• A healthy personality ensures that a person takes great care of his outward
appearance and always presents himself with dignity.
• A healthy personality is magnetic and attracts other to it. A person with a
healthy personality will always display a positive attitude and be cheerful.
• When faced with a personal tragedy, a healthy personality allows a person to
overcome the tragedy without falling prey to depression and contempt. Healthy
personalities are also indicative of emotional stability. It also allows people to be
able to express themselves without hesitation or offence.
• A healthy personality allows a person to function well independently and as part
of a team.
• The healthy personality enables a person to see others for who they are to be
able to handle them accordingly.
• People with health personalities do not feel the need to make everyone conform
to their views.
• A healthy personality is also displayed in a person’s desire to stay healthy
It is not impossible and never too late to develop a healthy personality, especially when
it can help in your personal growth.

Easy Ways To
Change Your Image

Ever thought about changing certain undesirable characteristics that have become part
of your personality or appearance? Changing an image that has been inculcated over
the years requires a certain amount of determination and will power. The right way to go
about would be to look within you and determine what characteristics require to be
polished and what needs to be changed, added, or suppressed to make you feel more
confident and good about yourself. Different people in different environments require
different changes or makeovers to their images to suit the environment they are in.
Therefore, it is recommended that you first ascertain what type of a makeover you
would prefer, be it a student’s profile or that of a professional in a work force. Here are a
few tips to keep in mind when you go about an image makeover:

How To Change Your Image

• You need to have an image of you in your head and zero in on the traits that
make you feel uncomfortable on the inside or the outside. You also need to
figure out how you would like to feel on the inside before you start thinking
about changes you could make on the outside.
• You need to look for people with strong traits and whether any of those traits
appeal to you. Opting for a softer or a tougher outlook on life, to be a more
compelling personality or to be less imposing are all examples of what you
could want to change in yourself.
• An image makeover does not work overnight unless you are only thinking of a
fabulous hairdo when you’re talking about an image makeover. If the change is
sudden and drastic, you will come across as someone who is trying too hard to
change the way they are, which need not always work in your favor. Look for
traits that you would like to change in yourself and remind yourself occasionally
to change that particular character flaw.
• Look for traits in people you admire, and try to emulate these characteristics into
your personality. It is recommended that before emulating be absolutely certain
that the particular trait is a desirable one.
• The way you look on the outside can influence the way you feel on the inside.
Sometimes a simple hairdo or a change in wardrobe can make you more
confident, and might even change attitudes that others have towards you. Look
for those particular traits that you are particularly dissatisfied with and opt for a
change. You never know what wonders it might do for your social life.
• If you feel that, your clothes don’t do justice to the rest of your personality, step
out and look for clothes you feel comfortable in and that will boost your self
esteem. How you look on the outside will almost always mirror the reactions
towards you. Choose clothes that flatter your body type, make sure the eyes of
the person in front of you sweep up to your face and stay there.
• After you have followed all the above steps, make sure you walk with
confidence, and remember what you are trying to change about yourself. There
is no point in changing your hairstyle and your wardrobe if you still maintain your
old image in your mind.
• Once you have changed certain characteristics of your old self, be it your make-
up, hairdo, wardrobe or something as complex as the pattern of your
conversation, always keep in mind that you are a more attractive and
sophisticated person than you previously were

Benefits Of Anger

The problem is more rampant than we all imagine – an alarming number of men and
women find it extremely hard to deal with their anger and end up blowing situations out
of proportions. Many of them do not know when to give up the fight and almost none
can take a joke on themselves. Anger is cited in ancient texts as one of the biggest
enemies of a human being’s body and soul – it can have grievous consequences for the
way the body functions too, increasing stress, the blood pressure, and causing other
forms of damage too. It impairs judgment, can make a person violent and could even
cause the person to lose out on his/her relationships, which are the most valued part of
a human being’s existence. There are many who keep away from or maintain distance
from loved ones, only for the fear of hurting them in anger. In a situation like this, it is
best to learn to control one’s anger or, at least, learn to channelize it in better ways – in
ways that are constructive rather than destructive and harmful to the individual. There
are several benefits of learning to give one’s anger a better route than by breaking the
vase (literally). Here are some ways in which anger control can prove to be
advantageous for us.

Advantages Of Anger Management

Here are some ways in which controlling anger can be advantageous:

We all know that anger makes us incapable of being able to take stock of the situation
well, impairing our better judgment, and making us prone to making mistakes in sound
reasoning. Exercises in anger management are often aimed at channelizing the anger
better so that you do not lose control when you lose temper. This would in turn, help you
analyse situations better and make you capable of taking stock of situations.
Better Communication
Anger is often caused by misunderstandings, which are, in turn, caused by faulty
communication between the two parties involved. A lot of anger and the stress that it
causes can be avoided by opening up communication lines and making oneself
available to dialogue. Controlling and channelizing one’s anger in a constructive and
non stressful way will not only open up lines of communication further but will also turn
you into someone who is approachable and easy to talk to.
Training in anger management is extremely beneficial for developing empathy for the
other party, which helps one party understand the other better, which would decrease
chances of further conflicts and disputes. Many a times, anger builds up because the
party involved refuses to see the situation from the other person’s point of view. When
you begin to develop empathy for the other person and try to see life from their
perspective, there will be no room for conflict at all.

Fewer Disputes
Disputes are conflicts that go out of control and conflicts are differences of opinion,
which are expressed rather aggressively. It is important for us to see where it begins
and be able to nip a possible dispute in the bud. This can only be done when one is
able to treat differences in opinion as just opinions rather than personal attacks on
someone’s belief. Being able to control anger will definitely help avoid silly disputes.

Closer And More Healthy Relationships

Many people who have serious anger related issues, stay away from their loved ones
when they realise that they are hurting people with their anger. Since the people we
love are closest to us, they are often the first victims when we lose
control. Controlling anger and channelizing anger better will make the person concerned
more capable of leading a life that is relatively free of ugly scenes or outbursts of anger

How To Avoid

Whether on the school playground or at the professional workplace, you can often
find yourself as the target of bullies. Not only do they frighten you by shaking your
confidence levels, they also cause you bodily harm and injuries. Bullying has
increasingly become a widespread problem haunting people across the globe. Bullies
look for weak people and prey on them. By doing so, it makes them feel strong and
powerful. Usually, soft spoken and weak people become the prime targets. While
avoiding bullies is not easy, taking certain steps can help you avoid situations, thereby
escaping an attack. Read on further to find tips for avoiding bullying. Hope these tips
come to your rescue!

Tips For Avoiding Bullying

Ignore The Bully

Try your level best to ignore the bully’s threats. Since bullies are expecting you to react
largely to their teasing and meanness, simply ignore and walk past them to a place
of safety. Acting as though you haven’t noticed or do not care would be like giving out
no reaction. This, in turn, can stop the bullies from portraying such a behavior.

Stand Up For Yourself

Be brave and confident and stand up for yourself. Raise your voice and speak out to let
the bully know that you are not weak. If he/she is demanding something, stand up and
say “No”. If you agree to the bully’s terms, you are likely to face more bullying ahead.
Moreover, remember, such people bully those who do not stand for themselves. You
can also have some other people standing by your side to tell the bully to stop teasing
or scaring people.

Do Not Bully Back

If someone is bullying you or your friends, do not hit, kick, push back or get into a
heated argument. Keep in mind that the person wants you to react. If you counterattack
or retort, you would be solving his/her purpose and thus, satisfying the bully. There are
chances of getting hurt in the fight as well. Hence, it is best to stay with others, stay safe
and take help from an adult in an out-of-hand situation.

Do Not Show Your Feelings

Getting angry or showing that you are upset by the behavior of the bully will only induce
him/her to take further steps in bullying you. Hence, it is important to distract yourself
and keep your mind occupied, to avoid thinking about the bully. Keep yourself busy until
you are out of the situation or at a safe place where you can show your feelings.

Talk To An Adult
Let an adult know about you being bullied. Find a person who is trustworthy and can
come to your rescue. At school or college, seek help from teachers, principal, parents or
friends. Students are likely to stop bullying when teachers come to know about it, since
they are afraid of being punished by their parents. In case you are facing bullying at
work, report to the concerned authorities and let them handle accordingly.

How To Improve Working Memory

Do you find it a cinch to remember
long pin numbers and passwords,
but can’t manage to remember
easy things, such as where you left
your car keys last night or where you kept your wallet? Most of us counter countless
facts daily, only to remember a handful of things at the end of the day. However, that
does not necessarily imply that you have got a frail memory. It is just that of all the
things and facts you tend to take in all throughout a day, only a part of it gets filtered
through the brain box. That possibly explains why you usually miss out on that one or
two grocery items, despite of much brain racking, when away at the departmental
stores. Working memory is something that we use in our every day life to accomplish
our daily tasks, such as memorizing passwords, phone numbers, names, address and
more. If you are one of those few people who tend to have a problem remembering day
to day things, don’t despair. It’s confirmed that with a little extra care and effort, one can
boost retention capacities to the hilt. Here are some interesting tips on how to improve
your day to day working memory. Read on for more on this.

Tips On Improving Working Memory

• Eating right to think straight! Surprised! Here’s is how it works. Just like a car,
that feeds on fuel to run, your brain too needs fuel to think and process. Thus, it
is important to keep your brain boosted with wholesome diet that is rich in
omega-3 fats and antioxidants. So, generously gorge on berries, spinach, and
broccoli for a shot of extra memory. Also, it is important to eat more often to
keep the brain from starving out of energy.
• Of all the things that can possibly boost your retention, music certainly ranks
high. Experts have found that music, especially classical music, preps up
brainpower and enhances retention abilities. So, next time you fail to remember
where you left your keys, tune in to your beat box.
• It is found that higher levels of stress can freeze your brain and cause your mind
to go blank, which isn’t very good news for your memory. Even minor stress can
impair your cognitive skills and cause brain block. If you wish to remember more
things at work, just dump the stress and relax. It will help you sort out your work
and life in a better way.
• Most often we tend to skip things not because of frail memory, but due to poor
attention, which explains why we tend to forget name, just after we have met
someone. A deliberate attempt to remember things, however, can put you in a
better position. Listen carefully and try to retain the information in mind. This
might help you to remember things better.
• Brain filters information randomly, which explains why we fail to recall a certain
item while on a grocery shopping. How often you have landed up in a grocery
shop and gone blank wondering at the list of items you wished to buy? This is a
common symptom that plagues many. However with a little care, you can fight
away the memory blues. If you can just manage to cue the things, chances are
that you might very well recall what those things were.
• A little bit of brain exercise can go a long way to save your memory from
passing out. Just try this simple mental exercise and experience the difference.
The trick is to calm down completely while reclining on a couch and start your
exercise by paying attention to yourself. Try to recall back all the activities of the
day and remember as many things, events, names, faces as possible. Keep
repeating this exercise. Doing so will make your mind more agile.
• Another interesting way to improve your memory is to enhance your senses.
This is a simple task that is likely to leave you with great memory. All you have
to do is sensitize your senses by doing simple activities like eating, washing or
even dressing up with eyes closed. This will heighten the sensitivity of your
senses and boost retention.
• A brisk walk can leave your brain with more than one reason to thank for!
Walking is known to boostblood flow to the brain. More blood would mean more
oxygen and more energy in your brain. This simpleaerobic workout can help
your brain get rid of the clutter and think and retain more clearly

How To Make
Powerful First

While it is wrong to judge a person just by his/her dress or demeanor, not many of us
can resist the temptation of overplaying our aptitude and tagging someone as posh,
punk, hippie, or hottie in the very first look? Good or bad, we all tend to get swayed by
the first impression, and no matter how much we may deny going with the cliché, it is
true that first impression does count. Sometimes a quick three seconds is all it takes to
build or kill credibility and create that first big impression. Thus, it is important to put
your best foot forward to get the game going in your favor. When meeting new people, it
is important that you put your best self across. For this you essentially need to have a
pleasant demeanor. If you don’t have one, at least you can learn to feign it convincingly
to make a compelling impression. Dig more on how to make powerful first impression
with the following tips. Read on to get smart.

Tips To Make Great First Impression

• There comes a time when our destiny rides high on the impression we make
and little else succeeds in making that power-packed quick impression like a
1000-watt smile. Nothing makes a more sure-footed statement than a warm,
unfeigned, cordial smile that arrests all interest and gives one an edge over any
situation. What's more, it helps to break the ice, set all differences straight,
creates an aura of ease and comfort and puts one in a win-win situation. So, the
next time you head for a quick appointment or an interview, just remember to
wear that smile on.
• As it is rightly said, you never get a second chance to make a first impression,
thus, you cannot afford to look away when the opportunity strikes. Eye-contact
is one of the few things that extend an indelible impression. An eye-to-eye
interaction not only testifies one’s confidence and reliability, but also adds to
one’s charm and opens channels of communication. A strong stare or looking
away when interacting with the other person can leave one in a sticky situation.
• Wear colors compatible with your basic coloring. Human beings are one of two
colorations: warm or cool. People with warm coloring look best in yellow-based
colors like gold, warm reds, golden browns and rich ivory. People with cool
coloring look best in blue-based colors like blues, greens and winter white. Your
eye, hair and skin tone would help you determine whether you are cool or warm,
which would further assist you in determining what colors look best on you!
• When looking to make that first big impression, it’s only wise that you put your
best foot forward and get your outfit right. Dress to impress is the new age
adage to that fabulous first impression. While evolving fashion has left us with
plenty of options to dabble with, it is important to underplay your fashion sense
at time and be sensible with what you wear for an interview, a business meeting
or just a casual date. The right colors can be flattering to your persona and can
make a killer impression. Dress modestly, and yes strictly avoid jaded jeans, hot
pants, wrinkled shirt and worn-out fabrics at all costs.
• A punch line can make or mar your impression. Thus, it is important to choose
your words correctly. A warm pleasantry may not be pleasant if done in the
wrong way. Also, steer clear of mindless babblings, slangs or too much of a
colloquial verve, to avoid leaving a wrong impression. Pitch your tone properly,
enunciate rightly and speak fluently and clearly to make a deep-seated
impression. And yes, be polite at all costs!
• It’s easy to be a good speaker, but it takes some skills to be a listener. Paying
heed to others can put you up in the ladder and create a good name.
Remember to nod or chime your head in agreement, a gesture that is likely to
be appreciated by the speaker. Also, remember to ask questions to reveal signs
of authentic interest. However, make sure you never interrupt the person, when
he/she is speaking

Self Confidence

As a gifted five year old, current F1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton was an
exceptionally talented kid at school. He was also the smallest kids in his school and was
bullied and racially abused by his school mates. Not to take the circumstances as a
victim, he dealt with it with extraordinary strength of character at that young age. He
took lessons in martial arts and went on to become a black belt holder by the age of
twelve. Later on he reported, “It was a horrible time but I told my dad I wanted to start
karate so I could learn to protect myself. The bullying stopped and more importantly, I
developed self confidence. Some people have naturally high levels of self confidence,
while others can definitely develop it. Marcus Garve stated that, “If you have no
confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have
won even before you have started.” Self confidence gives you that freedom to make
mistakes and deal with failure without feeling guilty or hopeless about the
situation. People who are uncertain about themselves lack in self confidence. This can
have devastating effects in your life and result in lower self esteem. Your work might
suffer; social life can become painful, meeting new people can become a struggle and
can have terrifying experience facing stressful situations. In a nutshell you might be
struggling to live a life of your own. But as you require physical exercises to keep your
body healthy, your mind also requires exercises. This helps to develop self confidence
and personality.

Exercises For Building Self Confidence

• Self confidence gets affected when you think too much about your past failures
and negative events. Instead, remind yourself of the past occasions that you
have faced successfully and handled well. Think of the positive things that you
have done right be it big or small.
• At the end of each day, write down any experience in which you have received
positive responses and compliments. If your boss appreciates you for your
work, jot it down on paper; if your mother tells you that you are the best child
write it down in your diary.
• Challenge yourself and take risks. Face the situation that you have been
avoiding for a long time. Pen down observations about your advancement. For
instance, if you were contemplating a job change for a long time and not doing it
for fear of interviews, make an effort to schedule one interview.
• Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day and exercise for 30 minutes daily, reflect
on your positive things. Remove self doubts from your mind, visualize and
imagine yourself as effectively performing a task which you fear doing. For
instance if you have stage fear, Imagine yourself as a victorious public speaker.
• Avoid writing anything negative about yourself. At least record one positive thing
about yourself each day and acquire the habit of praising yourself.
• When you start your day make positive statements about yourself. Repeat these
positive statements several times in the day. You can say to yourself, ‘I am
improving every day’ or ‘I deserve to be happy and successful’ or ‘I am
confident in handling whatever comes up today’.
• Gain knowledge and experience by reading current happenings, books,
magazines and updating yourself with latest developments. Diversify your
interest, travel to new places and gain experience, develop new skills, and
perform your work efficiently.
• Make changes to your physical environment. Rearrange and redecorate the
furniture of the room. Paste quotes and pictures of successful people and keep
reading them again and again. Read autobiographies of successful people.
• Keep your body language positive, look and feel confident. Always walk straight,
with your shoulders straight, chin up and chest out. Have an authentic, warm
and friendly smile on your face. A positive body language sends out positive
• List all the goals that you want to accomplish in life and then take one step at a
time. Break these goals into smaller reachable goals. Concentrate
on self improvement and self development.
• Keep your cool and calm in every situation in life. Too much of emotional
outburst can spoil the situation and make things difficult to handle. Hence take
things in your stride and handle it smoothly.
• Do not think or worry about what others think about you. Stop imagining and
bothering about unreal things and situations and blaming yourself for being
wrong so often.
You can follow this confidence building exercise by writing these things. Fill in the
blanks in the following sentences:
• The best thing that I can do is …
• Something that I have accomplished is …
• One of my best character traits is…
• I am proud of myself for….
• I am working to improve…

Confidence Building

“I am not a has-been. I am a will be.”Lauren Bacall. Yes it is the ‘I’ factor that makes
that difference. No one can beat a person who strongly believes in himself and has
made an identity for himself. Why do you think Mahatma Gandhi had so many followers
and why did they follow him blindly to give their lives believing in non-violence! It’s
nothing but his confidence and actions that inspired millions to join him. Success is the
synonym of confidence. Never will a person with a low confidence can dream to make it
big in his life for he loses the battle in the beginning itself. But the one who considers
every failure as the stepping stone to success will cut a path for himself. It is always a
pleasure to watch someone speak with his/her head held high, answering questions
assuredly. Ratan Tata, Azim Premji or Narayan Murthy are nothing less than living
legends only because they have the confidence to face anything and everything that
comes their way. They consider every new problem not as an obstacle but as a new
objective. Here are a few tips on how you can go about boosting your confidence.

Exercises For Boosting Confidence

Think Positive
Optimism is the word that has to be circled in the dictionary. An extremely positive mind
is what you need to gift yourself. ‘I can’ should rule your mind when you are not able to
cope up with negative things that come as hurdles on your way. Know how
to love yourself and be proud of whatever achievements you have made in life, big or
small. You can stick a few posters with quotes on success and confidence on the walls
of your room and get inspired by those words each time you read them. Life becomes
exciting only with things that you can do and not with the ones you dare not try. Learn to
say ‘I Can’ aloud.

Find Right Objectives

Be sure about the objectives that you set. Set each goal as per your strengths and your
abilities. Categorize the objectives as per your skills and talents and at the end of the
day you will be able to harvest the fruit of your confidence through these fulfilled
objectives. Prioritize each goal, like go for the easier tasks first then slowly raise the
challenges. Remember failures can interrupt you but take it as a challenge and march
forward. You have to reach the final lap to take the trophy of success securely in your

Listen to yourself. Meditate each day for a new beginning and a fresher day that is in
the offering. Consult yourself for taking decisions and persuade your mind to make the
best of the decisions.

Body Language
There are many things that boost confidence in a person from the file that he is holding
to the tie that he is wearing. Choose the best outfit that gives you that comfort zone and
elevate your confidence. Walk straight with your head held high. This itself exhibits the
confidence that is abundant in you. Make the first impression the best one. From a good
hand shake to a beautiful smile, everything counts..

Breathe Properly
Whenever you feel that you are low in confidence, try taking some deep breaths. This is
a great exercise to tackle nervousness and can revitalize you

How To Develop Self Discipline

The term ‘self discipline’ is defined
as the behavior which is guided by the ‘mind’, rather than by the ‘heart’. The self-
disciplinarian attitude is very much essential to become successful in life, as it entails
foregoing the momentary enjoyments and gratifications in order to achieve something
big in the long term. But this sort of self-monitoring attitude has to come from within
each person, as it cannot be heaped upon by any external force. That voluntary spirit or
will power will help you in setting and accomplishing your goals. Some people think that
discipline is linked to liberty. On the contrary, those who are disorderly are deficient in
enjoying liberties that accompany those who have the talent and dexterity required to
execute certain tasks such as adventure sports or learning new things. Many people
know the importance of practicing self discipline but are still unable to do so. This so-
called ‘inability’ is nothing else but the lack of will and purpose to achieve the goal. The
secret to overcome this hindrance lies in the person’s strong sense of determination,
which should be inculcated to really become successful. As they say, “Success does
not come easy”, you have got to strive hard to gain what you really want in your lives,
and the first step is to cultivate self discipline. Fortunately, for those who desire to build
self-discipline, there is a way out. By adopting the tips given in the article below, you
can instill self-discipline in yourself.

Tips To Develop Self Discipline

Getting To Know Yourselves

When you act according to what you know is right rather than what you feel like doing is
known as discipline. For that, you need to delve deep into yourself, and know yourself
better. This can yield optimum results when you put your thoughts in a written format.
Doing this, will provide you a thorough perception of what you are and what your
mission in life is, and what you have to do to fulfill your ambition.

By,just writing down your resolutions, you cannot hope for miracles to occur and that too
overnight. A concerted and sustained effort over a period of time is required to help you
gain self-discipline. If you find it tough to stick to your resolutions then you have got to
ensure that you abide first by what you have planned, and then follow them one by one;
not all at once. In this way, you can surely adhere to your resolution, and implement
them dedicatedly.

Usually, disciplining the self is by no means an easy task. It requires you to overcome
your desires, temper, temptations, and a host of other stimulations, both internal and
external. And, it is easier said than done. But, it can indeed be done through a series of
constant auto-suggestions, which are capable of continuously reminding you of your
goals, ambitions, and aims. You can never hope to escape from these distractions, but
you can steel your guts to confront and tackle them. This can make you stronger
Auto Tutoring
Talking to yourself can do wonders to your self confidence, and also motivate you to
pursue your tasks with renewed vigor. When you find the going tough, you can always
fall back on yourselves by reliving certain positive moments. Doing so, will boost your
determination and thereby enhance your focus to accomplish the seemingly difficult jobs
with relative ease.
Thus, by diligently implementing the above techniques, we can definitely develop self-
discipline, which forms an integral part of our lives. A person who is self-disciplined can
achieve whatever he sets out to, as he has trained up his mind to overrule his heart.

Problems In Learning
A Language

The tongue trying a new taste is similar to the brain grasping a new language. Treading
an unfamiliar territory doesn't come easy. This is the foremost reason as to why many of
us find it extremely difficult to pick up an alien language and even before we learn to
mumble a few new words, we fumble and give up. While learning a new language can
be a cinch for some, there are others for whom picking up a new lingo may be a jaw
breaking deal. Today, the need for learning a new language extends more than just a
hobby. Not only does it give one an upper hand when travelling to foreign territories, it is
also known to boost one’s cognitive skill highly. Add to this, the number of professional
benefits attached to learning a foreign language, which makes it worth a try. However,
before you get down to the learning experience, acquainting yourself with some of the
most common problems which come in the way of mastering a language will help. The
following points are geared to help you identify with some of the most common
problems in learning a new language. Read on for more.

Difficulties In Learning A Language

Doing It The Right Way!

Learning a new language is not easy and getting to master one often requires more
than just will power. The biggest impediment towards mastering a new language
perhaps lies on one’s take on it. The biggest blooper most people tend to commit when
trying to learn a new language is that they often fail to take it seriously.Learning a
language isn’t an easy bet, more so when you are new to an alien tongue. To avert
these kinds of hitches, you need to be extra attentive in what you learn, associate it with
your every day life and practice it more often.

Pronunciation is perhaps one sticky ground where most language learners tend to
bungle. Remember, fluency is a skill that only comes with the right kind of intonation
and accent, and developing it requires a little skill and not to forget, loads of practice.
Most languages come with irregular rules that may not make much sense to you.
However, it is important to rise above your reservations and understand how a word is
perfectly pronounced. Things do not just end with learning the right pronunciation. You
need to practice it on your own to get a grasp of it.

Word Order
When mastering a new language, it is important to get your words right! Words, if not
rightly arranged, can come across as a puzzling jumble to others and mar
communication. Nearly every language relies heavily on words to convey the right
meaning. Thus, it is important to choose your words carefully. Next would be to clearly
fit them into a sentence to make more sense and less confusion. Getting a grasp on the
words will help you in coming up with a meaningful sentence!

Getting the grammar right can put one in a fix, more so when you are trying to tame the
grammatical rules of a foreign tongue. Nearly all language has its own set of rules that
may be befuddling to one’s general grammatical sense. For instance, in some
languages the verb comes before the subject, while in some others it is reversed. A
good grasp over grammar is perhaps the cornerstone for a successful learning
experience. A person is likely to commit major bloopers, unintentional though, without
the knowledge of the same.

Visual Reinforcement
Visualize everything you hear and you are likely to remember it for long. Visual
reinforcement is one tried-and-tested way of effective learning and it stands true for
learning new languages too. The idea is to connect the words with the objects and
establish a basic relation between the two.

Voice it!
Do not fear to lend your voice to the new language. While it is likely for you to fumble
when trying to speak a new language, let this thing not be deterrent to your efforts. Try
to speak the new language as much as possible. Not only will this make you into a
confident speaker, it will also give you an edge over the other speakers and help you to
evolve as a fluent spokesperson.

Most people, who struggle to learn a new language, often quit it midway after months of
pointless struggle. Well, as said before, learning a new language never comes easy to
many. Thus, it is important to hold your reigns and put in your efforts in mastering a
language as diligently as possible. At times of failure and disappointment, remember,
perseverance pays. The extra effort that you put in would help you sail out of all the
problems and difficulties.

How To Grow Old Gracefully

Ageing is something that people
fear – it brings with it the natural decay of the human form and mind, wrinkles, physical
ailments, weakening bones, deteriorating brains and, finally death. It is easier said than
done to adhere to the ‘why-afraid-of-death-when-it-is-certain’ saying but it is best not to
think about it. If you are still alive and do not have any major life-threatening ailment,
you should take care of your body and mind. Defying age is not as much about the body
as it is about the attitude and the outlook towards life. In any case, studies say that if
you have the will to live, you will live. Many of us waste our lives – especially by treating
our bodies badly – and end up fearing each day because we know that we have played
havoc with ourselves. However, there are ways by which we can age gracefully, inspite
of all the problems that we face. Here are some tips on ageing gracefully.

Tips On Ageing Gracefully

Here’s what you can do to age gracefully:

Thou Shalt Not Sulk Or Complain

Sulking or complaining about what you do not have will never let you come out of the
past and will prevent you from being happy and your true self. You may have all the
valid reasons to sulk and complain but you must remember that people like to be
around happy and cheerful people and not around wet dishrags who constantly
complain that life is being unfair to them. Also, people have so many problems of their
own and need not carry the burden of your problems too. If you are suffering from
physical ailments, which are often the cause of your complaints with life, they should be
told to your doctor or physician and not to anybody among your friend circle.

Follow What You Left Behind

You must have always had a hobby or interest that you used as a stress buster or to
unwind and rejuvenate. Since you have fewer responsibilities now, this is the right time
for you to pursue them once again. It will give a purpose to your life and also take away
the bitterness that you feel. Of course, at 60 you cannot hope to go mountaineering,
especially if you haven’t kept in excellent health with regular exercise. However, you
could develop a new interest that could keep you busy and happy. If your mobility is
limited, there is very little that can stop you from either listening to music or reading or
watching your favourite films on DVDs. Women can also take the liberty of knitting,
making crochet, or writing, especially if it is not too hard on your eyesight. You could
teach your grandchildren to sew, cook, or teach them a few home remedies.

What’s New, Is Knowledge

Learning something new will bring back the life that you think you were losing. It will
also serve to bring back a purpose into your life. Learn anything new, from operating the
CD player so that you can watch movies or play music CDs. You could also learn to use
the computer and keep in touch with family members – grandchildren or even other
family members who live abroad and you cannot contact them ever so often over the
Friends Are There…
Make friends who share the same interests rather than those who share the same
ailments! If latter is the case, you, and your friends will only end up spending your
quality time complaining rather than being happy. Friends should pull you out of your
complaining spell instead of only feeding into it. You need to laugh together, share
experiences together and inspire each other to come out of the sulking modes. People
of your age may also tell you how best to deal with your problems – physical or

The Traits Of

Most of us can confess to being quite sold out to the idea of getting rich someday.
Nothing sells like the business of getting rich, and the pursuit of prosperity sends most
of us into quite a tizzy. We tend to randomly rush into a mirage of the mythical pot of
gold at the end of an illusory rainbow. However, success eludes most of us because the
passion, which sets those successful entrepreneurs apart from the rest of the teeming
millions is woefully missing in most of the aspiring entrepreneurs. History bears ample
testimony to several such stories of entrepreneurial success. Bill Gates, Donald Trump,
Joyce Hall, Rupert Murdoch, Walt Disney and Oprah Winfrey – have more in common
than just being names on the ‘Rich and Famous’ list to most of us at first glance, and
that is that they are all very successful entrepreneurs. And since few successful
entrepreneurs are naturally born, so take heart, and help yourself to a sampling of some
of the outstanding traits that make an entrepreneur truly successful, and learn to strike
that elusive gold on your own steam in the process.

Characteristics Of Successful Entrepreneurs

The road to entrepreneurial success is typically characterized by an incredibly intricate
labyrinth of hardships and setbacks, overcome only by the relentless perseverance of
the inspired few.
Persistence, exceptional passion, sincere effort, clarity of purpose, extraordinary vision
and the irrepressible desire to make it happen, lies at the core of most
entrepreneurial success stories.

Tips To Achieve Entrepreneurial Success

Striking it rich on one’s own, they say, is often the next best thing in life to inheriting a
fortune. However, why go through the wringer if you can do it right from the start, with a
little help from those who have it down pat from close personal encounters with
adversity in the pursuit of their own dream? The characteristics most successful
entrepreneurs exhibit and which have been briefly explained below, are the best known
ways to get there.

Conduct A SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is the quickest peep you will get into your entrepreneurial prospects,
even before your plans have gone to the drawing board. It is a quick assessment of
your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, andThreats. It is a simple but very
authentic exercise done quickly by jotting down honest observations under each
section, and drawing up a conclusive overall assessment of one’s plus points and areas
of development, thereby helping one identify the best possible way to approach his/her
dream for entrepreneurship.

Survey The Market

There is no magic potion to ensure success. Success comes at the end of hard labor
and a little bit of luck. The Unique Selling Point (USP) of your venture makes all the
difference. So make sure that your venture fills a much felt void, ideally all year round.

Chalk Out A Realistic Launch Plan

Visibility matters most in the launch of a new venture. Make an impact with a well-timed,
well-placed launch strategy. Make your venture count with clever promotions and
advertising, and identify untapped audiences and buyers.

Stick To The Master Plan

Do not stray from a well designed venture plan unless it is to keep course with market
dynamics, without altering the original game-plan too much. Adapting and adjusting are
the mantras to stay in the reckoning. While some get it naturally right from the word go,
some learn from trial and error, translating lessons from past failures into future

Make The Economics Work

A venture has to not only be financially viable, but it should also has a solid and sound
economic ground. Reinvest earned revenue back into an appropriate sector of your
business for better future returns, and save up the rest as contingency for unexpected
setbacks. The spirit of enterprise is what these shining examples from history have
made a habit of living up to.

To sum it up, the traits of successful entrepreneurs may appear rather easy to emulate
on the face of it, but it is in the individual application of these tried and tested formulae
wherein the fate of an ingenious venture lies. Entrepreneurial success is often
determined as much by one’s past achievement patterns as by adherence to a smart
blueprint, and it won’t be long before one can justifiably earn the title of a “self-made”

Characteristics Of A Leader
"Leaders are made, they are not
born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to
achieve any goal that is worthwhile." - Vince Lombardi.
A leader when chosen is expected to accomplish all the tasks and duties as stated and
anticipated. He is a hope who can bring about change and improve the field to which he
belongs, for the betterment of the entire organization. However, becoming a good
leader is not easy for a person. He must possess different characteristics to help him
show others the way to success. While most of the characteristics are acquired through
learning, training, development and experience, some people are born with them.
Whether the characteristics are natural or developed, a great leader will always work
upon the best of these traits to achieve excellence. Given here are some leadership
traits and characteristics that define a leader in today’s world.

Leadership Traits And Characteristics

To be a great leader, one must have a vision to take his team and society further. A
leader should be a visionary, who has set his goals and knows how to achieve them. A
team of efficient members is ineffective if it does not have an envisioned leader.

While having a set vision is quintessential, accomplishing it with confidence is equally
important. A good leader must have confidence and be able to fulfill the set targets.
Without confidence, a leader would not be able to take proper decisions to lead his

Quick Thinking
Thanks to the stiff economic competition faced by businessmen and professionals alike,
a leader, in the present times, should be in a position to think quickly and make the
most of a given situation. Markets, opportunities and challenges change unpredictably
and hence, quick action is essential for a great leader.

Quick thinking will not be appropriate if a leader does not have the right knowledge. It so
happens that prompt decisions without knowledge turn out to be erroneous for the
future of the organization. Hence, being aware of all the developments taking place and
having a proper knowledge of the field in which a person is working is essential for
becoming a successful leader.

Good Communication Skills

Without communicating the plan of action to the team members, a leader’s plan is
useless. Thus, for communicating, possessing good communication skills is important.
Additionally, a leader should be able to motivate people around him effectively, which
can be done through good communication only.
A leader is one who leads a team of individuals and looks after more than one area.
Thus, a leader has to be disciplined in order to handle all such situations patiently. He
should know what to do and plan out an organized approach to accomplish the tasks.

Risk Taking
A leader must be courageous enough to take risks as every opportunity comes along
with some amount of risk. A frightened and apprehensive leader takes the team no

The qualities of a leader make him stand apart from the rest. Hence, a leader must be
approachable for his people. This will make communication between a leader and his
team better, allowing the leader to know about the problems faced by his people. This
would also pave the way for the team members to chip in valuable suggestions.

A leader should not start leading his team in an autocratic style. Enough democracy
should be permitted to allow people to think freely and come up with new and innovative
ideas. This increases the chances of a team being successful tremendously.

Have Character
To motivate his people, a leader should first set an example through his character.
Thus, having a good moral character is one of the most important qualities of a great

How To Overcome
Shyness With Women

Shyness is a wasted emotion, best left to ‘little’ girls. Shyness is a way of avoiding
conflicts, wherein you sit back in the shadows and wait for life to happen to you rather
than making a life of your own. Remember, if you do not take charge of the events that
happen in your life, no one will. Talking about shyness, one of the most popular
situations wherein shyness dominates the scenario is when a guy wants to talk to a girl.
Often, men take a step backward and prefer to admire the girl from miles behind rather
than going ahead and talking to them. If you are also one amongst them, who knows
you might end up losing your dream girl to some other guy. Do you have a constant fear
of being rejected by the woman of your dreams? If yes, then fret not. All this is just due
to the lack of confidence, which is very essential while approaching a woman. Let out
that side of yourself that you had always been too afraid to examine. Read on further to
find some tips to help you overcome your shyness among women and build your
Tips For Overcoming Shyness With Girls

Emphasize Your Positives

Most shy guys focus on things that they do not possess, thereby ignoring their positive
qualities. A simple way to overcome shyness would be by concentrating on your
positive attributes. This would give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. Try your
hand at learning new things, such as a foreign language or a new sport.
New hobbies add a new dimension to your personality thereby enhancing your overall

Proceed Steadily
Take small steps to approach girls to overcome your shyness. You have just spotted a
cute girl in your college and are dying to talk to her, but do not have the courage to do
so! Pass a simple smile and say a “hi”. Gradually, get hold of some topics to talk with
girls and begin your conversation with her. You can start off with questioning her
something that will trigger some response from her side.

Be Prepared To Be Rejected
On the road to overcoming shyness, remember that you are likely to be rejected many a
times, which you should accept with honor. Even the jaw-dropping, handsome guys
have experienced failure, so you are no exception. Accept this situation of being
rejected as a learning experience. Since women have their personal reasons for
rejecting men, do not get depressed. Instead, try to figure out what incorrect actions of
yours made them take such a step. Also, while approaching women, do not expect to
get their personal contacts or convince them to come on a date at the very first meeting.
Concentrate on your conversation and overcome your shyness with them initially.

Practice Talking to Women

The best way to overcome shyness with women is to practice talking to them. You can
look up to women from different age groups at different places, like library, grocery
shop, etc. Have small conversations without focusing on whether they will talk to you or
ignore you. This will help you in getting rid of your shyness and will increase your
confidence level.

Learn To Listen
Since shy men do not know what to talk about with women, they often end up talking
about themselves most of the times. Note, this is simply not acceptable by women folks
and they are likely to find it boring. Hence, improve your learning skills and figure out
different topics to talk with them. You can question them on their family, friends,
interests, etc. to get them involved in the conversation.

Socializing can be another way of improving your self esteem and confidence, thereby
overcoming shyness. Join a gym, a hobby club, participate in team activities or become
a part of large groups. At such places, you will meet a number of people where you can
interact with them. You will also find girls that share similar interests as yours. Make the
most of this opportunity and talk to them.
How To Get Rid Of

Someone rightly said “’If Only’ are the two saddest words in the world.” Those two
words signal one of the biggest enemies residing within one’s psyche, that man has
ever known – regret. Regret not only lets a person wallow in the complacent mud-pool
of self-pity, but also stops one from moving ahead with life. It is for this reason that we
have to train our minds to get rid of such feelings of guilt and self-pity. Also, many a
times, the same regretful feelings – of having lost money, jobs or friends – make us
incapable of appreciating what we do have and can do. Thus, it is all the more important
to get rid of such feelings of regret. Here are ways in which you can get rid of regretful

Ways To Rid Yourself Of Regret

Here are some ways in which you can get rid of regretful feelings:

Is It In My Control?
You must never forget that not everything is in our control – many a times not even how
many years we shall get to live. However, what we can do with what is available to us,
is definitely under our control. For instance, you may not have a job that pays you well,
but how you judiciously you spend the money is completely up to you. It is pointless to
blame oneself for what is beyond our control, for there is no lesson to be learnt out of it.
If, what went wrong with you was something you could have helped, only in that case
there is a lesson that can be learnt out of it. So, if you find out that what you are
regretting was beyond your control, you must snap out of it as quickly as possible.

Smell The Tulips, Forget the Poison Ivy

Another major problem with regret and regretful feelings is the fact that they do not let
one enjoy and appreciate what is good. People who do not have satisfying jobs often
forget that, in a country like India, there are thousands who cannot afford a decent meal
in a day, and would not hesitate to take up any job that others would consider ‘menial’.
In fact, all those who are trying to enter the show business in our country often end up
working as waiters at popular restaurants, just to make a living. Many of us who have
gone through a failed relationship tend to forget how many men and women go
through life without ever experiencing love at all and have to lie to themselves to say
that it is unimportant.

Wake Up, Take Charge

It would really serve you best if you realise that what you seem to think “went wrong
with you” was really your own choice and the sooner you accept that, the better it is.
Also, no amount of regretting will change that fact. A serious reality check will throw
some light over the fact that you were the cause of what has happened to you. Since
many of us nowadays are in a position to make the choices that we want instead of
what we have to do or what is available to us, it is important to stick to those choices or
accept one’s fault and make amends. A lot of heartache will vanish once one has learnt
to accept one’s fate and mistake too. It is seen as an act of cowardice to not accept
one’s mistake; one must also remember that the time that is lost will not come back and
that it is worthless to think about it. What you do with the time that lies in front of you is
what you must focus on

How To Quit Quitting

“Fire is the test of gold; adversity,

of strong men” - Martha Graham.
Success is just like a ladder, where a person steps onto it and undergoes a lot of hard
work to finally reach the top. However, the journey towards success is not an easy one,
as you are likely to face a number of pitfalls and obstructions. Nonetheless, remember,
the end fruit would surely be a sweet one. Perseverance forms the most significant key
to achieving success in any field. No task can be mastered at one go. It requires
absolute will power and determination to be successful. On the road to success, you
would be tempted with the thought of quitting the task, but you need to realize that
quitting will not make your task any easier. Instead, it will only leave you back with a
feeling of guilt. Hence, being perseverant is essential to achieve the keys to the door of
success. Bear in mind that perseverance is what distinguishes the average person from
a genius. Go through the lines, to find tips on how to quit quitting and achieve the
success you had long been aspiring for.

Tips To Quit Quitting

Keep Yourself Aware

Do not let your laziness or fear urge you to quit or procrastinate. Observe the situations
when you are looking for excuses, instead of telling the truth. In case you are unable to
observe yourself, ask your friends to observe the same and help you out. Close friends
are more likely to know you better and will definitely come to your rescue.

Never Give Up
To continue working towards your ambition and prevent from falling down on the
numerous bumps on the road, you have to regularly motivate yourself. Inculcate a habit
of writing down your goals, doing daily affirmations and finding out new ways of keeping
you on your toes and dealing with approaching problems.

Analyze The Cost & Benefit

Observe and calculate the cost and benefit of what you are planning to achieve. There
is no use to move ahead and try to accomplish an ambition that is likely to cost you and
your family the entire life. Think practically and make an honest and positive decision,
taking all the factors into consideration.

Stay Away from Bad Habits

Do everything possible to put a complete stop to all your bad habits. Try to get rid of any
behavior that is stopping you from achieving your goals. These bad habits could be
either simple negative thinking or fighting procrastination. Concentrate on a single bad
habit at one time so that you can deal with the problems in a much better way.

Stress Management
Stress management and level of perseverance are highly related. Stress overwhelms a
person, clouding his/her current thinking and forcing the person to think negatively.
Perseverance, on the other hand, cannot flourish in a negative environment. So, to
achieve success and quit the habit of quitting, you need to first overcome stress in order
to achieve your goals in a better way

How To Get Rid Of

Fear Of Rejection

The fear of rejection most commonly has its roots in childhood incidences. Comparisons
and competition is fairly common among children and this result in one or other form of
rejection. Most people have felt rejection and the way they tackle it after being snubbed
determines if they would develop a fear of rejection. Most of the time the pain the
person feels due to rejection conditions his or her mind where the person tends to
withdraw into a shell fearing future rejection. They also tend to develop a reluctance to
ask anything, even if it is for help, thinking that their advance will be rejected. This state
of mind can harm the relationship that he or she has with other people. The person can
become over dependent and may always look for loyalty signs in others. They tend to
focus more and more on other people’s reaction to their actions that they tend to
become paranoid and miserable. That is why it is very necessary that in order to
maintain a stress free life the fear of rejection should be overcome. To know more read
the article below for the various tips on getting rid of the fear of rejection.

Tips On Getting Rid Of The Fear Of Rejection

• The fear of rejection leaves a very depressing mood. One way to counter it is to
create happy thoughts. Happy thoughts build up the self-esteem, which in turn
helps you to overcome the fear of rejection. When you create your own
happiness, you will be less dependent on others and also develop a confident
• Be optimistic. A cheerful disposition and positive outlook will help you create
happy thoughts and a cheerful atmosphere that will uplift your spirits.
• Cultivate hobbies. This is the best way to do things that you truly enjoy. Learn to
appreciate things even if you are not interested in it. Indulging in hobbies will
take your mind away from the problem.
• Try to be as independent as possible. Depending on people will enhance your
rejection phobia. Also, when you are independent you will also develop a better
ability to take care of yourself. Being independent will also teach you to address
your needs on your own. Don’t rely on your friends and family, so much that it
hampers your growth and productivity. Self-sufficiency will ensure that you do
not get helpless when you experience the signs of separation.
• The fear of rejection can only be conquered steadily. You will have to go slow
and adopt a systematic approach.
• While expectation is good, don’t expect too much. Your focus should be on your
actions rather than how people will react. The main fear of rejection stems from
feeling of helplessness that stems from being unable to control the external
• Set goals that you can reach. If you are in a shaky relationship then it is better
to end it before you start developing the symptoms of rejection phobia. While
you are in the relationship it is better that, you be yourself rather than what
others wish you to be.
• Set an attitude where you give unconditionally. If you do not expect anything,
the fear of rejection won’t be so profound.
• Let your mistakes be your teacher. Find out how, when and where it all went
wrong and then address the issue. When you know your mistakes, you will be
better able to rectify them. Learning from mistakes will also teach you to be
more careful later.

How To Be Assertive

Most people who consider being

assertive to be a difficult task often assume that others who are assertive find it easy to
be one. However, reality has another story to narrate. Almost everyone feels anxious or
wrong footed in some situations or the other. Acting confidently is what makes the
difference. With a little bit of practice, you can appear confident and speak assertively
as well. Often, people confuse between being assertive and being aggressive. In fact
there is a thin line between being assertive, aggressive and docile. While aggressive
people do not respect others’ perspective and can hurt others when influencing them,
people who are docile are unable to defend their own state of being and hence, get
influenced by the aggressiveness of the people. Assertive people, on the other hand,
are balanced individuals who though pour out their mind at the time of influencing
others, respect the other individual’s views and opinions. Given here are some tips on
being assertive and confident.

Tips For Being Assertive

Prepare yourself mentally and set your expectations clear to others. Do not expect
others to read what is on your mind. Articulate exactly what you expect from others and
the reason behind your expectations. Create positive boundaries to know what you are
most comfortable at. This way, you will be better able to take control of the situation and
achieve your expectations.

Physical Presence
Your body language plays a major role in determining what others feel about you.
Always hold your head up high to show that you are a force to be reckoned with. If you
look intimidated, others too would be nervous andanxious. Also, make sure that you do
not intimidate others.

Use Of Voice
The tone of voice has a major impact on whether you will be heard or not. Sustain your
voice by taking a deep breath and think about the message that you would be
conveying. Do not raise your voice in manner of shouting, nagging, whining, and so on.
Instead, simply state your message in a matter of fact voice. Always use a voice that
can be heard and should be interesting in pitch and delivery.

Be Prepared
When you are prepared, you will speak with more authority and be better able to deal
with things coming up. When speaking to a group of people, plan in advance your
speech. This would give a boost to your confidence levels and make you feel positive
and secured.

Create Rapport
Connect with the group that you are speaking to during the introduction itself. For a
positive impact on the person or group, be open, friendly, smile and feel in control of the
situation. Creating a good rapport would ensure effective communication.

Think Of The Language You Use

The language that you use while conversing is extremely important. Start off with a
positive statement to set the tone for the conversation. Never ask people to do you a
favor else they will consider doing a favor as part of their job. Use the “I” language, such
as “I want” or “I feel”, to acknowledge the other person’s feelings or situation and stand
up for your rights.

Remember To Thank
If people have done as expected by you, acknowledge their efforts by thanking them.
This will incline the people to put themselves out again in the future. A sense of
gratitude and a smile on the face can do wonders for you.
If You Do Not Get What You Want
If you are not able to achieve success, do not threaten, bully or shout. Be calm,
persistent and stay in control. Repeat yourself again and ask your audience to consider
the implications of not doing as requested by you.

How To Get Rid Of

Unwanted Thoughts

What are unwanted thoughts and why are they such an issue? Unwanted thoughts are
the thoughts that shouldn’t be a part of your thinking process, the thoughts that are
derogatory to you and your life. They are such an issue because they tend to have a
negative influence on your personality and psyche and at times can even take a toll on
your health. Unwanted thoughts can orbit around anything, maybe a bad experience, an
enemy, a distasteful relationship, your work and maybe even your life. Basically, the
thoughts that nag, annoy, and do not complement your overall sense of well-being can
safely be considered as unwanted and unhealthy. It’s not really easy to stop these
thoughts from popping in your head, but it’s also not impossible to eliminate them from
your mental space. Make up your mind and read on ways to get rid of your unwanted
thoughts. Remember the timeless adage – “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

Getting Rid Of Unwanted Thoughts

Shoot At Sight
You’ve got to be quick here, as soon as you realize that you’ve been thinking those
‘unwanted thoughts’ – Open fire! Get rid of your unwanted thoughts, you don’t want to
be caught in a web of derogatory thoughts. Start thinking of something else, something
that makes you feel good as this will help do away with your unwanted thoughts.
Remember, you’ve got to be quick, before the thought envelops your mind, learn to
destroy it.
Meditation is a discipline through which the patron can exercise control over the mind
and dwell in a state of relaxation and heightened awareness. Your thoughts play a big
role here and regular meditation can help you get rid of your unwanted thoughts.
Indulge In An Activity
A sure shot way to deal with unnecessary thoughts is to sail away from them. You can
eliminate your unwanted thoughts by indulging in an activity that keeps you away from
thinking them. Distract yourself, play a game, read a book, watch a good movie,
cook, exercise, or simply go on a walk. Binge on an activity that does not see you
thinking the thoughts you shouldn’t be thinking.
Sleep It Away
Sleep is a great doctor, a healer, in fact. A nap or a good night’s rest can help you get
rid of your superfluous thoughts. If you’re troubled by something and if someone’s
getting to you and you’re feeling a bit obsessed, you can sleep over it. The thoughts on
these issues may lose themselves while you sleep. When you’ve had your eight hours
of sleep, you feel better and refreshed, and when you feel refreshed, you think better
and healthier. Sleep is a great weapon against pestering thoughts.
Consult A Psychiatrist
If you’ve tried the above remedies and have still failed to get rid of your unwanted
thoughts, maybe the issue is a lot more serious than you think it is. Some unwanted
thoughts may be an issue, and can vary from a temperate to a serious psychological
disorder. This is when you need to be going in for some expert advice. You need a
psychiatrist who can help you deal with your unwanted thoughts. Most people may not
be too proud about a visit to a psychiatrist, but there is nothing to be ashamed of. The
unwanted thoughts syndrome is a common disorder and a fair amount of people have
been plagued with the same. So, go ahead, if you think, you need help, get yourself

How To Be A Good

With people and organizations changing drastically, effective leadership styles too has
undergone immense change. This change has lead to an alteration in the required
qualities of a good leader as well. However, before going down to the qualities, you
need to get a few things straight. Bear in mind that leadershipskills are not inherited, but
developed. Leadership is all about daring, dreaming and devoting oneself towards the
fulfillment of the dreams. This comprises of delegating work to others, making sure of
the completion of the work and meeting the deadlines and targets. Apart from being
committed towards his/her work, a good leader should also be concerned for his people.
Read on further to know the traits and qualities which make a good leader.

What Makes A Good Leader

Set An Example
A person has to be trustworthy and possess a good character, in order to be a good
leader. The best way to lead subordinates or juniors is by setting an example through
his/her life and actions. Only then will the words be effective, as they would be
accompanied by action. An effective leader is one who guides his followers in the right
direction and helps them attain the desired goal.

Be Enthusiastic
A good leader should be enthusiastic. The interest that he takes in realizing the goals
motivates his followers to work effectively. A leader’s keenness, enthusiasm and open-
mindedness assists in encouraging his/her followers to take more efforts towards the
goals and achieve them. A leader, hence, should have an undying and enduring
enthusiasm about the work or specified goal in order to give the subordinates a boost to
attain or meet the targets.

Be Confident
A true leader is undoubtedly confident. A leader should be self-confident, without which
he would not be able to earn the trust and respect from his followers. A confident leader
is in a better position to take the right decisions and effective actions. By effectively
executing the tasks, the leader achieves excellence which is a key determinant for a
good leader.

Keep Your Cool

An important characteristic of a good leader is the ability to keep cool in all kinds of
situations. While calmness and composure helps in taking the right decision, hasty
decisions are often the result of stress and anxiety, which leads to repentance. All the
circumstances should be handled with a cool mind, especially in case of critical
situations. A leader should not lose his control in such situations, which would otherwise
result in incorrect decisions.

Know Thy People

Know and understand your people to become a good leader. Make good selections,
delegate them responsibilities and choose people who will implement your decisions
successfully. For proper execution of your work, understand the potential of your people
and allocate duties accordingly. A good leader is judged by fair and right choices that he
makes, at the right time.

Be Reasonable & Understanding

A leader is mostly chosen as a result of unanimous decision by the people or the group.
Hence, it can be safely assumed that it is the people who make a person a leader.
Therefore, leader should not overlook the expectations and problems of his people. By
sorting out the weaknesses and lauding the strengths, a leader can take the
subordinates and juniors to the path of success. And remember, it is the success of
subordinates and juniors that makes a leader successful

Effective Leadership

The secret to great leadership is about having the leadership skills to be able to deal
with people in a delicate yet powerful manner. In fact leadership skills are much more
than speaking confidently and carrying a serious demeanor. To be an effective leader,
one must possess an exclusive set of human relations and interpersonal skills. The right
leadership style is required in every walk of professional life, whether you own a
business, manage it or are an employee looking to make your way up to the corporate
ladder. Effective leadership skills cannot just be stumbled upon, they
requireinvestment of time and energy to perfect and craft your skills. Hence, it is rightly
said, well-honed leadership skill is the most important component for being successful
in the businessworld. Read to know the different traits of an effective leader.

Traits Of An Effective Leader

Emotional Stability
A good leader should be capable of tolerating frustration and stress. The person must
be able to adjust well and have the psychological maturity to deal with anything that
he/she is likely to face, while being a leader.

An effective leader must be assertive in his thinking style and have a confident attitude,
while dealing with other people. He should be competitive and capable of taking
decisions on behalf of his entire team.

Leaders are assumed to be active and expressive. An effective leader must be
optimistic and open to changes coming across him. However, he should also be quick
and alert while doing so. He/she should have an undying spirit and enduring enthusiasm
about the work and should be capable of inducing the same attitude into his team.

Since leaders are dominated by a sense of duty, they tend to be demanding in
character. Hence, a successful leader should be very self-disciplined and have a need
for order and a high standard of excellence.

A good leader should be practical, logical and to-the-point. Since he/she has to face lots
of risks and criticism, a leader must be low in sentimental attachments and insensitive to

Other common characteristics of an effective leader are self-confidence and resiliency.
A leader should be secure, free of guilt and unaffected by prior mistakes or failures.

High Energy
A leader should be highly energetic since he would have to invest in long hours of work
to raise the company. A leader should possess a never-say-die-spirit and should always
to ready for challenges.

Personal power and recognition should be put aside to focus on the development of the
employees in order to be a good leader. One must be mature enough to recognize that
more can be accomplished by empowering others, rather than ruling them.

Team Orientation
These days, more emphasis is laid upon team work by business leaders. A good leader
establishes an adult-adult relationship with his employees to encourage and motivate
them, rather than an adult-child relationship, wherein the former orders and the latter

Since leaders are perceived larger than life by most people, charisma plays an integral
role in gaining the trust of the employees. Charismatic leaders are better capable of
arousing strong emotions among the employees by defining a vision, thereby unifying
and captivating them. Through this vision, a leader better motivates employees to
achieve their future goals, resulting in personal rewards and values.

What Your
Handshake Says
About You

Body language is one of the forms of communication that makes use of various body
areas or parts to convey a message. A handshake is one such gesture that is used to
greet others, meet new people or close a deal or agreement. The way we shake hands
shows the kind of a person we are. It conveys power, confidence, character and
professionalism. Did you know that a lot can be deduced about a person from a single
handshake? While a firm handshake with the hand facing downwards and arm
extended shows that you are confident, a hand pointing upwards is a weak handshake
thereby indicating that you are shy, uncomfortable or nervous. Read on further to know
what our handshake says about us.

What Does Your Handshake Mean

Flabby Handshake
A flabby handshake is made by a person who is a pessimist. Also known as a limp-fish
handshake, this is considered as the most unimpressive handshakes among all.

Prison Handshake
A person making a prison handshake will offer a firm hand keeping your hand in his for
a long duration, not willing to give it back to you. People making such a handshake
seem to be expecting something from your side.

Robot Handshake
A robot handshake is one that is offered automatically without any noticeable thought or
feeling. This simply shows that the person is simply not interested and is indifferent
towards you.

Jackhammer Handshake
People who are a little inflexible tend to make a jackhammer handshake as they think
that their way is the right one, come what may. They will make a dynamic and forceful
handshake indicating their power and determination.

Squeezing Handshake
People who tend to show their strength and power make a squeezing handshake. This
is done to cover up their feelings of diffidence. Some people assume this handshake to
be a sexual connotation.

Next-to-the-body Handshake
People who are not willing to take risks, such as politicians, make a next-to-the-body
handshake. This is made by keeping the arm close to the body and bending it only at
the elbow to perform a handshake.

Normal Handshake
A normal handshake is one that is made briefly and firmly. To convey confidence and
professionalism, this is the best handshake to execute.

Queen’s Handshake
A person who offers his fingers, instead of his palm for making a handshake is said to
be making a Queen’s handshake. This handshake indicates a sense of superiority.
How To Use Eye
Contact For

Eyes have been the windows to the soul. A lot can be conveyed from a person’s eyes.
For most people, making eye contact with another person provides a feeling of intimacy
and openness. Also, it is difficult to lie while looking directly into a person’s eyes, with an
exception of very few people mastering this technique. Making an eye contact while
conversing signals your presence, communicates your confidence and translates your
sincerity. At some places across the world, looking elsewhere while in a conversation
with someone is actually considered to be an insult. Using eye contact effectively
proves to be boon for establishing close relationships with people. Read on further to
find tips for using eye contact for successful conversation.

How To Use Eye Contact Properly In Conversations

• Make a good balance between making eye contact and looking away. While
avoiding eye contact during the conversation can indicate that you are nervous
or trustworthy, maintaining too much eye contact can make the other person
uncomfortable. Also, it might reflect over-confidence and impudence. It is also
advisable not to stare directly into the eyes of a person.
• In case you are one of those who feel uncomfortable at looking directly into a
person’s eyes, this is what you can do. Do not look into the person’s eyes
directly, instead, look gently at the eye area, such as the eyebrows or bridge of
the nose, allowing your eyes go a little bit out of focus. This would help you
remain in your comfort zone without showing that you are nervous.
• Some people stare too intently into the eyes of the person without looking away,
thereby making the other person uncomfortable. In case you are one of them,
soften the stare by glancing away from the person at a gap of few seconds.
However, make sure that you bring back your attention to the person’s face with
whom you are conversing.
• While you are conversing with a person, let him/her know that you are listening
intently. Show keen interest by gazing at his/her face every now and then.
Glancing too much towards the room or looking at other people around makes
the person feel dejected or ignored.
• Include facial expressions, like smiling, nodding and gazing, to let the person
know that you are interested in the conversation. This makes you look friendly.
Keep your facial muscles relaxed and change your facial expressions, with the
change of the conversation.
• Every culture has its own rules with regard to eye contact. While Caucasian
people living in North America prefer making a lot of eye contact, people from
Oriental countries avoid doing so. Hence, while conversing with such people,
make sure that you make only the required eye contact.
• In some cultures, making contact is not allowed for a woman towards a man
who is not related to her. In other cultures, a woman making eye contact is
considered to be sign of an unrespectable woman

Public Speaking

King of bollywood, Shahrukh Khan gave tips on public speaking to all, by saying, “My
first rule of public speaking…if you don’t strike oil in 3 minutes…stop boring!” The ability
to deliver a great speech in public is the skill, which is highly regarded. Just the
knowledge of the subject is not enough to make your speech a success. There are
many more ingredients to it. It’s the ability to inform and keep the audience interested,
which marks the success of speech. Think of the last memorable talk or presentation
you attended. So, do you have to rack your brains to remember one? Sadly, most talks
are easy to forget because they lack the impact, necessary for making it memorable for
audience. A great public speaker has the power to spellbind the audience, invoke
emotions, and even trigger reactions from them. Mastering the art of public speaking is
easy for some, while it’s a challenge for others. While some are born with this trait,
others can develop it by acquiring certain skills. Here are some pointers, which will help
you understand and acquire the skills needed for public speaking.

Essential Public Speaking Skills

Understand What You Want To Achieve
Before you start working on your speech or presentation, it’s important to keep in mind
the following:

Who? - Who here stands for audience. What kind of audience you are addressing to?
By answering this question, you will determine the objective of your talk keeping in
perspective the audience. If your audience consists of school students, your priority
should be to keep the content of your speech simple and interesting so that your
audience can grasp it well.

What? – What here stands for what you wish to communicate via your talk or speech?
If you are giving a talk on air pollution then you should mark down the topics you would
like to cover under this, like causes, effects, and remedies of air pollution.

Why? In order to convert your audience into dedicated listeners, you need to know why
they should listen to you. You should communicate to your audience, why you are
speaking on the topic, and why it’s important for them to listen.Your audience should
understand, that what you are speaking is something valuable and will be useful for

How? – How here stands for understanding the best way you can communicate your
message. In this, the kind of language you will use will play an important role. Use
language, which is simple and easy to grasp by your audience. The next important step,
you need to do is to plan a beginning, middle, and the end of the content. You should
follow a logical pattern, whenever you are speaking on a topic. If you are speaking
about air pollution then it’s important to make audience aware about its causes before
jumping to effects.

When? It is important for you to develop a sense of timing, when delivering a speech.
While giving a speech, take effective pauses to make sure, that what you are speaking
is being heard and absorbed by the audience.

Vital Public Speaking Skills

• Before beginning on a topic on which you have to give a speech, it is important
to research the topic well. Good speakers always research before conveying
their message.
• When it comes to wording your message, less is always more. There might be a
variety of aspects to the topic you are dealing with but you can’t cover all in your
short speech so give main points or highlights of the topic to your audience. If
you are using slides in your presentation then limit the content of each slide to a
few bullet points.
• Add facts, quotations, and statistics, to your speech. However, just don’t include
them for the sake of using. They should effectively complement your ideas.
• For your audience to grasp the idea easily, it’s a good idea to add humor,
stories, which connect well to your core idea. Or convey your idea wrapped in
the form of story. Stories are easy to understand and are loved by all.
• Always remember that your opening words and closing words make the most of
the impact on the audience. If your opening words are unable to bind the
audience then you lose half the battle. Same is the case with the closing
words. They should make an impact on the audience and force them to think on
the topic you have just spoken about. So, while making a presentation, pay as
much attention to opening and closing words as you pay to the body of the
• While making a speech or presentation, it’s very important to connect with the
audience. Your first step is to maintain an eye contact with the audience while
delivering the speech. Your second step should be to interact with the audience.
Ask questions to your audience, this will open the channel of discussion and
your audience will get involved.
Unforgettable Delivery
You can make your speech or presentation unforgettable, if you follow these useful tips:
• Understand the purpose of presentation.
• Be precise and concise.
• Use examples to bring key points of your speech to life.
• Don't talk too fast, when delivering the speech. Pauses play an effective role.
• Use a variety of vocal pace, tone, voice, and volume. This will make your
speech effective.
• Don't stay stuck behind a podium. It’s essential to keep your body up-beat.

Ways To Feel Good

About Yourself

Most of the times, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we see ourselves not for
what we are, but what we ought to be. However, the decision of ‘what we ought to be’ is
not decided by the standards we set for ourselves, but by the straitjacket, the society
carelessly throws us into. We long to break free from all such pretentions, yet, when
given the opportunity to do the same, fall right back into the very trap. Many of us do not
like to see ourselves in the mirror at all, afraid of what we might see ourselves as –
since we tend to define ‘successes and ‘failure’ in extremely conventional ways. No
wonder most of us never feel good about ourselves. Nevertheless, there are some
simple rules that you can follow if you wish to feel good about yourself. Here’s how to
bring in the ‘feel good’ factor about yourself.

Easy Ways To Feel Good About Yourself

Here’s what you must do to feel good about yourself:

Life’s No Enemy
Most of us often feel that everyone on this earth, or at the very least, some people are
out to get us. If you are constantly suspicious of others' motives and keep believing that
they have some hidden agenda that involves hurting you, you'll keep people at arm's
length and never make new friends or improve the friendships you already have. For the
person who's trapped in his or her own shell of negativity, the result is that they make
any excuse to not go out in the world with a positive outlook. Meeting people would
require them to be friendly, which they consider to be not worth taking the pain. To
inculcate a more positive outlook on life you need to understand that most people are
way too busy managing their own lives to take the pains to hurt you. Being friends is far
more pleasant than being enemies so why would they want to put so much energy into
something they'd have nothing to gain from?

The ‘Ha! Ha!’ Is On Me

A good sense of humor is more important than being what most people consider
"beautiful" in the conventional sense. “Your sense of humour is wonderful”, is not a
compliment that people give anyone, while “You are pretty or good looking” is a
compliment that is as carelessly thrown around as any pleasantry. Having a sense of
humor can make it easier to be friendly even with strangers and makes tough situations
less stressful. Most people appreciate a sense of humor more anyway. Also, humor has
the potential to last far longer than physical traits. The only problem with being too
humorous is that not everyone will have the same sense of humor as you and can get
offended. Therefore, for this reason, it is best if you try to feel out the people around you
before you start joking around. Likewise, there may be situation where making light of
the situation could actually prove to be rather inappropriate.

Green Isn’t Good

Though most of us might believe that life will improve once we've bought a bigger
house, had a baby, been on a foreign holiday or re-decorated the living room, much to
our chagrin, we find that it hasn’t. What we refuse to acknowledge is that there is always
something that will make you feel better than you are right now. The problem with the
desire to have what others have, which you believe you too have a right to possess is
that those wishes never diminish. No matter how much you may try to match up to the
lifestyle of someone else, there will always be something else that would fall short. Don't
fall for it! If you get the things, you'd like to have, then good for you - just don't let them
hinder your chance of happiness along the way. Look around you and appreciate the
things you do have instead of focusing on those you don't. Remember the
talisman Gandhi ji gave, “Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too
much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest
man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate
is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him
[her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj
[freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts
and your self melt away.” No matter how little you think you have, there are people not
far from you who are far worse off than you are!
To Speak English Flu

Language is the tool used for conveying and expressing feelings and emotions.
Language helps in communicating and conversing with one another. It becomes easier
to express and communicate with others, if the conversation is in common language.
English has become the most common language and widely spoken language in the
world today. In fact in the present era, good command over English has become a
necessity, even if English is not someone’s mother tongue. Knowledge of English will
help a person develop his/her self confidence by giving them the power to take part in
conversations. Learning English and speaking it fluently is an easy task. It is just a
matter of your dedication and sincere efforts. English is quiet easy to follow as it has
aspects of several languages in it, therefore only little bit of hard work and dedication
will make you fluent in the language.

Tips To Speak English Fluently

• The first and foremost step towards speaking English fluently is to decide the
purpose of learning the language. Determine whether you want to learn the
language just for day to day use or for a specific purpose. Depending on your
need of the language choose the version or level you will have to master.
• Depending on your use of the language, decide and put aside the vocabulary
and the sentence construction which is ideal for you to learn, as you cannot
learn everything. Pick up around ten words and sentences from the particular
area everyday and practice them thoroughly.
• Practice using new words in real situations by integrating them into
conversations. Try and learn even the antonyms and the synonyms of each
word and the correct structure in which you can use the word.
• Choose a friend or a partner with whom you can practice speaking the
language. Having a person who knows English to speak to will help you
improvise your usage of words and formation of sentences. If the person you
choose is your good friend, then learning becomes easier, as you have your
own comfort zone with them.
• People who know the language well modify their language by using idioms,
phrases, and slangs depending on the situation. Do not try and use any such
phrases or idioms till the time you are confident of their correct usage. It takes
years of exposure to the language for someone to modify the language
according to the situation, which you as a beginner cannot expect to do. The
trick here will be to use simple recognized version of English by keeping the
usage correct.
• Try and avoid any form of grammatical errors when speaking. Grammar is the
basic of any language which need to be mastered in order to speak the
language accurately. Practice is the only key here. It is only through enough
practice that you will be able to get the grammar correct, which will help you
become fluent in its usage.
• There are many institutions that provide both classes and online education for
oral and written English. One can make use of any such facility and get
professionally trained in the language

How To Cheer
Yourself Up

Almost all of us have faced a bleak moment or some kind of depression at one point of
time or the other, in our life. There might be some worries bothering us every now and
then, leaving us with no time to smile and relax. In fact, in the present world, everyone is
so busy and preoccupied with living life that they hardly take out time for even his/her
own self, forget about family and friends. This lifestyle is but natural to bring along with it
lots of worries and tensions for people, leaving them with moments of gloominess. At
such times, it becomes very necessary to them to make efforts to perk up and have
some fun. This article will provide you with a few tips on how to get away from worries
and cheer yourself up.

Best Ways Of Cheering Yourself Up

• Put on your favorite music and dance out your worries. Turn the music loud and
dance to the beats; it will surely make you feel good. If you think that you cannot
dance, do not let that stop you having fun. Sing at the top of your voice instead
and continue to enjoy yourself.
• Spend some time with children. Their natural zest for life is infectious and will
cheer you up as well. They will make you love your life. A spontaneous hug or a
chubby little hand in yours will bring joy and add life to that moment.
• Push back all your worries by forcing a smile, even if you don’t feel like smiling.
This will trick your brain into thinking that you are happy. This is a proven fact
that if you think and act as if you are happy, you will start feeling happy and be
able to get rid of any worries.
• Put aside or clear out all the clutter around you. This will help in getting rid of the
negative energy from your work place as well as your home and give space for
some positive energy to flow in. It is an undeniable fact that clearing out what
you no longer want makes life easier. Getting rid of your past and all your
worries will give you an immense sense of freedom and will give you the
confidence that the future holds only happiness for you.
• Some unaccomplished project or a simple household work, which you hate to
do, might be continuously nagging you. Finish any such pending work, instead
of putting it off. Once you are done with the task, reward yourself with
something that you love, say an aromatic bath or a bunch of flowers and
chocolate. The peace of mind that comes from having got the job done will be
the greatest relief and reward of all.
• Think positive and keep repeating to yourself whenever you leave
the house that ‘today, my day is going to be great, it is going to be a lot of fun’,
rather than thinking negatively about it. Never think that your day is going to be
boring and lethargic; rather visualize it with some new excitement waiting for
• If there is a situation that is worrying you the whole day long, get rid of it. The
reality is often less stressful than sitting alone worrying about it. Try and talk out
your problem to one of your friends; this will help reduce your burden and give
you space to think logically.
• Indulge in exercise or perform yoga whenever you feel you are down with a
worry. It will help you release the “feel good chemicals” called endorphins, in
your body. Endorphins induce a feeling of euphoria and change your mood from
sad and dark to happy and bright.
• Have fun when you are down. Play games, watch comedies, put on the daily
jokes option on your mailbox or simply throw a party. Having fun and getting
involved with friends will help cheer you up.
• Make something! Be a bit creative and bake a cake, plan a garden, sketch a
portrait, or paint a landscape. Let your feelings flow out in a painting or a
drawing. This will help you come out of your worries.
• Take up something new. Learn a language, trace your family history, redecorate
your room, learn a new game, take music lessons or do something you always
wanted to do. Visualize yourself successfully completing the new project and
the benefits it will bring to your life. This will not only occupy your mind, but will
help develop high self-confidence and self-esteem.
• Visit an old friend. Plan out a day with him/her and have a blast. Share jokes,
narrate your experiences, and go in for a drink. Spending some time with your
old friend will bring back the young and cheerful person in you.

Dealing With

You have worked long and hard towards that right moment to propose to the girl of your
dreams, only to find out that she is engaged to someone else. Or, you put your heart
and soul into your work - just to find that your colleague has got that much awaited
promotion! Do such scenarios sound familiar to you? If they do, there is no need to
despair and think that someone has jinxed you. Almost all of us have faced setbacks at
some or the other point of time in our life. Needless to say, setbacks are not something
we like to put up with, especially when everything else seems to be so right and perfect!
Just taking life with a pinch of salt, however, might get the ball back in your court!
Remember, setback is just a phase of life that is likely to get over soon. Holding yourself
in the midst of adversity and fighting out of it will just make you a wiser, better person.
Think before taking the escape route. It is likely to get you nowhere. Instead, hold your
ground, assess, evaluate, consider and act. Here are some boosters for you to take
heed of, when suffering from setback. Read on and know all about dealing with the
setbacks that have been plaguing for life for sometime now.

How To Deal With Setbacks

• ‘A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from
them, and strong enough to correct them’- says Maxwell. Running away from
your problems is no way to deal with them! Acknowledging your problems is the
first big step towards solving them. Keep a tab over your feelings and look out
for possible signs of despair, distress and dejection in yourself. Once you have
done so, accept them and then take steps to rid your system of these feelings.
Don’t be harsh on yourself. Just let go off all feelings. The low would soon
• The next step is to understand the cause behind the setback. A bad day at
work, a misunderstanding with your spouse, a street-brawl, your own fault -
anything that might have caused the setback needs to be figured out. Doing this
can go a long way in helping you dissipate your anxiety.
• Stay positive. Failures can make our reasons go for a toss, at times. Instead of
concentrating on wrongs, try to think of all the right things you have done. Once
you have a smile back on your face and are feeling good about yourself, look
towards tomorrow. It will give you a chance to start over once again and do
things in the right way.
• Often, we conjure up impressions of things that are far beyond the reality. At
such times, things may not be as bad as they seem. When the situations seem
drab, it is better to distance yourself from them, in order to gain an accurate
perspective. An objective consideration of the situation may help you to assess
it better and take the right corrective measures.
• The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. If you have suffered a
slowdown in life, there is hardly any reason to despair. Remember, failure is not
a setback, rather your unwillingness to accept it and refuse to give things a try
is. Don’t sit and cry over your failures. Look for opportunities to come out of it
and work your way to success. Remember, “when life gives you lemon, you can
start making lemonade.”

Personal Goals In Life

The moment we are born, we join a

competition and end up competing with everyone around, including ourselves. By the
time we are old enough to boast of surging hormones, we are asked to set our goals,
which will decide the way we live our lives. Goals are supposed provide a definite
direction to our lives and help us identify our final destinations. So many of us set goals
at a time when we should be enjoying, and by the time we think we have achieved all
our goals, we feel that something is missing. That is because we reach stagnation after
that. Many of us do not know that goals are to be changed and ‘updated’ from time to
time. Also, most of us might think that goals are only associated with career; contrary to
that notion, goals are all-encompassing and are also include the personal and familial
life of a person. Even as a person aims to reach to a certain level in their career, they
might want to get a six pack abs! Here are a few personal goals that will make your lives

How To Set Personal Goals In Life

Here are some ways to decide upon various personal goals that you may want to set for
yourself. Though education features first on the list, you could set your goals with first
priority on something else – you must remember that these are not in the order of
importance or significance. You could device your own priority list.

This refers to any kind of knowledge that you may want to acquire, when you can do it
or when you can devote time to it and how long would it take you to do so. Some people
might decide to get a certain degree or attend classes after many years of having
worked just to keep themselves updated about what is happening in the industry.
Others may want to start with the profession only after they have acquired that
knowledge. You should know when it is time for you to enhance your knowledge or
acquire some new skills.

You must have set goals about the profession that you are following. It is like asking
yourself the very typical interview question – where do you see yourself after a
stipulated amount of time. There is no point in reaching stagnation in your career and
studies prove that people cannot be satisfied with their jobs or professions until it offers
them challenges and more responsibilities at regular intervals. You should have a clear
idea about where you wish to reach in your life. It is one goal that you cannot afford to
lose track of. Employers also invest more in people who know where they are headed.

When you set out to work and began to work, you must have thought of the amount of
money you will need to build a home of your own, what all you will need for it and so on.
You might also want to know what you do with that money. You may want to keep track
of your daily expenditure to know how much money is going in which direction, so that
you can cut down on wasteful expenditure. If you plan to buy or build a house or acquire
other assets, you may have to plan ahead as to how much money you will have to save
for it.

Community Service
Many youngsters, even as they work and earn, support many causes that may touch a
chord with them – some of them may want to associate themselves with AIDS
awareness or may spend some time taking care of differently abled children or some
others may want to lend a hand at the Helpage India Foundation. Whatever be the
cause that you want to associate yourself with, make sure you stick to it. You should
also know why you are associating yourself with the cause and how much time you can
devote to the cause as a volunteer and in which way you can contribute to the cause
that is close to your heart – whether it is spending some time with homeless veterans at
Helpage homes, preparing to lend services as a volunteer for various activities or so on.

Men and women have responsibilities towards their families, the ones they were a part
of, as well as, the families that they build. You will need to ask yourself what kind of
responsibilities you have towards your family members, your parents, your siblings, your
children, your spouse, parents-in-law too. These responsibilities are not only in the
material sense and go beyond the monetary duties. It could be in ways like helping your
child with his physics lessons or helping your wife cook lunch every day because she is
going through a painful menopause! It could also be in the form of taking care of ageing
parents or, sometimes even parents-in-law. You have to know how much time and
energy to devote for the family, which is your prime reason for earning a living

How To Deal With


Do you, at times, have a strong desire to do or to get something, a desire that you feel
you just can’t control? This desire is called a craving. It is something that your heart
longs for and as long as the longing remains unfulfilled, you tend to go through
emotional turmoil. Trying to curb these cravings could, at times, be painful and even
exhausting. This is especially true when you are trying to fight a bad habit, such as
smoking, and face frequent relapses. Mark Twain once said: “Giving up smoking is the
easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” This quip
might strike a responsive chord in you, because there might be something that you
might be trying to resist for quite sometime, but to no avail. These cravings could range
from something as simple as food to bigger things, such as drugs and tobacco.
However, no matter what the craving is for, following some simple tips to control it will
help you win the fight against your inner drives and desires. Read on to explore how to
deal with cravings.

How To Control Your Cravings

• No matter what you are craving for, remember that there is a big difference
between desire to fight the craving and actually taking steps to fight it. When
you have decided to take active steps, it is better to chalk out an action plan as
• Write down the cravings that tend to overtake you most frequently. There might
be triggers that set them off. Write down the triggers besides each individual
craving. For example, if you are on a diet, reading recipes of burgers, pizzas
and foods with high caloric content will get you craving for them.
• Once you have identified the triggers, analyze situations that you can avoid, so
that you do not come across these triggers.
• Keep yourself busy. The mind takes time to heal and so do the cravings, which
are associated with earlier memories, habits or desires. You will find that, as
you keep yourself busy, the chances of your mind relapsing into an idle state
are less. In time, you will find that the intensity of cravings has reduced.
• Monitor your progress. Take a few minutes everyday to reflect on how
successful you have been, at fighting off the craving. If there were relapses,
when you gave in to cravings, write down the circumstances led to them. They
can be included among the triggers and you can try your best to avoid those
circumstances, until you have better control over yourself.
• Get the help of others, if you feel that you cannot handle your cravings on your
own. Inform your family and friends about how you are trying to deal with them.
This will help them avoid, even unwittingly, being the cause of aggravating or
triggering off your cravings.
• Be realistic and balanced. Remember that you will not be able to overcome your
cravings overnight. Some of them might stem from habits that have been
developed over years. Therefore, you will need to give yourself time to get over
them completely. Expect relapses and do not be too hard on yourself, if you
give in to cravings periodically. You will find that, in time, you will be able to
have better control over them and fight them completely

How To Utilize The

Positive Power Of

Norman Vincent Peal may be the first person who comes to your mind when somebody
talks about ‘the power of positive thinking’. He is one author who wrote many books
about the power of positive thinking. Thoughts are tiny packets of energy. Each of your
thoughts have immense energy that can empower you to achieve whatever you want to,
if you concentrate to control your thought process. You may have heard that there are
two kinds of thoughts. Good thoughts are called as positive thoughts and bad ones as
negative thoughts. If you feed your mind with good thoughts, they will give you peace of
mind, high confidence, self esteem and sound health while your bad thoughts can ruin
you gradually. Positive thinking has worked miracles in the life of terminally ill people.
You can achieve the whole world if your mind is in your control and if you feed it with
good and beautiful thoughts. Read on the article to know more about how to utilize the
positive power of thinking.

Tips To Build & Use Power Of Positive Thinking

• You should feed your mind with positive thoughts and good things will happen in
your life. According to ancient sages, mind is almost like a garden. If you put
seeds of virtue and peace, they would grow in your mind’s soil. On other hand, if
you put the seeds of negative thoughts in your mind, they can affect you
adversely. It is the lack of control on your mind which makes the weed of
negative thought grown in your mind.
• One effective exercise that can help one to develop a good attitude is giving
more compliments to people. When you shower people with compliments, you
will also feel good about yourself. Think of the good things your neighbor or your
friend did in life, compliment them for it from heart. They will feel better and they
will treat you better. Basically a compliment is a chicken soup for a human soul.
This will make you feel better about yourself and that will reflect in every activity
you do in life.
• Compliment yourself as much as possible. It takes high stress to convince
yourself that you are doing well but you should take burden for being a person
with positive thinking. Never think of the negative things which you happened to
commit in your life. If you think of those things, it would lead you to high guilty
conscious which can burn your inner peace forever. Think of the good things
you commit in your life. There is a mentality in majority of the human beings that
they think themselves as very bad people which in fact they are not. Never keep
a bad image about yourself in your mind. It can be a reason for failure in life.
• You should think of yourself as the best person ever born on the face of earth.
This image will help you to gain more confidence and it will reflect when you talk
things. Never wear a posture of a tired and inferior person in your life. You
should walk like a king. This will give you more confidence and will reflect
in your body language. You should think borderless and limitless. This limitless
thinking will provide you more richness in material and spiritual sense, which
you never dreamt of.
• Your new confident personality can achieve you more friends in your work place
or in college. People will start listening to you when you talk things with an air of
confidence and authenticity. You will gradually become darling of the masses
How To Have A Witty

Being witty in your conversation is a significant way to showcase your intelligence,

humor and knowledge to your listeners. It can prove to be an impressive tool for flirting
as well. It helps you make friends, have a good time and feel comfortable at parties. If
done rightly, it is an effective way to impress, network and ease the tension.
Nonetheless, a witty conversation is best when your audience too is an intellectual
match. If your listener isn’t able to grasp your wittiness, you might end up being a snob,
or just plain weird. Read on further to know how you can be witty, while in a

How To Be Witty While Conversing

• Do not laugh at yourself. Maintain a straight face. Do not laugh unless the
opposite participant makes an equal witty or funny comment.
• Be sure to match your speech with the person who is conversing with you.
• Be quick as well as creative in your replies. The wittiness not only demands
creativeness on how you link ideas and draw comparisons, but also how quick
you are, in responding.
• Be a good listener. Reflect the words of the other person in a different way, by
comparing his/her statement to something else. This will also show that you
have been listening to the person.
• Be careful on your witty gestures. Use of the right body language will be an
added advantage. A playful smile and a raised eyebrow could add on a nice
• Keep your witty remarks in a casual tone, to make it look like saying them
comes naturally to you.
• In case you are talking to someone from another country, it would do good to
use phrases from his/her language.
• Familiarize yourself with words and sharpen your vocabulary. Use puns
wherever required.
• Study and notice your audience. Be careful on jokes, since every person has a
different sense of humor.
• Use relevant quotations from various books, movies or significant and famous
personalities, wherever applicable. Although this will make the statement wittier,
be sure that the other person too understands your reference.
• Be attentive. Observe the speakers and pick up humorous comments that other
people would probably not notice.
• Do not hesitate to make comments that may not be typical to you. You would be
respected, as you have spoken other people's mind.
• In some situations, physical humor such as props can also be appropriate.
• Dress yourself to enhance your wit. The more trendy and up-to-date you are,
the better you look. A beret or another hat will also help in. A commonly known,
intelligent people are often stereotyped as wearing glasses.


• Do not make the same references over and over again. Your witnesses will start
doubting your wittiness and intelligence.
• Do not use your wittiness to put people down. This is considered low and
• Do not try too hard to be witty. Not all people would like wittiness in their
everyday conversations about work and other nuances

Positive Thinking
Tips And Tricks

“Be Positive”, we are often told by our friends and loved ones, many of whom do not
know what it really means. What are the character traits of those who think positive or
maintain a positive outlook? Do they just go around saying “Aall Izzz Well” like the
refrain from the runway hit 3 Idiots? What makes them so chirpy all the time? Why does
negativity not affect them like it does to others? How would they handle a news or
situation that normally invokes feelings of negativity from others? These are some of the
questions that people ask themselves when they think about those who always seem to
find something positive about everything. Now that we all accept that tragedy can affect
the most happy-go-lucky people and it is only in the perspective wherein the difference
lies, we must explore some of the traits and tricks that such people possess to get over
all negativity. Here are some tricks that could lead us straight to positive outlook.
Tips To Maintain A Positive Outlook
Here are some things that will help you develop and maintain a positive outlook:
It isn’t necessary to take life too seriously all the time – you can let go and laugh away
life’s little miseries like missing a bus or train or spilling coffee on your dress. If you start
by taking these little things less seriously, you may also take the bigger challenges that
life throws at you with minimum negativity or anger.
Getting Rid Of Self Pity
Wallowing too much in self pity and feelings that hold you back from progressing in the
right direction are detrimental to your development as a person, not to mention to your
natural state of happiness. It makes you feel like you are perpetually the victim and
never lets you think about what you could do to improve the situation. It may give you
temporary relief to think of yourself as a victim; the relief is, however, temporary and self
It is important to be thankful to God for everything that you have. This way, instead of
fretting about what you do not have, you will appreciate what you do have and will value
it better. No matter how big the tragedy is, try to be thankful for what you did not lose. If
a chain snatcher snatched your gold chain, be thankful he did not hurt you. In any
circumstance that may elicit a negative response from you, try to think about and
concentrate on what you could have lost and did not.
Reaching Out
Many people who were often plagued by negative thoughts and self destructive
behaviour and thoughts, find all their negativity melting away when they reach out and
help someone and make that person feel better about themselves. You follow it too; try
and reach out to someone who may need you and try to help them see the better
side of their situation. Make sure to leave all your own negativity behind when you reach
out to the other person or else your negativity might transfer to them too.
No matter what the situation is, belief in yourself, belief in your abilities and in the fact
that everything will be alright in the end will heal you of all the negativity and self
destructive behaviour. Belief is, by far the most powerful positive feeling that has the
capacity to heal any emotional wound. Never lose the faith with which you began your
life with – a child does not know mistrust, malice, negativity, disbelief or cynicism. Be
childlike in your belief in yourself but at the same time be realistic about your goals and
Self Esteem Building

Most people think bad about themselves from time to time. That it happens to majority
of us doesn’t imply that it need not be worked upon. Your feeling of low esteem may be
triggered by a critical remark or being treated badly by others. Low self-esteem is a
constant companion for some, who are simply too judgmental about themselves.
Depression, anxiety, phobias, psychosis, delusional thinking may also accompany them
as all these issues are interrelated. In case you wish to know how to build self esteem
and thwart negative thoughts about yourself, read the article to find some activities to
help you on the same.

Ways To Build Self Esteem

Create Affirming Lists

Making a list about your strengths and positive aspects and rereading them often will
make you feel better and positive about yourself. List some of your strengths and a few
things that you admire about yourself. You can also add your achievements in life and
your simple accomplishments. Find inexpensive and simple ways to reward yourself for
all your achievements and accomplishments. It is very important to find something in
you that you can be proud of. However, don’t let it become a reason for your arrogance
as everyone is unique in some way.

Develop Positive Affirmations

Make positive affirmations and statements about yourself that make you feel good and
better about yourself. Think of ways you would like to feel about yourself and make such
statements to yourself. Some such positive affirmations can be:
• I feel god about myself.
• I am a good person.
• There are many people who like me.
• I spend time with people who make me feel good about myself and are nice to
• I am taking good care of myself. I eat right and healthy, do exercise and do
other things that I enjoy doing.
You can also create a list of positive affirmations and keep it handy and read it
whenever you feel low on confidence or indulge in self-pity. Make copies of the list and
keep them at several places, so that whenever you chance upon reading it your self-
esteem gets a high. You can also share the points mentioned in the list with others
whenever you feel like it.

Try To Reinforce A Positive Self-Image

Instead of feeling low and demeaning yourself over some of your drawbacks, you
should focus on your positives. Remember that n body is perfect and people can just
strive to achieve perfection. Though there might be many things that you don’t like
about yourself, you will definitely find something adorable about yourself. Your special
attributes, talents and achievements are the reasons you should be confident and self-
assured. Most people tend to be someone else and their self identity becomes the first
casualty in the process. This can make you feel under-confident.

Read Inspirational Books

Read books that inspire and motivate you to look at yourself in a positive light. You may
find many such books in stores, which will help you to cultivate self belief and self-
esteem. Books can be great source of motivation and inspirational books can serve to
foster positive thinking and encourage one to think and feel better about oneself. There
is a whole range of inspirational books that thrust upon the fact that being judgmental
about oneself brings down the self-esteem of a person. You might as well find some
solution to help yourself through these books

To Cure Loneliness

A thin line separates the distance between being lonely and being alone. Sometimes,
you can feel lonely in a crowd and at other times you busy with yourself even while you
are alone. Loneliness is a state of mind. Loneliness mean different for different people.
Some people fall into a depression because of loneliness while some nurture their
creativity through it. To look at it constructively, loneliness is the path to oneself, a
means of self discovery. This is all fine when loneliness is voluntary and there are
options from breaking away from it. However when people are forced to loneliness they
experience extreme emptiness and unworthiness. One of the main reasons for people
staying lonely is that they don’t have the strength or the inclination to move away from it.
It becomes a part of their lives. So, if you are one of those people who consider
loneliness a burden then read the article below to know how to cure loneliness.

How To Handle Loneliness

• The best way to cure loneliness is to keep yourself busy. To constantly dwell on
the fact that you are lonely won’t help you in curing it. Try to stay near people as
much as possible. Even if you are unacquainted with any of the people, being
near them will lift your spirits up. You can join a club or volunteer for some non-
profit organization. If you are working then lose yourself in the work. Your work
will be the best antidote to medicine. Find something that interests you so that it
keeps your mind away from your loneliness. Just go out and do something.
• Get involved in your neighborhood activities. In order for you to get involved it
would require some time and a lot more attention from your part. Try to organize
neighborhood get together and charity events. In this way you can be more
active and also get to meet other people.
• There are many people who are lonely and trying to cope with it. If you can,
strike a friendship with them . Help people who feel lonely and you would cure
yourself of loneliness.
• Remember that loneliness is a choice and you always have the option of
choosing otherwise. Don’t withdraw yourself when you can go out and have fun.
Being happy and cheerful is the sure shot way of driving away loneliness.
• Sometimes the environment around you can drive you to loneliness, like a
cramped house or an unhealthy neighborhood. Take a house that is airy and full
of light. If your house is bright your mood will be light. Go for a peaceful
neighborhood where you will have more chance of making friends.
• Cultivate a hobby. Boredom breeds loneliness. Indulge in sports or go gyming.
Cultivate the habit of reading as it is the best solution against boredom. Try P.G
Wodehouse and you will see time flying by.
• Don’t fall into the drug or alcohol trap. These are no solution for loneliness;
instead they make you even lonelier.
• Don’t do things that make you feel lonely like reading depressing books and
watching sad movies. Read
• books and watch movies that lighten up your mood

How To Get Out Of A

Bad Mood
Ian Thorpe, also known as ‘Thorpedo’, was a world champion swimmer who won eight
gold medals in the 2000 Olympics. He had commented that the upcoming champion,
Michael Phelps did have incredible ability, but would not be able to win eight gold
medals at the Beijing Olympics, as the competitive spirit would be too intense. When
Phelps was asked about this comment, he said there are three things that make him
mad and put him in a bad mood, ‘fatigue, muscle soreness and taunts from Ian Thorpe’.
However, Phelps did not let Thorpe get the better of him - he performed. In the 2008
Olympics in Beijing, he participated in eight events and won gold medals in each one of
them! It is great to see the sportsmanship with which Phelps dealt with his negative
feelings and constructively, diverted them to positive actions of achievement. But, not all
of us have such a strong personality.

In most situations, when we are in a bad mood, we tend to lash out at others (through
blatant or passive aggression) or become self destructive. This negative reaction is
harmful for us as well as our loved ones and a conscious effort has to be made to
change the mindset. It is a known fact that a person’s true personality comes out during
bad moments. We have to inculcate in ourselves the ability to redirect our negative
feelings, towards positive thoughts and actions. This will not only help us become more
relaxed, but will also provide a less stressful environment for the people around. In
order to deal with a bad mood, a whole mental paradigm shift has to take place.
Discussed ahead are a few ways on how to get out of bad mood.

Ways To Snap Out Of A Bad Mood Quickly

• When you are in a bad mood, it is best to divert your thoughts. Occupy yourself
with something else. Any activity that is mechanical or mundane will help in
getting you immersed into thinking of nothing in particular. Cleaning, doing
paperwork or watching a movie will divert your thoughts for a while, until your
mood improves.
• If you have close family members or friends, you could also vent out your
frustration. It is bad to bottle up your negative feelings and speaking them loud
in front of a loved one will surely help you feel better. When you are in a bad
mood, what you need is a ‘sounding board’, someone who is neutral and will
listen to you without giving judgment.
• In case, you feel that talking to someone about your personal thoughts is not
possible, you could write them down. While some people maintain diaries, in
today’s Internet age, they write blogs. Comments from strangers on your
thoughts, through blogs, give that non-judgmental third person point of view,
which is very much required to get out of a bad mood.
• Music is known to be one of the best ways to relax. Playing your favorite tune is
relaxing and tends to calm nerves as well. It helps you be positive, as you get to
travel through the melody that pleases your ears as well as your mind.
• Take a walk or change the scene. Being in the place or in front of the person
who put you in a bad mood will only rekindle the negative feelings that you are
trying to divert. Getting some fresh air or maybe a cup of coffee will give you
space to distract yourself and clear your head.
• It is also good to exercise, when you are in a bad mood. However, overdoing
physical activities when you are down may not be advisable. Try activities like
dance, creative outlets like pottery, painting or anything that interests you and
lets you retain your peace of mind

How To Overcome
Fear Of The Dark

Everyone has faced this. You are alone in a room and suddenly the lights go out. Fair
enough, but after sometime a sinking feeling sets in. Suddenly some stories and
incidents come to mind that shouldn’t be thought in the dark. You are confronted with
unknown terrors that cannot be banished through rational thought. That’s the power the
dark has over us. Shadows hold the darkest secrets, the unknown. It is a tendency
inherent in man to fear that which is not known. Since you cannot see anything in the
dark, the mind conjures up images that reflect our greatest fear. The fear that something
indescribable “is always near” is forever in the mind. Children, naturally, fear the dark
and it shouldn’t be any cause for worry, but when the fear starts leading towards the
irrational then it is classed as a phobia called nyctophobia. It affects both children and
adults alike. So, its very necessary to get rid of this fear. Read the article below to know
how you can overcome the fear of the dark.

Tips For Overcoming Fear Of Dark

Fear may be emotional but in most cases it is not logical. The problem is that fear
numbs the mind so much that the person cannot exercise his or her logical faculties. In
that case some other person must take the responsibility of explaining that the fear is
illogical. Gradually the victim must be taught to apply logic to the situation.

You see a shadow in the corner and curl up on the bed not daring to go to the next
room. In situations like this investigation can drive away your fears. Instead of sitting,
switch on the lights and see what the shadow is. In this way you can counter your fear
with facts. When we are in fear we tend to see images and the best way to drive these
is to counter it. If you can’t switch on the lights then throw something at it, like a pillow.
More often than not you will manage to drive out a cat or your sibling.

See In The Dark

Since darkness is the best friend of fear it is always better to locate a source of light. In
case you cannot find any, start picturing to yourself the various object near you. And say
them aloud. Like you can say that “on my right is the TV”, “on my left is the cupboard”
and so on and so forth till you can visualize everything.

Learn to relax. Read inspirational books or anything that warms the heart. Thrillers and
mystery novels are great as they engage your complete attention. In this way when you
are faced with fear you can relax your selves and think about these things.

Sing Or Talk
Sounds funny but when you are alone and fear grips you, act as if you are not alone.
Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend. Better still sing as you can make yourself
oblivious to the fear. The trick is not to remind yourself of the fear. As long as you don’t
realize fear, you won’t have fear. Also remember that silence heightens the fear and so
hearing your own voice, either in singing or in talking, goes a long way in driving it.

If the fear is extreme then psychotherapy is advised. In therapy the root cause of the
fear is analyzed and the patient is slowly brought to terms with it. The therapy goes on
or an extended period of time and varies from individual to individual.

How To Be A Natural

One very often comes across this phrase from the popular movie ‘The Spiderman’ –
With great power comes great responsibility. For most of us this is just a popular phrase
and often we tend to overlook the inner meaning of these words. It is truly a great
responsibility to lead and direct people in life and in any situation. It requires a
combination of a number of qualities and skills. From afar it might look like a privilege to
lead the masses but reality is something else. You need to be focused and completely
dedicated to frame yourself as a leader. In addition to that, you also need to get yourself
acquainted with different situations and conditions. You also need to keep yourself
inspired and motivated . To know more about how to develop leadership skills go
through the info given below.

Tips To Develop Natural Leadership Qualities

• Constant or periodic evaluation of one’s strength and weaknesses is very
essential to set the foundations of leadership. One will be able to perform better
only when one is aware of one’s drawbacks and shortcomings. At the same
time, it is equally important to be aware of one’s potential as this acts like the
motivation or the driving force to keep one going.
• Natural leaders take in-depth information about their surroundings and assess
people around them. It is only through a better understanding of your
surrounding environment can you aspire to influence them with your words and
• Consider every obstacle, every failure as a stepping stone which will lead you
closer to your goal as a leader. Learn to judge a situation in terms of both pros
and cons and act accordingly. It is only when you truly assess a situation can
you think of leading others in a particular situation.
• Try to follow the example of other leaders and if possible, pursue mentors to
help you in the process. Leadership is not a quality that is absolute and
complete. It requires frequent appraisals and refurbishing. You can either seek
the direct help of the mentors or try to figure out their line of thoughts and
actions. It is extremely vital that you understand how such people think and act
in order to inculcate their ways. However, it is not necessary that you actually
mimic their actions. All you need to do is establish a fine connection between
your own ideas and the already established ones of proven natural leaders.
• Knowledge is the key to all answers and one can only gain information through
regular and constant reading. Books are a great way to come across different
kinds of opinions and ideas and get different types of outlooks about a particular
issue. It is not mandatory that you agree to and follow each and every
instruction jotted on paper. You can also critically evaluate these issues either
personally or with a group. It is only through such constructive criticism that one
can aim to inculcate and adopt the inherent characteristics of a natural leader.
• Learn to gain control over your fears. Being human, it is but natural that you will
come across qualms, suspicions and worries. It totally depends on you how you
gain control over your anxieties and lead a life that is inspiring for others.
• The ability to make quick and sensible decisions is very important for a leader. It
should be kept in mind that a leader never dilly-dallies or puts off issues. Rather,
they try to come to a conclusion in a timely manner.

How To Improve

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of
kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” This line
was said by Audrey Hepburn, and nothing sums, both mental and physical poise more
beautifully. In our day to day life we come across people, buckling under stress and
anxiety, losing complete control over their body and mind. Yes, poise is the control that
the mind has over the body and reversely the body over the mind. This synchronization
leads towards a faultless balance that is called poise, where the mind and body is in
perfect coordination. Mental poise is achieved through calmness and the strength of will
power of the mind, and physical poise through health andfitness of the body. You may
ask why poise is so necessary. Poise is necessary so that we can eliminate negative
and destructive thoughts and focus on the positive and constructive ones. This makes
the life calm and composed. So, read the article below so that you can know how you
can improve your poise.

Tips For Improving Poise

Physical Poise Improvement

• To improve the physical poise the bird yoga poses are especially good for
creating a lightness of the body. This results in a balance against gravity
creating a state of extreme lightness.
• This is known as the flying bird pose (panshee). Keep your feet together and
stand straight. At the shoulder level, with the palms facing backward spread the
arms out. Lead forward, and rise on your toes and then inhale and exhale. Then
lend a little more and breathe evenly. Repeat a few times relaxing in between.
• This is known as the crane pose (bakasana). Spread the legs while standing
up straight. Bring your right foot to the front and bend it at the knee. Now bend
and place the hands on either side of the right leg, and lift the left leg and
straighten it. Now straighten the right leg. Focus on a place in the ground and
hold the breath for some time. Release and repeat for the left leg.
• This is known as the swan pose (hamsasana). Sit on your knees with the
heels spread apart. Now point the palm backwards, towards the ground and
bend the elbows. Put your palms on the ground and placing the stomach on the
elbows lean forward slowly till your forehead touches the ground. Slowly stretch
the legs behind, one at a time.
Mental Poise Improvement

• Be comfortable with what you are doing and give your hundred percent
• Think of the benefits and interest yourself in your work.
• Have a clear purpose and a strong desire.
• Above all show your commitment and belief.
Don’t Judge Yourself
• Don’t see your flaws through the magnifying glass and criticize yourself
constantly. This will help you to make peace with yourself and be more
• Don’t take undue panic. Stay calm and composed. This will help you to utilize all
your mental faculties, in solving the problem. If you constantly get freaked out
your poise is going to suffer.
Hold Your Head High
• Show your confidence by standing tall and head held high. You will have a far
more effective influence if you hold your gaze strong and make eye contact.
That is why timid people have such a bad poise as they do not make eye

Tips On Organizing

Time cannot be managed per se, as you cannot speed it up or slow it down. The only
thing you can do is manage the way your spend your time. One of the most precious
things, time is required to accomplish goals. Thus, organizing time is essential for
success; else, you can experience failure. You need to organize yourself to achieve
your goals and do the things that you want and need to do, be it in terms of your career
or your family. It is important to use the right resources and stay focused on what you
have to do, in order to successfully implement propertime management. Read on further
to explore tips on organizing your time. Follow these simple guidelines to easily and
efficiently manage time and reach your goals successfully.

How To Organize Your Time

Plan Ahead
Plan your tasks for the day and know the time frame within which you have to complete
them. This will help you see what you have to do and how much time you will need to
do it. Compare this with the time you have in hand and try to organize the tasks

Know Your Priorities

Place the most important things at the top of your list and give yourself time to get these
things done. On accomplishing the tasks, you will feel that you have done a good job of
managing your time. In case, you haven’t completed them, you will realize that the
things did not have the right deadline or they weren’t really important.

Have a Routine
Trying sticking to a certain time frame everyday. This will keep you organized and it will
be easier to manage time each day. If something unexpected happens or some sort of
interruptions take place, it will help you know how to get back on the task.

Stay Organized
Stay organized by managing files on your computer as well as organizing household
or office itmes. This will help you save time that you would have otherwise spent on
looking out for items you will require, as you will know where you have kept everything.
You can use this time to do other imortant tasks.

Always Have a Plan

Always know what your need to do and outline the time you need to do the task in. this
will help you prevent problems and even the complaint that you didn’t have enough time
to complete the task. Save time by setting goals and how much time you will need to
accomplish these goals.

Don’t Waste Time

It is possible that procrastination and low motivation can come in the way of your
accomplishing the goals internally. Externally, friends and extended conversations can
end you off schedule. Stay focused and do not let these interruptions influence you.

Have Extra Personal Time

Whenever you plan out the day, keep time for yourself as well, which you can use to
relax or have a meal. This will help you focus and find more energy for the rest of the

Track Your Time

Keep a track of how much time you are spending doing certain tasks. It often happens
that you are not spending enough time doing something or the goals are requiring more
time than you had estimated. Eventually, refocus your goals and tasks for the next time.

Use Right Resources

Find and stick to one type of system or process that works best for you, to accomplish
your goals. Do not spend too much time searching for something new, since you will be
wasting time in accomplishing your goals.

Ask For Help

In case you have lots of goals to accomplish and you are unable to find a way out to
get them done, ask for help from someone. You will find plenty of people around you
who are willing to support you in your tasks.

Utilizing Constructive

Criticism is one of the most overlooked, yet vital requirements for any person. For
example, it is not possible for a writer to be both author and editor to his or her own
work. For an author, it is significant to receive advice for improvement and follow it
without losing the soul of his or her writing. Constructive criticism is important as the
feedback and support of others helps us to fully develop our talents. Such a criticism is
an integral part of our lives, as our work is incomplete beyond a certain limit, without
constructive feedback to guide us. Read on further to know how to utilize constructive

How To Use Constructive Criticism

Receiving constructive criticism includes two parts. First is, to listen openly to everything
that is being said about your work and second is to ask for clarification on anything that
you may have not understood. Your criticizer’s remarks may often be helpful to you, but
it should be noted that the discussion is not to convince him/her of your point of view,
but to know how you can improve the clarity and impact of your work, personality,
behavior, or anything else. Receiving constructive criticism is often difficult for any
person at all levels of experience. The following approaches will help you to receive and
utilize criticism in an easier and productive manner.

Keep Quiet
Often, when you get responses to a particular aspect of your life, you want to jump in
and defend yourself, explaining the way you have set up a particular point. However,
the idea behind constructive criticism is to let your reviewer tell you what they think of
that aspect. If you interrupt your friends or reviewers while they are giving their honest
thoughts, this will sabotage the chances of your improving. Listen to your critics
carefully, note down scrupulous notes on everything they point out and jot down your
own reactions. Avoid interrupting or challenging until they have completed airing their

Stay Open
Avoid behaving like most other people, who reject criticism at the first instance. Try to
keep an open mind and do not respond to comments instantly. Question your reviewer
on why he disliked your stated views or work and how he would suggest you to improve
your views/work found undesirable. Make notes of all the reviews as they will help you
summarize the feedback and rectify yourself accordingly.

Stay True To Yourself & Your Character

Although constructive criticism is important, remember that you are the ultimate
authority on yourself. If you can utilize your critic’s advice in your life without losing your
own perception, then only go ahead. To be a good critic taker, you have to craft a
compromise between your intent and your criticizer’s views, without compromising on
your original being. If you can do so, you would be able to make the best possible use
of constructive criticism
How To Be More

Life may seem unfair to most of us and the feeling of discontentment can raise its ugly
head at the slightest provocation. Perhaps, a great deal of it is triggered by our
tendency to not to be thankful enough for the good things we posses in life. Undue
comparisons, a bad day at the workplace or a petty fight with your spouse can make
you feel distressed and dejected. However, you have to fight such negative vibes and
look at the brighter side of life, in order to learn to be more thankful. Learning to be
thankful about the simple joys of life will make your life better and more fruitful. Read the
article to find some useful tips on how to be more thankful and enjoy your life.
Tips To Be More Thankful

Appreciate Your Good Health

No matter what your physical or mental health is like, you should always appreciate the
fact that it could have been worse. You may be suffering from a dozen ailments, but it is
always better than the worst. You should be thankful for the current status of
your health. Look at people who have a poorer health than yours and you will realize
how you are better off than a lot of people. Be grateful for what you have than cribbing
over that it could have been better.

Value Your Family & Friends

The tendency to take people for granted equates to devaluing them. When was the last
time when you thanked your family and friends for their constant support? They have
always been around and have been your pillar of strength standing by your side in the
toughest of problems. We realize the value of certain things when we know that we
can’t have them forever. Don’t forget to be thankful to your friends and family just
because they are always there.

Be Grateful For The Opportunities You Got

Appreciate the opportunities that you have had in life, for there are many who continue
to struggle all their lives. Be grateful for the numerous exciting opportunities that might
have come your way and helped you to become what you are today. Consider yourself
lucky to have things going your way, whenever so happened. What you have in life may
not be in proportion to your expectations, but it should not stop you from being pleased
with whatever you have got.

Value The Material Benefits You Enjoy

You may dream about owning a palatial home one day, but don’t disown the fact that
you have a safe roof over your head, food to eat and other necessities. There are
millions of people around, for whom a meal per day is a luxury they can’t afford. This is
not to say that always draw such comparisons that make you feel better. You just have
to realize that you have so much to thank for, even as you feel disheartened for some of
your dreams not being fulfilled

The Art Of Public


One can define public speaking as “the process of speaking to a group of people in a
structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.” It
is a powerful tool used for motivating, influencing, persuading, informing, translating to,
or simply entertaining the audience. Public speaking is also one of the human race’s
greatest fears. The very thought of forgetting the lines or saying something entirely
wrong boils down to the fear of being publicly ridiculed, rejected and humiliated. To a
certain extent, feeling nervous before giving a speech is natural, but too much of the
same can prove to be detrimental. Given below are some tips to control your butterflies
and help you give better presentations. These tips will help make the art of public
speaking less stressful and create a more relaxed and confident you.

Tips For Speaking In Public

Know Your Material

The first step towards mastering public speaking is choosing a topic of your interest.
Include humor and personal stories in your speech and use a conversational language.
This will help you remember what to say. Gather more information about the topic than
what you are including in the speech.

Arrange all the equipment that you would be using and rehearse out loud. Practice while
taking breaks. Set atimer and allow time for the unexpected. You can get a family
member or friend to observe your rehearsal and give a constructive feedback. Practice
many times, to attain the right flow and comfort level.

Explore The Audience

Most people overlook this strategy. It is important to know about the group you would be
talking to, as it can help you tailor what you will be speaking. You can start with greeting
some of the members when they enter. Ease yourself by speaking to a group of friends,
rather than strangers.

Get Acquainted With The Venue

The day you have to indulge in public speaking, arrive at the location early and walk
around the speaking area. Practice using the microphone and other visual aids. This will
make you feel more confident.

Begin your speech by addressing the audience, as this will give you time to calm your
nerves. Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. Transform your
nervous energy into enthusiasm.

Visualize Yourself
Imagine yourself speaking loud, clear and confident. Visualize the audience clapping
and agreeing to what you are saying. This will surely give a boost to your confidence.
Remember, the audience always wants its speakers to be interesting, stimulating,
informative and entertaining.

Do Not Apologize
In case you have committed a mistake, do not apologize for any nervousness or
problem. It might be possible that the audience hasn’t even noticed it, so let it go off. Do
not make people criticize you, by your own doing.

Concentrate On The Message

Divert your attention from your own anxieties to your message and audience. Stay
focused on your material and consider the audience as your friend. This will help make
you successful.

Gain Experience
Your speech should characterize you as an authority as well as an individual. In this
context, experience will help you build confidence, which is the key to effective public
speaking as well.

How To Stay Happy

At Home

Women, especially those who are professionally inclined, often get addicted to the
newfound independence that comes with pursuing a career. It teaches them a lot about
life, but also gives back a lot in terms of independent thought process and the ability to
define themselves in their own terms, and not according to terms defined by their man.
If such women are to be made to sit at home, during a lay-off, after getting married into
a different state, when they turn mothers, when they take a hiatus or after retirement,
they often feel wasted and purposeless. Many of them begin to sink into depression and
blame their husbands or grown up children for their mood swings; they may even enter
into the destructive habit of self-pity. This emotional downturn affects their daily
interactions with people within and outside the family circle. It is thus, imperative for a
woman to stay happy, even as she is at home. In any case, it is well said that a happy
man is just one happy person, whereas a happy woman equals a happy family. Read
on to learn how to stay happy even at home.

Ways To Stay Happy At Home

No Pity
The first thing to do is to come out of this apparently comfortable habit of pitying oneself.
It is not only vulgar but also destructive. It will turn you against the whole world, giving
you the false notion that everyone else is responsible for your condition, while it is only
you, or perhaps, just the circumstances that are responsible for you having to stay at
home. If you do not love yourself, you cannot expect others to love you.
You may have been a good singer but never found time to practice music all the while
you worked. Or, you may have loved to paint but never found time to. Now is the time;
in fact, you have all the time in the world to pursue your interests. Do not ever forget just
how happy you felt singing, painting, taking pictures, or cooking, as these were the
things that gave you peace of mind. Since you need to be at peace now more than at
any other time, you must pursue your interests.
Learn Something New
Though the old saying was “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, the modern refrain is to
replace the word “diamonds” with the word “internet” (!). Diamonds cannot teach you
how to use Adobe Photoshop so that you can design birthday cards and other such
things. Diamonds cannot teach you how to make pepper rasam that you love but could
never make. Thus, if you feel the need to pamper yourself, bypass the diamonds and
give yourself an internet connection.
Contrary to what you might have thought, it was not your money but your knowledge
that gave you all that power. Study ahead and gain a few more qualifications. You will
feel more worthy and will have something to do through the day. Apply for an MBA or
some other qualification, or learn a new language that would help you better your
prospects when looking for a job.

How To Become A
Mentally Stronger

Just as we exercise our physical body, it is essential to make efforts to improve our
mental and emotional health too. This strengthens our resiliency to bounce back when
we are confronted by hefty problems and issues. Rightly said, “laughter is the best
medicine” - because if you can laugh at yourself, you can find humor even when some
things go awry. Staying mentally strong is not difficult, all that matters is the choice you
make. You need to have a positive attitude towards people and life. Remember, you
need more energy to worry and fret, than what is required to remain optimistic and
hopeful. Read on further to know how you can become a mentally stronger person and
stay mentally fit.

Ways To Stay Mentally Sharp & Strong

Exercise Your Mind

Sharpen up your brain by doing simple tricks, such as using your less dominant hand,
solving puzzles and riddles, writing a short story, or even reading a book on a new

Reduce Stress
Firstly, detect the source of your stress, and then discover healthy coping mechanisms
to overcome the same. Eliminate unnecessary stressors and accept situations that you
have no control over. Develop and implement relaxation techniques that will work for

Increase Self-esteem
Think wisely and speak more positively about yourself. View all challenging situations
coming your way as opportunities, be proactive and decisive about your life and engage
in active listening. Choose to talk about your progress and not your troubles and set
boundaries for yourself wherever necessary.
Improve Coping Skills
Have a positive attitude, believe in yourself and create your life well. Just because you
do not want to deal with something, do not avoid it, instead face it and feel the
importance of what you are doing. Frequently compare yourself with your own progress
in the past and not with someone else’s.

Be Resilient
Make it a habit to bounce back from negative situations and throw out thoughts that no
longer serve your purpose or are of no use to you. Maintain a sense of humor and work
on your productivity.

Build Strong Support System

Engage with or choose people who have a positive attitude and keep away from the
ones who drain your energy. Develop a network of people that help you remain
motivated and aligned with passion and purpose.

Tap Into Your Creative Genius

Start thinking out of the box and view situations from different perspectives. Honor your
natural talents, passion and abilities by indulging into writing, dancing, drawing, knitting
or woodworking.

Appeal To All Your Senses

When dealing with new material in your life, use your abilities, of taste, smell, touch,
sight and hearing, before narrowing down to a decision. Use your imagination and
instincts to examine problems and solutions. Analyze and work on a challenge by
drawing pictures, writing, researching, and so on.

Enjoy Leisure Activities

Engage yourself in fun activities that bring you joy, by scheduling out time from your
routine. You can try downtime activities that are inexpensive, such as bike-riding, going
to the library, and renting funny movies.

Spend Some Time Alone

Spend some positive time in solitude, not loneliness. Analyze yourself, do a life review
and determine what’s out of balance and what can be done to correct it. Try
strengthening the relationship you have with yourself.

How To Keep From

Having A Judgmental

It is in human nature to be judgmental. Many people often look down on others as if

they are much better than everyone around and this starts the creation of division
between people. To top it all, they find it difficult to keep from having a judgmental
attitude. People who have a judgmental nature often wish their beliefs, their habits, their
way of life on others. They see people and pass judgment based on their looks or
actions and often the opinion is not completely objective. No effort is made to know the
person or understand them either. This only tends to increase differences between two
human beings. Hence, it is essential to avoid being judgmental and build a bridge
instead. Read on further to know how you can keep from having a judgmental attitude.

Tips To Avoid Being Judgmental

Remember Everyone Is Unique

You need to remember that not every person you meet will be like you. People come
from different cultures, sexual orientations, faith, class, etc. A combination of these
factors make the world seems alive. Remember and celebrate the fact that everyone is
unique and not the same.

Try To Be In Other’s Shoes

We often have our own ideas that make us happy, but we shrink thinking what someone
else would think or feel about us. Often, we step back from expressing something
different, assuming that we might end up losing our loved one’s respect. While judging
other, if we keep in mind that even we don’t feel good about being judged, it will save us
from being critical.

Close Your Eyes To Judgment

We think of what other people are doing and judge them on that basis. And most of the
time, this is not at all something that affects us in one way or the other. Avoid having a
judgmental attitude of what others think and do in their private time. Close your eyes to
all the unnecessary stuff and try to notice only what concerns you.

Know Judging Is Not Healthy

Stressing yourself by thinking what you cannot change is simply risking your health.
Avoid spending days and nights worrying about others, as in what they do or think, as
this will only cause a lot of stress to you. Live your life to the fullest and let others find
own peace in their life. Reserve your energy for your own future use.

Open Your Eyes To Truth

When you find yourself looking at something that you don’t agree with, remember that
not everyone would agree with you either. Consider yourself being in that situation and
then narrow down to a conclusion. Put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine their
background. This will help you in being critical of other people’s actions.

Free Yourself
It is not necessary to agree with the decision of other people, but you should learn to
respect their right to feel and speak. Just as you would want to feel free, let others too
enjoy their right of being free.

Learn To Love
Once you have accepted a person for what he/she is, try loving and understanding
him/her. If you have hated him/her in the past, change your hatred to love. Express your
love to old or young, light skinned or dark, male or female, rich or poor and find the
world becoming a much better place to live in

How To Think Like A


What separates extremely successful people from the unsuccessful ones is nothing but,
their different thinking. Millionaires make millions not by some sheer stroke of good
fortune, but by their superior thinking and strategic planning. If your goal is to retire as a
millionaire, you will have to train your mind to think like the big shots. Unless you really
learn what millionaires think and how they strategize, you will have trouble making
heaps of money. This article brings you some valuable tips on how to think like a
millionaire. Read on to know what it takes to have a millionaire’s mind.

Thinking Like A Millionaire

Think Long Term

Successful people have a tendency to think long term and invest in the future. Once a
long term goal or objective has been visualized, you need to adjust your daily behavior
accordingly to ensure that those goals are achieved well in time. People who have
made astronomical sums of money have worked hard to climb the monetary ladder. You
have to think of the long term consequences of the decision that you are taking at the
moment and then take a final call.

Think Positive & Be Confident

Have you ever tried to find out how many skeptics have become millionaires? Just a
handful! People who believe in themselves know how to take calculated risks and
failures do not thwart their way. The biggest difference between successful and normal
people is a positive thinking mind and a confident personality. Smart minds know when
to hit the nail right on the head. Be a positive thinker and plan you strategies while
calculating the risks.

Delay Gratification
The feeling of fulfillment doesn’t come easy to millionaires or they would have never
made millions in the first place. Don’t allow yourself to gloat on the initial gains and feel
gratified. Train your mind to ask for more. While you should not lose yourself in the
quest of success or money, it is important that you don’t feel satiated with what you
have achieved so far. Always remember that there are miles to go before you sleep!

Discipline Your Thought-Process

Thinking like a millionaire involves disciplining your mind and thought process. There
are many people who think big, but very few who actually make it big. This is where
disciplining your mind is factored in. A disciplined mind will delay gratification and keep
you focused on your goals. A structured and well-organized thought process will help
you to develop a futuristic perspective, just the way millionaires have it!

Decide The Limit

Your mind knows your limitations, although you are certainly not bound by them.
Thinking like a millionaire doesn’t imply that you will have millions in your treasury in just
a matter of days. Success will come hard and you will have to face testing situations.
Think over where you want to set the limit and to what extent will you stretch yourself to
realize your dreams. You don’t need to think like a millionaire to set your limit, as there
are a few things that your own mind will tell you better

How To Get Someone

Off Your Mind

It is a commonly seen phenomenon – of people who cannot get over someone who has
hurt them, purposefully or unknowingly. In such cases, the person who has had to bear
the hurt is seen to wallow in self-pity for as long as they can, or at least till their near and
dear ones allow them to. Would it not be better if they found a way to get over the hurt,
and the person who caused them that hurt, all by themselves? Of course, it would be
good. The best way to do it is to stop loving the image of victim that we have created for
ourselves. The moment we stop seeking solace in being a victim, we will accept any
positive change in others and ourselves that we may encounter. Here are some other
ways to get someone off your mind.

Ways To Get Someone Off Your Mind

Busy Bee
The busier you are, the less time you have to think, especially about something or
someone who left you with negative feelings. Keeping yourself busy with anything and
everything that needs your attention is the best way to keep negative thoughts from
plaguing you repeatedly.
No Pity!
It is very convenient to wallow in the sewer called ‘self pity’; everyone loves the comfort
it provides. In the long run, however, this attitude will bring more ruin as it does you no
good and only deepens the feeling of hurt. Stop pitying yourself and come out the cycle
of self-pity. No one, save you, can turn you into a victim.
Forgive And Forget
Though this may seem easier said than done, it is the surest way to get someone off
your mind. When you do not carry the negative feeling and have done away with it, you
will find it easier to rid the memory of the person who caused it too. Even if it is
completely clichéd a sentence to utter, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Make sure
there are no traces of any memories of the hurt and all negative feelings towards that
person have been completely dispelled.
Punch It Out
It is always easier to hurl blows on a punching bag than a human being; the bag will not
hit you back like a person would. Invest in a punching bag and hang it in a place in your
house, which is usually not visited much, say a huge storeroom or your study! Imagine
the punching bag to be the person who hurt you and punch it with all your strength. You
will feel great and you would not have hurt anybody at all.
Less Interaction
As far as possible, decrease your interaction with the person who hurt you. The more
you get to interact with that person, the more will be the hurt and resentment that will
plague you. If the person is your colleague, who you cannot avoid for very long, you’ll
have to find other ways to get him/her off your mind – the most effective of which is to

How To Stop

One of the biggest problems that people today suffer from is procrastination. They
assume that they cannot manage time well and hence, end up doing only little work.
Some of them are true procrastinators and do not get any work done. A procrastinator is
someone who puts off the work that he/she is supposed to do, for a later time. There
are light procrastinators and heavy procrastinators. Light procrastinators procrastinate,
but not in case of everything. High procrastinators find it difficult to do even a single
task. Read through the following lines to know how you can stop procrastination.

Tips For Stopping Procrastinating

Stop Thinking, Start Doing

It is necessary to plan a little bit to achieve want you want. However, a lot of thinking
and planning can result in opposite effects. Do not try to think a lot, to come up with the
perfect plan. There is no plan that is foolproof and will lead to no mistakes, no pain or no
difficulties. However, as long as you keep working on your plan, you can protect
yourself from failures.

Don’t Blow A Task Out Of Proportion

You would not be protecting yourself from pain if you overthink and put off things for
later time. You are bound to make mountains out of molehills, this way. It is, thus, better
to plan a little and take action on it. Even if you do not have a plan, avoid thinking too
much and simply do the task in the way you feel that it will come out the best. Do what
you feel is right.

Take The First Step

Any task or project can seem to be impossible if you start looking too far into the future.
It is fine to plan for the future, but you need to shift your focus to today and the present
moment. Simply take the first step today and you will notice the change in your mental
state from resistant to “hey, I’m doing this, cool”. You will become more positive and the
subsequent steps will follow on their own.

Start With The Hardest Task

Start your day by doing the most important and toughest tasks, such as making
important calls, answering big piles of emails or completing the last pages of your
paper. Whatever be the task, just get it out by doing it first. By doing so, you will feel
relaxed and relieved for the simpler tasks. The rest of your day will be a lot lighter and
easier to get through.

Make A Decision
It is natural to be decisive and take action. Since sitting idle and not taking action is
unnatural, it makes you feel bad. Be affirmative on your decision, generate confidence
within you and take action. By taking an action over and over again, you would be
building self-confidence and a self-image of you being a confident person. While
procrastinating, you will be lowering your self esteem and signaling back to yourself that
you are a lame and indecisive person.

Face Your Fear

It is hard to face your fear of looking like a fool or making mistakes or take responsibility
of your own life. Though easy choices come with a sense of comfort and a certain level
of success, they also bring along a vague sense of being unfulfilled and pangs of regret
for all things you never dared to do. You always wonder what would have been the
result had you taken more chances. Learn to accept that failures do take place
occasionally, but you need to overcome them and work towards success once again.

Finish It
Not taking the first step towards accomplishing something can only make you feel bad,
but not finishing what you have started can leave you in a sort of negative funk. You are
stressed and feel fatigued, but you do not know the reason behind it. So, it is better to
complete the tasks and projects that you are currently involved in, no matter how hard
they seem. Try finishing them as soon as possible, so that you can start afresh again

How To Reinvent

Are you tired of living the same old mundane life? Why not throw off old habits and
customs and embrace new ones! Reinventing yourself is never easy, as you would be
going against patterns that have been established for years. However, with
determination, effort and patience; doing so is possible and the rewards will surely be
positive and unexpected. Remember, dreams do turn true, but only if you are willing to
make the needed efforts. With a new day, give yourself a new look and a new identity.
Reinvent yourself and discover ways to bring new meaning and joy to your life. Go
ahead, set your goals, take action and enjoy the whole new you. To know more on how
you can reinvent yourself and become a completely new person, read through the
following lines.

Ways Of Reinventing Yourself Now

• Have a make over and change your appearance. Join a health club; try a new
hairstyle or adopt a new wardrobe to give you a fresh outlook on life. Even a
new hair color, like platinum blonde from a mousy brunette or auburn red, could
work well.
• Join a new class to learn something new. You can opt for learning a new
language such as French, German, Spanish, Japanese or Italian, learn how to
paint or mold a pot, or even take up piano or guitar classes.
• Discover a new hobby or an activity. Make sure to find one that matches your
interests, such as collecting coins, knitting, reading, riding a bicycle or tinkering
with car parts.
• Change your career. In case you are bored and unsatisfied with your current
job, why not try a new opportunity and field? There are unlimited opportunities
waiting for you in the industry.
• You can choose the spiritual path. Join a church, bible study or prayer group.
Choose to volunteer for your favorite charity once every week.
• The most important part of reinventing yourself is attitude. You will have to start
thinking the same way as the person you want to be like. Saturate yourself and
learn everything possible about what you want to become.
• Change your thinking and transform yourself. Discard all negative thoughts and
replace them with positive, life affirming ones. You cannot stop thoughts from
entering the mind, but you can surely deal with them powerfully.
• Schedule a new routine or change one aspect of your routine. You can take a
new route to your office, shop at a different store, take an evening walk, try a
new restaurant or a new drink. Take a chance to see the other side of the city or
your neighborhood.
• Create a new personality. Throw and flush out old behaviors, mindsets,
reactions and words. With a new day, you are a new creature. Make use of new
words, speed up your walk, smile more, have new reactions to different things.
View the world with a new eye and different vision

How To Increase
Word Power

To express with clarity and to communicate coherently and logically requires only one
thing and that is words. Words are the bricks that build up the foundation of any
language and so a good word power is not only a necessity but also an obligation. Lack
of an efficient vocabulary hinders effective communication and spreads
misunderstanding. Increasing the word power is a very interesting journey and the
added advantage is the power it gives in our hands. It gives us the freedom to choose
how we express ourselves. No doubt, great orators enthrall the audience not only with
the content of their speech, but also with the quality of their language. Every year
thousands of new words are added to the human lexicon and hundreds of other words
get ‘extinct’. Thus, it is also important to keep oneself updated. So, if you want to
increase your word power, read the article below to know more on how to get started on

Tips For Increasing Your Word Power

Read Extensively
Reading is the most effective and efficient way to develop excellent word power.
Cultivate a habit of reading regularly. Newspapers and magazines are a good way to
start but later graduate to more exclusive readings. Newspapers and magazines use a
limited vocabulary to facilitate the lay reader. So, when you have developed the habit of
reading, shift to reading novels, particularly English classics, and magazines like the
‘Reader’s Digest’ and ‘The New Yorker’. Reading also keeps the words rotating through
your mind, because you are sure to encounter the words many times. Read widely so
that you encounter a variety of words.
Listening is the key to any good conversation. When you listen, you may come across
some words that you don’t know. Note these down so that you can look it up later.
Words, which you find out by listening are also easy to remember, and also you can get
an idea in which context it was used. Listen to the speeches of great orators and learn
how various words were used. Try using alternative words and see if the effect is as
good. In this way, you can realize the exact usage of a particular word. Listening
carefully will also throw up many words, which you have forgotten due to non-usage.
Every word has a history. Involve yourself in finding out the origin and history of words
and by the time you finish, that word would have been ingrained in your mind. Studying
the etymology of words will also familiarize you with the other words of its family.
Moreover, when you know the story of the word, you will automatically learn the word.
This is also a good way to keep the words in your fingertips and not somewhere in the
mind where you cannot find it.
Check Unfamiliar Words
Don’t bypass any unfamiliar words. Make a note of any unfamiliar words you find and
then check the usage and meaning, and then commit it to memory. You can encounter
unfamiliar words every day, and checking and using them can increase your word
power to a great extent. In addition, when you see any unfamiliar word, make a note of
the context in which it is used. Because in the English language, in many words, the
meaning changes according to the context in which it is used.
Solve Crosswords
Crosswords are word games that stimulate the brain and give you an understanding on
how to use them.
Use The Words You Learn
Adopt the words you learn into your daily vocabulary. If you don’t, then it’s very easy to
forget them. Using words will also make you take interests in the words. However, don’t
throw high flowing words simply for the sake of showing off. You will only be open to
ridicule. And make sure that you have a complete understanding of the words you are
using. It is better to know the usage of twenty words then to know two hundred words
and not know how to use them.

How To Give A Great


There are many famous speeches that are remembered over time and some of these
are even included in school curriculums. For example, Abraham Lincoln’s famous
Gettysburg Address is very well known speech and has made history. While you might
not be able to give a speech that makes history, you can give a great speech that will be
remembered by your audience for a long time to come. The mark of a good speaker is
not just to do all the right things all the time. Remember that a good speaker is more
than a good talker. You should be open to taking risks and get into a routine of daily
action to make your speech come out great. Move toward your goal with a willingness to
make adjustment along the way. A great speech is the product of hard work and
creativity. Read on to know the tips for giving a great speech.

Tips For Giving A Great Speech

• Choose a subject for which you have a passion. You can do a good job of your
topic only if you care about it.
• Be persistent. Persistence is what defines whether you are going to be
perceived as a person with expertise in speaking. When speaking, ensure that
depending on the topic and situation, you use your life experiences
and research to customize your material.
• Patience and persistence go hand in hand. Get as much support as possible so
that you can succeed. Remember that you will not become a great speaker
• Speak from your heart and be completely authentic. Share your mishaps and
foibles. Only then, you will be perceived as a real speaker and not just another
• Be truthful. If you try to sound bombastic, your audience will not trust what you
are saying.
• Practice your speech. Overconfidence never helped anyone make a great
speech. Practice, practice, practice. Record your speech and play it back. If you
find yourself dropping off to sleep listening to your own voice, then it’s time to
make some changes.
• When you are making a speech, you have just 30 seconds to connect with your
audience. Pay attention to your opening statements. Avoid using jokes. You
could go with a good, short quotation or a funny story that is relevant to your
speech. Ensure that your introduction arouses interest.
• Use visual aids when speaking. You can also include auditory and kinesthetic
aids which will keep your audience’s attention riveted to you and which will get
the message across.
• Know your audience. This is what, will help you present the material in a way
that will appeal to your audience.
• Modulate your voice when speaking and speak with warmth and enthusiasm.
Your speech should not be a rhetorical address.
• Include illustrations in your speech. People learn best from these and tend to
respond and retain information better.
• Add in a bit of humor, but don’t include sarcasm.
• View your opportunity to give a speech as a privilege. Speaking is an art and
your idea can best be propounded when you are creative, wholesome, and

Overcoming Fear Of

Fear can be termed as a necessary part of life. It can be of two types, namely, rational
fear that is based on logical premise, and chronic anxiety which is better known as
phobia. Fear of abandonment can well be described as a psychological disorder
wherein the person feels uncontrolled fear and anxiety when he/ she encounters
situations that require facing the difficulties of life alone and without any support. Some
possible causes of fear of abandonment can be loss of a near one, broken
relationships, disturbed childhood and some social or personal trauma. Overcoming the
fear of abandonment requires full determination on the part of the person experiencing
such things. Given below are some ways and tips to overcome the fear of

How To Overcome Fear Of Abandonment

• Identify your fear in detail and name it. Your enemy, once identified, is just like
any other challenge to be dealt with. Consider your fear like a room that is to be
painted or some similar task.
• A process known as systematic desensitization is often used by most
psychologists. This process helps you in getting closer to the fear each time you
are around it. Get used to the way the fear makes you feel.
• Do no try to get rid of the fear. Sometimes, it can be stubborn and determined.
Overcoming the fear is a time-consuming process but the reward is worth it.
• Do not preoccupy yourself with fearful or troubling thoughts. Although this is
challenging but it is very necessary. Turn off unwanted thoughts in the same
impersonal way as you may think of your stomachrumbling, “Oh, there goes
my brain rumbling again.”
• You may often think that fear can rage like an inferno, where as in reality it may
be nothing but a little more than a candle flame. Do not waste your energy
fearing too much.
• Old fears raise their head from time to time, so do not be too hard on yourself.
Be patient and determined and let yourself be exposed to the change.
• Examine your fears and see how foolish or crazy they are. Pen down the
reasons why you are paralyzing yourself by those fears.
• Prepare yourself well and be committed as fears become more uncontrollable at
first when you challenge their hold on you.
• Inculcate healthy habits like yoga and meditation. As you become rich inside
yourself, peace and serenity will manifest your life.
• Stop over-analyzing any situation. Develop a habit of taking every experience
positively. This can be practiced on a daily basis.
• Stop being obsessed with anyone and anything. Laugh out your troubles and let
life free for sometime. You’ll feel free from fear, jealousy and attachments.
• Avoid thinking too much. Worrying is a slow poison that eats you up daily.
• Forget the past and start moving ahead. Mistakes are part of life and so are bad
experiences, hence, do not carry the burden and delete them from the memory.

How To Be Gracious

Francis bacon said, “If a man be

gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world”. That is the
importance that graciousness can have in a person’s life. Graciousness is all about how
you make the people around you feel. Pleasing and affectionate are the hallmarks of a
gracious person. People are not born with gracious behavior, it must be taught and
absorbed. Gracious behavior depends on the upbringing and the environment. Through
constant practice, it can be inculcated into your way of life. Gracious behavior, if taught
from the childhood can lead towards the development of a successful human being.
Through graciousness, any situation can be resolved, as self-interest is not its
characteristic. Graciousness is a treasure that people throng to, so a gracious person is
never short of people near him or her. Read the article below to know more on how to
be gracious.
Learning To Be Gracious
• Take compliment with a smile. Timidity or lack of confidence can embarrass or
deter the other person. A smile and saying ‘thank you’ will be a good return for
the compliment. Make the other person feel that he or she is acknowledged.
• In the face of criticism, it is better to wait and cool off. More often than not, the
impulse to ‘shoot off’ is very great, which will be ungracious, if the person is
criticizing you for your own good. Waiting allows you to collect your thoughts
and makes the other person feel the depth of your maturity.
• While accepting an invitation, be sure to thank the host or convey your reasons
for not accepting the invitation. Similarly, when you invite someone, thank him
or her for accepting the invitation, and also accept the reasons for someone
who is unable to come.
• Kindness, respect, patience, empathy, etc. are all signs of graciousness, so,
make these good qualities a part of you. Remember that graciousness should
come unintentionally, from the subconscious and not as a forced entity.
Practicing these positive traits will make graciousness a part of your character.
• Small acts of understanding lead to greater acts of graciousness. When you
understand a person, you will fill him or her with a good feeling, and he will
consider you a gracious person.
• Do not fake. Faking your feelings, emotions and other sensibilities, will carry you
for a short time, but when discovered will hurt more than if you had been
honest. And, hurting anyone is not graciousness.
• Sometimes and with some people, being on the right is not that important. If
your being wrong, can do immense good to some people, then it is considered
gracious behavior.
• Be forward with your help. Don’t wait for anyone to ask you for it. Offering your
help will always make the other person remember your graciousness. To help
when asked is good, but to help when not even asked is better, as these are the
sign of gracious character.
• “I think sometimes it’s more important to be gracious than to win” said Dorothy
Kilgallen. That is if you keep the interests of others in front of you, it will
automatically teach you to be gracious.

Articulation Exercises

Clarity is the hallmark of a good

speaker. Better articulation results in better understanding. More often as not, the
message is lost in pronouncing and accent barriers. The content and the significance
are lost in misunderstanding. Sounds are shaped by various articulatory organs whose
proper coordination makes one speak in a lucid manner. Therefore, articulation
exercises are very necessary as they hone the verbal communication exercises.
Practicing the articulation exercises regularly will make you more understandable to
your audience. Good articulation always has an impact on the listeners. Articulation is
often the thin line, which divides a speaker from an orator. However, since everyone is
not blessed with a coherent speech, articulation exercises will make him or her a clear
speaker. Speech imperfection does not only result from speech impediment, as most
people, because of language and cultural differences fail to speak with clarity. Read the
article below to know more on how you can straighten your voice, and speak smoothly,
through these articulation exercises.

Types Of Articulation Exercises

Articulation exercises must be spoken slowly and carefully and must be practiced
regularly without fail. Gradually repeat faster till a level of clarity and lucidity is reached.
Regular practice will strengthen the articulatory organs by developing the face and
body muscles. The reading should be done aloud.
Articulation For ‘D’ Type Words:
Did Doug dig Dick's garden or did Dick dig Doug's garden?

Articulation For ‘S’ Type Words:

Moses supposes his toes are roses,
But Moses supposes erroneously,
For nobody’s toes are posies of roses,
As Moses supposes his toes to be.
Articulation For ‘B’ Type Words:
Bill had a billboard.
Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill,
So Bill sold his billboard
And paid his board bill.
Then the board bill
No longer bored Bill,
But though he had no board bill,
Neither did he have his billboard!

Articulation For ‘F’ Type Words:

Four furious friends fought for the phone

Articulation For ‘H’ Type Words:

How was Harry hastened so hurriedly from the hunt?

Articulation For ‘J’ Type Words:

Jack the jailbird jacked a jeep.
Articulation For ‘K’ Type Words:
My cutlery cuts keenly and cleanly.

Articulation For ‘N’ And ‘U’ Type Words:

You know New York,
You need New York,
You know you need unique New York.
Articulation For ‘P’ Type Words:
Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
If Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

Articulation For ‘L’ Type Words:

Larry sent the latter a letter later

Articulation For ‘Q’ Type Words:

Quick kiss. Quicker kiss. Quickest kiss.
Articulation Of ‘V’ Type Words:
Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.
Articulation For ‘R’ Type Words:
Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

Articulation For ‘T’ Type Words:

Ten tame tadpoles tucked tightly in a thin tall tin.

How To Control
Anger Outbursts

Life is full of meeting unwelcome people and facing unwanted and annoying
circumstances. As such, even the calmest of person would agree having faced a
situation, when he/she lost temper and experienced an anger outburst. While some
psychologists may claim that anger outburst is a good way to give an outlet to the
negative energies, most of you would agree that more than often, it makes us land up in
embarrassing position. Controlling temper is the first step to ensure reduced stress
levels and improved relationships. Just when you feel that you would be gripped in
temper tantrum, resort to any of the following ways listed below and relieve yourself
from the anger outbursts. The techniques, explained in the following lines, would help
you know how to control anger outbursts.

Ways For Controlling Anger Outbursts

Deep Breathing
Though you might have heard it a number a times, deep breathing, undoubtedly, is one
of the most beneficial ways to avoid anger outburst. It helps soothe your negative
energies and provides a relaxing and calming feeling. Many people have claimed that
anger outbursts are best dealt with this technique. No matter what is the intensity of
your anger, all you need to do is just close your eyes, relax your mind and take a deep
breath. A sixty second indulgence in this technique and swoosh - your anger would be
heavily subsided!!

Tune To Music
Did you know that music has healing properties? If no, then you are definitely in for a
revelation. Music goes a long way in dipping the rising anger levels, thereby cooling
both the mind and the body. Just when you think that you might get trapped into a pool
of bad mood and anger; switch on the music system and listen to some of your favorite
songs. This way you would instantly dip your anger or rage and get back to the normal
state of mind.

Meditation & Yoga

Experts have claimed the benefits of meditation and yoga for the mind, soul and the
body. However, did you know that by indulging in regular meditation or yoga, you might
be able to control your anger outbursts as well?Meditation and yoga have positive effect
on the mental and physical being of a person. Also, regular indulgence in the two
ensures better mind control, thereby helping in anger management.

Energy Conversion
Does this sound physics or mathematics to you? Well, do not get scared as herein,
energy conversion is the phrase given to convert the negative energies produced by
anger into positive driving force. There are two ways to use the energy created by anger
- you can either use it negatively or make it as a stepping stone to overcome the
stimulus that caused anger in the first place. This way you can curb the anger outburst
and at the same time conquer your flaws.

Believe in FLOW
This might seem French to you, but using the FLOW technique is the best way to deal
with anger outbursts. For this, you need to first ‘Focus’ at your mental state. Tell
yourself that you would not explode your anger. Repeat this for several times until the
message has sunk deep into your mind. Once this is done, go onto the next level, i.e.
‘Listen’. Anger mostly arises due to conflict or disagreement. So, the next step would be
to listen to the other’s point of view and try to rationalize it.

Next step would be to act ‘Objectively’. When we are angry, we mostly take things or
arguments personally. Instead, think objectively as this will help you understand the
situation in a mature way. The last step would be to ‘Wait’ for the right time. Most people
would agree that instant reaction is the main problem for angermanagement. You
should wait and reflect for sometime about the consequences of angry outburst. Waiting
is the best indicator for anger management.

Why Reading Is

“A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered
by others” is a famous perspective on the importance of reading by the erstwhile U.S
president, Abraham Lincoln. Reading enlightens your mind, broadens your horizon,
expands your knowledge and opens up new avenues for you. Just as our body needs
its daily dose of nutrients, our mind also seeks nourishment that comes through reading.
It keeps your mind active and dynamic. The article dwells at length on the importance of
reading. Read on to know why it is so important.

The Importance Of Reading

Develops The Mind

Our mind needs regular exercise to develop and reading is the most effective way to do
that. Reading the written word and developing an understanding of it is a skill that is
cultivated overtime by the habit of reading. Reading books also help to develop one’s
listening ability which is very important to succeed in every aspect of life. Most people
tend to speak more and listen less, which should ideally be the other way round. Apart
from developing your mind, reading also develops your listening ability.

Develops One’s Creative Side

Reading is one of the best ways to give a creative orientation to one’s mind. When you
read a story, you are constantly wondering what will happen next. This often makes you
imagine a sequence of events in your mind on how the story will unfold further.
Gradually, when your power to imagine develops, you are able to make better guesses
and determine the course of the stories or fictional novels you read. Reading involves
creative imaginations thereby promoting ingenious thinking.

Expands Knowledge-Base
Irrespective of how much knowledge your mind can store, the scope to feed it with new
things, always remain wide. A well-read person is a reservoir of knowledge as reading
helps one to know about new things and analyze them in his/her own inventive way.
The more you read, the more enlightened you are, and there is no denying the fact that
‘Knowledge is Power’. Gaining knowledge empowers you mind and broadens its range.

Activates The Flow Of Ideas

It is rather interesting to note that people who are fond of reading soon transform into a
bubbling cauldron of fresh ideas. Active reading ignites your mind and arms it with new
and creative ideas, which you can use in just about every aspect of your life. A dynamic
flow of ideas also makes you an interesting person to be with as your mind is not static
and you will always have something vital to contribute to every discussion.

Boosts Your Confidence

Ever wondered why erudite people are so confident? Since knowledge empowers your
mind, a learned person knows that he maintains a slight edge over other people, no
matter how talented they are. A well-read person is always oozing with confidence for
“he/she knows”. Knowing things makes you feel self-assured and gives you the
confidence to voice your opinions and be assertive about them.

How To Become A
More Reliable Person

In today’s world, it is very difficult to juggle out your schedule and personal life. Also, the
desire of making every single person happy is often misguided, as it usually produces
opposite results. Lack of reliability does not necessarily mean that you are deliberately
careless, arrogant or disrespectful as a person. It conveys more about your ability of
being organized and dependable. It is not mandatory to volunteer for everything and
also, it is good to be precautionary by not being wrapped up into the belief that you can
solve all the problems of everyone. Rather, reliability means that if you have accepted
something, you will stay committed to it. There are different ways through which you can
become a more reliable person, without letting things overload and backfire on you.
Read on further to know you can be more reliable and dependable.

Ways For Becoming More Dependable

Watch Your Promises

Never make promises unless you are ready to fulfill them. If you are already
preoccupied with some commitments, try not to lock yourself into anymore of them.
Overpowering yourself with excessive commitments will only lead to unnecessary stress
and tension. And then, there are great chances of none of the commitments being
fulfilled. Taking up only the required number of tasks will help you deliver great results
and people will appreciate your reliability as well. You will then realize what it feels like
to have gained someone’s trust.

Improve At Conveying A ‘No’

We all love to make a good impression on people around us, by making them happy.
Nonetheless, you should not agree to compromise on your precious time and happiness
to do such a task. Prioritize your tasks and plan accordingly. This will help you organize
what is to done on immediate basis and what can wait. Also, it will enable you to
arrange time to enjoy with people and the things that are more close and important to

Try To Bring Out The Best

Most people have the tendency to perform all the tasks by themselves, to show that
they can never be wrong. A person knows himself better than anyone else does. It is
better to do what you perform best, in order to take control of the situation. In case you
are already besieged by worries and stress, try to shift the burden a bit. This would
definitely be hard to do, but prove to be more helpful than you can think. There are
times when you have to move forward only by taking a few steps back and reevaluating
the situation. This, in turn, will enable you to remain focused and motivated towards
being your best.

A person willing to be flexible with other people will receive the same flexibility from
them in return. It is likely possible that he may not get it back at the same moment, but
the next time, whenever he needs a favor or a little leeway, he is sure to get it back,
while not compromising on his/ her reliability, in view of the other person.

How To Start A Daily


A daily routine is a part and parcel of a disciplined life. It is always better to maintain a
daily routine from as early as possible in life. Many people consider having a daily
routine as boring; the excitement coming from the unpredictability that life throws up.
People, who follow a daily routine, lead a very balanced life. They remain untouched by
the rush and bustle in life. Since, they follow a strict pattern; they generally have all their
complexities worked out. Adopting a daily routine is tedious but once the habit sets in, it
rolls on. So, people willing to start a daily routine must have patience, as it takes a long
time. External factors will contribute a great deal to hinder you, so you must be resolute.
This is not to say that you leave everything behind, and live like a recluse. The secret of
a daily routine is to lead a balanced life and to have everything in balance. After all, a
daily routine should not be a burden. Read the article below to know how you can start
a daily routine.

Tips To Help You Start A Daily Routine

• To start a daily routine the first thing to be done is to prepare oneself mentally,
of the serious need for a daily routine. Most of the time people ‘jump the bus’
midway due to lack of commitment on their part.
• Set a goal. Without a goal, you won’t have any idea or motivation, to adopt a
daily routine. Setting a goal will also make you stick to your routine. A goal, in
short, will be the lighthouse that will show you the direction.
• Adopt a vision. It will show you the road ahead. Daily routine is all about leading
a disciplined life, and having a clear vision is one of its tenets.
• Have a plan. Without a plan, you will have little idea of what and when to do.
You can have both a long term and a short-term plan. In this way, you will know
what and how to achieve every day.
• Develop a habit that is constructive and stimulating. If you can cultivate a habit,
say, for reading, writing, or gardening, then over the years, it would develop into
a strong habit, which would anchor you to the routine.
• Have a daily target. In this way, you develop a routine, where you can
measure your success by the target reached. It encourages you to accomplish,
what you need to do every day, and reach your target, so that in the end, you
don’t have to rush things up.
• Once you are on your way to a daily routine, every now and then, check your
development. See if your spiritual, emotional, and habitual aspirations, have
benefitted from the daily routine. If not, then review your routine to include those
aspects that satisfies your spirit, emotion, and habit.
• Unforeseen events may disrupt your daily routine, so, it is good to be prepared.
That is the reason daily routine should be flexible. Flexibility in your daily
timetable allows you to indulge in breaks, without turning your routine upside
down. Leave an hour or two every day, as a buffer for accommodating sudden

Mastering The Art Of


Have you ever found yourself wondering how some people effortlessly strike up
conversations, be it at a date, or a social gathering? In fact, mastery of the art of
conversation is regarded, as a sign of success. These are the people, who seem to
relate to everyone; they seem to know exactly what to talk about, in front of whom, what
kind of reaction to give and so on, while others just stare in awe and envy. Most people,
who have mastered this art, keep in mind these tenets – people, irrespective of age, sex
or race, love to talk about themselves. Most good conversations start with small talk,
people want less to do with how much you know, and more to do with how much you
care, people will be drawn to those who take a sincere interest in them, rather than
those who try hard to gain the interest of others. With these tenets in mind, they flow
from small talk to hard talk, and end up making many more friends in a day, than others
seem to make in a lifetime. Read on to know how to effectively make powerful
conversations with just about anybody.
How To Master The Art Of Conversation
Free Expression
Freely express yourself, whatever it may be. You may be sitting in a room, full of right
wing conservative people, for whom the Communist Revolution was the dance of the
Devil, but if you support the labor party, express it freely. Not only, will you strike up an
interesting debate, you will perhaps also be regarded highly, for having had the courage
to be different from the crowd. Since people don’t come across honesty very often, most
of them welcome it, when they see it. Expressing one’s opinion in a positive, non-
threatening, non-patronising manner is a quality that, most leaders swear by.
All Ears
Listening is also an integral and, often overlooked, part of making effective
conversation. Many a times, people who are none the wiser about art of conversation
misinterpret, what is spoken by others, ending up losing thefriends, they have instead of
making any new ones. If you listen to people with sincere interest you will understand
the true meaning of what they are saying, rather than running the risk of opening it to all
kinds of meanings, intended and unintended. It will lead to less misinterpretation and,
consequently, less misunderstanding.
Benefit Of Doubt
Most people don’t really mean to harm anybody new with their words, even if it might
seem like they’re trying to be offensive. So, give them the benefit of doubt for their
words, even if they sound ambivalent. This gesture will prove that you give people
respect for who they are and are not unnecessarily judgmental.
Keep in mind the flow that a conversation is supposed to follow. The first part of is the
small talks, which includes exchanging pleasantries, inquiring about family members
and others. The second part will merge all small talk into the main topic or purpose of
the conversation, be it business or sharing of personal views. In the third part, all these
views, opinions and so on will flow into a satisfying end, acceptable to all parties
involved. Follow this flowchart, to make effective conversations effortlessly.

How To Forgive Your

Own Mistakes

Forgiving your own self can prove to be more daunting that pardoning others. This may
be because we have been conditioned to own up for our mistakes and errors in
judgment. In such a case, we may also find ourselves being swallowed by the feeling of
guilt, as most of us have not been taught how to forgive our own mistakes. Worse, not
being able to forgive our faults can make our life miserable, by making us forlorn and
sad. Holding ourselves culpable only adds to the misery of committing the mistake in
the first place. The article brings you some valuable tips on how to forgive yourself and
stop feeling guilty. Read on and learn how to move on in life.
How To Forgive Yourself & Stop Feeling Guilty

Learn From Your Mistakes

Trying to learn from your mistakes is a very healthy way of dealing with them. A
reflection of what you have learnt from your mistakes would be a perceptible change in
your behavior. Remember that committing a mistake is not a crime, but repeating it,
surely is! We learn from our mistakes, as we have to pay a price for them. To err is
human and to learn how to avoid the same mistake in the future is also within human

Encourage Yourself To Move On

Realize that your life is not going to end or stagnate just because of a mistake of yours.
Probably, the biggest lesson life teaches us is to move on. Forgive yourself completely
and look forward to the future, which is always brighter and full of hope. Languishing in
past will not give you an opportunity to time-travel to the bygone times and change
things. Disembark yourself from past mistakes and march ahead!

Share your mistakes

Holding things to yourself will make it increasingly difficult to forgive yourself and stop
feeling guilty. You can’t afford to keep wallowing in guilt over your wrongdoings.
Remember that your mistakes always add to your experience, as life is a continuous
learning process. You can always share your mistakes with others and warn them of the
consequence that you suffered from. You will also get a chance to vent out your
frustration in a more constructive way.

Unburden Your Heart

If you believe that your mistake is too big to be forgiven and keeping it to yourself is
killing you, speak up and lift that burden off your heart. Confess your mistake in front of
a close friend, whose guidance you trust and value. A guilt-free existence is only
possible when your mistakes are not perpetually weighing on your conscience. Pardon
yourself by pouring your heart out before someone you know will make you feel better.

Don’t Judge Yourself

The worst people can do is to judge themselves by their mistakes. Being judgmental
equals to being disapproving, rather dismissive of the subject of our judgment. And, it
gets worse when we are disapproving of your own self. Always remember that you are
not a reflection of your mistakes, which are generic, but a manifestation of the good
things that you do in life. If at all you want to grade yourself, do that in a balanced way,
not being overwhelmed by your errors.

Active Listening Activities

Active listening helps one improve
his/her ability to understand and
grasp verbal information. It is a
communication skill that facilitates
effective communication of your ideas and concepts. On a simple note, a
communication process actively involves a speaker and a listener, and one of the
fundamentals of communicating well, is to listen carefully. It is no secret that good
listeners also make good communicators. The article brings you some active listening
activities that will help improve your listening skills.

Active Listening Activity Ideas

For Students

Group Juggle
This activity requires a large space as physical activity is involved. The teacher can also
participate in this game. The participant group has to arrange itself in a circle. Then, the
teacher will call out someone’s name and pass a soft toy/ball to him/her, who will pass it
to another student, after calling his/her name. The toy/ball will continue to be passed till
all the students are covered. In this activity, gradually, all the students become alert as
they are supposed to catch the ball as soon as their name is called. The element of
surprise in the game will make the students listen with attention and carefully watch out
for their name.

Group Discussion
This activity just requires a common topic that will be given to a group of students, and
is supposed to be debated upon by them. The first topic could be fun and easy to speak
on, which can then be followed by more difficult ones. Once the discussion ensues, the
teacher will stop the speaker in the middle and ask any other student to continue the
discussion from the same point where it has been left by the previous speaker. Once
everyone gets a hang of the activity, the teacher can randomly pick any of the students
and ask him/her to continue speaking.

For Adults

This activity is to be performed indoors and requires a supervisor. Each member of the
group is supposed to go to the front of the room. The other participants will ask three
questions relating to themselves, to the one standing in the front. The supervisor will
make a note of the answers given by each of the participant as their turn comes. It is
then that the supervisor will reveal it to the participants that they were part of a quiz, to
check whether they listened carefully or not. Then, the supervisor will ask the members
to recall which member had given what answer.

Active Listening Discussion

The group of participants is to be divided into pairs and each pair is to have a listener
and a speaker. The speaker is then given a topic to speak on and the listener has to
listen to the speaker actively. After the speaker is through, the listener will have to recall
and rephrase the speaker’s content. The listener is supposed to interpret speaker’s
content and offer solutions and feedback to the supervisor accordingly. Then the
speaker and listener can critically analyze and review each other’s performance. This
can also be followed by a swapping of roles among the two. This exercise helps
improve the business communication skills of the participants and the ability to co-
ordinate with one another

How To Be
Respectful Towards

Treat others, as you want them to treat you. To earn respect you must first, give respect
and give it to yourself too, as, if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will respect you.
Merely saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ doesn’t mean that you are being respectful. In
the daily grind and stress of everyday life, we have forgotten the moral obligation of
respecting others so that we are also respected in turn. If you can earn the respect of
your peers and fellows, then it’s a life well lived as it is the hardest thing to get, even
taking up an entire lifetime. Respect can never be forced as it comes straight from the
heart. A person may respect another because of fear but that is not true respect. True
respect only comes when you empathize with the other person, which will make him or
her feel respected and so return the favor. To put other peoples need before yours, will
convey your respect to others. Respect is the pillar that supports the bridge called
relationship. Given below are tips to help you be more respectable towards others.

Tips To Be Respectful
• Be kind. Showing kindness towards others is the best way to endear you to
them. A simple act of kindness can show your respect towards others.
• Listen attentively and show interest in whatever is said. Many a times, not
showing attention, makes the other person feel that, you are not taking him or
her seriously. This can be configured as lack of respect as the person may think
that you do not consider him or her at par with you. So, the next time, he or she
also won’t give any attention to you.
• Good manners are the essential quality to show respect. So, cultivate good
manners, as people get a sense of respect, when they interact with a well-
mannered person. Good behavior automatically earns the respect of others.
• Do not stereotype other people. Stereotyping makes, you come across as a
narrow-minded person. It also shows your lack of respect for the person, you
are stereotyping.
• Understand other peoples, like and dislikes. This shows your commitment to
• Don’t dictate or belittle anyone because of his or her background, religion, or
social status. It is not only ill mannered, but also signals bad breeding.
• You cannot respect anyone whom you mock, tease or backbite. Throw these
out and you will feel respect for people. Once you start respecting the people,
you used to back bite or tease; you will gradually develop the sense of
respecting everyone.
• Apologizing for your mistake, can show how much you respect the other person.
When you apologize for a mistake or a hurt you caused, conveys your sincere
regret and the person will appreciate your sense of love and respect for him or
• When you respect someone, you must also respect his choice and free will. So,
don’t pressurize anyone to do something which he or she is not willing to do.
When you give priority to someone’s right to choose, you show him or her
• To show respect, value other people’s opinion. This does not mean blindly
follow whatever they say. You must show your understanding of his or her
opinion, and then present your reasons for agreement or disagreement.
Overcoming Fear Of

The fear of intimacy is a psychological disorder that hinders a person from forming a
relationship with another person. He or she is unable to develop a connection with other
people and feels lonely and isolated. The fear of intimacy stems from the fear of getting
hurt from a relationship. It is the other side of the fear of rejection. As a result, the
person withdraws into a shell, which leads to emotional stagnation. The fear of intimacy
can also be due to the fear of losing, and not knowing how to cope later. This inability to
act after the supposed betrayal, rejection, hurt, gives rise to the fear of intimacy. The
causes are varied. It can be due to a traumatic childhood, emotional trauma, abusive
relationship, or loss of a loved one. The fear of being dominated by the other person
also develops, a fear of getting intimate. A person suffering from the fear of intimacy is
always faced, with the question ‘What if’ this or that happens. Given below are tips to
help you overcome your fear of intimacy.

How To Overcome The Fear Of Intimacy

• The more you bottle up your fear of intimacy, the more it grows and the harder it
becomes, to overcome. So, the first task in order to get over this fear, is to face
the fact that you have a fear of getting intimate with people, and steel yourself to
come out of it. Hiding behind emotional barriers will only weaken you.
• Bare your heart to your partner, keeping nothing hidden. Share and exchange
your thoughts and personal experiences, so that you get your hidden fear out.
By talking, the fear tends to dissolve. The most difficult task is to get it out.
• Be honest. This is perhaps the only requirement, in overcoming your fear of
intimacy, other than an understanding and honest partner. Be honest to face
your fear, and have a determination, to get over it.
• Develop a friendship with your partner. Seek out areas, where you both are
compatible, and nurture those. This will help you to be transparent, hiding
• Go one, at a time. Share and discuss your pain, fear, and experiences, step by
step. Start from simple ones, and gradually move on to the difficult.
• Involve your partner in day-to-day activities, like cooking, gardening, or simply
go for a movie, or to a restaurant.
• Overcoming the fear of intimacy is a long process. So don’t get disheartened
and withdraw to your shell, in between.
• Don’t be ashamed of yourself. This shame for the self can cause people to
develop a fear of intimacy, as they are subconsciously ashamed to face others.
• Value yourself. Most people with a fear of intimacy have a feeling of
worthlessness, deep down themselves, which they do not want other people to
find out, and so they gradually begin to develop a fear of getting intimate. That
is why, to overcome this fear a person must value his or her self. Do things,
which will give you self-satisfaction and a creative boost.

How To Forgive And

Forget When
Someone Hurts You

Dealing with hurt and anger is important and the one who is not able to do so ends up
becoming a bitter person. It is more than difficult to forget things and move on, as if
nothing has happened, no matter how important it is to do the same. However, holding
feelings of resentment can affect your peace of mind and ruin your happiness.
Therefore, you can’t afford to let the anger remain within you. Pardoning others and
putting a hurtful incident off your mind needs to be worked upon, since it doesn’t come
easy. In case you need some help in this regard, we are at your service. Follow the
article to find some tips on how to forgive and forget when someone has hurt you.

Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt You

Forget What Happened

Hostility and bitterness survives in people who find it difficult to forget the past. Moving
on in life is the key to forgetting the hurt caused to you, by other people. Stacking up
hard feelings for someone who has hurt you will not allow you to bury the hatchet and
you will constantly find yourself dwelling on something that cannot be changed now.
Live in the present, look forward to the future and bury the bad memories of the past.

Allow Others To Apologize

Sometimes, we are so infuriated and hurt over an incident that we do not allow the other
person to buy time and come up with an apology when things cool down. Once you get
a heart-felt apology from the person who has hurt you, it becomes easier to forgive
him/her. Remind yourself that even you would have hurt others at one point of time,
intentionally or unintentionally. Would you want others to hold that against you forever?
Allowing others to apologize will save you from becoming bitter to them.

Communicate The Hurt

Rather than holding a grudge and allowing it to thrive, you should communicate your
feelings to the one who has hurt you, especially if the person is close to you. Many
people tend to keep things to themselves, and it makes them averse to communication.
It is important to realize that conversation will allow the other person to offer an
explanation for his/her hurtful behavior and help you overcome the same. Therefore,
make sure that you do not shut down the lines of communication completely.

Realize That Everyone Is Human

Realize that it is only human to make mistakes and most of us don’t hurt others
intentionally, for sadistic reasons. If you can accept this premise, forgiving and forgetting
will become a lot more easier. While some people believe that revenge is the sweetest
joy, it is important to remember that “the joy of revenge is only for a day, but the glory of
forgiving remains forever”. The choice is yours!

Let Time Heal

There are times when the hurt is simply impossible to forget, even after you have
forgiven the other person. While moving on is easier said than done, for all the
comprehensible reasons, never forget that time is the biggest healer. Bitterness and
bad memories pertaining to an incident will fade away with the passage of time. If
forgetting a hurtful incident is impossible for you, leave the healing on time. Eventually,
you will be able to put it out of your mind.

How To Impress

Look around you and you would be surprised to find that even dorky-looking guys and
gals can have the crowd eyeing them. Wonder how? All that you need to do, to be the
talk of the town, is to master the art of making the right impression. It is a popular myth
that people are only born with the gift or ability of impressing others, but cannot acquire
the same. Rather, you need to bear in mind that impressing others is no gift, but just an
art, which you can master by following the right tips. One such tip is that you need to
groom yourself, physically, emotionally and psychologically and voila, you would be
amazed to see people talking about you. In case you are still wondering how to impress
people, the tips given below would surely be of help.

Impressing People Around You

The Aura
Much is said and discussed about the aura that each person has. However, did you
know that it’s your very own aura that can make much of a difference in making you an
impressive person? Believe it or not, your aura can make you the most arresting person
in a crowd of hundred as well. Each one of us executes certain vibes to the people
around. The secret is to radiate positive and healthy vibes and within the twinkling of an
eye; you would have people following you.

Get That Killing Look

Ask anyone and you would know that looks do matter. And if someone denies the fact,
know for sure that he/she is the biggest believer of the same. Imagine meeting a person
who is shabbily dressed, has unruly hair and scruffy looks! The only expression that
comes to your mind is ‘aaghh’! Isn’t it? Remember, to be impressive, you need to look
striking as well. Get that killing look and you would surely have the eyes rolling!!

The Right Mix

Most of you would agree to meeting a lot of people who look charming, but when they
open their mouth to speak, all you want to do is run away. Remember, having striking
looks is the task half done. For the other half, you need to have the right mix of beauty,
intelligence and humor. Just being attractive or extremely genius is sure to goof up your
persona, if you lack the other parts. Instead, prefer to look like a prince/princess and talk
like a scholar, but with a tinge of humor and wittiness added.

Dare To Do
Did you know that most people are bowled over by people who dare to ‘do’? Confused!
Look around you and you would be surprised to find that almost every other person you
meet has words like ‘can’t’ and ‘impossible’ in his/her vocabulary. If you really want to
impress someone, the best way to do so would be to learn to replace the words ‘I can't’
with ‘I can’. This would give a tremendous boost to your personality and in no time, you
would be the most-talked about person in the society. And remember, the one who is
talked about the most is naturally impressive!!

Balance Bad Emotions

It is a well-accepted fact that the more you run away from unpleasant situations and
people, the more you find yourself running into them. However, the trick is to balance
the bad emotions and act as if nothing bothers you at all. Remember, it's never about
what happened. Rather, it is always about your reaction towards what took place and
how well you were able to cope with it. This would reflect much about your personality
and make you a notable person wherever you go.
How To Overcome

You may remember the story of ants and grasshopper, how the grasshopper wasted his
time hopping and singing in the summer while the ants toiled and moiled. And how in
winter, when there was no food, the grasshopper found itself at the mercy of ants. Does
it sound like a familiar story and not because you have heard it over a million times but
because you find the grasshopper as your alter ego. Procrastination is the habit of
putting off any work to the last minute. Although almost every one of us procrastinate
one or the other time in our life, doing it on a regular basis can pose serious problems to
your career and personal life. There are various effects of procrastination, which range
from missed opportunities, stress, to guilt, and even resentment. In addition, the causes
for procrastinating may or may not be same. Sometimes it can occur because of
laziness, or because you want to escape something or at times you are too
overwhelmed by a task that you put it off. Read on the article to know some practical
tools to overcome it.

Tips For Overcoming Procrastination

Get A Goal
The most important thing, which you have to do, is to get clear ideas on what you want
to do in life. Most people procrastinate because they have no goals. With no goals,
people don’t have the will to move ahead in life. Take time and clear it out. Make short
term and long-term goals. Make goals in various fields of your life, like career,
relationship, financial, health etc. Don’t make a very huge list as it might get too
overwhelming for you.

Work On Achieving The Goals

Remove all the tasks, which you can do without and which will not obstruct you in
reaching your goals. Keep your eyes on the things, which would help you reach your
goal. In addition, if there are some works which you don’t like to do but are important in
order to achieve your goal, link those tasks to your goals. It will motivate you to do the
tasks and to reach your goals and you would be happy to do that afterwards.

Plan Your Day

The best way to keep yourself away from procrastination is by planning the day. It will
clear your mindset and would not even take more than your ten minutes. Sometimes we
procrastinate simply because we don’t have any schedule for the day. Set a time for
whatever chore you are taking for the day. It will help you stick to your program, which
will keep you alert and away from procrastination.

Believe In Yourself
The most important thing to achieve success is the belief in oneself. Unless you believe
in yourself, you won’t be able to do much. Have faith in your abilities and the power to
turn things around. Remember that failure is just a stepping-stone to success. If in
childhood, you wouldn’t have walked because of the fear of falling, you wouldn’t have
been able to walk itself. Delete the ‘impossible’ word out of your dictionary and
remember that you can do it. Follow your inner desires and success would follow you.

Respect Your Values

Almost every one of us wants to do several things, but actually how many of us do it?
The problem is that we don’t respect ourselves and we don’t respect our values. First,
have a clear idea about your values and then use them as a navigational compass in all
the decisions you make.

Take Breaks
Take breaks when you feel less motivated and are tired. You don’t have to be too hard
on yourself. As the habit of not procrastinating will take time to cultivate, and if you are
too hard on yourself, you would snap. And that may put you off from the whole idea

Break Down Big Tasks

Breaking down big tasks in smaller components would help you concentrate on that
particular task for the moment, which will improve your working ability. Break down the
big tasks but schedule it in your time limit so that you don’t spend too much time on a
smaller task. This will keep you focused, will provide better results and will not
overwhelm you.

Don’t Overdo It
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Sometimes we get too involved in a thing, that
we don’t even know when we start getting frustrated and take unnecessary stress. Stick
to your time management but allow for little cheats, as it will keep you in for long haul.
Even if you do procrastinate, recognize that you are doing it and thrive to change it.

Positive Thinking

It has been rightly said that ‘when going gets tough, the tough gets going’ and the
driving force behind tough souls is a positive thinking mind. Challenging situations can
leave you harassed, frustrated, discouraged and feeling negative. Problems in life are
generic and affect everyone in almost the same way. However, only positive thinkers
know how to overcome the most testing of situations. The article brings you some
exercises and activities which will help you to think optimistic. Read on and know how to
become a positive thinker.
Activities For Positive Thinking

Early Morning Walk

An early morning walk can be of immense help in keeping you in a positive frame of
mind throughout the day. Make sure that you take a walk early in the morning and take
time out to appreciate the beauty of nature. It will work as a great stress buster and
ward off any negative emotions trying to overpower your mind.

Meditation is one of the simplest, yet the most powerful techniques to foster positive
thinking. The best part is that you don’t have to necessarily meditate in a static body
posture. Just sit in a comfortable chair and listen to soothing music or perform deep
breathing exercises that are good for relaxing your mind.

Be Happy
The easiest way to think positive is to be happy. It is also the only thing, which probably
requires the least effort on your part. If you are in a happy state of mind, you will
automatically think positive. There is no denying the fact that you will keep finding
yourself in trying circumstances, but keeping yourself happy is completely a matter of

Forgive Yourself
Remember that you are human too! It is important to realize that you don’t run the world
and there are things beyond your control as well, which can occasionally go wrong.
Holding yourself responsible for everything is not going to alter a situation for the better.
The moment you start forgiving yourself, you will begin to feel positive.

Inspire Yourself
It is important to inspire yourself, more so from your successes in the past, to conquer
any negativity in your mind. Write inspirational quotes and place them at your office
desk or at home, where you get a chance to read them as often as you can. Listen to
inspirational songs when you are driving and lift up your spirits.

Believe In Yourself
Most negative thinkers are those who suffer from a lack of self belief and continue to
nurse doubts about their abilities. Confidence and self-assurance is the cornerstone of
positive thinking and you will notice the difference instantly, once you build faith in

Try To Forget
Negative reminiscences of something that has passed over and can’t be changed now
can take you down the memory lane and hamper a forward-looking positive approach.
Always remember that one should remember only the good things of the past and drop
the bad memories from the mental landscape. Forgetting the negatives of life
encourages positive thinking.
Confidence Building

Imagine a scene where you are on an operation table and the doctor who is doing your
surgery is bathed with sweats and is wobbly with apprehensions. Would you want him
to operate on you? The answer certainly is ‘no’ by all means. Even though
the doctor may be very experienced and good, unless he is confident, you will never
have confidence in him and better say you are off without him. Now come to think of it,
are you like the wobbly doctor? Do you struggle to take decisions? If yes, then you
might as well be suffering from lack of self-confidence. A person without confidence is
like a ship without a captain. Self-confidence is of utmost importance in every aspect of
our lives and unless we are confident, we would not be able to achieve anything in our
life. Nobody is by birth a confident man/woman, it is cultivated and it is never too late to
cultivate it. If you feel you lack in confidence, you can use confidence-building
techniques to increase and enhance your confidence. So what are you waiting for? Go
on read for yourself the techniques for confidence building.

Confidence Building Exercises

• Imagine yourself as the perfect person. You imagine yourself as an epitome of
talent and virtue. You already have things, which you want to achieve. This is
the greatest teaching of Zen.
• Use positive motivational quotes from the good books you have ever read. Write
them down on a book or in a laptop. Just refer it again and again when you feel
so frustrated.
• When you are feeling very less confident, imagine yourself as the wise man on
earth. Think about how a wise, confident person would have handled the
• Study your favorite personalities and analyze their activities and behavior
pattern and act like them.
• Treat yourself as if you were your own best friend. You never want to hurt your
best friend. Even if he does a mistake, you pamper him and convince him that
he didn’t commit any. Treat yourself with the same approach. Never let you
down in any case.
• Be kind to yourself with your words and actions. Do not hurt yourself by
complaining about your weakness and negative traits. Never think of yourself as
a loser or a joker.
• Focus on the positive things about yourself. Just make a list of positive traits.
Analyze those qualities from roots, and find out what a beautiful personality you
• Gracefully accept the compliments of others. There is nothing wrong in
accepting the compliments from others. Your subconscious gets designed in a
positive way when you accept the compliments from others. When you reach a
higher level of confidence, you don’t need other’s compliments to feel
• Praise yourself million times a day if possible. Don’t be too pushy on success.
Whenever you achieve a minor goal, praise yourself to the Himalayan heights.
• Try to help others honestly. Never shut the door to people. Always keep a lot
of friends.
• There is a saying “look for the silver lining in every cloud” which means see
positive traits in whatever happens even if that is a negative thing in a normal
• Imagine your life is already fulfilled and full of joy, fun, and music. If you can
think of your imagination as the reality, it gradually turns into reality.
• Practice meditation and yoga. You will feel more contented and relaxed.
• Do some weight training exercises and build yourself a good physique. A strong
physique is the foundation of good mind.
• Do not watch, listen to, or read the news just before bed. News is polished
version of facts, which is designed to shock you. Most of news, you can find in
any newspaper are negative. So avoid the habit of reading the newspaper in
night before you sleep. Instead of exposing yourself to bad news, recall the
entire positive experiences of the day.

How To Avoid Being

Rushed In The

The knack of parenting does not come easily. It comes with a detailed course of action
that is to be followed regularly. It also requires a great deal of planning and scheduling
the next day’s routine. The morning alarm signals the start of a race for most of the
parents. The children are to be fed and dressed, sent to school. Then it’s the turn of
the parents to eat, dress and set off to the office, for a long’s days work. It is better to
make your mornings a smooth drive rather than a mad dash. Schedule and start off a
routine when the kids are still young. This will prepare your children to assist you in the
growing years. Explore this article to know tips on how to avoid being rushed in the
morning and route your day to a smooth, calm and joyful beginning.

Tips To Avoid The Morning Rush

• Prepare all the clothes and outfits for yourself and your children before hitting
the pillow.
• Set out shoes, hair accessories, gloves, coats, etc. in the night, to breeze out
the process of getting ready in the morning.
• Designate one place to keep your keys, wallet and cell phones and make a
habit of keeping them at that place only.
• Charge your cell phones the night before, to avoid rushing in the morning.
• Pack your children’s bags in the night. Put in their lunch money,
papers, notebooks and other supplies in the night itself. In case any forms are to
be filled in, fill them up before going to bed and do not leave them for the
• Prepare the office briefcase in the evening, to save time and the frustration of
searching for the things in the morning.
• Pen down all the necessary things to do on a sticky note, to reminder you of the
same in the morning.
• Set your alarm 15 minutes before the regular time. This will give you more time
to do the necessities and make you fell less hurried.
• Get up early and before the rest of family members, to clear up your head. This
will enable you to start the day with a few peaceful and quiet moments and help
you tackle the needs of others.
• Start your morning with some upbeat music to keep you on your toes.
• Pen down the duties and divide them among the family members. Discuss the
short-cuts to ease the burden of time constraints.
• Lack of sleep will make you sluggish and not help getting up in the morning. Be
sure that you and your family members are well-rested by calling the night early.
Remember “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy and wise”.
• Have your children get up at different times, in case one of them has a habit of
staggering in the bathroom. This will help manage each child’s routine and keep
everyone move along and keep the pace.

How To Lead A

It is often said that if you want to make yourself heard and your presence felt, it is vital
to take the lead. This statement is true for each and every aspect of life, particularly
during a gathering or discussion. This way, you will not only be able to move ahead
in life, but will also be able to bring a change with your thoughts and ideas. For this, you
should be focused and extremely determined and should have a strong mind set. Once
you are sure about your opinions, then only will you be able to voice out your thoughts
and convince people regarding the same.

In every stream of life there are millions of people struggling to carve a niche for
themselves. It totally depends on you whether you want to be just another face in the
crowd or stand out as strong independent character. It is only those people who stand
up for their beliefs and rights who bring about a change in the society. Such people are
able to do so only because they can forward their thoughts among millions of others and
lead discussions. In case you want to be one of them, read on. We have provided some
very interesting tips on how you can lead a discussion and progress in life.

Leading Group Discussions

• Whether in school or at office, do your homework well and explore the topic of
discussion in detail. Jot down the important things or make a mental note and
find out all the probable questions that you would probably face during the
discussion. The more you know about the subject matter, the more confident
you will feel, while facing the crowd.
• The phrase “practice makes a man perfect” would probably sound like a cliché
to some, but history has proved it time and again that the more you practice, the
more perfect you get with your presentation. You can even have an imaginary
presentation, wherein you make your speech in front of an imaginary crowd.
You can even use a recorder to visualize how you present yourself and how
much more you have to improve.
• To start a discussion and keep it going, you should frame the correct questions
for the participants. These questions should always be open-ended in nature,
which allows the listeners to follow up with answers or further questions. They
should never be limited to ones that can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”.

• As a leader, you should be well prepared with a list of questions, to shoot at the
participants, one after the other. The main idea is for a constructive solution
after a prolonged period of discussion. Apart from the big questions, the
discussion should also have several smaller ones for each main question.
• Make it a point that everybody gives proper reason and backup for his or her
opinions. Nobody should give blank statements, without grounds to explain
them. Try to infuse arguments, to keep the fire within the discussion burning, as
this is the only way you can come to meaningful conclusions. Judge the pros
and cons of every side.
• Try to find a balance between the different types of personalities and give every
person involved in the discussion a chance to speak out his or her thoughts.
Particularly emphasize on the quieter participants and try to get them involved
as much as the other members.
• Finally, give a summary or conclusion for the discussion, based on evidences
and verifications provided by the members.

To Achieve Success
What does success really mean to you? To many, the words success invokes the idea
of dollar signs glinting before their eyes. Some visualize themselves in huge mansions,
driving the latest cars, and filling their homes with the latest gadgets. However, the lives
of many people have proves that success is more than just materialism and the quest
for wealth. True success lies in reaching your goals, defining who you are by what you
choose in life. Contrary to a prevalent attitude, you do not need to trample on others in
order to reach out to success. The following steps will help you understand what you
would need to do in order to be a successful person. Read on to know how to achieve

Tips To Be Successful
• Have goals – long-term goals as well as short-term ones. When you set goals,
make sure that these are practical. Trying to aim for the moon will only result in
failure. Have a list of short-term goals (for the day or for the week) and work
towards achieving them. Build your long term goals upon the short term ones.
• Be committed towards your goals. Viewing your goals as a chore will not lead to
• Be focused on your goals. There might be a lot of things that come in the way of
reaching your goals, which might make you stray off course. However, be like a
horse with blinkers and look straight ahead at your goal, without wavering.
• There will definitely be obstacles in your path to success. Steadfastness is
required here in order that you do not give up once obstacles come your way.
• Be positive. When you approach your goals to success, your attitude counts a
lot. If you have a negative attitude, you will find that the obstacles become more
difficult to surmount. If the road to success gets rough, staying positive will help
you be more successful in the end.
• Things may not always work out the way you wanted them to. You might have
to change your plans or the way that you wanted to work towards a goal. To this
end, you would need to be creative as well as flexible. Flexibility is needed in
order to allow you to keep yourself open to changes that come along with
changed circumstances. Creativity is needed in order to make the best of the
changed circumstances, and to turn them around and use them to create a new
path to help you reach your goals.
• Goals and the path to success cannot be trodden upon singlehandedly.
Therefore, it is essential to communicate well and effectively. This will help you
greatly when dealing with others.
• Look after your physical and emotional health. Ensure that you get proper food,
good exercise, and adequate sleep. This might seem to be a strange tip, but
taking care of your health will ensure that you are in good shape to pursue

How To Be Assertive Without Being Arrogant

Being assertive is often equated
with being arrogant and bigheaded. Assertiveness is a remarkably positive trait and self-
assured people are sure to succeed, no matter what. However, some insecure people,
who do not possess this brazenness, often brand assertiveness as a mere reflection of
superciliousness. The plain dichotomization between assertiveness and arrogance is
that assertive people climb the ladder without stepping on other people’s rights and
arrogant people simply fail to see that others exist. The dividing line between the two
can appear to be very thin, almost blurred, in certain circumstances, where you have to
communicate your needs without bending. There is a bright possibility that you may
come across as arrogant. In case, you don’t want this to happen, read on. You will find
some valuable tips on how to balance your aggression and be assertive without being
arrogant or pushy.

Tips To Be Assertive Without Being Aggressive

Use Assertive Communication Appropriately

Those who are not assertive don’t speak their usual self and those who are, tend to
over do it at times. The idea is to strike a fine balance and use your assertive
communication skills in a manner, which is deemed appropriate. Only you can tame
your over aggressiveness, which is very important to succeed, at least in the
professional arena. ‘Being polite yet firm’ is the golden rule and you would do well to
remember that, if you don’t want to be written off as an aggressive freak.

Be An Active Listener
Being assertive is not only about conveying your point across in a firm way; it also
involves listening to the other party patiently. Those who don’t listen to what others have
to say epitomize arrogance in the most apparent way. You have to guard against this
tendency. It doesn’t imply that you are giving others a chance to convince you when you
have to be assertive. It’s just that others should not feel that you are self-absorbed and
only concerned with yourself. Listen to others, but stand solid on your position.

Look For A Middle Path

There are certain situations where it becomes imperative to work out a middle path,
rather than incessantly locking horns with others by being too assertive. Reaching a
compromise, sometimes, benefits more than hoisting your own flag. Identify such
situations and be willing to work for a compromise when required. Imagine if the other
party is as forceful and pushy as assertive are you! Under such circumstances, it makes
sense to keep your options open.

Be Modest & Unassuming

Modesty and an unassuming demeanor gel very well with assertiveness. It is such a
fine combination that you would never be associated with elitism and snobbery.
Conversely, rudeness coupled with assertiveness is naturally seen as arrogance. Be
humble and civil with others in your dealings. Your insolence can make you feel alone,
as no one will one come to your rescue, once the wrong shot has been fired. Hence,
guard against offending others and try to be modest and gracious.
How To Have A Great

The art of conversation has very little to do with talking. It is more concerned about
listening as well listing. In other words, conversation is all about understanding
what your partner is trying to say and convey to you. It just requires a little knowledge,
practice and patience to converse effectively with anyone. Conversations give you an
excellent opportunity to learn from the speakers. They often lead to personal stories and
anecdotes. These topics often result in limitless conversation and reveal about the
character of a person. Following are some tips that could prove beneficial for a good,
meaningful and entertaining conversation. Read on and know how to have a great

Having A Good Conversation

First Impression
As said, first impression is the last impression. Listen well, smile and ask questions that
probe answers, more than just a yes or no. Be friendly, speak politely and maintain
good eye contact.

Listening to the speaker forms the most significant part of any conversation. Make the
right movements and noises to specify that you are listening and very much involved in
the conversation.

Other Person’s Interest

Study and research on some significant points about the person with whom you would
be conversing, in advance. Do not hesitate to compliment him/her as it can prove to be
beneficial in terms of beginning a talk. Compliments can prove to be ice-breakers.

Ask Questions
Prepare some questions in advance. Observe people carefully and put in more
questions. Be sure to ask them politely and do not sound like a stalker. Space out your
questions well; else, they will feel that you are interrogating them and this can result in
closed off relationships.

Forget Yourself
Get yourself interested in people, rather than convincing them to get interested in you.
Do not think too much about yourself and what the person might be thinking about you.
Simply relax, give your introduction, shake hands and focus on the conversation.

Practice Active Listening Skills

When you listen, make sure that the person also knows that you are listening. For this,
you need to build good eye contact and make comments wherever required. You can
use phrases like ‘yes’, ‘I see’, ‘that’s interesting’, etc to tell them that you are involved in
the conversation and are not diverted.

Ask Clarifying Questions

If you find the topic of the conversation is interesting and appealing, put forward
questions to clarify about their thinking and feeling. Take interest in knowing about the
person and his/ her hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc.

Use Your Words To Paraphrase Back What You Have Heard

Conversation happens in a process wherein each person is given a chance to listen and
then speak up or respond. Use significant points from other people’s talk in your
speech, to let them know that you had been actually listening. This will help you better
your understanding and affirm it.

Judge Your Response Before Disagreeing

Do not disagree on a point merely to set apart yourself. At the same time, do not end up
agreeing on everything as well. You find a person interesting only when he/ she is a bit
like you and a bit different from you.

Do Not Panic Over Lulls

When a particular topic has taken exit, use the time gap to think over and introduce a
new topic or put in a question based on the previous conversation.

Know When The Conversation Is Over

Every conversation has an end to it. Remember to smile while leaving and end on a
positive note, to leave a good impression on the other person. Mention that you would
be delighted to talk to them over time.

How To Win An

Have you found yourself in a situation where you are confronted by an angry person,
who reminds you of a bull in a Spanish bull-fighting arena? He/she seems to be
breathing fire down your neck and there’s nothing you can say or do that would stop
them from jumping down your throat each time you open your mouth. So how do you
win an argument? There are many write-ups available for reading, which suggest that
the reader should be rough, ruthless, calculating, and, oftentimes, not completely
truthful. Some even suggest that the best way to win an argument is to irritate the
opponent into exaggerating, and then trapping them. However, the best way to win an
argument is to win the person as well and not to out-argue them. By using the following
tips, you would be knocking down their communication blocks to the point where
communication can occur – and you have won the argument.
Ways To Win Arguments

Tips And Tricks

Start Off With The Right Attitude

Do not start off trying to prove yourself right and your opponent wrong. This will make
both of you more deeply fixed on your own views, no matter who was the more
dominant arguer. The other person’s resolve will only be strengthened further and the
argument will never end. You cannot win an argument with resistance.

Aim To Reach A Goal

Aim to reach a goal, rather than aiming to convince the other person that you are right.
If you wish to win the argument at any cost, then the price you might have to pay is your
relationship with the other person. Therefore, go in for an entirely different goal. Since
the goal is to win the arguments, don’t concentrate on bandying words. You would also
want to convince the other person, not that he/she is wrong, but that you are right.

Use Strategy
If you try to prove that, you’re right you will most often end up provoking the other
person. Remember that the best battles are won, not by means of a frontal attack, but
by means of strategy. Focus on the other person’s behavior and words. Never attack –
when they attack you just redirect the attack back to them. It’s similar to verbal martial
arts. Just repeatedly deflect the person’s arguments back to him/her.

Do Not Retaliate
No matter what happens, do not retaliate. Imagine a person who is in a boxing ring and
swinging his arms around trying to hit out at you – but you are not there fighting him. He
will get tired after a while. Similarly, let the arguer run out of steam and then handle the
situation. This is about getting your opponent to shut up – and then using the facts with
logic to win the argument. Also, never take things personally. If a person gets you a gift
and offers it to you, if you do not accept the gift, they will still own the item that they
purchased for you. Similarly, when you do not accept the verbal attack, the sting of the
attack wears off.

How To Learn When

To Say No

Saying ‘No’ can be a very difficult thing to do, but what is even more difficult is to
determine when to say ‘No’. There are many people who simply can’t say ‘No’ to
anyone’s request. This gets them into rough waters quite often, as they compromise on
their own priorities, so as to meet the requests made by others to them. The key to
succeed in meeting our priorities dot on time and not bother ourselves with other
people’s work when we really don’t want to, is to know how to say ‘No’ and more
importantly, when to say ‘No’. The article brings you some very useful tips, which will
help you to learn when to say ‘No’
Learning When To Say No

See Your Convenience

While it may sound a little self-centered, it has to be the key if you don’t want to upset
the tasks on your agenda. Factoring in your convenience is not to say that you should
abstain from helping or saying ‘Yes’ to others, it only pitches in your priorities, which you
can’t compromise on. If you can conveniently help others at the expense of some of
your time, you should always go ahead. You will also need others once in a while, for
any of your random jobs. However, if you think that you don’t have the required time for
others, get on with your work without a second thought.

Don’t Let Others Take Advantage Of You

Some people just make it a habit to fall back on others for their tasks and people who
are ‘pushovers’ are obviously the softest targets around. People will try hard to convince
you to get their job done; if they know that you find it difficult to say ‘No’. You need to
ensure that you are not taken advantage of. Do what you possibly can for others, but
know where the threshold is. When you know that the other person is simply taking
advantage of your feebleness in saying ‘NO’, it is the time to firmly refuse to oblige

Determine Whether You Are Really Needed

If your mind is not conditioned to know when you are indispensable, you will have to
train your mind to learn that. Determining whether you are really needed for a particular
task or not, is also the criterion to decide whether its’ time to say ‘No’. If you think that
the concerned person is in a capacity to the job that he/she is entrusting upon you,
there is no reason why he/she can’t be refused. On the contrary, if you think that you
are really needed in a particular situation and it just can’t work without you, you should
certainly consider helping the other person.

Learning How To Say ‘No’

As much as learning when to say ‘No’ is important, learning how to say it is equally vital.
A ‘No’ should always be polite, unless your intention is to deliberately snap back at the
other person. In the professional arena, you simply can’t say ‘No’ in a crude manner. In
fact, instead of saying ‘No’ right on the face of a senior, you can simply cite some other
tasks that you have at hand, disallowing you to heed to his/her request. Be polite and
gracious when refusing something and you will never fall in anybody’s bad books.

How To Take A

Since you have landed on this article, it is obvious that you are a sweet person who
receives compliments, but finds it difficult to accept them. You have been observing
since long that people always take it other way round, when you react to their
compliment. This is a common problem with most of us. Somewhere down the line, it
always comes across as either you lack confidence or are a proud person. Compliments
should make you feel special and bring a smile on your face. It should also make the
other person feel that you have accepted it whole-heartedly and value it. We are here to
help you out on the task of how to take compliments gracefully and bring sunshine in
your life. So quickly brush up with the tips given below and be a dear amongst all.

Taking A Compliment Gracefully

• The first and foremost thing to do when you are complimented is to

acknowledge it. The two words, ‘Thank You’ come out very genuinely and make
the other person feel that you have accepted the compliment. Never give a
sarcastic grunt or an eye-roll, as it is considered highly rude.
• Your body posture should not over shadow your confidence. Be confident (you
can blush too, if the compliment is from someone you love or admire), else it will
depict as if you don’t believe in the compliment or aren’t confident about it.
• Never do the mistake of underestimating yourself, by infusing a negative
remark, if you have received a compliment for your good work or the
accomplishment of a task. This is taken as an insult by the person who is giving
the compliment and he/ she will definitely re-think before complimenting you in
• If you are complimented upon the way you are dressed, acknowledge it and
initiate the conversation by letting them know the place you bought it from or
how great the shop was, but never focus on how much you shelled out to buy
that one.
• Make an eye contact and give a smile, when you receive a compliment. Avoid
looking here and there; it will confuse the admirer and make you come across
as a rude person.
• When someone compliments you, don’t change the topic, without
acknowledging it. This will go extremely rude and depict you as proud, egoistic
and impolite person.
• Don’t argue with your admirer or compare yourself with another person, who
might not be looking as great as you are. This will again reflect you as a
negative person and close doors for further compliments.
• To gain confidence, practice receiving compliments in mirror and saying thanks
with smile. You can also say that the compliment means a lot to you or
something along the same lines.
• Even if you feel that the compliment is in a sarcastic tone, don’t let the other
person know how bad you have felt about it. Immediately say ‘thank you’ with a
kind smile and it will turn into a compliment.
• Avoid the temptation of bragging about yourself, after you have taken the
compliment. This will only show that you are too self-obsessed. So, avoid doing
it, especially when you are receiving a compliment.
How To Improve
Listening Skills

“A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something”,
says Wilson Mizner. Listening is a skill that not many a people are gifted with. An
effective listener is equally praiseworthy as a powerful speaker. Proper listening enables
a person to know and understand the matter efficiently. It is an effective tool in building
up a relationship. Listening skills can also be developed and nurtured during the life
time. We bring you some effective tips how to improve effective listening skills, which
will help you in many walks of life. Read on and practice the tips consistently, to get this
positive trait in you.

Improving Your Listening Skills

• Pay proper attention to what the speaker wants to convey. Free your mind from
all other things and concentrate only on what he wants to say.
• Avoid pseudo-listening and try to actually focus on what the speaker has to say.
Show appropriate actions that go well with the conversation. Smile wherever
necessary and show gestures like holding hands or offering a hug.
• Make your environment free of barriers that can cause a hindrance in the
proper communication system. The common environmental barriers
include TV or music system, conversation among other groups, sound of
moving vehicles, etc. Choose proper solutions for overcoming these barriers
and ensure that the messages are well conveyed.
• Look at the vocal tone of the speaker, to know his mood. In case the speaker
looks tired and exhausted, as a listener, you can help him focus on his
message. Suppose the speaker is angry, be patient and lend a listening ear. Let
him vent out his feelings and relax himself.
• Always wear a positive body language towards the speaker. You can use such
verbal expressions like “I understand what you mean”. These can encourage
the speaker to convey his point further to you. However, be careful not to use
these expressions to start a speech from your end. You need to listen to the
speaker, rather than conveying your own view point. Always remember to
maintain eye contact with the speaker.
• Make an impression on the speaker that you are interested in his speech. You
can ask brief questions in between his conversation, which will make him feel
that you are actually listening to him.
• Avoid your temptation to interrupt in the middle of the conversation. Interference
will only make the speaker frustrated and lose the track of what he was saying.
First, let the speaker complete and then give your feedback or opinion.
• Concentrate on the words of the speaker, rather than indulging in finding
debatable issues in the conversation. Remember that your task is to be an
effective listener, rather than proving yourself to be a winner in a debate
competition. Find out the points on which you mutually agree with the speaker
and present them occasionally in between the conversation. This will be highly
inspiring and encouraging for the speaker.
• At the end of the conversation, you can use expansion statements like “This is
very interesting”. This will encourage the speaker to further elaborate on the

How To Improve Your

Social Skills

They say, a human being is a social animal, but the question is, does everyone possess
social skills? Most of the people do not know the art of speaking. While some are just
inept and incompetent, there are others who lack confidence and yet others who do not
havep98 mannerism and etiquettes. Having sound social skills is extremely important in
the present times, given to the fact that interaction and conversation forms the basis for
everything we do. If you also face difficulty in interacting, remember, it is not the end of
the world. You can improve your social skills by just putting in a little effort. However,
you cannot be perfect overnight. It would take some time, but believe me; it would be
worth the wait. Just focus on qualities listed below and who knows, from being
ineffectual, you might just turn out to be the ‘apple’ of the social meets. In the following
lines, we have provided tips on how to improve social skills, just for you.

Improving Social Skills

Be Yourself
Only when you are your own self do you feel comfortable. And it is when you are in
utmost comfort that you indulge in free conversation and interaction. Do not change
your inner self for anything in the world. Remember, humans have this innate quality of
discovering whether a person is real or fake. In case you pretend to be someone you
are not, trust me, you would be lonelier than ever before.

Be Responsible
One of the vital components of social interaction is to know that art of carrying yourself.
It is very important for you to know what to do and how to behave in a social gathering.
A person behaving in an undesirable and unacceptable manner is usually avoided by
people. So, be responsible for your actions and act according to the situation.

Be Open & Approachable

Imagine talking to a person who is an absolute introvert or extrovert! Extremes
of personality often turn off people. Ideally, you should have a fusion of both the
characters. While being too shy and withdrawn is enough to repel people immediately,
being too loud and outgoing would not do much good either. Just strike a delicate
balance between both the personalities and you would be the ‘star’ of the social

Be Attentive
The art of listening is a stepping stone for conversation and interaction. Alas! Not many
have it in them. If you would have attended a social gathering, you will know that
everyone wants to talk, but no one is ready to listen. So, the trick is to be an attentive
listener and people would definitely talk to you. Also, do not interrupt or chip in a piece
of advice or suggestion just when the other person is in the middle of a subject.

Be Polite
Being humble and down-to-earth is an excellent way to break the ice. It sheds off all the
apprehensions and nervousness and gives a good impression. It would speak miles
about your manners, personality and confidence. Apart from being polite, it is also
advisable to be diplomatic. While being honest and forthright definitely pays, sugar-
coating the truth is very necessary at times.

Be Aware
It is very important to be aware and observant of people’s behavior. For instance, watch
if the person you are talking to is comfortable with the specific topic. If he looks
uncomfortable or is simply disinterested, just move on to the next topic. In case he/she
is not interested in talking to you completely, the best bet would be to move out of the

Be Cautious
It is advisable to keep your senses active. Do not shut your eyes, close your ears and
numb your senses at the time of interacting. Keep a keen eye on who are your friends
and who are your enemies. Do not confront everything to someone you have just met.

How To Make A Great

First Impression

The phrase, “first impression is the last impression”, has struck a note in the minds of all
people alike, which is why most of us long to make a great first impact on people. Be it a
business meeting, the first date or the first day at work, the first impression would go a
long way in establishing and imprinting your position in the mind of the person you are
meeting. As such, it is very necessary that you create a great impact, so that the person
has positive feelings or thoughts of you. Great styling, impressive conduct, oozing
confidence and a winning smile are some of the determining factors for making a
striking first impression. If you want to arm yourself with all the tips on how to make a
great first impression, keep reading the article.

Making A Strong First Impression

Right on Time
Imagine meeting a person for the first time and opening your introduction with a sorry or
an excuse for being late? What a loser you would look like! Being on time is the first
step towards making a great first impression. Plan your day in such a way that you
reach the assigned location, at least 5 to 10 minutes prior to the preset time.

Just be Yourself
Most of the people go way beyond their individuality to create a good first impression.
Result - confusion and nervousness!! To avoid such a scenario, the deal is to be
yourself. If you are projecting your own personality to the person you are meeting, you
would be utmost confident and completely at ease. And if you are calm and confident,
the other person would automatically feel relaxed. Remember, even he/she is meeting
you for the first time, so apprehensions and nervousness would be common between
the two of you.

Style Yourself Well

Believe it or not, the first look can go a long way in making an impressive first
impression. Here, grooming and styling should be the mantra for you. Dress
appropriately before stepping out of the house. Make sure your hair-do serves as an
add-on to your look. For men, going clean shaven is a must. Make sure that the attire
you are wearing gives a boost to your personality, making you look all the more
stunning and stylish. Remember, untidy clothes and messy hair-do is enough to make
you look under confident and sheepish!

Impressive Introduction
While looks would create the 50% of the first impression, the rest depends on how
impressive is your introduction. Since you are meeting a person for the first time,
chances are that the two of you barely know each other. In such a case, it would be
best if you start off with a bang. Smartly introduce yourself and fill in the other person
with all the necessary details that he/she should know about. However, do not lengthen
it. An impressive introduction is one that is short and crisp, with all the details.

Winning Smile
George Eliot rightly said “Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have
wrinkles”. Nothing can be more depressing than to meet a person who is dressed up
without a smile. Remember, a warm smile can shed off all the initial apprehensions and
make both of you at ease. So, the trick is to smile and win the heart and mind of the
other person. However, do not go overboard and laugh with your mouth open. (I’m sure
the other person does not want to know how many teeth you have or how big your
tonsils are!!)

Oozing Confidence
Did you know that your body language contributes more than 90% of your
communication? Thus, it is very necessary to project appropriate body language. Small
things like eye contact, standing tall with the head held high, a winning smile and a firm
handshake would talk a lot about your personality and the person you are. Remember,
if you want to create an impressive impression, keep the nervousness locked in your
Chivalry at Best
Do we need to elucidate on this point? Needless to say, men and chivalry should go
hand in hand. Good manners and courteous behavior lay the foundation for any
relationship, creating the best first impression. A rule of the thumb - switch off your
mobile while you are with the person. Remember, you are here to create a good
impression on the person you are meeting and not on the person whom you are talking

Did you know that communication is the key to opening the doors of success and
victory? However, most of the times, people do not engage in healthy communications.
As such, the results are far from being positive. Effective communications are those that
bring in positive results. This can be done if you follow two simple tips - first, try to
introduce positive words in your communication and second, communicate in a way that
it leads to positive outcomes. For those of you who want to arm themselves with all the
information about positive communication techniques, reading this article is a great

Positive Communication Skills

Proper Attention
Being attentive is one of most vital components to engage in positive communication.
Listening sets the base for any communication and it is when your listen attentively that
perfect communication takes place. This would not only help you understand the other
person’s point of view, but also formulate the right opinion. Do not interrupt a person
while talking. It makes the communicator lose the trail of thoughts, thereby disrupting
the whole process of communication.

Correct Translation
In case you are talking to a person who comes from a different country or follows a
different language, communication should be carefully conducted. Words that mean
good in our language need not necessarily mean the same in other language. In such
circumstances, it is best to translate the information in a language that the receiver can
interpret correctly. Talking in a common language is best advised.

Starting On Positive Note

Starting your communication on a positive note sets the pace for effective messages
later on. This way, you not only build a healthy relationship, but also make way for
better communication. Sometimes, negative or corrective messages are necessary to
communicate. However, when topped with healthy doses of positive comments, such
messages make way for easier learning.

Respect & Kindness

Every individual is an entity and has opinions and view of his own. As such, when two
individuals communicate, it is normal to face a situation wherein there is a difference of
opinion. In such circumstances, it is best advised to respect each other's viewpoints and
opinions. Do not compel the other person to agree to your school of thought. Use tact
and good judgment to come to a common solution.

Right Body Language

Did you know that almost 90% of the communication is done by your body? Sounds
unbelievable, but it is true!! Your eyes, hands and body posture communicate more than
you ever thought. For instance, imagine you are in an important board meeting and
someone suddenly yawns – it’s a perfect give away that he/she is bored to death. Pose
forward a right body language and you would surely have the most positive

No Blame Game
It is very important not to play the blame game, while you are in a conversation. It
negates chances of positive things in the communication, making it extremely
unconstructive and pessimistic. Remember, you can only indulge in positive
communication when both the speaker and the listener are in a calm mood. Playing the
blame game would take you nowhere.

Well Timed Communication

By this, we mean that the time and the place of communication should be proper. It is
not feasible to have important discussion in the middle of a hallway or office corridor or
around nosy co-workers. Such communications do not result in a positive outcome,
which is why it becomes crucial to time the communication well. Arrange for the time
that is favorable for both of you and a place that allows positive communication between
the two of you.

How To Be A Good

It is certainly a great honor to be heard by people and only a good speaker can manage
to bring that honor upon him/her. The magnetic qualities that a successful speaker
possesses draw the masses towards him/her. The present U.S president Barack
Obama, who has continued to win laurels for his tremendous potential as a speaker, is
a shining example of phenomenal oration skills. However, not everyone is endowed with
these attributes and this is where the tips given below will come handy. The article gives
some excellent tips on how to become a good speaker and enthrall your audience.

Become A Good Speaker

Sound Sincere With What You Say

Sincerity in your words tops the order among the attributes of a good speaker. People
will pay heed to what you are saying, if they feel you are for real. Excellent speakers are
those who are not just good orators, but also come across as genuine. The key to
appear sincere is to speak in a conversationalist tone, as if you are talking to your
audience. Speak in a way you talk to people in your day- to-day life, to strike a chord
with your audience.

Cultivate Knowledge On The Subject

For a good speaker, content is extremely important to stand out as someone who is
intently heard by his/her audience. If you already know the subject you have to speak
on, try to cultivate an insight into the subject and expand your knowledge base. People
appreciate knowledgeable speakers and delivering substantial and interesting
information will hold you in high esteem with your listeners. A good speaker, just like a
good professor, will always go prepared for the speech.

Learn To Modulate Your Voice

Every word that one says carries a different emotion and these emotions need to be
transmitted to the audience in an expressive way. One of the greatest qualities a good
speaker should posses is the ability to modulate his/her voice to for effect. Hitting the
nail right on the head is all about being able to convey your thoughts and make the
audience feel what you are saying. Voice modulation may call for some practice, but it
can be easily mastered over time.

Maintain Eye Contact With The Audience

The golden rule to be a successful speaker is to maintain eye contact with the audience
all through your speech. A lot of people have a tendency to look anywhere, but in the
eyes of the person or the group they are addressing. This habit can be very off-putting
for the audience and the speaker will fail to garner enough attention for himself/herself.
Exploit your confidence to the limit and maintain constant eye contact with the audience,
as you speak.

Add Humor To Your Content

No matter how great an orator you are, a drab content will soon wither away the interest
of the audience. You need to make the session interesting by adding a dash of humor in
your content, to keep the audience amused. Holding the interest of the audience for
long is a great art that can be perfected over time. An excellent content laced with
humor and an equally witty disposition to carry it off will work as icing on the cake, for a
good speaker.
How To Get Rid Of
Performance Anxiety

If you begin to sweat profusely and tremble at the very thought of your scheduled
performance, in all likeliness, you are suffering from performance anxiety. Performance
anxiety is also called ‘choking’ by some people. Apart from the novices, it can grip even
those who own a wealth of experience, as far as performing in front of an audience is
concerned. In fact, many of the seasoned performers suffer from anxiety and
nervousness as they set on to perform another time. Self-doubt and a lack of
confidence are the most common reasons accounting for performance anxiety.
However, sometimes, it can just be a simple case of stage-fright. The article brings you
some valuable tips on how to get rid of performance anxiety. Read on to know how to
perform your way to glory.

Tips For Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Practice Your Performance

It has been rightly said that practice makes a man perfect. Your anxiousness may be
the result of your under-preparedness for the performance that you have to deliver.
Practice your performance as much as possible, to make it flawless and feel confident
about your ability to make it successful. Always remember that hard work and practice
is the key to success and you can conquer your anxiety very well with mock sessions
and rehearsals.

Get Familiar With Performance Venue

This is one of the most successful tricks that work pretty well to bring your anxiety levels
down. Try to get familiar with the venue of your performance and the stage where you
are going to perform. While it may not be possible if you have to give an
office presentation, you can try the idea in case you are doing a skit or a play. You can
simply reach the venue before time and rehearse on the stage once, with all the props.
This will surely help you cope up with nervousness and make you feel self-assured
before your performance.

Get Your Mind Off It

It is important to keep reminding yourself that it’s just a performance and not the end of
your life. The worst thing that can happen is that your performance will get blotched and
this is certainly is not going to ruin your life forever. The idea is to have fun when you
perform and in this context, the ‘devil may care attitude’ can help in bringing down your
anxiety levels dramatically. So, get the worries off your mind and have a blast on stage.

Keep Anti-Anxiety Drugs As Last Option

Anti-anxiety drugs should always be kept as a last option, when nothing else is working
out. In the instances of social phobia, clinical anxiety is often treated with the help of
drugs. It is important to remember that the more potent drugs can lead you towards a
tendency to depend on them every time you have to give a performance. If you have
decided upon taking anti-anxiety drugs before setting on to perform, it is advisable that
you consult a professional for the right recommendation.

How To Stay Mentally

While mental sharpness and alertness is a natural gift for some, there are many who
struggle to keep their brain active and responsive all the time. It may not be easily
possible to achieve a razor sharp mind, but it’s certainly within your power to sharpen
your mental faculties and utilize them in a more competent way. If you are facing
concentration problems and forgetting important things on the agenda, you may do with
some helpful tips on how to stay mentally sharp. Follow the article and know what it
takes to keep your mind functioning proficiently.

Tips To Keep Your Mind Sharp

Challenge Your Mind

For enhanced mental sharpness, it is important to constantly challenge your mind.
Playing scrabble, chess, attempting crossword puzzles or doing Sudoku is a good way
to give a workout to your brain. Interacting with others is also a fitting mental exercise.
Intelligent conversations sharpen your thinking and analytical abilities and endow your
mind with alertness. To cut the long story short, engage in activities that are mentally

Be An Observer
As much as striking intelligent conversations is important for an alert mind, keen
observation is also one of the best tricks. Try to observe the things around you keenly
and rest your mind, once in a while, to rejuvenate it. Observing the nature is also a good
way to be in touch with your spiritual side, which will help your brain as well. This will
give your mind the much needed invigoration and refresh it to stay as sharp as ever.

Eat Right
It has been very aptly said that in a healthy body, resides a sound mind. Our eating
habits have a profound impact on our mental abilities. A healthy and nutritious diet is not
just important for our over all well-being, it also helps our mind function in a better way.
An ideal diet should include all the important minerals, like iron, potassium, magnesium
and essential vitamins, to keep our brain working sharp.

Drink Lots Of Water

Drinking lots of water is not only healthy for the body, it is also essential to keep your
mind active and sharp. Water makes up to one-half to four-fifths of your body weight
and accounts for 85% of your brain. Paucity of water in the body can lead to
dehydration, which in turn makes it difficult to concentrate well. Drink 8-10 glasses of
water in a day, to keep your body hydrated and your mind energetic.

The benefits of mediation are known to all and sundry. It helps revitalize our mind and
body. You can also couple it with some form of physical exercise, like yoga. 30 minutes
of yoga and 30 minutes of meditation in a day are enough to keep your mind healthy
and increase its sharpness. Researches have well established that physical exercise
also enhances mental activity and bears a positive effect on our mind. Mediation helps
banish negative energies from your mind.
How To Get Rid Of
Peer Pressure

Every one has to deal with peer pressure at some point in his/her life. Peer pressure
can be understood as the pressure among any age group of children, to conform to a
group norm or act in a certain way, in consonance with the friend’s circle. Mostly, teens
are known to be more vulnerable to peer-pressure, due to their tender age. The biggest
threat posed by peer-pressure is a burgeoning crisis of identity, which may confuse the
child as to what he/she really wants to be. In some cases, this crisis continues
throughout one’s life. This article dwells on peer pressure at length and suggests tips to
get rid of it. Read on to know how to best combat peer pressure.

Tips To Combat Peer Pressure

Be Confident Of Yourself
No matter how clichéd it sounds, building self-confidence is the best way to counter
peer pressure in a successful way. Have you ever wondered why is it that only some
people set the norms, while others follow them? People look forward to those who are
self assured and confident and try to be in their shoes. Only a confident person can
make others follow his/her footsteps. Therefore, try to set the norm and stop feeling
undue pressure to fit in a given group.

Be Comfortable With Your Choices

Peer pressure may force you to alter your original choices and that’s exactly where it
becomes problematic. Always remember that you have to live with the choices that you
make in life and you can’t let your peers dictate what you choose. They can be your
inspiration, but you will have to be assertive to resist their influence on the options you
choose in life. You are a different individual with a separate identity, after all.

Be Your Leader
Instead of being led by your friends, be your own leader. This is, undoubtedly, the key to
combat and avoid peer pressure. As long as you remain a part of the crowd, you will
tend to give into peer pressure. You need to remind yourself that you have a unique
personality, just as everyone is different from others. You can be what you are and still
be an integral part of your friends’ circle. Lead yourself and act according to your

Build The Mental Toughness To Resist

Not every one is gifted with the kind of mental toughness required to resist the pressure
or avoid the temptation to be one of ‘them’. You will have to be very headstrong to resist
peer pressure and this is very much possible, provided you train yourself the right way.
For instance, if you anticipate a situation which may force you to behave in a particular
way, you can avoid it by constantly reminding yourself that you won’t fall into such traps.
Hard, though it may seem, practice is known to make a man perfect.
How To Learn Sign

Sign language is the means of communication used by deaf people. The first book for
teaching sign language was published in 1620, by Juan Pablo de Bonet, which
consisted of manual alphabets. Since then, sign language has gradually grown and
evolved to suit the needs of the deaf people. Learning sign language involves learning
gestures, hand signs and finger spellings and using them effectively to communicate
with those who have lost their hearing ability. However, you will have to be a patient and
mature student, to learn and understand this elegant language. In case you need any
help, explore this article to find some useful tips on how to learn sign language.

Learning Sign Language

• Since the methods of learning sign language are different from those used to
learn spoken languages, it is important for someone trying to learn sign
language to understand these differences in the first place. The grammar
system of sign language is unique and it’s better to get a hang of the sign
grammar, before you begin to memorize the signs.
• Finding a good teacher or taking good sign language lessons is the key to
learning the language in right way. Private language schools and community
college also offers sign language courses and you can choose accordingly. A
video or DVD course or an online course with animations may also suit your
• There is also an option to learn sign language from books, by choosing some
basic books on sign language to start with. The range of sign language books
may advance from ‘survival’ level to ‘upper intermediate’ level. Along with
books, you can also get yourself a sign language dictionary, which contains not
just written words, but sign pictures as well.
• Flash cards can be of great help and are offer a realistic and effective way to
practice sign language. Sign language flash cards carry pictures of either a
hand or a person forming the sign, with the help of arrows depicting hand and
arm movements.
• You can also watch sign language users on TV. This will help you in improving
your hand movements, when trying to communicate in sign language.
Instructional videos will be of great help. You can arrange for them quite easily
as well.
• Try to interact with the users of sign language. If you can find a local sign
language club near your place, join it for greater interaction with sign language
users. A school or organization for the deaf is also the right institution to get in
touch with, for learning the sign language.
• Practice what you have learnt. Although it may be a little difficult to find
someone you can communicate with, using sign language, it is important to
practice the language. You can even try to find someone with similar interests,
so that you two can practice sign language together. Remember, ‘practice
makes a man perfect’, be it any sphere of learning.

How To Convince

The ability to convince others is a rare talent and not every one is gifted with this valued
asset. Persuading others is all about succeeding in changing their opinions on a
particular issue or being able to induce a change in their belief patterns, by putting
forward strong arguments against the existing notions in their mind. As much as a
natural ability ‘convincing’ is, it can also be acquired and mastered over time. The key to
convincing others is to display a positive and assertive body language. In case you want
to learn some more valuable tips on how to convince others, scroll through the article.

Tips For Convincing Others

Hear Them Out

If you really want to end up convincing your subject, give him/her an opportunity to
present his/her point of view as well. Many people tend to be over-aggressive and do
not let the listener speak, once they get started. One should never assume that the
person he/she is trying to convince knows nothing on the topic of discussion. Listen to
other people peacefully, without interrupting them and once they are through, the ball is
in your court.

Be Assertive & Confident

The more confident and assertive you are in presenting your ideas; the less time it will
take you to shake the existing beliefs of your subject. Be supremely confident of your
opinions and make sure that you don’t doubt what you are saying, even in the least.
Your confidence is to be your weapon and it has been witnessed that confident people
sail through the roughest waters smoothly, when it comes to convincing others.

Acquire Knowledge On The Subject

Acquiring a profound knowledge on the subject of discussion will make the convincing
part a cakewalk for you. This is an excellent idea if you are set to appear for an
interview. Interviews are known to be grilling and it is always better to improve on your
knowledge quotient, to present sensible arguments. However, many times, discussions
are impromptu and you may not have the time to gather information to substantiate your
claims. Here, quick thinking will work.

Give Examples
If you can support your argument with meaningful examples, you have already won half
the battle and you are most likely to convince your subject. Come up with realistic
examples to back your point of view, as it does not leave the listener with much option,
other than accepting what you are saying. However, if the person on the other side is
too smart or skeptical, it may take you some time before you succeed in your efforts.

Don’t Appear Too Desperate

Don’t come across as someone who just wants to convince others at any cost. You
have to present your case strongly and firmly, but the impression of desperation has to
be strictly avoided. The more desperate you sound to convince others, the more
skeptical they will become. You can repeat your point of view for added effect, as it
helps in shaking other person’s beliefs, but avoid trying to dominate or impose your line
of thought.

How To Change Your


“Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.” ~ John N. Mitchell
May be you have heard this quote and you really want to change your attitude
towards life. However, you may have no idea about how to go about it. Actually, attitude
is the driving force in our life and without right attitude, our life becomes directionless.
Without the right attitude, there remains no difference between us and other animals. It
is attitude, which distinguishes humans from other animals. All the people develop an
attitude while growing up. It may be done to maintain a standing or sometimes to
preserve ourselves from certain outward “harm”. Actually, attitude is kind of one’s
expression towards life and others. It may be positive, negative, indifferent or something
else. A positive attitude is very important for generating a successful and satisfying life.
Right attitude can be developed with the help of certain things. Explore the article to
know how to change your attitude.

Tips For Changing Your Attitude

Have An Aim
A life without an aim is like a ship in the sea without knowing where it is going. Have you
seen the movie “Wake up Sid”, how Ranbir Kapoor’s character Sid, didn’t have a goal in
life and how his life changed when he found his goal. Actually, in reality too, many of us
are like Sid. We keep on living without an aim and complain about life. Remember that
aim is a fuel of life and unless you have a goal, you would roam like the aimless ship.
Think of what you want to do with your life. Listen to your heart and then head towards
your goal. Attitude will follow you.

Be Ready To Learn
Nobody is perfect and if you think, you don’t have anything to learn from this life then
you are living with a wrong attitude. Actually, every one of us can learn so many things
every day if we keep our senses alert. Even if you are brilliant and you have never failed
in your life, there are many other things to learn from this life. Therefore, whether you
are at work, home or anywhere else, be ready to learn and you would feel so much

Develop Confidence
Confidence is the key to right attitude and to success. Confidence helps us sail through
bad times. Unless you are, sure of yourself how are you going to chase your dream? A
right attitude can come only to confident people. Therefore, to change your attitude you
need to develop confidence. Confidence will help you change the way you look at things
and you would perceive things positively.

Have Self-Respect
Self-respect is deemed as self worth and if you don’t value yourself, how will you make
other people value you? Self-respect is not only necessary for self-development but it is
also important for inner peace. People who are self-respecting generally keep a calm
front even in the time of crisis. Lack of self-respect almost always results in lack of aim,
enthusiasm and sense of purpose.

Be Positive
Positivity is the drive of life. It can alter your life for good almost magically. It will not only
help you understand yourself properly, it will let you understand others too. A positive
attitude will inspire and will help you deal with anything positively. It doesn’t only affect
you psychologically but also helps you mentally and physically. A positive attitude is a
choice of being positive with oneself and others. It is about being happy and content.

Be Self-Sufficient
You may have all the positive attitude, confidence and everything else, unless you are
self-sufficient, your life will not be in your hand. Try to keep yourself self-sufficient,
physically, mentally and psychologically. However, be ready to help others and rather
than ignoring any crisis, face it with positivity.

How To Cope With


Do you always experience an adrenaline rush and feel self-conscious when you have to
interact with strangers? If the answer is yes, then in all likeliness, you are a very shy
person. Shyness is a common trait, found in many people. In fact, estimates show that
almost three out of every ten people are overtly shy. Your shyness and introvert attitude
can have varied manifestations and can be rooted in your insecurity, inferiority complex
and hidden fears. To cut the long story short, shyness can just be a by-product of your
lack of self-belief and confidence in your personality. This article brings you some
valuable tips on how to cope with your shyness and bring out your confident side.

Ways To Combat Shyness

Be Proud Of What You Are

Nothing explains shyness better than a lack of self-confidence. You may be feeling that
you don’t match up to other people and therefore, your opinions may not be valued. You
need to realize that people have different personalities and you are unique in your own
way. Take inspiration from the people who are proud of what they are and are always
brimming with confidence.

Transform Your Self-Consciousness Into Self-Awareness

Just remember that people are too busy looking at themselves and they are not trying to
screen you wherever you go. Instead of being so aware of people, try to turn this
awareness inwards. Observe your thoughts, seek answers as to why you are shy and
try to overcome your coyness, by developing belief in yourself. It is a demanding
process, but if you bring yourself to succeed, it won't be long before you overcome your

Discover Your Strengths

The ability to discover your strengths is probably one of the most crucial abilities a
person can posses. Find things you are good at and focus on grooming that talent.
Identifying your talents will help you develop self esteem and conquer your shy attitude
positively. Remember your strengths are your advantage, your edge over others.
Nothing works better than self-discovery, in combating shyness.

Try To Socialize
Shy people tend to avoid socializing and boosting contacts with other people, which is
the reason why they struggle in their interactions. The more you avoid meeting people,
the shyer you will become. Ideally, a shy person should pounce upon every given
opportunity to interact with other people, so that socializing becomes a habit and he/she
doesn’t always end up looking ways to overcome his/her shyness. Meeting new people
will make you more confident and the plus point is you get to learn new things as well.

Though it may sound a little far-fetched, but practicing social interactions can work well
for you, especially if other things are failing to bring the desired results. You can ask
your friends to help you out and conduct practice sessions on how you will converse
with a new person or a group of strangers. Your practice should basically include how to
volunteer to talk. Ensure that your mock sessions yield good results.

How To Know You

Are Jealous Of Her

One of the basic traits that are often associated with a woman is her enviousness. It
seems that feelings of jealousy have been very intricately woven in the behavioral
pattern of women. It takes very little, in most of the women, to trigger off a jealous
explosion and they are known to be very competitive in their own way. Feelings of
jealousy can be deep rooted in your hidden fears, insecurities or have varied other
reasons. However, it is important to recognize and determine whether you are really
jealous of any other woman, so that the strife within your mind could be handled well.
This article comes up with some valuable tips that will help you to know if you are
jealous of her.

Tips to Know You Are Feeling Jealous Of Her

Know Your True Feelings Towards Her

Do you try to compete with her for no real reason? Do you wish you were in her place?
Do you greet her with a fake smile almost always? Your reactions and behavior towards
a particular woman are an important determinant of your jealousy. You will say harsh
things about her and will try to de-credit her from everything, if you don’t want to believe
in her positive traits. And, this just proves you are envying her secretly.

Determine Whether You Compete With Her Or Not

We have heard of healthy competition n-number of times and we also know that it is not
fostered by jealousy. Jealousy always results in unhealthy competition, which is fierce in
nature and many a times, is even visible to others. This is when we may not know that
we are actually envious of the person we are trying to compete with. If you have been
trying to compete with a woman in almost about every field, even on things that should
concern you the least, it is a sure sign of your jealousy.

Know If She Is Weighing On Your Mind

You may be subconsciously thinking about her always, without even realizing how much
time you are devoting to let this green eyed monster prosper. If she has been weighing
on your mind unnecessarily, you are right in determining that what you are feeling is
jealousy towards her. Your feelings may be continuous, which haunt you even when
your competition is not around. If you find yourself scheming on how to establish your
self superior to her, what else can it be, other than plain jealousy?

Know If You Are Threatened By Her

If you feel threatened by her and keep dreading that she will prove herself to be better
than you, it is a sign of your jealousy being rooted deep in your insecurities. It is actually
your covert insecurity that is bothering you and you can't even accept that you really are
insecure. This is precisely the reason behind the tendency, in a lot of women, to say
harsh things about their subject of jealousy. You find her presence threatening due to
your jealousy.
How To Accept

“Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because

without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” - Leo F.
Buscaglia. If you don’t find favor with this quote then you may be among people who
cringe on seeing themselves in mirror, they are not happy with their job, their
appearance and their life. They want to become somebody else and live all their life in
misery and anonymity. What they don’t realize is that we become what we think. And to
become a successful person we need to accept ourselves. Accepting oneself is
important to live a happy and content life. Explore the following pointers to know the
ways for accepting yourself.

Ways Of Accepting Yourself

See Yourself As Success

It may be very difficult for you especially if you have grown up disliking everything about
you. You always find yourself not good enough and by saying that you were not just
being humble. It may be because of some flaws, because of negative thinking or
because of other people’s opinions. Remember that nothing is more important than your
opinion. Take pride in your success and see yourself as successful, you would soon find
change in your outlook towards life, and you would start accepting yourself.

Restore Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is essential element for accepting oneself. Develop self-confidence by
telling yourself constantly that you are a unique and beautiful person. Stand in front of
the mirror and focus on all the features you like about yourself. It will help you
understand your uniqueness, and you would soon start to accept yourself.

Jot It Down
Writing all your qualities will help you. Focus on all the positive qualities you possess
and you would soon start to see yourself in good light. Write all the qualities no matter
how trivial they may be and then read them. You would soon start to feel important and
accept yourself.

Better Your Life

It is important to accept you as you are but it is also important to strive to better yourself.
After you have gained your self-confidence, work towards something, which you want to
do. You can also write all about yourself, which you feel, are negative. After you have
written, work on eliminating them. For instance, if you feel you are too emotional and get
hurt easily, work on it to do away with it. If you feel that you are not able to focus on
your career, think about the root cause of it and work towards bettering it.

Find Happiness In The Basics

Happiness or sadness largely depends on oneself. So instead of focusing on the
greener grass on the other side, focus on what you have achieved and be happy.
Remember that happiness doesn’t lie in earning millions, or possessing all the luxuries,
happiness lies in one’s mind otherwise all the millionaires in the world would be happy.

Get Real
Remember that you will have to work towards the goal of accepting yourself. It will not
happen overnight. Keep in mind that you are a unique person and unless you accept
yourself, the world will not accept you. Work on inculcating self-confidence and you
would soon see the opinions of others changing towards you.
How To Handle
Difficult People

We often complain that some people are just too difficult to handle. It's natural for a
person to end up meeting difficult people once in a while. In case you are amongst the
unlucky ones, you have to deal with them almost on a regular basis, be it at work or
home. However, constantly fretting over someone who is getting under your skin is not
going to help. You will have to devise strategies to deal with hostile people in a
successful way. This article provides you some proven tactics to handle difficult people.
Read on and know how to deal with the people immune to the usual methods of

Tips For Handling Difficult People

Confront Them Without Fighting

It is important to confront difficult people, or they will start taking more liberty with you.
However, you need to remember that you can't let the conflict escalate. Stand up to the
situation and confront the person confidently. For instance, if someone is trying to ruin
your reputation in office by spreading malignant rumors, you should ask the person
straight on if he/she has anything personal against you.

Keep A Positive Frame Of Mind

Don’t let difficult people affect your mental peace. Just keep your mind calm when you
deal with them. It's apparent that people with a hostile attitude will irritate you with their
behavior, but you have to deal with them in a positive way. You just need to
acknowledge that they have a personality and perception different from that of yours
and they need to be handled tactfully. Don’t let their negative attitude weigh constantly
on your mind.

Don’t Take Them Personally

It is important to remember that difficult people do things habitually and you are certainly
not their only target. Some people have a hard time adjusting with others and going
easy in life. They have the same freakish behavior with everyone and trouble everyone
they know. Therefore, it's not wise to take them personally. It is, sometimes, better to
just ignore them, rather than paying them undue attention.

Don’t Be Defensive
Let the attacks of a difficult person wash over you. There is absolutely no need to be
defensive in turn. Do not allow their verbal attacks to shake your confidence. If you
argue with them on pettiest of things, it is only going to weaken your position and allow
them to throw their weight around. You can confront them on important issues, but
defending yourself on everything is certainly not the right way to handle them.

Do Not Give Up
Tackling difficult people is very much an art, which can be mastered over a period of
time. You may face some difficulties in the beginning, but your tactics will show results
with practice. You need to remember that these strategies don’t change difficult people;
they just limit their ability to interfere in your life. Keep practicing your art and don't loose
hope. You will get success in your efforts sooner or later.

How To Avoid
Negative Thinking

‘If you think you will win, there are chances you can. If you think you will lose, you
definitely will.’

This quote aptly describes the important of our thinking, in the outcome of our efforts. A
person who considers himself to be a loser and feels that he is worth nothing will hardly
be able to achieve anything in his life. On the other hand, someone who has oodles of
confidence (but not over confidence) and believes that he canachieve something in life
will most likely become successful as well. Are you one of those who always end up
thinking about the negative side, much before the positive? Do you want to get rid of
this habit? If yes, then check out the tips given below and know how to avoid negative

Best Ways To Stop Negative Thinking

Get Creative
Whenever you feel that negative thoughts are creeping up on you, the best bet would
be to turn your imagination creative. Think of a wonderful situation, where everything is
happening as you planned or as you want. See yourself becoming successful in your
endeavors, being loved by your near and dear ones or even getting appreciated from all
the quarters. This would go a long way in helping you overcome the pessimism.

Look Back Into The Past

Life is never the same. Rather, it is full of surprises, twists and turns! At times, you win
even without trying and during others; you lose even when you make a lot of effort. The
wins have to be taken seriously, while the losses are something from which you need to
learn. The moment you feel your losses gaining over your mind, try to think of those
situations where success kissed your feet. Remember the sense of accomplishments
and vow to make them happen again.

Indulge In Meditation
In case you are thinking meditation is only for those who want to lead a spiritual life and
stay away from the materialistic world, you are wrong. People meditate for different
reasons - developing their concentration, feeling one with the god, having a control over
their thoughts, and so on. It is the last purpose that you have to solve with meditation. It
will help you remain in a balanced state of mind and keep you away from the negativity.

Consciously Block Out Negative Thoughts

If you want to stop being pessimistic and think about the brighter side of life, it is very
important to become conscious of your drift towards negativity. As soon as you feel that
negative thoughts are trying to creep into your mind, start telling yourself ‘I do not have
to think negatively’, ‘I have to think about the positive things happening in my life’, ‘I will
not let negative thoughts come into my mind and affect me in any way’, etc.

Make Yourself Feel Happy

One of the best ways to get over negativity is to make yourself feel happy, by indulging
in activities that you enjoy or that make your laugh. For instance, you can rent
the DVD of your favorite comic flick and laugh your heart out. If you are fond of comics,
buy some from the nearest bookstore and start reading. If you have internet at home,
log on to the sites that list jokes, funny quotes or even funny SMS and start smiling!

To Develop Psychic A

Though we all posses psychic abilities to a certain extent, it is equally possible to

develop your psychic potential even further. Most of us never realize our full psychic
ability, while it is very much possible to do so. Our hunches and premonitions come out
to be true not due to some bizarre coincidence but, because of our intuitive powers
which are the result of a developed psychic capacity. The article explores the subject
and comes up with profound insights on how to develop your psychic abilities. Read on
to benefit from some valuable tips.

Tips To Develop Psychic Abilities

Acknowledge That Psychic Abilities Exist

Only the one who realizes and rightly acknowledges the importance of a psychic
capacity among humans can be able to expand his/her psychic powers. Occasionally,
all of us mention about our intuitions coming true. However, we never wait to ponder the
reason behind such possibilities. If one aims to achieve his/her full psychic potential,
accepting that psychic abilities exist and can be developed overtime with practice and
effort, will be of great help.

Keep A Positive Mind frame

A positive mindset is the first pre-requisite to develop your psychic ability. It has been
established by psychological researches that a positive state of mind enhances the
psychic abilities of an individual. Negative thinking and skepticism to a certain extent,
can hamper or block the expansion of one’s psychic potential. It is therefore, important
that one maintains a positive thinking mind and keep feeding it with uplifting doses
which could be in any form, for instance inspirational movies or literature.

Pursue Your Feelings

Don’t neglect your feelings and instincts for the fear of being mocked at. Initially, it might
even embarrass you but gradually, you will realize that your feelings hold a certain
meaning in a specific context. Mention your strong intuitions to your close ones and
keep check on whether they come out to be true or not. Ignoring your gut feelings can
even get you into trouble. Trust your sixth sense rather than ignoring it

Meditation helps you to attain concentration and peace of mind. A calm mind has the
potential to act as a fertilizer for the development of an improved sixth sense and
psychic abilities when accompanied by some other measures such as developing the
faculty of imagination. The power of imaginations assists you in visualizing possibilities
and happenings and mediation will help you to nail down the right meaning of your
imaginations. This will also help you in finding connecting links to a problem, and finally
solving it.

Evolve Ways To Utilize Psychic Abilities

Remember that regular practice will assist in the development of your psychic abilities.
Try to evolve and practice ways through which your psychic potential could be
furthered. Test yourself with your imaginations and their meanings. If your assumptions
about your imaginations are coming out to be true, it means you are on the right track.
Think about things which generate your curiosity in an unusual way. Your
inquisitiveness will eventually lead you towards surprising results.

How To Break Bad


Trapped in a bad habit? Want an escape from it? If yes, then you are at the right place.
Involuntary actions, which we perform regularly, are what make our habit. Though
automatic behaviors, habits are definitely under our control (if we really want them to
be). Talking about bad habits, you would be surprised to know that even the most pious
of people would tell you they had a bad habit in the past. While some habits take the
form of physical addictions, others have simple social habits that make tick people off.
Breaking a bad habit is like coming out from a tangle or a web. Remember, it will not be
easy to do so, but with dollops of will power, squirts of discipline and loads of patience,
you will definitely be able to get rid of a bad habit. In the following lines, we have
provided useful tips on how to break bad habits.

Breaking A Bad Habit

The first step to get rid of a bad habit would be to be practical and realize the number of
times your bad habit wins over your will. For this, the best bet would be to maintain a
journal and note down every time your bad habit gets the better of you. This would help
you keep a record of it and also analyze the cause of the same.

The Cause
Now that you have evaluated yourself, it is the time to figure out how the bad habit
initiated in the first place. Analyze why did you start the bad habit - Was it peer
pressure? Was it depression? Was it just for a 'try'? Was it to be 'in vogue'? Was it an
escape from some life condition? Once you get hold of the reason for the action, you
would realize that it is not logical and does not make any sense.

Negative Impact
While you have determined the cause of the bad habit, it is the time to focus on the
negative repercussions of the same. List the negative impacts and the cost they are
charging you. The moment you realize the cost of a bad habit and what it is depriving
you of, it would act as a motivation to modify your behavior and get out of the web.

Positives Of Dropping
Once you have realized the negative impacts, it is time to look towards the optimistic
side i.e. the advantages of leaving the habit, say you will become a better individual or
have enough time to look into important matters, or even start becoming sociable.
Weigh the negatives against the positives.

Remember, you just cannot leave a bad habit and force yourself into doing nothing in its
place. There needs to be a replacement of the bad habit, by a good one. Consider the
positive ways of meeting the same needs through a good habit and start practicing.

Being Disciplined
Remember, changes do not just happen. You have to work hard and bring in a lot of
discipline in your being, to get over a bad habit. Most of the bad habits provide a person
with instant gratification. If yours is such as well, remember, giving into the impulses or
being carried away would be extremely easy.

Supporting Role
Do not hesitate to call friends or family members, asking for support. Believe me; they
would be more than happy to help you move out of the bad behavior. Just get
comfortable and talk to them about your decision. Who knows, they might be able to
provide some advice or encouragement that you normally wouldn't get otherwise.

Patience is the key to achieve your resolution. If you fall back to the bad habit, do not
pity yourself and say that the habit has got the better of you. Instead, rise up and get
back to your healthy behavior. Remember, you can beat the habit. All you need is
willpower, discipline and patience!!
How To Get Rid of A
Bad Reputation

Your reputation is nothing, but the public opinion about you. In other words, it
represents what kind of an image you have, in the eyes of others. Having a good
reputation is very important in each and every sphere of life. Whether you want
to excel in your career or win the affection of the person you are in love with, a bad
reputation will only take you closer to failure. In case you have been stuck with a
notorious reputation, be it because of you own faults, untrue rumors or a bad company;
it is the time to get rid of the same. We can help you know how to get rid of a bad
reputation, through the tips given below.

How To Fix Your Bad Reputation

Know The Truth

If you want to get rid of a bad reputation, you will first have to look at yourself and seek
the reality. Is there any truth in what the people say about you? Have you really done
something to make people form such an opinion about you? If you want to be objective,
seek a second opinion from close friends or family members as well. Unless and until
you acknowledge that a problem exists, you will not be able to trace its very roots and
solve it.

Take Action
If you feel that there is some truth in what people think about you, then it is the time to
take some action in the regard. If you are infamous as someone who has a very nasty
temper, try to bring your anger under control. In case you come across as
uncooperative to other people, try to go out of your way to help them. In case people
have raised a finger on your character, try to change your habits, dressing style, etc. In
other words, take some action.

Dispel The Rumors

If you have to fix your bad reputation, it is very important to dispel the rumors that are
working against you. If you are aware of the source of all the gossip, confront the
person and set the record straight. However, make sure not to get angry at the person
or start fighting with him/her. Such a behavior would only cement your bad reputation.
Rather, talk amicably, in a non-threatening way, and resolve the issue. If you are a big
shot, call a press conference to dispel the rumors.

Change Your Company

There is an adage that goes 'you are known by the company you keep'. In other words,
your reputation is formed, to a major extent, by the type of friends you have. If they are
known for being rogue and outlandish, people are bound to form a similar opinion about
you as well, whether you are like them or not. So, in case you feel that your group is
largely responsible for your infamy, it is advisable to seek new company right now.
Exercise Patience
Your bad reputation has built over a period of time. Do not expect to get rid of it within a
few hours or days. It will take time for people to remove your old, bad image from their
mind and replace it with the new, pleasant one. So, you need to exercise a lot of
patience and stick to your efforts. Don’t lose hope midway. Remember 'impossible' itself
says 'I m possible'. So, just keep on making efforts and soon, people will get used to the
image of the 'new you'.

How To Sweet Talk

According to Rig Veda, a person

who talks sweet spends all his/her days in happiness. Now, how many of us really know
how to sweet talk? Our tolerance level has gone so low that even a small provocation is
enough for us to start hurling abuses (even at a complete stranger). We all know the
power of sweet talk, but incorporating it in our respective life is a completely different
ball game altogether. However, if you make yourself consciously aware of the benefits
of even little sweet-talking, you would wonder why you didn’t integrate it in
your life earlier. Just ask yourself a question - who you think will get your help first, an
acid tongue lasher or a sweet talker. The answer is pretty clear, the latter. A sweet talk
can get you the window-seat in a plane, the best treatment at a restaurant, help from a
colleague, lift from a total stranger and sometimes, even a raise or promotion. So, why
not incorporate it in your life! Read on to learn the mechanism of sweet talking.

Sweet Talking Tips

Give Respect
Give respect to everyone. Sometimes, a simple smile from you can make the entire day
of someone. Never forget to thank the liftman when he opens the lift for you, or your
chauffeur, when he opens the door of your car. Give a bright smile to your colleagues
as well as the others around you. You would start feeling the change from the next day
itself. When you are happy, the world will also be happy for you. Moreover, when you
respect someone, you are in least danger of hurting him/her and there is the score for
you. So, stick to this motto and see the world changing around you.

Be Sympathetic
We, as human beings, are given the power of understanding and if we don’t integrate it
in our life, how can we expect to justify our humane side. Everyone wants sympathy,
especially when he/she has gone through a really bad phase in life. Don’t you love it
when your friend sympathizes with your grilling schedule at work? So, don’t be a miser
for words and let people know that you care.

Humor Mechanism
Everyone likes funny people. Integrate humor in your life and try to search the sunny-
side up in everything. You would soon find the ultimate secret of being happy. Tell
jokes, poke harmless fun, and see the gloomy mood changing in an instant. However,
refrain from sarcasm, as only a few of us can really pull it off without hurting someone’s
feeling. Stick to light humor instead.

Be Confident
For sweet talking, being sympathetic alone is not enough. You also need confidence.
Don’t let yourself be cast out as too mellow or pushover, as the world will start using you
then. Be a confident and levelheaded person, who knows what he/she is doing. Make
sure the world knows it too. Don't give anyone a chance to take advantage of you or
typecasting you a patsy or a softy.

Flirt A Little
A little flattery never hurts! Be the first one to notice the positive change in a person and
compliment on it. For instance, if your colleague is donning a new shirt, don’t forget to
shower an admiring compliment on him/her. Congratulate your colleagues on
successfully finishing a project. A little flirting with your client can help seal yoursuccess.
However, never ever give a cheap remark or go over the top in flattery.

Be Spontaneous
Whenever you say something, make sure that it doesn't look like a prepared speech or
something well thought of (in advance). It should come out in a spontaneous manner,
giving a genuine appearance to your words. If you are a serious person, who doesn’t
talk much, it’s time for you to open up. You can practice with your friends and family
members and then employ it elsewhere too.

How To Get Respect

Let’s admit it! We all want to get

respect from others. However, only a few of us are actually able to evoke respect for
ourselves. In case you are among those who cannot understand how some people get
all the respect they want, while others get sidelined, you have come to the right place. If
you want to know how to gain respect, you will have to first know that respect cannot be
taken, rather it is earned. However, we need to build up respect to get ahead in life, as
respect is directly proportional to reputation. There are many ways to speed up the
process of earning respect from others. Want to explore them? If yes, then read on and
find the best way of getting people to respect you.

Getting Respect From Others

Respect Others
To get respected, you need to respect others. Period! Treat everyone with respect and
you will get respect too. The age-old adage of 'reaping what you sow' is true to its core.
Don’t discriminate amongst people and refrain from using harsh, cold words. Help
others when they need you. Apply this in your life, to educe immense respect from the
people around you.
Dress The Part
If you are a person who is trying to get respect, but is not able to do so, take a good
look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a well-dressed person? Do you dress according to
occasion? If you dismiss dressing well as an act of showing off, then you are wrong. A
well fitting, clean, and ironed dress shows that you take yourself seriously, while a
crumpled tee, a ripped jeans or a dirty shirt is bound to give a bad impression. However,
dressing the part doesn’t mean that you need to wear a Cavalli suit or Prada shoes. It
just means that whatever you wear should compliment you and up your position in other
people's eye.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

It doesn’t mean that you should play dumb. Rather, speak only when you are spoken to.
People may like a person who wants to share all his details in the first meeting itself, but
they won’t respect him. Silence is gold in true sense, so stick to this axiom. Be serious
and speak only when it is necessary, especially when at workplace. However, give your
opinion or suggestions, if asked for.

Be A Miser Smiler
Smiling is good, but excess smile is bad for repute. If you smile at anyone and anything,
people will think you are mellow. A person of respect is a person of caution. Powerful
people smile only when it is needed. It’s true too that smiling or not smiling is all the
matter of perspective and depends on the environment where you work. However, if you
have been showing your pearly whites from long and people dismiss you for being
childish, then it’s your turn to switch off the grin and smile only when it’s needed.

Be Humble But Confident

Be humble enough to be a shoulder to cry on, but not so much that you become a
tissue paper for people to sniff their snots. The best way to get people to respect you is
to respect yourself. And the best way to respect yourself is to have confidence in you. A
confident person attracts respect like a moth to a flame. Have a good body posture,
mannerism, honesty, kindness and be self-effacing, and you will extract respect from
even an otherwise reserved person.
How To Handle

“If you have no critics, you'll likely have no success.” - Malcolm X

This quote aptly describes how important criticism is, in our life. However, when we are
bombarded with criticism all the time, we hardly think of being successful. Handling
criticism is never easy, as for most of us; it is directly proportional to failure. And
certainly, failure is nobody’s favorite word. Although almost everyone in this world is
criticized, only a few of us how know to accept it with grace. Is there some techniques of
handling criticism? Indeed, there are and in the following lines, we have listed a few of
them. Read on and know how to handle criticism.
Tips For Handling Criticism

Distinguish Between Feedback & Criticism

It is very important thing for you to understand the difference between feedback and
criticism. Feedback is something given to you to improve your performance. On the
other hand, criticism is downright negative. And it’s also not necessary that feedback is
always enlightening. It is enlightening only when you want it to enlighten you. It’s not
essential that the feedback comes to you in sweet and encouraging words. It may be
harsh and you may have trouble adjusting to the words, but it is eventually true and will
help you if you work on those areas. A criticism is mostly negative, urging you to stop
doing whatever you’re doing now.

Take Criticism In Your Stride

It’s very important to remain composed in any situation. Getting excited when someone
attributes praise to you is natural, but getting over the top is not. Similarly, if someone
criticizes you, be calm and listen to the person. Don’t jump up the gun and starts hurling
abuses on him/her.

Draw The Points To Help You

The most important trait of successful people is that they are able to draw out the points
that are useful to them, from almost any conversation. When you’re criticized, try to
focus on points that are common in all the criticisms that you encounter. Make a mental
note of them and mend your ways accordingly.

Learn From Criticism

Listening to something won’t help you, until you’re ready to perform on it. If you’re a
singer and people say that you cannot sing different kinds of songs, you need to try to
get versatility. If you work in a firm and you’re always criticized of not being able to
create rapport with your colleagues, try to be friendly. No matter what you’re criticized
for, if it’s something that will help you be successful, try to incorporate it in your life.

Don’t Let Anyone Insult You

Criticism is okay, but never ever let anyone bully you. If, at the end of a conversation,
you find yourself loser, are angry with yourself and your critic has convinced you to
leave the thing you are pursuing, you are in hands of a bully. Don’t let him/ her harm or
insult you. Remember, no one can make you feel bad about yourself, until you allow
them to. So, never let yourself feel down. If someone is going the dirty road, make sure
that you’re not going with them.

It’s Not Always About You

It’s the truth. If a person is always negative about you, then it might be possible that
something is wrong with them, instead of you. They may be plain jealous of your
success or they might full of negativity. There are people who cannot find good in
anything or anyone and you should not let such people worry you.

Let It Go
Never let a criticism decide what you want to do next. Don’t leave something because
other people want you to. A justified criticism may urge you to better something, but it
will never advocate for you to leave it. Forget what is being said about you, unless it’s
something you can improve. Good or bad, these things are meant to be forgotten. Eat,
sleep, and do your work the same way you were doing, before the criticism popped your
How To Make People
Listen To You

How to make people listen to you is a million dollar question in our society, where
everyone just wants to speak and not listen. Everyone here thinks that he or she can
speak better and sometimes even they speak altogether to make matters worse. To be
a good speaker you have to be first a good listener. If you think, you possess the quality
of a good listening. Then this article is for you. If you wonder how some people have so
much influence over others that makes people listen to them and you want to be like
them, you are at the right place. Read on to acquire the quality of a good speaker to
whom people listen.

Speak With Authority

When you want someone to listen to you, you will have to make sure that you know
your subject well. Be authoritative on whatever you are speaking on. A little knowledge
and beating around the bush will not attract listeners. Prepare yourself for your subjects,
be aware of the current situation, and be a voracious reader. You can even get much
knowledge just by keenly watching everything around you. Articulate powerfully and
clearly and modulate your sound according to your speech. Don’t shout or scream but
be audible and confidence.

Watch Your Body Language

Shaky hands, tense eyes, frown, and parted legs are all the gestures, which give poor
impression of a speaker and divert the audience much before you start speaking.
Acquire proper body language like alert body, smiling eyes, and confidence and you are
bound to attract audience. Have eye contacts with as many people you can and look

Be Interesting
Most of us are very impatient and if you are not able to attract the audience in few
minutes from the start, you may lose them altogether. Therefore, be interesting and
discuss it too. Add in some jokes and ask questions and you will surely attract people’s

Tell A Story
When you tell a story preferably, a personal one, then you make your audience a part of
you after sharing your narrative and that interest them. Then they don’t remain
audiences but become participants. Also, make sure that you listen to people if you
think they have some valid points. Most of the people just want others to listen to them
but are themselves not ready to do so. That is why it’s important to be a good listener to
be a good speaker.
Dress Appropriately
“Clothes maketh a man” and it’s true in any society. So always, wear powerful clothes
according to your society and your audience. If it’s a casual discussion then wearing a
power suit will only make you the odder one. So,dress according to the event and let
your clothes reflect your sincerity.

Know Your Audience

Before speaking, it is very essential to know your audience. If you are speaking in a
boardroom and people are interested in numbers, then stating statistics will pull you
through. However, for a casual discussion you need not present charts. Make a point
and support it with examples. Don’t beat around the bush as it’s an audience repellent.

You may be a good listener but being an active listener is very important. What is the
use if you don’t get anything from all that listening? So, wherever you go try to imbibe
some of the good qualities of a speaker. Learn from the greatest speakers of the world,
from Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandela and from Steeve Jobs to Barack Obama.
Developing Critical
Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is a process that involves the analytical evaluation of a situation. By

thinking critically, you will be able to discriminate the different points of view associated
with a situation. The skill will enable you to find every possible way of solving the
problem. The aim is to derive the best possible solution for a particular problem, by
weighing the substantial and insubstantial as well as concrete and abstract factors
governing a situation. If you do not know much about developing critical thinking skill,
the following lines will surely prove to be of help.

How To Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Process The Information

While reading something, the best way to learn it and register it in mind is to process it
first in your mind. After assimilating the information, try to comprehend the key points.
Assess the arguments, evidences and assumptions present in the information.

Compare And Construct An Idea

It is very important to analyze the key components first and then compare each of them,
to figure out their similarities and dissimilarities. Now, based on the facts that you have
compared, try to form an idea. To give shape and support to your idea, try to make
logical connections between the facts.

Analyze Text
By analyzing a given text, you will be able to develop the critical thinking skills. Take a
comprehensive passage, which unfolds few sequences of a story. After reading the
passage carefully, create a logical link between the events of the story. To improve the
analyzing skill further, try to assign a title for the passage.

Answer Questions
Disciplined questioning also promotes critical thinking. One of the most effective ways to
develop critical thinking skill is to answer the questions based on a few hypothetical
problems. Even if you fail to answer all the questions, you will be able to analyze the
concepts. Moreover, you will be able to distinguish between the facts and the
assumptions. Complicated and challenging though, it is an effective way to gain the skill
of critical thinking.

Solve Puzzles
Solving a puzzle can help you learn how to develop critical thinking skills. This could be
a simple exercise of connecting a number of dots in a predefined manner, to form an
image. Apart from connecting the dots, this exercise will help you to think out of the box.
How To Become A
Motivational Speaker

While a good speaker 'just' conveys his/her intended message, a better speaker 'moves'
the audience through his words. Motivating people through speech is not as easy as it
seems. It requires special skills, which can be acquired only after practice. A
motivational speech includes all the elements that can create impact on the people
listening to it. Apart from being interesting, it makes the audience 'think' for a positive
change. Learning to become a motivational speaker is a systematic process. Explore
the tips given in this article to know how to excel in motivational speaking.

Motivational Speaking Tips

To motivate people with your speech you need to practise a lot. Rehearse your speech
with your friend, family member or a colleague, before presenting it in front of the
audience. While doing this, give stress to the voice modulation. Being well prepared
before the speech reduces the stage fear as well.

You must have the thorough knowledge of the subject that you are going to address.
Study the subject well, before formulating the speech. Be certain about what you have
to say, because lack of research will be reflected in the speech.

Mind Your Body Language

A good speaker is identified with the way he/she presents himself/herself on the stage.
You should exude confidence through your body language. Maintain good eye-contact
with the audience during the speech. Do not hide your hands inside your pocket, while
speaking. Make use of gestures to emphasize your point. Maintain an equanimity in
your speech. This will make the session even more interactive.
Know The Audience
Know how your audience needs to be motivated. A prior knowledge about the people
will help you with the purpose. Consider the taste of the audience, while preparing the
speech. Learn about their age group, their education, cultural background and lifestyle,
because the choice of words depends a lot upon the mental level of the people listening
to the speech.

Generate Interest
Apart from being motivating, your speech should be interesting as well, if you want to
create the maximum impact on the audience. Make use of metaphors, analogies and
anecdotes to make the speech interesting. Create interest in your audience by making
the speech interactive. You may ask questions to them in between the speech.
Conversing with the audience will also help make the speech an interesting one.

Give A Good Conclusion

You should summarize your speech in the most convincing way. A good conclusion will
always leave an impact on the audience. They should feel satisfied after listening to
your speech. You should bring about a positive change in them, with an effective

How To Socialize
With People

Socializing with people is a behavior that is innate to human beings. This is due to the
fact that our ancestors used to hunt in groups for food and even worked together.
However, in today's world, we often find loners in the society, spending their lives in
solitude, without mingling with others. This is perhaps because of the fact that they lack
the characteristics required to socialize with the people around them. If you are one of
the people who find it difficult to go out and make friends with people, do not worry. We
are here to help you with some tips, which will help you learn how to socialize with

Socializing With People

Your million dollar smile can act as a gesture to show that you wish to socialize with
others. When you are with a group of people, wear a pleasant smile on your face. Make
an eye-contact while smiling. See how people respond to this. It will surely be a positive
response. They will smile back. Some of them may even be ready to initiate a
conversation with you.

Develop Positive Attitude

An important step towards socializing with people is to develop a positive attitude. You
should have an optimisticoutlook towards life. Be positive and live in high spirits. When
you go out and meet people, leave all your tensions back home and fit into the
environment of the place.

Find A Common Point

When you are with people at a party or a social get-together, try to find a common
interest. This will give you a chance to open up yourself to others. If you succeed in
finding similar taste or interests, it will be easier for you to proceed further and develop
familiarity with them.

Build Rapport
To socialize with people, you need to build a rapport with them. You should present
yourself as an approachable person, who has many things (or at least few things)
common with others. In the process, you should share your point of view with others,
listening to their as well. You should be able to relate to people, making them feel
neither inferior nor superior to you. This brings out another quality needed to socialize
with people - communication skills.

Communicate Effectively
Share your views, when you are in a social circle. However, do not be aggressive while
presenting your viewpoint. When you are with a group of people, you have to lend your
ears first and speak your mind later on. Be a good listener. This will make you more
knowledgeable about the people surrounding you. You will be able to judge them better,
by listening to their words carefully. The habit of listening to others will also give you an
idea about the level of sophistication of the people around you and present yourself
according to the situation.

How To Control Your


How many times have you goofed-up a particular situation or a scene because of your
anger? Almost all of us have faced such an incidence in life, when our emotions had
completely taken over our mind. Result - bad behavior, unhealthy relationships and
sometimes even termination letter. One must understand that there is nothing wrong in
feeling strongly about something, problem occurs when it comes to expression.
Remember, it is not what you feel that counts, what matters, is what you do with those
feelings. Controlling emotions is essential when you are in a public place or in your
place of work. If you have been facing problems in controlling your emotion, do not
worry, as we have provided below some of the effective ways and methods to manage
your intense emotions.

Controlling Emotions
• The first step would be to identify those emotions, which you need to control.
Right from angry flare-ups to disgust, there are numerous emotional displays
that you might need to restrict, when it comes to public places.
• For instance, if you get easily angered, the best bet would be to focus all the
energies towards breathing. Breathing in and out a number of times, reduces
heart rate and accentuates the oxygen flow in the brain.
• Remember, when you are focusing your attention towards breathing, the mind
gets diverted from the emotions and feelings.
• Another popular way would be to count backwards from 20 to 1. This is found
effective in controlling the heighten emotions.
• Visualization is yet another great way to control the angry flare-ups or stress.
Try to picture something that would produce a soothing image in your mind. It
can be a snapshot of a beach, a candle, moonlight and so on. Believe it or not -
this would be a great way to escape from the stressful or high-anxiety times.
• This might come as a surprise to you, but directing all the energies towards a
far-off stable object does a lot, in terms of relieving a person off his intense
• At times, it gets very difficult to suppress your emotion. In such a situation,
excuse yourself from the group of people you are with and go to a lonely place.
Give vent to your feelings and then return to the scene. Trust me, you would
feel much better.
• Another effective technique would be to acknowledge or recognize the emotions
you were feeling at the time of emotional outbursts. You would realize that it is
generally the negative feelings that you want to control. In such circumstances,
ask yourself the reason for the anger. Knowing the reason is likely to help you in
future, when you come across similar situations. You would, in turn, react less.
• Remember, mindfulness holds the key for controlling emotions. So, be actively
attentive of your feelings and emotions.
• Drinking lots of water is a good way to rule out the negative emotions. It would
also benefit you in terms of health. So, just pick up a glass of water and slowly
gulp it down. You will surely feel relaxed!
• How To Find
Your Talents

• Talent need not to be related only with intellect. It can be artistic, technical and
physical as well. Not every talent requires being profitable, it just needs to be
useful in a positive way. Many of us are still in search of the talents that are
hidden within us. Finding the talent that sets us apart from the crowd can be a
long process, often tricky also. It needs observation and analysis of one’s own
self. If you want to learn how to find your talents, the tips provided in the
following lines will surely come handy.

• Finding Your Hidden Talent

• Find Your Interests
• The first step towards finding your talents is to know your interests. What sorts
of things do you like to read about, watch or do? What are your favorite shows
on television? Which column of the newspaper and magazines do you like to

• Try Out Different Things
• If you want to find out your dexterity in each of the things that interest you, then
try them out. Carry out experiments and explore things. Locate a safe
environment, where you can try out different things without anybody’s

• Find Your Passion
• You may be a person of various interests, but there will be only a thing or two,
which you are passionate about. What is the one thing that you love to do the
most, with utmost enthusiasm? Get the answer for the question and you will
come to know what exactly you are passionate about.

• Improve Yourself
• After you come to know about the areas of your interest, it is the time to
improve yourself. Read lots of books and learn from people. One of the best
ways to learn something is to teach. Therefore, teach what you have learnt.
This will help increase your depth of knowledge. In this process, you will be
able to discover all your hidden talents and skills.

• Know Your Limits
• In the process of finding your strengths or talents, you should not ignore your
weaknesses as well. Know your limits. Find out the things in which you are not
a pro or lag behind. Know what makes you struggle. You will then come to
know about your talents as well as the areas that you need to work on.
• How To Get
People To Like

• The world seems to be a wonderful place when every one around you likes
you. The mere feeling of being liked and loved by others fills the heart with
warmth and happiness. Some people have the inherent quality to make others
be fond of them. However, we should know that not every one is born with this
knack. If you are one amongst the latter type of people and are looking for
ways to make others like you, the guidance given here will come handy. Go
through the following and know how to get people to like you.

• Ways To Make People Like You

• Be Cheerful
• People would always like to accompany a smiling and cheerful person, who
spreads positive energy around him/her. Therefore, be a person who is always
optimistic and upbeat. Remember, if you act happily, you will feel happy as
well and make other feel good with your presence. In addition, they will treat
you much more warmly.

• Be Kind
• Do not frown at others’ wrong deeds or misbehaviors. It is always nice to show
kindness, although it seems 'easier said than done'. Being kind means
speaking politely, in a soft tone and never shouting at people when you are
angry. Every act of yours should show that you care for others and are
considerate about their feelings. This kind of behavior will project you as a
kind-hearted person and get people to like you.

• Listen
• Listening to others is a great thing to establish a rapport among them. If you
want others to like you, then pay attention whenever they are talking to you.
When you carefully listen to what others say and respond to them
appropriately, you are able to engender closeness with them. People will begin
to open up to you more, as they will be sure that you will always be there to
lend an ear.

• Be Helpful
• One of the best ways to get people like you is to go out of the way whenever
they are in need. This act will show that you care for them. Moreover, this will
show that you are reliable and a person to depend upon. You should not be
their last resort; rather be the first person who helps them. Doing good things,
such as helping others without being asked to, will help you win
their confidence as well.

• Devote Time
• A majority of people would like someone in their life who gives time and
attention to them. Devoting time to people will help you a great deal in
developing a good relationship with them.

• Empathize
• Feeling bad for someone who is going through troubled times, is good.
However, feeling the pain of others is even better. Empathizing is not as easy
as showing sympathy. It is a quality that very few of us have. If you have this
quality in you, you will surely become a person whom almost everyone likes.
• How To Look

• Every girl wants to be noticed. If you are tired of looking plain and simple, be
ready to turn heads and have more than expected eyeballs running in your
direction. A multi-layered make up is not what will make you look gorgeous
unless you look beautiful and healthy, a basic fact that many of us tend to
ignore. The truth is that a healthy body and proper diet are the primary factor
for the attainment of a gorgeous look as it brings radiance and glow on your
face, making it look natural at the same time. Besides this, you have to know
the right styling and make up to enhance what you are blessed with. Scroll
down to find some more tips that can make you look beautiful and gorgeous.

• Looking Beautiful

• Healthy Skin and Body - Drink a lot of water. Now this is what you hear from
every second person, but this is the most effective way to get beautiful skin
and great body, as water will rid the body of impurities. To look gorgeous, one
needs to look healthy. Don’t starve yourself or become anorexic in order to
look thinner, it can result in severe consequences. Just eat proper diet and
exercise regularly to keep your body in a good shape. It does not imply that
you have to indulge yourself in heavy exercises or count each calorie you
consume, but some precautionary steps will do.

• Correct Make-Up - Sometimes you will hear that you do not need the blusher
or eye shadow. If you hear it very often, you have to apply some tricky make
up that enhances your features and cover-up the flaws, if any. Make up is a
must and a foremost factor for the attainment of a gorgeous look. Apply
foundation, concealer, bronzer and blusher for a smooth looking and radiant
skin. Next is choosing right shade for eye shadow. If you can choose nothing,
go for a shiny pink. It goes well with every dress and suits all skin complexions.
Highlight your eyes and lips. A proper coat of mascara and black eyeliner will
define your eyes. Wear a glossy lipstick to that glamorous and gorgeous look.

• Hairstyle - Whatever hairstyle you wear, make sure that it looks good on you.
Keep up with the latest trend and get a hairstyle from a good hairstylist. It can
cost you some more, but the extra money is all worth it. Brush regularly and
clean you hair clean and conditioned. Get a flat iron, a curly iron and
straightener and make sure you apply mousse and hairspray after styling your
hair. Use right products that are of better quality and work on your hair until
you get it right.

• Dressing Style and Right Attitude - Be super stylish keeping with the latest
fashion trends. Wear anything that looks cute on you and make you look
trendy. Jeans and T-shirts are something that can never go out of fashion.
Shop a lot and watch out for the hottest fashion trends, but make sure not to
wear clothes that are too revealing and leave nothing to imagine. The way you
carry yourself is what you need to add magic to your looks and personality.
Always wear a smile and be natural, it is something people will remember
more than how you look.
How To Ignore Rude Comments
The people who live in this world
differ on a number of factors, right
from their nationality, race and
religion to their nature and
temperament. In fact, the latter two differences are much more enhanced than the
former. You will hardly find two people who have exactly same personality, though there
might be some major similarities. Amidst the different types of people, there is one
particular category that comprises of discourteous and insensitive people. They don't
have the slightest idea on how to make polite conversation and often end up hurting the
people around, by their rude comments. In the following, we will tell you how to handle
rude comments.

How To Ignore Rude Comments

• Believe in yourself. Never ever let the rude comments of others belittle you or
make you feel inferior. You know what you are and what you are not, so don't let
other people's opinions affect you.
• Almost all the people who say rude things to others are suffering from inferiority
complex. They are only trying to hide their own insecurity behind the rudeness.
Remember this always!
• When somebody behaves rudely with you, don't reply back. React as if you
didn't even hear his/her comment or it makes no difference to you what he/she
thinks. This would make the person shut up.
• Never ever try to justify yourself. A person who wants to hear your side of the
story will come and talk to you, not pass rude comments. If he/she resorts to
comments, nothing you say will make a different, so don't even try.
• Stay away from such people as far as possible. If it is not possible to avoid them
altogether, just greet them politely and go your away.
• If things become worst, answer them back politely. People pass rude comments
to make you angry and get an agitated response. If they don't get that, they will
slowly start backing away.
How To Be Happy

Happiness holds the key to lead a

successfullife. However, with busy schedules and the need to get to the top of the
ladder, this basic element of life has lost its meaning. Today, it is much easier to find a
frowning face than a smiling one. Most of you would agree that it feels good when you
see someone smiling, while watching someone grimacing acts as dampener on your
spirit as well. Do you want to know the secret of staying happy all the time? Happiness
means different things to different people. You first need to figure out what happiness
means to you and then, you can work out steps to seek the joy and bliss for yourself. If
you want to get some more tips on being happy in life, go through the lines below.

How To Be Happy
• To be happy, you first need to find what is important in your life. There are
certain things which take a prime concern in your life, like values, family, friends,
music and your hobby, and bring a smile to your face. You need to realize what
holds the key to your happiness.
• Recollect old times, when you were very happy. Think of what made you happy
- was it the place you were in or the person you were with. What was the
particular thinking or feeling that made you feel happy? Be with the person or
visit the place again and experience the same emotions.
• Make happiness your priority in life. You need to take time out of your busy
schedules to do things which are important to you and make you feel elated. If
you love ice creams, indulge in having one. If you were once a movie buff, it is
the time to catch up with old pals on a movie date.
• Start small and then, work your way ahead. It might not be possible to
immediately start doing everything that makes you happy. Take 15 minutes off
from the routine life and do things that make you smile, like going for a walk,
talking to friends, reading a book, etc.
• Be optimistic in life and shoo away any negativity. Think positive things about
yourself, your partner and life in general. In no time, you would realize that you
are feeling happy all the time. If pessimistic thoughts creep easily into your
mind, maintain a diary where you write all the good things. Read it often. It
would help you get rid of the pessimism.
• It is often noted that people who are of the complaining sorts are mostly
unhappy. They criticize and grumble about everything which happens in life and
fail to see what good things they have in life. Be appreciative of the main
aspects of life, such as health, job, love life, friends, family, money, etc.
• Lastly, smile always. It's easier to put up a smile on your face than to have a
frown on. By smiling yourself, you can make others happy as well. Make it a
habit and soon, you will see the people around you smiling as well.
How To Start Up A

Starting a conversation is not everyone's cup of tea. It might sound strange, but most of
the people face difficulty when they have to start up a conversation. For such people, to
come up with something to talk about, is extremely stressful. However, interacting with
people is easy, once you know the right ways to start the discussions. The ability to start
a conversation effortlessly and to carry it out is a quality which is inherent only in a few
people, but can be developed by almost everyone. If you are also one of those who
keep looking for ways of starting a conversation, go through the following lines, Given
below are tips to help you with the problem.

How To Start Up A Conversation

• To start a conversation, you should be aware of what is happening around you.
When you are up-to-date with the current affairs, you will have a lot of things to
talk about and can knowledgeably participate in discussions.
• The best way to start a conversation is to be well-rehearsed. It is good to
prepare in front of the mirror.
• Be inquisitive in nature. It is noted that people love to talk about themselves -
their success, their ambitions, their life, etc. Put questions to them, taking care
not to get too intrusive or personal.
• Start the conversation with a compliment, but make sure that you offer a sincere
one. Compliment if you like something about the person. However, play it safe
and do not compliment on the looks or body of someone, in case he/she thinks
it as derogatory.
• Observance is very essential for a communication to take place. Look around to
find something interesting or unusual to talk about. Use this as a conversation
• If some opinion has been expressed by the other person, take it as an
opportunity to talk further. You might agree or disagree with it. In both the
cases, the deal is struck - conversation has started. You can either ask a
question about it or offer an opinion, but do not let go of the opportunity.
• Be confident about yourself. Have a smile on your face and look into the eyes of
the person while talking. You should be positive about yourself. Even if you are
not confident, act as if you are. This would make you appear relaxed and calm.
• Practice conversing with people. Take initiative to talk to people when you are
stuck up at different situations. With practice, you are sure to get better at
starting conversations.

How To Be Funny

Being funny is not a joke (pun

intended!). Many people think that humor can be dealt with very easily. This is not true.
You can make others cry in just fraction of a minute, but to make them laugh is a hard
nut to crack. It requires a lot of skill to bring that 'million dollar smile' on the face of a
person. To be funny, you need to know many things related to humor, like the situation,
timing, etc. You also need to make sure that you come across as hilarious, but are not
marked as clown. Crack jokes that make people laugh out loudly and not PJs that might
make them stifle a yawn. In the following lines, we have provided a number of tips that
will help you in being funny.

How To Be Funny
• Just Relax: The first and foremost requirement of being funny is to have a
relaxed mind. Always try to be cool. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, if
you want make others laugh, or at least smile, at your presence.
• Take It Easy! Don't get too serious or tensed at tough situations. Ease up on
life and yourself. Try to find humor especially in the situations that do not turn in
your favor. Falling down on a banana peel is the best example. It gives pain, but
humor is written all over the scenario!
• Humor Yourself: Put a pause to your dull routine life. Crack some jokes and
humor yourself. That is perhaps the best way to be in 'good humor'! In fact, if
you can't' make yourself laugh, forget about making other people smile.
• Be Ready For All Situations: You never know when a situation calls for
humor, so be always ready. A reserve of jokes can come handy. Just make sure
that you crack the jokes with good amount of humor.
• Learn Timing & Mannerism: Being funny is not just about delivering great
jokes. It is about cracking them at the right time. Your mannerism, attitude and
the way you project yourself also count. Be animated and alive when you are
talking - this can make a dull story funny and interesting.
• Know Your Audience & Situation: This is another important thing to take into
consideration. You should know whom you are talking to and what the situation
is. Nobody would like to get witty at a mourning ceremony, isn't it? So, analyze
the situation well before introducing humor into it.
Signs Of An Insecure

Security is something, which is desired by everyone. That is why it is important for all of
us to be comfortable with ourselves. A secureperson is more likely to achieve success,
have meaningful relationships and be respected by others. On the contrary, insecure
people find it very difficult to manage things in every aspect of their lives. Though it is
impossible to be completely free of doubt, one should try to be confident of himself. For
this, keep checking yourself to eliminate any signs of insecurity that might creep in. if
you want to know what are signs of an insecure person, read on.

Signs of Insecurity

• An insecure person becomes overly selfish. He tries to surround himself with

possessions, accolades and attention.
• An insecure person becomes overly accommodating and tries to gain other
people's approval.
• Insecure people tend to be very defensive and cannot handle criticism. They are
not comfortable with their own-self.
• Insecure people can't enjoy silence and they try to fill it with unnecessary
• Excessive joking is also a mechanism for coping with insecurity. An insecure
person craves for other people's attention, which is achieved when other people
laugh at their jokes. However, this leads to insensitivity towards others.
• Insecure people are self promoting and constantly talk about themselves. They
need validation from other people for their actions and qualities.
• Insecure people are even threatened by others and therefore by bullying they
try to crush their opinion.
• Insecure people tent to be overly authoritative as they tend to compensate for
their lack of confidence by taking out their frustrations on their subordinates.
• Over competitiveness is also a sign of insecurity. They are scared of losing and
so they always keep themselves at the edge.
• Being materialistic also shows that person is insecure because he feels that by
acquiring material wealth and showing it off he will be able to gain people's
attention and acknowledgement.
• Over jealousy is yet another sign of insecure people as they lack trust in their
partners. This is visible in constant questioning, mistrust and altercations with
the members of the opposite sex.
• Insecure people even become abusive if they fail to control their partners.
• Overly sexual behavior also portrays insecurity as the person treats his or her
sexuality as a crutch to get other's attention.
How To Be Popular

Everyone wants to be popular and

win the praise and attention of all. As everybody does not acquire the talent of being
popular, people often remain clueless on the topic, wondering how others do it. On the
contrary, one of the basic things to remember here is that it is very necessary to be self
confident to become popular. This is because if you do not believe in yourself, nothing
will come easily to you. So, in case you belong to the category of people, who
desperately wish to don the spotlight but do not how to become popular, here we are
with some valuable tips to relive you off your worries.

Tips on How to Be Popular

• Be bold enough and step out of your comfort zone. Even if you are a shy and
introvert person, you will have to come out of your shell in order to become
popular. It is very necessary for you to interact with people to gain their
• Be friendly and social. Popular people are generally friendly with almost
everyone around. To be precise, be in good enough terms so that you are able
to hold a short, friendly conversation with anyone in the room.
• Try to talk to everyone, who crosses your path. However, do not be a bugger,
just smile and give greetings. If you receive a response, make a small
conversation. Make it a habit to know people around you.
• Keep your attitude casual, restraining from any sort of controversy. In effect,
make sure you just attempt a small talk with people you are not well aware of.
Also make sure you choose light and safe topics to talk about.
• Be polite and respectful towards people's privacy. Don't be nosy and clingy. Try
to decipher people's body language to understand their signals. In effect, don't
invite yourself anywhere, don't brag, don't interrupt and most importantly, don't
be annoying.
• Stop thinking too much about yourself. Empathy is a virtue you cannot do
without if you want to be popular. Try to relate to people around you and be
interested in them. Talk to them on common grounds so that they find you
• Whenever possible, try to lend out a helping hand. For popular people, it's not
only necessary to know everyone but also equally important to be in good terms
with them. One of the easiest ways of building rapport is by listening to people,
when they talk and offer to help somehow. Tell them that you wish the best for
• Not to forget, be yourself. Though it might sound cliché, it is the most important
prerequisite for being popular. Though it's not necessary to be attractive and
talented to be popular, instilling the above qualities certainly is. You can
definitely mould these as per the situation you are in, to make things work for

How To Be Charming

Being charming is the quality of an

attractive personality. Some people have an inherent charm to their personality, which
reflects in their conduct. On the other hand, there are others who vie to attain that
charm, but find themselves clueless. However, this characteristic can be achieved over
a period of time, through practice and patience. One of the basic ways to become
charming is by putting effort and careful attention to the needs and desires of others. To
know more on how to be charming, read on.

Ways to Be Charming
• To start with, improve your body posture, which will give an impression of self
confidence. While walking, remain relaxed and maintain an upright posture.
Keep your spine straight, shoulders thrown back and head at level with the
ground. It may feel awkward or overpowering in the beginning, but soon you will
get used to it.
• Relax your facial muscles, to bring them to a point where you have a natural,
pleasant expression fixed there.
• Try to make a connection when you meet people. Maintain eye contact when
you interact with other people. Nod and smile subtly, exuding a subdued joy.
Don't be hesitant, but at the same time, avoid overdoing it.
• Try to remember people's names, when you meet them for the first time. It will
not only make it easy for you to remember that person, but also send signals
across that you like them and they would warm up to you.
• Show interest in people. Even when you are meeting a new acquaintance, like a
coworker, a classmate, etc, find out about their immediate family and interests.
However, at don't be too nosy, as it will make them feel uncomfortable. Follow
restrain and do not talk much about yourself. Focus on being purely interested
and impressed by other people.
• Initiate conversations on topics that would interest the people around you. The
content should be in accordance with the surrounding. For instance, if you are in
a sporty crowd, talk about a game or a sports team. Try to be interesting and
open while conversing.
• Praise others, while talking to them. In case there is something negative that
pops up about the other person, mention something positive that is likeable
about him. This way, everybody will find it easy to trust you and confide in you.
This will make you a charming personality, who will be adored by others around.

• Try not to lie while talking to someone, especially when you feel there can be
evidence floating around in the open. Once the truth is reveled, your reputation
will be in shatters and people will shun you.
• Give generous compliments to people and raise their self esteem. Appreciating
other people's efforts and helping them in improving upon their skills will
increase your importance. Remember that everyone wants to be liked and
• Be affable in accepting compliments. Show your feeling of gaiety on receiving
the compliment, so that the person finds his effort worthy.
• Keep a control on the tone of your voice. Be warm and genuine when
interacting with people. Your voice should reflect your sincerity.
Tips For Being More

There are a number of people in world, who either have a subdued personality or are
extremely shy. As a result, they find it difficult to mingle around with other people and do
not get to socialize much. Being outgoing is a necessary quality to possess, especially
in today’s competitive world. Though some people are born with an innate quality of
leadership and turning things in their way, it does not mean that others cannot be the
same. It just requires a little effort on your part to change your attitude and soon, you
will be an outgoing person, enjoying people’s attention almost all the time. This will help
you move ahead in your career as well, apart from improving your social relationships.
In case you want to master the art of socialization, read on. We have listed a number of
tips for being more outgoing, in the lines below.

How to Become More Outgoing

• To begin with, you need to avoid uncomfortable situations as much as you can,
so that you can be at ease. The more nervous you are, the more you will tend to
avoid mixing up with others!
• If you feel you are too shy, you should try to be more social and interact with
people. When someone approaches you, give a pleasant smile and show that
you are interested. With time, start initiating conversation on your own.
• Make more friends. This will boost your self-esteem and you will feel better
about yourself. Your friends might also introduce you to some more people,
expanding your social circle to quite an extent.
• Give yourself credit for doing things, as it will help you build self-confidence.
When you will feel you can do things as per your own wish, you will feel charged
to meet people and mingle with them.
• Do not be afraid of failure, as there is not going to be any success, if you do not
try for the fear of failing. So, make sure you pursue what you want to do. Keep
the motto in mind - ‘try, try, try again, until you succeed’.
• Maintain eye contact while talking to other people, as it shows your respect and
interest towards them. This will make them take interest in you too. Avoiding
people’s gaze is taken as a sign of boredom or a lack of attention and might
make people pull away from you.
• Be positive about life and be in the company of people who make you feel
positive. This will reflect in your conversations and interactions as well.
Remember, no one likes to move around a pessimist, who is full of negative
views about life.
• Do not avoid going to parties, for the fear that you would not be able to mix up
with people. Unless and until you meet people, you cannot learn how to be
more outgoing. Once there, try to interact with others and if possible,
make new friends as well.
How To Look Your

We have always heard that ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. However, the fact
remains that all of us make efforts to look best every time we are seen by someone
else. Most of us are unhappy about something or the other in ourselves and wish to
have the perfect look and be adored by others. One fact that almost all of us overlook is
that ‘looking best’ factor is more on the inside than on the outside. You must feel worthy
of yourself and then only you would be able to project this outside. A pinch of
confidence and an ounce of smile would make you look your best even in the most
unfavorable conditions. Read on to find ways and tips on looking your best all the time.

How to Look Your Best

• The first step towards looking good is to feel good about yourself. When you
feel happy, you look great. People who love themselves always stand out in the
• Stop cribbing about your height, weight or structure. Everyone in this world has
at least one unique quality and you must be proud about your own.
• Devote at least 10-15 minutes each day to exercise. This will help your body
look and feel its very best. Simple exercises include crunches, tummy tucks,
pelvic tilts, push ups and skipping.
• Make sure you take good care of your skin. Avoid being out in sun for a long
period of time and put on a sunscreen whenever you go out during the day.
• Wear clothes that fit you. Do not wear too-tight clothes, as they will make you
uncomfortable and you will also end up showing all the bulges that you wanted
to hide. Loose fitting clothes, on the other hand, will make you fat and clumsy.
• Do not follow the fashion fiesta blindly and look atrocious at the end of it. Select
attires that suit you and accentuate your complexion and figure, instead of
something really fashionable that would make you look bad.
• Wear colors that match your skin tone. Do not indulge in insensitive buying.
Look for colors which would enhance the beauty in you.
• While natural look is always in, you can go for make up only if you feel it’s
necessary. Simple make up, which would enhance your best feature, while
subduing others is the best mantra to follow.
• Selecting footwear is an important task. Wear footwear you are comfortable in
and don’t plunge into the fashion race uselessly. If you are uncomfortable, it
would show on the outside. So, better take care.
• Wear a warm smile on your face and move out with your chin raised high.
Overconfidence kills, but confidence makes you swiftly sweep past the crowd
and look outstanding!! Feel good, look good!
How To Be Beautiful

Being beautiful is a desire that

almost everyone wishes to see getting accomplished. Though it is believed that beauty
is god gifted, it can surely be enhanced to a great extent, by working upon one’s
persona. Moreover, beauty is something subjective, which cannot be generalized. So,
for being attractive, one just needs to pay attention on his or her appearance as well his
character. In addition, being healthy is also a prime requisite for looking beautiful. Given
below are some tips on how to be beautiful and attractive.

Tips to Look Beautiful

• In order to look beautiful one should know how to define beauty. On your
everyday encounters, notice the people you find beautiful. This is because
beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
• Take notice of the beauty in yourself. Spend time in front of the mirror and
search for the beauty in your features. Most of the times, the prettiest things in
life are often subtle and hidden, which need to be looked for. Thus, look for your
beauty, which can be in the form of smooth and well-proportioned hands,
flawless forehead, perfectly-shaped shoulders, etc.
• One you have realized your beauty, rejoice in it. Make efforts to enhance your
physical beauty. It just takes a little effort to look beautiful, which can be
achieved by emphasizing your attractive features. Keep experimenting until you
feel you have given your best features the representation they deserve.
• The next thing to do is to develop your inner beauty. It is said that beauty is
not skin deep, which actually implies that to be beautiful, one needs to have a
beautiful inner self as well. This is what makes the beauty last forever. So build
your character honestly, thereby making yourself beautiful both on the inside
and on the outside. For inspiration, remember your inner beauty will always
radiate and never get faded.
• Wear minimum makeup, giving preference to your innate good looks. Just
highlighting your features, with the help of make up, is the best way to look
pretty. Avoid applying heavy make up in public places and try to look natural
and composed.
• Follow a regular hygiene routine, which is very essential in order to look
beautiful. Keep your finger and toe nails trimmed. Brush your teeth daily
and floss them when required. Bathe regularly and smell good.
• Have a positive outlook towards life and stay happy. Happiness exudes natural
beauty, so avoid being sad at trivial things and enjoy life.
• Another thing that makes someone attractive is his intelligence. If the person is
wise, then people surely want to seek his company and admire him. Wisdom
always gives your beauty a boost. So, make sure you try to acquire as much
knowledge as you can
How To Be Cool

Being stated cool is the hippest

statement amongst guys and gals. A cool person is generally referred to as someone,
who does things in his own distinct way and does not care much about the world. Cool
people have a charismatic personality and are popular amongst their social community.
Thus, it becomes a secret wish for everyone to be termed as cool. Though many people
feel it is difficult to achieve the milestone, it should be noted that being cool just requires
a bit of attitude change. Read on for some tips on how to be cool.

Tips on Being Cool

• Do not care about what people think of you. Most of us are always concerned
about what other people think of us. Remember that it’s not possible to please
everyone. So, it is better if you live your life the way you like, rather than
bothering about the world.
• Though you should be immune to other people’s opinion about you, you should
keep a check on how they perceive you. This might sound contradictory, but
carries significance. Being cool is all about learning how to perceive yourself
better. With regard to physical appearance, beware of bad breath, body odor,
etc. In terms of body language, stand/sit up straight, look and feel confident,
smile generously, do not stare, etc.
• Present yourself in the most comfortable and confident way. While interacting
with people, make sure to maintain a good posture and look them in the eye.
For acquiring the respect of others, you need to look and feel positive.
• Find real friends and stay in their company. Real friends respect you for what
you are and cherish the time spent with you, making you feel positive and
• Don't shy away from being different, whether it means standing up for yourself,
defending someone else or taking interest in something that no one else dares
to do. People who break against the tide and question the status quo are quite
often regarded as the coolest.
• Speak your mind. Cool people usually speak confidently and clearly, that too
with a good pace. However, this does not mean chattering uselessly. Make sure
you say what you mean and vice versa. Be confident about what you speak and
don't bother if people disagree with your opinion. At times, it is good to be
respected for what you believe in.
• Cultivate the habit of laughing at yourself. Remember being cool essentially
states finding humor in moments of clumsiness and discomfort. You will not only
gain respect for it, but people will like you for being so earthly.
• Another thing to be remembered is that for being cool, one should create his
own identity. Find your talent in terms of sports, music, art and the like and
pursue it with excellence. Being known for your passion is certainly deemed
• Being cool is all about staying relaxed and comfortable in any and every
situation. If at times you do feel vulnerable, and end up losing your temper,
bursting into tears or losing control, take a deep breath and mellow down. Don't
be disruptive and annoying or have unpredictable mood changes. Your serenity
and steadfastness shows your coolness.
• Be friendly and social, but not excessively eager and clingy. It’s good to be
outgoing, but do not be overly excited. Do not force yourself on people. Smile
and be genuine.

How To Be Smart

Everybody wants to become smart

in today’s world as it does not remain that easy to survive any more. From kids in school
to adults in corporate world, being smart is the need of the hour, to fight and sustain in
the rat race of the contemporary world. Though some people are born with such
qualities, it should not be considered a norm. Everyone can become smart by acquiring
the required skills. For this, one has to follow some simple tips, which will bring about a
change in his/her lifestyle and personality, eventually making them smart enough. To
know how to become smart, read the tips given below.

Tips to Become Smart

• To become smart set important goals for yourself once a week. Make sure you
do the important things first.
• Try to improve your vocabulary by reading good books. This will make
your language rich, enhancing your skills. You can even read one word at a
time in the dictionary and grow intellectually gradually.
• Excel in your education by getting good grades. Excellence in
your educational field gives you confidence as well as knowledge.
• Watch news and be aware about the recent events taking place around the
world. This will increase your general knowledge and current affairs.
• Grab more information on subjects like interesting facts, funny and inspiring
quotations, good books and movies, scientific studies and interesting inventions.
This will give you information to help you in interacting with other people and
sound interesting and intelligent.
• Be organized and plan each day. For remembering your schedule, keep
a notebook or small digital planner and maintain a record of the due dates for
important events. A weekly planner or a monthly calendar can also be used,
wherein you can note down birthdays and big events.
• Being a good listener is very important, when it comes to being smart. Listen
carefully to others' opinions on controversial things or otherwise. It’s not
necessary to agree with them but try to extract the maximum knowledge from
others. Keep an open mind and socialize freely.
• Be nice to people around and show genuine care towards their well being. It is a
sign of maturity, class and intelligence, which will make people to look up to
you. It’s a good way to feel confident.
• Be friendly with people you find smart and who follow the above practices. It will
help you in following the path with determination.
• Exercise your brain by solving puzzles. This will make you sharp and your
reflexes quick.
• Practice math sums mentally to increase your speed. Learn varied tricks for
doing complicated things to keep yourself ahead of others.
• Try as much as possible to feel in control of your life.
• Be happy for others on their achievement and encourage them by
Effective Leadership
Qualities And Skills
Whenever group activities are required, the emergence of a leader becomes imminent.
A group always works effectively when there is a leader to guide the members and keep
them motivated on their way to success. Without a good leader, a group will not be able
to perform to the best of its abilities. However, as much is it necessary to have a leader,
it is also essential that he has all the right qualities and skills. Having a bad leader is
even worse than having no leader at all. In case you want to be a leader, that too an
effective one, you need to cultivate certain skills and qualities in you, some of which
have been listed below.

Effective Leadership Qualities and Skills

• In order to become a leader, a person should be aware of nitty-gritty of the work
that his team has to handle. Unless and until he knows about the work, he will
not be able to lead the team in the right direction.
• An effective leader needs to set example for his team members and become a
role model for them. If he is lazy, dishonest and shirks from responsibilities, how
can he expect others to be meticulous and sincere!
• A leader should be totally unbiased. He should not have personal favorites in
his team, to whom he gives more authority or less work. All the members in a
team should be treated equally.
• Patience is one of the most essential qualities needed in a leader. Since he has
to guide his team, he must have the patience to make them learn what they
need to and get the work done from them.
• Constructive feedback is one of the skills that a leader should possess. He
should always praise his team members if they perform well. At the same time,
if they do wrong, he should be there to tell them where they went wrong and
how can they put things back in order! However, the criticism should always be
constructive and not demeaning.
• A leader needs to motivate his team, so that they happily contribute towards the
team work. He should be aware of the stimuli of different members and make
judicious use of them.
• When a person becomes a leader, he needs to delegate his duties as well as
responsibilities amongst his team members. For this, he should be aware of
their strengths and weaknesses and delegate accordingly.
• Leader is the one who sets goal for the team and help them achieve it. He
should possess the vision to aim right and at the same time, be able to mobilize
people towards those goals.
• A leader should always be receptive to new ideas. Just because he is the leader
doesn’t mean that the suggestions made by others will be useless. He must
accept the useful ideas of his team members.
• An effective leader should have loads of understanding and always focus on the
betterment of the group, as a whole, and not individual members. At the same
time, he should be honest, trustworthy and easily approachable.
How To Control My Feelings When Upset
Feeling upset is quite natural. It
comes to you automatically when things do not favor you or do not turn out to be the
way you thought that they would. However, the phase should be temporary and not
something that stretches over to a long period of time. It is very essential to learn how to
control one’s feeling of being upset over matters or things, because being too
depressed could hamper your behavior and thus, affect your regular mode of living.
Read on further to find some tips for controlling your disappointment and depression.

Tips For Controlling Anger

• The best way is control anger to take a deep breath and count the numbers
backwards, from 10 to 1. It would make you feel calmer in no time. Now, pick up
the phone and talk to the person whom you are upset with and clarify all the
• Write a list of things that make you upset and irritate you. Now, tear the page
and throw it in the dustbin or even go for burning the page up! This might just
give you some mental respite, as you are venting out your frustration by tearing
or burning the paper.
• Do things that you enjoy. Indulge in your favorite past time activities, like
singing, dancing, cooking, listening to music, reading or going for a walk. Do
things that make you happy, as they will help you to take your mind off a
particularly upsetting instance.
• Play a game or a sport you love. It would lighten your heart and would give a
boost to your spirit. Exerciseand sports are very rightly considered to be stress
busters. They will also help you to distract you mind.
• Call your friends. Have long chats with them or even plan the day out. Catch up
with them and do things that you love doing. Having fun with friends will not give
you the time to think over things that make you feel upset.
• If you have the habit of maintaining a diary, write all that you are feeling in it
right now. You might realize that you are feeling 10 times better after doing it.
• Make a list of things that you are good at and enjoy doing. Try refreshing your
mind with your own positive qualities and things which you are best at. This
would help you regain your spirit.
• If you are upset and angry about something, the best you can do is give yourself
some space. Get out of the particular situation that you find unbearable and try
to soothe your nerves. This will also help you avoid instant reactions to
situations that irritate you.
• Analyze whether the matter is even worth being upset about or not. Many a
times, we simply worry too much and waste a lot of time fretting over things that
are just not important. Try to dispassionately analyze the situation that is
bothering you. Most of the times, you will not be able to figure out any credible
reason to be upset!
How To Open Up To

Many people have a problem with opening up to people or even talking freely in a gang
of friends. They feel they can’t talk as others do and often have low confidence due to
that. As a result, they are unable to cope up normally in a situation where talking and
speaking out is essential. This finally leads to inferiority complex and that individual
cannot help but feel miserable forever. However, one must realize that there is a
solution to every problem and this issue can be tackled too. All it needs is a bit of
perseverance and dedicated efforts from you. Check out how to open up with people.

Tips for Opening up to People

• The first and foremost step is to be confident of yourself. Do whatever it takes to

respect yourself and think good of yourself. Unless you think you are good, no
one else will think the same way. Have a attitude in your personality and believe
in yourself; you will become confident of yourself in no time.
• Practice talking to yourself. It helps a lot to open up when you are in public. Just
stand in front of the mirror and have an impromptu conversation with yourself.
Talk about what happened during the day, smile and laugh or get angry if
anything unpleasant incident took place. This way, you will be able to gauge
your expressions and reactions and have a fair idea as to how would you look
while talking in front of people.
• Start by talking openly to your family and closest friends. Ask them to analyze
how you speak and tell you which places need improvement. That way, you will
know your weak points and you can always strive to work on them in order to
open up.
• You know yourself more than anyone else. Analyze yourself and see if you have
a personal issue that has been bothering you for a while. It could be something
traumatic or something that may have left a bad impact on your ability to open
up. Talk about it to your closest confidante. If you think you can’t discuss with
anyone, try talking it out to a counselor. It will be very helpful talking about this
to a professional as it will help you gain a good insight into your problems and
also find a solution.
• Start going out and meeting new people. The more places you go, the more will
you be able to talk to new people, share ideas and experiences. It will help you
become an emotionally stable and fun-loving person. Indulge in things that
make you happy and feel light. That way, you will start building a positive image
about life and yourself which will ultimately lead to a better personality.
• How To Be More

• People often wonder how to be more social, how to talk to others and how to
be more assertive. If you are not chatty at that moment or are reserved in
general, you just can't flip a switch and be loving and friendly towards everyone
instantly. Mostly, self consciousness is the reason for shyness and loneliness.
It usually vanishes as we mature, but for some of us, it just doesn't go away.
Similar to other skills in life, practice makes a man perfect in this case as well.
To help you a bit more in this regard, we present some tips and techniques to
get more social and gain back that confidence.

• Tips To Become Social & Overcome Shyness

• Practice - This is perhaps the first step towards being social. Start small, with
people who you make you feel comfortable and gradually move on to others. It
sounds a little strange, but that is the way to build up your conversation skills.

• Smile - Yes, it’s really amazing how a simple act like smiling can go a long
way in reducing the stress of dealing with people. The world around you is not
bad, so smile and be happy. Smiling relaxes you and makes you more

• Listen - Be a good listener and talk only when it is your time to talk. Always
speak confidently and listen to what people around you have to say. The
simple act of listening can help you being more social with the people around

• Watch TV - Switch to your favorite show and pretend to be one of the
characters. Mute the button when it is his/ her turn to speak. Now, make up
your lines and speak loud. Do not try to imitate the character. Just be natural
and speak up what comes to your mind.

• Be Interested In People - People who are great at socializing make other
people feel comfortable around them, by being truly interested in them. While
talking to someone, show interest in the conversation, by being genuinely
interested in what he/she has to say. This way, you will gain confidence and
the attention will be on you.

• Perform - Take a step forward and perform in front of an audience. The more
you present yourself in front of yourfriends, colleagues, and classmates, the
easier it would be for you to open up in front of strangers.

• Be Friendly - Try to be friendlier, as this would improve your social skills.
Initiate conversations, say hi to people and make the first move. It does take a
lot of energy, but with a small start, you can build it into an automatic part of
your life.

• Converse - Converse with people, by asking them about their life, likes,
dislikes, interests, etc. Most of them loveto speak about themselves, their
preferences, their dreams, etc. Try to draw out common aspects between the
two of you and move on with the conversation.

• Compliment - Never forget to compliment people on various suitable
occasions. Compliments prove to be great conversation starters. However,
make sure that you are genuine while doing so.
• Last Tip - Remember that each one of us has the capability to be the most
social person out there. It’s just that some of us have to take those extra steps.
Be ready to do your extra bit.

How To Gain

Do you cringe each time you view yourself in the mirror and sadly wish you were
someone else? Do you get tongue-tied and nervous when you have to, for any reason,
interact with strangers? Do you keep criticizing yourself constantly for doing things the
wrong way? All these traits just point one thing – that you majorly lack in self
confidence. While there can be varied reasons behind your lack of confidence, just
remember that you do not deserve this and don’t have to live like this your whole life!

While lacking confidence is one thing, this can also lead to one having low self- esteem
with the passage of time. But remember that you can definitely turn around the tables if
you so want. All you need is the willingness and determination to overcome your flaws.
Remember two things on the onset of this mission. First that in this case, only you can
help yourself. Second that it’s okay to feel scared because confidence doesn’t mean not
feeling scared. Infact, confidence means overcoming your fears!

Tips on How to Build Confidence

Like Yourself
The very first key to becoming self confident is by liking yourself. It is a feeling that will
slowly start getting mirrored once you begin appreciating yourself truly. So list down all
the positive traits you have in yourself. This could be things like cooking well, being
courteous, etc. When ever you feel dejected, just see this list and remind yourself that
you too possess praise-worthy qualities like others.

Attend Seminars on Self Confidence

You can also attend seminars themed on building self-confidence, where you can get
important tips and guidance in this aspect from experts. See what and how you can
incorporate these tips in your daily lifestyle. If attending conferences is not possible,
then try searching for information / reading up on this issue on the internet, libraries and
other such sources. Reading famous inspirational books like - Who Moved My Cheese
and The Alchemist can also help you.

Encourage / Motivate yourself

Whether you have to appear for an interview or make a presentation, tell yourself
repeatedly that you can do it and do it well. Encourage or motivate yourself each and
every day and you are bound to find your self confidence blossoming. Another way to
motivate yourself is by jotting down three to four things on the paper that you did well
each day. This will make you feel good about yourself and boost confidence.

Try Overcoming Fears

Some people nurture a secret fear that they will not success at anything they do. One
should try to do away with such negative thinking first of all. Think positive and put your
100 per cent in what ever you do. Though maybe in varying degree, but success is
bound to come to you sooner or later.

Accept Failures
Failures teach you more than success does. It teaches you to survive when things are
not going smooth, it makes you crave for success more strongly and it also teaches you
to appreciate success in the true way when it finally comes. It keeps you grounded. So
failure is not all that bad as many label it. It is just that you have to take it in a positive
way, accept it and move on. It is as much a part of life as success is.

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