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All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)( F) unless otherwise indicated

Santiago de Ca i Enero 30 de 2006

I(b )(2)


Sra. Jennifer Houghton Jefe, Programa

Para dar respuesta a su requerimiento de informacion acerca de mis datos personales e historia laboral, para la revision de mi aparici6n en la lista de QFAC como un traficante de narcoticos (SDNT) me perm ito responder.

Datos personaJes de identificaci6n de

a. Nombre compteto:

b. Cualquier otro nombre alterno 0 sobrenombre : Ninguno

c. Fecha y lugar de nacimiento:


d. Actual direcci6n de residencia y teletono:

Telefono _ Cali, Valle del Cauca. Colombia. e. Direcci6n alterna de residencia y telefono: Ninguna

f. Numero de pasaporte, lugares y fechas de expedici6n y expiraci6n:


g. Numero de la visa de residente de U.S. 0 numeros del documento de asilo: No tengo

h. Numero del residente del aJias a numera del dacumento de asilo.:

No tengo

LCCR Q & R - 010708

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

2 Empleo actual.

de la en la que ademas de ser _ realize el noticiero _ . En esta _ trabajo de

tiempo completo. La _ es prapiedad

Direcci6n Tengo un salario mensual de _ e ingresos adicionales mensuales en pramedio de _ porque en la _ tengo derecho a cornerclalizar publicidad a rni favor baja la figura de cupos publicitarios.

Acicionalrnente gano comisiones mensuales por ventas publicitarias en promedio de_

Hace _1105 desde que empece mi profesi6n de _ grabo

para_l_ ,soy_._y

labores que desarrollo a titulo personal y de manera


3-0el dela_ ingresos adicionales de _

fuiel_ Tenia un salario de _.e en promedio por concepto de cupos

ccncesionario original de la _ Tenta un salaria de_


trabaje para la firma

LCCR Q & R - 010709

All redaction on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Tenia un salario de _ .

Direccion Tenia un salario de _

Tenia un salario de_

Tenia un selario de_

Tenia un salario de_

fui el Direcci6n Tenia un salario de_

fUi Erncresa Iiquidada. Tenia un salario



Tenia un salario de_

LCCR Q & R - 010710

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

fui_dela_ Tenia un salarlo de_

fui_dela_ Tenia un salario de_

Del _, de la empresa


Tenia un salario de

trabaje como _ de_

salario era de _ mensual. No fui propietario de accienes de esa empresa Mi retire fue va I untario .

trabaje como _

acetones de esa empresa.

COil un salario de _ termine con un sueJdo basi co de _ Tenia derecho a vender mensual mente un cupo _ de 132 mensuale s para completar mi salario y adicionalmente ganaba cornisiones par


LCCR Q & R -010711

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Mi vinculacion termino cuando la empresa se vendio. Fui propietario de_ acciones de

4-Relaci6n can


Lo misrno que g.









j. k. I.

Fue el concesionario original de la

- Fui su ernpleadc, representante legaL

Fui su locutor y

Como locutor grabe decenas de comerciales de

tees Q & R - 010712

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)


Como locutor grabe algunos



comerciales de_

Ninguno que recuerdo.

5-No tuve ni tengo cuenta com partida, propiedad 0 cualquier otro activo can individuos que actuaron 0 actuan en nombre de entidades de propiedad 0 controladas por 0 relacionadas con y 10 cualquiera otra entidad a individuo en ta lista SDNT, con la identidad de todos los accionistas, ejecutivos, directores a cualquier otro gerente senior en tales firmas.

a raiz de la venta de ~cCiones de capital

ordinaria de la sociedad decidi comprarJe a _

_ de: elias porque al ser una empresa bien acreditada que yo habia desarrollaclo gracias a mi conocimiento de la ~urante .nos considere que era un buen negocio para mi convertirme en empresario.

Posteriormente con la inclusi6n de. en la lista SDNT, se perdieron muchos 10 que origino una gran dificultad financiera I 10 que me obligo a vender estas acciones, las cuales fueron adquiridas

7 -No tuve rtf tengo cuentas financieras ni activos en E U.

8, No tenge ni tuve propiedades en EU.

9-Desde 1995 no he viajado a los EU

10-Adjunto copias de los siguientes documentos:

LCCR Q & R - 010713

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)


v. . Como locutor grabe algunos

comerciales d~

w. Ninguno que recuerdo.

5-No tuve ni tengo cuenta com partida, propiedad 0 cualquier otro activo con individuos que actuaron 0 actuan en nombre de entidades de propiedad 0 controladas par 0 relacionadas con y 10 cualquiera otra entidad 0 individuo en la lista SO NT, con la tcentrdad de todos los accionistas, ejecutivos, directores 0 cualquier CItro gerente senior en tales firmas.


,a raiz de la venta de _ acciones de capital decidi comprarle a _

_ de elias porque al ser una empresa bien acreditada que yo habia desarrollado gracias 8 mi conocimiento de la _ durante. aries considere que era un buen negocio para mi convertirme en empresario.

Posteriormemte con la inclusion de RU en la lista SONT, se perdieron muchos 10 que origino una gran dificultad financiera , 10 que me oblige a vender estas acciones, las cuales fueron adquiridas po

7 -No tuve ni tengo cuentas financieras ni actives en E U.

8. No tengo ni tuve propiedades en EU.

9-DesdB 19£[5 no he viaiado 8 ins FU

1 O-Adjunto copias de los siguientes documentos:

teen Q & R" 010714

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)


Historia laboral expedida par "EI Ministerio De Hacienda Y Credito Publico De Colombia"


LCCR Q & R - 010716


All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Santiago de Call October 25th, 2006.

Mr. Adam Szubin Director


Dear Mr. ~;zubin:

I have been a

with a very clean professional record.

Clue to m"f working for company that used to to a business group, whose owners were presumably related to the narcotraffic ,all my bank accounts and credit cards were cancelled by the financial entities who I had commercial relationships with, which has affected both my personal and protesslonal llfe.

On octobe- 27,2005, I sent a requirement to Mr. R. Richard Newcom, OFAC Director which was replied by Mrs. Jennifer Hougton, Chief of International Programs Divlsion Office of Foreign Asse.ts Control, who ~ and professional life, as well as details of my relationship with the ______

On January 30, 2006, I sent aU the information required (hereby enclosed). As no reply was received. I wrote again on June 6th, 2006, and up to now I have not got any answered at all.

list, as

Please send me a prompt reply to -=ololTIbia

LCCR Q & R - 010717

- >

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)

Santiago de: Cali, June 6nd 2006.




Dear Mrs. Hougtn:

On February 200, 2006 by Fedex documents, you required for r~,y~;unin!:lh,.'n designatedl narcotics trafficker.

Up to now, I have not received any news from you about my requirement.

I will highl:f appreciate your reply as I am very interested on a solution to this

sent you all the AC as a specially

LCCR Q & R • 01 0718

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)

Santiago de Cali, June 6nd 2006.




Dear Mrs. Hougtn:

On February 2nd, 206 by Fedex documents you required for reexam designated narcotics trafficker.

Up to now, I have not received any news from you about my requirement.

I will flighly appreciate your reply as I am very interested on a solution to this

I sent you all the OFAC as a specially

LCCR Q & R - 01071 9

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NOV - 7 2005

Cali, Colombia


This letter acknowledges receipt of your October 17, 2005 letter to the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") in Washington D.C. seeking the removal of your name from the list of Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers ("SDNTtI) pursuant to executive Order 12978.

Your request is under review. However, the review process can be lengthy; and it is likely that OFAC will seek additional information from you before a final determination is made concerning the abovementioned SDNT designation. please continue to direct communication regarding your case to OFAC at the address listed below:

Office of Foreign Assets Control U.S. Department of the Treasury

ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC 20220


please refer to the OFAC number shown above (FAC No. NT_ in all future correspondence and provide an English translation of any additional correspondence or documents that are prepared in Spanish.



Chief. International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control

LCCR Q & R - 010720

All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7){C) and (b )(7)(F)

lBCS DC! 25 P [: l(

Santiago de Cali, October 17th, 2005


Office of Foreign Assets Control Washington D.C.

Reference: Right to appeal.

I hereby require certification that I am presently free of any crime or guilt nor extradition required by the U.s.A. Government.

Following are the reasons for the above demand.

Of_ in Cali - of companies and

which onged to

Colombia, w was included by your nr\\lo .. ''' ...... ,eont"

people presumably involved in narcotraffic activities.

On _ my saving - checking accounts! and credit cards were cancelled by the financlal entities, Banco de Bogota and Caja Social de Ahorros, with has caused me a huge damage.

None of the financial entities mentioned above nor the Asobancaria in Cali, could give an explanation to take this decision inspite I had been a very good client throughout the years. After that, my U.S.A. visa also was cancelled.

In case I am accused of any crime, I would like to know which legal office of your government I must direct to, in order to clarify my situation.

Also, I would like to know the procedure to follow to be erased from the mentioned list, as I never took part of the illicit activities the owners of this _ _ are accused of, as my job was limited only to the _ direction and


LCCR Q & R - 010721

All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and (b)(7)(F)

be very grateful if you can give a prompt reply to the requirement, as this has caused me a great harm, in both, my personal and professional] life.

Looking forward to having news from you soon.

This is my address:


Ii -


All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

~antlago de Cali Abrtl 2 de 2007

Mr. Adam szuoin Director


Dear Mr. ~:izubin:

with a very clean professional record.

Due to my working for as

company that used to belong to a business group, were presuma

the narcotraffic ,all my bank accounts and credit cards were cancelled by the financial entities who I had commercial relationships with, wich has affected both my personal and professional fife.

On October 27,2005, I sent a requirement to Mr. R. Richard Newcom, OFAC Director which was replied by Mrs. Jennifer Hougton, Chief of International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control, who ~alld professional life, as well as details of my relationsllip with the ____

On January 30,2006, 1 sent all the information required (hereby enclosed). As no reply was received, I wrote again on June 6th, 2006, and up to now I have not got any answered at all.

Please send me a prompt reply to


LCCR Q & R - 010723

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

~antiago de Call AorU 2 de 2UU7

Mr. Adam Szubin Director


Dear Mr. Szubin:

I have been a

with a very clean professional record.

Due to my working for __ as radio announcer and its Legal Representative, company that used to be~5 group, whose owners were presumably related to the narcotrafflc ,all my bank accounts and credit cards were cancelled by the financial entities who I had commercial relationships with, wich has affected both my personal and professional life.

On October 27,2005, 1 sent a requirement to Mr. R. Richard Newcom, OFAC Director which was replied by Mrs. Jennifer Hougton, Chief of International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control, who asked me about my private and professional life, as well as details of my relationship with the

On January 30,2006, I sent aU the information requited (hereby enclosed), As no reply was received. I wrote again on June 6th, 2006, and up to now I have not got any answered at all.

Please send me a prompt reply to _Cali-

i.cca Q & R - 010724

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & lib }(7)(F) unless otherwise indicated

'Santiago de Gall January 30th, 2006


Mrs. Jennifer Houghton

Chief, tnternational Program Division Office of Fore~ign Assets Control

Dear Mrs. Houghton

In response to your request got on December 9th 2005, following is my detailed and personal information for re-examination of my listing by OFAC as a Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SDNT):

1. Personal identifying dpta:

. " ... ~ .

. . .

a. Fun name:

b. AI'!Y alternate name or aliases: Nona .

c. Date of birth and place of birth: ~Olombia. d. Current residence address and phone number: phone No. I11III4

• •


e. A.lternate residence address and phone numbers: None

f. Passport numbers, place and date of issue. expirations:

_, issued on expiration date

g. U.S. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, expirations:


LCCR Q & R· 010725

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless otherwise indicated


•• ••

'Santiago de Can January 30th, 2006


Mrs. Jennifer Houghton

Chief, International Program Division Office of Foreign Assets Control

Dear Mrs. Houghton

In response to your request got on December 9th 2005, following is my detailed and personal information for re-examination of my listing by OFAC as a Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SONT):

1. Personal identifying dflta:

"" .~ .... .;,

a. Full

b. A~y alternate name or aliases: None .

c. Date of birth and place of birth:


d. Current residence address and phone number; CAli .v~tI~ 01'\1 C~qt:'.!'!

e. Alternate residence address and phone numbers: None

f. Passport numbers, place and data of issue, explrattons:

g. U.S. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, expirations:


LCCR Q & R - 010726

• •


All redactions on this page rT}ad_eu~ul!Jrs~uJja![nllt..!!toQ_-lf--------"""==-=--9 exemptions (b )(!?), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)

h. U.S. resident alien numbers or asylum document numbers:


2. Current employment: from

_, I present the


Cali - vane del Cauca Colombia.

My monthly fees are _ plus additional incomes for about _ for _. Also I have monthly commissions on sales for about_

I started m~ career. years ago: I _ Also, I work independently as a


I was the


which belonged to _ I had an initial monthly salary of _ and a final salary of _ and an additional income of_. I was allowed to sell. commercials to improve my sal9.ry, m-:d 8cld;t(...,na! t had ccmmlsstons for _ sates. Temporarily I was

_of Company was sold.

My contract ended wnen the

LCCR Q & R - 010727

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)

to initial concessionary of to have amonthly salary of_



_ This firm was ended, and was located at

• whose manager was I had a monthly salary


belonged tG _ monthly salary of_

as a .. Which hac a

I was the _ of the which belonged to _. I

had a monthly salary of_.

• •

I was the _ of the of_

I had a monthly salary Of_


LCCR Q & R - 010728

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

.... This firm was closed. I had a monthly salary of_

I was a

of I had a monthly salary of_

·1 was a


I had a monthly salary of_

to \ was an _ for

. I had a monthly salary of _ .

I was an I had a monthly salary of_

,Iwasan_for_ I

to which belonged to had a monthly salary Of_

• •

3. Employment and Association with SDNT Entities

_ This firm was ended, and was located at • whose' manager was I had a monthly salary of _ I did not have any share in that Company and I resigned voluntarily.

LCCR Q & R - 010729

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)


initial concessionary of I used

to have a monthly. salary of _ I did not have any share in that Company and I resigned voluntarily.

to I was the

wliich belonged to _ I had an il1/tial monthly salary of _ and a final salary of _. I was allowed to sell • commercials to improve my salary, and additional I had commissions for ~al~s for _ Temporarily I was

contract ended when the Company was sold. used to own _ shares of

3. Relations~ip with:




d .

• •

e .



h. I. j.


LCCR Q & R - 010730

• •

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)


She was the

_ and my direct boss.

He was the



I used to work for

than p.

I worked for them as a





None as far as I remember.


Shared accounts and assets:

I have never held any type of shared accounts, property or other assets with individuals acting for or on behalf of or entities owned or controlled by or otherwise affiliated with entities or individuals on the SDNT list


sold _shares, As this was a

busine 55, I decided to buy from shares as I thought it was a good opportunity for me. Later on, due .to the including n the SONT list, we missed a lot of cllsnts and big financial problems occurred. This situation made me sell the shares I had bought

LCCR Q & R - 010731

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

7. U.S. Accounts and assets. I never had accounts or assets in U.S.

8. I have never had any real property in the United States.

9. I have not traveled to the United States since 1995:

10. Please find attached copies of the following documents:

"EI Mimsterio De Hacienda Y Credlto PlibHco De Colombia"

• •

LeeR Q & R - 010732

All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) and (b )(7)(F)

L~n5 OCT 25 P I: l(

Santiago de Cali, October 17th, 2005

Mr. R. iU:CHARD NEWCOMB Director'

Office of Foreign Assets Control Washington D.C.

Reference: Right to appeal.

I hereby require certification that I am presently free of any crime or guilt nor extradition required by the U.S.A. Government.

Following are the reasons for the above demand.

Of_ in Cali - companies and

I beca me both the which

Colom ia, was included by your government

people presumably involved in narcotraffic activities.

On _ my saving - checking accounts, and credit cards were cancelled by the financial entities, Banco de Bogota and Caja Social de Ahorros, with has caused me a huge damage.

None of the financial entities mentioned above nor the Asobancaria in Cali, could give an explanation to take this decision inspite I had been a very good client throughout the years. After that, my U.S.A. visa also was cancelled.

In case I am accused of any crime, I would like to know which legal office of your government I must direct to, in order to clarify my situation.

Also, I would like to know the procedure to follow to be erased from the mentioned list, as I never took part of the illicit activities the owners of this _ _ are accused of, as my job was limited only to the _ direction and


LCCR Q & R - 010733

All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and (b)(7)(F)

be very grateful if you can give a prompt reply to the requirement, as this tlon has caused me a great harm, in both, my personal and professional, life,

Looking forward to having news from you soon.

Thls is my address:

Colombia Telephone



~~~L""f'CT"iCR Q & fit - 010734-

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F) unless otherwise indicated



NOV - 9 2u05

Cali, Columbia


This responds to your request submitted to the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), for reexamination of your listing by OFAC as a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker (llSDNT") pursuant to Ex.ecutive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995 ("Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers") .

In order for iJFAC to properly evaluate your petition, you should provide your own detailed narrative responses to the following requests for information. in a signed original statement submitted witi documentation in support of the answers given. Original statements and documents prepared in Spanish should be accompanied by English translations.

1. personal Identifying Data, Please provide the following:

a. Full name (last name, first name, middle name) i

b. Any alternate names or aliases;

c. Date of birth and place of birth;

d. Current residence address and phone number;

e. Al ternate residence addresses and phone numbers;

[ Passport numbers, places and dates of issue, expirations;

g. U. S. visa numbers, types r places/dates of issue, expirationsi

h. u.s. resident alien numbers or asylum document numbersi

2. Current Employment. Please describe fully your current

employment and all other employment concurrent subse

~our employment and/or association with II1II the dates of such employmentt the nameSt

LCCR Q & R - 010735

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless otherwise indicated




NOV - 9 (005

Cali, Columbia


This responds to your request submitted to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (IlOFACIl), for reexamination of your listing by OFAC as a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker ("SDNT") pursuant to Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995 ("Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickerstl) •

In order for OFAC to properly evaluate your petition, you should provide your own detailed narrative responses to the following requests for information, in a signed original statement submitted with documentation in support of the answers given. Original statements and documents prepared in Spanish should be accompanied by English translations.

1. Personal Identifying Data. Please provide the following:

a. Full name (last name, first name, middle name) ;

b. Any alternate names or aliases;

~ Date of birth and place of birth;

d. Current residence address and phone number;

e. Al ternate residence addresses and phone numbers;

f. Passport numbers I places and dates of issue, expirations;

g. u.s. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, expirations;

h. U.S. resident alien numbers or asylum document numbersj

2. Current Employment. Please describe fully your current employment and all other employment concurrent or subse to your employment and/or association with l1li the dates of such employment, the names,

tcca Q & R - 010736

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b}(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

phone numoers, and fax numbers of those employers, and the names and titles of the owners, officers, directors, and other senior managers for these other companies.

3. Employment and Association with SDNT Entities. describe the nature and title of each position or any other association you have had with

l1li and other entities owned or contraIl ed

and/or or any other entities or individuals on the SDNT list. A copy of the current SDNT list is enclosed. If

associated with or employed by additional SDNTs, provide the length of time and specific dates of employment and describe each position, your duties in each position, the salaries and other benefits (such as stock shares) received in each position, and the date and conditions of separation or retiremer:.t from the company. If you held a written employment contract, a copy should be provided. If you had some ot.her type of association with these SDNT entities or individuals, please provide an explanation.

4. What is l~ur relationship with the following entities and individuals since 19957 If you have terminated your relationship with any of the entities or individuals listed below, please provide documentary evidence of such termination.

a. b. c.


~ h.


j . k. 1.




p. q.





LCCR Q & R - 010737

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phone numbers, and fax numbers of those employers, and the names and titles of the owners, officers, directors, and other senior managers for these other companies.

3. Employment and Association with SDNT Entities. please describe the nature and title of each posit~ld or any other association you have had with IIIIIIIIIIIIIII

l1li and ities or controlled a iated

and/or other entities or individuals on the SDNT list. A copy of the current SDNT list is enclosed. If

associated with or employed by additional SDNTs, provide the length of time and specific dates of employment and describe each position, your duties in each position, the salaries and other benefits (such as stock shares) received in each position, and the date and conditions of separation or retirement from the company. If you held a written employment contract, a copy should be provided. If you had some other type of association with these SDNT entities or individuals, please provide an explanation.

4. What is your relationship with the following entities and individuals since 19957 If you have terminated your relationship with any of the entities or individuals listed below, please provide documentary evidence of such termination.






f. g. h. i. j. k. 1.


n. o.

p. q.





LCCR Q & R· 010738

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)




Shared Accounts and Assets. Please provide the name and' complete address of any individual or entity for which or in which you have held any type of shared accounts. property or other assets with individuals acting for or on behalf of or entities owned or controlled by or otherwise affiliated with and/or or any other entit es or individuals on t SDNT list, along with the identities of all shareholders, officers, directors or other senior managers in such firms and a description of the na tu re and extent of the holdings.


6. Was any stock in ever held in your

name? 1:: so, please exp n t c rcumstances under which this occurred and the nature· of any transfers of stock out of your name and to whom this stock was transferred.

7. U.S. Accounts and Assets. Please detail any interest you hold in any financial accounts in the United States, including names and addresses of financial institutions, types of accounts, account numbers, and your reasons for choosinE the particular U.S. financial institutions at which you have held individual, jOint, business or charge accounts.

8. Property Interests. Do you hold any interest in real property in the United States? Please detail.

9. Travel t~ U.S. Have you traveled to the United States since 1995 and engaged in any transactions not incident to travelrelated expenses and your personal maintenance while in the United S~ates? If so, please list dates, places traveled, purpose of travel, and addresses utilized during stays.

10. Additional Information: Provide any additional information you deem appropriate, which could assist OFAC in the review of your appeal.

Please note, if OFAC does not receive a response from you within the next 90 days, we will assume that you do not. wish to proceed, your case will be closed, and your petition for removal from the SDNT list will be denied.

Please note that we may pose additional questions and documentary requests as we proceed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please direct any questions to the Office of Foreign Assets Control, International Programs Division:

LCCR Q & R· 010739


Office of Foreign Assets Control U.S. Department of the Treasury ATTN: International Programs 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220


International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control

LCCR Q & R - 010740


All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Tijuana, B. C., Febrero 4,2006 .:






nnation Act, Privacy Act Request on Behalf of

in OF AC Specially Designated National


Muy respetuosamente Ie manifiesto el reconocimiento que siempre he tenido a su

honorable Pais, como ejemplo de todos los

Paises del m , en su a ornico, Social y LegislativD,

basado en su Democracia y Derechos Humanos de las personas.

Invoco a esos Valcres y a la consideraci6n de los Funcionarios que tienen bajo su responsabilidad la inclusion en las Iistas de OFAC de personas que como en mi caso pudieran estar equivocados y por 10 mismo caer en injusticias.

Lo anterior 10 mani1iesto insisto las

y por 10 menos en el perlodo que labore en elias de

puedo a .... enur~r "l''''> ""u ""'"r-r",,--inn f!.;::. h,..,jfjrr>:;> "1"-1 :'.,,; C'"'(::> >;::"r.; "'"r.;-""~. j;",

. .) -0 ","':I . '.... 'i '\.i >:!'I V~>t"._ ~rl""'" j. ..JI .... .t: b .. t T 'i":.,i! , .... _ ~ ..... "\ •• ~.", "_ •. ..1_ \..1) ...... ; . -r::- ....

exclusivamente de la explotacion de su giro y comerclalizacion de sus productos, leyes que las rig en como de incluso de manera importante a la Ley de de Dinero, con un p ~uir sirviendo a su comunidad, siendo empresas de arraigo con cerca de_arias en Tijuana, y fuente de empleo y sostenimiento legal, digno y econorruco de cerca de trescientas familias tijuanenses.


LCCR Q & R - 010741

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en su calidad de _ de las empresas del era m media~endia directamente del las Empresas senor _, a quien yo no canada anteriarmente.

A continuaci6n me permito detallar mi trayectoria laboral en esas empresas, adjuntando fotocopia de la documentaci6n oficial que 10 respalda:


Baja al _ por mi Renuncia Voluntaria Irrevocable.

_, el Lie.

reservandose ninguna partes accion alguna, por


2 LCCR Q &R - 010742

, All redactions on this page ma~d pursuant to exemptions (b )(6)", (b)

(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) i

• _. Constancia de No Antecedentes Penales, expedida por la Secretaria de Seguridad Publica, del Gobierno del Estado de Baja I California, ~n la cual certifican que NO se encontro ningun antecedente penal, rel.at,vo a mi persona.

La decisi6n de renunciar y terminar mi relaci6n laboral, fue fundamentalmente par los sucesos que se presentaron a inicios del ano _consistentes en publicaciones I de periodicos y noticieros en contra de las empresas, 10 que obviamente estuvo causando dartos incluso al prestigio de los empleados, como ha sido en mi caso.


En ese periodo die I_las empresas fueron objeto de auditorias y revisiones par parte d distintas Dependencias del Gobierno y 10 que fue de conocimiento publico no encontraron nada irregular, por 10 que a mi me consta la operaci6n se fundament6 exclusivamente en la legitimidad y en servicio a la comunidad en general, fuente de trabajo y sustento para 300 familias, siendo hasta entonces empresas con casi 30 anos de existencia; reconocidas en esta Ciudad, con Clientes Importantes como todos los Bancos y Proveedores prestigiosos Locales como Telnor y Nacionales como son los mayorlstas de medicamentos Saba, Medipac y Nadra, entre otros.

En nuestro Pais, po tengo ningun antecedente penal 0 problema con ninguna de nuestras autoridades, en esos meses de crisis no deje de presentarrne a laborar ni un : solo dia; si las Autoridades de nuestro Pais 0 de Estados Unidos tuvieran bases de delito que perseguir en mi contra, ya se me habria detenido porque yo no me he escondido, fortalecido con la autoridad moral que me otorqa el que siempre he desarrollado actividades laborales profesionales, dignas y honestas.




del Conseio

sejero Y

idente de la Comisi6n de Captaci6n Bancaria y miembro Directivo del Centro Bancario y del Oeportivo Bancario en

Ti;~~2~e, .j~..i"'~.\~!:3 \."-:::"~":'S ~~~c;;:,.


Desesperado P01i el desprestigio, difamaci6n y la desconfianza, que las publicaciones de OFAC generaron sabre mi persona y por las necesidades de seguir trah jando para el sustento propio de mi familia en

recurrl a consultar un Abogado de EE UU, qu

gestiones partJ aclarar mi situaci6n, ha continuar par no

contar con Ilo~ recursos econ6micos y no querer ningun tipo de controversia ra a perjudicar aun mas can las Autoridades de los Estados


LCCR Q & R - 010743

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pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), {b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Unidos de Norteamerica. Adjunto fotocopia de las cartas enviadas por ell, Abogado Speyer.

Lo anterior es con el fin de presentar a la consideraci6n de Usted, y posteriormente a las demas Autoridades de Estados Unidos, pruebas de que rni trayectoria de trabajo profesional ha sido honesta y que pueda ser analizada objetivamente sin la influencia nsqativa de ataques basados en falsedades, que tanto dano me ha hecho en mi vida personal, familiar y profesional.

\\. '

AgradeciendO"la. de su 'atenci6n, esperando se reconsidere mi situaci6n ante

su Honorable me reitero incondicionalmente a sus ordenes para cualquier

aclaraci6n 0 cornentario adicional que lIegasen a requerir de mi parte.


LCCR Q & R -4110744


6 Page(s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption(s) (b)(6), (b)(7)( C) and (b )(7)(F)

Bates page number(s) 010745 - 010750 (2005-08-044L)

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Junta local de (onc1l1aclon ., Arbitrale de T1Juana, II. C-

8lvd. 01:;)2 Ora;a 12fu!9 SblQundO NivQI LOC:2Iel1 ~. 71( centro CoJ'TlefCiQJ Piaz:l p3tfia

li}u~a. B.C .

-. ~6iendo 1M 1~:S3 Treee honse con cincuenll!I Y Ires mintJos del dos mI dol, ante fa Junta Especial NumeJo

UNO de b, Lacal de ConciIieciiIn y AtbIIrllje con r~. en esla clt.daII,

C O.M P Jl R E C E eI c..

Apoderado legal de Is o'!Il1preAl dtlnomiosda V~'flftlkJad ocredl8da oJfl ttUloe, QtIkm lie iderUk:. coo cr8Cleflcial fedef81 _ eJoCPoCdida par et In6tIluio Fedetat EIectonII. miema que MI Ie ClevUOilPlfft s: comparedente PGf Mf de UfIOpersonal Y manIfIe&ta: QUe comparece IIfJIII

Autoridad " a- cumpIimMInlo 'partial aI convenio cetebrado en ooloG, ~ ..

.. cBf'lldad de $23,160.DO peeoe PorOli3pas1e C·O.PAR'fCE ,.._

quIen Be idooIlfica con cr~ hKlerai I'IUmfR l!JQ)edicie po, III instituto fedenII (!!ecloral, documenlo que Ie tiene • )a \list!! Y Ie ..

...,.,...",u 1:11 inlere8ado pol' SOf de U60 personeI Y till el usa de Ie Y02 manine1l4an: -

cOrnpar~ anile esta AutDridad a I:lOIicilar ~ me h8gB enhega de III canadltd ~D~ile<tB I} mi f!lYOf, COfI 1ft tutti se d8 ctnnpliln\el1to PARcw... aI cOf1llenio ';:elebtftdo

ttfedjyo. dalJdo re eats aw0rid8d de Ia enlreva "lI recepcl6n de ta catltkWt ,3I"ItH deseria, '''rnsndo I'll margen de conl~.- Con 10 anI~" ..... PGf cCfldulde·"

. cOO$fflflQe. -- C U at P lAS E.-' ~i 10 ocordsron Y tinnan los ce. Miembros que

inlegrBlllII J~e Especial Nurooro UNO de Is June. Local de ConclliadOo y Alblraje ~~!"Y af C. SeGf~ario de fa mI!<m.s. que

LeeR Q & R - 010751

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.iti~ta Local de Concil1aci6n Y ArbltraJe de TIJuana, II.. C.

Slvd. olaz Q(d:a 1'2649 segundO Nlvet LDC2IM 1 211 K Centro C<>merCia! Plaza Pab'fa.

TfJU20 .. , B.C.

-.'" ·_t ..,., ...


10:46 die:zhoraa con cuererda y Sflis minuklo mI doe, ani. III ~a Eepeclal Nl.mIro

UNO de III lac. de Concll8ciQn Y AmlIr. con reiNdelldll, en eela cIudad, CO,M PAR E C'E eI C.


de\lUeMt 81 compBreclenfe pot lie.- de U8G pensoneI 't menineIIa: qIE; •• ,lIf!II:e II1'II.

. . " ; . ~i:'

ItIC~de~ Pot ctra pooe CO M PARE CE. quhm Be Identll'k::8 con credenciaf fedend J'IU'Mt'e

d8vueIo 81 Interesado Pot .. de uso perIOf)IIj. 'I en .. UN de Ie voz menIfIesI .. : - Que ~rezx:o ante esta Pdoridad. 5OIIciar .. me haga .nlrega de 1m c~ deposita 8 mi fovot', con III cum se de cumplimienloPARCIAl III convenio'celebt'ado

en .uqs.- A LO ANTERIOR LA J~A, A CUE R 0 A: T8ngaM pOr hechao hit manifeslacio)flft de loa c-omp818ciemea en I. fOfll't8 Y tetminoo 8IlIee de,trlIOtI, Y como 10 solicilan m trBbajador se lea nace enlrega de Ie cl'lnlidad deposjlade 8 su fawr en

efecllYo. dandO fe eshl 8I.IIorid&d de 18 entrega y recepclOn de 10 canlidad . ant .. desctlla, firmsndo 8l margen de confonnidad.- Con 10 BIIIetior se da per cOIIt:Iuida Ie

c.onslllncie. - CUM P LAS E.-' Asi.1o f.lco,darOfJ y firman los CC Mtf:~os que

eOfl ,esidencil! en rljuana, Baja Cl'lIifomia, por anle eI C. Secrelario de Ie mi&rne, que

aUlortza y Il a l1li. - • - - _ •• - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - .,

R Q & R - 010752

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Junta Local de Conciliacibn y Arbitraje de Tijuana, Il. C.

Blv<l. Oi;r;;:. OfUa:2 126~9 Tercer Nlvel LOC~es 1 an K . '"

centro COmerciai PIaz3 p~ia.

Tijuana, B.C .


UNO de Ia local de COfl<:iliac1On Y Arbitraje con residencta en est; cludad.


en so ealdad de.

trabaJadof quien sa ideotifica coo credenciaJ electoral numefO

expedida par el Institlito F edeml ElectOOI/, docurnento que se tiBne a 13 Y1sI:a y Ie,

as devuelo at inl:eresado por ser.de lJSopersonal y manmesta:

-_ Que en este .

acto ver1gO a nacer del conocimienl.o de esta AutOOdad Que Ia empresa

denomil liida

pOI" conducto de su


me hizo entregl' Oe. Ia cantlduQ

pesos en efectivO. en cumpHmiento al pago eorresponOlerte a esta

teeM, A LO ANTERIOR LA JUNTA, A CUE R 0 A: Tengase por hecnas las

manifesf:aciones de ta comoarecteote en la forma y timnioos manife5tados.. Con 10 anterior se da pof temrinada la presente diligenc~, fkmando 31 margen los

que. en esta inter'o'ienen para constancia.- CUM P lAS E.- Asi 10 acordaron Y firman kls ce. Miembros que integran ta Junta Especial Numefo UNO de Ia JIRa

en nuana, Baja California, por

LCCR Q & R - 010753

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F)

Junta Locat de Concm~j6n Y Arbitraje de Tlluana .... C.

Blvd, Dial ()(Oal. 12649 Segundo Nfvell..OQIes 1 2171( Centro comercla! ptaza P3trI'il

Tljuana, B..C.

luUll LocaJ ..... : ... < > .. •

:--Milftuamai'Baja CIIIIromIa, 9~1as 12:25 doce homs con veinliclnco minutos del dIa

mI doe, anle 11'1 Junta E!!peC1ai Numef'o l.HO de Ie locoI de ConciII8ci6n Y Albitrap, con reeidendIt.... eat. ciudad, COli PARE CE et c. lie.

Apodemdo LegS de Ie empren denomInada ~ pemm~ecredll.ada efI BUtce, quien Sf! idenHllca CGfl Iicencia de 1IUl~.' nurnetlI _ ~ pcw'" ~arilt de PIaneadon Y FInanzaa, rmama qUe Ie ~Ie II c.ompareclenle pew ear ~ uso peraonaI y 1tIIII1Ifieste: que compafCM:. asia JlUloridad a dar curnplimlenlo parcJel II convenio celebnldo en autoe,

Ie canItd8d de_

~ oIrs'perte COM PAR E CE ...

~' !Ie ldenllftca, con '~1ciaI rederaI numero

documenIo que " liene II .. viI,lII y Ie at deYuelo ,II ,lnIeresado par lar de uso personal 'I en eI utO de Ie YCIIZ menifkHJlan: --Que ~ ani. e&la AlAoridad. 1OIIcI... me hap emrege de Ie cariideld dep03lacb It mi taYor, '1;;1m" cuel ... de cumpIimienIo ·pARcw. aI ~0fMmI0 cehbfado en U08,. A L,O JV!fERIOR LA JUNTA, A C u E R 0 A; , T env-e pOrI" hechall let maniresUlfionea de los comperec1enlee en 18 forma y lennlno8 Imtn detlcrif1il'll, Y como 10 soIicitanellrabBjador se lea hace etdnIga de Ie"ceniidad deposlloda a su favor en ~, dando fa est. 8UIorid8d de Ie enlrega 'J recepcj6n de as canlldad anh" descrita, IIrmando,81 m8rgen de conformidftd.- Con 10 oof~ Be! de

iI1t8lVieoen, pfIT8 constoncla. - C U Ie P LAS E.- AlA Jo IICMdaron IJ tinnan 101

CC. Miembr'l,)l que intelJllfl Ia Junta Especial Numero!...NO de ,18 JunIa Local de CaIifomia, per ooIe eI C.

LCCR Q & R· 010754

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Junta Local de conc1l1a.cilm y ArbltraJe de TIJuana. il. C.

ElMI. Oiaz ()(oaz 12649 segunao Nlvet LOC<MM 13111( CentrO comercla AiIZa Piltl1a.


•... TtJMll.'ll, Bata Cltllfomht, skmdo 1M 11:21 once hofal con ~ minuto:D del cia mil dol, arilll Ie JunIa Etpedel Nun\enI UNO" de II l.ocaI de ConcIIacton y ArbIIrafe· con resIdendII en .111 ctudad, COIiPAUECEeiC.

peBCnGldad Kfl!dIade en auI., quiDn M IdenIII'Ito eon Icende de .. ~ fIUItMIfO ~ par Ie SeCret ..... de PkIJ.Ddon 'I FNnzM,rniamII.p. ee Ie dewetvc'iII CQI1IPIIfeclente pol" su de uso personal y rnlllll""'.: que compareoe :rie eM Aljoridtxt • ds c~o TOTAl. .. COffYIIIn6G coIebfado en outoe,


elq')edide por. et In&tIIuto fetleral etectcnI, docunenIo que 1M tIene • tit 'It5t8 Y Ie es deYuelo aI inlere!'lftdo par set' de U80 pentOnel yen.. UIO de \II YQI: ~ZI1: -Que comperez:co DOle me AlItorklad. loIc!iI... me h8gI!I ~ de Ie clJl"d.ldad deposlade II mI favor, !:On Ia cUll De ... CUlI ...... htulo TOTAL ..

corwenio tek1brado .00 .... os.· A lO ANTERIOR LA JUMTA, . A CUE R 0 A:

. T 81lgtt118 par inecna. las rnanife.tacionH .de toe comparec:ienlea en Ie fonna Y .temmo. ant... deecrlCII. Y como 10 solel_ eI 1tabIt;ador IMI lea hace erVege do Ie canlkIed depoeI" • oW ,_ fIf1 8fedhIo. dando re Hl8 lIUIoridad de ta enIrega Y ~ de Ie canlldad .,~" deaala, ~ aI margen de COfJformhlad.-Por 10 qUe ~ carecer de main ef preaente Elq)edIente MANOESE AI.. A~ TOT.... Y

CEF1NlTiVf<.IJll:i'in: CONctUlOO.- Con 10 "nll::nor :;.a clti ?Cf cwu::ltJids lis prescnlr.'l aiugencte, nrmando aI rnarg8n loa que .m Is misma oervienen, pwlI. constencia. -

.... fIIrrt1!f1lln Y ftrrnan So. CC. ~ que Inlegran Is Junta de ConcHIaci6n y ArbiInIje con resldencia en de Ia misma. que aulOl1lJ!, y de fe.. ..

LCCR Q & R" 010755

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NUMEAO Del oncio


Constancia de Antecedentes Penales

I '_,. ': '<, _~: , • . ~ • .

Que previa' revision. en los archives de I;;l.' Subsecretaria del Sistema Estatal

. . . '"0 0,',0:., "", 'L ', ' , 0:' ' ,

Penitenciario, no sa, encontro r:i.ifl~Un antecedents penal par delito de caractsr doloso

. . . .,

del fuero cornun, relativo al (a la) cuya fotografia

aparece al margen superior Izquierdo.

, i

, .

Para los' fines leOgal,es, que a! (a Ia) fntere~ado (a) convengan, se extiende la

presents en Ia eiudad de Tijuana, Baja California, a los 10 dlas del mes de octubre e 2003.



tees Q & R - 010756

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April 25, 2005

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FOIA Office

P.O. Box. 39

Vienna VA 2218:1


Dear Madam or Sir:

Enclosed please find a notarized FOJA letter from you to release information about him to me. P information.

It authorizes requested

The inclusion of his name on the OF AC list has caused him public shame which he believes is the result of erroneous information.

He respectful1y requests your release to me of copies of the information which gave rise to his name being listed with OF AC. While we realize that some information may be unavailable because of ongoing investigations. This listing appears to be sufficiently old to make its release reasonable and proper.

As indicated in his letter,~opes to explain and refute the incorrect elements of information which lead to his listing with OF AC. In order to accomplish that goal, he needs to determine what evidence has been used as a basis for his inclusion on the OF AC list.

Your kind consideration in granting __ equest will go a long way toward allowing him to restore his honor and prestig~munity.

Very truly yours,

LCCR Q & R - 010757

Lima, 21 de julio de 2005.

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)


Office of Foreign Assets Control del Departamento del Tesoro de Los Estados Unidos (OFAC).

Treasury Annex

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 202:~O.

Ref. Solicito que mi nombre sea removido de la lista de Nacionales Designados Especialmente (Specially Designated Nationals).

De mi consideraci6n:

La presente tiene par objeto solicitar que mi nombre sea removido de la !ista de Nacionales Desi nados (Specially Designated Nationals), en razon de que el suscrito - no cuenta en su pals de origen (Peru) can antecedentes penales,

icra 0 e ninguna clase; de tal manera, que [as investigaciones realizadas

por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, concluiran en que no soy responsable de los hechos par los que estoy en investigacion.

Par tanto, solicito se sirva remover rni nombre de la lista referida.



Adjunto a la presen;e, ia stgu~t;n~e ~>._h;,ur!1t;nt;:.H;i{~<~:

Original del Certificado de Antecedentes penales. Original del Certificado de Antecedentes Judiciales. Original del Certificado de Antecedentes Policiales,

Copia legible del Documento Nacional de Identidad del suscrito.

teen Q & R - 010758

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Office of Foreign Assets Control del Departamento del Tesoro de Los Estados Unidos (OFAC).

Treasury Anol!x

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, 1',V . 'Vasbington, t.C 20220

Ref. SoJicito que mi nombre sea removido de fa ]ista de Nacionales Designados Especialmente (Specially Designated Nationals).

De mi consideraci6n:

La presente tiene por objeto solicitar que mi nombre sea removido de la lista de

Nacionales Des' iaImente Designated Nationals), en razon de

que el suscrito no cuenta en su pais de origen (PERU) con

antecedentes penales, judiciales 0 po iales de ninguna clase; de tal manera, que las investigaciones realizadas por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, concluiran en que no soy responsable de ]05 hechos por los que estoy en investigacion.

Tarnbien, debo de informarles fueron enviados con carta

docurnentos originales de mis antecedentes a los senores IOtIOC()PU!S de los mismos.

Por tanto, solicito se sirva remover mi nombre de 1a lista referida.


. LeeR Q & R - 010759


Adjunto a la presente, 18 siguiente docurnentacion:

o Original del Certificado de Antecedentes Penales

o Original del Certificado de Antecedentes Judiciales

o Original del Certificado de Antecedentes Policiales,

o Copia legible del Documento Nacional de Identidad del suscrito .


7 Page(s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption(s) (b)(6), (b )(7)(C) and (b )(7)(F)

Bates page number(s) 010760 - 010766 (2005-08-044L)

1M NOV -1 P b; OW

LCCR Q & R - 010767


25 Page( s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption( s) (b )(3) [31 CFR section 598.802]: applied (b )(2), (b )(6), (b )(7)(C) & (b )(7)(F)

Bates page number(s) 010768 - 010792 (2005-08-044L)

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