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~tSiET sUll tlitop.


shll.d 1lI;Ili., &;

gcet OUT"*

&. d.O'l;'l'ft &. li.Eil'~eJ'l

:io JiU'nJlla. s' &: ifJiQam:Il!G:S'~ s

(ncu 'the biofJra.pllical SU.bUIiIlf2!

5.:6'']" is ed:ted! &, published! 'J)'y Ge:rrit Lansing &. ] S·SiCl8i d aCl (}()ol["dliillgly



fix & drOlnt!nOD I .& t'O Ute iI&Iot;'m W1.nte'r Ii 18 51 ~ 62,

Osiris ,and s.Q'~

,Aoe'[,Q~'s Sopa.c:e and. Time .. ~ Be'vel

The Ehll"~!lai\ of SE~, (dit-O'rial Di3eQUI"~e

" So:tm".lJe.. M~,., 'On the~ Sb:'leet Orgal!!rm.s,:;. BOOK\"

,A, Ma-Xirrli'o's' ~EkjDg


The Exch~e.s:, n:

On, t,bie Fira~' 'page Tbe F.ooll;s ICD,Clt

l;he 'Way ~Ol Su.c.ce,ed ,_ ,_ and

llle: W;;}y to Stick Egt~5 Skidoo




members of one Life' :B,o,at are thal rides, agatnst Chaos~,

0'1' int9' 'the night goes, .drivin.g back. those d.arkne's,ses withinthe dark"

as .Harry ,J,acolbue; ,saw the'H) on our mountain; trioU'S! a,r the underg:rQtuld,.

Belt ]Lords it Ovet' th~m~

dark mind that drives Q,eiore the dawn l'ays~

He is primi'tive terrca"~. he is, the }\I,row" be is fllrS't kno;wing~

and, ,stri vtngther'e, at the edg,e ~

has all o.f evil about him.

y,es." befoiIJ:ght a,gninsit Osiris,~ c·on;~plit,e'd,~ sc,aU,erd the first li.'giilt;

s~dllllcced the hoy H~oLrus'J' hawk-ghost 01 th.e sun, topola,y the Hand to his cock,

He comes into the cour-t W tl1,e law to remind us ..

He giL ves us the lie ..

At0ne Ume Dur M.tltheris hroth,er,~ Se't~ w:as; UPat(herit andta.ugh t us - - what? ruining

"'u.r innocence. The gr.eat boat of the gads, p;ene'tJi'ates the 'thick me:at"

s,elldtng ,quick nerv'es iJ;ut that are t.ong:u:es of light ~t the 1b,ound:aries~, F'oot", hand,

li,psc~ ..a gra:pb. in S,ci em Hfile .Americ:an.1 ;Se:p''l:e,m:ber 19'6,O.~,

sh.owsthe desi.gn of ,se:nso:ry and motol'inteIU.ge:nce.s; we are so mueh" m.outh" maskj' and hand,

tbe hidde.l1plan of vDti.tjon can be :!:',ead

(a. sec ire ~ fha.,t is 'p:r'e sen ted tiO' be se en r'ematni1o;g se.cret.) rn th.e closed palm,

in the human face.

True raman.tjewel G):[ our own sun kel~d a}aftbythe dung beetle is the Child", our Ahout-To- B~ "Pr·e,sence

in what's pr,es.ent. There 1.8 nothing el.se,

Feeling' and m·oti'on~. imp,resslon and E:oc,[:u:'ess,[on. contend. Drama

:i..,s the shape of us, Weare

our-selvee t'eal"S a;nd ges,tures. of Is:i..s as she searches fbI' what we are ours·elvesi.

Osiris-Kadmnn into. m.an:ymen shaUerd., torn by pas is ion. She~· The. t - ts,

our MotheIi' ~ I'I,:fvtves ,ever FILsLegend~

She r-em .. ember S • S]](i puts it all to:g:eftne'r •.

SQ, that, in raptuI"e~ther'e:hl' no longer the se'i"l.SO;I'y-moto,!' hemuncult

subduin,g th.e forcascf nature, Horus c,ontendimg willi Set.~

but tbe ,sistrum sounds tbru us:

the Wnl whe.rein the gods rid·€:

,gores, for·w.ara.,.

H,ail! fr01"g'Ot,ten and wHhe rdsoul s !

OUr Mothe~I' e ome is with us to g,a the:r lwr childnenl

Now i't is time for Hell

to ILUI"S,e at the. teats or Hea ven .•

Dal'k sucks atthe whtte mflk, ~StaFs flow oot initio the de sented s·ouls.

*' * * * *



Ha,:i.l A,qUa.rius, who is coming in




If the great outaide system - spectes and star-s - precedes su!cces,sf'uUy al.crossg:reat [[m,e I and curve s to retu.rn. to stations it. was once 1.11 before" and the belt of theeclrptie slid'es like her cestus in months of a great year t.aking

25~, 7:2·5~ 6 y·ea.rs,.what wcno€!I' that an:y 'one of us m.ay be Inflamed with love at birth and. spend aItfetime seeking to take the tail

into. one "s mouth, the disaster or ,augu,ry of the shape and. voluntas of one ~ s per-son, cast cut of th·e combdnator-lal., substance the real at the moment of birthl and ouels own love the affecHones tocause an of it to ,swarm" to know that as those beasts wheel variously onto the poirrt where .night and day ;ar,e equal one now does approach the dateat which. man will pour e,quaUy from. left torJlgld out of

the pitcher of hfs portion 'of creation '?

Beial"e alth:aI'; Manes~ the sou ,oil Sargan" swept out into the At'l~tie while horsemen from the Caucasue came In Vlith Aries to sbaketbe d~,ad tem.ple' W,lZ)rld

and awake selfand rea,son~ the seft. ~.i\d,e,speop.Jle w.ho riiZiLe 'h'C:t"S'8,s 'bac:kwa['d~ briUiant dder:J whQ only Imow t.he back :il is an en,gm.~ of win '1;.'01 be salcrii'ie:ed if 'the ,SOD·S

will have wiVles;,; they ride en into batUe untfl all

i is divided "between fie shand so,uland Greece:

i.e, the' measure o,f w.hatthey wer e worth

The' Fish swam in. 00. tbJe ba,ck ,ot Chrisi~ by uaQ Chds.t Was 'CB,:tehing the fi.sh~ byttIDe 19'fu by 'oarbon tes't (:plus Co.!' minuS' 157 yeal"s) the .fish was ,sailing off~ the Ren.aiss,anee wa.s ever-, New tbe ,2ndt, and the 2,Oth were like (analcgue.s) of a ,different souece and of a diffe're'n.t structure"p'resenting a. small R,en~issa.nc'eand. agrle~£ we,rId state to r~sh :in te' petrify the dragging years aftha fish bonea, .lilDlestone :folr a futu.r,e te come up out of the -sea on, when. wa'hn" ha,sagain made senae out of things

Fari9Wt5n Fish~ you;rbones we 5,haH walk on

Ra:m Iong gon,sJ

you wonl t come ba.c.ki You. a.rla: h.opete srS:lytorn b~ til.'E! heel's of the buns,

America" you ane the end of three months 'of man. .For the third,. whicb beg,an when y<our head was turned, alre:ady has changed Y'0JU~ you naHon of Fmks. Let y0u rule the '''"!torld. You ar-e a. d'ead hand, Man~ in his cour-ses, is oa the~'~beI" side: Capriclot':n i,S' ctl"awingthetiu"e'a.ds

l'UI:lS tbe ]P;C)e:m uP_Qu d:[.thyra,mbi,C) f,eet

lusti~y I cry out in a. Foem to you

my swee't win be tw'e.nty pn sunctay ne'2Ct



UO'F John. Fusco)

dellriiSM,S ,(l.U:;, th.ol '0:£ b,a::rbit!~,s

1 1l9)d d,rl.U:1ik, and a. stI'a.n-:g's piaSS~GIfi

pri,1t1].y perm·HUng

it pIe,a se s yO'll a" ,~l:o€,enfl' 'bf Fl'ag'Ol1arQi, pi~o,stl"att€

towhispe:r to you bJen!aaffi a, bedge

as a;brove and iaoout hovel' ny,m!ih~\t nai.adsan.d o,ihe:r

derrr::JJl-beasta $::!if ,s;crrts

,ev"en tQ tbe au sh.eclwwgs

~f p:r~ett'Y' c[Oi;l'€! s fiJJ!tt:ering ltmiltll €herl1bs

n,ow in middle: MaI'~h' when the wi,nd


my swe'et wilL be tw:enty

~n $J'!.l[I,d;~ next ..

I musbu:- wh.at dsvke-,s

tbe Im,ag:w:i:).t:ton prompts me to, (ap!aimbel:'~ th€"s,e' ,co;_nc~it8 sp.",e

r.!I;ot m,famni,a.I'~o yoo.) so 1 need nctt

cla..ssic and eclectic: which, in m.y fren~y

I al"rSll1ge Ii ho'ping ti!t~!L"eWtith

to ensnar'ey~u.r .fancy sweet

it is a. Poe,tls ma..dness

driving'hi;m willy nilly

howbeit to, his own de:stru,ction m,aa~ed or

me'tamol'p,boS~d into seme W,tz;ont1t'OllS 3I!1!im,al ,guts,e e.en'~a;lll\r" unic om. OrfB;Utl


my Sw'eet win it,,g twe:ntl on soody n,ext

B'O' even to the btnds

wh,os,e caUS

the ancients m:voked

.and ceoed

unaba5h~cUy their ,eanrzGn.es -til wit:-a--woo

all of i:t I bring' ,a,gam.~, my s:W1eet'l! to you

in the- s,prm,gtime of tlle P'aem.

W.n,en sp~ay b,eginsto springe-til could I come in :mY' f.m-lly

beal"ing you

in sems s:m.a!JLmea,su1'le such snatches,

purJl:oin~-daJ3: I have of that anttque Uturgy


my sweet will ti'l~ twenty on sunday next

thephr,a.sie a,S re,prieve rewerb,erates 'wifW.in my skull ellS I s;,ay m my high Pi9.1ss1on

m,a.y he nat als,()

love me tao.

7 ..





No,was; the Influx b,egim3i to be .fe1t."time~o build the arks ,. to nominate

proclaim tbeQu;alities

T._. ."', ,- 'f .~... HB" k-' .'--. '~S- e, .. ",1.11

JJIJIi. trme '0:_ IL-Ue_ .I:'aa. ·mg Oil . '. tr.eng !IU

the burden (droning' under-song)

i eto make the eonne ct:.i.'on s

inter sed. ex:tra

The Work of the .R,tmovaUng lnt.elligenc8·

This ma.gazme. i.G ,about the 'poetic e;xploratiQn ~!f 'the swarming pos,sibillUe,s (some occult, unused) m .American lUe" iII.rban&. lo<;:a1 Uh.e rural i.s no longera:vailable to poetry; to life ?.l~ .here & especially now. Its char~cter

i~ ecncerved as d:u.a.l'* ~ .·historical. &: mag'i:cal~ the: ,empbasi.2ii,ed iC,h:ara·cter.s of 'Tim'e.

T].1!.e gat,es of memory & intuition~ hist.ory & magic, op~n from a" itw:indow[ess1!! €'ven.tinto Time.~tbe fateful Gross (crux) behind the shiftingh,ex'agram s,

To d:i!s,c;Qver our spacetizneaddr-eas we must fix our posdtion in time as well as in space, And. thi s ~!addres,sIT {orur modeof bem.g}:i.s personal but also collective;

1!IW'r;! ar-e continents if we are a, I~ The wa.y Am,erical'l,s .. J now j receive time differentiates us :From ether-s, say P@km,g man, the ancient Gl'eeks~, the Indians, Hotaogeneous tim,s doesntt ends! in human exper-ience, ou.rUving t:.i.m.e is mythically a'rganiz(!ld~. nfavo:redt! by the s.ingling out of "points" dis:" tinglL]isl::i.ed for theh values, Since I 'myth cr-eates ti.lne U

(G. van der Leeuw), the sense of h.1story as w~n as of subjective past & future is ma.gically dete:rmined~ jiust aa the rnagic apprcpr-iate to, an ag'€ is historically datermined ..

You have then. two WalYs to take a fix on 'I'Ime, one

by in,vestigation ·of histo:ty~ I'ifrom the :inside cut, u another-

by investigation of the dark rnteriors.~ ~~.fronll. the outaide ill" u ]ike by objjecUfying' an image (magic), the Path of the Names.,

Tni S 'O.ri en tation f~·a s t:facing~. sunri sing) in. Time man can onlytn.ak!9 individually ~ in histnwardril€:ss~ but U 1.S not less .f~cbua1 or mor-e il:uaginaJilve for thaJ: As W,allac~ Btevens s~yg.~. UTa be at the endof fact IS, not to be at the beginning of imagina1tion~.but it is to, fue at the end o,r both •. n

Thus upoetl'Y 1.J::J:.cl'€li:li.ses tha feelin.g for reaHty° (again Steven.s)& the histmric fact (our scene) lies equally beneath

al] the moving poetry & all the m.oving science we: make, Po,etry &. scienceinvlsfM.y concur betwe€.nthepole,s.~& the Propertlt;!S of the World a.l~esumm~rized for any point~moment by the R:Le mann - Chr:i s torfel tenser 0 r by a po em


. ~ .. in the 'bea.uty of poems are the tuft and :final applause of

:sc:iienc~. '~I (Whitman.)


Nb,w mthe'se~,. a"sDlscon sa:yS~ ud1.'ag15ing yea-its of ·the fisb b{)n€:s~ !II W~lat is to be .hailed?

The breakfuru toth:e we,rId of form.s

by insi.gbt

by Du'ts'ight by U'psight by dO'WD,s;ight



A ..

the di,sposable s


hi s,tD'l'y& prebi st, th.e "setences" linp;i. sU.ts

mylli.o~ogy three Work'S,


{ "a ... 19 •.. st.h .. - .,.e .• t.r'J, •... c .. s .. ce .. n

1'1, :- .- - - n


111: relig'li..on III





- ~

The we-:igM (thr e a.,t & prom i sa) \of ~ I a.rtistic n pEl l"mane):'J..'c e,

0r gr~,~m,ess i.8 .now ltlted ,Iromthe sacul of the s,eer (persiste'i'l,ce'

l"emainaan.mtere,sti:ng ques,ue,n). Sirl.c,e kulc.hllir is dlea..d (bred '

cultsU-I"ene:ss~ that gI[H~Ha: on) we ar-e aU enveloped by it.s sttnk (I~Hllmep'Ole'ms measur-e tbe s,en,Sitivity of tlle nose')' but lenergy

at Ieast &. at last is, Ire,e to, I'lecogniz,e it~.elf Hhe w10rrk lof the

13th Aeon or Sphere or Month) •.

Poetr-y r,ails, on Wl-;a:ge Qf' u_~dain,g Uk.e Jl~thing known. before ~I &. ri.te~ ;W.r9'a.s'ure&: m'~tric n.c)lW frQ"m. the ,cwysta.l €If 1l.:h,e M'oment~ Me·mento & tali smanar'e dimens,iona.l .0£ the :m.nU::l(;,~ Th,e me'tf'ic of the c,onb~mpo'l:"ary must be a gain afiorm aris.in.g fro.:to tbe shUt 0:1 obedience, AHhou.gh this s,l'lift is in part

a dis:pl.acem.en:t [rom tra1ditional external !!Jl'ms of order to

tbe shape ,of the per,soD, no doctrine of "pel'sonlsm"! or

"compostttcn by h8 .. ~:ard'n needbe invo,ked to tha creation. oftihe poem,


HThe basta of all metrical deter-mination must be g'o'lUght outside the In,anifQld~, intlu~binding forces whtch a,ct an i t,~I'1 the gr-eat l~9tl"li-c'entury mathematician Rieulann wrote, i&

.:i.f applied to poetry. as everythinz mustbe sooner or Iater',

thi.s d,eliv'e~s the poet to the ful] comp1Lexftty of howne uses what caBles ill to him. Alchemi,s.ts &. cooks have the same problems, 11 ow to manage the hea t:

A parfe t MaJster ;!'S mate him c all tr-owe Which knoweth his Heates high and low.

T.h.en ~limag~ is d€Iic:i.en(]:y~ !~a,s, the Gnost:i.c s say, &: any typology of poetic ill[mag~I:! g~t8 hlli1J.g up on the line: of similarlty.compa.I'.ison~ (msofa1" as "Image" is refer€fntial Ltrneans a leak . In Itfu~ vessel, which ahould be Herm.i€:ldcaHy sealed for the cocking, ~. daube, )


th.e Pathof the Naill e s

Th!! breath of Set. may bring "crfmtnal violen!ce~!:ibut it 8;1 so r enew s ~ de ,s:i c cates to fre shen,

148;4~ in. Rome~ ,Joarmes Mercuriu.s de Cor:iglo,~ wearing i.1I, ,crown cfthorns inscribed "this is my son Pftnander- I have chosen, n preaches, pushes Ieaflets, proclaims "the new newne-ss of nawnasse s gl'satertb,an, all mi racles, II It came to paas,

Now almost 5010 year-s later '(Orwen~s l:9S4 itself can give us little , too spiteful too bright la.ckb"llg' thefOOUsh . wll,scioms - ~ but was its datewhispar,~d him by the Lord of the Gates

ef Matter &. Child oftn€! Forces of Time? },.. Again. th.e

Revolution. of the 'Quarters ~& now the Advent of the Sign. of Man~

Mathesis today demands r esear-ch in the world of Ietter-a, combinatorial an.edysis of the alphabet of the gods, Two

'booJ..;:5.byA. E. "The Candie of Yisi.o.n &: Song and its Founta.ins contatn, a.mon.g much rom,antic det:rf t1l15 of the .European. past, records 0:[ "spontaneous'tesper-tences am,on.g' the Flashing Ta.blets wh .. E!r€l langl!lage o,['igmates~ In the 13th Ce'rltury Abl.-aha.m Abula.fia more systenl.a.t:l.'caHy 'studied the Path of Combination, fo're.sha.dowed. a. time like our swhen prophecy would lbe aelf- ccnrrontattcn '&

the magic of mwardneas be hidden in the, autonomy of the vi.s£ble .• , the US'ElS ·o'{ s'ecl:ecy ofuscured~ hard to comeby,


,such. a. push towa.rd One .& away from Two, among contempo:r.ades~ it needs to, be said ·ll:li'OI'le sh3,rply~ .2: yes.

'Ther,(!! :lis a .formula caned theZe·l'o =s2eqnation.j, not: mafbem.a;tlc." &. would be mi.staken to treat it as ,such~.Pr·oce,ss i:n.vol ve s the (lonsidera,Uon tha.t since it is a:lwa.ys possible tQl reduce any exp.re,ssi.on to Nothing by taJciing 2 equal & opposj[ te ter-ms, n + (-n)' = O~on.e should be 8lble togst any expltession desired f:rO'ID Nothing b:ybeing careful that the te:rmsa:!',e ex:.acUyopposHe .& eqlllal~ 0 '" n -+- (~nl. (It]5 ebvioue that

w.ha t is termed. in. ma.gi.cal work. the E qtU1ibrium I sa, developmet ·o;f thisp.rillciple~) Tbe 0=2 .Formula evades Monism~ Dual[sm~Nlhilism~ Pl'I!Lralism~ etc .• &the:refore when it is sa.:idJ ~~th"er,eare 2waysj' n the simplicity of 2 .is m!eal1:t~ .. not net-one, not-thr-ee, etc .• (two friends to whom 1 shlowed. €!a.rly drafts ofth:l..s essay bridled .a.t any use of the word I r dua_] ~I .~~, one of the·m sa"ying U was because he Uto!ok the .ZeD stan.dp'omt.,!'~I)!.

A. 'That Tim.e i.e the Number 2.

tWl two U (Arm~)



I )



tide ••••••. ..

duo *duw:i.

d. I: . te ('. !n~,e d:i. vi~,,,,,,, ~~ ).

2\ya ~L u""",

(opp •. inadvatta vedaata

B~ That Time ts Number 2

di schiz

divtde, splU


s(,ruzen (Middle High Ger.) schei s sen." fie :ite", shite = No.2;


In Pi:ato's di.alo;gues ScoJetra;t'es Spake

of' tbat IGl'lle e;n,ragin,g yoU'th! tie, e:xc.eed. th.e speed limits

sret 0:-1' law er wh.en b~iC,king 'mo't,arvE:'nldes th.ey rape ~ which ]"g, ajeke ..

or 'p!ILund'lu' drug stQ;res cigarette 01' other

:"d' . - - - c'1.,T-i,es ven __ mg tna_).!,JIJU _ ,

for nickles, and dimes wh'i:ch~

if' not in the meanwhil,e appiFebended by thealll 'effici ent

local "o.Jl:ic'e~, lliey

[,a-vi,en on tee'nagegil'].s with snatches chockd. fuU ovgiggles,.. Properly ehanneld of C OUF S e tbi.s 'energy c auld be


into c'olor d,esign :if not

to th,e arrang'ement of particulars in 'the' pendm.g~


,e,agerly aD.tic:ipa:ted~, ";m,e ric an poe m,

he was an old man.

when, he, spo,ke fhus. so' why amete the brea"st

thinking to rebukie the soul, Besid:es

bis 1:1 o1's we;re

mostly fops imbu'e,Jii, wUh thei,r :high toned ar'ate which ,could .never lapply in this,

our rSO ],a,.tie Republk where

dog's and ca.ts sta:m:l;J' taUs between thetr JLegs to await

the la.w of lequa1l. dis:p,e.n.satioll.. Itls as th:o within the org'anic stz-ucture

gang:ren,e has long Ise't in.

14 •.



Have a Haba:'? (N·o Art'?) Walkin up wh.en there is

no up"? . (the inclined l,ev!.!!!) That cradle ·of Wlla t '?' e:f:£ort

not civilizaUon., puke" ittiiust be his back is bentand the hat howa.:re hats";l' Romantic

they al.wa:ys conjure :alwa:ys bettE!:!:' 'ph.ees we have be'en

thiat hat

walkin with an. effort up

tn,e down street a grinning adam smith in his hip pocke] where

he' thought hi.s pay was, M{)Qern Times:

Snit •.

T.he habit of blue or brolw,n. s.hil"'tI:i goddamn. hi.s d.res.s;ing man h~d a big arm. Y011. name it give him

wh:~d habit you want" but not

more ~ leave

.him tnare, yess~ Ia Ia wHhH

And t!eH him what at clod he is

O"f how simpl'El (be:autiful,o'l" otberwJ!s,e)' bo,w he belallors you and lets ·tbe WI'OD.g peGl'pl!€!: rule h.im~·

Have y,ou~, has you:rs~ hi.SS'oRg has ended. That.i s true, :81

WOW ~ oh ye8,~ Why net, what a clod yah~

Gatch him qukkly ~ before he bits,

the hay ~ whisper in. his €i::ar tn,ore leXbaustioEl.

as he sle,eps. abeut some drea.:m you'lb!ad ef ·him. Md .his lot~, how hie looked 'ba.,ek

and was made th.'e salt of tPdEi earth (disinherited?) about his sex, fanta,s,ies whtchthrolJ!,gh you reached. ,3, great 'Pervel"s,ion~a grea~t starknes,g

But man,~ not infiaU.on.~ Ne'Ws.:l,iVleek doe,sth,ali dance d,rug's? thatt,sgoodlY1' but he eanl'! get I'e'm,~ you ,ougMa. be ill M.€il"oCCO for 'ehat ()K .

tell him about MOit"oCCQ~, 'be his

b'Ull shiUe it" National 'Geo;grap:bi c

with a cou.p~e 0,[ fuc,k;san.d ounts

tlu'(nm In just to keep it ,going

and es,oteric to him (not erOtic

Q- that bit abeut B,ur'eQU!c:ra:sy how you and fl. H00Vel' and .Rickove,r

and Bar Goldwa.te'r and whoever a.gre,e i~llS .go'tta. go (1ea,ve eut hOi'W yeuftd aU 'tile dead with:ollct it)

Naw,~ y'ou'd be bored ,a,s, usual: :and. Uris man is just tired~ firs,todE all of you and thetn

and th:t:l(3: e c entuz-iea of pe~l:IDy may.h.:ero ~ of his burden whkhwa..s eafled white~ the colorbeing th.'6! mistalt,e he w,as stuck with •• '.

S,o come bac.k in the night to c'ornhoJ.lehim. ten him he wan.ted it wh:en he yawns

make .it right, with a" c,orkserew MJo'tion

I mean l.eave no room for an in'c.ognizalnce on, hi.s part tell him when he fa·r-ts. i ti,e be,e;au.s,ehypotb:alm.ons.e ki,cked btm

beans have nothing to do with U~(S,i)

wi;! frolm, wh.at1-s tbesoul'c,e 'llie derives

hils in.e,ernpa.rable stink~ whi,eh you feed uplon like a, vulture a lJike dea..dman.1,s body

who m.ayha,vJebreai!th.ed. I dare ,say fa,l" agr,ac'e' of only such fo,od-loV'e'l,g lost

of' wha,t it is,; wa,s€lnce. for' tnat man,

and, you, too

will conre one Qay to auchan end (.tiilat m:e,an;mg

is in. tend.!E!d.)as ,8. m.an I 81 whO,B~e foot was tril!11y

upo,n the earth the ankle grabbed by E:rnlest IJon,les and will ha.,'l/e ma.de it simply that way ~un:yi:elOling as an. oplinion~

TiIl.row in a fuck~,an.d a eunt or two~ and t'hat aid tale ,a.bou:t. ,t'h,e' be,st, ,ru.ck i.s,

a 'chicken. with its neck snapped. thoe one be hear-d when. 'he wa.aS y'ears, old cU.t

what he' didn It hea.r 1,eave o;ul w:h:a.t you might have to.ld him

years, ago

but you wer,e jIm M,()rocco

li.ving o..rf one pi the very fortunes that pu~ m.m down.




]Book. V

'iii]!!; the Creation of the WQdd.

by God we have nothing, t(!J g,o on

exc,~pt the huggin~' W'OijlN:i

buggtin' 1I!1s:

Jlt 15 only mt~.e di'stancie ~which is ;time, 'tbat vre, eeme to 'fl:xperi~:ee' Ute, ;a,1Zl!t ~ .. ~ awful ,a,s '!mact: :i..s mlaw£lll

a.brea,lc in, 'QJ)ntm'lli:ty .lla,s been aJC'hi~vecl ,and we ·,s.u:fIe1" f:r,O'm it

it li.s the' .k;eystofiie 'of our ,e~i s~eno e

tiblat D,€:vrer Slfl&PS


tm.alble t'O, :ta:;tbom. the: ]ie~ we weukl

d.estr0it tbe G:r-,eilll:t Wm·l:.

-- ~eil,e:a,smg aU StOPfl,h

~ ~bec:,~:n.t:ral 0~iI''bex, ,of fhle a'r(:h~ tha,t rs [j emg

18 .•

walkin,g amo.nigusl a,sJkmg: what: ~:re the me u.p1r:i.gb.t.

is tane ~i]La:b~.

S'Illppol'tlng a third. witmnth,e q.on:~entr'ie.eire1e 5

'Wha.t, d@ tJ1etyI'em.in.d file C~f tha::~ lii'E'm ember

.a.t the summer s:o[·sUc:€ when· tbe dead (last th'eit shadows a.mWlg' us


with UllEl G.E:'B,tr;a;Ji., inllmil'la~ti~'i~Ul we cry ~)~lt.

ill. w81kie in full he r]l:'0~1' l'"etn,em"be}ril1~g

of wJ::la..C w£· remember

II tn,at was s:ha:pedas

tl:!!.!3: deSL.d c.ome ba:e~


as,krQ,g aski_ng !nwha.t i,s 'fhe lWu,est:ion 1'1

(latlE! r~, maIl!~. la te r) s in(l~ Hha.:.s e orne in I let it


from Wh.0Ul dl(!)' W'fl eene ej:l:l

dllI'Sel'V';e s Whatt?

a caged b,il'die pCHlim,:

.in lif.e

Ileopl,e noe they

are like are

in the m.ovies

in th~ ~avies the:y are aniimates.


volition holds 'them in sway

if ever 'they do me'e't

in lif€!

the:y would


so imitati ve ·Eu:"e we


,anim.a ted e al"to On.Oliilt of danbury 16,8,


ulr!lliv:en:o im~enectu.al intere.sts,U

except for the odds;

the evens a.re' held checkmated by a rhyme of ceUs

window pane


'& a. confused beat confused. I, 'e." wi ElL stick

she sits, that

m,o,rnJing sitar upon my lowest


a s· might, my VEl'nUS, birds meanwhUe make 'busy Jike their chirps of hoaannaa sneh c onaids ra tian ![II 'th.e oncoming Ugbfu


something, too a:t>t.. Robin THA TJ

I em It re,ad.



com.f(ll.""&, :m-e oh these wby :wlwi;te tbO'ugb:.t,s b,e'foJre a :gr'een d.QlOl'

of an ea,s.tel'.11jaU wbe re .ev€lInth,e Ught i,s automatic

und so along wi th the law efexpediencyas ref. men behind bars:

'r.he: Acts

.. ~ lowe rthan the depths

?;; ,i. men

t.bese are

areaa of Y'~Uow and blue

split and fo~rkedy'erU'ea1s fram sheer 'veight of the

black bcrrf Z.OR'tal a

"whu'dt yo~ git busted. foril &

! lbe O'v:a:h ya. bed t Ini tebayben


&Ule hunter-'(tlri,s Um;e

a.l"t:iste· (e) -fruithusUers

&, by name m.iss. chalchia, and. s;a:ys~

uili[$ ffi,oneyma,ke !'Wl.S •. onbr-ead"

·,.r:ho got .high an new y.e.8i1'I s nu.tm.eg

&: begged ~!·she·et on mebabea I want~o leet1t :i:tl'~

:& ]ater r'€ll,E:.6!sed b8!.ckinto el bail"rio he .sh;;:w hi.s gi:rl~wHe ,and ripped out

his baby! s bowels

~ brok.en Vl,ol::ette deranged.

l'MllSTER- - Irana kline: 1959 oils

bIg table V oID... I~ no, 4". 1'96.0 fhrU8rb~ againstcanv:as

hU,l f01l" thelsymbol~

- .Lo,st


se·a.. scoun.d.s wa.ve smash a.gamst: the ro'ck .sU.me.

of tb.e ea ve endD,SUl'.e

a hi.s.s and.cbatt:s'r thrown aga.msit ,sand




wh ""'rla·.",·· 'Ii-. - ."'-n·, .~L'f, .. I,S t~e,

... ,..._ ~ y...,UH!~¥- ~Ull;", ._~,lII

tuc"k t.D t enti .~




to' tll:e seats.h.orr:l te s~'e l?hF:~e walk mtJo

the w~ateir,"


Dise'enli~g ev:e;l'l'f tuft

of IJ:l'DSlS,e sumdl"e:rwing" hQ'w~'rel" c~ush,e"d or thai's cL" star ~ ete a·wand hera.v:en -y0~l.ttl,g Lhe qu~ll t'l~an.qu.:tllity

cries ill th:~ ea.rly m.orning' sae~ see,~ see

th.e wo.rudediul burning!:

'Tbe n.;aHo'1:l,s .. h,a v:e .n0age '.

An tlfi~e:F,r(Jwth 'Of Cl"G1\VIl S Wa;nd,E!l",sa,long tbel"idg'~

an€} th0,S1e 01d ·b."'tis .. ted pm.e s pret~ndtb~y ha.ve a pa$t; S0'm~0'.ne pl',e tends .the rea,.l"e, purpose~. 0 rrde!l"~w:asb3! •

Th.e star l fue:s 'to;".!" !

24 .•


Clarified into, p:resen.t

standin,g now in the star-e of the· Vuituit"le Jesus wat.chfngth.·e wings spread the animal body writlle· lleading tiiD an im.meO!iate world

is Visi.on. to be cempromisedm tbe gU tter €If I1!itJeel arched back of wildcat tin leaves of th.e·gu.mtree?·

ho·w s,ur-e· you are olftile res;idents of da.rlmes s come 1t:Gl life how certain tha:tw.ben the: .rim of the circle breaks open

a f,o:rm of Ufe articillIla·te~. (;Qmprehen.s.tble wiU stand fGll'tb

or that the WOJ!."'ld formed

the in.vi,s:i.ble Instr-uments .of control & banishment .I:U:"E! a. Cl'u,st only to a S,WEHrt fruit only

not the· g:ibbe~i.ng piJErty of the, l'lemoxse:le as dead


yo,u have gone into her body

a knife ,skillful in: s,evering wandering' up &. dewn ber t'ofind life ?I:ro muUlate ~ to be

in. the fir at s tagg1e it' of sea flllme: B S i:lU ve &. singing say:ing: ammal df the qul,e.t dark

animal n.cow to bUr:l"'ClW so.ftrly down

scoun around in stdg!: be:r ~ {aUow tbos.e

Ilnes or motion .& supply till you come to heart walkup &. Ido'Wn &. :;waUErw it ... , looking the o·th.er w.ay~

to find life'? to di.accver- in. the'consum.ed

whatev·i.u· p:r.inci,ph~ it is that brLngsl you nere hm,gry &. norny?



there is :in. language a temper-ament of fep.r

'to a,nswe,r the animat is to talk about 'syllable,s pure as a lakJe in. Siberia.

s,aU, it. rush- ridde'n cenb,u'ies f:.rom th.e sea

te wbi.ch a rivet' flows bael{wards Christma.s ni,gltt

er gull's h:oirnpi.p~ lOiwly to the eroas in dee]! Snow ''!thEin. ft'ley a,;mged ~he first kin.g: whose str,angJLed throat made eon.SODlall t,s

in 1fb,e f'o:re's~s vowels, invented with, the lc.apriee of ~heunileQ,rn~,

goa:t- ey,@d r,ed~ be tt~iC;)tln.!e d m,an!dri11s at hOJ':iz!OD S, per'petu,al san,g Q.f lemurs: ururur-, s:ynables~ AUI"~rra bloody-f::i.ated :f~om th:e Caspt~. l.ake~, 'erect

the M,a,dman's Vision a visian into image or into f:0I"m?

To p£'o tee: t you. ftl'om.the secret, sn:e s,aid~

that vowels &. consonants fuek each other into speech, which 1'0'111 could not be,a,r

fo[' n,!o'tknowi!i),g !the €'ff:ici,ent questiOn Qreheim~ w,a'~ wil'1t"et dil"?

what Is this here '':1 "l,illerefore this c:tum.m.ypagesntry

op,en:ilag' Into p,l"esent?

for I weuldmount the cart & go qu.es.uonirJjgt:.l:1.e ,se,a-·g~l't elye,saf' .At::he,ne~ to whom :in

Tr·Q,y I S treasure .h0Use the gre,at borned silver phaUus stocd angular as futh.orc~ branched eut into ocean.

wh~O":I ,only I would honer- wi i:.h m.y sharp te'eth, & sJow~ mo~ing g,enUe: raarnmaltan mind unders'tan:di~g her rightly a. hero with drawn sword


(l1!ll'm,a-'ni fue 8wGlrdQE' 'lLwm.edi a te pr~ sene e.

every run.e e,h.ise]ed neaU,. m.; legible~ compelling, a me ssage o:f:5wo;rdm.asterto armorer: ld

e.Q\ge ~be: b:tji"ght he"'li'e'~ net fo,1" the euttin,g but

f·Q,r the honor of it

which i would drll<W' with me into B.a-bylan my c'1lt.tn.roa.1WOl'd '~atchpenny eml:l!ire

on all fours: '), imagined

whf'ch l;sthe prefsent position of pfl,e1try'

the anim,al rao,fuin,g mld:eit" the 'lree~ black s,ow at winb~l" sol.sttce, a.t 6 o'clock", ffV'enin.:g·

Gut af .the snow: so far down, the

gods of fertile fields '& bidden springs

the wate:r rus1rlngOi!llt of the ground fnto

h.er-body f1o'I'efs,hortened &con.sumed

cUst:ortedinto my month, her bl'O,od my sw.clUen tongue her eunt my oxcart" ,grolall. ·of the ritualpret,ense

unanswer'able antmal.,

fe,al' moving in rigid circl~s round yOllU Ue:nbJLe re rll.·,sal,~., alone

there fs Gnlyon,e contine.nt of metaphor

one :rhyth:m yell invite us to be naUv:e in. .• mOW upriver away !rOil:E1 the se~shaped ode, lyric dappled like po:wegrs.nateJ,

snapahcte of the 'm.omentary real

elosebor the leg.gy6l1k~ fertilelo,r ste:l'<i:Le in ODe whli.te a:llrll,l.UUle:n :g:estull."e disUl1gu:~~h O:l'Il.yby th!etende'I:' ¥~in ~e sb'ea:k €If billod:

wlpillum:bed .~

me~ m~[$t haf\1:e! l~'Qk:ecl, Ithe: litst time i'ire,~ eaehtame man 'COYle ['ad gl:rl in dar:kn.0,s s his op:en.ey,es, ffll(2:u,se:a. I,n the d~:rl{

p:rJoltectu.s in. truSp;a,r:ado)[ 1 is 'it what w,~ see when Wi!!! la·~k. in the fJ1:r'!~

what, we see in the da'L"k

t1:lov:lng to lh€l~ in;t:m.eclii:a.ue 'rbythm Ojf: the! vi.sible m.cPt],ng to ellehieJd:e.n I'.hythm e[ thel"e;:l[

teO m,,~lki!et[1!G),;se~hiU,g;s a'Ppea.l'ti1;a;t he bas: clOls.e:Ly 'll,lidden in the sl'AJeU J&. ,,gnaoo.w of M,S! wIngs


Out my WiindClt'V

jl't)!II.1S tIl,e N:epQnset~ a river en€lugp. te be w'l:"it'te·l'l~, (but. bloody from: my baby w0unds).

P1bIo)!; fl!.j!)wel'l!5k, p:u;rple for ;)l!Jlypa~si3:g~

orpag,e or ,po~em~,

('planted beealuse M!'.s~ R:edl1lingtGn ,~ad 1eUGwphl€!x) .• Green gx'ow the ojak:U·e:~· s ~ gt ant lea.ve's .f!QlrpufuU~.aU10nJ (beafi:mg;s from tlJ,€lir brmc.h!!€ls :LI~ np:~ m C'()~tls.ntC);r Jte~t). Gllrt[6'trt.i.-aiS st'af'" G::bX'lS'$mas tlte!e~ mistletoe' and bony (bTUt l1:li@therunEi,er 'S'Vl?£'tything in :f.e stiva:lpat'alysi s~,. . Old- linoleum

.( she llaid '€:l'll that ~'h~®

Cinly it W,8!.'S dadd~ whlQ' kept 'hi@trbbe.I"e 'l:h~s:e Um€H;J,. My .s:istel" (btl tshe cri,€S at nigh t) ~

,My m at~ s ...pl,a,y and, (litb·e:i'wis€:

Y;es I can smg 0:[ tprna40 nights: Oill 'fire: with black, pla,ssiau an,d. no c;iawn.~

g:louths t:h:rul bleed ft'Ql1'I kissilig •.

O.fu ,it 'w~s lO'!;l'f!: lave l(;)~e

ODour batlJiJ:'loam ]ted1:'oam Hv:in.:g ri'D,o,m walls

(1;)U~ that hGu,se fall .. and glo'bo!Oln in. th.e 39 winds),.

It 5 €:e.m:iii 'tbe.l~e~ S DQithmg' to 5 ing tflJ.~ tillS, boyhQod. wiudow

'E!::i[C\ept. her

atFQcSS thestreie't full [hie blue bnshes" my ladJf e,f the g-.€),]!;dcloa1\;;

stl'iug-ing SnV~i" )jew ar.u:iar'rc:llWs~ wanting' ,ey€:So

wa.Uin-:§: f~:r m €l ,-a.s JQI' no othe l' ~

Motber a:~ yO'UT f~et is- Im!caeting (;)alElWna 10V1es y~'U is y.!Our e'hlld MOU1G!t' your al tar b~ is singm.g

In sob syllables £II su.g~:r breath -,

.Motn€lr C1r0SSimyr.ru.apcls and hope to


App.ll;'opri®!te ms fl'om~fl,e Uvin,g~



o Fe,ol! beget,te'1'" 'Of both I and Naug;ht~ resolve this, Na,ught-y I~ot!

(H fir ,! tb_i~s JI and 0 ..... 10! -- [A,O!. FCH" I 'Owe 'v II I II aye tQ Nlbban.a 11 s I(',e ,0

I Pay -- p'~ the dissolution. of 'the House of Ga d -- fu l' Fe come ,S after () -- afb~ r Ayin that tdumphs ove',X" Aleph in . .l\.in., that is O.

OP-llS~ the Work.! the op- ening of THE, EYE!

Thou Na:u,ghty EGiy~ thou openest THE EYE OF IfORUS ~o the .Blind Eye 1i:ha;t: w~ep,s ! 'ThiEl Up,ri.gh;t, rOl11e in thin e Up t'ightne 5 S r,ejoic,eth - - .D.ea.th to, ,aU Fisbes!


This is the Holy Re~agI'am ..

Plunge from the, he"ig;ht? 0 GGd~ and ifJt:e,I'l,ock with :Ma;n,!

Plunge from, the heigh't~ 0 Man,~ and interlock w1tfhB,ea.st [

The .R,eel Tri,angle 1;s the d,escNimiiin,g tongue ,of g.rac,e;: the .Blue Triangle Is the a,scendimg tongue of prayer,.

T'hi 8 InterchangE!~, tblil: Drou:bl:e GHtof T Ql1.gu,(~: s~,

tb,e Wo:rdflif Douba-e Power --, AEBA.HADABRA] - - is tmle si,gpoit:he GREAT 'WORK,~ f,ol"th'e' G'B-EAT W'OBK 1.8 acc!&mpilished JlllSUen'€e~ And behold is :notihat Word e1qual to IChe'th" that is Cancer,whes,e SligU :is:V?

T.hlsWo,rk alsol ,eatsl up itself" accomplishes its own end, noul':tehes the 'war,mer .. 1!E!a;ves no seed, i.s perflei(~t in Uself.

LitHe child.Fen~ ]OV'lE! glle a,no'ther!

Wbatt man is .a.;t ea s€:, .inM.s: Inn? Ge't aut,

Wide :.i.Bfuhe WQ:rl~ i;Ula. e,~'ld .... 'G!et Q"U:t.~

1'h~.u' ha,.s,tbecaDlll! .aD m,sltiaiit.€,. I~.et Oiut,~

But~ou ,~s't. nat gISt aut by the Wayth.;GlIil

c.amest in. 1'heWaY:@lltis T"IIElWAY,~ 'i3et,out.

F'!f»; OiUTis L Civoe ~lIii Wi sd()~ and P<Jwe.r., Gret f}UT.

U lthQU l1iast 'T' alt"ead!J", fll"stge t. UT. TbenJcet O~

:!\no. Sf)' at" laJit .g:et eTlT"

il\i r, Deryk..:Eh..'1rte'll

Mr,. ,JOb Hiatys:H;a.;mmon..d .. ,Jr., Mr,. & Mrs,. (J~ B. Lan,smg M.r,. .IiIarry M:al"tin

Mr,. Pa.w Oakley

Mr., Charles IOls,on

''Dhe editor wishe's ,l:llIilre to thank '~bo,se w~hQsle generosity,&' h1elp ma~,e thi s issue III osrsih!l'e

R{)1D~Jj't numc~ Cha.,:Jfles, Qlson Ste'pnen .Jm,a"s Eciward DefFn ,J~m OOe:Gavet"l). H,jj1,lll1;!r'1I; KetlLl{

John WienlElrSi Fr.a.t,erP~rclUI'a:tiG' G'~r'l"l,t Lansing

Q' likeU.-""l!r'


swm s iU,']i.I' ~he ~t amy poi~t>-m;0mel\lt

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