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Project Study Evaluation Forum

Project Design 1

Project Study:
Instruction: Please write the grades that best describe your evaluation of each criterion
listed below

Criterion Weight Points Equivalent

Earned Points

1. Originality 10%

2. Relevance of the Study 15%

3. Efficient, Effective, Economical, &

Functional application or Contribution
to the advancement of Knowledge 15%

4. Contents
4.1 Statement of Object, Scope and
Delimitations , Significance of the study 15%
4.2 Review of Related Studies
(Local/Foreign) 10%

5. Organizational
5.1 Presentation of Project Study 10%

6. Methodology
6.1 Design and Compution 15%
6.2 Methods and Procedures 10%

Total 100%


Signiture over Printed name of Evaluation

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