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Colocar os Stats Principais no Máximo

Não colocar os seguintes:
Strong Steel-
-Cut to the Jugular 3
-Bloody Frenzy 3
Fast Steel-
-Paralysis 3
-Sever Sinews 3
Group Steel-
-Parar no LVL2
Strong Silver-
-Deep Cut 3
Fast Silver-
-Sinister 1,2 e 3
-Crippling Pain 3
Group Silver-
-Parar no LVL2
Pegar os seguintes Signs:
-Aard Student
-Aard level 2
-Aard Apprentice
-Harm's Way 1
-Igni level 2
-Harm's Way 2
-Igni level 3 após Sword Styles suficientemente habilitadas

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