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Aristotle Handout #6: Nicomachean Ethics 3.1–2 — The voluntary and the involuntary Phil 309 – Dr.

Phil 309 – Dr. Tobias Hoffmann

Actions & passions

involuntary voluntary (1)

under constraint (2) due to ignorance (4) in ignorance (5) w/o choice (6) w/choice (7)

w/o qualification actions of mixed nature (3) involuntary (8) non-voluntary (8)
(regret) (no regret)
praiseworthy never excusable

Examples and explanations

(1) “[T]he initiative lies with the agent who Examples: fear of having hostages killed same as voluntary actions done without
knows the particular circumstances in in case of blackmail; cargo is jettisoned in choice.
which the action is performed” (1111a a storm.
(4&5) If it is our fault that we are ignorant,
(4) Ignorance of the agent, what he is do- we are responsible for it and for the ac-
(2) “An act is done under constraint when ing, what thing or person is affected, the tions we do in ignorance (EN 3.5.1113b
the initiative or source of motion comes means one is using, the result intended 30–1114a3).
from without. It is the kind of act in by the action, the manner in which one
(6) Example: emotions and passions. Children
which the agent or the person acted acts (1111a2–6).
and animals are therefore said to act vol-
upon contributes nothing.” (1110a1–2)
(5) To act “in ignorance” is different from untarily, but not by choice (1111a34–35;
Examples: The wind carries a person away; acting “due to ignorance.” Someone who cf. EN 3.2.1111b8).
someone is taken hostage. is ignorant about particular circumstances
(7) To choose one of two alternative courses
due to anger or alcohol-consumption is
(3) Some fear or benefit is involved. These of actions, after deliberation (1111a 34–
acting “in ignorance,” and he is account-
actions are not desirable in themselves, 35; cf. EN 3.2–3).
able for his actions. “Ignorance in moral
but only in the moment of action, hence
choice does not make an act involuntary (8) Only when we regret what we do ignor-
they partake both in voluntary and in-
– it makes it wicked” (1110b31–32). Ac- ing particular circumstances is our act in-
voluntary actions. Yet they are more vol-
tions done “in ignorance” seem to be the voluntary; otherwise it is non-voluntary
untary than involuntary (1110a11–13).

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