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February 23–March 1

To maximize this devotional…
• PLAN: Print a copy of the devotional for reference throughout the week. Choose a time each
day (or whatever frequency you desire) to let God pour Himself into you.
• PRAY: Begin and end your time with prayer, asking God to speak into your life. Listen for His
whispers as you reflect.
• PACE: Work through the devotional at a pace that feels good to you.

Thank you for this time to empty myself before You. I invite You to speak clearly into both the
broken and beautiful parts of my life. Fill me with Your insight. Amen.

WEEK 1: Create
In a scene from Pollock, the 2000 movie about the world-famous creator of the “drip and splash”
style of painting, Jackson Pollock is told by an art critic that one of his finished creations needs a
little more color. On impulse, Jackson grabs some paint and moves to add “a little more color.” He
hovers over the painting for a few tense moments, but is unable to bring himself to alter what he
knows to be a finished creation. His creation.
His creation. That’s how God viewed His handiwork in Genesis 1—trees, plants, flowers, fish,
birds, insects, stars, moon, sun, animals. God created the whole universe and saw that “it was
good.” Then God created humans—you—with purpose and intentionality and design. And when
He was done, He concluded that “it was very good.” Hear God’s tenderness and intentionality as
you engage in this week’s words from Scripture—words about you, His creation.

Allow God’s words to speak to you today. Consider memorizing one of the following verses or
passages this week.
Day 1: Genesis 1:26–27; 2:7; 1:31
Day 2: Psalm 139:13–16
Day 3: Isaiah 49:15–16a
Day 4: 1 John 3:1a
Day 5: Jeremiah 31:3b; 29:11–13
Use these questions to guide your journaling (feel free to use the space below), your prayers to
God, or a dinnertime conversation with friends or family.

I think the most amazing part of God’s creation is. . .

I feel most connected with God at: (circle one) morning/daytime/ evening/nighttime because. . .

The most beautiful place I’ve seen is_________________________ because. . .

I still see God actively creating when. . .

I am thankful for these natural talents and attributes that God created in me:

I was created in the image of a creative God, and I feel God’s pleasure when I. . .
(Examples: write, cook, take photos, build web pages, lead team meetings, restore cars, run, care for a sick
person, garden, play music, build something, decorate, play ball, etc.)
Consider implementing one of these ideas as a way to live out the concept of CREATE this week.
Change your computer desktop wallpaper, screensaver, or phone wallpaper to a favorite nature
photo. Imagine that scene at the dawn of creation, with God’s very words speaking it into
existence. Let this image expand your understanding of God’s creative nature.
Spend five minutes outdoors today. Observe the active creation visible even in the throes of winter.
Watch for ways God is actively creating in your life, as well. His attention and devotion are ever
upon you.
Dedicate some purposeful time this week to use the creativity God designed in you. Paint, bake,
lead a team exercise at work, plan your summer garden, play the neglected musical instrument
in your closet, write a poem, rearrange a room, tinker under the hood of your car, plot your next
building project. Savor and use the creative gifts God has given you. Feel His pleasure as you use
your God-given creativity.
Listen to “Creation Song” (© 2002 EverDevoted/Kristi Anna Music) by Matt and Kristi
Lundgren. (You may also download it onto your MP3 player by right-clicking the song’s link on
the Easter Devotional homepage). Let the music and lyrics be part of your worship experience this

A Psalm of Creation

O Lord, our Lord,

how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
You have set Your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants
You have ordained praise because of Your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which You have set in place,
what is man that You are mindful of him,
the son of man that You care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of Your hands;
You put everything under his feet:
all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
—Psalm 8

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