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Population: 3rd grade, Native English Speakers, Beginner ELL’s

Class: Language Arts

Activity Type: Individual, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Comprehension

1. SWBAT recognize prepositions within a sentence.
2 .SWBAT construct sentences with prepositional phrases using the simple present verb


1. Technology Communications Tools 3-5: Use basic telecommunication tools (e.g., e-mail,
WebQuests, IM, blogs, chat rooms, web conferencing) for collaborative projects with
other student
2. Technology Productivity Tools 3-5: use a variety of technology tools and applications to
promote creativity

Duration: 90 minutes (Two 45 minute classes)

1. Chair
2. Puppet
3. Mini-neighborhood
4. Chart of prepositions/form chart
5. Teacher computer with projector
6. Computer access for all students with internet access (day two)


Time Description
(out of
Day One Whole class activity; presentation of prepositions
1. T will pass out a note card to each student. Each note card will have a
0:00-15:00 preposition written on it.
2. Students will come in front of the class and act out what their
preposition is with a chair. For example, for under, the student would lay
under the chair.
3. T will write the prepositions on the board as students act them out.
4. T will identify the words on the board as prepositions. Identify definition
of preposition.
a. Prepositions are words that indicate location in the physical world
(write on board). For example, the words on the board described
your location with chair. For example, (insert student name) was
under the chair. Under is our preposition here. It told us the location
of (insert student name). They are also used to show location in time.
For example, (T writes examples on board)
1. At midnight, the clock rings 12 times.
2. In the spring, flowers bloom.
3. During the winter it is very cold.
The first one, at is the preposition, it shows when something
occurred in time (T circles at). Have students identify prepositions in
other examples.
5. T asks students if they can think of any prepositions to add to the list on
the board.

Inductive presentation of prepositional phrases and prepositions

15:00 – 1. There is a model set up at the front of the classroom.
30:00 2. T uses model and puppets to act out the following story, emphasizing
prepositions within the sentences.
Model story to students:
Jimmy lives IN this house.
Susie is Jimmy’s friend.
She lives BEHIND Jimmy NEAR the park.
Jimmy sits ON his bike.
Together they ride PAST the mailbox OVER the bridge TOWARD the park.
They pedal UP the hill.
They race DOWN the hill.
They ride INTO the park.
They climb ON TOP OF the slide.
3. T explains form of a preposition; a preposition is the head, meaning it
comes before the noun phrase and is used to describe the temporary and
spatial relationship between the subject and the noun phrase.
4. Such as, Sally is inside the house. Inside is the preposition because it
precedes the noun phrase, the house.
5. Talk about the chart being placed on the front board showing preposition
+ noun phrase = prepositional phrase.
6. Discuss sentences from previous story to show form. Example, Jimmy
lives IN this house.
7. T writes IN + the house =prepositional phrase on board.
8. Have class discuss this for all the sentences of the story and write on the
board. (speaking)

30:00-35:00 Writing: Structured practice

1. Provide five different pictures on the board and have class identify where
the character is in the picture in relationship to another object. (writing)
2. Prepositions include: IN, ON, BEHIND, BELOW, NEXT TO
3. T selects a few students to share their prepositional phrase

5. Example: The lady is NEXT TO the for sale sign.
6. Students will be able to recognize where objects are in relationship to
other objects.
35:00-45:00 Talk about the location of objects using prepositions
1. Work with a partner to describe the location of objects in the room. Have
each group share their sentences by writing them on the board. One
partner verbally shares the sentence and the other partner identifies the
preposition to the class.
Day Two Review
0:00-5:00 1. T will review prepositions from day before.
a. Go over meaning of prepositions
b. Have students identify examples of prepositions, add to list
c. Review form in writing, look at students’ sentences from day one
as a class.
Individual Practice
5:00-45:00 1. Students will log into the class storybird account. They will log in under
their user name.
2. Students will choose a set of illustrations to inspire their writing.
3. Students will create a 10+ page book. They will write sentences to go
with each picture they choose in their book. The sentences should include
prepositions to describe what is in the picture.
4. Students will read their preposition stories to a partner.
5. Students will have access to read their classmates stories through
storybird. Students will access their partner’s story and list the 10+
prepositions that were used in the story. Students will post these lists on
the class blog. The blog post should include the title of the story, the
author of the story, and 10+ prepositions from the story.

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