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'T' E- H N II . U E: 51

•... ' 1: A Lark Jewelry Book

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introduction ~

Experienced Beginner Projects .. ~

iii Iii ..



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Easy Bleginner Projects

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Ib~,i VllJTilH 't: tu i ,arad.i.s.~~ rh l,'"rll'h (~a 'l'.~~ ~te~n'[ls evuke

] uritv, ~!I.I;1 b,tt",' tion. ~llId L_ganl"'~ '!\'h~_;- h -r ,~'t'.,- rr~L~ill.}1;

I I ~ tWO '~~ II 'I f~1 C~_ f LlJ 1 a ~ ~ {- i {' 'I l'~ t-' III ~ ~ )( ... t . 'I ~ ~ i l n Ii 'er ~ ,'.~ I r' II' H' ~ ~ t.q n .I -

bcllishiuc' a 111-' ii rvul queeu's h{\.ldpic(~l'. (, ~ --acih~ t ~~ neck ll"'1 T'1I1l\\d\ ,~t· rlcr. Ihc~ have \"ii,rh.~~--;nd Ila~lI;(n'":-, tcstnltimc.

Manv le'~l'u ~ hrr\ \\'~ -ru en I ~ a ve ~ n n I ~,n Vt ,,!It,d r:~ with pearls. C;r4;.:!,:trol\'Ii!U;.·\ uJr '\ ~~:t-·'1' ~ u~,nlld' ( J,uk;c K'Hnc'~,~\ '~( ~rtl l,II,(4Ul ,a_.~. ";"lg'n~,u[Jn ~ '~H"II~I'i IIU~~lli~~. (:JLOp'd'~ fa

le . llv -1~~~( h,'(-~d ,"11,' 'i,~' vine zar and d I a _1 r,~ ~, I :du,n"

I !'

orr [; n~ \l~lrk 1 -Hhn~}, (lllt"f'U E~;7',d 'd~ I ' I l\ngbuul. was

lamouslv I~·I I I ,I" P':ll'~S ru H~ ". ( rc them . t bad F1~'-'~ u~ h -r

vi rK U 111 'V; j, U ~ It - rt ~wal L'. .~o I n.~ H ~ ~ I d u-m ~ ul r ! h · r .~ 0 V\ II S •.

vuu \\"~II',[f~ :IIH,\\' sl c ., l~l[(1 '~~~~l]. n ,1']1,' ,,~ei.g~'I~.,: ,~\ 'j',

.. h,:H I, ,L n. rhaps f he must iHUU .~, ,1 [;I]~;l~h ion ~'Ls;~KHt'r o~ ~i("III'1 ~nl urv, • !e"Lhln.:(1 "1'\ \\'O'Ul;~JIl Ill:' u.l~ r 1·}··~

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.m ~ p~ "'j,' '_ ~ H. ~H ,.

gUll If t-.i a r L I ,,I' n ~I j L II Iii· don L ld n G) r f( II ~}f I I j ,LJ 1 ~,~ 'j I" ~ ~. ~ r~ I't'· c: n ~ II ~ I V ~ Ill. n, 't ( ( • .J ) ~,(.~ I·) II ~ n, ' B ~,~ k t .] ~ ,I H r l' x a n l pie ~ "::1i'c.r[~ ~d :1 :-iIlSdl:il( n in J~' :J"i '\ III ~H ;~he pt-r.li .. 1'111, ., [ ~l- ~ h .. Fn~:k'~ R,··r/t~l'"t. :~~ I Paris weari ng 11101' 11'~ ug hilt ~1 g'j rdh_~

ol I 'll ~u a~ al I lie \v'~iSf aud srran ,b ~,[ ~'''arts arr H d

ht~l net k.,

}' S l.lt • .. ,~ ] ,roJt-~("'11 "'i i: U I] d_~ h~ .. k "h ,\,."; pt 'a rl je\\1 . h \' ] 1,~1~ Lhe r~b~lif\' ~,. g{) I'~[~~k) a!~d i]T~I,rrnal. tak . 'P~ll t'~]Hlt";rsl.ah:·d Itlll l H~i"li~ i 1 al '1H-I''''~ ~I hi' ~ l' • l' '~II'Hh 1, Ilih ~d:t·~ ~ L (~ Hllrl~·lr:.o I he (, hlS-Si!l~ (.~pp -'(!r~~nrt~ 01, I ht· ~\vi'l ear hn]t" l p·a )~f"

III ») r ,. 1 h-t~ t(' nh.:1J or~u·\ Iij n '-"~ ,) r rh,c ( ~n ~ _h ... ·TI 1(.: r-""'c n I,

t:,(;t ITi H ~s (page' ~·H ~). B u(~, p roj tJ' I: ~. 'V~ 'I ~ ~ ~ f' ~'\'C l' ~. h (\ vt' (,~) u ~P 1 ,t ~ ~ r ~ u n r 1. t-" mill, lC. t h t'1 ~ '~.

'li I nr~J k. " (hl· u~'l'rri HK'!~L h r'.lr(-·h'""~ ~ I ~ H.:!.' k t U_', ~'~ i '~1'1t ,I ri n ~'~

l.' I_~'ain{~d 'in th '~.~ p~ g~~~, 1. d ~~i,~n~~r~ ~,ised"c'l-- ;.;h,'~,rl.· o~ peil d: cu~n., rice. Il~.atn~ Ibar~ }q~ h~,. ~"'t i,ell. an .~ n~nrl'",

-·PI·H H:I:'I~ ou ~ h ,i~ LJ.'tt·/~ '0.;( r~u: ch,t ~t' Jt"(-IrL. ~Il . dt-:lr~d .,Il,~~tll"" ~ll I" 'J~, \,\1 i I i"h-~~ gfiJ,~ .. nr I. ~,'!ck~ \vhUt" 'n:~ ,hers opted

h r rc( rLh·e ~ in :)Hb~Jr t~'-~~-J-!lt p[rin, .. ; '£:1·) ... l' ~U ls pai-~ a~ lVl'll 'wlll1 ('~~t~~,d(' guld ':-;t.'t_; \Jar !I~'H'''' l·T t !nn~E.I·.~ p :n,tu r I ·n pa 'C ~ ,~-' ~ ~, ,)I,~ rf. X '.lnl pl"'~ a~ Ihex d 0 \\'~ f II S h i:l:11 fll'_.rv IT ~~:t'I~ (pagJ~ 1. 0 I ~~ vi HL~tl~t" ~~1\ " l' f'i ligrll'l" h~ n h IU~, (pdg'e

fKL ;~nd e-v ... 11 rl .~ leather r: >',n.:_ m)~~.!, ,~l - ih,1 ~ used [t rr lu:--J' L,ass(~ ~ paglt -l~). \Vh ilc [h, .. 1-(]c~~1 p< inL ur - h ' jL"~~Lh";

arc lcfiuitelv ~h~ pearls, 111.1,.' ~. ~Sl-~l.Jt'r~ ~,I~I lnrurp rall'l~d o d M.."l 1n~H to. rials, 1 n ~I 'I I l,hJ C~H 1 H~O pi r ~':-l sa'hr g-l'd from lh't ~h,lthrIH _. 1)'1 ;~"'\I\ "'11--, I ,')Xt':-t II J l'('~l )L'r 'Wfl~'~', r~ rnu I. I,r .n a h,~-lrd\'\-art: ~t ~U'",t" s[1 \(",1[

It' u • k ~ h r ~ ~ It w . ~ a he. ~ :- t L r 0,' [ U C '" f' II I u ~' " rr b"l d n t" X pla~ II h q,', I i It:'" ~ t,'1 cr ate J. 0 )~d vou ku 0\\1 'I hat a '111 ( \ stl'l .a il ~. TO' 1 U _'t onl v ~ ~ n r two . {_~'I ~ ls ,:r~ : I I" i r n ".

~ _ {

\\'hi]~ the m lHrI~k..: U 't'd iu ultivating h·t~'~JI'VfHt ~ pe.~J'h vh'h'l np 1'0 -0 pcarl« ~~~ -01.H'I~~?} rb It'X'( ~I'C 1011 d" 'i·Tihf·~~ lhc rnuu.rials ,;U"J.(- "onls YOH'H lu~ed tu r{'l start. xl lnakhlA

~ ~ \1\' ~ r" "n ~ ... 'I ~ I h tIL '\ . H ~ ! H 'I" ~ h . ~:, i I h.-· ( l : 1 j Il U:' . \; II t h ( ;

'\ i'r(",·nrk~n~ .. , Hgln: ilh_.'t~llsnli hill )-, fUH.ll o.IJ-1 )C'Ul I, l'a lin~· ~~n ~'hl"(~ (Ixpbljlled in I, -tai], with lUu-~ n~,t;.(Jn: tu help vnu I~uc(·{:e, ~ a~ ) ( ur pn ]txt. II"~. a /01 u~, i h--:Il. r ) ~l'<had . hal ,·ll~q~'I.'r lroru be ,~u'nillg tp rul, nd th "'II rerer hack h·

ir \.V~~t"I.ILvcr ncccie L ~i.i']nd'l,h l' 11 ~ til, 1 r rit"lr~~~ i;H ,,~h:~ch

)< - ru '111 ,.' x pl H l~ I' ,-' h n i q U t·-,.~,~ ,.'rl ri ,-', '[ as >1 l ~nnl]: I pi n g , 1 r~ ~'t

~J '. 1 . II .... ' m· 1-' ~. m

i.~ 1 l\ m: CI'-CU.! qa~,' ~ ~~II ~ '11 i·1 SU P", stru ~1'1~g:t \V111IIILII

a l~ bcr~ldi.llh nuvice can ~t.L·(""iTnplii~ll with IfttAr. h 1~"lL.

\, hi'I,_, ': ~·ew f ,r tlu- I,t. ~j:., i Illig'h~ ]'1- St ,lU ,=11 ,'liccVhl rh,':d-

:t t: n g-r' l 0- ! ,L n \' n n li ",.v h 0 ',~ n. ev . -r 'i ,ea d l" d i I T ~ I ~ L -II ~ n () ., t ~ rl 0 f

dH n' .ar,· Iln~\~ru'll" In ~,iLJP~' Itu Ii Tlk ·~ ... dlld (_'\'\.~). 011· ,is. ('-l." rr- i 111\ '"~ Ii ~'fl,l' ~il ~ "I...' U ~ ~ I ;~n· ,t'n.

I ntrodu Ctl on '9

~ 0 t~ n '.-'0,. 'a V _1St () n ly I ·F I US[f'OU~ pea rls in B,_ tuihlf'S luith Pearls. TIle}' come i 1] a w ide varie r f of sha pe~, c ~ 10 r :.~ ar J

~. iz s, and v~ hen incoroorared in [0' rh, ~ 31 1 .gre~~ ~ ,1 '~i.bn~,

6- atured, show an amazing range of versatilirv, YDU ~H ight ie surpris d to find [ba'- their 1 iwcr as ~:_. design ~Jen enr is srr . ng, ranging an ywherc lrorn lending ~l soh and . lel icate whisperj' rone [0 givl:ng .3, bold and colortu ~ shou .

. A ~ J natural pe'- rls ~U(! prod uccd hy mollusks .. A ntuur.lll_yoci .. 'n'·i·~fl(~ rl'~ created W.1.C~J1 a piece ofsand OT or.her irritant gets inside the mollusks b: d\ :,nld the creature

low] btl i Ids lavers f SIll Ol( •. !' nacre .. a narun J secre inn H ~,~O

. ~

cal ~ ed "mo ther (l.f ... pearl," H ro u ud [he i rritan t ro make ~ r sel

Ul0 re' . .omforrable ..

CliOCikwl':~le from top i~eh· freshw'ater pot,ati.,,-, half-round potato,

.......... :;l\"!Ii h \J,II!...Il"~[I..,.!J teard rOtAn round ~ -'d' f·'lat· sq' uar e' pearls .

",,-III.#IUI, IljlUllllll .~'J!Ol!I ., """' .... !!' _·...:..·111·,. '1:1 .. _ I.I_ I,' 0._ "'W' I II~

"Jtdtur ,tl pearls remove ihe : .hanc : El· tor In lin i.:I. i ng

con i~'(~n[:ry-5il,e(J _. earls. They ·In: created bv ,'1 pearl f~.l.rm:'f·\\i"h(· insert a round shell bead [nshl. ,l 111Hu~'](.,

As in nat UTe .. the mo I J 'U_] sk b uilds nacre an nmd the' i rri cant" crc,arin:g.~ f~lri.-,r unHl .rrn pearl, · .• ulru,J'ing pearls nor only

ga'i ncr consistent r" 'und size: '. but oJfelrs the opporruniry 10 produce u rher shapes as wcl l, To do .: o, a p. arl El rm c ~ pl .n [ s (1 Sh·lreJ ~her \vij', ~r~n a 1:[1[011 usk, a 'It! the result L, a pearl

~ n th.rr specific shape. PJpuhU' pear] shapes include coins, . t'ick~~, Hat rea rd L' "P. OJ squares .. HI~,{! [ .. iamonds.

[' . I the r types ~ C rt:';H"~ hapes i nrlude A'ei, hi, 'v h ~,. h h ave

no ntJ.lens-,rrh ~y arc s;,j,n1p]y [be ex ~'J. nacre -rhal rm Y be

p reduced Iy a moll usk ~. .abc pearls, al Sf) k ~l own as blister pel/tis are pr ',tneed ~ y in .. crti ng a hall I· -ad intc aspecilic

fll ce in the' mollusk's 51 rcll, Ihe mt illus], produces ,~ h lUO\.\' pearl tha [ i· removed, 'hUed wirh ~h.1c~ an d [hen I ,ach~d with me rh, r-ef-pear] t crea e i~ pt~ rJ ';1h" chon ..

"E :C1 species . f m: llusk creates a li:~Jldy different lype

and color I f pearl nacre bur rhe 1]10S'f not icca] le ,.1. i ffer-

enc bi bers ecn .fr slnoaser atili oren .I P (Itls. rrr ~Jl\.-att r

mo H us ks P reduce pt:ad. l_ha t b ave a characterist ic uneven s1J],rfa,ccu.. ,hc~, are r 18l ivcly inexpen. tv '" ~ 11d~ e~ $) to ll:d ~ u read shop .. I. 'lee.a]] mo 1:1 'E l.'[ks make pearls tha '[ have ,"ll verv smoorhc ev "n iHJlJ":U: =: \ bur rl1 y~r. h., rdcr to come l y ,~~lIld rc often rnur h more cxp~nsive.

~li.storic~tHJ. ~ht hi~h~: -'gll~ .lry natural I carl ' h.; vc come from ~( urhc rn J '11 dia a.nd the O( ui ries surro u, nd in~ th

l rsian (;ulf [apan ["rigr!., d in oven U production for \ res oil'"" years, '[, u r ovei the IH~t sC'·_ era r :hin·l has becc me the

l~ "bQSt f r Ju" er I ff-"fing la r b'tT quantities and [uw r price: ~

ltl e; l:H~ad" made ,'0 t" k like ~ earls have always bee-n a r~:~hion option, especial 1) for c{)~'tUJ11l'" i'~ ,elry; Fine (_¥;laJJ pecMltU at . referred tJ ,{', '1t1jrJJI"i-/, pearls in ref .ren :>'"('1

the JV~'e:dl ter ran can island where rl ley were firsr produced in rna's quan itie: I are made of'1 glass base o vcrcd v. ith crushed shell c, ur rish sea lc . (7JJ~J'ttll'pt'{(rh ~ re rela t:~ ve newCOD:l.C[·' to nea ilers srashL.~-' -clley CO.nS\,'[ 0" r,~ srnoorh, ine crystal core covered "Vh-:~-l a p~ar~l~ roaring, Plasti. priJr~~

ar .: head " c. ' "cred v' i rh "p Iescenr paint ' 11, I are the leastdesirable option F ir beaders 1~1~~ a scam is ofren evident ..

TI1J dl~ ,iiI ,ish can chip .of: dlJrin~~ wear.

, "-

H your desiqn prlrnarlly 'f,eatur'9S pearls or size and sha pe con sistency is crucla I , bu y the best qUia I it)!, you can find. 'I you r d,es~'g n means tha ~ '.'he pea rls

wi I ~ be 'mixed in with do tens 0 _' oth er beads a nd consisency isn' an ~SSU' ... you can Iglet ,a'way with

a less expensive option,

To P to' b 0 tto rn: 19 I a,55 tea rd f'Oii~l: 'fre's hwate r ro U I'll d ~I top-d r] II e d eval, rlce, tW10 strands olf half-round Baroque, rounds, rice, Baroque, button pea rls

Natural pearls have very small holes, so if your desiqn requi ~,e5 thicker s ri ging' m rterial than the pearl

(:-'C1!1 handle" consider uslnq a pearl reamer to rnaks the holeslarqer, or buy the Ilarg's -holed glass or crys\a'l pearls

Peal Is come ~n fully-d' i I~e,d I half-,drnlledl and un-drllled versions. M,aKe sure 0 check 'h,at you're purchasinq "hi iroper 'ype or he project you're makinq,

Find ou how (he pearl was colored before you buy it especially i, you plan on uslnq ~ . 'or a piece of j'l3'wei ry I ike a bracelet, wh i ch wi llsuffer 10 ts of wea r and tear. Mias' pearls are naturally colored, but sam, pearls are surface-dyed and the dye win rub, off if

theY/Iris vso e.qlJ.en'ly.

Peafl Prinl€ - 11

'Acto re you ti rn bark on creat j'ng a. f:,lb uJu Ll~ pi ec,~ of pearl [ewelry. read 1}11 '[0 learn abo LLl all lb c i terns yo u need r,o pur ~ r '[ogt: rh e r, 111'VieS[ in the best m,05 terials ~uld too]~ YOU (;:111 ~lfro['d [0


ach ,i eve p rol e8 s.i I( n~ a l res u] t~ .


~~rrt)l['~11 be able [0 H nd i usr about ~llty ] re ,~11 ]'11.(1 tld.ed in this materials list '" r Y'I( ur local hi~h-(;p .. iality bead ~ b ( PI b U'[ y{ ~ U c ~.D .. ilso track d,( )\I\tn ~ I H:~S( rn, ~ trr i ,~;11 son li nc a n d ~.L ]110 s.[. rc L~"U. U h e'¢1,d s h ows,

04l"~1i er , B> if"};,n' .J'~ J~b;~·~· .. ~ ~'Iil~'ts

'Wa] king into a head shop -fJr~ r t ~ ie i1 rvr tim e is overwhelm Ing J'LLS L hecause u r r h,t" ,!) ~ reer n u Ill' ber 'Ir ~f col YI~Si

Sob a P cs, sizes ~ and [Y i) es o f bea ds a v,~ i ~~] b ,I e. IF y,DU : aJ ~ In love \"l i th beads, you'I] a~wavs be' overcome bv the ~\VOW~l factor" bu.'[ vou

"!!! 'II!! II'! !

do B~il necessa ril y need r , k,11 ow about r~J:[b and c·\ ery type :r~'gh ~

'J w·ay. The nt.:.~1 rl PI' ~ mer, page 10, (OVers pearls, -111e fo llo¥;i..l~g is

a b i r of in ~~). rrn at] on 0 n t he several ry p es 0 f bt:ad~ ~ i"N:':~ id ~s pearl S ~ used for the projects in this bOi lk.,

(~I:ystrll ht:ads ;1 re made fl-nm ~eaded g;1 ass and arc ("LU in: g. 'way that produces maxi rnu rn brilliance .. · []:rr fin,cst or these be~~d.s [0 nne fro rn Austria .. I f you UlSC. rh read [0 s tuch crystals i ~Juf-·

fer rhe crystals by sTdn:g:~ng a seed head on ei ther side .. -Ill i~ helps ensu rc rhar [he crystal 's crisp edg,e~~' \~()n'[ l'1.U" l b e thread,

1. 2 G.etHrlg Stal ted


Meta] vt!.llllJ ca n be m "itlL b: in e-.~ tau). P(; d, ~ n adc w i' rh molds, nr ha:r.l~ made, 1 hey C~':I,n.t in precious and base-meta 'I vari t:'r'~es,! ~ '11 c:~ 'k:! d i Illg :'"i rerl i ~1g; .~,~ lve r" go ~d -filled, s i l,-, ver- d tl d go]d~p hl'te,d (over hrass), verrnei I; {go1 d over ,..')~erHng silver), brass, and pewter,

~St!('t{ btarh are ;~m'~t I J gi~t3~ heads tt rade hy ell [ti. ng Ion g~ rh i, n tubes If gb1J.s~, 1 nro tiny pieces, "The most Lon11TiHJn ·.~tf.es a lie herween

G~ and 14 (largesr to smallest) and they C0I11,r, i'l:1 ~] vast ;Irray of colors" 'Lhey are primarily made in tbt, Czech Republic and __Tapr£_'U J.rid come

in rh ree p 1 pular ~_y pes: Czech seed beads ha vc 0;], somewhat Hat pro R ~ e~

! I k,e ~I do 11~; I t: ]':1 P~! 'I' rese seed beads have .1 taller prof le chan Czcc h seed he-,.;u:i!) ';;1 r]_d are 1:;J.i r:~y un ~ ((linn lrom ~ cad u head; and cylinder beads have thinner 'w~l~,ls than other s~ed beads ,;JJ'ld are very lIT.1 i orrn in shape,


Gettlr'9 Started 13

'"enr;,lj}r,{.~ci()UJ' tone be; ttl: o me in 'very

" ize ~' nd .' hapt: im ag i nab It: ; '11'"1 k o 1- any pa rticuls r lund c,). f sem i precious t{u i 'li and there's b und to be a bead] ~:t,:1 r our 0 ~ . The [} pt~ ~ us dill thi- [lOt" k. (rounds and hut-

n 'n ) are fairlv easv to 'hnd~ Most c' erv stone bt::li:ild is hewn

. ~ ~ ~

by ha.l U" and r be' ,I .. ices rallge fn', m pennies apiece. 0 I llp~

dep _ nding on rhe nvalh=Jlbiliry'~ g,l"~lde, and CU'[ 0+ the stone.

14- 'Getting Starred

The materia] on wh ich ~,O~, srring b.Li~:U., i cru, ial to th, lng, good-JOt king lHe 0' a pleD of [ewelry ] :al .. c\ sure [ use the I '~~'Opef c ype 'to k,e 'r y< ur CIT trion ~,( eking g' 'e.a[ or ye.ar~ to come.

Ii:, {/ d'i ng lin f $I Is", 1 kn ~ ~ \.LV n a s bra ided t/lrea.d \' as de ': '.c 1. 0 p ed bv the ~-is;'l lng ind ust rv, 1[1 ;~' hraid d n vl n tI rcad rh t t':",,-

. ~ ~

',_ xrrcmely ~u"()l1g and durable. can he knotted, and is a gre.·t choice FC)J, ,\/{J'j-, {'~n ~ w'i rh crvsta! beads bees us" i r dIO,~Sl1'[

... ,,;

ab ~.":de' easi I y. II]s general ~y ~a vail::l~~' le j n 'l r -,a [ wh ~ n:"; n1,O'S$. and dark gr," y and comes i n 6~ 'o b-pound :te.: r 'V!lC~g,~ 1I'L,. .ur this llVP", oflhrcau wirh c.hih.l~ ize,d h usehold S(~S~OlS,

II -

(.:'IlJ:rrin,g 11: with embroidery scissors wH:1 [10·[ onlv (luB' rhc

L ~

'I- [, des bu r will .ils make a hal ,I CUL

Beadine tbread is i: verv nliablc ~hrta J ~ade()rnyl n, It',

I!'] - ... flo

!air'ly !H tong and comes in dn/.ens or colors, Sornc b ~.;t(.r ng

d ire a d!'t. .orn e pre wax ed ur i:' yo. u r ~ d I l:'~ '1'· t "

-, ,'al it libcr:JIUy with wax or d, read c mdirinner pag~ ] 9),

Flexihle ~ttldb~g toire is primarily used F[~'r ~,tii n gll1g beads,

'1" d 'I~ - J - I f

~ [,''l r'h I ~l'l "J,.!!' )'t t"l vi ..... t·; n~ - tr l"'\"Z- ~ -[1 l.' J_ rt: ~-r~l n I" ~ l\' 'r,'1 'n V· ," r- .. ,; ~ 'I]

.;j, .,.I, '1;,), I!;. L ..... 'l., :F!l. y.~ :._;I ~ .. ,~! , ' ... j_, i!;p -' .;) .. .i J, ..J' I!. ~'!!, 'I;;,:,s, ~ ~" .~ "',~;!U -

~ ~ ~

less $~et'~ wires ro,g~(her that '[hen receive ,~ nylon coating, Secure rhis rype of wire with crimp beads (pag.r ] '8}~

L f/her t()'r,/ COll1'~, ~ n rna nv cn,I'~~fS and widths, Much of


the cord on the marker today isn't really even leather but

at rvne of svntheric, l.lse scissors. to cut [he end o,flc3.tllcr

i .r" •

MetrJ/ r~ iff i~ used i 11 this boolc to r wircworking projects r~U1:g~ n.g Jro m i LUll P ri Il.g~ [if' ea r w i res to' ri 1.1 g ha n u~,. ~:!

corn ir' 'lin 0') ran Q·n ,.....,J, .• H~ ~ d t -11 C' 1"'" UI II" 1: (}I i- r" 1 ~ 0'. L ',: 'I (r.r... lr ~l """

II;.; , I ,;:, IL I, ill. .IL !l:il .. b"'- I!...!!,~. ~lV J.' '. . .. ,'jl' . .!! .~ U fj_. L .. ~ lJ'-',oi!- .L .. "OL ~,II L

smaller the number, the thicker the 'wire) are '[bt" sht;~~ used here, "0 1J can. p L1 rch ase ,;;1 1 ~ :n:y P es o r 111.e t aJ. w i re, but the most common ones used [0 make 'Ene beaded jewelry are srerli ng silver and gohJ.-'~Ued.

1M eta I Wli r:e

)' '/


/ if /


G,8·tting Started


;,J )..
~ ~
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.-- .17:'"' ;J •


Beaders C~.U all the [ittlll;:. pit: ~s-u~ua'~ly 111e[" I-tha[ hfJp keep Y(]'L~r ]evle':~ry c )~,ethe'n' art! .- .cure Uhndings ... :Jl

But tons ~ rc (. Jren used 1 n h ad,J d eslgn!'i as 0 OrC: half ,~ '3.

I uuon/] cp, las Jr (se S'i ~HP~ ., Pleasures "In ~,~,'2. ',~ ! [~_I n also he a grcal-lQ: 1, {j ng embel] ishu-.en c.

[ .. JjUi.l is made ilJp of cr .nnecte Iln p~ of wir .. The loops ':au ," nne in sever .. I fr"rnv~, includinz n uud, nV:J.L twisted


(~!lISPJ con n ecr ~!iV] re enJ ~ re k.eep a n cckl 1C'C 01[' hrace~e:r 'i n pla .. cc .. Here arc some of th '_ most common ~ pes.

• i/o.v. ,ill~p .. ! ave ( ~" ha ~r lh~L 's C 111 'r~ sed 'If ~ hl~ ),1 ~ ow box. 1 he other hal- l,' a I all ihar click I1IO rl111: hcrx HJ IOL.k the clasp,

Ha{,k,-a~ul-~lN: ,",aspJ have d ne 'h~l~J rhar ~ -h (tP~l~' It ke ,J h( ( Il!i tht.: ithe h;'if likl:" a tuol", H "eye," TkH: hc' k p'1S:-it'S 'l.h,[tl(lugh rhc L'~ \ [0 sec ~] r~ I he CL1S'F'L,

!Ii u/{gft '/tb]1S have on. hal F rh.::1[ 1,00 ks like ;.1 ring with ,a loop arruclu d: t , it; the rrher 'hllf;~ .. ~h~ll~ ,t:d like a )3.1"

,;v i rh a. [.11 p a uac ~ red [~ 1'" Past; rh (,;:-~ r d I r(ugh the ring: 011··: rhe bur I irs parnlle] n top of the ring. you've sccu red rh t" clasp.

• l'!sl, J o ,,~ ~:l.r~PJ ~1 re rel ucu-~J H I h ),~)k-a~h.f-e~ve LI ~lS])~

(bel w), 'A he; are sha pe ,I II i ke ~l / and 'Ire us Ui 11) used In ,·t design (11 tl has .. ch [ ] n l t ~ II . Il h:. r end, 'Tht" IL..J ~·l··l 'I hi (.k.~ int 1 a li uk !'. rhe th~II]11 .t '1 ~l'. L!J:{: the piece.

• .1n~~ng 7·htr-:r.Il:!)- .. tf. made t~1 (fa cir [e wi h a Srll,aU I spri t1g-,I.oj_d~d ~('vcr rha r npe~ls and sh u [5 [b c (~n-II~· L

111. v are u .. ' alh rru I, and sh uld hl~ rcserv . III rrr

• i

. ->{)nr:~' .rre : Hl~ l o ten used at rl ~ I'"'n,.j or ~I. plc c o ~ multistrand [cwelry in or [er to h ·.de kn ts" Tht') .u usually m Ide out ~ ·f metal J]ld corn: in ~- huge variety uf~esign s.

I ig.htvv~·igh t p I.~CCS~

Gel Ing Sta ed 17

Cri, .lp tub 1. ~lJtd rim]» heads .;~ re used to .on leer he· din~ wire to a fi ndi ng. C,ee ~l~lge ~ H r ~ ~.t;:.at~~:n ~ ow [11 u~,e rh esc

f" d' ) .. l u' j ~ ~ k rj.

I I . - ,,-. .... [.s'. ," - " :. ~. II I' JIJ. '." . ~ ( :- 1 , II -" [ _ .

1[1' .Iug r . ~LL.IIl1Jp L }VeIS art , so U.; D· ~ n :1 ~ . r L -. 1,. Y

af,e !bl. ads Ill . .I;Jr OPl~,Tl ani. I rhen close aver c il'I]P beads Ln .hi:1 ~ [the .In .

........ ..
"I! ,tl.n!"i~~p:ft nt{iJigi I~f~ the metal p icces vou usc L() ~JJ [Tach an earring de' i~n' !" lill earlobe '1 hey include ~ lump ring~ H:1:. ~O)P onto VJh ich you can ~lldd ·.~U1 ~;U'I' ]ug lh~ngh~. JJu~y come in uifF'eT-e'nl r sha rt:~· incl LlLdirrt;1 Frenel ea r uiires. wh ~ ch ilo. .. k likt U psi dc-dr ',I n LJ shapes: and le1.~r~?" ~ lfk._. which a rc much like Frcnclt ear wires hur[ have ~ saferv catch on the

hack '10' h ld l~t earring in p~ ·le·~


_~. 1(" j)inJ arc used in tb].· b, ~oI.", to m ~tJ(E IJea.ucd Ii n ~8., T11r~y

. rt" made witli srraizht pi- ces f\\.h·· with a imple 1 'If I :lIt [H1e . nd ..

H~'E,tlIJiriS ar· used t~lr sitringi ng beads I J rnak ~J~lll.gJ~S. Sl III p'll h, fcd pi rI: ~ r:·, .,_. tr~lif!Jl r

wi res with a tiny dlsk at one end 1.[ hurd heads ij 11 place. B'",J l-c nd head pi ns ~la ve

a phe r d L ne end.



Getting Started

left to. rilQ,htJ calUw·eWld head pins; re1gu Iar h1e,ad pins, leY'a pins

. tLUU} rh1.g. are ci cular ~ Of P.'·L or \ j '1(' us ell t' ). con necr ht"Lll }\l\rl llr~' [0 Iioding;s or findings rn fi ndi ngs~ They" . Ofi1 I • ~ 'pell and . oldered-closec] versi . ilL •

'~}it r~' ,uq:if. a rn rc sccure tormoi jump ring~ Th. }I are ' ormcd like tiny key ri ng "

~ --_ .

'_.' ~;O,fia9:e~ I ~ .

_ ----;.. -==-------........... - - _.... ~o......J-

Once you brinq horne your beadinq supplies, there's an inevitable question: VVhere 51 auld you put them? The mas irnportant hfng is to be able to lnd 1€lmi when you need them, So, i you're a persLon who

. hrives on (H'gan ization j ake advan age of he loads o bead storage boxes and ubes on he market into wh ich vou can pet rk you F S,' ash .Org,a n ize ~ ittl e stor-

~ g,e boxes in side la rqe r 0 nes, keep rn 9 si milia r beads toqether, a II arranqed by color;

If you work be re wi ~ 01 s~ stem of /"organitzed chaos" and are okay wi h baqs, tubes, land boxes o bead'

scattered wrlly~n~llly~ just make certain you. know wh . re every oiling: is when you need to call on i' ~ A g,ood 'lip is, '0 k

you're working on either in a small box or bag. L you wish, keep all h-e 001',51 you need in there. co=-tben ~lOU can bead wherever you ha,ppen to be!

left: to right~ t·hrelild eondlticner, beeswax, tald1htLe'sive' cement

Getting Started 1i 9.

1h _·I.t; • J ~ a fe\-v ornei rna .erials y u'J] need 'UJ) complete ~Q me 11.1 _ ~I • 11 roj ect j: n Be adi» I.! tu hl/.. l ~t}d rls.

B I Ji u t_1( and ,hnlld anuiitioner are u . 'd to prcpar ' thread ititc bjn~,,, .r Ley CHl h.c [p ,~. ith . hread rcnsk r' and

e -I. ure rh. rhread d iesn t rrav,


IGl~~e ~. semerlmes used l~( I attach rn era]' to ,n_1,~1[; 1 jJ]d

othe' umes sirn]: l;v u s cure kn )ts, Jeu.N:ier~~ cie If' t(:lh sio« I ffll. ~It and two-part ,t{}jo'~r are the rno lnpu blr 1:,i nds

ami' g headers.

Pntbu~J used 'j n th is h().o k '~ncl ud e tiller ~lJu('filr and

,,/, f bll 'k. Jlt:y 0" re I d t . bli: C' \'L"r. . ne t~ I,; gi vi n.'f h , n an [I U ed ~ 1)< ) 1< ~',. 1 ~tl r e : u rc tc caret u ] ~ y ~ 0 I ], \v t h - manufac urer's i nsrructions ffH th e,'\f p n ·d U 'IS~ J;S maJ1Y I r them an: poi sono us"

Safety gias.ses..


Maki ng pe,ld ~ cwel } re JU i rc s u q r1~\lllgly rcw ~l (-). I:~t an '

~ll '~[rt"' rh:::ITV j" w-rech, As with other [cwclry-rnakin .....

. ~

(_ {),th1-1ULl" plh rs ft:;'l tu Fe j~l,\' ~ '_1. 1ft are H,~ II ~ th· ... II ns kIlt: h u r taper to ;] p i nt Olll [he 0 u rs i Jew Ihis r P" of pliers als ~ I t me: .iu 1 bent V~ sil': USl:'U r~ };r~:tb[,in~ bard-tort ach P 1;.1 es,

!-;!~t -UOSf plien rt'~liITI: rc ia ,v~ r h ~I r arc Hat un ~ h t: in side ::.LI1 .·1 1· ave l ,'q uare .n[ }~~.

l{OIfJl(/~u.(j_ ~ rlit}:' [earure cylindri al ;;]\\T,S d ,~~, tuner [['.J a ve r v f 11 c '10 i n ~ ~

20 Ga': ing S a ed

:Kn'itting neeeUe's,

I ,~b~lph~~ pit. ?J atta h .ri 1l1p he~'ldb, ::InC. crim p rubes u

h: ~~,d]n~ ~\ i' ~,. Se pagl lB, ()f i nvrrucii Ul,~ n h '\.\ ~n u~ c 1'1 t:. pre,;;

}r,w~ ["1< toir« inner. ~] ave V(,TY ~h,: I rp b l'.1.dt,~ th:i r co llle to' it poinr. '11 side of rhe pliers [t"~ ves ~1 \/-~Jlflp,ed CU'L; ll:'~~

'h' A q' L H

r cr ~t' CL ves a _ arv or ,[ us !ll ~ CUI.

Jl1et,,,llu{ ni ft'le " or nr, r.lle f,'l(!!J'1 hav , vcrv fi.n~

~ . '"

tcetl I. Th ev arc used in rh is [,( 10k fo r smoot h ~


'~p,~, gltl~ _ es are irnp( rrt;.t n r [0 V e~~l r when ma K ~ ng m L' t.;t!' ~t"~\pe]~'Y. 111cy ~,)rOI' ecr yO'Ll r cy~s fi~onl HyIng wire p icces,

Tapr mcasi res an d ntler. .. a rc used i n rhi

b( H1.:k 1". d ercrmi In t where to t:! I r 'win? and I 'hn:""hl. They are al ~{, llc~'prUl~ 1;0-1"' ChLC.kiJl~ " wclrv lcng, h~ and b·,~.]: nJ. inding

.... '-

DlJUi l an kflit!ingu!i:,(IIt".~llT'C~,{U'''d "-C'iI" in 'ld\ ~~l' k to mak wir - c its and, (o'rn 1 wire iru 1! ri ng2sr:.'i :.,1, nd: t: '11' wire .

\1.1._ ~" h. 111 ~~e on· - h: 't has h rth tanc .ard

an I metric n .{rk~ng·~.


, - . '



8'eiid uops or 3lr()~tg {'/iPJ{ are used '["~1' keep you, r beads rj~on1, s.I.~din.g oH~ the. end of _\l0 ur s:ltin.gi.ng material while you bead, ~li h~y arc most often used. ~v i. th J. lex 1.h le I. ~ea(li. n g \v.i re .


Bea dir~g nredlf!{ arc. ext rerncl y rh i n pieces of sliEF wi re (ahout the width uf a plece or d1fead) that have '~l rirry hule on ~ ~I~l~ e'n.' and a very $h~~~ rp r~oi n t I, HI the other, The most p_~op' ular for beading j nclude En'D"UJh be'tJ,ulin«

. ~ L ~ ~

n eedles, '\;\? h LeI r a re espe c i ~d I y t h h 1 an d ] 0 n g~ an d. -,~ha ~lJ fteedtes1 '\'~~h lch have 'at srronger bOJCI,y and :aJf" somewhat sh orrer;

t: l ~ _1· m"· ~ • c ,I i;;ml1r{)lr:f:e,~y ~~ 'tssor: are very sna rp scissors 'V>V] I~~', .P~ :~ nreu

b l: ades. 11~e;.I a rc 11 sed fOor cu tr j ng b ea ding thread ...

nlf'f-f;td bu rnrrs, ur lighters. hel p ~ l('~ de th e rU( ped ends (r' syn rh et~ c rh reads by ITU;: II ri '1r1:g t hem ~ nto ~l fi ny b~ln .. Thread burners arc 'v'ery preci~e~tht') have a wire end that; once warmed 'up, can he placed ,agai:I1..sr the end ofthe thread and th e th read rne] rs a.way. .A 1. i.gh tc r do cs [he sa rn e i 0 b. but .1 t isn' r 11$ pr·e ise.




Beadinr muss are used [0 make ~UJT V'DU~t beads don't rol] off

~ .

your work surface and I~ mto the Hoor. Most beaders prctcr

mats that arc made ULL[ ofr.h~ th lck, synthetic IH 1-~t~IOP' fabric used ro make the rype of blankets of len found in h orels, Dishci,[ rrh S Of pieces or fe·h 'w'or k vve It It( )0.

Thread burner

It~t "filr1ntly, Is arclona, sl igh +v t~LT' red cvlindcrs (r har .1

I. l..,-I L ~ II .

m tal Thev ha vc r.~ n Ig j ~/;e.~ ~ n arked d own L h E ~ i, d. ~ so vo U

I L •

'._ . u m3.1~~1 a rlnz b" I,d to nl.


(:tach'r,t hoc k - are I]JOSt ,)fr~ nina. le of mer: 1

~ n d have a poi nrcd hook at I .. ne end to v'l' rk

rh·~· rhres d ( r win ) lin cro .. ·ht!r.,

Crochet nook

. "el blo . ~ or be' .u..i 111f),_ 'k" '.~ are thi . k S,J 0 '-;',l h ch u n k ')F I tc ] upon whh .. h YOU can nan] mer wire ~

[JLrill. nd dl,ill bits .. axe usee. t' _ " _~l[k~ hi' les in bead: an j Aar pi eccs of metal, .A s rna III (raft drill 1.s best suire.J ,- r icwelrv nl~k]:n~ .


~, is S :3 re very heavy clumps rhar arc otrcnm nun I I I to .

~., Irk bench. Use this rool for ho]dlne; pieces in place '\NhH~ U drill n: ham rn· r them.

1~(}lishinl{ rl{}tf)., arc pieces of s06 material that have heen i:nfl' sed with ·1 chemica] 1[0 shine metal.

11, ey can b L 1-~) u.n.J ;I 'l n 1 t 'KI\ t bead s h ':lIPS (;) r 6~ITle

j ewel ry stor 'S~

Bt d reemers arc pointed di~ rru rid-tipped tl 015 that. whe '1 ~ rare withl .~, ead. '-i.n widen the br'I"", Tltev corne ~11


very handy tOl pearl N: \;v,h i ell have cs pecially srn '.dJ 11.( I es,

PoUshing cloth

Ge hl1g Sa - ed 23

I[ rcallv is ~a' ' tc make your twn heauri ~11 pearl

l.-! •

j -\"lcdr m,,' en af you're new [0 be:.ld i r~g", her. arc dU~{:t'115

(I. ~t'.::,·in.,,"" techniques, 'itH It J ~,~} a h, nd~-ul {lull n cd ttl


Ji:JHJYil [0' complete rhe P'~~ 'i'~ -t s i I~ i{eadin~ u'itl~ {J,{l n·'~. J l~t

:-..eier In the r~)Hoyrl ng stcp-l Y"'S[CP t. ch niques. .1 nd }1 u H he up "H1d running in 'Il~t· rlme. If y( u're at eXr~l~~~f,~r;d iewcl ry rna ker, :)"ouHlH~e]_:' hJ1 d thi I s,rC rJ (Hl i 1111 pn t"r, ,n r i

t· " -' ~I :}ot~ know there' always some hiil~ nev, [0 learn in [lea li] g,~ md it's .goud ro h,TVC _J r, frt.·'h\·~~ I.~ I[h)"

'tt:C} 1 n iqucs ~ hal I'ul ve gone L1l 1 iu]e _, U1.l'Y in 'Vi ur ~ a g ( f

t ~· .. adin g . ricks.

~... kl


¥ou'U (. t lv t c -,d [I .• 1 now the 6 U )\~dn~ rech 11'1 U~\ .


to ht:nd and shape wire into [he he:,u,1'rifu] wirework

crca it ns f-~:-.~]rurt:J in rhj· 'h(-I ,'k.

Flu!TI. ~"U tt ing wi rc in volves HS j' n~ [be H:!t of Rush ~ side , F th c wi re ur ers r..~' rnuk rl~ t aU,SJ d H: wj re nd hllt s-

Piling c. nd sa ndjng are necessary f;~'r . mo rh i 11 g rr ugh wire ends. Use ,~t .ihu rnernl fiJt of emery paper to achieve

thi t )u('~ in g the w i re t, · ... ··t~l· n~ tt· ~l~ yo j ,~~ I . ~ check f( If

'll1yf rough sp' ·ltS.

Coiling, ir tJ,gh'tiy \vrap~' ilng,1 ,~:i rc ~"S l ri'nt~trjl:r u ·cd ~ 11

this b1oo1 :I()' at[[aching' nl, wlr t ;;-lih .rh I crC~lLiJl~

decorative c· ils. :In,~~ making lump t i ng ... Srart h:t

gra!-Np in!" the l iase h- th i cl~ wi re ~ kn.'V{t o r knirr i, 11 g FH."C -1..) t~g~ tlv in t InC' h~1 nd, 1 old rhc \Vf'rlpp'rng v'll c \r i'd- your

(n 'b ell hand n 1 m akc one W r.ap. Repc S] i )11 Y' iu r hands ~o ",10 U c~u continue if \·vr:-fr the wire around rhe base


wire, making Ti~,ht revolutions ,h._ 1 .• 1).

2',£1 Basic Technic res

ust like arranging your space for cooking. wrrtinq

~I Ie' ri potting a Ian I or eve I settlinq down cy

a 9,ood book, you need to set U'_') YOlJf s"pace for beading. The main thinq to conslde is, Vrl laT typs of beading you'll be doing: V\nll you need a hard surface onto which you can hammer or drill? Do YOL_ nee'd

'to sit lJpr-igh t at a table where yOLJ can spread out an a r~y of lal:d tools atlll'd dCJ' wlrewo k? Or do you jLJsL need a corn y chai: 'nd a beadr 1'9 mat to work o rioorn bead ina? W la ever type ot 5,pace you requi ef

- he on pr'iDritv is good I' ght~ng-you don't 'wan to co I1prOmtse your number one tool" your eyes.

pho a

'm'rt' sj~in~ Is ~1 re llSt'd P ri rn~,~ r 1] Y Fu r J CC() ra 'e io n j b u t (a.n als ~ be used tu ,k eep h ea d ~ Fr[l 111, s~ ~ ,d i n g 0' (f t hr. e 11 do! ~ \-v i rc, [,egil1 by usi ng rou nd- n esc p I icrs to make a small loop ,&.l t ~h.t" end (rf tile wire, Usc chain- or H~l-nos~ uliers l( Ur~l$q

la I~ ~

rhc loop Har within the jaws &0 the edge t)f t i'1.(~ loop sr ick s

out ~lirfhtlv., l7"e vour l:~ n !::FtTS In P' ush rhe srrai prhr wire SO 'it

iD!' r! ILl D

curve arr 1.1 rul rhe Iionp \ phnt; I 1) ~ Ad i usr tb e" wire's P is i rion

wirhi n rhe pliers so ,~vo L1 t.,.:;U1 curve more wi rr around [he spiral. Repeai unril )JU reach the desired widrh (photo 3')~

photo 3

AI'ways open a jump ring wi h two pal rs of pi iers, one positioned on each sidle of the split. p'ush one pair of pliers away rrom you /.' and pu 1'1 the oth er 0 ne toward you (photo ,4). This w'2Iy he ring rWI~1 be opened laterally:~ Instead of horizontally, which can weaken the win?. (You'll also open any other' wire loop :" his v'l~y-)

photo· ,

Basic Techniques 25



fi . 2

When you create your own j urnp ri rigs, you ~ III find you have y'e' another flexible desiqn option a .your tinqerti p5 ~ 'U 51n 9 the exac _. size and m ate rial you desi re gives a world of possibillties.

" Ti9 htl Y and evenly ca'i I a. 1.IS'ng th cr wire, a round th e dowel, The more coils you make, the more jump rings you'll end u - wi h;

2 .. Slide the w,'re off the dowel. S, etch th . coi] sltght~y to create space between each rotation (fig'ure ")~

3 ~ U 5:e the ·FI ush sidle of 'h e cu i . IS rs to CU' one coil 0 0' I "he 's,pJrng. f'ick up he r1ng and fa'ce the cutters n!e other way ~O' snip t , ·0, her wire ip - ush (fi'gure 2)~

'\XI]:r ' loops co me h t \VO -t rsio ns, .ih4p l all d lorapp -d.

Sl-ar . sbn lit' ll)l t" I-~: ing -h in - n rse plic r:. t ( rna ke' ~~ 90n bend :ys ~ nch (9 nUll,) :Frun"~ t~.~ en if the wire; or

L ynu re us i ng [he<~ op [I l !).,_. U re 3 bead (:'L~ wi Lh a bt"ad lan g .. ) - make ,a (V [).~nJ. righ [ . r the rc ::1 -~ . the be~ d ~; nd

cut the wi re '0 YS i: nch (~ rnrn) '" as in phoro -.

Use round-nc S( pliers H grasp '[he wir cn'[ anJ tll~ rh p!1 jet's un ril the \'''1 re rouches the '-)00 bend (J hOln ' ').,

pi at 6

26 Basic Techrtiqi es

1,('1"I}Jprd Ii. (lj)' by using chain-nose pliers r ) make -II 90 b nd in the wire "~;. inches (_ .. 9 rnrn] lrorn one wire end (0]"' Ji inch r 6 mrn] ffO rn the tup of l bead) .(' ph~lr 7) .

U r und-n sc pliers _ g:ra;.:p lh~! t:nd and shap til: wire O\tJ rh pUre' LOp jaw 'ph{·t 1 H),

Rero .iltn[ n the pliers so ~ he b. ,"([ rn 'jaw' is- [n the l( H) P

''H,d ... ~w~ng rh e wire un, [errreath L ~;1 rrn ,J 'I P .. p hor "1 I .:) •

0' 0 10

, se zhaiu-nose pliers )1 ~'.J tr nngCJ·. [I" wr p 'the wire in 3 right coil down the SLC'111. {photo ] O}~ Ti'irn rhc exc ss wire cJ:t se leo rhe v. rap, 3J11d use chain-no e pliers to [ig~ rren the wir ~rH.L

y 11 .an easily and !>j,ecurely attach a wrapped l~ '" ro anethcr j, )0 P d 1- ,r h ai u [1 n k, F ~ rsr fOf 111' r: h e lo 0 'f" p,ass' the wi re end throu.gh he place .. au want n' at ra h it, and. hen rnalo [he vvr~11'. 11 ~ I l~ II: 's v~/]I be pcrrnanen lv attached. C, e10ncy 1.'11""1;7,7: I c, pag .!. I f~,r dJ1 UJ ust ra :~, In of ilii,~ t· ch r1 i q uc.)

BasrcTeehniques 27


: . .-:

- .

• IL 1 t, d d- ~ irl Irsh

\1f'1 reo till rougn a ncac ., ,r_'. 1.1: .Y~ l'U. ve g.(JII- '1,l. _ [ !) I J'\N yu L~ a rra llgr

beads on rhe strinai [log rna ~ td~ _ ~ that creates rnasre rpieccs-s-

tJ L t'""

'h l 1- 1 'i'

-. ',''':' '-. ... . • o'l- I,'" _. 'i" I' " . If.. ,

r '. at S wnat [ .. 1 ces pr .. iLl let.

r .. " .... · ,. ~. .1 Il·

L rlmplug totre I~~~ a SU=,j ug~ ng teen n 'iIt} U e U ~eu to attach v,/~ rc

ros 6nd.ing (like ~'~ cbsp)~ Sr;~I!rI by string] n~ one crimp bead and rhe . indine, Pas~ [Iu~ wire h'~Lk di r6'ugh the crimp head

~ ~ I

I n the ~',p' P 0'$; it t; d i recr h H1, Nex t ~ ,~~ i de 't h eo c I"i 111 p be ad. ,~tga i r.ua the ,flluling so ir\~ :UTL1g'i bur nor so tighI that the wire (::.~u't: move rret~ yl :). 'I u .. eze the (r~ rn p bca .. d wi ~ 11 [h e hac], U _,

sh a ped rtu rch in ,jE, pair of C1"].n1, ping pliers (11 hi -~'i l) '~ ] ).,

Turn [.h, e cri rn p hru,d: a [ a "90Q a n:~l t ~ an d :nt:!\ rl t';' ~ l 'i n I n '[ he

Iro ~, 1..t n o:r t.h, .'. ; ell r l y bqU c tit: th e b ead S g.) It CqU::'1 P S'e'~ Il} U j. r 5~e I, ,r into a nicely-shaped rube 'pho[o 12)",



photo '12

"1\l1owing how to tie knots is vcrv important if vou're

L~ ~ ~

wOlrklng oH·:Jootn beadingl hut the .: klll ,"viU C0l11e in

ha '1'1 d V fo r 0 rh e r b cadi 11"£ as '\~;:C]_] ~

• ,~!

,Ot!rrlJ/_~Jl(( knots J re -ft} rmed 'by rnaki ng a '100 p wi rh 'the thread l' p,~ssJng the thread end t:~ 1'0 ugh, the .lO( )P1 ~l ud p u,~ [; lng right (fi,g'ure l ) m

ig. 1

Sllpl~nots an: u sed ~ n d1 is b~ n k f<Ho ~ J.cll."tb 19 hea> led \'V ire

rrochet. l-orm ~J [()OS(, ovcrh and knlt],l (a1)~ ~,v~) ;. h:l tr 'lle~~J re you t~gh ten ir. use a crochet hook to catch ,~_I s mall ~oor of the saingjj],g material (f!,gJ rre ,2.J 11]'1 d P;t I ~ ~ it th 'I'lt n,:l;gh tht' l:t!E:Jll rer o f Lb ~ k n o ,[ ( Jig u re :3).

'sqUri"P RU()tJ arc Iorrued h..v ~i-nn .rn~l.ki: I1g d n overhand knor, dgbt end over lle:·fi en d, ;~1 n d ~l.n ish'~ ng wi rh anot her overband kJ:lfJ t~ this ~ ixu; lef ~~ ul over d.g.h I en d (Hgl'l.n~' 4 J "'

u rgenu} If,t ots ",,1J"~ 'L:X tre m ely ,,"~. c u r.e ~ q U a r - k'ncrf~ ~ 'Th ey a H:" bask:a.Hy made the same 'Vv'~~.y ,~]S ~i ~tpl:l re kn(J'[, but 'when

}?OU make y(~'ur E rs R ove rhand Ii\..no .j '\Nf21P the thread around itself a, 1:'\1\1 times before passing it through the ~n()p. Pt n il~ll

. he knot with another overhand knot and pull righr

( ]gu.f"e )).

fig" 5

, )fF ... ] go Ill; bcadirl.~1 r~~r)-o a jarg.~ arnlly o beading .cchniques tha don [ requirea 10 nn h)[ create a : rnooth . t:lbdc" 0' ~~e~d b''_''Jds-Ju~s[;Jt needle and - hread, "Ihere

are d zens of \V'~.Y~· . stitch beads C)D' rher, bu r y 11.'H

n~y ne d It kru.\·r a ~~\V by ~ cart 10 (" srnplerc the pro]ccts in tJ i~ book,

SirnlLe~fringt L~ ~1. r:"pe of beaded

e rn bcllishrnen t made b ! strm O'"i ne , Hi

~ ~ t'1

it J~.n,e;lh of he.:,~J and, skipping . he

. ast bead ~ 1- ru n g, pas ~ in g [be: needl back. [h rt n ~.gh rhe re: r of the heads j usr srr u ng (fi,611 H:~'1).

l.l1t/llfll• fi!;t~'h is I )lte.~l used [I. make a f()u.nd~H ion II~':\ t

for bl'~ elk or herri I l t;bo ne ST~ rch, Jl1cg.in b . .-, srri n.,gi I.lg .L.\J.IfI"U beads, Pass ~J~;n~lI,g.h the: bead.) ~_'g~in '[.]1 rn il{e' a circle ~uld manl pili late th e rn SO rhcy : i I S,~ d b r .~ i:~[c (figu_[I~ 7) i

.. r~ J1~ (, 1, e head and


pass 'u,,- vv u d· r(l 19h

the ·,;·ec{ 'ndl ~ .,e~jd

i .. nitial [y strung a nd up tbr-uugb the one just

stru ntg. Repeat [0 ~uJd on e head ar a tim e un d 1 you reach the desi red :1 engrh (hgUl\_'" S·).

fig. 8

i'tlff tb~~()'~'~gJ. means you'll pass the needle ' hrouqh the' _ eads in re same din C ion as they wens' s fl. ng. IJ"l:fJ h fM t), ,l(),t'gb neans you'll :gp throuql in the opposite direJc> ion,

¥oujve made a ~':(J ,f! af off-loom beadwork W len you 've gt~tcnHd beads in a ~ine back Bind fa 111 ~ and it results in a . a; pi ce of beadwork. A round ~5. crea ed when you've ·s,~ ched b sads in C1 cles, c ... a ~ing circular Of.' ibula

pieces of beadwork.

IA U''1J, or tension; bead is used at I he end of a workrng thread 1101 keep beads nom slipping off the end otthe

read, To make one, simply strilng a bead and pass through L ag,2Jin once or twice, Once you've vvo ked'. your piece enough tha the beads are SeCLJI'8,r you can easily

move the S· olf bead.

T1he tai./t!Jr:ca4 is he lenqth at the and of h e ~ h F9Qd .hat re ains below _ 'le irst bead, you s rung. The uJorking tbfCfJd is the po' ion of thread between the needle and the first beads strung," You use i to do YDur stitchinq ..

'110 fttl tl th,.ead~ we a ve th ro ugh se vera II bea d s, 0 n th e

body 0 ~ _he beadwork. tie an overhand knot on the thFlead- between beads, p'ass hrouqh 8; few more beads to hide the knot, ,an'd Fi r11 the knot close to' th e W,Q rk. You i lso use this technique to seCLJ re l~he . read wh en you' re

in'ishj 9 fj piece,

To smrt a 11 u thread, thread a needle WII h . hlel required len9'~ of' hraad, Pass' hrough seven~11 beads on he' body 1Q the be~dwor· ~ tie an ovet hand knot between beads as .. esired, and co rr jnu' to weave -+:~ rouq h h . baa ds u ntil

au exi from a place where you can keep stitching.

'~' tt1J ·Ilg l"l rough beads 01 an Qff~ oorn piece all beat .Iwork 'm,' ens youjre passing' . hie need~e through beads on the body o the headwork sa you can exit e!S,9'whe.re. Ke'e'p

our I n lead hidden by passing 0 Iy through aejac,en be ds.

To Ii ,··,~i}rl"f Or -loorn beadwo k 5,I'm" 'v oass through the .' itched beads more times than is. require d. This stiffens and streng hens -he work.

I~qu "Ire .uil,en. p.rr dUI . ~ "J

re I ati vc ~ V stiFf h ed] d t:',d fa, b ric .1 n v· hich a]1 l he b 'ad~it S'K e b I


side H· ere a re a grid~ ~t:ll , bv

~~. rl ng_!i n g I b31St: lT1W ,;,1'" beads

. L

It ng: eru llgh' [0 make up )/, . ur fi:u~H row'. 'egin the second ruvit h~ !'rtrin.~jn:o '~'lrL- bead ,.'1' d pas. [rig thrc ugb the I,· or bead strung .0 n Lh e Pi rev i 0 us t'O\V In d the head ius, ( sr ru n g.

~~ ie two beads j ust worked should sir side ly sid ,. Slri ng on brad ~ BtL IJI:J.S,~I th r. '- LIlgl 'h·

.. L

[ eXT bead on the base r .\~l and the b -ad i'U!H strung (figuft: 9) ~ C: en l't i n LIt: ~. ross the'

base xr ra nJ ~I stitc ing;)]. e

'I ead ro one head UJ1[U vou

reach r:h e end,

fi ,~1 0

Sran rh _' next row b, stringi ~lg urtt b ead ~ n~. st .~:rchH1£ it to rh last bead added on rho. prevh 'U~, ro\~ (as vou .l~d with rhc ~jlrsl row), Working in

the ,t 'ppnsh:e di recrion '~ronl] rhe Iirs r n v continuc acros I, stirchinz ~u. ble~ dto onc b:. au qiC!ur 'JI),

t-- \ G'

Bastc Techniqi es 3 .


- ...


Garner lots of compliments from ,a multi-strand bracelet that's, cuick to

k m 'V'~'" '.' 'I kes i I k 'J' k f ~ II h · I b h

make. lts Victorian-era stYI e rna ces It .00::<, uxe a 1 amuy .' reir oorn. ','Jut tne

stre chy elastic used to string the pearls makes it anything but starchyit's very comfortable to wear.

·.lln!stru cti ons

Cu [ fO'LLr 9-1 nc h t( JI~. 9' rn) 1~ rgrhs of co rd.

fi~g,~, 1

i goh:~eln marblll€f cameo broo'ch w,i rh brass ':n.iglre,et 27 '>'. 38- rnrn

R, pt:.a[ seep 2 hrce 1: . or; imes ro make four srretchv fa. e I CTS.

2 Li '. r ri ng eno u It ple~~ul'i {J 1 ell e cu rd to m . as ur (-).}1

inches \'1" . r c' 1). Tie the . (If: ends into three I":ignr square knots. maki rrg a srrerchv circle I f bead

. .._ ~

(b'b t. re l ), "'".r.:i.nl. I h cord en cis. close ro the beads,

Ap'pr~)dm'alte,I,Y '115 yellow fresl water peat,~s,~ 6 .. mm half-round potato

36-,inch {91.4 em'; length o .. 5=mm e ear stre,' -ch cord

4,,. :··t ther aUt' the stretchy bracelets tog thcr ,·t .' he knr 1t.. u re all in the same p lace, C pen the pin back .n rhe br ,It ch and pass rhe pjl): ' er ea 1, :,,f rhe

c L_ (. . "I fL • b k

roll. r L"U: [Drs 11 g UI e z .' '. ,_, o ~e tne pi [l; ac ,:": e-

fle _ 2

Victoria 35

. wh nl [8 . reshwater pearl, 8iVl= to 9-mrn ha If.-d ri II e d, h a lf-ro u nd

13A indhwes (' 9.7 em) leng th [0: 20~g,~uge~, dead-sctt, glloldl-fi I e,d 'wire

MKe"ta'l ri I 9 rna n drel

Chain-nose pliers

I it

Measure y_ inch « ~ .: ern] in fr.nl ( .ne e:L1d If rhe wire .. Use -h i n-nose plicr l 1111:lkt ~;] 9 l'' bendl a-t h;:.r, measurernen ~ makl ng !l short wi r, La 'j._

3'i] I'ur on the sa c(.; gl~lsse.~ .. P lace rh r (nIl perpcndi uI arly ·]1 the n andre I .. ]\1,. rve t' e wi re to' ,~1 posi l ic n

I ,11. the man rel rhar ~~ 'll hG U:' size smaller [h.~H~ )It 1(1 r desired size, '. lse one'. hand to keep the tail : ( rh It mea .. urernen ' wh i le you \!\r:rap the i((.51? wi re end arou: U the rnandr I three ti nes .'" ~Il:re l ) .




l( eeni nr9. th c wire CHl the rna nd e Its chain-n lse

l' !.:_

P ~ 1 ers rt I gr"asp aJ ~ ~1 ree wra PSi Pu Ll the ~l)O~e end nf

-J · - d (I . 'I' d J 9 . '0 -b d J"

11 "'i,NJ C B1Vil'jD·". I ie r~ unnr n.13 {I - a ',. . -. nl __ ~ I[ :l:~s,

nne ~. aral lel t o i];, e rn: nd rc] (fi gu re ~ L

~ ~

5 !I, ~,.~gh rly ~oH the loose end .of the \-v i re ,~I rou 11.1 th e [~1 il rwic figu re ~).. :r" ,HI the loose '\-v i:r! I-I )ISt" rc rh e wra p;. and u se (b ;I.h.1. -n use ~. ~ 'i ers [0 t i gh [en ..

. h' I 'Lng band's wires ap;~lrr crearing a v~·-u:lc.b (3 [11 m: ~:'Hl he w en each hand,

I!,_; II

Thf'ee~ Ri ng Ci re-t I-us



Place rh e ri ng back on the mandrel and, hammer the rh ree ban Is [.01 create texture a.11[[ [.0 enlarg c the tinz

. ~

to the correct .size .. '\'7hen YOLl are halfway [h. ro u.gh,

hammering, take: the ,d.ng; otf the mandrel, .flip :1'[ so the back b.~nd AS now in fro:nt.; and PUtt :~ I back on the mandrel: [I~ l, is wi ll k,eep the' ba nd s_:rrn 111111 etrica ~,

Ad:, ust rhe bands wi rhch ai n-nose p1iers if they beCO,J11e crooked wh ~ le ha 11.1 me r i n g~



Remove he r~ n g' from the rna nd re ~ i Trim the [aU, wi rc

1 o ]~ in ch (3, rnm}, I~la,ce' th e pea '1"1 I l'f] the tail to check that ].t~IS rhe correct h eighr-s-rhe bottom of the pearl should be Hush with the coned section. C:u't down '[he 'W~ re, .if [It;,tessary. Remove the pear] Cl. n d r,U r he hole with glu,c. ,PU[ [he pearl back onto the wire i~nd ho,~d it In nlace {Of one minute. Let lr drv on the 1113.ndI',el for

I' "

'] n ro 1:, minutes. Remove rhe ri ng from rhe mandrel

and let rhe ~~ UJ~ {~U re overn h_T'1l'L

,L' b

his three-strand necklace is a great project to highlight a


collection of orphan beads and chains from your stash. The

- -

clasp is embellished, which gives you the option to wear the

- - 9 ~ f- - t

1'1 - ._ • I r' , . I '-r

,0 9 e up rront,


D1_' . ,Ii !aner~ Jiane A" ' ::; sher

1 'I '-:u1" th ~ 24-gaug~ wire into pieces, (:4; ch approximarelv 11 'j nches (30.8

-111} r(' 11~. St.' ~ aside,

2~, Pre are. dl'~. p rrina :JlccnnHng, to the rn~~ nulnctu rrr~~, lnstrucrions. l)i p the j u .. n "p ri nzs, head p in ~ clasp, chai n, and wi rt' i u ro the patina, (1 nee \-, IU reach the n iesired ~Ife'c' , rc move th pieces and rins with clear water, T .. et air drv I(}.] ~t paper [L-~'\", e']" IV(}.r; ,'" 1) ] n't immerse the heads ~ 11 to' the patina; it nlu;~y pt:nT1~ ncutlv rerru vc the I: acre on rhc pearls .Jud mal" he surtacc - n~ 11.t ] 1-' an. I Idl' that, Polish e: a , ll piece u ~'w·ire.-hcliljj'

clasp, and head: pin ,~ ith !'I polishi ntv pad or exrr --n ne st _l'~ wu }J _ 0 ,: ch icv In t nri: uc [o -:k.

.5 white freshw:13t.er pearls, , 0 m ml potato

16'" ", - I" ". , ..iI;.-", -'.' t ,: ,,' ::-,~

", IgOl1 _ en ~~'·es lwei er ple(UI:S~1

8-mm ha ~f- 'f'Ot'~n'd p~al. ,0'

16 sernlp recious 8JIDet:eQ. African opal rounds, 5 'm:m

; 5 h1paz- and I'ight topaz crystals ln assorted shapes, 3 to 12 mm

, II

t{utl ,'''·1,- h wire pic e thr )ugh the wire-s r~, ·~Jll(:njng 1'11 rs. '-nlL:·

i [r~_d[,J.1 .n s ~l nd LL 111l - 'r~ he w ire ar t lie same t" n :e~ (:11 r th e wirc in t: - _ ., 1'0 4-1 nell t 7. '1 l t ~ '1 O. ,1 C1l1 pie es a n d - ct ·l~,i.dt~~

6 '8,Q;~ d -fll he d 0 r sterl :il n g} s i;1 ver j urn p r ~n.9,S,~ 5 rn m

Slide ~ !)_ m m .rvstal and a n 8 .... rn rn pc,[_ rl ,u rh e head pin, Form a simple loop [0 secure the be,-~,d~ ~ P'i:tl,-k ur one. iC .. ~f rhe wire ~. ieces an d make '1 wrapped lo 'l'[ - ~ 1 on e end '[hal attaches to rhe SJ rnplc luop you just created. ~·tring n one citrine nug~er and f{).rnll a wrapped loop "[Il~ secure it ((',g~un: l ), cr the dangle aside.

11 9!oid- ~ned or sterlinq silv -f head 'pin, 3 inches {7.,01 ern) lang,

1 '9 o ~,d-:fi I ~!;, ~ d 0 r sterl ~ n 9 s i 'II V B-r tog g II'e clasp, ,25 mm

Assorted giold-fir~l,ed Dr sterling silver cha i n rem na nts I 4S 1,~1 en es (1 '. l' m' rota ~

51i Cur the chain remnants into pie .es. each 1. to' 2 inch: .. ··,,· 2" ~ to 51. ] en') fo'ng .

.5~f;O'Qt. (1.5 Ifn) ler1g -h of ,24~ga~ ge, g,Otki-flll~,d or $icer'lii'ng s!'lvel'r w:frle

61.1 l tilize the bead design board to make ~cU ranlC 'H1] arrangen en of chains anu head" ":r'e't~ oC'btilld bci ug SBr to heg:in and . nd the sequence w'~fh ,:~ chain .. , K, '~t:'p if '1111 n : tl :.11 t his isa hrcc-str.md neckl c ._'(::1 'h

.. ~t ra nd an t e . he same 1 n~ h, or you can CIL:TU~ ~J lavered 11~, h~t

HI i"·ino, the unt . rand lower q rands off, r the middl length t- ,~:hafn~

~ L ~

O't:~snrr all three strands at d.c samerime to ,JC~,l~t:\'(· a gl(P,d disrriburion

of chains and l ~ d across rhe length .of the 1t:'ckh.cc.


7. U",e ~ [urnp ring to. .rrtach one hal' J [he c[1.sl ro the end link ( :' Ime ·fu,· r chain, >rrn1 a ,"T~ pped ~,', 'T~ on rhe ·t:T ·E.1 .~', nc I,}f d:1I~. wire pleces that arraches ICC ht: end link :J.f the orher end 'l'~ d. L~ Lhah'l. I"tring on the ·~'[ST bead or set of b~"i' Is in your ~u'rang~rnt]1l ~1nd

l~ rm '~ wr ppr:_. lo 'F" that a ravhe, [I the end Jink ·l~ th uo next .hain I ~gu·~ 1 . ,:tepta[ across t· ; rnple .e the rr fd-JJ,. srran L S·- one

•• I L ~ "l 11 ~ L~'I I - I d 1" II • 1·

1 ump n ng [0 ana b. t,[l ~ otn er Ill;'U r (.:1 t lle c as I" 'to 'H.~·e ric InK ot ['1.

last ,~haj' 11 ..

fi . 3

101 Clieck ~"r.[ tile wra JP,t:(~1 loops ~OR' clean Cll[S a nJ tucked-in wire ends, f de ired, use d,~' polishing pad ItO polish the chains and ., ( ,.ggl co.

Polishing p .. ds air extra-fine' 50 eel wool

Honey Drizzh 41

• Finished ,Si'ze

2.. ell r {he 2.U-gaug,e wire ]nUJ [W"J 1 ~-]JI1ch (3.! em) P l eces. Set aside,

2: st_ding silv'6'r .2.2"-g'a,L[ge'l ball-end he,ad pins, , ~ ~n[:h~$ (3. " ern) ~()'ng

3ot] Place one of [he rectangular wire pieces on the block, 'Use [he' baJ t end of the hammer to strike the W'~ re's face repeated] V ~,,~, create rex ture. n'j snerse yOU r ham rn er

. t 1. lif

bl )WS ecuallv alons both sides. You 'may,: notice the

!I. ,b'

l-in[n (7'~,6 :em) I el1grth ,of- 2:0~,g,~lU.:g:~'~ rCJ:lJ'iI"ld, ste r~ ~ n 9 5 i I ve'F win:~

wire c u rvl rl, g "' i J ewa y~ beca us e o ne si de 0 f It h e rn eta] has been hammered more tha n rhe other, To correct this,

s~ n11 n lv harnrner alon a the inside of the curve and the

.IF. 1l...,.J

~ netal will g ra dually SlT:~l.igb re n.


4,,, IU sc th e ale La ~ fi I e l ern ~ ry b('m~ rd 'i U r s. an d pape r [0 fi Ie the ends of the hammered wire. 'The ~n.~J,S' should he smooth aIld. tile corners Ifuun,ded,

5,!! M:,~1 rk a '~Jl1.(!1 [ d H Ol11 the ham 'm t'r'ed wire 2. nun fran1 each end. Use the hammer and S111tl]J finisJdng nail [0 make a dimple, ),r pilnt hol ~ l;)'n each dot ('flgu.re l ),

·1 he blow should be ha rd en nugh to den c rhe me ~1~ but nor so hard as 'to puncture it.

Sim,a II .' i nish Ing na i111

'fig~ 1

14~r1dh f1 -3 ern) w(')OdElI1 dowel, 4 inches (,1,(1.2 em') I:ong

Swinqset 43

16'il I r )10 U have a J rill prlL S :.1. vailable. SCI th e I J ri ~ ~ ~ nil" 1 r

(the P' . ,S make .. , lor precision d,rJlUng). PUl on the saterv gla·ssl'. ~" ',PLl L1 .lIn . he d ril 'I 11 n d ! 0' (: r thl. cue tl~. th, l,~ [ dirccrlv into d _f ~ ilo h ole, ke p]n~ th." drill J ":_ q : ndicuJ· .. r ~O ti]t" silver '\¥li re.

7;j Fne an meta burrs. r [he back of IL.h~ wire: .... ,.- rh hamm f '11, wire aside,

IB~ Forrn a simple 1001' :J~, th,~ end of one of the 1( '-g,auge win "],h>. s. '1. Is } ( ur rhumb r holdi he ]O(':P ,tg;l:i.n,t the At uxlen d( ,.\. ell ;~8 '),1 iu wra n. the rest

.t II"

of the wire h J.I f\iv': Y aroun d the dowel fi . ~

((igLU~.Le 2). Use chai n- n 0_ e p]] crs Ito

make :1. slight be nd in the wire . ibour -'}1" inch (5 rnm) Cn In rhe e nd ~ j\ kl' rill: bend so i L augles a wa Y fronl Ith

j nside curve, File the end ·r rh \~ti reo Sill t lell,

9.. Attach d H= e·~ r wire to the ham n1C reo . wire, Se a!' id· ..

11011 SlJp a Pit I rl l'HHJ a head pin, F{ rrn a wrapped ~'l _ P that a reaches t . the 0 fen h ole . f t he ~. rl n l rn Ted wir ' ..


'1 '1,! Repeat steps 3 t hi ro U.g:~·l '~{J :~.J make ,,1 seccn d earrl :ng.

I)oU.sh the earrings with silver cream 0.1 ~l 'f .ol ish i Ilg clorh.

• •

r~ •

;0, i

.... ~~,,~

This ensemble design features swiding silver wire peppers with beautiful blue coin pearls.


Necklace. .24."Y1t inches (62 ern): earrinqs, 2 Inches. {5~ 1 em)

1 S r10yal b ue freshwater pearls, 13-mm coin

47 -inch (1 ~2 m) length (l,f l8.~9an..l,ge~1 tviJis1l: d sterll ngl si I\,f,er 'wire

4·.2·-inch '1 J m) ~e'ngth of 21-glaurge_, dead s'oft rCUJ nd ,ster:rrng sUvel wire

F~ush cut SIFS

Round-nose pliers

Chaj n- nose pliers

6 Arabes ue

1. I ull d e 1: -g=-. ~g,e wire rhrough, po!ishing cloth L. clean :tu"d~tr,tl;ighren i r. . 'U 1- the wire in t 0 I L pi eces, each 5 i I. ches \ . () crni II J.ng. S([ .. aside,

"lake one ,,[ the pieces t f .1,8~g;ang~ wire ,~1 n J. use r 11 v i J i o ~ the: n 1111 nd - J11 .' ,.', p'l it; rs '~u make ~: ~rn~tU 'I.u P :-H It nc end, viakc

in _ iher srnull lo ',p :II rh t' other end ,)f the wire, thb time turninz I' h _ ~ t J~I " h (UJ V,C in the 0ppfi .. it ,Jitf.cUon 11~"HT' the first one (llgUl 1. 1~lo1dne of '[he small lo ps in


th ~ Hat -[1 use plic FS . nd make i me ro rati { n [0 real ;~ i, )IS:t.:' spital. Repeat on the other wire end. .hls rime Sp1.r:~lnng in rhe opposite

d irectk n s you make an S shape (r gU.f(· i) ~ Usc you r R.ugers [0. rrdi ne the shape a: needed, l~ei cat -hi~ 51[ 'p [. make 1 : 5'_~ink5 in ~tH. Set ~ ide,

3.. I ~UI 11t'1. l' n he . (5. ~ .m) ).~ 1 ~-g~lUr!t ',"vir, '. ra ~p on '- end i 9 I@ 3 J, th ' win in the largest p;1rt of ~ he [aw: of the rOB nd-

nO~'t: pliers and jf rrn J I ,.op., 1h . cut end of r hL.: luop

~:'huuld tou 11 (he 'miJpl lnt ~f d' f: wire, Form an . her ~ool"

rn 'he t lhef end ol [he wi re, this time rurning rhe loop :S( It curves ~ n he dire .l . 1 .. _ P( ~~ t th Ir.lrl ',' te, ~n~u<,inb J. fl.gu re e i gh t-s'bape~J clasp c'yt: 01 glu· J), Se L uslde.

I :nt a. 3 i n _~h ( .6' ern p~.cce uf ]:·-giluge wire, Usc - ig I 4,

round-nuse pU rs to F H1:"- ~ ~.l.TIaJ11.op 011 er'u.:h end of th:

wire .. _. lis. rime h('[h loops ... sh ould be on -he ~( .. n1e sl t:

ot the wi reo Form the It lp h· III u r an ... ~-1 ink at one end of the wire as Vt u did. in S_C'f' 2.' J~,- rhe larvesr parr ol he

~ . ~ ~

[aws of rhe round-nus" pliers to l"cnd the center U' the

wire into a 11shapr . 'U: l[ run l-nose pliers [0 curve up a

srn ~LU II ~ hape at rhe ~rraish'[ (~'nd 0 r the wi re 0 make a hook dlasI fi_fur. ' . Ser it aside,

!L PuU the 'J l-D'~tug;e wire throi ~gh a polishing clnrh to (1 an clulId sU'a~gh .'. n ~'L I~ur the wire iran 1 :; pieces, . ~ ch ~~;; Inch s r ern) long. S. t a id ~

_ i <[ring a pearl on [0 a piece (r:- 2 I-gauge wire, ,01"n1 a wrapped loop at one e ~l ]' tfJF rh c wire d,] ar ' trraches to one loop (l' the clasp eye. nrrn a wrapped loop at the I', her end .of rh_ wi re thar attach ex to 0 Ole end of an

... ~~:nl\., nntinu 'colnnecting headed '~i'nl~ t ~)t-links


~J ru n von have add,. 1 l ,b aded H n k' and 1 ~ '~,I:i n k ,

nd tb .. chain by connectin g .. he ~ 'Sf bead (i li nk to [hie b( ok c] asp,

11"" To make rna h~ ng earrings l a,pe a tight 'i-mrn ' piral at nne end of, inc of rhe remaining pieces o: 2 ~ -gaLlgc wire, Srri ng QIl, a. coin pearl. FOJ:,m a wrapped loop,

at ._ he srrai gh·. end o:~-; he' wir that snsches to 0 nc ' 'f


the S-U nks, Attach th e other end ol tilt .m_li n k .[0 an

e1. r wire. {cpc ~H tc make a secom] earring, this time

~ m" ~.~II] . " i h

.onnecnn . U e-LJ nx [0 uie car W,I re S J r rae . 1]'1- e

, p p. s i. te tH r' c r ion 0 I t he fi FS[ ea r r in g~

'-'7' I



Versatile to wear, this easy-to-make pi'ec'e can be worn as a necklace,

b I '.. b II B h

. !:.- .-. 'c'·' '-:'.' -: ..... ". ':1,·1 ' .. ' .. --: 1',' .: ".,

racelet. anat, or _ e.t. ,ecause t 8

I nots d'l p - arls "lock" into 0'- n- e'

t< - '. - " a n· .:_ e:~ .' II·.~ . ~::,--,' ~ "I I .::, "'.1'-

another, the piece is surprisingly secure 'when worn.

_- 9S1gner· Dian Ligh

, II white freshwater pearls,

6- 7· d ~5- _0 ,,' -mrn ro nc

, '9 wh~~~ freshwater pea rls, 5-m .. ' o.'~nd

30 ste Hng' silver 24-gauge head pins, 1 ~ inches (3.8 ern) I'onrg

'7~trn'c (1.7 m) le,ngttih 0' 1 ,5 rnrn dark bmawn~ Gpeek=styi te lesther cord


Wrapped loop (pag' ,27)

" il ~~H\ e a pearl 011.) a hea I, pin, Make a wrapped 10(,,[- '[It, ig~ 1

S'."r·U re the pearl. bur insn ad of trim ning [he wire end, ;Ir~eep vvra-l' ping rhe wire around rhe tn~ of tho lie"] r] to make a, small spira b .:ad cap (figure 1). NiJte':' 'Br. sure [0 nl" l{,e . he I. an all. ca In. J~:] ngle L_' rzc enc u:gh to srrina on to

rr ..... D' L

the lear ~I h:~ r (0 rd.

, I'

:Re'p . .r :·[CP 1 ~ using aJ~ of the I'·: arls , .nd head. pins, so

d . ., 'h' I d I' tl:.:~ ~d

vou 1]. Ull Yr,,'rr, ,., near . ng;~~~ oer a :1' ie,

,~. L.

._ ~ j\t the t'nd of Ih e leather ," ) rd de an overh and '~n. it that ~ ncorporai es .. ne 0'" d. _ dang]c!'ri in i: t (igu:r 2:).,

4~ S"'ling one lor nv.n dangles . nro the cord .. Measure

] JA in. hcs [, , __ ', lru; tc ~ { .. - em to S~ 1 ern) de .crd

and de an overhand knot,

,5,. Rcpe: t rep.J down [he] ngth .... c the cord, sornet irnes ' ~ul~.on1Iy strin ing on c angle .~ be '.-, ""11 krn :[S ani I ot h r d111 , ir corpora: ~n.g the dang]._'s into [he knots as in step 3, Be sut .. c to ie an the knots in the s: JJ1C dirccrii .n,

Lasso 4'9'


5 res e - copper f '€'s,hw'a tie r p Boa ~~ I 51 ,r 1 2"m rn A a t :scr LJ a re

S.'coppe - washers" outside dtame' er , i I [1 (.2.5, em), i'ns,1:,de dl arneter

'"'~ ·llru:h (n ~6 lorn::)

"5r'"~'nch (38 11 em) lenqth of 22.-g, uqe dea~ soft, flcun·d copper wlre

la-inch (83J3. c'm) I'length erf 16-g,,8ugelr de~'d s~ round copper wj're'

tumbler with s sinless ste ,e· il shot and bu nishin,g liquid (ep tiona n

,~. ~n:ch (9 'm'm,) . owel, ,nch~s ,( . 0 .. 2 em)


, 'l e an h, e was h ers all d rc 1!1l, rr - t" rh ~ s h a.r p t:·d.ges ) n the unde rs i d e by pnHs.hi,ng them with steel W(10~ .ir by rum,r"Jli:llg then] lOJ 3 II ro 60 min u tes, : Ij1 the washers and set thCI111 :Is]'de~

2jjj Srr,migbIen andsrru ',[1 tne -:_l~gaug'" Vflh·, by pulling it rh 'ugh [h, _ steel

vv n 1 Cut the wi re ~ nto five -i nch 1 - ',} em: 11, ces, SeT them aside.

3..,rdng one pe'lrl I( I' [0 a F L __ ' of 2~,-gauge wire, ' .lide the pear] rc the muldle ' F 'the wire dud center a cop'per wa h, horizontally u idernearh the p arl,

.' Use vour nOl],-dO'[111n"'Hr hand In k p' he pearl and washer in piac " as Vl'U girl' p. :11[: win end at1d make a ... harp i), nd down the . Ide a Ild U nde rm J 1h ti, e washer, Use h, 'n .[Lip chuin-ru se pliers Ito gL~idc the wire up through the center ( f the washer (:hgu re l ),

vlake O~'I~ i gh [ Wf;,t p aro u nd : hit" wi re as in ~l.

\Nrap pt d loop Oigll Fe 2)", U.£ pe,~_l th is step fn I" the other VJ~ re end, F~ nish sea tin g the pearl by nl~ddng a \\,Tap wlth one wire end: repe, t on " he orh :or side, 'Ihis wI H he,~ p ,you easi] y center the pearl inside he washer (fi:gure

J '. .1J~1 rn any e '.C~~~S wi re ,f nd use .hal n-nos . p~~f .to dgh,tc'.I1L ,-hi, '''\ITt p'" '\_cpc,al wirh

rh .ruai "i,mg: ~2-gau~ win , washers, and

!O.. ......

pearls [, I rn,lk five ht:".dld 1 L k j n aJL

'~L:t them -JSD de,



9 -

5- ut a ~~i-jn h ( ·.h em le ngrh.l ~ ll'-I-g;H~g;c: wire and ~" .

i aside, Use rh rest or rhe 1 -g~lUge wire t make P) iurn p 1-; n~s. in all. l - Y ·)lI have extra .~ u rn p ['ings~. select

nlv ' IJC n und, 'Illes f( r Ith:ts 1 .rnjecr,

81 Position rho h .. aded link: on 'the \ rrk ~ ll'l':~.,.·t" .,0

rhe Zl-g~luge wi res line up. U sc ['~V{) J' ]nlp rj'n.~s be) attach th t;" [~u'gc loop o~f the CI . .:L)p I U '[he 1efr. side 'Of the [i rst I C:'J _cd H nk, 0 ne j lJH111P rIng ( n each ~ j de of rhe

\.. ~~J,pped·: J p.,

1='", Hammer-each [urnp dng two or three times an its

. :ron.l an ba,1 k ~ . the ri ng. 0 rHi:.]l S ;., ~I YOLI h!'i 1111111 ('1:'1 g~n Iy .eshape II u in -hOI' sarn reel: nique as for (j~. nil .. g. nd cl . ·h1g jump ring!:'. .. Set the [urn ,. dng". J.. ide'.,

9 ~ Attach [' I 0 [ump rings ro th ~ rizhr side )If the previous

r I", I.._)

beade d link. Open . l~ J UH re ij. u mo ri nbs, and u~, ' them

to. C HH1(';Cl h rwo [urnp ring~ rU~l"Jdd~d ~n.1 d1.- lel~[ side ufd ~. nc ... xr beflJed link in the I'ilille up,. Repe: r until you ve ~ trached ::dl th ~ links, rinish by aJJ:~ng; lI1C jtlrnp rin~ [0 rhe 1 fr snde of (h II~lS. link .

7ijj:"trdi~htt:n an ~I polish tht:'I-:lin'b 7, jg", 4

. rn) ~engtl er ~ 'b~gaug, w in: cur iu ~Lel' 5" Usc round-nose I Uers ru torrn a I~i~' inch (( m rn) lo p at one end .,··11:lpe the I .. nit r 1_· . he !~/ r ove r . h . d owe] ] n a It J shape, l"onn ,·u_o~~h. r, '<Hghdy ~~n1an .or .. loop I'll lh,t: straight end ot~ th e wi rc (glU - 4), 1" ram nei this \VI re fltj l-ho, k

I. [asp [0 II ~I. tr e n 3' n dhard e n rh e me [til ..

.52 Circles and Squares

Delicate pearl bouquets make wonderful adornments for any lobe. Create these earrings by linking beaded dangles to a shor chair .

5 '" T~' g II rl y w r . .1 the to 11 g wi r ' a n II n d the sho ... r wire one dn·le~·· ontmuc r 'L~I}U the \. k. d"I,;Vl1 toward he pearl 'l n ,~lk ~ .on: <shape (,lgUf,t 2L · lrirn the long wire and use chain-n (-"!)e pI i ers (~ll - j;gh lea d,l,

. ~

6. " I (lk· ] wrapped '~Pf) 'IV j r h rh I; :-hr. . r r V\,I i rc th iJ. t at ta ch e .. ~ t( the cl1~J lit k (f on~ .bf the c-hain ..

: .i j n lin I.ll: In ;-~ ki n ~ th ~ W -1." un 1 1'1 il[ H1C. ts the hegirming r the c,{~ y~ rt.l t11'~HJIC" 1; n the p revious st~p (ngu re 3),. Arracb du . .: nil Iller end of 'dll chain [0 an car wire.

, inch (2.5 em}

2 white' "(res' water pearls, S; x 7 .. m'm top .. d rll lied teardrop

1~, S sri I n,91 sliver 24-gaug',e, h . aid pins, , Y2 ~ FI ehes {S J~ : :r:m'll 0":9

,2 5terUng silve, 241"g:avg:'- ball-end head pins, 1 Yl inches ('.J.B em) ~ong

2, site rl i rig' sitvie r I ever boa c k or f W9'n c'A h QIO~ e,afring finding~f

2~inch {.5 " ern) ~I~ngltih 0 f ,2:.5-.11lm,oV'~ I Ilin'I:· sterlin 9 5,i'-'ver chain

9,~~n c.:~ (22,.9 Itm) Irengt~ lof 26'm g,aug:e' sreI-]in~g . :~Ive.f. Wft@

54 Pearl Bouquet

·"'lh _ .re ,d1,'lin into rw l-Inch (~.' :n!l' 1'1- .. ',5., SCI[ ~', I f~

S \ '''_.



3 ..

Srrins ': ne [01 -dri U~d pearl . nit a pie. 'e \'Q i re m Lei

rhc pearl ~]~dt one .. third of [he v-.'ay Juvvn rhe wire, ... t',~ ~ s the wire ends at the top n r t h · pea d TO fo rm a

-' I

l .HIll,' .. .e.


fi' ~ 1

rs to. gra.sr rh e xho IT wire wh ere [h c [w{ ~ \Vl res

-n ss, Rene. [b L sl 'f rt \'" ~ re s 'c'

, 01 nrs traigh .. - U}. rom rhe r.p oj rh C pt:i1 rl. Ben J . he Ion g 'Y\J'i rc .. \0 it '"] ts ,d I, 9u" angle '~ru rn the short

v ire (,' igun: l ).


I it .

Wn~1JPped I~OOP' (p aJ1g:e 127)

~Olp'e'n in:g ilnd c~'o'S:~:r1llg rh~i~gs .(pl~ge :2151)

"I Slide a 5-rn.l11 white pearl onto a regular head pin, Make

a wrapped I()lop rhat attaches to the fifth link, on the chain (the 'Same' ink that holds. the teardrop pearl dangle), Slip a '~~111]t111 peach pearl ann 1 a rc<gul~lr head pln, Make a

wrap p ed ] 00 P' tha r at naches to th t: sam e ell ai n J] n k, th] L~ rime on the or-her side of [he teardrop dang.~€'.'. C'nndnue adding two pearl dan .. ~les i 0 each (~haln '~lnk) ad,·.'li ng one ',-·m.Ol mauve pearl d;;l nglt: and on t ~lei3'1:'11 ,I pearl d,;a.ngl,c o n

~. "'" 'I II· k (AI - U' l 1] d l J. 11_

tne tou rt 1 nn _., . Note: se a U~ -eno ncan pIn itO rnaxc

rh,e ~,{etsl1i dangle so 'lit resembles a Hower..) A,tId one 4'--11.1111 white pearl dangle and one 4~rnn1 mauve pearl djj~.l1g1e to the third link: add one j-Ul.rn peach pearl d~lngl.e and one whirc [Opaz. da.nglc· rt~ the seer nd 1 ink.

A thinl sp.rallinq wire cages a large ooarl, creating the perfect earrinq dangle. Expermcnt with wire and pearl tvpes and the number

of s ~j, iJ ra ~ ro·-: ta tions us e" d·~JI~,

~ - ~. t""" Iv , I., ~, I '_ '. . ""0' ~" . . ('" ",

~ol)'H find an array of looks at your fi'n·grJarti'IP's~

EJes1.iJner: J@~n r, ower

'3A~ il1Ch (20 rnrn)

2 crearn 'rrl,-' sh water pearls, V:2-rnch ('1.3 em) IJicJirng ova]

2 J' 'il ~ fl- dl

-' ... I" I .'-'.-[:-~ .," ," -',1"",-:[-

s_~·r ~l1g ,BU VBI' 9Ia,rnng, 11'n_, l,n9's

12=Inc.h (30.S ern) lengr 1 h of 2.2-g:auge~, r ,erHngl silver wire

IW1rre cu ters

C"" '11·1 i"ii g- w·,: itl'dll {I'll ~ g' a 2'111'

_ ~ I I _ :, 111r;;;;;: '~F'iIJI_I'u ,""f,',~

11!!1 ,': ... U[ lht' wire into TIJi,r I 6-]n~:h (~5,;,..t:. ern) pieces, Set asid ~

2,,10 ~l lee nc ,,:' tbt:', F ieee of wire an ,'I use n iund-nose pi iers -, • lnrrn a ,,' r\-- i neh (' '~ ,_1'm [L haped ben Ii '

one end. lJ~,_~hain-no sc pliers -0 s [uish the shap rogethe.r ni~, I re I).

31 String~' pearl onto '[he bent wire, "rv:~.a:k.e a wrapped loop t se urc th pearl,

4,;0 Con ti n LlC wrapping the VIlli. amun d rh e [0 pol' the pearl U'1'tlJ you have fOUJ U I Jive "9j:ts (6,gu~ , ,~),

5,~] -,:] .ake rwo :~oose spi rals around '[he pearl to reach the

-b "'!I • 'I 1 . I '" I ~ - I ill

'0. tton "! . ~O~ t It: :I: C.I11i.-liJ.J1 u er o: t 1Jt wire uown tne

bend vou made ~,n ~l ep ~,.~, 1 eavlng lh,e n.p 0 f the bend c ~ f P ~ sed l R g 1..1, rc 3). 11) des ired, w ra p the wi n:: 0 vc r

i.IL el r r" giyc rhe c ) i ~ ~1 hef,·." ,r 1).( ~t_ 1 r1 [11 a ny rXOt:',5 wi fit and usc cl ':1 i n-nose pliers f., i t~ gh r 11 the wrap,

TWist 57

A bold jewelry statemen, this piece

]5 a 19reat n I ustration of how versatile pearls can be. Notall pearl jewelry is delicate and refined: it can be funky and chunky, too. This bracelet is simple

to make andl wonderful a wear,

96 'fn=~5~wa' er pearls, 1 O-:mm teardrop in thre·e shades 'of grif;;%~n

2 'g'o~d fi"e.,,'h,ole spacer bafrs· 11 Inch (.2 .• Som1

60-ir~ch (1: .. 5 rn) length of .. 5 mrn clear _' astrc stretch cord



2 ..

_ It" an verb and knor ,at: ~ .ne t;f, d of OB:~ of the cords .. ,S[r~ng eigh.[ grctn pearls . _. the

a- ante , J . ::tIJ' _ :~l n '.' i. p~' ~,s. thro u gh rh c tl i rd b I lie If .. nc . r l he spac . b- rs, , tri ng ei ghlt III ire 0' the sarn, -col r d P~I_ rls '. rul p~-. ItJr!,J gh die Ii rst h 0 L Jf ~U1 ,) , h, r S iu C. 'J" b .r. _ 11 e the cord lends Lnu I thr .~ 't~ght squa r, kn .)(5 I makin a stretchy clrcl of bead. {figure t )., Td m [he t: la~[~ lJ Hit: [I t h _. 'I ' ads,

fig .. 2

31. R pear ~ t~p ,~ .five more ti r ies, each rime changi ng the spa. r-bar 'I o'~c~ mcrea te [\~.d.SLS in rhe braC'C'L'I~ figurr 2),. Bcca use there are six strands, yOU wil] need '["0 use

. t

rw J uf he soacer-l: ar holes rwio .

CllI0(ophyl,1 59'

A few wireworkm9 techniques a ~e alii you need to know to whip up this eyecatching Iring. Change the pearl type and experiment witl' different-shaped

d -- - I -

~ . .

spirals a-n. you II have a completely new look.

3 burg u rrdy Ires h w crt 19 r pas rls, ~-mm, potato

20.- j-r~ oM (SOJ3 eml) I eng th of 2Q ~ gauig e, silve.r:"plil'.ated cJah. wTr,e

10'-'lncn (25-.,4 ern) ~elnlgth 01126-,galuge" sil ver~p I a ted craft 'W i reo

11' Me{t~ure' inches (1 ~8 ern) down the .lO-gauge· wire lien erh p'rla. e

the wir un the mandrel at that p ~ nt, lligh rI)1 oIl the !. : nger . nd of

wire ar I md rhe mandrel h ur imes tc BIJ,I:·.·. at ing, b;.t _ ~ La· th wln rhrclubh the :Ilin~ base and wr p it around ~ H tou \I ire rotations to secure the base, 'I h'L~ ]:, the point where y( Ui ring top \vHI ~ir.

P"lSS the ?J1~b~ uge \" ir _ throt~gb.th· dng base below the r' ng's If [ poi n t. . nee you've rc: ch ~be middle of '-~L 2J-:(;1uge wir ,; make ty· I \i\?raps around the ring ~ .ase lfiguuc ] ).

fi, . 1

.3'41 S~d Ilg ,J p' ea rI onro the 2(1-J~au ,tt: w:i t .• I Iold the

~ . ~ I

Vi,7 i re .3. bo IJl [ Y' inch (l ,,' ,111) Fr. '. rn t he r i n g 'b . S e

',nJ h :nJ th "] re down. wi.s[ d I'· wire onto [0'5. Jf f L1r to Iive rimes n mak a srem U~.g;ur~ 1 ~~"'"ap aro und the base: tw lee and make ;.tunrher ~ earl stern. [{~'peat on e more ~i rue [0 make three ["Iearll sterns in .. Ill

wire two ,rrh_flltf I ime around one 0' the I earl sterns and once around [he ring base. se rhe same wire tn repea for th.t" rrh "r two sterns.

5. ,- :rei' re I s~ iral on (\ ch ~:nd 1. f the oLJ~I~g' ug,e wire. Arm nge the spirals .. , hey arc t :·n . ' ~frcn_.nt sides of the ring "op.

I· I

p-.I·.·I·f,···· t f-'·:-·", [ancv '.':-.', ' th·-:,_:::"",:,'··,:, ':-"~.-.,- .. - ... ~,.: .-= rd - (·~·I!~ -··I··'_·-.--t-I

er,_e~l .or·~ II,anC,Y even $ - _e.se ,s~mplille lanll. ewegan ~

earrings use plain wire to highlight I he beauty of the pearls. Let your pearls swing!

Note: You []1ay ~ n::ed '[0 US(; a bead reamer [0 n I.~u·ge· I he holes in you r pearl :.1 if th .. y '" 11.',-- _ ~ 1 on the 10~gall~ wire. If y .u d ,n~t have .3 bead :.1, arner, 111 Ike the ',arring, wlrh c' h.t- thicl est wire ; ou can g r 1_ hf\,luth your pearl ",.

1 Cur th win . .: in [\VO J~i 11 h (7,.6" .11:1 } pie: s, S, r asid ,.

1111& inches (4.4 em)

Huldin,g [he P" J in place, bend both wi re ends arou rul rhe t ube un '[wi' ~ rhe}, C "0" S (:[igure ~) ~ 'Ch eck r'h.:~', the pearl still slr in the CC]l rer 0 rhe wi re and rI':F the '\-Vi.L' endsar even,

4~, l sec ha i 11- J1 ose plic rs I[ 0 h·}.r In 1:;1 sJ i gh!t be n don each wire where til · win s crossv oraooui % l:.n 11: 9 [urn) rn1rn each wire end (6gt re )),'

flc 2,1 Ig."

,2, '11alv9 n die r ir i 51 ~Fre s,h w ate r p earl 5 j 10-mm pcta ,0

5. ·.,~ol-n1! ~t simple loop i t each wl "e' en . Mal« sure the lJO ',~ , ' 'e I he: ~ arne ,,'z ' (Ji.gU! re .'J). lJ, e chain-nos. pliers 'h. I sq ueeze rhc loo p~ oge[ her so rhey sir next to Cc ch O:l her, Set aside,

6~ U.·, , ~hcl i n - 0: sec pliers [( ,I tTt.1SP, 0 rc of [he " ~j r ''''1 re' .. e

loops', 'fight undernea 11 the spur wh e r, ,- 11 .. , w:~ rc

[0 II ,,- h _. s 1 rs IE ~ ~ L d turn rh e] 0 P t O~\

'W i re cu tters

Bead tube' or 1/2,-in.ch (1 . .3 em) dowel, , , junches 1(;10,,2 em)' Iiong

.J_elch'ni~ql,.;!l!!!llu_ellLllil'·SiL....- __ ~~ _

SHTlp~e loop (plage· 216)

'7 '"' i\~(a('b the c,Jrr:in,g finding ;.0 h hell b till shu ple 'I ()Op:~.

Tuxedo 65

These elegant earrinqs are worthy embellishments for a queen of the Nile. You can make a more understated version by marking just one ring of pearls, instead of four

·8 go~'d-'f.iJ~e"d, :26-.ga.u.g·e he·adpIns; in~h (2.5 em)1 lanlS

B Igol -f1!111ed, B.-m'm jurnprinqs ror rna ke your own from S in ches

[12.1' ern] 0'; go··fd=·fill~ed 20-gaug[e w~rr[e)

2 g:eJldF~'I~ed el9ln~ing filnd.ings,

ILlI ~ ($ Il... ....~, i i""'!i rC' o~"pt ~ oi'"1. n" ~ 1"11 Ilf 'Uw' rl ~IUI .:~ ~, _. -:' -_, lily" ~

V4.-inch (·6 rnrn) dowell; 4 J nches ~lO.2 ern) lo[ng ~ cptional

Making jump rings (pagll@1 26',1 optional

'1.~ :~l'idl. one pearl onto a hea.dpi n. M.ak_e a wrapped lit 0''1 'to secure the pearl.

Re p cat [0 nil. a 1<:~. ~',g pea rl da n gIe' in ,aJ 1. Set asi de,

3'1 " e [he chain-n l~t: pi i rs to 0 ), n a i urn p. d,ng. Slide on six pear] d.angle·

a nd an earring f1 nd ~ ng .. Close '[he jump .d ng ..

4111 p[en a ~ 1J m p -e ng an J ~~]P : .ix pear] dangles 0]1'[1 . it. Bc:fo re cl, t~:i n,g rh ..

jump ring, attach lt 0 the jump r~ ng from the previous ste J (figll_:re 1)..

Sill Repeat srep 4 until ynu~vt: connected f·,ur pead- dangje-ernbellished

. .

J UUlf1 I~I, ngs

.',. nd earrirn '.


.... eh:~rtiti 67'

The pearls in this pendant showcase a filigree button scavenged from a box of old family jewelry. The button may have come from Shangha' smce thls, desiqners qrcat-qrandparents lived tlhe(e· in the 19210's~

25 . reshwater pearls in various colors Sl~ ro 7 -rn m button s and potatoes

2§ s,terUIMg si lvsr head . ·'~·ns; 2 Inches '(5.1 ·tm) ,I,ong

VJ,n:~,ge silver shank bu ton, '116 x l8 mm

l' V~hH:h (.3 ,a elm' lenqth of " '" 9·-mm steil ing s,j live r eh a i n

2Yl-IOO,. (T6~2 em) ~englth of 3.,6 mrn sterling silver lonq and short chain

tasll,C.lc',r Iglass container lor liver o' 51uhu solution (option 8~)

C ha i 11,-'1'1 ose p ~ ~ ers

ROLJ n d-n os e p fie rs

,. r r- des red, add a pan nu [if) ! h fin dings. Drop a pea-sized ph:"( nF.I'vCf· f

'~u~hu~ inr ~ "It conraincr and dissolve II wirh ~R half cup (11.8 ("~t) ofhoiling water; Note: ivcr n(·u[jlllr 1~ poison. ·us; J.on~r handle it with bare hands, ar d d Hl'r employ d (C nraincr or utensils thar have been in contact with it . '.' i () }·I tl sc, . lir " I ~ the s te: ling s i J v r R ndings ]n the . ol urion .. '( march {he- 1.lar ina of rhc vin t'lge butt on. Ri n se - be i: nr J:~ ngs uul Ilclt Jr'y~

,2.,t 0 lC ~"')-n1Inl IUll:l1J rt~.g- II attach the bu '1111'S

JI 1 !.:;_

shank f_ )1 {)I]1 e enr )f ILIl she rrc chain ( 1 gu re 1 ."'

,-Ul .,] '-'Innl pearl our L~ h' 3_J pin, F . .'rnl .c wrapped loop [hal :.LIt!.)! -I C'S [D [be shor chai l'S nd Huk (next '[ -~, the burt n), L se rhe same method (0 a rach . an 0 tho _or pea r~ r he II h· r ide ( . ~ he 'm n t~ (,figure 2t Skip a link and artach another t a"f, f

I arge p~~ rls, '. ~ I in rinue i u rh i'~ manner, worki ng Yf1ur wav up Lhe chaln: use the' lalg.c~H reads 6r ~,t th n the med i u rn-sized on e.s~ and 6n~t ly the smallest

Ofl s, [,- you sec gaps y ·u find urn rrractivc, "~:dd a

pe,;-! ~ ~ '1"0 fill j r in, AJtt',r you've us ed II p aJJ the P ~~l rls,

. u r ~·tf 'LIn V ex _ ra chain, nlakittg sure '[0 ~ eave 0 ne

~ ~

ern pt}' link hey, in d r, l: lasr p ,J, d.

4· .. Use i; ~t;;-r.nn1 [urnp d.ng n attach [he last link of

. 11.. s] .on chai 11 r ! the ~~.p:l i" _ i n~"

Shang'hai Clic 691


....... I

~. . . .___.. ......

This nature-Inspired necklace looks like a dainty chain of flowers a wood fairy might fashion. Change the p' '~a'-"r"11 c "ry'" '·s··t""'all a' rn _J rn ·e··t· ~II

- . I~'~' '~:.il~! .~, '1"".::' ':~ 1___ 'I . -:-. 'u ., ;.I-=. [ ,~

types and YIQi.U can eVDk"'9 any season of the "Y:·. 'e',a~

. .

-. ~

Garland 71

11" lide ~. crimp rube onto a head pin, Snu~g II e tube next to _ he pins head and crimp. Str.ir g on a pearl, -~:akl ,f! 90 bend in [he wire 4 mrn [rom the top of the pearl, Form ~R s~ rnp] e loop s r,a.f'dng at r .ie bend.

I )pell the J oo~p' ,and attach lt IJ 1 an end H nk on. the -h~'dn ~ Set this hain ext II dcr .. ~ ide.

146 brown freshwater pearls, 6-mm h alf-round potato

22 size' _ 1 c transparent "[OPSIZ seed beads

12., . tring a crimp rube _ nt ,), " I. ead pin. ,flUg the rub up to the I in' hea and crimp, Slide on 3. pearl. As In step 13 I ieas rre . mrn from ·h, . 'u.)P (f the ne "r'l bend th wire 9c rh 'n make a lmpleloo ',~ .. [~ ish the 10 p

and arn ch ir : J tho . lasp ..... c,' aside,

,6;11 da"jc;~ cepper head pins, 1111 inches (3~a lem)

.3;1!·:'~[Je ,; crimp rube Urn 0 E head pin. Push tho tube 'fig. 1

':nugly beside .he p'j n~" head ·~n d c:rinlp~' cring on

a pearl. 1\5 betore, make ~:I simple loop 4· rnrn from the !top of the pearL· )pen the [DrOP and attach it to the hes d pin made in ~Hep 2~ between the pearl and the clasp (f1:or.ure I). Se aside.

b8 dark copper crimp tubes, 2l< ,2 rnrn

4,~ . tring t cr.IB1.p' rube onto .a head. pin, Snug the tube next to the p]n".~

h ead and cri rnp, ,',~ tri ns on on e seed bead and on e crystal. Make a ] rnpie too p 4- m rn fn.iln~ rhe top 0 I~ he' crystal." pen the loop a.[[d a' tach it

to the he3d pin added in [he pre·,· IOU step, between the be' d an the

.1J11 rL ~ oop.,

1~ - J,,(!h ['itS",c:m) [lle·ng ,h of 4~·mm M~st!e,d oval link dark copper ehaln

'W1l'1e cutters

51 ~ .. Iide ~ crimp tube onto a head pin" Push the' rube rnug;l:y next [0 the pin·

he<·~·1 and crimp, Srrin " I .n a. pearl, M, ke it slmple l ot rnrn .IUn] '[he

"Op ... the crvst: 1.'._-: en tb ' 10 )P ~ nd attach i, 0'" he head pin added In .hc ~. reviou srep~ between the b ad and the sirn pili, loop.

Crt'mp"ing: (IP.iage 28) Sirnph3~rQop (pagl9. 2(6)

Mark~'ng the jaws of your flat-ncse pliers to 4 mlm will speed the precess of making the necklace.

7.. Repeat srcps 4 rhrou gh 6 rwen ~~y ti rnes,

19'1] Cur [he head. ·f:rot ~ hea:J pin. Make '~, simple loop at nne end .. Usc rhe spUt rhl g, to attach th lo( pand - 1, • '1'" n end sf th cl ain, Sti]n~, on.a crimp tub, .snug iI nex '[II) the loop, and "I'irnp.'~:[dn.g on, a pearl n'_ m 1;" it·· a simple I(H lp ,iI tlJ rn .-.. f~ rn h ~ ~TS[ si ruplc I,no~ . A rra ch this lo .JIP to the heal pin :-~ddcd in ,'SH::~_P H,~ bC'[1,;\VCJ1 'the head .~]nL'1 the simple ~ Hlp (ngu,IJ!'

fk 12

A combination of techniques-c-liqht metalsmithing, ink stamping, and wirework-makes this a fun project to create. The resu,~ting earrings are s yllis!h'l with a bohemian fla'ir.,

" i Wrap the .2U-gauge wire around the dowel to make '[lH"r,JI co I"n p lere 'co Us ~ S 11 de: the [0, ~J5 o R' l h e do wel, a n J en r th e wi re so yo U ha V'E rwo i d en ! ] cal ri n ,g~ (fi g u re 1) '" SC[ the rings aside,

:~ % lnches (4,.5 elm) ~ong

2, d ark bl U e' f.rle'5h wate r p ea r I So '17 -rn m pea nut

2. ICU[ the silver .sheer into 'two ~ x ] '4-iuuch ( I .9 x 3.2 ern) ~liece~. Take care nor tc scratc b the 'metal as you

h :tndl,~ h. Clean tach P ieee '~V~ dl silver poHs;n to 1I:["J1lLOVC al]), tarn ish" in k'i or uther residue, j:Ue a.ny sharp edges and round each corner sllghrly, Set th e t~,~~, as i de,

2, 'S:U'lrU n gl s;i ~JV'~lr 22=9'~!U 9 e, b a Il~ ~nd head rJ~ns 2, iin,c.h~g (.~.1 em) IOltl9

,24--'g~uge stei:dingl :s~'II\l,e,lr 'shlee1;, at least 1 Ya x :2 V~ i'lFil'ch~s (3.8 x 6 .. 4 ,em)

1,2-1 fJ ch (:30 ,,5. .crn) h~~:rn §rth of 20"9 a u~g e ste r:~ j'InSI ,sm I' Vfi!J r w r re

3" P'ur the paper on a Hat clea n, h~'ve'1' su r-h1ce :31lU place 0 ne 'Jf rhe rags on top, Press yo~r ~(~UllP on [he ink pad; and immediately pres5 the inked starn p onto the tag. B(~ ca refu,~ not '['0 Sf;111 ear the desigu as you lift the stamp, but :if you do, simply moisten a cotton ban with isopropyl alcohol .aJ~,d wipe o"(-F the ink, Once the. 'tag_ h~~ dried" re-stamp, Let the ~t1k dry fClll' one hOU~L

M idlni.ght blu @, permanent Ink. stamp p,~d (ink should be' able to ·adh!9're I~O 'm,etal~)

'W~"'0-,~- b ~1:5@d d ~ n1 ~'n 5 h~i na ~

~ ...

,~'dn~si,v~ g~~2:e

4, U~e "[he' brush (a. apply a thick ~JJ.yer ur gi.il,:ze ro the tag, ~)OVe'firl:g the entire p ri n [cd area. Do n' tIE r the gl,a'lrf: o oze ,nve r T he rag''S edge,. J nsp ect the

sur face' fo r bu [ lb'i,t$ and e] j; m i nate an Y' by P okin g them with a s,traig.h'[ pin! : ,e~ It d'ry completely


-P"II" ":1 " .• 'iJ!' ,II! ';'d"' "dl '0 "" "- ,t ",', ."". "'f-""" ~" '"d·ml r ''"1'-'' "" "h r 'c ' • r: d" lll~

, ace tne tl~b' fHa.1 n 81 c . awn. on tne 1'1 Ieee 0, woo. YOtl a ve a cr

pres.~ available, set the drill :i n [01 ] t (' the pn;~$ makes fO'f precision dr illin'g) ,;

Put on the s_~jety g:~,;lsse'\. 'Tu. rn (In the d I"i [~ and lower [he end of the bit directly onto ,- he: dot, keeping the drill perpendicular to the. tag. Once dri 1 i~d I" h ro ugh R le the back of rhe tag smooth. Set the ~,~g aside.

lip a pear] onto a h:e~d pin, Make .. 21 wrapped kHTP '['0 secure the pearl, Ser d, e p-eQlf I, dtlLl]g:~ c asi de.


,FoJ'UJ a simple ](J~l"~i I at one ~'nd of me tlf the rings, lJse chain ... nose pliers to bend the loop' Lit ¢_ 9n~~u,n g~ e petl'ptnJ i cu lar ro the wire,

9 ~ U$~ chain -[.1 ose p~ iers U) ~'[1f";:tlg.h ten t.~t oth er eI]d 0 r t~ ie 'wi re f()r 1,4.

lnch {~. ,(]I ern) so it wl I:J fit 'through

all. earlobe. File ~ny bU:UTS, l.Ise

your fingers [01 shape the car wi re, alJ.owin-g the s;tJ~algh rencd en d to pass th.rou:gb, the 10 "p (6gUl'c' .jl}.

110lti Use rh t stralghtened end 0 f 1 he lear wire 't ~ ~ ,~rr~ ng, 0.1 ~ h e


rag] back ro Iron t l' (and the pe',ar,~ dangle, Close '[he ear


Piece 0-·' scrap wood

'"Ii • .IL ('''11 t:' -- ~ d i , ',' t· ., .. -' .'. d I - d· , .... '·1 4"· h" 1- . ~. ~l~' 1~]1 & ~;:; em J I. I an1 e !2,1t woo' en.- ,0 w,e' , '. ,Ilfllilk es

(~10'.2 r'm) Iiong

• 'Iechn~qu'esl

Simple· leop (page 26)

W:' ra 'p' ped loop {n~'I"1Ci "J'7'

.~ '.~ '_ ~,:."-. _.":.I~i .... 'vU," F'UI',~~ 6-, ... J

A- -' ,·"'··,::t·--' .~,= :-"'f~ .', ~,-. ":_" stals , .' d ··,t=:~·:'r·I' _- .. , ,-~III: '-',-',1·' ok: .. ·:-:-· ',:',

rmxrureo pearts, crystais, an, =e-t 'S ~,e· Ing SII ver evo '. es an

underwater symphony, This necklace uses srrnpie stringing techniques. End cones hide . he knots: hat keep the strands toqether,

'1 ~' .ut "j , . 8-~ n h (7]., l ern) I engtlh 10 r rh read. ": aT c a "q rare kn ot about 4- inches (~o .. ern; from one end. lhread it on d needleString on - 'Ie~lld,s in III ;0 f 'Ho\-vin.g sequence [0 make the ~firs[ stra nd::':ne 3-UHn pari, dn-, - u I, "C~ oue o-rnrn pearl, rue searnlc . rOUJ] '" O'~I:e Cl"} sial. one 6-I11Ul p arl.ione seaml ~ss round, one s-rnrn IFh~2:JI one searnl ss round , 1',·IU: f-m.l] Ipetrl-1I1 crystal, . 'n,~ irnl ss r urnd, and OHe )i~1 nm pearl, Repeat th],~ SI-qLl.11CL six more tin cs. ~.1 ug . h· h, ad .. ;tg- inst the 1011'[ and set the .;_ trand aside v '~'Eb [he no d~c still attached,

.. - II" '·'1 __;j b I ~-Ii.. ! ster I: ng S I' V,LtU rou ~"M=~ .: a x c as P' W lit If]

ivory plead jn~a'.y '110 mrcm'

31~ . 'lace [\V'., of' he S" '!C' nd tngel'h" r and


make an 0 ~,rha Old 1 '10 [ at rhe ", , p ol

the last be, d, ~ strung. Pair 1 he needles [()ge'[ ~ er and ~)as!l he t ~l n eedlcs ilh fa ugh o n e seaml ess 1"0 un d. Re pe,alt '\JV j I h two more strands, Knnr th ~ four strands togethe r (figu.r~ I}.

1(']10 II ' t- I '- b" . d - - - d ''ill' opai crys a S 11'1 ucorre an, rours

~hap.e.51 4 m m

':, ,I

Repear stcp 1 six rn: r rime [ ':rnaj~.~, otal of seven strands.

,.-'9' sts dings:ilver-pla ed IC,U. rved and 'wist-ad tubes, 2: x 2' rnm

2.04 ~te'flin'gl s~ Ive' r-plate d 'slE!:a':m less rounds, :2 mm and 3. mm

4". 1( [lot the remaining three 51 rands 'together as you d'kl in srep 3., ,~'alLher the needl "s together~rad srring on [\V]I .es rnlcss rounds. Place this set

three strands next to rhe SC'[ 0,', fo ur srrands ' rn eh e \'VO' k surface ..

Arra nge-' -. h stran I ~ so rh~: first be11\tJ s stru ng on i h t: four strand set are ]1- " .. .r ro rne la 'l leads srrun 011 the t hree-: rrand "et.'" eave the ~Ie~ of d ree srr: ndr L (, elv dTLIl) h lh. se - of four n cr _.,~ re a ltv. ister errect.

i '


, . r )'~p the . n b I. f the rh: - ~1 r"" rids t ,get], _ r and rna ... e a knot, Cathc '[he needles r )6erhcJ and .' r'i ng r: ,,11 one ':_ arnle s J"( und, R, m ov, he n(:.edt . t-;·,)m . 11l:, et J o the three-s ra n ,:11 s [ and threac then: on the

.rher .' n 1.

51., ' ,3 d,:t:r aJJ ~ev, 11 stra nds and I>UJO [ rhern [og~' be r 5~ r

each end, raking : are m avoid [.taving au/ lack in

rhe thread .. Pass he strands with he- J]e dles " 'n them - hrough one cone and one.' I ,j 0' the clasp. 1-'~4 8 had{ rhro ugh me O[ ne pull d,gb t, an d make [WO knots (figure 2). (~~~U~ the knots to secure, ,A·nc.r they dry

c n p lt~['LI Y . rim [U :,. exce s rh read.

6.. ,~h re. d the needles 011 the ther en d 0)- l h e srran d~l.

R peat Si' ep ~ ( n 'the orher end ~ ,f rile necklace, bcLng I .arc ill to hld· tile 1 J '_ (" rs :in. i',~J rh c c( line.

It's no •. ricky work to create this versatile necklace.

Weal' it long and' open,

fll II d

' "I :'.1' " , ' t. ' ',:-'r~' .I.,~ "~"I-'C- 1'-' "~. _-. "~,

apper sty e: tile QrJS en ..

in a I", ose overhand knot to mak1e a faux pendant; or double it around your Reek f,. r a princess-lenqth contemporary ,IOOlk~

" '.'

D'rop· a pea-size piece o~-· liver of sulfur [DID a contuiner and dj·· solve It with. a halfcup (1 '~ ,,~ "n of·bnilJing water, Note: Liver of su]fur

Is poisonous; don'r ~hUU_:Uc it with hare hands, and dent employ d

co iH~·~ u' ncr or utensils that ha V~ been or 'W] ti, be used i'.n p reparing food. C:. en rl Y' f{)f.l11. th e "",vi rc so 11 f~ ts ~ n to the C J rHif i n e'Jr and Pi ~ ace 1: r i I1 'I h e

. oi 1.1 '[1 0'[1 until it has a patina that marches the color of th~ chain,

Remove the wire, then . rinse and dry it.

7' vi olet crystal s ~ r1I 'V &l rry in 9 s h ~I P ss and 'f~n ishes, h to ,8 rnm

2~ Cut the chain into 25 pieces of dH·ferenr lcng,rhS'~ none less than -M inc:h (1 m9 enl) [lJng. ~e[ aside

31 r:IJ.~ a ~ V:z-.in:ch C3.S ern) piece of wire and make a small wrapped loop at ont' end, b UJ b~fo re Y'~1iU ma ke the 'WT~ p, ,a tach, the loop to the end

U nk 0 f ,0 nc 0 F the chal n F~:~ ecesc .t ri .. ng one of rh g,: b ead s on to th f; sam e wi rc and nt;cul\,e anr Id~,er sm al ~ wrs p ped JI oop a [ ~ i 1 e other end I~)f rhe wlre that ~11. taches [0 the end of annth er :Lha] n piece {figu rc 1}.

3.0 .. inc h (7'rL 2· em') ~ Sdrl'gth of 1 }~I- rn rn II in k: gUll meta ~ :cha;j n

,26-gauge si liver c:r,aft wire j' 4· f.ee'~ (1 .,2 rn) lon:g

'"1fi' - 1,-,

'. In~ ,r


Plastic or glias.'s corrlainer '$1"Jf liver ,of' sJJ~fur sQlu~;bon

Wi re cutte rs

Connect [he' other ,end of (11.1:5, ch~~.~ n piece [0. a split ring" Repeat D~ create .~ rs ndom strand (1' beadecl I Inks, chain, and split ring:s~, For rh ree o f.dle beaded links use It\\/O pea .. rls lnstead of ,( ne (fj'brt1re )).

fig. 2,

4,,,, Anach the last he~~ded link [0 ihe open end uf rhe h,fsrr chain p~ete to cJOSt" rhe strand into a nccldace ..

80 Flapper Chain

A chunky butter is hle' star af this understated bracelet, Besides beinq a fecalelement, it serves a'Si hal"! of the C,I05U 'e~

11 bll u e i ris freshwater pearls, '7-mm potato

Appra,xim,ate!y 82. midnigr' _. blue cylinder beads, re.gular (comparable • '0 size 11 0 see d b e\a,d,~)

4 ~sternii1'~~ . sllver Ball i-st)t']e barrels 11,2 '. ',6 rnm

1: s erl~n91 .sillv1e.11j( .24~g,Bul.g·e head pin, ,2 inches (,S. il em)

,20-In ch (50 . .9 elm) length of nne~ nsxible bSladinlg w'~re

IChai n-nose 'p~1 iers

Wllrr-, cutters

Wh:tpped loop (page 27)

I t cti

•. nstrucnons

.' 'ate: 1 y .u require srrn ,CT bracelet size, simplj reduce thenumber I .,r size' of beads . or ,- he fulal design,

2 ..


r~ac~ a lip at or e . 'nd of the 1 adi,ng wi r . S "ring on " Oll r cylinder head ~ onto crimp t rbe ._lud 2( cylinder b ads '" Pass

the wire up through one h. le of tho

bu tun fr0111 back tc r lint. ~. rring on the d~ ng.l~. created IJ11 'rh. previous step .,0 lt ~I,j,lides over the '. ']inder beads .. .Pat: down

thr ugh the other h' .llc of the button

'fr-oJU en· n t to b ack, IJa.~ ~ 'b a ck t hro ugh

the crlrn P 'Lube and the .h:r·t Fo,w~ cylinder beads . trun.,g in tilt step Sill you have. C1 1/.:',.-1nch (1 ,3 ern) wire taJJ exit] ng the last he.Jd C6gU1['e L)' ~ !:lnug the heads and cri rnp the tuhe, Trim the excess tad wire, Rlt;:.m.ove the clip.

fig. 1

- tring I~ n a ss 'quencc of I lnc- blue pearl and (. ne cylinde: bead fOlll' tim s" I·tt'ing on one blue pearl and one silver barrel, Srring o n five [ .. rv pe~,rl' and 011.·:' . ilver b~U'[iC'L Repeat this sn POi

. 1

. .

String' n on .eamless round" on. crimp rube, and approximatel- 5R l:yi ~ nuer hr'~' b .. O. . n 1 ~l,gb rhar whe n made in tfll il. loop the beac s fi V' snualv ". ver the burton. Pass back Ichrou.'g.b the crimp rub - seamless

~ -

round, an 1 barre! cad to make a loop (:n:,gure 2 ,.BUg the beads and

crin l' 'h~. rube, l~rLln anv .. x· · '. wire close "0 the beads,

fig~ 2

• I

Simple Pleasu res 83

! do' ~d ~ I h . ~ d ~ ~ hi .. h

n,.-.lv~l-ua'.I,y~1 the sprra danqtes rn ttus project appear sornew tat

plain" but fill a handmade chain with them and you end up with ":l st U' . n n ~I n 'g'::-:-- p ~ e" c - e' th at ~~ n, nw . ay veo " rt h·.;: y"

10 , .... '< . "., I, J,.~, _'" ~:-: ..•.. :'_. . 1 ~ IU . , .:.JJ! ' .. .' I I.' .... ,',' ,', -:_: - L,' ,I'i

lVo i e,: 'Ihe ru a ~ er i H.I,~ a re fo r a 6·' ~ -l n ch L o 7 - i nc l.l

(1-.1 em r ] .;,) .rn] "l'XSL ,\dd or su] ·.iract n rerials 1·1 .~ .. lanrer r smaller bracelet,


8'~ inches (21 em)

1 ~ Tightly coil d e lO .. g~l!ugt: wire around [he kn.in.i.l1.g

LUX .. .JJ~ dOV{'11 rhe needl ' ngth, & Iide the end. f',' he

co it JJ th. ' end l rF' h~' needl -~. Cut the . ni I.) tH1··· at ~ rime 10 111~.g ke [ump rings, Make 1"-0 ~~un! dng .. in ~JL

24 'Ii av ende r fresh water pe';a) r hi j 5·-·rnm to e-rn m half- round potato

76 violet cry'stal, rounds, 6 rnrn

2 Ii Open tw I i urn p ri .ng'. (:0 n necr the tw ri.ngs to ~. wo cl'·J~ed


'(stackril) ~UU]P ring ., Repeat

t ' make J. I, hr~i'lJ) ~i nks 111'ng

.. ~

fi . 1

,5~f:oo' 1(1 S m} ~'iengt'h o'f 2D-gs ugle~, full- or half-hard, S' erliing silver wilre'

)I III . h. uld have tw J jump l"~ ng. Je1: over. Use l n to con nee fH re h ~ ~ r I. rf rh e clasp [0 . n end l r rh ' ch~'1 in. Repeat ~n he 'Other end, Set he chait _. aside,

.32-' ::00 . (9,.8 rn) 1,8d1'Qth of Z4-gaIUQ,er ftJI'I~ or half-hard, S', rl ing 5,i ~V'e'r w,ire'



Cur " .: -':11, h 7.·, . rn) piec . of _._,4--gauTe wire, orrn . wrapped loop at one end ,t f -rh_ ;,; ire, S'rrir~'g on a

pearl and fonn a second \\,"1- ipped I, lut don't

cut the v ire,

:F1J -nose pliers

L-in!d [he second ,I n(~p wi d1 a pair o - fbllt nr se pI iers, U, r chain-nos, plier t ,'\Nrap the . i ,t ar I lnd and down rhe blldy IOf the bcs . .J uu []I I he wire meets 'the

1'( rsr II lOp. ooscly \;vrap dl ~ ti re end al""' 'U nd th, 6 rst hlt.l]J'~ base, and use ' hai n-ne I~e

P ~ il I'~ t'.... l·J'·, ,Ill' n . 11- 't It!" it 'p.' ,e en 'U~ot:o

h: .:'I h.'~ ;t!'.- . _,_ "" ~ ~. (I·huIL'!...

..2}. Sec L! re ~h e wi lie end bv


adLlin~ £i_' Jah n~ Idles]ve' here


fie ~, 2

Jump rings ~pagle 25)

you've rn . .:! .t, t he' \~ rap. Repeat with uch be: d r. rnakc a t [aJ .of 1 ~s dangles. ~Cl' them as i 'I.~,.

Spira Axis 85

86 SPI r.a I Axis

5~ Lay the dangles on rhe work ~·u..rf~(t' in the fCl!lowirlg set uencc: ( 11 e lavender pearl, ,t'o u r '. itlle'E (IrS tals, one Hgh·t amethyst crvsral one hlvender pearl, [:1 . viole crystals, and one purple rJ, .rl. Repeat the .E· uence un rll 10 u've -a rran g cd al] :".11 eo d art g~ C'~ .

6- ~,a.refuUypt[ the ~ I,'n,d

set ,F II ij I] ks ar one end

( ,f' rh ~ b racclet wi rhour disrnan d iug [be chai 11 ~ Attach til (~i rxr ~a v ndc r pca~d d~, .gI". SHde dl linl s around S' hey open z t he other side of rh e chain :u H,,J.

at tach rh e next dang-Ie ~J' [be seq uence frn,ln:: tp ~

(the first violet (ry;'[~ I. 'You s.lrnJkl'~"lid up with one dang,le on each side of rhe chain (fi,OTlf-C 3).

f g. 3

7.. .,-.: . B'L inue to add. angle, down the I en " h 0: - the I .hain, '~Uvving the ,.' "quc.nee fr m tep , .... until '. 0 ~ reach the other en L The placement of dangles m~\ be a.d~US1Cd s~" there aren't too many . f one kind of ~eJ.d on one side s:, he braceler.

A S'lng:- ~c Ta hitran pe rl she sed 'In . handrn rade o'pe- n splra II c-'ap

·'1 "I . .',~ ~ I j._).' . ~', :1 ':'_ a . ,. 1:_J·_·:'w\cal .. : "'1 a .' I,~ H l <- .' ~. t·. ..'~~I ~ .'_ _ :,~. '~.I·" ,',

hnn' 9s a m' ~I d st c'-'I us .. ·t, e' "r' s Q····f srn .. ·· 'a- rl er pearls The' s e··t·t~l~ng·· a-·I lo W'S' the p .. e' arl ~s

!;,ill ,:'~I 'c' . ,.1.:" .. 1.', .. ,' Irl,.:.. r : ·'1. : II '~_IIc_'" i '-,~, , ... :~,., II ' .. ,~...::_, I. '. _,II ~-·:'~,.l :',

natural shape, maqnlfice-rt luster, and color variations' 0 shine.

1'11, 5 ~'~ le nNO perid or pearls ,t) n to a head 111 [1 '. IVhl].ce a ~,i nTTI.p ~e 10,0 p ro ~eCH re che pearls. Repeat with fill .0 F the perid or r~l~arl.~ rUI make six b~-ld. d~t:!'1,g~es in all. C: on ri nne crear i ~:I.,g bead d~l n g les i D '[ h i,~ 'r~.s hi 0 u· rna k i 11 g sjX· LtS in g rwu 'I i'gb:t gr'~ly pearls each; ~~lx U~ j ng two senti precious pe!'" dor beads each: and. six using 'o.ne d ark gl"ay pearl each. 5ir r t'h e 14 bead, ILl 11,~lr.) aside.

1 da rk 19 ree n 'ta h "i't't,in'l pes r1 ~ 1 0 x '1,4. mm teardrop, un-drilled or :h,2):lf~drilled

jl 2 p'er'~ dot fres h w ate r ~M~ OJ rls. ,4) .. rnm buttons

2,~ lf you need UJ make YQ LLr O\Nn twisted wire, r ~,I d [he 14-gJ uge wire in half and place eacl l of th e wire ends into r he ch uck of tl1 e wire twister or p~ 11 vise, SL,,' bilizc the

l »oped \'1 i re ~'nd h,Y clarnpi US i [ on [0 ,~1 table 0 r other :"u.t-t~ c't· {f-laure l ).

~ b

,6 ,dark gray' f're:shwate.r- IP,~arIISr~, 4~mm rounds

, ,2 Ii 9 ht 9 ray ff(~$.h walter p ~'~ rls, 3r- rn rn f10 [;1 n d'S

12' .., ldotf d

, ..... se,m;~p'f"eCJ.o~.8, pler!~.ot tacetec

rondelles, 4 mm

Turn 't 11e reel 0'( 1 he '[Vi7]:5,[Cr or pin vise

i'lll Hl e di rect i 'n nun t:iJ yo u are p ~ cased with the ~ eve! 0 f tw is '[ ~ Note: The [:tghle1'" you rwi Sf wire, ~ he harder ] l \\11 ~ J become, making it 1110lt: di fficu]t ro we rk w'i r h late r; Yo u ITl ay" wa n l t o ex pt r j' 1]1 en [ VVl r h a len g'th 0 iF Oq· P pet 'Dr brass wire Ef' t to (J,nd tht~ optim urn twist leve]. Remove ~'he wire lrom '[he rwisrer and clam p _ nd trim t~-lh wire ~:l1ld ~ ~ 1 u should eruJ up with ab,QUI 10 inches (i j.4 em) or twisted wire.

24 go~d""fi Ilel~ hu~·ad I~~)i ns, 1 ,inClh (2. 11 -c'm) ~onlg

~6 gold~fi'lled 2,2-Q',13lJ9,e jump r~t"1'915j '4 x 5~mm ovals

,31, tJsa;: the chain-nose pliers 10 make a 'A,-:~nc'h tel mm) t'igh[-'~llgle I'lend

at [he end u r the wire an d F ~ rm :1 d], ree-coil wrapped loop at l he be nd, Wh' en y n u ru rn r h'L· 1 oo p, rn a ke i' 'L ]. I n Ii. rnm 1:~ 1: ,d kt meter. IVo te; 111 C re will be a shorr srcm of wire below 1, he wrapped ~U'UPi O'on'l rri m ['[-you vtH] use dli~ "to attach the large pearl,

1!,b=irlch (4Q.6 em) ,!e,ngth of 4~'mm' oval twls lin k :gn.l:d-f~ lled chain, or d:les,irsdi ~en9~th

t2~ i nch (3;(l,5 om) I en,gth of

man uful,~tJ,re'd 'lwlst 'wir'e~· or ,:a,.foe:t ~6 ~ em) ~ en 91th lof .24r~ ga uig e, SoOft, 1901 ['d- filii edl wi lfie

4'!! US~, th e [lOng enc ~ of [he l!V.1 re " ,[01"1]] .~ spl ral rluu Ii ~ '\ OVt'T rhe top of the

pea rl, crc'ati.I,'_g i] wire be,a,d cap (figure ))., Usc the rnp fig I 2

r~r rhe pearl as, Y(1 ur guj,de, 'I l.U r lake (~lln,-; Hi It r~ 'I ruar

the n ea rr!'i, t l ~u..: re, flu. U It I] e S pili ral 5]"i gh r 1 v ,;~:I', oarr .so i'~

r ,I;,..: , ,f.

forrns tu tlie pearrs shape.

l' s·... 1'1

' - .. '.-: ,"' "_. '-~ '-, .' -' . . - '1' ",_.,'", ", '1' 1

wo=p~"rt .. -nnnute epoxy 19 uS'

,5,!!, 0 nee yo U achieve the desi red s.h ape. rrirn ~ he ,I H1 ~

~ r ~

wire but leave ,"1. 1:4 .... inch (6 111rn) excess, File rhe wire end smooth. Usc the

ti [, o r round- nose pl iers ro j7orn1 a ~,n1~1,~~. Illl,OP at rhc vii re ~~, en d.




Bronze D reps

, .

pe ~l r II ve rr 1 c a ~,'~ r~ rop s i"Ll e up, 'i n to 'til e 'pea rI h() I' U ~l:tr . to keep it s ra ~ lle".. M ~ rk dl e place wh ere yo u wa n r to d ri 11 ~ 0' ri i _~ ~ n [0 th at rn a rk 1I ru it yo u reach one-third {)f [he \;vay down the pearl's center, Note: '11 may he~p to keep a 5.n.1 aJJ amo unt ." f coo 1 wa tc r n earby to we ~ rh c drl Ubi r, kec [11_[J.] g, I ~ an d the ~ ,~arl'f~u~ lduring dtHl i.ng. Let the pearl dry .. blow out ~lny excess (lust" and set asi de.

7~ Use a )maH arnounr )f epo~y to thoroughly coat the spiral cap's ~rr.aig'~'["wire\ Fir the wi re into the pearl (figure J). Use '.~ cushioned s.up pO~'[ or clamp [0 hold the pearl and CciLp in p~acb '\~,I'h .. at· the' epoxy dries.

,B,~ ~Jse two [u fflp :rings [0 attach the pendant's loop to a link at the cen rer or d, e chain,

9~ Count four links down ant' side (J-rhe chain frOTIl the link [0 which you a,dd,~d the pendant, Add one, rf each type of head Idar~gle' 'H), this link. Co unt fDur me ~'C lin ks down the chain and add another fa u r head dan gh~'5'" Repea r o nc ] n 0 rc ti n'Le so yo U hav C' '[-11 rce bead (J us tt 1'S i n 1 al 1., Repeat d, Is srep down 1.1c chain OIl the .' ther side, . Jf d (' pendant.

'1 D'i . se 'niV£) 'j U m p dn,~3 [,U) attach one hal f of lh~ clasp t'l '. l[ rn~ enr] o f 'I he chain. Repear at rhe nrher enid of the chai n,

Flu 9 h cutters

'Wire tw[ste{ ~Ind ,elamp or pin vise (unn~cessa'ini if manufactured w~re is kUle,.d'~'

N' . dls f" '1' . . b d'

".' JI"" I':'" - ,.- _-"_ -.", t I '- I' .- .. ". '-,' _. . • '.

le,e .. fa' I e or e,me.ry coaro

Small ,drill and 1 -rnrn Ich1'SI~~ dri]] bi't (rF us~'ng an undrUI'e:"d ple,~t~)

Bronze Drops


.. I

, ' '

'Th-' '" . I. ~ d ld I k Ii d '"

t r is, versati ~,e pen . ant WQ'U 1·-- '0,0 ..... ,as pre ty mcorporato tnto Ian

. -

elaborate necklace as it would on a simple gold chain. Even if you're

IU·- amillar with wireworklnq Y"OUI're sure to 19·arnsr beautiful results

:__:._- '.'" . - ,'. " -. , _'·:':".1· 1'::' .. 1._·'.' - '- _ :.: .. :_- .. '. . ._ ":_ .. :...1 , I·C•• • ••. __ I. ':__.:_.'


. ,-.


1 ~ Mcasu re rhe pcrim e ter of tlrc pearl c; nd 'IUJ (" inch cs ( ] .) .. 2 (111). PLU on the "afen~ ~:d.a~~s cos ,: nd cut [WO picccs nfd: ad.~5 ofl r iund wir and


~ ne pie, c or h~iJ!f-htu·d I.OU ud wire [J ihar lengh.n.~~ '.' arc caJI~: . ,I rhe

II.l ..'~ (' ~:. ~ 1" 7 ). .~ d dl fi

surrrun ·.U1~ '\rvu.es.J.·u one i-incn i ~. en] r Ieee. t .eac-so t

~) ll~

round 'iVl re ~ t, ra iahren each wire hv p~"l~ 11 i na it between Vr 0 Llr Enger-. or

i;.~J ~ ~ ~ L

rin rough lbt"' polishing cloth.

Surreun .' ing. wl es: 2S-i:nch ~63~5; IC'm) le·ngth a.F 2'2-g:atlge~ dead-soh, round, l' 14-Kclrat Igo~·d~'nII18'd wire 10"lnc , (,2:5~4 ,em,) leng·h of 22:-gaugejf ha 1,~aITd" rou nd,

4~kalra·.· gold>~lleld wire'

12., Stn igh_'"ftl the half-ro md "\ rappir g .. it" » by pUU.iJlg ~ [ b t .e'J. Y U'~ l~.ngt:t5 . r lrugh the pt Ushlng cloth. t. .. se Ha[- or chain-nose. pliers

to bend the end ]f the wn1pping wire 1ft, :j nch (6 rnrnl froIn the end to melee a hook. The curved sid of the wire :shouJd he 0] the 1 iursidc ).f d-H;: hook.

W' " . '1'0· 11- 125~ 4~ '}

. rapp,lng Win?: II' i-mcn ~ .. , ~:'.' em,

~en,gth OJ 22-gd1ug'ejl half-hard, half-

- -

round, 14·-k,C)rat 9Iolld-·filled wIr'

31.. I - ld he three surrounding' i.L-'S I icle by s:"::J , the hall hard wire

bl \v en the dea J.-~, fit wires, P{J",,j tion the cen rc of rh "vi eS;II he' bo I [I Ul1' f rhr p~J rl and use your . "_flger t( bcg.i n to ge fidy shape th e wi res II p along lh e sld 0 ~_ rh · pearl,

FI:ex·'ble tape measure

4;0 Se:=I· [he . earl aside, bu '~n1~lgin.c il ~;" '1 cl ck fa, c. WI, H, 11 [)IJdin.g h: SUlfOU ndi ml'b wires

be ween y ur ilL urn b ! n d in.1d.I:. N 'h ngers j place the 'wr~pplng wire's hot k (crea ed in step .2)

)n rhe surroundinz wires . t [hi - eq .. uivalenr

'L' ' .

.• f rh ·fiV'l~ (l,~ Juel" posi i: ~',n on the pe.a. .. II\

r·e Ke rp the ;S ~1 orr nd of the \VT;l PI i '~1 gl wire . 111 th.: outside I .r 'the su [TOllJ1.JJ.ng wires, away 1 ro rn ~! h C' rc d '" '- pe a ].'~ w iJJ. · ,i t .~ 0 11

the wrapping wir I-igh dy aroun 1 (be three surrm ~ n~JB rt \ -Ires ~l fe\1\[~ t:l111 S (flgUI"C 1 L

F~ush cutters

Non-serrated fla = 'os"e pliers (w~':h spr~ng')

~,-:irlc:h (6 mimi) wooden dow,el,! 41"It1ch,es (1 0.2 em) ~ong

5;r,; "Teruly :-;qUl:(:ZL rhe coil ~ itl: H::u~nosc pliers r Hatter the \' raps and make sure dh;y~re' uni.fornL' ontinue coilins the' wrappinj wire unril vou \!C cornpl ered ,ah: . U L fi fte ':1"1 \V 1'~~p'S, . r un tU you reach rhe eq uivalen r nf even (1 "Ch.h.-k. n the pearl's face. As you coil. rhe V\711re,. ensure ma[

e ch \vrap is C\, .n a nJ tight. 11~ixn rhe i\H,' f~ ping wire 't Y.i inch '.: rnrn]

frnll I[h II surl[" lun .. ' ing wires .. ~ se' lar-n ·S(~ pHtr·' rc uck the wrapping wire under the surt .undlng wires. ~ uck the other end of rile \vr::1pplug


Co 1:'F\lg w~r'e .page 24)

Ba ro Lie Loops 9:3

wire U nder the surrounding wires Trim each end to the sam e ~engt'ln

.~ -: each ~lde is ui irorm. Usc ,I_r or chain ... nose pliers It( S(]l eezc the wrapping wi -'e more vlgor[ru~dYl tigb.' t:ning i' .. round the surrounding win;' (Bgu -e 2).

6 i Re pt:a t sre p 2 wi t h rhe re rnainir g wra Pl' t n g \v ire, _: ") '1, tin u ' ro s h a I .-. the 'ILl rr undi ng ~,V1H~'S u rhe side of the pearL PhI e this honk at [he equi"3Jcllr I'll' nine }'-~ ck o n 'Il, pearl's face., ': ",, i'll the \\lTapping

wire Three times .~r ound the' surn ,u'ldirtg wi res. RUI'.P~lt rJ iis sr P [0

create " coll Ii' three I )';" '~O(.1 (fgun:· 3). To make sure the side coils are

PI< sirione ,'I correctly, I ~.V dr:- straizht IdE! ruler ac L~ ,s.) he ton ediges

.J J ~ ~ m .

of each ' j I e coil, .A..d JUST: [he C rils a; .. necessary, and then U~~ U;;I t-H1

piler ... tr V[gOfO U lY'ligh ten th c cnU~.,

71i' USee .Y'~ IU r fi rlgt::rs [0 shape the surrcunding wi res around Lh,t: pearl WJtH they reach rhe lor·. ,\~(;rheri rhe wires meet, use -f~at[-JlO~le' pliers '['0 bend them dm reedy u.p Fr., 111 Ith t 'P f he pearl. 11u:' wires sho: tId

he conll lerely veri ical end parallel to each other, cres 'ting A, 'ire stern (.fi,glu'e ~+ I ~

B" Bend ~J~(!. remaining II"" inch es (1. :I.·~ . crnl of round dead-: .o'~' wire In hal around j our fin.gelr. ~ JOh.llht wire . rem around the rop of [he

p" arl, and ([ n the wrap win around it ' JrJ ce. Ll~lt' rhl! chai n- and A·;tfnose pHer '":0 pull the wire ends in 0'( posite d~rectj.· ns, lightening [it 'wrap.

9 ~ U 'Ie Ch~4X n ... nose p lier: to gr~'p the fron [ su rro rndi ng wire urulerneat h the nine o'clock coil, MaJ<.e a.: t~g.t r kink in the wire, pullin •. up toward the 00 n while you i e _ p the w:~ r in place wirh Y<),I', r fi re ir~g· I. Repeat wi th rhe sam e .urro und.ing wi re, [his Ir~ rne ab ive the ni ne o clock

_ IIH and making th kink dov n :t ward the coil, RtPI€:~t this ep

'or [he' .. ' aree O\~~L ~ con tn, king sure [01 use the .1" .ru SUI ounding wire (6gure '1).

fig. 5

'1 Olll Place rhe wit', fra:n.:tlt! ver the fron I of the pe" . L Push [he \'f\,!J reo fra~TI ge1TEl)' around rhe top side of ~,he FH:'~a, ~I then turn it ov _ L. USC c1 ain nose pliers r . n.:T·C::'.' srep '9~vi.th [he- h-a·ck SLU rOlLI aW.1 ',g: wi re encasing [he pcarL'ote~' Jf rhe pear] slips our of d1C Cran1.c U[ the b{.'unrn g(t,d_· pull up on the lronr surrour lit1@; wi re {;H1 e-h h ' r side ~ ust above the

ho- torr '\vrap \ ire, being c;u.'lefuf not to put r t kink i.n the wire

ig~ I'·

11 ~: ,.11 . he s, ~ n ~h ( Ll. 7 C:~ n) l a I.~I. m_ • un 'I wire two

more imes down the st In. Use [la[-n(~e pl' ers r . tigh _ n [he' oil. ".-ri 11;1 [be wire _ n l: so tht;·: .re at: the back of he pendant,

'12 ~ Bend the 'l\VU fro nt surr undi ng wires ,dl I ~ . n I. ver rhe rrO'[lr of [he pearl, B,tnd the l-;.~r .back urrounding wires down O'VtT _ he back of t : e pea rL

13,. ~·trai,g~1 ten the center wires so they F~ inr straight up -rtJm d, e [, l'p of the pe ndan 1:. Hold the wooden dowe! Ul fro]1 r

'G f '[he .center wires and make I ;"YO riahr fo,rw~ rd coils

:. - iund the dowel with each wire .. ~1'E; k)op" should 11." on

Ither side ()f the pendant ~ center, Graxp hewire ends with chain- end. I.ar-nnse pliers and crisscross tIl. em. aJ ,ng rhe back of the pendant, d:: hrening rhern to the cen .er

! !'lgure 6)~ One wire wU~ ht: 01J t l' of the: orh: f. Pull the I np wire Ell· and ,) ur ... ;' [he twa . I .. e B~ [-11 'S, ollers '[0

w ap the ib ; r ur wire nne around all ch. ' sr '111 wires ar the top _ Jf d re coll. 111.11 .. h· wire 0 t sirs ~ r the back :f '[he pendant nd usc cb .. ain-nos pll rs co . u 1 the ,end

int ' de stern. Rep eat with [he (OP wi re, making rhe 'VV['" p in [hi upposi c lire ic n.,

1,4~ Tri rn the rwoh: k SLUT unding wires rc ':A i rich I 6 111J11) 5 F urn a '. mall sp,i'l".: ] and bend L I, O\¥XJ and Ral asainsr tho


back of the pe::lrl '[0 hide rhe stern. RJ pea..!t wi h the ther

b~lcl~ surroundiru wire and b~"nd ir up and Har a._J1airll,s1 the back 0.1 't ~ te "tern.

151~ ~lr~nf1, he tor lefl surrounding wire [0 1 ~ .. inches (3!~2 ern) and ' he bot om, r[ghl one to .tj inc h (I . ", ern). Fo rrn and place spij'aL as i"n s[ep J 4, ben.d i'rlg the larger spirs down ~ nd 'rot: ~ mall. r spiral UI.1 over' the front or rh ~ pendan t. LIse .]:1l-:nol pliers to g., ntly squcc2Je all r ,- the coils

into place,

"-'. \Xlih-h the d wel st iU in plac J gently tap the ,311 " jJ about f :ur ir!.l s . f' ha den 'm, wire, olding he pendant ir on e hand, gCllLl!." b ~ - ·fi rrnl t~ is·" ,. 1 do,'? j back 'and :f<nrlh until y U work ir rut J the ball,

'W~re ar-d P,IBI,aI,rls are the only materials requirec to make these delicate Ie' -.~ Ir'-r'~ n g- ,'.~Ci' Th e--" y .. ace-· re 'e= ~ 'C" -~h· rn a- d 18--<1 si rr '~I ~I a "r,.lly- ',: b ut "C-'-- an , ~b B'" sh a p -t " e·<,·d drl~'ff=J~:e~ -re rrtl .a ·,to-

·.:0' II :: . .2Ii., "'-,_.' 1,·1 1'_":1011.1 I ,',"',~ .. ', ".HI: .. ~_, : ... ' 1 .. [,. . "' .. ".-- .. ='_' ... _:_._.I",-.: __ ~ . .',~-, ' . .::.-,_-1 .. :..,IY ._.':._::__

create extta asymrnetrica ~ interest.



1 % inches, (4,,4 ern) .lIang

2 wh ite frHshwate.r pearl s, 4-m m h a [f~ ro u nd potato

'9~ incl (22.9 em} length of 20~'gl,au!gel~ dead-sof t Q!,o;d-' ill led wire

,a,-h1'Cr, (1 CL·2 eml) ~Iength of 24~,gauQle'~ dssd-s oft" 9 0 ld- fll ~ aid 'W i re

Wire eLI, ers

Round .. nose pliers

Coinng:, w~re ~p,!t)lge 24)

Openingl and closinq rinqs (pa::ge 25)

1 Cut rwr 4~l,,-it_ch ( ~ 0 .. " em) pi" ces of lO .... t,cllub: v lre. ",: "~,J( two 2-inch (~. em) , ieces f J' '~gi~H.lbb wire, Se aside.

,21 Use hain-nose pliers ll.l b n 1 me .iece Oi' JO~grlug~ \ 'I~:",' nrer II hape, Shupe one side Frhe wire '~,~ pin._tJng it between ) our thumb and f{lref~nger and puUiug down (0 Sligihl l~f curvt the \~r. R 'pea _ 'It the ot her sid ' , f the 11 S Y' U Ie Id up wii h \,' . t!,af- r ke ~tape.

3 ~ Us o ne III~, i r r" .hai n-nose plie is '[0 UY1]'. :1 1900 b l1d

~. inch 9 mrn) tronl [h en d ','" the ~',( ng side I f the \'Vl re. The bend shr uld poi n t awa y [['run the center 0 .' the wi r" sha Je,. Us me pair of chain-nose pliers [0

make a ',Hg:hJ he n d % i nch (9 m rn) f om the end of

the sho rt side of the wire so i [ s leks ,'rraigh'r u.p rom

the ~ ha]: I~ ~ P e rpt' 11 {He ular [0 the 9 OG ben d (fj g L1 re I).

.se on, pai 0" chain-nose pliers [ ! gr,a.s.p the wires l]gh:t'L i ust bclov r w her, thcv cross, l.lse rh ccon ,',

~ J 'I

pair of chai u-nose p~ iers t : wrap 1 he 9U·· oe nt wi r tightly around rhe srraiglu wi re twice [0 l:!"C~[C ,;1 ,~[IU.,

... ~ .! ~ r _I chai ].

, run irie w1f,appH1b \ .re anu use cnam- n se p I,~, S r '

,qurt:zt the t . H cl se I[U the' L;', ';L Form a simple L up ~ n th~ I - rh, r ' ' i r L T: 1, d 'fi gl re 1).

5~, Us your fingers to g_ nrly pu h the shorn :r side '! ~ _ he wire ~ht)l· [0'\.\1·1f,d the len er side, making it concave, Pull

the \;V ides [ p'a r' of the ,. L. [\' on rh I:. l~:r" id of the wire "'~ ape 'I expand ifl,~ 'it .. Usc chain-nose pliers [ ; s:[r,a~.ght[en any kinks, 1,:---'fJll.~;,:I'U(" I"tfining, the win sh ·,pc with your 'flnge s ~ nd th~ pliers un ti I you arc plea..,;e.J. wi dl it appear n e,

Golden Cr scent 97

98 Golden C -esce~T-

6. . Hamm r the v ire <hapc (nor h c H-.J '., nd lor r ed. secrir n) on the bench b.I,:)ck '[.0 fl, [ell [h ... ore ~_nJ

cre;n; , [cxru r .

7 ~ tJ· e (] . In-nose pliers n bend'[ sb I'P all It: ~t2 inch (T m·.)1 ern J Fn III Lh e erHJ nf a 2-~ nl:h (5.2 ern) p ieee )', 24-g::,n u ~e w ire .. Pla. .e the henr wi r· over rh e wide ,( C.U 'Ve ~)n tht ~'~Jn~ r sic I~ of rhe wi rc s:h,r!IJ~"" . se 1_ • .our


thumb and In.n:~t1ln~t'J to b{dd the b·~.11[ wire i ] plac

d~ yl ~u WI'cl:i r he wire rail around [he wire shape rwice. maki lf! J ~ ighr ,coH.'~e ChaJ1 -nose pi it: s to l"igh[Cll and ~qUt;t"~t.t·, rhl' coll, \'X/ca_ one more time, tightcnxng and s{lueezi ng as h ~fo[c~

B:!Il Lise the' Pit 'f he ch aln-nr se pHeJl" to bend [he wrapping wire so it s perpendicular LO the wire " bape,; ,~s I'· marc ~ .1 e he I ~hl u r rh, . "'earl fro In h ol '-h - hole and

b d J ~ ,I II n -I ~.~ , ..

e If1 .t e wire o I, r~ par L" ~ to [ l e \~,l ~ re ;_ .JT _ P ," ,trJl1b

n ne pt3 ~ Sf the oft r .sj de t.O 1.:11 hcs the wir ~ Make tho ee db It c Us a rr I ld the wi re sha p'c1 JUSt b . v

the I )re:.a r1. Slide IL be pea -I. rr \l\d -. rc II lo k ' be t on h~ - urve, Use chain-n 'SL: pHers '[0 [ibhl U the 0 I,a and

U rake one rn U'" w _ ar~ nglJ 'C: ~~ Jr. °rrin1 - he wr: ~pp['n' wlr ends ()n rhc back .:jl too, of the wire and use halnnose ,Ji, r~ t ~Lluet:Z~ the '[~ ils clos '[0 '[he V\~rap 5

U c c h a i I ~ - n ose .. n Ie r S '[0 I ~_l" nl ~ ~,. g ras p .1 n ~J H irte n . t ' \vrL_I~ .. pt·d wire, Squeeze the C( j1.: back Log erher lf thev

'P rei'. d apl2lr't.

1, - ii, Repeat ,~r~'p ~ lb I~ough r ) II' n,,~ ke ~~ seen nd er rr ~ ng .

. bt:" shape", should be similar, but they dt -n r need t1 I be identical: the . corul pear] - :~n be ph-u.,:,~,f anywhere on th .. r (J ng 'ide t ._~ .he sec 'nd eu rd.ng;

This stunning cocktail ring features a whorl of silver wire on top. Shape

th d ~ h '...'

t,' e· ':,. les~'gn as S 1110IWln, or qiveit

Your own style by·,: experimenting

'_ ,:", , , , _: ~. " " _': '. " . .::: J__.. _ _ :....:.., , . ,:~,

Jh' .. ' ,i h "'

WI:tl.- wistmq tr e wire.

1.. J\d,e~lLsU,tc 'and cura 1 G-incb (4[ 1.6 ('Jl1) ~,rngth ,of I 8= or lO~g~.ug~ wire,

No te: 1 f vo u wish [0 us c [11. c [h ickcr g;ill ugc fo r a mo re s u bSI311 ri 3.[, 10 0 ,k~ use ;~, bead reamer to 'i ncrease I he size Df the- r t:~ r]"~ hole ..

2.. Use Har-nose plie'lfs ro make ~ 'SHt~ beTtd abour 'halfVvay d,nwrl rlhe wire.

I, tri ng on the p earl and :;'1 i de ~ r to rh t bend, Make another 910t) bend on the O[ I:-M~:"! r side ( r 111c pearl, Use n:Jt -nose pHtT~ HJ' g,~~,as.p the ~!i~ re 1;. ~ n ch ((, nu-n) from the l)OI~ bend on one side of the :pe~1 rl. ~\1ake ~L"~ 4, 5~' be nd ;a~v,ay iFrum the p'ea 1"1 [0 secure lr. 1\ lake another t.f~n bend au '[he other side of th t 'P~ar l (Figuxe 1 ). A,rraJlge the \Nirc-UtlW

II d' 'I ,~~ 'Ii ." ~. k'

cai e r le ease wire ............ so J r sucks

straight our 'Fn.Hl1 the sides of rhe pearl.

, lo-linch (,40,,6 lem) II len gltj~ of 1;8 ~ ,Olt 2\O>~,g,au.ge' rcn.Jlnd ster~ijln~g sHYer wire (whionEP;ter will f~t 'thlfOl,UIQM the p:eBrll ncl~),

30-,in,eh (7' 0".2, om; ~e'n,gth of 24", or 26 = ~ga.uge round sterling' silver 'win:~

Filuslh: cutters


, ' Ii

Working on one side of rhe pearl use'

~ ,

yOUT ,jin:,gc.~'s Dr thtr-n.osi(~ pi iers and rhe

2.4-, 0 r 26~gaugf '\~iJ~L 'l ) make 'a ri.gh[ 2~ 8:0. ,? l/2,~,i nch (5.1 H~ 6.4 en 1.) CO] I

(dept' nd i ng 1 11l yo ur "Je~ i rl~J ri n~ ,si.l,,;e) around the heavier wire, Check ,your ,,'ra.ps for un ifornl i ry and nearness. Trim the 6rsr ,end o f dl e wrappi ng wire cl OL~,e to tb e b as e \-v i re au d p ush the l"uiJ up '[0 me of the 45~ bends (figure ))~ 'Fn,e ,.;U1y ~~-har:p edg~s~ Repeat th'i.~ srep en rhe other side

1"''N,l tl "Ii ...... ~,:i"O"~ r~

LJ' R " I"'_ f' ...... (')l I.,

Ri n~9 rna ,dre,1


Tu m b II 8'If 'IN ~ th sta i r1I ~ ess stee I sh Cit or pi astie pe 11~I~ts ;~ nd dtsh wa sh i n9 ~'~ qtJli,d

t=-L-"lIIIiL.l!I!iAl!I..IIl.L.~q u' e :5

IC"Q~ 'lil1n,g: w~re (piag1el 24)

,4'i' Place [he piece on [he mandrel ;1[ a .haU~ size larger than yo ur desired 6nal size, Use your index r, ng.er and thumh [l" JirInJ:" pres,s. 1 inc of [he wrapped base w·i res 3nJU I~,d 1 he' m m d rel I U create t h e ri ng~s shank. Wrap l11, i other wr;lp rt~d b::as.e wi reo ,~I rO'[I nd 'I: h (~ rna I idrel i n ~ he o [her d i recr i on. crcati ng

a doub]c wi rc sharlk, Oigure 3),., Trim the wr~lppl ng wi re ,eu,d,s ~I\ t:'lose to the base If the pearl as possihle. Use ;Aat--In,ost' pll~ers t: ) gendy squeeze the wire tails close to the base and J1J.C' any rOll.lgh cdges~

5,~ Wrap. nc n:-- ric hare ~'Ia C wire: once around the JpP( she 4,-tl bend.

'Ill the base of the ri ng (figure 'I-)" Repeat .err the other bare bast" wir l' ,rapping it in [he opposite dire ti ~11. Bring l::it'Lh wi n np and rrver th1e [OP of rhe pearl, Cross the rw wi res an.J, creat e d_ wir] by v .... i n ~H ng th e wires in a circle rV{iICC'" Srraishren the wires ,S'I hl:~' ~l' 01:n[ ill cPf osite

(~l irecrions on each sid (f the pe~H'1 (6gun~' )1 .

fig .. 4

>;1 "Bring one b,ase wire d'vvn to the shank"~ dghr next ['0 the pearl, and

tigh lye 0 i.l i r rh ree ·1 n d a h:,l ~ c ti ttl. L' aro u n d cac b ,"vrap p ed base wir. om Iri rn (he b,ast: wire 0 j_~ sits inside '[he ring and usc n t-n se pliers tu :qU"t:'7J;,:' the ail close to the shank, -il[~ anv rouuh edg's" Repeat n the t ther ~i lcJ

• '-I IL

711; \Vith rhe ringri!1 fin th" mandrel, usc the h~Ull,rIrH~lr [fJ gentl> ta rhe shanl all at c un d [ ~ h,~u-den I h ~ \ 1 re ~

VVhlrlv.Jind 1011

W"ha,t seems alnl elabosate wireworking 'teeth n ique ilS, simply extended

d- b d- d wi 'Th '~ 'j '. h k

wraos aroun a oeacec wire stem ~ ne resutt I'S an earnnq thatevokes

' "r""", I "".,1,_ I. " _ ~ '~ '.. , "._' .. ~'_" '.'" _ ,_' , .. ," " ..... _.', ... ~c I, _' " .. es= ~,_" ,,:::.:.I~, , " ' ... '~:- ,,) '._' .. ' ... ::__:', '_ '.:c_ ... , '_I .... : ,.".",1

_ ,

Illi~glh-t ·e·m,an~t.i1ng from J6 'fun moon.



. , I

2 ere am fres,h wdte'f pearls, e-rnm half-round

2 sterlln 9 slil~ve . lever-back le.arFln·g 1 ~ndilngs.,

20,.,inch (5'0,.8 elm)1 lenglth of 24~·gllauge, sc ~ S ,lsrHn.g wire

'1 ~ (:[lL ~ lnche: (~I.l ern). - wire, Form -:1 .imple hllUp

Y2 inch (1.,.1 ern) ~U"l~ ·n1 Hnrt end, Use chain-nose pllen o hc;;'ild the ~vh'e's [~1]1 ~l lr's p~J'aHe~ with the J.ong, w ire' end C:igurc· ] }"

i ~ ~I 1

2. SLide ~~ cirrine be~~J onro the open : nel of [he wire fr m step I., PLd.1 th c wi rc end up r wa rd the II (P and rnak ,81 ri (! h r co it .3 r ... U nd [h II o nos base, i d m JJl v excess \~' i, re

~ J~ ~

(_j~urt 1)111 Set this d:~ngl!;.." aslde,


31 Cut 2 in .hcs (=5.1 ern) ur \V~Jt:: { nJ rru ke a wrapped k-op rhur attaches [0 one 0 the car wir \"

fj ~

4~1 Slide a pCHrl o nro rhe opc I1i en d of the \VU._ fronl ~ICp 11 ~ IVh: .s u ~(: ~l t uch (1.6 CD1) dov 11 rrom the "\frill' ped ]oc p and. make -ltU'IICh, r 'wrapped hop, this tim · anaching h n the d~lnglc's loop JigUft:" ~~). ~ t th is ;2,[) Ink· .s' , ,e'~

ig ..

s;~ ,' ., ur b in, hcs (1 ;;.2 ern] (f wir I. H, lid dle p't:':JrJ ha1h"Y'am up rb "hank and 1 isc one en 1. ." 1 he 6",irtc'h {1 ).2 C 11

~ iec ro make ne wr p ju:·-r above [he pCQ]["IL_ l'rirn the excess tail '\,\' i rc ~

6.. 1 eel' the wire as cl I j (j1l~ Pl . sibie IO [ill: pe:~ d as :~vou

bring [he wire down aJong. L ne side 'Of tJ.'~ pc~r'1 's pcrirnet f. ~. t:ll,e '1 wrap jUS[ below the l''1 ,aIr hy cro ~s,ing aver the ,"'ont ol [he \. ire shank, ,fr un ~I rhe back ro

the: ronr, and [hen back lip the other !'i,~d~ uf the pearl. 5 perimeter, Make all irher \~vn~p above tht. last wrap on top, L rhc " earl. As 'I' i' h 'he hr rrorn wrap. lIO~~ vet the fronr of the shank, around l ack, ro the fi'O]1 t, and down the .ide of [be pear] (figure


.. ·Iil

H.It:pC' .at. step o lUHH VOl!. reach the wra 'fl' d IOl'p-'I:) a

l_ • { \

;h., h nd of rhe s.h~ [1'1 ~ Trim he excess wire and lJ$t:

ch: in-nos: plier $. ueeze t he tail, tucking it benearh

the con (10~~ to rhe wnlp.

F'or ·thi:s el~:eg~nt br,ac,el~t, ~(lj~ II we'av,e a 'CJQmbl~Ma' ion of coin

e. e -"'I' - . - t ~I d

pt~· 'jar .5, crys a s, ane

~ ~ .

SI~I~I·vlef space 's u,sl.~lng

ladd ~- r ~- tju:h ~ Wh-e,n

- --

Y'Q!u,1're fin i~heG, the coin shaFles will lie like fallen deminees.

1 II ut 4') inches ( ~.1 rn) otwire. String on the round pearl and slide ir ro

the middle of [he wi re ..

Sepa nH e It he wire ends, I lin O,I"jIf.} ,~tf~-ng on two

[y~ i nder bea ds, on ~ c~~y~~~~:i ~ i o ~ If ~ I iacer, nne crystal, a n d two {~1 i n q,1 t= r he~ul~ ~ Re p ear r 'i 1: e S rr i .. 11 gj n'~ sequence for the other wire, String a coin onto one wi rc .. ~11)d p~lSS '[he other wire tl.llrOugb rhe coin in the opposite direction (.6gLU··t_:" l co Tighten rhe wi res so ~dl, the heads are snug~

'fig~ 1

4 0 .. i ]' • !I -I J

i!l 11 on e \VI re I I~,rnng. on to ne cy -' I nuer ,·H~·ac~.~ one

crystal, 0 ne space r, one (ryS'na ~ c and one iCy lindcr bead, Repeat the stringi ng St{llH:,n~e fo r the other vvi re .. Use ,t . ne wire to ).rring:, Ot1 n ne

coi U j;Uld pass rh E ,~ {her "vi re rh n::u_:~gih the cui 1:1 in 'rh e Urp():"~. re d irection ~ ·l.·i~gh[cn [he Vi," res [0 snug '[he beads,

":3 to , . .4 white freshwater pearls, 1: 3='mm coin

1 'whit~ freshwater pearl bead, S·-mlm round

, 00 opaque wilhite ICy~~ nder beads, re'gu lar S,iZIEl (com pares to size '11 Q,I

33 sterl ~ngl s~ lver spacers, 4~ m m "A at s q LJ"a re

4S .. inch (1:" 1 ml) 11'E!ngth of .01· 2. s,Hver=

p I,~ted 1 9 - S! ran d flex 1 ble beadl n gl wi Ii€:.

81 Jaehniques

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