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The Effect of Thixotropy on Suspension Stability*


This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of thixotropy o n physical suspen-
sion stability. T w o thixotropic suspending agents, bentonite and attapulgite, were
evaluated in systems of varying concentrations for thixotropy, plastic viscosity, and
yield value by employing a modified Stormer viscometer. A technique involving
centrifugation was developed for the evaluation of stability. I n the case of both
suspending agents employed, the correlation of physical suspension stability and the
degree of thixotropy of the suspending agent indicated that sedimentation velocity
was directly proportional to the reciprocal of thixotropic area.

UE TO THE NATURE of pharmaceutical sus- thixotropic pharmaceutical systems (2. G, 8-10),

pensions and the fact that they are to be Although there will undoubtedly be some dis-
used as dosage forms, physical stability is of ut- agreement among workers representing methods
most importance. I n attempting to make cal- of analysis which arc not standardized, the in-
culations concerning the physical stability of a formation obtained from proper rheological
pharmaceutical suspension, however, it is usually evaluation of systems of this type is very useful
found that an extremely complex system must be for providing data b y which the systems may be
dealt with, the parameters of which are in many analyzed and controlled.
cases quite dificult t o measure and often im- This study (a) evaluates the flow properties
possible to express mathematically. Further- of two thixotropic suspending agents suitable for
more, the rates of involved physical processes are use in pharmaceutical systems, (b) evaluates the
equally difficult to evaluate (1). Here it is physical stability of medicinal products prepared
earnestly felt t h a t time and effort may be con- with these suspending agents, and (c) attempts to
served if the experimentation is directed toward obtain a mathematical relationship which would
rheological methods. correlate thixotropy and physical suspension
The colloidal phenomenon of thixotropy is an stability.
important physical property of a variety of phar- The two suspending agents employed in this
maceutically acceptable suspending agents. project were bentonite, U. S. P.,Jand Pharma-
.Through utilization of thixotropy in the prepara- sorb Colloidal4 (activated attapulgite).
tion of liquid suspensions it is possible to minimize
or eliminate sedimentation and coagulation of the EXPERIMENTAL
insoluble constituents which the product contains.
Thus, a knowledge of the flow properties of thix- Preparation of Suspension Bases.-Before prepar-
otropic suspending agents should provide an ing the suspension bases, both suspending agents
insight into the formulation and development of were analyzed for moisture content by a standard
suspended products of superior physical stability. Karl Fischer titrimetric method with an electro-
Many pharmaceutical suspending agents are metric end point determination. Analysis o f three
samples for each suspending agent indicated niois-
known to possess thixotropic flow properties. ture contents of 6.59 and 16.2%. respectively, for
Among these are bentonite ( 2 ) , hectorite (3), bentonite and Pharmasorb. Following moisture cor-
Veegum' (4), attapulgite ( 5 ) , sodium carboxy- rection. bentonite suspension bases were prepared in
methylcellulose ((i), and Carbopol Y34* ( i ) . concentrations of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, and
7.0'1, (w/v) by adding the appropriate quantity of
I t is unfortunate that there exists at the present
clay slowly in divided portion.; to 800-900 ml. o f hot
time no generally accepted method or specific distilled water without stirring ( U . S. P. method 1.
conditions under which rheological analyses For T h e product was then allowed to hydrate at rcioin
thixotropic flow should be made. However, temperature (23 to 25') for twenty-four hours. At
numerous publications have appeared in which the end of the twenty-four hour hydration period the
product was mixed at 3,600 f 400 r. p. m. w ith ii
the investigators have taken advantage of rheo- Waring Blendorl of 1 L. capacity for ten minutes.
logical evaluation procedures for analysis of The volume o f the product was then increased to
1.000 ml. and the contents mixed at t h e previous
speed for an additional five minutes.
* Received August 21, 1959. horn the School of Pharmacy, In the case of Pharmasorb Colloidal, the manu-
Puidue University, West Lafayette, Ind. facturer recommends that the most stable suspension
Abstracted from a thesis submitted to the faculty of Pur-
due University in partial fulEllment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Science.
Presented to the Scientific Section, A. PN. A,, Cincinnati * Fisher Scientific Co.. Pittshurgh, Pa.
meeting August 1959. 4 Minerals and Chemicals Colp. of America. Menlo Paik.
I R . T.Vanderbilt C o . , New York. N. Y. N . J.
7 It. F. Goodrich C o . , Cleveland, Ohio. 5 Waring Products Corp., New York, N. Y.


bases be prepared by presoaking and/or pregelling samples) were satisfactorily eliminated by allowing
the clay in water a t 25" for a period of twelve t o each sample t o remain undisturbed in the viscom-
eighteen hours followed by stirring the mixture and eter cup and bob for two hours prior t o beginning
diluting the pregelled concentrate (5). The Phar- the flow curves. During this time it was necessary
masorb bases were therefore prepared a t concentra- t o prevent evaporation of moisture from the sample.
tions of 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0. and 9.0% (w/v) by adding This was accomplished by construction of a plastic,
to the appropriate quantity of clay a sufficient quan- rubber lined top for the cup and bob. Following
tity of distilled water (25") so that it just completely the experimental procedure, a plot of rate of shear
moistened the clay. The moistened clay was versus shearing stress was made for each sample,
then allowed to soak for twenty-four hours a t room and the parameters of plastic viscosity and yield
temperature. Upon completion of the presoaking value were calculated. The area of the hysteresis
period, 800 ml. of distilled water was added, the loop was then measured directly in square inches
product was mixed at 3,600 f 400 r. p. m. for ten by application of a Dietzgen-Ott compensating
minutes with the Waring Blendor, the volume was in- planimeter,6 and the resulting value was designated
creased t o 1,000 ml., and the contents mixed for a n as the thixotropic area. Samples for each con-
additional five minutes as for the bentonite bases. centration of the suspending agents were run from
After preparation, all suspension bases were stored four to ten times at two-to three-day intervals over
at room temperature in tightly closed, amber glass a period of fourteen to twenty-one days, and mode
containers and allowed t o hydrate further and age for values were taken t o obtain the average rheological
a t least fourteen days before rheological or stability parameters .
measurements were begun. So preservative was Evaluation of Stability-On standing, an initially
employed in the bases since those acceptable for uniform and relatively dense suspension of fine parti-
use were found to produce foaming during prepara- cles begins to settle a t a constant rate with a well de-
tion of the bases, thereby creating undesirable fined interface between the supernatant clear liquid
conditions for rheological evaluation. The absence and the settling particles. The rate a t which the
of a preservative did not affect the results over the height of the interface changes with respect to time is
period of experimentation. Although the pH of the known as the sedimentation velocity of the system.
bases was determined after preparation and a t Preliminary work indicated that stability studies on
thirty-day intervals during the time the bases were the shelf at normal gravitational force would require
employed, p H itself was not considered a variable periods ranging from six months to one year and more
in this study. for evaluation of sedimentation velocities. There-
fore, it was decided that accelerated studies should
Rheological Evaluation.-A Stormer viscometer. be employed. Multiplication of gravitational force
properly modified for study of non-Sewtonian flow, was accomplished through application of a size 1,
was employed for rheOlOgicd1 evaluation in this proj- type SB International centrifuge.' The instru-
ect. Fischer has adequately described the modifi- ment was equipped with a hand brake, a rheostat
cations necessary in this respect (1 1). All rheological speed control, a number 240 eight-place head, and a
measurements were made a t 25.0 & 0.1" through Waltham tachometer. Fifty-milliliter, Pyrex-glass
application of a calibrated thermometer and a con- graduated centrifuge tubes with short conical
stant temperature bath. Before use, the viscometer bottoms were used to contain the samples which
was adequately calibrated with Newtonian stand- were carried through radial distances of 10.0 and
ardization oils for use in the range of viscosity below 20.1 cm. as measured from the shaft to the free
one poise. Calculations used to obtain the instru- surface and the tip of the sample respectively.
mental constants K, K,,K J , and K,and the working Samples were prepared for centrifugation by
equations necessary for computing plastic viscosity incorporating 10% (w/v) zinc oxide (powder),
( V ) and yield value (f)were identical t o those of U. S. P., in the suspension bases of varying con-
Fischer (11). The instrumental constant K, centrations of suspending agents. Incorporation
was evaluated for each flow curve from the appropri- was accomplished by sixty seconds of levigation
ate weight/r. p. m. ratio for correction of the end- with a small portion of the base and ten minutes of
effect and consideration of the effective bob length mixing with the remainder of the base by a labor-
(12). atory power miser. During centrifugation the
After preliminary investigation of several proce- centrifuge tubes were covered with polystyrene
dures for quantitative determination of thixotropy, plastic sheeting to minimize evaporation and pre-
it was decided that the procedure most applicable vent aging effects. Each run in the centrifuge
t o the manually operated Stormer viscorneter was was made with four samples which were adequately
the production of a single hysteresis loop uith accu- balanced for minimum vibration, and care was
rate control of (a) the maximum rate of shear and taken whcn stopping the instrument to avoid
( b ) the time intervals between successive changes of convection currents.
weights. The maximum rate of shear was chosen Samples prepared with the bentonite bases were
a t 400 r. p. m. (381.2 sec.-l), while the time intervals evaluated at 500, 750. 1,000 and 1,500 r. p. m.,
between points on the curves were constant sixty- while those prepared with Pharmasorb were studied
second periods. Flow curves were accepted for a t 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 r. p. m. Following
comparison only if a top rate of shear of 400 f centrifugal sedimentation of the samples, graphs
5 r. p. m. was obtained. Although the time for were constructed for evaluation of the initial free-
production of the upcurve was not held exactly fall sedimentation velocities by plotting the sedi-
constant for each flow curve. it was felt that since ment volume versus time. I n some cases it was
all curves were made in exactly the same manner,
this factor was at least approximately constant.
6 E. Dietzgen Co., New York. N . Y.
History effects (i. e., past treatments of the 7 International Equipment Co., Boston, Mass.
necessary t o employ the method of least squares for
evaluation of the slopes of the sedimentation


Figures 1 and 2 show typical examples of the
flow curves obtained in this study. Table I lists
the average rheological values obtained for each
suspension base and also indicates the sedimenta-
tion velocities obtained at 500 r. p. m. (a centrifugal
force of approximately 1.85 X lo8 dynes) after
incorporation of 10% zinc oxide. The sedimenta-
tion rates obtained at 500 r. p. m. were used for
correlation of stability and thixotropy since these
values appeared t o be the most consistent and since
they were obtained for all but two (bentonite 6
and 7%) of the suspension bases evaluated. An
attempt was made to extrapolate the sedimenta-
tion velocities to normal gravitational force by the I&
use of semilog plots, but it was found t h a t a suf- Y
ficient number of points could not be obtained for I
valid extrapolation with the equipment employed. I
By plotting the sedimentation velocities against I
the respective thixotropic areas i t was found that I
hyperbolic Functions appeared to exist for both
suspending agents. Further investigation through
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
plotting the sedimentation velocities UPYSUS the 10 30 50
reciprocal of thixotropic area, Figs. 3 and 4, ap- WEIGHT-GRAMS
peared to verify the hyperbolic relationships.
These functions may be expressed in the form Fig. 2.-Typical Pharmasorb Colloidal flow curves.
(Downcmves on the left.)
V.T = R (Eq. 1 ’
where: V is the sedimentation velocity, T is the TABLEI.-AVERAGE RHEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS
thixotropic area, and K is a material constant. AND SEDIMENTATION
AT 500 R . P. M. IN
Evaluation of the constant K resulted in values of MLJMIN.
0.027 and 0.048 for bentonite and Pharmasorb, re-
tropic U f Sedimen-
Concn., Area, Centi- Dynes/ tation
~ ~~

’ w/v Sq. In. poise em.* Velocity
Bentonite 4.0% Bentonite 4.5 W Bentonite
400 2.5 0.84 6.47 1.61 0.061
3.0 1.09 7.59. 3.24 0.025
3.5 2.02 11.71 7.60 0.018
4.0 2.49 13.60 10.40 0.010
4.5 3.67 18.80 28.70 0,007
5 0 4.51 24.55 33 39 0.003
300 6.0 8.26 37.79 80.12 ...
7.0 13.18 59.64 174.67 ...
Pharmasorb Colloidal
5.0 0.06 4.2..
~- ~ -~ _ _
32.15 n.mi
r’ 6.0 0.14 6.37 59.79 0.400
7.0 0.24 10.76 101.79 0.200
200 8.0 0.49 16.92 175.64 0.100
d 9.0 0.84 22.67 245.25 0.050

spectively. Thus it can be said that as a 6rst

100 approximation the sedimentation velocity is directly
proportional to the reciprocal of the thixotropic
area. It is felt that the source of variation from
true linearity in the case of both bentonite and
Pharmasorb was due largely to inaccurate deter-
mination of the sedimentation velocities.
The relationship obtained from Figs. 3 and 4 is of
20 40 60 20 40 60 both theoretical and practical interest. Assuming
t h a t the sedimentation velocity of a particular
Fig. 1.-Typical bentonite flow curves. (Down suspension base containing some therapeutic ingre-
curves on the left.) dient could be evaluated under accelerated condi-

T: yield value on sedimentation velocity and of con-

centration on rheological properties is in progress,
d 1 1
and a n attempt to relate physical suspension sta-
bility mathematically to all three rheologicd prop-
erties has been planned for future discussion.


An attempt has been made to correlate thixo-

tropy and physical suspension stability for two
thixotropic pharmaceutical suspending agents;
bentonite and Pharmasorb Colloidal.
-4properly modified Stormer viscometer was
used for rheological evaluation, and a technique
involving centrifugation was employed for evalu-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
ation of stability under accelerated conditions.
IlS-1. In. X 10 .4n attempt to extrapolate sedimentation
velocities obtained at accelerated rates to normal
gravitational force did not appear t o provide
Fig. 3.-The stability-thixotropy relationship for
bentonite. consistent results.
I n the case of both suspending agents employed
the correlation of physical suspension stability
and the degree of thixotropy of t h e suspending
agent indicated t h a t the sedimentation velocity
was directly proportional to t h e reciprocal of the
thixotropic ares. or t h a t physical stability is
directly proportional to thixotropy .
As a result of this work i t m a y be concluded
t h a t both suspension evaluation and suspension
formulation may be benefited by t h e application
of proper rheological procedures.
Further investigation of physical suspension
stability as a function of thixotropy, plastic
viscosity, yield value, and concentration i s
z 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 currently in progress.
ij 1/sq. In.
Fig. 4.-The stability-thixotropy relationship for ( 1 ) Higuchi. T . . THISJOURNAL 47,657(1958).
Pharmasorb Colloidal. (2) Bernstein, H. B . , and Bar;. M . , i b i d . , 44, 375(1955).
(3) Macaloid Brothure. The Inerto Co.. San Francisco,
Calif.. p. A-2.
(1) Veegum Technical Bulletin, No. 122, R. T. Vander-
tions and that the rate of sedimentation could bilt Co. New York N . Y
satisfactorily be extrapolated to normal condi- ( 5 ) Pharmasorb' Techkical Bulletin, No. MDX-101,
Minerals and Chemical Corp. of America, Menlo Park,N. J.,
tions, the degree of thixotropy required for optimum 19.58.
physical stability could be obtained Conversely, (6) deButts. E. H . . Hudy. J. A., and Elliott, J. H . , J n d .
E n g . Chrm., 49, 94(1957).
it might be possible to predict the physicai stability (7) Dittmar. C. A,. Drug and Cosmetic I n d . , 81, 440
of a given suspension base after a rheological ,~"-.
[14i71 ,.
( 8 ) Kostenbauder. H. B.. and Martin, A. N., THISJOUR-
evaluation of thixotropy had been made Of NAL 43 401(1951).
course, other properties such as plastic viscosity and i9) bernstein. H . B.. and Barr, M., i b i d . . 46, 41(1057).
(10) Oher,,S: S., Vincent. H. C., Simon, D. E., and Fred-
yield value and the concentration of the system eiick. K . J . . : b i d . . 47. 667(1958).
must also be taken into consideration before a (11) Fischer. E. K . . "Colloidal Dispersions," John Wiley &
Sons, New York, N. Y., 1950, pp. 147-180.
more general correspondence between physical (12) Hamlow E. E. "The Correlation of Several Rhrologi-
stability and rheological properties can be expected. cal Methods fo; Measking Newtonian and Non-Newtonian
hfaterials." Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Investigation of the effect of plastic viscosity and Ind., 1958.

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