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This paper is intended for the final test of “Management of Education” course taken by
author which that majoring in International Programme on Science Education (IPSE). And
this final test is intended to meet the requirements given by Mr. Johar Permana. Authors
assume that this paper is useful to increase the interest of people and author itself to
learning and prevent bullying, especially in built the special management to prevention it. In
this paper consist of introduction, and also the content of the paper consist of the definiton
of bullying and management of bullying prevention itself. And closing is consist of
conclusion and recommendation for the better specific management about prevent bullying
in school.


The author wish to acknowledge Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala who has given the opportunity
to write and finish the paper so that this paper can be collected on time. The author also
acknowledge to the physhological book in the library and friends in there to support this

I would also like to acknowledge my parents, H. Nafsin and Hj. Ni Nyoman Wiratni, my
friends, Fitri Nuraeni, Wulannita Andika, Siti Nurlaisma, Euis Ummi Kulsum, Safiroh
Ni’maturrizki, Binar Kasih Sejati, Ineu Gustiani, Mitha Hardianni, Dea Saskia Fulkanul Hakim,
Yuriza Keumala, Afif Naofal S, Robby Maududy, Oktian Fajar Nugroho, Muhammad Isha
Juarsa, Rizal Syafruddin, Annisa Nurramadhani, Siti Ashri Sahidah Lisdiani, Rizkia Saraswati,
Adinda, Mutiara Dwi Cahyani, Sri Rahayu; and my mate, Nurul Hidayat for their support and
encouragement during this paper preparation.

Bandung, October 23rd 2010




Bullying is happened in everyday life and sometimes people does not realized it. Bullying is
an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person,
physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to
gainpower over another person (Besag, V. E. 1989).

Bullying is aggressive, harrasment behaviour physically and verbally and involves the
imbalance in power such as making gang and find someone who is able to intimidate
someone. Bullying behaviour can include insulting about race, sexuality, religion, personal
traits, teasing, even violences. Bullying’s victims always feel upset, afraid and this is the

1. Depression
2. Low self-esteem
3. Health problems
4. Poor grades
5. Suicidal thoughts

Bullying also not only happened in the school, but also in the office, cyber world (internet),
politics, hazing and ragging. From Data Media Indonesia said : Ketua Umum Komisi Nasional
(Komnas) Perlindungan Anak Seto Mulyadi mengatakan selama Januari-April 2007 terdapat
417 kasus kekerasan terhadap anak. Rinciannya, kekerasan fisik 89 kasus, kekerasan seksual
118 kasus, dan kekerasan psikis 210 kasus. "Dari jumlah itu 226 kasus terjadi di sekolah,"
ujar Seto Mulyadi dalam diskusi di Jakarta, Rabu (3/5).
But many of school did not care about this evidence in case that school afraid to parents and
the pride of the school quality itself. I takes the writer to explain about the prevention in
school to have a specific management that overcome the bullying cases so that the bullying
in the school can be reduced even eliminated. In this one type of the management process,
the specific management must be built by the school to prevent the victim and to reduced
the bullying from year to year.


Objectives of this paper are:

1. To identify the prevention of the bullying in school

2. To design the special management to overcome the bullying cases.
3. To undertake the final test about the management task that given.


In this paper, author used to write the paper by identification the bullying from definition
and introduction the design of the management.

The bullying identification is used to explain how dangerous the bullying for the students or
many aspects. The identification of bullying not only from the definition, but from cases in
Indonesia to prove that bullying is not a health culture.

Introduction the design of the management to prevent bullying was created by the authors
to introduce and to promote the concept so that the school can held the concept and
applied in the school.


The systematically of the writing is preface and acknowledgement, introduction, content

and closing.
Preface and acknowledgements are used to explain the outline of this paper and to give an
honour to people which helps the author to finish the paper. And introduction consists of
background, objectives, writing method, and writing systematic.

Content of the paper is about the school management prevention about bullying, and the
statement related with paper. And closing consists of conclusion about the paper and
recommendation for the authors, readers, and also the school that author observed.


II.1 Bullying definition

Dan Olweus, creator of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, provides us with this

commonly accepted definition for bullying in his book, Bullying at School: What We Know
and What We Can Do (2001) :

"A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative
actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending
himself or herself."

This definition includes three important components:

1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions.

2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.
3. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength.

According to Andrew Mellor (University of Edinburgh, antibullying network), bullying

happened when someone feels persecuted with another attitudes, he or she feels afraid if
the action are happened again and feels weak to prevent it. Bullying is inappropriate
behaviour directed at others who are considered weaker. Bullying behaviour can be either
physical, verbal, sexual, racial and psychological.

Physical bullying are hitting, tweaked, pinching, punching, pushing, kicking, throw the eraser
or chalk by teacher, pushing up the body in sunlight, hazing and ragging, etc.
Verbal bullying are accusing, blaming, harrassing, defamatory, gossiping, yelling, humiliating,
etc. Physically, bullying is expression of condencending, impolite, publicity of humiliating,
abandon or ignore the friends.

Pepler and Craig (1988) identifies several factors assosiated with bullying’s victim. There are
internal and external factors. Internally, children becoming victims of bullying, they have a
problem with anxioustemperament, social withdrawal or have any special characteristics
about the victim which are not found in other children such as difference in hair colour, skin,
or any abnormalities. Externally, it also generally comes from overprotective family, high
severe family problems, and overcome from all economic or poor sosialita.

Nearly one in five students in an average classroom is experiencing bullying in some way.
The rest of the students, called bystanders, are also affected by the bullying (C. Salmivalli, K.
Lagerspetz, K. Björkqvist, K. Osterman, and A. Kaukiainen, "Bullying as a Group Process:
Participant Roles and Their Relations to Social Status within the Group," Aggressive Behavior
22 (1996): 1-15). The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program describes students involved or
witnessing a bullying situation as having roles in the Bullying Circle (Dan Olweus, "Peer
Harassment: A Critical Analysis and Some Important Issues," in Peer Harassment in School,
ed. J. Juvonen and S. Graham (New York: Guilford Publications, 2001): 3-20).

Fig. 1 The Bullying Circle

II.2 Impact of Bullying

A single student who bullies can have a wide-ranging impact on the students they bully,
students who observe bullying, and the overall climate of the school and community.

Students Who are Bullied - Students deserve to feel safe at school. But when they
experience bullying, these types of effects can last long into their future:

 Depression
 Low self-esteem
 Health problems
 Poor grades
 Suicidal thoughts

Students Who Bully Others - Students who intentionally bully others should be held
accountable for their actions. Those who bully their peers are also more likely than those
students who do not bully others to:

 Get into frequent fights

 Steal and vandalize property
 Drink alcohol and smoke
 Report poor grades
 Perceive a negative climate at school
 Carry a weapon

Not all students who bully others have obvious behavior problems or are engaged in rule-
breaking activities, however. Some of them are highly skilled socially and good at
ingratiating themselves with their teacher and other adults. This is true of some boys who
bully but is perhaps even more common among bullying girls. For this reason it is often
difficult for adults to discover or even imagine that these students engage in bullying

Observers of Bullying - Students who see bullying happen also may feel that they are in an
unsafe environment. Effects may include feeling:
 Fearful
 Powerless to act
 Guilty for not acting
 Tempted to participate

Schools with Bullying Issues - When bullying continues and a school does not take action,
the entire school climate can be affected in the following ways:

 The school develops an environment of fear and disrespect

 Students have difficulty learning
 Students feel insecure
 Students dislike school
 Students perceive that teachers and staff have little control and don't care about

The bullies and victim are have both risk for their outcomes. Kaiser and Rasminsky (2003)
reported that as bullies go through adolescence they are more at risk to severe problem
such as deliquency, alcohol and drug abuse, and also dropping out of school. Finally,
victims are particularly at risk if there is no emotional support provided. These victim are
more likely to suffer from academic problems, absenteeism, loneliness, and loss of friends
(Roberts and Coursol, 1996).

II.3 Specific Management for Prevention

Many recommendation have been made wirh regard to how to approah the problem of
bullying, and most of researcher agree that comprehensive approach to school, students,
families, and community provide by antibullying community are effective programs for

Specifically to the needs of victims, is as important as intervening with bullies and assessing
school climate (Roberts & Coursol, 1996), (Hanish and Guera, 2000). Clarke and Kiselica
(1997)indicates that “bullying will continue to be tolerated in school until there is a
phylosophycal shift among school personel in how they view and respond to coercive

Many schools try to prevent bullying using packaged program that always lack support, care,
even interested to support victims from teachers, so the qualified needs of the school is not
built yet. The reseacher also recommend the securing cooperation from key personel as
important first step in successful intervention.

Efforts to prevent bullying in schools can be started by creating a school culture

“antibullying fashion”. This program built learning and teaching process without fear,
character education, and built antibullying community that supported with people who
aware with it. Creating a bullying prevention policies in schools by involving students,
teachers, and administrator even principal, must support this management if they want to
be succeed in this program because bullying is really a serious violence.

Organizing neighborhood with good schools, so that students feel comfortable is also an
influential factor and will help to prevention bullying. School should support groups for
events attented by all students. Furthermore, administrator and leader of school provide
access about complaintment or a forum for dialogue between schools and student
personally or generally.

Vice of Head of Education Departement DKI Jakarta, Ratiyono (2010) suggested two
strategies to overcome bullying, general and specific strategies.

1. General strategies outlined by built or creating a health school culture. Ratiyono

describe school culture as pattren of values, norms, attitudes, rituals, myths and
customs which formed in school long-planning. School culture held by all the school
participants asa basis in understanding and solving various problems that arise.

2. Specific strategies is to identify internal and external factors that cause actions
bullying in the school environment, enable all components in porportionallu to the
tole in tackling bulling behaviour, to prevent bullying action program stacking based
on a througouh analysis and evaluation and periodic monitoring and sustainable.




MANAGEMENT IN SCHOOL” is campaign and built the specific management call
“antibullying fashion” as the one of the overcome or tackling the bullying in the school. The
school must use the several approaches and strategies such as general and specific
strategies to make the program or the management of bullying prevention work well.


Authors recommend:

1. Every schools must know each chacter of their school by their vision and mission to
have more succeed in their program to prevent bullying.
2. Every schools must realized the importance or prevention. So that the strategies run
in daily life.
3. Every students, teachers, administrator must support this program to make the
management well.

 Besag, V. E, Bullies and Victims in Schools. Milton Keynes, 1989. England: Open
University Press
 Dan Olweus, Peer Harassment: A Critical Analysis and Some Important Issues, in Peer
Harassment in School, ed. J. Juvonen and S. Graham (New York: Guilford
Publications, 2001): 3-20.
 Pepler and Craig, Psychology of Education: Social behaviour and the school peer
group, (1988)
 C. Salmivalli, K. Lagerspetz, K. Björkqvist, K. Osterman, and A. Kaukiainen, Bullying as
a Group Process: Participant Roles and Their Relations to Social Status within the
Group, Aggressive Behavior 22 (1996): 1-15
 Kaiser, B., & Rasminsky, J. S. (2003). Challenging behavior in young children:
Understanding, Preventing, and Responding Effectively. Boston: Pearson.
 Roberts, W. B. Jr., & Coursol, D. H. (1996). Strategies for intervention with childhood
and adolescent victims of bullying, teasing, and intimidation in school
settings. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 30, 204-213.
 Clarke, E. A., & Kiselica, M. S. (1997). A systemic counseling approach to the problem
of bullying. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 31, 310-326. 
 Hanish, L. D., & Guerra, N. G. (2000). Children who get victimized at school: What is
known? What can be done? Professional School Counseling, 4, 113-119. 
 http://meetabied.wordpress.com/2010/03/22/mengatasi-bullying-di-sekolah/
(December 24th 2010, 00.43 pm)
 http://www.olweus.org/public/bullying.page (December 24th 2010, 00.43 pm)
 http://www.nmsa.org/publications/middleschooljournal/articles/january2006/articl
e2/tabid/693/default.aspx (December 24th 2010, 00.43 pm)

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