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MAP Avenue |B. OF BEERDOM. es WF s a +| aaisines x 4 a Bd 4 106s = Avenue PHAR J or Pe ro] Ce Shes b “ae ke Iso $| wa reas Rt iN NaS N Re “J S x " se) UBS aoe Gls Ssnarrill 5x (oes ’ « Seetimete Avenue D. = aera | 8 (ioo ol Cannon a ° Lewis Po pins Cae ICO poe BO" rag’? CI past Cablox A MAP OF BEERDOM. "Timers map erent oe ward ot New Took Ciug—the Hlecenth.Itextends from Fourteenth Sireetonthenorthto Riviagton Siret on the south nd {row Avenue 1 and Gston Street tothe Fast River. Ae: ‘cordingio the cenrut of 1880 the population ofthe ward swat 68,79. Native born, 29,025: foreign bor, 20.7 deen veto een years, 1,000." Tea sald to be the rot thickly populated diattt lathe word, not except Ing the densely crowded parts of Pekin. Its al pop- ‘lation 6,729 pomcaes 19 churebes and mins, ofall secty—Protstat, Homan Cutbolle, and Jews 5 Indust sehooly, 1 feee readlag-oom, 1 bos, aad 318 SALOONS, ‘The churches and mibslons ae indies om this map by eroses, fe; the saloons by det, @ © @ The slocse se Put epon thls map were aceialned by the reporter of ‘The Christian Coloo by actual coust. The mop fs an ‘orignal Corltin Unlou topographical aurvey of Beer dom. "These dow represent only slooas, aod do not Fnelide drug sores, restaract, query rng bee ‘The sale are largely beer slooes: for the base of the population ix German, and large Inermlogiig of ‘German round, German sighs, German sgor, German wares, and German emellsgeoerally, prevail. Pretty taken out forthe hours soi grown people aad hackaten’ Sands, ie Alled by stout, ebabbs. besthy looking el. dren—ith here and here panier wo allages and sues, mostly. joung and spall, and of all degrees of ‘leellnee, fom comparatiely clea to superiaindy Gig. "The sires are Tull the schools are fll, fll be the socks and, comer of the houses, ‘The waa: ‘eri thatthe people te togetber iso much peace and ‘goetoces, The wal ln reported. by the police and tter welt inforied pecooa tobe as Onerly a any fa {eelty. TheGerman is peal. Uallke his Tra and Yankee cousins, he doce not make a greet Dole and hua over his cups and wiad up witha sect brew. Heathers uilo Mawel afew kindred prt, and wo gether tues weod thelr way tothe Trlok-llalle, where, fa litle ack rom, with cheed doors and drawn cur: fain, they guzzlebee together till nope of ther can see mn the mening they come out wih querookiog eyes, ‘ut theres beon Bo disturbance fo the place. The ‘whole spre hasbeen condete In m deve and err | fmanser,” ‘This feet may scoount for the quiet whlch ‘usualy prevails even i Ue stele moa thickly Joted ith aon eco with what wo would expect in 8 Ger- rman nelghbocbood, ft iastated on good astborty that there ie not a sogle house of Il fame i the ward. ‘Ao epltode of our reporter's rambles will strate beter than anything ele the fatemal reatons that sen exist between the choreh and the saloon, Acaly of making sbarp fave between them. Te ‘rasa Bobemian church—no matter wha! or where. The Ilaiter ved over the church. We were wiberel {rough along, dark ball, up a pate of rekety, windiog ‘buck sai ad inte Will Bot iy to name i. The ‘remalo of breakfast were om able om oe side. The | Odor of the noonday meal was wafed from the seam. | ‘ng Keto on the stove, and sofs Sled with ragged | Dooks suggested that the apartment might alto have | done daty study, The pret was nota very good Dbomor. We mlstrated ax much from the sade whe, thoogh the nmguage was unkown tows, immediaely made os fel at home by thelr remarable resemblance toprofane Engh. However, me gt nothing from hie testy wortfp but a maledtction. Hla lees wae more fracovs, and kindly refered us 10 "de congers lon of the chur," who epta lager beer saloon ft 8 Delghboring street. The gentleman wae a Beary, hoa: ‘rt looking Boberien, snd bia shop neat ani onde Fe kept the church secouat book inthe tame deawer ‘elt the nlckels for beer. We fot the information we ra toa alld shock that we had opposed ‘The experience wasaotunltetiat of the gentleman who vas stoalshed one moraiog to tee is favorte cat, Rrown nthe teror of vermie, bland sailing through ‘ls whiskers tan ol, loogfothel rat acres a well Aled pte of rape. On Surdays tome of the people goto church; some vst aad keep holiday with ther fends whenever the weather le plonant. A. grest many troll oot the fret or guher in knots onthe doorstep Bat here Ia sot no dorder, except what the street boss may ke. One who is anquatated. withthe ward. giv ‘eis opiaion that iteupports fewer saloons tow than {en years ng, aad clergymen to your reporter," Tcame into the ward ex pectiog toda nothing but Sith aod vice. But T could {ke you foto hundreds of homes where you would fn ‘ease and comfort and even culture.” ‘Though seat of ‘the people live from baad to mouth, there fe compa: tively lite abject poverty amoog them. "A god pace to sco the Hust Side Germans is Tomp- Ins Square. On simod any sunny afternoon you wit ‘moet them there—men, women, and ebildren, even ables faarms, as beppy, bight, good-aatured people ax one ‘would Gad between the Bailey andthe Park. Ofcourse, ‘hatoe bright side. There, no doa, much degrada om and misery fo the Eleventh Ward ; we have given ‘eres best and Brighest de oe. Dr. 19 Churchorand Sunday} Scheels. ‘Stadt Sook, | | 246 SALOONS. 1 Hosptial. Ove chore, Protestant, Roman Cathe, and Jewish, ‘toevery 5.70 population ‘Ove saloon 1 every 20 population, meo, women, and cuir,

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