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Creative Strategy Analysis Worksheet Assignment 1

Primary Selling Points (Product or service features: built-in characteristics or product or service itself,
including any Unique Selling Proposition (USP));


Primary Benefits (Prospect Points: What buyer gets from using the product or service);


Consumer Profile of Target Prospect:

1. Demographics (Age, sex, education, income, occupation):


2. Psychographics (Life-style, attitude, personality traits):


Belief Ad Is Trying to Establish:


Reasons Why Prospects Should Believe It:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

Which of Gunn’s 12 types of ads is this? (If a combination of types, mark all that apply)

1. The demo - “stain remover” ______

2. Show the problem - “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” ______
3. Symbolize the problem - cold symptoms turn person into ogre ______
4. Symbolize the benefit - laxative and old faithful ______
5. Comparison – Charles Schwab ______
6. Exemplary story - the VW crashing ad _______
7. Benefit causes story - Axe effect ________
8. Testimonial - real people losing weight ________
9. Ongoing characters or celebs - Taco Bell dog, or cavemen ________
10. Associated user imagery - people you want to hang out with, Nike ________
11. Unique personality property - Apple genius commercials, or Dyson for the vacuum _________
12. Parody or borrowed format - GEICO small house or celebrity helper ads ________
13. None of the above____. Why? ___________________________________________________________

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