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Food of Thought...

Is the Paradise pure..Yes..Now how come the "snake" gained access to PARADISE and
managed to convince EVE to eat the "apple"?
And there was war in heaven..right?..A rebellion..A mutiny..The fall of Lucifer (or
Semiaza and his group..as per The Book of Enoch..) or whoever the leader was. We know
war is the result of greed, jealous etc. Now if all these causes of war were in
heaven..which heaven are we looking forward to go to?..Lol..They were cast down..the
rebels..why were they not annihilated altogether instead of just being chased away? Cast
down to the earth..were it must have been evident that they would mess up with the
creation? Or is it that they did a Tactical Retreat...buying time for another invasion? Tell
me my people...is this the real story or there is something we are missing? Or something
our religious forefathers of the early church ommited? Lastly..what about the legend of
the flood...There are some ancient texts, some holy, which give an account that Enoch
knew about the flood before Noah had even been born..(Enoch being the Grandfather of
Noah's father, Lamech) and that Noah was immaculately conceived, or at least his seed
was not from his father but from "guardians of the sky". Refer the Dead Sea
Scrolls. (Though the mother was of course not a virgin). So if Noah was immac...anyway,
lets not go there... for now.

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