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Video Biography Rubric Name: Content Approval (Due: mm/dd) No Submission of Assignment in Viewable Form (Due: mm/dd) 120 2 —La- prompt | Story fulls prompt Partially fulfils prompt ‘Accurate and believable portrayal Moderately believable portrayal Not belevasle Complete and satisfactory to auclence Partly sat Video is unsatisfactory Purpose is clear to audience Unclear purpose — Stylistic Choices 10---—---9— Images are svistcaly eprops Not ay tcaty appropiate \ (coor, lghting, and focus) Aco choleneenich video Audio does nt eect vdeo ‘uo detracts trom video —6— 2. 4 Enhances viewer comprehension (Does not relate appropriately to-fory Dominates the video Demonstrates caret proofreading Some grammarispeling eras Neglects grammariepeling (Oc—video is compete wio the use of text Transition and Flow 10-—---—-9-—-—-—8. a2 Story is clear 1) canting Stor is incomprehensible “Transitions ntogea progression Teaattone raise questons “Tranitons ae consing Viewer fels a sense of closure Viewer els some sense ofctosue —_Viewerlsle wh questions (Story does not end abruptly) (Editing a \s 9- — —2—— lean, clear eat ‘Some eats ae ough Alles are roughened Soenés tow smoothy hopoy scene changes ‘cup cere changes Citations wah 10. 9-8 gure ‘Alborowed materials ced appropriately Some mateal ie not cted Materia not ted Oral ogi! meter weed Relationship With Audience 10- —3—— 5— Story engages audience Sty is adequate sing Story is entertaining and orignal Entertaining but lacks originality Not entertaining or orginal

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