Você está na página 1de 5



L IIMll1ll1 AU,U D'liUlOG, 1: t :1: :;.:61;1'''''' r_;uiII ... roaiolonl of I"hl< 14, 8ilio i~dlU~~'tu.~ o.rs-y .. ,. .Mru.~. uwl O.UiUn,gU,'fUj' 'buik:Dlelfictl Davso Clty~ ale:r 'haviq been trN(Imlo Hi 1tccordWl,¢'ie win

~m:!'~ d~ ht'fohyc,iQPor;.o.alld rH1Y:~' '

, ~

l. Tnnd ~ oW of.~ $_·of "pres ~or OuWaj 1);-8 ad Emly M .. Diomg

,~,'nmt 8mfl~li:m~ 'C,A th~month ofJ' -'JW'Y :2ij08~ 'tIll\' da'feofwidell Ican;(lot ,recall m~mom I waB.in our .holUl' Wttb, 1'o,,' ~:Iftf.er ll.~ Jtt !Kt~ '~hEij, jbim~, vapbunOn:8' CauOOR wiilthr.ce ils~oit3 who.in 1. knlow tu .b~ 0. n,l~.mber ,of T.~ik .[U:l~~ DtlJ"/.:-IJJ:dUi] ,sa:iI~I1mrmlgaJ=- - ~. Itad ,o8OCre(ltl< b~ :tIle, ,,~:I gf"~.amlmwn~ 'by 1M, :faIi.e:r iJu,t mJ 'flUlln'

.~"""';:: ~ ... ,~., - '~.'-::" ' ~ ~"'llid~lt~4 II.W~t' ,a,u~r;

J.UllJll[ 5:~nee·;t~~!l!J~~ 0'11, dU$ to, dIe rofL :alafmy .lu:tber.tu sell uur land to barangn:r -, c~ta~n (11'eg,ClUl00l\ ow' il.~.~~t~l' t.lltJ, IW."'I'~ ;J!Ue,mpl1eiJ, t0~' bun~ Ilh~rebJ ·m'Ul~.llg, .i~ Ipmii:aI.l;y Ibi,Y' ulud~J]!tifi~d.m&p~: ItlmipJ'omp:l:ed us '~Q '::m~~'ji-fr Ih) ~Ul' '~liItl'l~rllto'U1H'l! ,jnsfd!:mD:J " J.d i 01 me :~rIUllOln 0:( Apn ~ 11., 2(1)8~ 0. hnlllSe' wh,it.:~II~H!S' hem, ,m~i.ll1~ hlwn~~ WR:El j'~l~n bunted R,Bniu 'li!urJ t.oll ~y~'~,d to E:~~e 8l'O'lllt'lllJl by stili WlideJlllifi,ed .!SUspect.a;


. I .. ,. _ •... '._ . ,'. . .

4'flJiU' ,(lOnr .mQut 9:;15 jiID tho iell/,eJ : .. "ol,¥iI19~ ,2:l!Joo.~ I was: mae JlIUU.StJ ,ofm;r .yci:e lOeS3!li'.l.Wnbat

o"om!t'o"!li~:~I}_~ 11 ... n~l~ir ~e:O.lm:mBJ '\I!i~SID ~i; ,gl]n~firi.o,~:'~ h1l1llll':~IIUW ~~e: llou"al'eE lb~, .):I~:m;~ sisWr I..ona .in! a ~~ un'\:! ~,f;!:!;1 ~U~I!;~ J,~r ll~ Ip' be<lUs:e .my .:taUe:rw.W! Jut by abu~ ~el :Ih:l.m U~e raptdgut'lfinng a. ''il1:]n~e ~o:

.. 'n'JI~ltt tuy 11l~£llc Cr;.IfElr LaMDa.t. :- 1 d .ats~er L,or.u.b.tmiedIJ' weutmotu'ooiWIC1 lad 'W~n l,ye ocrhf~d~ J smv.f I'~~~J~~~" ~ h't!rml~j]~~~r GnmbayDiHt'03, ml, ther EooJiy' ,A!b.Ul)~DQ811' 8!idws,J~IlI=tJ'a:ndJe"\liIi=mijIl !R1!;~ 'bTroodii!~dI belie'! tU hmr~ iM1!)}U~Jh; by :the s3iidmpld gu, . 'riRg;

. '~'~. "l~l~lt'FfII"! hmt~sht ~n:yw~uld'~ fbbe!l~ :llolbe~' arid two~'~:&1~~:s wUH'illebaJp .oftJm"I'~~londiJ].s DhJru~8f~ .

• n,fiCltl:Fu;l: hl),h.R iIJ;I!~~,u,IftJ h1'l1lt: AI :m'OnmtJ':.IO P.M. ,A;p'JilI3:1,1:008~, u:.y Mer !tied 'oI'lJa1F:nn .MsdlmlIICLMd:~r mu.~e j u ~l Hiilt'r' :~nui. tw'u5is:i.enl m,\~ uwtjW:i,!I] 1" llrearJ1li~ent; :t1iJ0ilj'lea'~

',n~~{ [r ;.tI!J[ ",!,'!t~~~1tiD~ tbjg: :aBidavU~DI~e,st 1~~Ut(h~rutbjUJDe.!iS ~fthe 1br~go.jll:,gYst9~,e.ln~.nt;f:I~nd for whatever le;g.~ 1!"II!~~ It W,lai~ senriC' •.

t N ")i/rrl-u~;S3 \.I'IHEPJ8.oF~, I horcby" ~]ix lny sigmlhlfe b~low thlR ~C Ir·!~ Ir!iirl~"rle:p',

;'JIIDS,;nIDIID ;\1" DSW O~N '1'0 J/Jhr~.'.:ll'i' _kLu " <hIy;,fMI~ 2008, 01 l).v .... Gily. PLi!; pp",oa .. Id h~II~_':Ly ~'I:diljr :U~~~, I hu~~ 1}~S\l:Wll~:rJ;Wml:U~rJllhe ni1Iilm]~, aud [ami IlnJiI}, c~h:,Yi:nco thw ll.lw, 'VO.IUjltm~y·ruwcut"'HI

~tndlMti:nod'hJr;'II" mJbfrn~.iit.

.~·I •. ' , " ••. "., ~"

~~-~".-._-- ._._

• .i ,ft·


li,t'iJillu.b~'l~ ur i.'1v: Philip,mltj i I.S

elf." 9~' lh!,¥!to J

~. ~." t. I.:(;)~~N:~ AH~A,S ~)JAJt.05~' !t .. ye'~ 'O~:~.j, s.~gJ·e:~_ jU~pin?;; ~td :1. ~~8~d8:nt of lP~ok 14~. ~i,ltio' I~Wlay~u) IUlr.LPf. .• M~UI;ue~ tj~IY~!illn:.Qi!. rll:lil.l~ok U.lsln,ct, UllY.ilO CJltY.. aner navlDS baen sworn ,to.OJ DeCarll-mell' WJUJ, law~ do hereby

:tt;~H'H]'r: :".:nd ::ray; ,

i,.'1 ihu 1 run one of l~ daughter 0 1.51pouaes DOMlNADOll OUJlrmAY DJIAROG and. EMn. Y ABAS iJI,\J:tJOG.

;1 "lm:1 ~f~II~i'!hm~, ·op ItJil~i'J~ootb .of'n,wty 200S, tbe dote. ofwJlij·vb I OWuJ,o'tr:ee:ail w~yuIDre" ·wJ.tUe I was ia ! I:W: hm~~til wi.il~l jlt~V or·!2Itheir DJ~N·Y .. barru:t@ll captain Gr-e,g Cwndn or bnrBIl:811Y Tamayong~ 'CsJinnn, di:elri,ct, Davllo, "jl'f =lr..-iV('flit.iij:'b dire~ l"';:OOClJ,il:fJ Ideli1'I:W·ed Iby.o fl· owl, as IJleabr.m o,fTiusk FOfCalIDu.VRO and hod 'toUted widl .roy iblber . Hffi !~"1'~ IFf! hu~.· 'il~ p8f~'OJi 'af 1,mUil wiho.m I_ n01w to, be O'll111liJd by uJlypmvnb3' flJIld I h.e'ardb:arangay 'captaIn Gre'g

- _

i ~~III!~d~1 :,It-:: h'areln .~I:U~led In V:IR~.an ,di!a]llu~t'·" .i-.AItB PALn'ON NAKO ANG .WONG ytITA SA .IBAB,AV..rt and my

£U~!'(;.I. DOMll'iJillOR am'dBAYDIAROG refuged the uffer by saying in visa}}:!" diaJ.ectas be:l'ebl qo:u~ed ss ~. !JN~;,"~ I~ '\ !li"L:\t·J rU~··.AN SAAI~ONG If'iA ANAKUNYAt~

_', 11U1I1, =;~nl:e: d,il':u Oil .. duo eo tlltl ,faii '. blW. of my .father em tb~JQlmr.of bW'Mgl1Y Cur,doin Canada to' buy th~ ju~~.J~ I~'I.II"·:PU h.' !;:,lIlwn ~~·u~'!V thuhl.~·!u· ~'l..,u~e .1 M :llite'u1ill't~)otI'o be bum~d by unid~ntifl.ed BUSI"Itt't~ iu Ilwo m:"t'IDJiujm;

,~ T:l1nl U)' jlhL'! "'·'ll!·nli'll~ of A,)I'H 5. 2Im~~ nvalPe:rWI~ :DRie:Y:ed Ii: ,onrhuu~e where ~'UfO' Uif dJ.em;d~di1iied ~hr~U"I~~dv{"f~ In'! liJ,i,us JU..EX .ud. aONZ,1 ES of d.~ ~13~dinmntry br.jgud~ Plij'Ul)p~ne Jtrm:, 'wbflreby IUQS ~ ::nN~~j~' (I ~~ ~ f;~ l,U-n'1m'.\tfld Ulilnother for hav 'tJg been aJI~eg~dly Is'uspec:ted Ito be responsible in tho· a.twlnp of burui.IS '~ur bQllg~~u~d n·n dial i:l1:f.lWrtCe. BJY UHl,tbera d. al.i.Qs GONZA.LE8 hadnu H~fien:ariOiJl wid] eae.ftl on~e.r Inid iufu£t. nHWl

iJiJli:lz.nt·I:!S U1Ul(!ie smile' snn thrll3reoingUlbmw -e~t,oward9MY :moiheJ"an.d me.; .

"i:Ih~: :rltcl· th~n incident, "We had. a chflill.ce te talk tOi uae uffice.r ·01' the 13m, i:nthe person ·of Lif. :ITNA ':~I'j~I"!J! ~._~" .j~~I'!J~1t~'f1 j rt~hcy, bnll:~ a .m~mbt'!.r b·· '1:11E!'IiIWill~ ot'olius GONZALES and'we were H .• fl.ied in th.el oega,ti'i/(;l!;

t, Tbn r j-;d, f~n ('Ji: i1bq ut 9: J.5 illl Itbt"l ev!.'l .iN).! of AprU29 ~ 2QOS~ WIt?! were :flW:akeued. b:y .s:event!l, gunbW"st di:J:I8ic·ted ! 'l'IN:llr(ilr. 011' hnm~e w~.~rein nftel~ fhi!' !uJ~b W'S '.~ I unwased ·t01 ge"t Jif-o.!U o'~~rho,useto Wieny Dud I ,'Saw one· UllideJI!lilled r1r'll"f.lUU '.r!l'II~1l'I with ~.UI'li8 "'ira: Flf:n~~riJ:~n"~J'8 U a pJioca Dnd 'wl~en,it 'was: OiII'aady clem' aad Ide, I.rull. to file lrouse of JUy ·.»n',ll~ (.H~tut ~I:IUibnin:ljld ::'H)~i1Aht he·.lp;

., '11'hRL t, lInyum .. 'ieCESAR LA, ',1' :Bnd., ,my br,olli:6lr DANNY hmnedia1ely \iV,llt.t bad' to· ().lOr .!lioll:l.EI!1ili ,to· ~jt~~'t1iV fUild. Ullua .~ul'ivaj lhere.at. 1 saw' IUV: 'he.F' DOMlNADOH. OUMBAY DIAR001 :nl.y mother EMILY~.AS mAHOG ~~~;I~·~. ~ny llIiSWil'ili Jf::I'~il:!Ir.y swi,l Je;teu ,i'e~"l wUl!llul~d .andbl,ooded 'believed. to ;bc- [lav,e: been It'l. by bunet~:I :'I'mU:tmg Jrom ·i'.bQ !JUI;U:ri:ngjunt u: while .~-

i1.UI"lwItJI rh~ bei,) of :tbt~ re~l)on '!hlg l;"wiml!o.y o,m,eioJ~ in our ·pla~'e. l:UY mther~. mljth0l" EJ31d two' ~dstOlll ~~_rN-'·" 'hr.iu,,)lIi "I'.~!, '~.~ j.1()~pibJJi but. my iilt'llie.t,·- D rni.nudo.' Ournboy DiMog drieid :id nr,ourw 2:0C) P.M, Apr.il 30~ ."".008 '8i !'1~~;J''' ~ll-r~:i~~a~ C;:!nl~f" "'i'flltle' mon~er and ."\,, sisters:iJN WlIdel,·g;uf.fllg 'treaunerElt thre:reat;

'H~al{ J alII' ".fll.t"cniiuA lh~$ nffidtl.vj·[ 'to .attest '.0 Ulle' 'nltllfuhltlSS of i:be foregoi,ng :EltatelJl'l~lI1ts.Wld (or whal'eve:r 'eg,a] 7l'mTI n~l\~ 'l'f :I11a)' aervc,


til ~·~mss 'IVUllP$.OF •. 1 :htr~by uffi:l(Illl~ IS:!SI'l81ur-:e b:tlo.\V ·thls:_l),~ of May 200&~ .D.avnol CIty. P'hiUl)l)lPtl'S;


~ tillS. 'P.lBJID AHD SWORN TO Il.fo .... '... Ibis b day of May 20011, .t Dav"" Cily, Philippi .... IOld 1 ;ldlrG.I~v f:(;r'tJlty th3t J have r,:ersonaiUy eXiU1Jil·.ed, the· aiUWlt ud. I 0011 1J:'ul!y ·llloprvi,uCit! tbat: 'sih,E! vo·jrullvUy ~.xecd.t'ed and

~m~h;~ ~h)oj,l t~er:uuuaYiL I


. ' ~ ~

. .

.... , .. - ~.. - .

.\ ...

'R:'epu~li( ,oir me 'iPi1ng,PTnt$) .

C itV' of D:aivao ) S.S·.


L That I know the deteased POMINADOR GUM&.AY I)IAROG as we Uve in the: same Sitio in nur B.aranga,y ,and beiliQI11Y pam:rna.1 Uncle;

, I.

2., 'That on unremembered dale of Febru.aty 2008, my abo'v'e'· nam,ed Unc,le went to my' house

~nd ,elonfid'edi to me 'that ;8rg,y. Capat: jn Greg ICanda OIl' Brgy. 'T,amayong, It:a1l:inan Distt,ie,t went to .his 'lhollJ6e al'l13n,11 w,ii:hl 'thrle:e (,3) last ,Fof-.~ mel')ilbelsi who e'scmte'dl hOI ·and orts'f,e:dlo, bUll' his house ,and! ~t ,fn Hli -;m;ount O1f fjfiQ!' thoosan' ,pesos (p"I~aIDD:J)I~Ja:ndl reif:usedl :dile' offer ,H' hi:s Ihouse, ¥l,as rn Illhen!~ ,endl Hla' land, is ,pai .. t 0'1' 'Ile ,~5tr,ail dmna· .~ caled in 'Ihe L!RJer pa:t o:f ,Sma I~"rm. M~ Unde furd',er 'wkim,e -li:hat, I.g,~ leap . '~I lean!".1 '~ c: ',_r mad ,abuu,; 'the refusa1 ,,' _fltingl i - 31 'vema'wlaJi "Glmll,o~an man kanemo Pre wala k,-y'klarQ Utastar'Ya/·nialt,ap~t'an ba·dtay. ko kung b~ool(OJt.,


3. 'That last :March 2008, Btg,. C~ptarn Canada went 'to my hause and affe'red me and my , brDtber .iudy D,iarog his ,interest in bu' ling IDur two (2) he,dar,II's of land an,d I tol'd him that we '~nnot cledde as ,of Lha:t' momenlt as 'we w':illJ _ tdli hav'e to '(onsu,lit, and 5ee"~ advi.oo fnJ,m'my Uhcl'e ,Jl:ominador I

then !lme, Ie ft; . .


4. That ItwlDI w'e'-'ks ,ahra ntll'I!l'- pe'rSOh ,lfJjwed 'to 10, house who W'. linsbuded by IBarangillJi r~plilln Canadal :to ,aSl~, us what: . ,'asl ,_ I I decision ,andi ,at' 'fi:s:t: e lI',e'rused IRe' CJ,fie,II" but: ~-·.2 lofdl mea I m~ inolher' to qUDt~ ':IWNG .D.lUNKV:O: 'DAWAT'OIN' ·AN'G 'BAYADt DIDTO NA NAMO ]'HATA~' SA, I)NANG NAG NAG.OKUpAR ANANG Y fAA" MAKUNA:RA GIHAPON NA 'NAMO KAV lCAMI GlTAHA.SAN

, SA OENR NAM,A-GMANAGE SA YUTA _ IRI PARA MATAMNAN,ANG 'VUfA 00 PINE 'TR.:eeSir and at·the end me and :nl'y ~rother decided ,_ sen it but, WEl' demanded one hundred thousand pesos (PI 00 ... ;000,,(0) ,as the .selUng price of 1~·!liIt" l'and;

s .. Thall w'eeks al1tef~. iBaf'-,' ',aI' lta,ptain Canada galve one h __ ndredIhO'lsand pe.sos: ("I.OlOI~D!OU.OD')1 his pa,mlent of .. I' ."II,~ -and: :101111 me~and nrlJ brother to' IquO,te,1I1(]N[ 51 DIO'MING 8A, 'GNH'I IAAI"O OG UlJO', DlmlA,:1M ,-'N ,M'O' B1KIlSA.INy,gl 1U'i'OAIJJl H'Al:AG',~,' TAlMO 0'[3, 211 I,H'OU$,i\NDI iPESOiS, ,Mr,'ANA PAJ~,cTONi rA~ol PAGKf\JH'U:MI~N. IK:UNG.D'll! 'MOI ~BAlO IM:OP\fSR., TlGB.ASA aASTA AYAW LAN,G' M'a Sr'BA NAAKO NAGS'U.$O KAYMADAUT' TN' 'wHkh shocked me

upon hearing those 'Words and 1 just ,f( .pt it to myse~f; .

. .

6 •. That thUfJ! weremo attemp,c' of:burnll1g the' bv'o :s,torey house .ellf my Untde where my Unci!e and his famU:y 'r,esides untn onApdl 2" 2;OOBat an)'ul1d ,2~IlO o'clock :in the ,afternoon th,at the hous,a vl'as intent:ana,IJ;y bume,d ,and Ifa;:ed 10' the gJoufld caught. on fir,e' prompting my Unde und his iami~y to u.ansfer in l1eil n,Dussl all:ower'PII' ~llofSUioIKahusilranwh~thlls, j~t fiI:f!,ar hJlm,hause';

~1.I1hat ml. Apdi :291, :ZmUlwih:1 -::. ,I 'las: IDIiIIh' '_ a, iooflle rrom Ilbe de~~dunEin'tl.I he,ard a rrt#p', I 'gun fire· .end 'sow flashing of I~ights the leIn" fromtl .~ dJredkm of my Untie DOnl,inadod; hOU$e Which promptr.d mora drop· myself o.n.th.~lground ~nd' obs'etve for any comrnotian,after' awhUe, my 'cousin Lot.na(daughwr of my' Unde D.,'m'fing) .arriYe,1, crying and listing for help, 't-e,tUtng me that ,m" Unc'le DQJl'lfnador ,and lco:usins w,ere inVred.1 immedji. ·'ely went 'to their hOUS'B and flaw my Unde'tuU o,f ibrDOd (;3ustng me to 'reav,e and WB,_l1 t to7'1d lB, sla ered in Slti:o Saro for A$sistance andHle dt,ty o:ffic:'er 'contacted Brg.,. Cap;talin .Antip· is Bating~I' to 'ansporl :Ill' uncle, .Aunt ,and cDusins·tolhe' b;n5~UaJI tilM' :(0, ,gunshot W10UJru:l's;

g,. thait .', Unde-'Ia& b,o I,' ;,! -, . 01, fe,lab"ve ,~I'_ neigl-";; IrS '"\.5itio sar,o ,at die. house of ~QJ Kagawad '8ulag!ii ~' and w,as br'Dugilt'bJI- .... ~ ,flel>.Qndb , IBf9J .. :O'ffttiia~lo:H1e lhotpltlt;;

'- _.- 1
~ ....
c· ~ I~
, to. That ~I;'! the earlymorni 9 of l~priil;,3,OI ,'2008, whUo I W:afi: at tJlelmmedi:ate v,idniity of l'h~' nouse ,of my Uncle ':0 DmJnadior,I' b ,ppanedto, halv-e, noticed shoelp:ri:rnts whkh I to~J(Jwed ttnroug:!1 ,a:nc ~"a6 ,headfngl 'oowaJ1a5;;lhe IPIne: Tree, _tilthl ,ii: in :h: bD:Undlali, 'of Brgy.Tamar,€Ingif Ca~man D:i!Siiict aJTIiC erg}' ,Man:ue'iGuia:nga,r tugbdk '1)ltj!s "'in" ani ,I)'f t[),avao City.

Tba t I am exe(utfn~ 'ttl]!) aMdalvit to apF,llih;,e lhe iulfio,Flitlesc:(u'IIcerned .of the vue 'Users an~ CU1tllmstanoos WliIIN.!llllldfJlgl Ule ind~e;nt W':~thlill,' mteintiwlllm, :st.ml,d a&w~b\eS$ ,and fOrVII1i}mr,e!r' ~Iga~ ,purposethll:S ,m.a:y serve.

In W,rrNIESS WHE,REOlf;, 1 he!' ,ebyaffl_l m, siln~ture beilD"w ~hiis;

. '_.


SUII!i:CIUIEIi) ,Mil) SWO'ItJNI TO be fi>, mIO 'lhi!l, ~" Oillw May 2111111, ;t l)iI'lao 'C~IJ. Philippines alIId !I he,reb, c9rti:F'r~ thlat 1 halep,ersonal1y , exa;m:iine a: ttheaiffianf and! ,amtrq~y «l~v'in~, Ulat 'he v.o~'urlmii'ij, fo! ~~e!.('-uted And under\s:,tocd "hfS 'afficlav to

" •• ""! !

. ~ 'i "1:\"1 .- I

I : ~.. •

.... ~ - .. '~I. ...~ •




.. '

:R~ptibDt' of ilihe FhIIbPN:'S)

at; of' DavIa ) 'SS.


,1".'CE5i,M, .,' -,I IA,T ~,lhAc::, •. iil Vts ,ok!ll maml8dl~ farm .. , ,iJ\d ,a rijiii!S =, L ,o'f In."-;",, II'~ ~I~' ,~ .. k., I-av. '''_I

_. . ,_ I .~"'t .• . - I' -- - -" r-WUl!>., ·',f "",ilYU' ,~lIi.l:h.!, _"I'

15191,· 'r~lcakJet:, '~nnga/. ''fUgbOk m~tt;~'l'DQ'V:ao crrty I afOOT haVjrl~ been"sworn to II) Qccordlin~',"Wl~h la,w., 'li<)

hereby l'le~)o$'e end say,: ,

, " II

., .J..~:. -n.'.' 'la. ~ ~,.knov.J .. ~'l.e dace.- 0, 'S.ed OOrNAD.OR GUM.,.]3AY .. .DIAROG wh9m I used to call him '~Do.mil'\Ji1 being my r~I'atlve' and a,lle,lghbQj' tor ,qu~te so~J~ttme;

2. Th~tl'know of 'the fa',! that ~rgy. cax~tarl"l Greg Canada of Brgll. 'r(;lrru,yong~ C~llnan Dk-viet wall U'U;~ persistent buyer of lN1d In, our area' ,. . n.egottil,ted Doming months ago lXI, buy hi~l: two (2) hectare& of iancl 11"1 Up,pal' S~tio KUlusaYml whw'f! Dam , .. ,. md his 'fami~' resldeB h ,a "two iStlQ.rey heuse, I' ~earned fmm DOnt~lg l'lln:lse~f that :Srmr. Captain canada offer d. to 'btI,y U~e! ,arrea, of Domil1gin lhe ,Blnount ,of 'fIftyltiiousancl pe~os (P5D'jOOO.OO) 'WhICh he, refi.lSed and' slno then ,5fgy. Ca,p1taln Cmlad'a:was ml' per:slstent [nCOO'ol'incing, ,Darning

to' sejj hwland; . .


3. That In. 'Eh:e' esly IllClI'I!ItII of illS' ,ear'l d'h~~e wefl! twD' (2): a.ttBmp15 of' lrum~ng h: ~. af' DOOIill1gl a1fld' bGt11 liI1Iadmts, \ftlli,-e, :1:udd!LJ i~e;"e4md' ti" 'tIilemU1d11 CI,lI April! 2ilJ1~ lOOS: :the .'llOuse Qf ,DoRIi;w I,ffijS 'ililEii1iiHuiliilify am' lOrn, btmed b, stfR 1~ID,wnl ~el:ml" !Jherm Oo~ ,Wild his famil, 'lr~mferred ItO Ulel house whkhiS j,lst n _a, 1m rAJ lhouse h ~ID' 1:, I part Qf 5100 ~Jm~

4. 111m on ,. iI1er hs-tiliIm" ey~ ,my IIDJIse bu~ t h my ,aa;ea new IDan:=--;._:5 LTd was aiio·: e:mu)'oo . al'J -ts posts were' tpOOk:d1 and'thnwm tim 'the mille by "~.' '· .. ,;fli~;

'::;,' Th~t'sometlma jn Aprli th~s y~ar J 1 saw I3tgy! Captain canada VII uh mel:nberscH' T i4~'k'. ftltCt~ [),av (lI{) $t!fltioned In BtgY'j, l'ilfruaYQngfnr~ved and. t1,lkelJ WlU1 DomIng u::gardh"g'l"d$ intflntlDn to bUY-Dtlrnlng/s, pl2J'cel of

'lalld and: Q.fi. 1M. :e.d ~'H! clish iA'l'ncUnt ()ffi~' th6us~nd ,pesos. (PS. Qt',. 0100.0°.1 as pmyrnent but "d'ltr san., .·Iwr~ftmfl~ tl\B oner andfeH::threat'eJ1ttd when 'l3r.gy. ,C'taln canada uttered In8'¥,emacul,al' to quab::: \lSI(ie U\'NG iCUNG

DIL: KA M OOAWA'T AN!', S.AL'!KAN L~Nca TAKA" aner .Dor:rlng'srefusab

6. That 00 April ,2.9, 20iDS ,at arJ.md 9~D:O ~iclock In the, e~nng while I was sleeping In ·my house 'togeth. i.,e! .• Wi.th .m.' ,Y ffm1.' L,.,U.r. "I w._,as aria.ken.,.' .•. ~. , : i by !ev. er.I!,~.l.".' bunrts and I.· .• Just. : coil. _.-. serv_ed. ~e' sutTou.n. dirlgs ;rQ~' ~my l:OOlfnOllQl'1' ,but I did not he. any mm :. ~ 'U1nt Ine RXmlbers 'of ,th~, frask fQ.rcBconduc:ted IfOYllilg

'when:h 'Iley usually Hr'ld OJ 'gLI'I in some •• 'cadm, during the,lr torIa..u:t ,af rrovlng rn ourp~ate;

7. ThaI: _ImaWr 211 mou. ~, I he.d. -fflOI!<!n rod !he daughter of Oami1g wenI: lEI "'F howe ~ mil' helpl and 't"kJl me that ' i Ingl 'WH, hit b, buUeb and SOl with h. JnDther and :SisIters;

,i~ ihiIt I DmldliltetJI' W, •• , ,~ ~: IVidI saw' DD,mq' l¥,iiIQ In Ilhe' ~N;irtgl 11'0011' 'fi!:lJ:i! ,of b:~od ,Ind

rm. ,BI,a, 'mymn' L., I ' ~ I our mlames card!d IDaniIhg ---Ih iii bljiml.et In goilg, to 'Sitio Sao; w .. -" I lis 'far

him ,~", :arb abilg 'wllb lother' 1(&nJr I~srs G DInIH.J wbo almSf'l.ilmmd~t wall'ldS,;

'lhatJi ,an .~~~ -=.~ 'Ut. " ",t ~ : i, 'ID ,12 die authxi~es ~ l[if il'e true 'fiidS fRill

G"P,!liI5taKies :~cr 1~llhellhc:rdent,- 'i, mj' U~ __ I,-:·_ '_ bllstantll is wimt .. ''''1 for, '1* er ~ I~e'

ihiEii' triBV ·Ge-rve.. I

TNWrfNE55 'WHEREO,F" I herebytl,~ix my' stgnaLure betow"Ulfs' .,It_1h day of Mlay 20pa :$t p&v.~,) ,City



SUSSCRISeD AND SWORN ro bdcre me !If. _h . day MIIy ZOOs.: at DaV!lO City, I'hltJppilWl .nell Iw,eby !cerUfy Ihat ,I hIVe pe'rsonal1ly 1e1(4 ,_,ed: dwtaffllartt and.1 amlr;w1y' conv hee 'lhat he. voiunta!rUy exe~~ood

w KJ understood his .ffldavi t.

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