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arise = verb: aparecer

nowadays = noun. the period of time that is happening now, adv. hoje em dia,
nos nossos dias, nos dias de hoje
small = noun: a parte estreita, adj. pequeno, adv. em voz baixa
void = noun: an empty area or space
verb: clear
adj : containing nothing
unavoidable = adj : inevitável
employ = noun: the state of being employed or having a job
verb: put into service, engage
employed = adj : empregado, utilizado
come up = be mentioned, start running, surgir
sudden = adj : happening without warning or in a short space of time = repe
ntino, imprevisto, subitamente
rush = noun: pressa, rapidez, tumulto
verb: apressar, correr, fazer com pressa
hurry = noun: pressa, confusão
verb: apressar, acelerar
haste = noun: pressa, afobação
verb: apressar, acelerar
rushed = adj : apressado, ligeiro
build = verb: make by combining materials and parts
improve = verb: to make better
just as you say = exatamente como você disse
subject = noun: the subject matter of a conversation or discussion
pain = noun: dor, mágoa, sofrimento
verb: causar dor, afligir
gain = noun: lucro, ganho
verb: ganhar, conquistar, lucrar, adquirir

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