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C++ Code zur Berechnung der Deltas beim Forward-

Differencing für Bezier-Kurven (4 Punkte)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
for operations in 3d euclidean space
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class vector3d
double x;
double y;
double z;

// construct
vector3d (void) { }
vector3d (const class vector3d &v) {
x=v.x; y=v.y; z=v.z; }
vector3d (double x0, double y0, double z0) {
x=x0; y=y0; z=z0; }

// set
virtual void set (const class vector3d &v) {
x=v.x; y=v.y; z=v.z; }
virtual void set (double x0, double y0, double z0) {
x=x0; y=y0; z=z0; }

// set
class vector3d& operator = (const class vector3d &v) {

// dot operations
class vector3d& operator += (const class vector3d &v) {
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
z += v.z;

// ...

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3d-bezier curves and surfaces
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class bezier3d {
// create deltas for forward differencing
virtual void forwdiff
(long steps, // number of steps p1...p4
const class vector3d &p1, // point 1 (start-point)
const class vector3d &z12, // point 2 (intermediate 1)
const class vector3d &z21, // point 3 (intermediate 2)
const class vector3d &p2, // point 4 (end point)
class vector3d &delta1, // out: delta 1
class vector3d &delta2, // out: delta 2
class vector3d &delta3) // out: delta 3
double step1 = 1.0 / (double)(steps-1);
-p1.z + 3.0*z12.z - 3.0*p3.z + p2.z);
class vector3d b (3.0*p1.x - 6.0*z12.x + 3.0*z21.x,
3.0*p1.y - 6.0*z12.y + 3.0*z21.y,
3.0*p1.z - 6.0*z12.z + 3.0*z21.z);
class vector3d c (-3.0*p1.x + 3.0*z12.x,
-3.0*p1.y + 3.0*z12.y,
-3.0*p1.z + 3.0*z12.z);

delta1.set (a.x*step3 + b.x*step2 + c.x*step1,

a.y*step3 + b.y*step2 + c.y*step1,
a.z*step3 + b.z*step2 + c.z*step1);
delta2.set (6.0*a.x*step3 + 2.0*b.x*step2,
6.0*a.y*step3 + 2.0*b.y*step2,
6.0*a.z*step3 + 2.0*b.z*step2);
delta3.set (6.0*a.x*step3,

// ...
C++ Code zur Berechnung der Zwischenpunkte aus den zwei
Eckpunkten und zwei Normalenvektoren
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 points and 2 normal vectors
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class bezier_curve_2p2n : public bezier_curve_4p {


// create intermediat points p1...p2: p1 p12 p21 p2

virtual void intermediates (const class vector3d &p1, // point 1
const class vector3d &n1, // normal vector at p1
const class vector3d &p2, // point 2
const class vector3d &n2, // normal vector at p2
class vector3d &p12, // (OUT)
class vector3d &p21, // (OUT)
double h=1.0) const // distance factor
// lines p2+t*n1 / p1+t*n2
class line3d l1 (p2,n1);
class line3d l2 (p1,n2);

// tangential planes for p1 / p2

class plane3d e1 (n1,p1);
class plane3d e2 (n2,p2);

// dist |p1-p2|
double d12 = p1.dist (p2);

// intermediate points: p1 p12 p21 p2

p12 = e1.intersection (l1);
p21 = e2.intersection (l2);

class vector3d v12 (p2-p1);

// set point distance to max 1/3 of |p1-p2|

double f = 1.0/(3.0*ABS(v12.cosinus(p1-p12))) * h;
double g = 1.0/(3.0*ABS(v12.cosinus(p2-p21))) * h;
p12 -= p1; p12 *= MIN(1.0,(d12/p12.length())*f); p12 += p1;
p21 -= p2; p21 *= MIN(1.0,(d12/p21.length())*g); p21 += p2;

// take p1 / p2 itself when p12 / p21 is not valid

if (!p12.isvalid()) p12.set (p1);
if (!p21.isvalid()) p21.set (p2);
C++ Code zur Berechnung der Deltas beim Forward-
Differencing für Bezier-Oberflächen (4x4 Punkte)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4x4 points
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class bezier_surface_4x4p {


class vector3d point; // current point


class vector3d delta1;

class vector3d delta2;
class vector3d delta3;
class vector3d delta[4][4];


// calculate forward differences

virtual void forwdiff (long xsteps, long ysteps,
const class vector3d p[4][4])
double x = 1.0 / (double)(xsteps-1);
double x2 = x*x, x3 = x2*x;

double y = 1.0 / (double)(ysteps-1);

double y2 = y*y, y3 = y2*y;

double s[4][4] = {
{ 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 },
{ ( -1.0*x3 + 3.0*x2 - 3.0*x), ( 3.0*x3 - 6.0*x2 + 3.0*x),
( -3.0*x3 + 3.0*x2), ( 1.0*x3) },
{ ( -6.0*x3 + 6.0*x2), ( 18.0*x3 - 12.0*x2),
(-18.0*x3 + 6.0*x2), ( 6.0*x3) },
{ ( -6.0*x3), ( 18.0*x3), (-18.0*x3), ( 6.0*x3) }
double t[4][4] = {
{ 1.00, (-1.0*y3 + 3.0*y2 - 3.0*y), (-6.0*y3 + 6.0*y2), ( -6.0*y3) },
{ 0.00, ( 3.0*y3 - 6.0*y2 + 3.0*y), (18.0*y3 - 12.0*y2), ( 18.0*y3) },
{ 0.00, (-3.0*y3 + 3.0*y2), (-18.0*y3 + 6.0*y2), (-18.0*y3) },
{ 0.00, (1.0*y3), ( 6.0*y3), ( 6.0*y3) }

class vector3d tdelta[4][4];

matmult (p, t, tdelta);
matmult (s, tdelta, delta);

point = delta[0][0];
delta1 = delta[0][1];
delta2 = delta[0][2];
delta3 = delta[0][3];

// matrix multiplication c = a * b
virtual void matmult (double a[4][4], const class vector3d b[4][4],
class vector3d c[4][4]) {
for (long i,y=0; y<4; y++)
for (long x=0; x<4; x++)
for (long x=0; x<4; x++)
for (i=0, c[x][y]=0; i<4; i++) { c[x][y] += (a[x][i]*b[i][y]); }

public :

// cunstruct / set
bezier_surface_4x4p (void) { }
bezier_surface_4x4p (const bezier_surface_4x4p &s) { set (s); }
bezier_surface_4x4p (const class vector3d p[4][4],
long xsteps, long ysteps) { set (p,xsteps,ysteps); }
virtual void set (const bezier_surface_4x4p &s) {
point = s.point; delta1 = s.delta1; delta2 = s.delta2; delta3 = s.delta3;
for (long y=0; y<4; y++)
for (long x=0; x<4; x++) delta[x][y] = s.delta[x][y]; }
virtual void set (const class vector3d p[4][4],
long xsteps, long ysteps) { forwdiff (xsteps,ysteps,p); }

// next row / column (rows first)

virtual void nextrow (void) {
point += delta1; delta1 += delta2; delta2 += delta3; }
virtual void nextcol (void) {
for (long y=0; y<4; y++)
for (long x=0; x<3; x++) delta[x][y] += delta[x+1][y];
point = delta[0][0];
delta1 = delta[0][1];
delta2 = delta[0][2];
delta3 = delta[0][3];
C++ Code zur Berechnung der Hilfspunkte einer Bezier-Fläche
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 points + 4 normal vectors
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

class bezier_surface_4p4n : public bezier_surface_4x4p {


// border intermediates
// n : normals for corners p[0][0], p[3][0], p[3][3], p[0][3]
// h : intermediate point distance factor (<1:flat, >1:round)
// p : pre: corners filled in (IN/OUT)
virtual void outer (const class vector3d n[4], doubleh[4],
class vector3d p[4][4]) const
// ... border
class bezier_curve_2p2n bc;
bc.intermediates (p[0][0],n[0], p[3][0],n[1], p[1][0],p[2][0], h[0]);
bc.intermediates (p[0][3],n[3], p[3][3],n[2], p[1][3],p[2][3], h[2]);
bc.intermediates (p[0][0],n[0], p[0][3],n[3], p[0][1],p[0][2], h[3]);
bc.intermediates (p[3][0],n[1], p[3][3],n[2], p[3][1],p[3][2], h[1]);

// inner intermediates
// p : pre: corners / border points filled in (IN/OUT)
virtual void inner (class vector3d p[4][4]) const
p[1][1] = inner (p[0][3],p[0][1],p[0][0],p[1][0],p[3][0],
p[2][1] = inner (p[0][0],p[2][0],p[3][0],p[3][1],p[3][3],
p[2][2] = inner (p[3][0],p[3][2],p[3][3],p[2][3],p[0][3],
p[1][2] = inner (p[3][3],p[1][3],p[0][3],p[0][2],p[0][0],

// inner intermediate point for point 2

// p1 ... p12 p2
// res p23
// ...
// p3
virtual class vector3d inner (const class vector3d &p1,
const class vector3d &p12,
const class vector3d &p2,
const class vector3d &p23,
const class vector3d &p3,
const class vector3d &p34,
const class vector3d &p4,
const class vector3d &p14) const
// use p4 and p14 instead of p1 / p3 if p2==p1 / p2==p3
const class vector3d *v1 = &p1, *v12 = &p12, *v3 = &p3, *v23 = &p23;
if (p1==p2) { v1 = &p4; v12 = &p14; }
if (p2==p3) { v3 = &p4; v23 = &p34; }

// lines p1 - p2 / p2 -p3
class line3d l12 (p2,p2-*v1);
class line3d l23 (p2,p2-*v3);
// tangential planes at p12 / p23
class plane3d e12 (i12-*v12,*v12);
class plane3d e23 (i23-*v23,*v23);

// intersection line between planes e12 / e23

class line3d l (e12.intersection (e23));

// extend p2 - v12 and p2 - v23

class vector3d c12 (*v12-p2);
class vector3d c23 (*v23-p2);
double f = 2.0 - c12.cosinus(c23);
class vector3d x12 (p2 + (c12*f));
class vector3d x23 (p2 + (c23*f));

// result
class vector3d res ((l.projection (x12)+l.projection (x23))/2.0);
if (!res.isvalid()) res = (*v12+*v23-p2);
return (res);


// create intermediate points

// construct / set
// p : corner points p[0] p[1]
// p[3] p[2]
// n : normal vectors at corner points
// h : intermediate point distance factor (<1:flat, >1:round)
virtual void intermediates (const class vector3d p[4],
const class vector3d n[4],
class vector3d p16[4][4]) const
double h[4]={1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
intermediates (p,n,p16,h);
virtual void intermediates (const class vector3d p[4],
const class vector3d n[4],
class vector3d p16[4][4],
double h[4]) const
// corners
p16[0][0] = p[0];
p16[3][0] = p[1];
p16[0][3] = p[3];
p16[3][3] = p[2];
// intermediates ...
// ... border
outer (n,h,p16);
// ... inner
inner (p16);
// ...

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