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Virginia Housing Development Authority 2011 Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Application for Reservation For Amherst Village Limited Partnership By: AS Squared LLC & Telamon Corporation, General Partners AMHERST VILLAGE APARTMENTS 2011 Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Application For Reservation Deadline for Submission Applications Must (o Later Than 2:00 PM Richm| h 11, 2011 Applications shou! before the bonds ar days before the bi at least one month by VHDA), or 75 are not issued by Virginia Housing Development Authority 601 South Belvidere Street VHDA | Richmond, Virginia 23220-6500 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application for Reservation application. Please indicate fhe folowing items are included with your application by checking the appropriate boxbs, Your assistanoa im Jorganizing the submission in the following order, and actually using tabs to mark them as shown, wil facilitate review of your ay increase the number of points for which you are eligible under VHDA’s polnt system of ranking applications, and may assist IVHDA in its determination ofthe appropriate amount of credits that it may reserve forthe development ase nolo that all mandatory item ‘The inelusion of other items Tab A: Al A2 Tab B: Tab C: Tab D: Tab E: Tab F: Tab G Tab H: Tab I: (tab 5: Tab K: Tab L: Tab M: Tab N: TabO: Tab P: Tab Q: Tab R: Tabs: TabT: Tab U: vit2o1 Electronic Copy of the Microsoft Excel Based Application (MANDATORY) ‘Scanned Copy of the Signed Tax Credit Application with Attachments (excluding market study and plans & specs) (MANDATO Electronic Copy of the Market Study (MANDATORY-Application will be disqualified if study not submitted with application) Electronic Copy of the Plans (MANDATORY) Electronic Copy of the Specifications (MANDATORY) Electronic Copy of the Unit By Unit Work Writeup (MANDATORY if rehab) {8750 Application Fee (MANDATORY) Documentation of Development Location: ‘Qualified Census Tract Centfication Revitalization Area Certification Location Map Surveyor’s Cenification of Proximity To Public Transportation Partnership or Operating Agreement, including chart of ownership structure with percentage of interests (MANDATOR Virginia State Corporation Commission Certification (MANDATORY) Principals Previous Participation Certiicaion and Resumé (MANDATORY) ‘Nonprofit Questionnaire (MANDATORY for points or pool) ‘The following documents need not be submitted unless requested by VHDA: Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation -IRS Documentation of Nonprofit Status -Toint Venture Agreement (if applicable) -For-profit Consulting Agreement if applicable) Architeot’ Certification (MANDATORY) Relocation Plan (MANDATORY, if rehab), PHA / Section 8 Notification Letter Local CEO Letter Homeownership Plan Site Control Documentation & Most Recent Resl Estate Tax Assessment (MANDATORY) Plan of Development Certification Letter Zoning Certification Letter Copies of 8609s To Certify Developer Experience (Reserved) Plans and Specifications and Work Write-Up (MANDATORY) Documentation of Rental Assistance Documentation of Operating Budget ion of Project Budget ion of Financing Sources Documentation To Request Exception To Restrction-Pools With Little/No Increase In Rent Burdened Population ‘Documentation of site location in an urban development area as defined in $15.2-2223.1of the Code of Virginia Documentation of the development participating ina locally adopted affordable housing dwelling unit program arca as described in either §15.2-2304 or $15.2-2305 of the Code of Virginia [Nonprofit or LHA Purchase Option or Right of First Refusal Attorney's Opinion (MANDATORY) (Reserved) ‘Marketing Plan for units meeting accessibility requirements of HUD section S04 ‘Subsission Checklist

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