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Dear Mr.


I took a giant leap last November when I first talked with a member of your team. I decided that
I needed to do something different in my life if I wanted to change my circumstances. Months
earlier, I had bought your book “The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where
you want to be” and while I thought it was wonderful, I stalled in reading it and following its
instructions. When the opportunity to participate in coaching with you came along, I knew I was

The transformation I began before coaching has accelerated thanks to the very personal ap-
proach your coaching takes. I am stepping outside my comfort zone, and learning to do things I
always limited myself in before. And I’m seeing results.

My coach was a perfect match for me. Together we changed the way I think about things, and
where I used to see limitation I now see possibilities.

I have taken two very important lessons to heart during the coaching: First is Principle 1. I always
thought I took responsibility for my circumstances, but your program helped me to see that I was
still blaming. I have since stopped that practice and feel the confidence knowing that I create my
world. The second lesson is that of action. Having adopted the Ready! Fire! Aim! approach has
propelled me more quickly than any other lesson I have learned. Nothing I think, feel or say mat-
ters unless I act. I recognize that as my biggest stumbling block in the past, and I am glad to have
been confronted with how limiting my inaction was.

However, the biggest transformation has been deep down in my soul. I now know that I am no
longer an object to be acted upon in my life. I understand that I create the life I have now by way
of my thoughts and actions in the past. As a result, I am no longer satisfied going to work and
maintaining a “security” that I have allowed myself to believe in. I am actively pursuing the things
in life that give me joy, and I will find a way to make those things support me and my family. In
short, I know what my purpose is, and I am now, for the first time in my life, Honoring it thanks to
your coaching.

Mr. Canfield, I can honestly say that choosing to hire a personal coach has been one of the best
and most important decisions in my life. Thank you for the opportunity!


Gordon S.

Dear Mr. Canfield:

I just wanted to write and thank you for the opportunity to participate in your coaching program.
I am just now finishing my 12th week of coaching. I read your book “The Success Principles” and
it really resonated with me. It was absolutely exactly what I needed to hear at the time. I was so
impressed with the book that I downloaded the audio program as well and listened to it over and
over. I went online at one point to look at your website and noticed that you offered coaching in
the Success Principles and took the opportunity to join the coaching program.

I can honestly say that the coaching program has helped me really learn and utilize the principles
in your book. There is a huge difference between reading the principles and actually implement-
ing and living the principles! I have found the coaching program to be excellent in helping me
really practice the principles in my own life.

All of the modules in the coaching were very valuable for me but there were a few that really
helped propel me further down the road to success. The process of deciding on a breakthrough
goal, developing the individual goals and the steps to achieve those goals has been a great
learning experience for me. I spent over 60 hours if not more working through this process! Hav-
ing a coach walk me through the process has been invaluable. I can honestly say that just read-
ing about breakthrough goals and actually taking the time to formulate and create a plan around
the goal are two very different things. I am so glad that I took the time to detail it out. Now that I
have a course of action toward meeting my goal I feel so much more confident moving forward.

Another module that had a profound effect on me was the module where you objectively look
at the results you are getting in each area of your life and honestly evaluate the beliefs you hold
relating to the results you are getting. Wow – what an eye opener for me! I knew I wasn’t happy
with the results I was getting but I didn’t realize that the vast majority of the beliefs I was holding
were negative and focused on what I didn’t want. That one distinction has been life changing!
I have completely changed my focus from lack and disparity to abundance, focusing on what I
want and looking for the opportunity in each situation. It has really made a huge difference in
how I approach both business and life in general. If the only benefit I received from coaching
was this one insight it would have been worth the investment alone.

My coach has been excellent! He has been able to provide me with objective feedback that
has been extremely valuable to me. It has been so helpful to have a coach to identify areas and
patterns that I was unaware of or didn’t want to admit to. Some of the patterns that my coach
has identified for me have been my need to “release my brakes” and go full force, to take action
rather than planning, planning, planning, to move forward with certainty and faith, to commit
100% to my goals instead of saying I will give it a try and see what happens, to take consistent
action instead of start and stop action, and to balance my work and personal life. I am grateful
for my coach’s great direction and insight.

I am very happy with my coaching experience. I have had the opportunity to change my mindset
and focus for the positive which will benefit me greatly now and in the future. I have learned a
great process of taking any huge goal and breaking it down into manageable pieces which is
invaluable. As a result of my coaching I am feeling more confident, focused on abundance and
feeling more grateful for the opportunities in my life that have brought me to where I am right

now. I feel confident in moving forward with my business as well as personal goals with certainty
and faith.

Where do I go from here? Well, I will continue to utilize the principles of course. I have decided
to move my business in a different area targeting a different market. I will be attending my first
trade show in May so I am excited about that. I have identified that I will benefit from further
education in sales and marketing so I have enrolled in a program that will teach me both. I have
a clearly defined breakthrough goal and I am confidently moving forward toward achieving it!

Thanks again for taking the time to share your success principles and valuable insights!

Best regards,
Rachael P.

Dear Jack,

I have had the amazing experience of participating in the Canfield Coaching program! I have
enjoyed learning about the Success Principles, putting them into action & seeing the results. Also,
I have long been a believer in the Law of Attraction (even before I knew it had a title!). As knowl-
edge is power, I am regularly utilizing my new understanding of this law & putting it to work.

Since starting this journey, I have created a consistent flow of business, have built a stronger team
of consultants and continue to work toward my goal of becoming a Director within my direct sales
company. I have also created improved quality time with my two young boys, my husband and
our family as a whole.

My main goal in joining the coaching program was to gain clarity on my career path, to do this
while creating (& then maintaining) balance with my family & to re-establish my sense of self. I
now feel I am a better mother, wife & individual along with having a stronger business. I can
only ask for more of the same.

My goals are set & I have the skills to reach them. Now that I have come this far, I am excited to
see where I go from here.

I am grateful to you and [my coach] for your significant impact on my life. I hope to attend one of
your training events in the near future & thank you both in person!

Best Regards,

Trish C.

Dear Jack,

I have just completed phase 1 of my coaching program and I just wanted to tell you about my
experience. It has been truly amazing.

To have someone to talk to about the different modules and how my old beliefs relate to my life
now has been really good for me. You cannot know how freeing it was for me to talk to someone
who doesn’t judge or criticize because I want something different.

[My coach] has been a huge help to me because after every weekly session, I received so much
clarification about what was going on and how I could change that I will be forever grateful. This
has been one of the most scary and sometimes terrifying experiences that I have ever had facing
my own demons but, yet it has been exhilarating and freeing. I would recommend your coaching
to everyone that is ready to work for a change in their life.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, I know that your schedule is full. I just
want to thank you for all the wonderful books you have written and CDs you made, they have
truly made an impact on my life that I will be forever grateful for. I wish many more successes for
you and hope I get to meet you in person on day.

Thank you so much.


Leigh R.

Dear Jack,

I am sending you a heartfelt THANK YOU for the awesome coaching program - AND, for every-
thing you have done to improve and impact the lives of others.

This past spring my real estate career was at an all time low, and I knew I had to do something
different. After having a “free” call with one of the fine folks on your team, I was SOLD ! I dusted
off your book “The Success Principles”, which I had purchased three years earlier at Brian Buffi-
ni’s Mastermind Summit - where I also heard you speak.

Now that I have completed the weekly coaching call portion of the program, my business is soar-
ing, my life’s purpose is written, and my break through goal has my full attention! I have never
been more focused! All those that surround me are “positive” influences, my success journal is
added to on a daily basis, and I have never gotten so much done in a day!

Today was my first time teaching “The Success Principles” to twelve eager participants in my Long
Realty Office. I am using the six-week workshop manual I found on one of your web sites! And,
I have had so many people sign up, I have had to schedule two more workshops in the weeks
ahead. WOW! I am thrilled.

My Canfield Coach is amazing. I am thrilled to have had this experience with him. And, I can
truly say that “The Success Principles” is the book that has changed my life. I hope to be coach-
ing some day as a member of your team. My passion for your materials drives me to greater and
greater successes each day. THANK YOU so much!

It’s a good life!

Mary V.

Dear Mr. Canfield,

Two years ago I joined a new direct-selling company. I saw an untapped wealth of opportunity
in joining on the ground-floor and set a vague five-year plan to be job-optional, financially secure
and living the life of my dreams at the end of that five years.

Two years into this adventure, instead of being on the road to my dream-life, I had instead racked
up thousands of dollars in debt becoming even more dependent on my “day” job and I was even
less satisfied with my life. I took classes, attended trainings and seminars, read self-help books, lis-
tened to tele-seminars and signed up for free newsletters all in an effort to get on track and make
that five-year plan a reality. But nothing seemed to help.

A few months ago, I signed up for your free newsletter, which is how I came to receive an email
one day about your pilot coaching program. One of my very good friends had found herself sud-
denly unemployed and I emailed the information on to her, thinking it might be what she needed.
That night, I shared with my husband about the program and how I thought it would help her
out. He asked me why I didn’t give it a try. My first response was “What if….?” So it was in that
moment I decided that is exactly why I had to apply for the program. My life was full of “what
ifs” and fears of way too many things. I realized that all the external things I’d been trying to “fix”
weren’t the problem. The things I need to “fix” were inside me.

In the two months I’ve been doing this program and working with my coach (an awesome coach
and superb individual), I feel like I’ve already made great headway. People tell me I seem young-
er and happier. I am thrilled to know my purpose and to be actively seeking to live my life in/on

Celebrating even my small successes is great. I’m also learning to not beat myself up over the set
backs and times I stumble.

Visiting with others who have taken life-coaching courses, I feel like this is the best possible
program available. It is wonderful that the coaching highlights every area of our lives – not just
one or two. I know when I complete this program; I will be living in a way that promotes positive
growth and health in all seven areas of my life.

I look forward to meeting the person I’ll be at the end of this program – someone who is living a
purpose-filled life, someone who is confident, loving, strong, healthy, and who makes the most of
living each day on purpose.

Thank you for providing the opportunity, the tools and the coaches who make this amazing trans-
formation possible.”

With deepest appreciation,

Shanna H.

Dear Jack,

I want to thank you for writing The Success Principles and for making your coaching program
available to me. I am someone who believes in stretching and challenging myself, and your pro-
gram came up at just the right time for me.

For years, I’d wanted to write a book, but I wasn’t taking 100% responsibility for my life. More-
over, as a mother of three young children, I couldn’t figure out how to squeeze any more minutes
into my day! In addition, as a psychologist and professor, I thought that I didn’t have time for
bigger life goals.

However, your coaches really challenged me to apply the Success Principles. They held my feet to
the fire when I whined and kept me honest about my goals. They were personally invested in my
success and really seemed to care what happened to me. They also knew how important it was
for me to keep my kids as priority #1 while pursuing this breakthrough goal.

My life has completely changed. I am more positive, more confident, and live a life of clear pur-
pose. I am more of a possibility thinker now, and less of a security seeker.

During my coaching, I went from writing no pages to writing a 300 page manuscript, not to men-
tion getting my website up.

I would encourage anyone who is ready to take a giant leap in their lives to read The Success
Principles and to participate in your coaching program with a whole heart!

Pamela G.

Dear Jack,

On June 12th, I lost my job over a poor decision that I had made. After that I felt rather low and
sorry for myself. Luckily, my wife gave me a copy of The Success Principles after you had spoken
at her work convention. I know it is too early to tell, but I believe it to be the turning point in my
life. I took to heart everything written in the book. I signed up for the emails, and I attended the
monthly tele-trainings. I was then struck by the email I received one day—an opportunity to work
with a coach on the very things that I wanted to grasp. After going through both interviews, I was
offered the opportunity to work with a coach. It was an extremely difficult decision considering the
cost and our struggling financial situation. After consulting with my wife, we agreed that we were
going to invest in me.

This was a brand new experience for me—I have never had a life coach, but I did approach it
with an open mind. I was very excited to dive in and better learn the Principles. So what do I
think of my coaching experience? So far, it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Just
when I thought I knew myself, I had to opportunity to better know myself, better know what I want,
and it has also given me purpose. I have never thought of myself as having a purpose. Not at
least until now. It has truly opened my eyes as what I am capable of accomplishing. I look for-
ward to the second half of my coaching and all of the things I will achieve. I am not sure I have
anything constructive to say. Everything that I experienced in coaching has put me outside of my
comfort zone, and it was exactly what I needed.

As I reflect back to the person the dwelled on the negative, felt sorry for himself, or blame oth-
ers for his short-comings, I am already amazed by the transformation that has taken place. I
now dwell on the positive, take action to change, and most of all—I take 100% responsibility for
my actions: past, present, and future. I think the most exciting part for me is that I am only eight
weeks into this transformation—imagine the possibilities after 6 months…1 year!

Moving forward, I will continue on the path—more importantly, I will share with others what I
have learned in the hoping that I can have a positive impact in someone’s life as you have had in
mine. Thank you!

Ryan S.

Dear Mr. Canfield;

For the last two years I have been reflecting on my life, trying to determine how to move forward.
Working with your coaching team was most helpful as I transition from this crossroads. My de-
cision to do your Coaching for Success was one of the BEST decisions that I’ve made. Since I
started the coaching sessions, I have decided to return to school; enrolling in university courses
and on my way to a PhD in History. My coach has been great. I am motivated to pursue my life’s
purpose of writing and inspiring others to live their best life.

Overall, I feel like I have been given some power tools in my toolbox and I know how to use
them. Your professional, committed and approachable team has been instrumental in helping me
to apply your success principles to achieve some positive changes. I am back on the path to real-
ize my life’s purpose. As I venture out on this new path, I feel more alive, confident and optimistic
about achieving my goals. I am reminded that I have to take 100% responsibility for my success
and not leave it up to others. I am also reminded to take stock of all my wins along the way and
always seek to improve what I do.

Thanks for all you do and for making a huge impact on my life. I anticipate that you will visit
Toronto, Canada sometime soon, as I am hoping to attend your seminar and meet you in person.
With much appreciation,

Sandria G.

Dear Jack:

Thank you for this program. I am grateful for the changes I have made over the past three months
since I started the coaching program in December 2007. Thank you for my wonderful coach.
Thank you for your marvelous book that has opened me to so much more in my life. I have given
your book away to now two others, and have to hold myself back from giving it away to every-
one I know in need. Here are some of the things I have learned with your program.

I have a clearer picture of where I want to be one year and five years from now. I had no direc-
tion in the past. I had only vague ideas of what would be nice to have. I liked to play the piano.
I told my piano teacher maybe 10 years ago that I wanted to master the instrument before I died.
Then I’d play a little, and stop, and start and stop and never really learn anything well enough to
enjoy playing it for others. Now I have a goal to play a Rachmaninoff prelude by April 2008.
I am really able to play it well and may even have it at performance level. Before I just fooled

I am a divorce lawyer by profession. I had a general idea that I should be making money as a
lawyer, but I never seemed to be able to pull it off consistently. Now I have a definite income goal
and weekly goals to get a certain number of clients each week. I am really visualizing this, and
my business is starting to take off. It is very exciting that when I make a goal for a certain number
of clients, I exceed the goal usually.

I have a goal to lose weight and gain health. I am still having trouble with this one, but am focus-
ing on it more, and am much more motivated and persistent.

I have a much better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. The Winslow was a real
problem for me because it was essentially negative. I had no idea I suffered from so many
deficiencies and my already poor self esteem (a “1”of 10) took a real hit. But with my coach’s
wonderful coaching, I was able to see this as an opportunity for development. I was also able to
understand my reactions to many situations which just threw me in the past. Now I really see that
my poor self esteem is kicking in and I just need to be easy on myself. I am confident that I can
work on each of the low scores that matter to me and bring them up. My coach pointed out that
some of the low scores were actually strengths in my field. Who wants a tough minded musician?
My low scores on endurance hinder my weight loss. This is something I can now work on.

I also have become more positive. I have become cautious about complaining and am trying
more to phrase things in a positive manner, and if I have a complaint, to just do something about
it, rather than just kvetching. Example: I have a challenging magistrate that I must deal with
about once a week. He usually makes my clients cry. Rather than simply complain when I get
back to the office, I have instituted a feedback system for the local bar association to rate the
magistrates (both positively and negatively) so the magistrates know they will be accountable to
the bar, something they never had to face in the past. This has made our Colorado judges very
competent and the magistrates will hopefully respond to this positively as well. With action,
rather than verbal reaction, I am happier.

I have read some great books as a result of this program: Think and Grow Rich, The Color Code,
A complaint free world. I look forward to more books to help my path. I have cut down on TV
drastically and visualize in the evenings doing my evening review. This helps set up the next day
for positive progress.

I had a goal to connect with my family. My estranged stepson and I have now reconnected and
are having a wonderful time. I believe opening the channels to my inner intuitive have been very
helpful in reestablishing this relationship. Along those lines, my color code “yellow” daughter, a
big spender, makes me laugh now, as I rein her in. I used to be just angry when I saw the level of
her spending my money, which I just kept handing over. I am simply applying the breaks, setting
boundaries, and appreciating her for her enthusiasm, and the joy that she exudes to others. She,
in turn, is doing so much better.

I am especially thankful to you, Jack, and to my coach, for having me write this letter as the
process of looking back at what I was like and what I have learned so far in this program is so
encouraging. I have a long way to go before I am my own coach and I feel really unsure of
myself at this juncture, but I believe if I just do the things you have outlined to do, I am well on my
way to a life of financial freedom, where I can just enjoy living, instead of being bogged down in
earning a living and little else. Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Pat M.

Dear Jack,

Hello! Having completed the twelve sessions of my coaching program and about to proceed onto
phase two, my coach has asked me to write you a letter sharing my victories from the last few
months. So here goes trying to put it all into a few words!

From the moment I picked up your book I connected with your ideas and views and appreci-
ated the realness of your exercises. Although I love to dream and think big, I also like tangible
ways and strategies to make my dreams come true. I have faith and confidence in myself and my
dreams, and appreciate the practicality of your book (and program!) for giving me the tools to
stretch myself through my actions.

Some of my everyday victories have been the implementation of some morning rituals that get me
focused and started on the right track. I now do eight affirmations, visualizations and take some
time to journal what I am grateful for each morning. Although I am not a creature of scheduled
discipline, I am learning just how much more effective I am when I schedule my week in advance
and simply stick to it.

My coach has worked with me a lot when it comes to getting a daily schedule in place and fine
tuning it to work for me. Although I have always used a planner to keep track of deadlines and
appointments, I never scheduled my workday. Over the last few months however, I have changed
my habits and I am a lot more disciplined and productive. Although I feel I have made great prog-
ress, I know that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

My husband and I were married this summer and are lucky enough to have just returned from a
wonderful honeymoon in Maui! We were able to really relax and have a lot of conversations we
do not normally have the time together for as he travels a lot. Our trip was wonderful for all the
typical reasons but for us, it was also some much needed time away from our daily lives to recon-
nect. Specifically to debrief on all that has happened this year and to really talk about some of
the things we both want to implement from the program and the changes we want to make. We
are learning to communicate better and through the processes I have gone through in the pro-
gram I have found that they are benefiting my most important relationship as well. I think this is
my biggest victory because we have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family and all the best in 2009!

Sue L.

Dear Mr. Canfield,

I just want to thank you for following your life intentions. By doing that you not only are reaching
your goals, but you are teaching others how to reach theirs. I am so happy that I decided to hire
your personal coaching program. It is by far the best thing I have done for myself and my family.

I have had so much personal growth through this. My husband and family have noticed the
change in me. I manage a workout gym for women and my goals are to see them succeed. I
have had a goal of my own to be in the best shape I could be in and to help others do the same.
This has been my goal for over 8 years. I was never able to fully reach my full potential until your
coaching. My coach taught me things about myself that were holding me back; he showed me
how to free my self from my fears and how to move forward. I thought that by looking a certain
way, members would be able to also. But I realized that it wasn’t only how I looked that made
a difference for them but most importantly it was the change they saw from the inside. My confi-
dence grew, I felt more in charge of my life and those feeling spilled out onto them.

I now feel more successful in my work then I have ever before. I have new members asking me
each week to work one on one with them and to help them reach their goal. Life is great and
exciting again. Thank you Jack for your life time commitment to others. I have shared my experi-
ences with this program with other people and I’ve told them it was the best decision I have ever
made. Thank You again.

Debbie B.

Dear Jack,

The first 12-weeks of my coaching experience have been an energizing, exciting, challenging
and scary time. There have been times of great excitement and enlightenment with unbelievable
clarity and awareness. Other times I’ve felt completely overwhelmed with so many new ideas
and challenges that I almost felt paralyzed to move forward. However, because of the weekly as-
signments, calls and accountability of my coach, I continued to move forward one step at a time.
With each step my confidence continued to build.

Most of my changes have been small but powerful. Something as simple as setting work hours in
my home office, has made it possible for me to establish boundaries between work and home life;
reduce procrastination; and helped me to create balance. Redecorating my home office to reflect
the office of a software company CEO now provides with me the work environment to “act as if”
I’m already that successful CEO. Having my vision board framed and easy to view as I work in
my office, reminds of my goals all day long. Being aware of the words I choose and the conver-
sations I engage in, not only with others but with myself, has made an enormous difference in my
relationships. Learning to reflect on my daily successes and showing gratitude gives me a sense
of accomplishment and calm at the end of the day.

More than anything else, I’m learning to network with new people and ask for what I want.
While this is still not an easy task for me, again I gain more confidence with every success and
learn how to improve with any rejection.

While many of the exercises have been extremely helpful in providing me an opportunity to slow
down and look deeper into myself, for me personally the accountability has been pivotal to my
growth. Knowing that I will be asked if I completed my assignments during my weekly call is a
great motivator for me. While I have several friends that are more than willing to listen to my
wins and challenges, having a coach to talk with about tough situations has been extremely valu-
able in helping me to evaluate new ways of approaching these situations.

Sometimes it felt as if I took on too many assignments during the week, however that was always
my choice. My coach was very good at asking if she was giving me too much to work on. My
suggestion to other ‘students’ would be to not push themselves too hard, especially during the first
few weeks. I believe there is great value in taking time to process some of the answers in the as-
signments and incorporate those ideas in your daily life. That can be hard to do if you have too
many changes you want to make at the same time.

Overall, I have seen growth and improved confidence in myself over the last 12 weeks. I look
forward to continued growth and success as I move into phase 2 of my coaching program.


Terry W.


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